Abdominal PEP
Abdominal PEP
Abdominal PEP
Anatomic Landmarks
Inguinal ligaments
Costal margins
Costovertebral angle
Proper Positioning
Contour of the abdomen symmetry, is the abdomen flat, rounded, protuberant, or scaphoi
(markedly concave or hollowed)?
Are there visible organs or masses? Look for an enlarged liver or spleen that has descende
below the rib cage.
Pulsations normal aortic pulsation is frequently visible in the epigastrum, RV, liver, other.
Auscultation - Listen for abdominal sounds with the diaphragm of the stethoscope in all four
abdominal quadrants before any palpation or percussion. Normal sounds consist of clicks and
gurgles, approximately 3 34 times per minute.
Auscultation for abdominal bruits (over the aorta, illiac arteries and the femoral arteries).
Assess amount and distribution of gas, identify masses (tympany vs. dullness)
Shifting dullness
Percuss the abdomen in all four quadrants (at least these 4 locations, more if there is a problem).
Can go from top to bottom or bottom to top. Will mostly hear tympany, but will hear dullness from
fluid and feces.
Percussion of the liver span:
Start at a level below the umbilicus (in an
area of tympany, not dullness). Lightly
percuss upward toward the liver. Ascertain
the lower border of the liver dullness in the
midclavicular line. Next, identify the upper
border of liver dullness in the midclavicular
line. Lightly percuss from lung resonance
down toward liver dullness. Now measure in
centimeters the distance between the two
points the vertical span of liver dullness.
(4-8 cm in midsternal line, 6-12 cm in right
midclavicular line).
Percussion of Traubes Space: (two techniques for detecting splenomegaly). See arrows for
suggested routes of percussing the spleen.
Light Palpation
Deep Palpation
Special Tests:
Scratch Test
Shifting Dullness
Fluid Wave
Rovsings Sign
Psoas Maneuver
Obturator Sign
Murphys Sign
Assessing for Possible Ascites