NASA Fundamental Aeronautics Student Competition: Technical Area: Supersonic Flight Project
NASA Fundamental Aeronautics Student Competition: Technical Area: Supersonic Flight Project
NASA Fundamental Aeronautics Student Competition: Technical Area: Supersonic Flight Project
2) Dimitrios Tsounis
Grade 10
Daedalus was the first mythological designer of flying system. After
thousands years, Chuck Yeager was the first human who breaks the Sound barrier.
However, the achievements that followed Chuck Yeagers glorious deed were not
able to develop the technology enough so that we can manufacture supersonic
airplanes of civil aviation. This difficulty leads humanity to a strange road. We can
beat the sound. We can fly faster than the speed of sound but we cannot use this fact
for our life. Unfortunately people dont have this ability now. We can only fly with
subsonic speeds. Somehow we should find what is necessary in order to have
supersonic flights within the next decade. Our civilization is continually developing;
by 2020 the earth will have a totally different image. This image might be better if we
work together and solve the problems we face or this image might be bad if we
behave arrogantly and do nothing about the environment, which is on the verge of
In this world people need to fly fast, to travel from one side of the world to the
other in no time. In this era, we call it an era because we believe that the years ahead
are going to be very important for humanity, people need a supersonic aircraft. We
had the Concorde but the Concorde was a financial and environmental failure. In spite
of this failure, Concorde gave us the opportunity to see the application of the
supersonic flight theory. We understood our faults but also we made great strides,
since we exceeded our knowledge, and our horizons.
Through this paper we will try to explain to you, what needs to be
accomplished in order to have a small supersonic airliner by 2020. We will
thoroughly explain why we need it, what the pros and the cons of it are. Here we
present you a list with what we will be dealing with in this paper.
2.1 Why we need a supersonic airliner
2.2 What the pros and cons of it are
3.1 Design of a small supersonic airliner
4.1 Structural issues, Materials selection
5.1 Sonic Boom
6.1 Fuel, the nectar of an aircraft
7.1 Engines
8.1 Conclusions
the interests of the mainly interested customers, that is to say the target group of the
tourists and generally speaking the inter-country professions.
2.2 Pros and Cons
Supersonic transportation has many advantages over subsonic transportation.
First of all, supersonic aircrafts fly faster. Time is a valuable thing nowadays. The
Concorde needed around 3 hours and 30 minutes to travel from London to New York.
Today, conventional subsonic aircrafts need about 7 hours to cover the same distance.
A supersonic airliner would revolutionize air transportation. This would exploit and
create new global markets. The new challenges for the entire science are also
another very important parameter. Internet, for example, is created as parallel digital
construction in order to solve a part of a scientific problem. The fact also that the
different sectors of science are inter-related allows us to say that the development of
supersonic flights will contribute to the progress of technology of the automotive
However, supersonic flights under certain circumstances have many
disadvantages. The noise produced by sonic boom is annoying and sometimes
harmful for the people on the ground. Because of the high per-passenger takeoff
weight it is difficult for supersonic aircrafts to obtain an efficient fuel fraction. This,
together with the relatively poor supersonic lift/drag ratio, supersonic aircrafts have
historically had relatively poor range. This meant that a lot of routes were non viable,
and this in turn meant that they sold poorly with airlines (ref. 5). Furthermore, the fuel
efficiency of prior supersonic airliners was very bad. Nowadays the price of oil is
high, and an expensive ticket would make supersonic flights undesirable. A drawback
of supersonic airliners is their small capacity. People want to travel in masses and this
would also benefit the airline companies.
All those are the advantages and the drawbacks of prior supersonic aircrafts.
The new generation of supersonic airliners should be able to eliminate all those
3.1 Design
The most important factor in the process of creating a supersonic airliner is the
design of it. When engineers design a subsonic aircraft they do take into consideration
only factors like aerodynamic, fuel efficiency, high lift to drag ratio and more space
for the passengers. Unfortunately, this does not happen in supersonic aircrafts.
Engineers try to design a supersonic airliner, which will produce a low sonic boom,
will be able to overcome the wave drag and carry as many passengers as possible.
Because of the high speed of the supersonic aircrafts, very high temperatures
rise in the fuselage of the aircraft. Advanced materials with high durability and low
weight should be used. It goes without saying that different materials will be used in
the different parts of the aircraft. The higher temperatures rise in the nose of the
aircraft and around the wings. That was also the case with Concorde (ref. 9). Totally
different materials should be developed for the engines. In the engines there is a lot of
heat and consequently we need a material with very high heat resistance.
Here, we present you with a list with materials and how these materials could
be used to build a small supersonic airliner.
Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (or CFRP) is a very strong, light and
expensive composite material or fiber reinforced polymer. It has many
applications in aerospace engineering. Much of the fuselage of the new Boeing
787 Dreamliner and Airbus A350 XWB will be composed of CFRP (ref. 10).
We believe that the wings of this new supersonic aircraft should by made by
Carbon Fiber reinforced epoxy. Epoxy is a polymer which is commonly used
in aerospace engineering. Due to its high heat resistance it makes it perfect for
the wings, where high temperatures occur.
Aluminum (Al)-Lithium (Li) alloys are a series of alloys of aluminum and
lithium, often including copper and zirconium. Since lithium is the least dense
elemental metal, these alloys are significantly less dense than aluminum.
Commercial Al-Li alloys contain up to 2.45% lithium. The mixing of Li with
Al offers the promise of substantially reducing the weight of aerospace alloys,
since each 1 wt. % Li added to Al reduces density by 3% and increases in
elastic modulus. (ref. 11). The melting range of the 8090 Al-Li alloy is 600655 Celsius degrees. Consequently this material could be used to build the
extendable nose.
Aluminum and Polymer Matrix Composites laminates are to be used to build
the fuselage of the aircraft. An aluminum alloy which could by used is
aluminum 2219-T87. The density of it which is only 2.84 g/cm3 makes it very
light. The Ultimate Tensile Strength of 69000 PSI makes it very strong. The
melting range of it is 543 - 643 C. However its aging temperature is 163 - 191
C. Usually the temperatures on a supersonic aircraft flying at about 1.8 Mach
speed are not that high. (ref. 12)
Materials for the engine
The temperatures in the engines of a supersonic aircraft are very high, that is a
common truth. Thus materials with great heat resistance should be used there.
Improved materials with thermal barrier coating (TBC) and environmental coatings
will be required for the combustor liners and turbine vanes and blades, and turbine
and compressor disks will require improved materials (ref. 6). Ceramic thermal and
environmental barrier coatings (TEBCs) are used in gas turbine engines to protect
engine hot-section components in the harsh combustion environments, and extend
component lifetimes (ref. 13).
Here we are not going to suggest a new TBC, but we will describe to you an
idea we have about making TBCs more efficient. The temperature outside the aircraft
at 55.000 feet is many degrees below zero. We should take advantage of this cold air.
We suggest making a layer no more than 2 cm before the Ceramic coating of the
TBC, which will have cold air in it. A machine will suck air from outside and will
bring this air into this special coating. The air will be released when it reaches a
certain temperature and after new, cold air will be sucked in. This way the structural
parts of the engine will not suffer from overheating and consequently they will live
Hence, the outside part of the engine could be built with the same material as
the fuselage. The inside part of the engine could be built with titanium Alpha alloys,
alloys in which neutral alloying elements (such as tin) and/or alpha stabilizers such as
Aluminum or oxygen only. These are not heat treatable.
5.1 Sonic Boom
A major problem, which all supersonic aircrafts face, is sonic boom. The term
sonic boom is used to refer to the shocks caused by the supersonic flight of an aircraft.
Sonic booms generate enormous amounts of sound energy, sounding much like an
explosion. (ref. 14) Sonic boom is the reason why supersonic flights are not allowed
over populated areas. So we can easily understand that by solving this problem, we
will have done a great step in getting closer to a supersonic aircraft. It is a common
truth, that engineers can shape the sonic boom and consequently mitigate it. But
before we start thinking about how to reduce it, we should know what affects it.
The following are some factors affecting sonic boom strength:
Aircraft weight, shape and length
-The bigger the aircraft is, the more air molecules push aside. Thus a big aircraft will
produce a stronger sonic boom.
Aircraft altitude
-The altitude of the aircraft and the strength of the sonic boom are reciprocal. As the
altitude increases, the strength of the sonic boom decreases.
Aircraft maneuvers
- Maneuvers such as pushovers, S-turns and accelerating can amplify the intensity of
the shock wave. Hills, valleys and other topographic features can create multiple
reflections of shock waves thus affecting intensity.
Location in sonic boom carpet (ref. 15)
-Special topographic features in each area such as mountains, hills and valleys can
create multiple reflections of shock waves thus affecting intensity.
Attitudeorientation of the aircrafts axes relative to its direction of motion.
(ref. 16)
As mentioned above, engineers can potentially shape sonic boom, but changing
the design of the aircraft this would have tremendous effects on the aerodynamics of
the aircraft. Engineers should try to incorporate into their design all of those points in
a supersonic aircraft.
Taking those details into consideration, we come to the point that, sonic boom,
should be shaped not by the aircraft, but from an object, which would be 1 or 2 meters
in front of the aircraft. We can annex this object on the nose of the aircraft.
The Quiet Spike project is based on the hypothesis, which has been
experimentally proven, that the extended and shaped nose of the aircraft will
propagate the shock waves. The nose will break up the initial shock of traditional Nwave into a series of very weak shocks. An F-15 was used to test the Quiet Spike
idea. We can easily understand that an F-15 had a totally different aerodynamic
behaviour from a commercial supersonic airliner. But definitely this kind of design
will be the solution to the sonic boom obstacle. (ref. 19)
When engineers design supersonic aircrafts, they should take into account
many different factors. For example, when we sketch a design, which is ideal for
shaping sonic boom, we should also check, if this design is aerodynamic and connect
it with the fuel efficiency of the aircraft. The Sears-Haack body is, generally
speaking, the body least susceptible to wave drag. (ref. 20)
After having carried out this research, we came up with some ideas, about
ways to lessen the sonic boom. Unfortunately we couldnt scientifically test our ideas,
not only because we dont have the knowledge, but because such facilities, are not
available here in our country.
The first suggestion is a development of the Quiet Spike idea. As we have
mentioned above the Quiet Supersonic Jet suggested by Gulfstream, which is based
on the Quiet Spike idea, is predicted to be useful for aircrafts with capacity smaller
than 15 people. An N+2 aircraft is expected to be able to carry 35 to 70 people. (ref.
22) After profound thinking we got to the point that by aggrandizing the nose, we
would reduce sonic boom in an N+2 aircraft.
We propose this because we think that the size of the nose should be
proportional to the size of the aircraft. On a huge track one may put bigger spoiler
than in a small truck.
Our second idea, and maybe the craziest, in a good sense, is to make
protrusions around the front part of the aircraft. These protrusions will look like rings,
which are embodied around the aircraft. We thought that these rings will disturb the
flow of the air around the aircraft, and consequently they will cause many weak sonic
booms. However, this may have negative effects on the aerodynamics and the lift of
the aircraft. Many experiments should be done to test this theory.
In conclusion, we strongly believe that sonic boom is something that will be a
barrier to supersonic flights for ever. Engineers may find ways to lessen it, but it will
exist for ever like the gravity of earth is. However, people can beat gravity...
6.1 Fuel
Humanity loves hydrocarbons, we encountered them as sources of adoration in
the eternal fires of Persia, we converted them into massive destruction weapons
with the liquid fire of the Greeks, we worshipped them as a fuel in factories and in
vehicles and we admired them when they gave to the humanity their plastic and
pharmaceutical derivatives. We hated them, however, for the pollution of
environment, the greenhouse effect and because they are found in minimal parts of
planet. No matter how the situation is now, this addiction will finish soon. The most
optimistic forecasts talk for reduction of production of petrol afterwards 2040, while
the most pessimistic expect it from 2006! Of course, the scientists have been
searching for decades for the next solution. The problem that aroused in all the means
of transportation is that the process of combustion, from which we exploit the
energy of hydrocarbons, had as a result the appearance of CO2, whose accumulation
in the upper layers of the atmosphere is almost the exclusive reason of greenhouse
effect and of NOx (more usually the NO2 and NO) which, apart from their toxicity
(characteristic example the acidic rain) contribute in the creation of ozone hole.
So, not only the scientists but also the entire industry of fuels soon started to
seek different sources of energy or, better to say different energy currencies. By
saying energy currencies we mean the forms or the institutions of energy that we
create changing the sources or their energy content (e.g. the petrol is the energy
currency of oil). And we need the energy currencies because they render the
movement and the use of their energy wealth much easier. (ref.25)
The growth of technologies that will provide as far as possible clean, high
efficiency fuel, exploitation of mining fuels is a necessity, since we refer to planes
which fly in superior layers of the troposphere. (ref. 26)
For this reason the scientists as well began to seek ways to use biofuels
(ref.27) in all the means of transportation. The clues, however, until now, mainly
with regard to the experiments for planes and to the research programs, indicate
certain particularities with burdening importance that forced the European Committee
to aim at goal to cover less than 10% of consumption automotive with biofuels until
2020. (ref.28) The point that the scientists were based on, is the catalytic circle of
recycling of biofuels. Actually biofuels are taken through the plants and then they are
returned through the very ancient reaction of photosynthesis. [12C2 + 12H2O
2C6126 + 6O2 + 62 + 674 calories] (ref.29)
In the meantime, Airbus (ref.30) has moved on in a new form of fuel, which
could be said that it is really the cleanest and the most improved chemical mixture
that the coal has attributed until now. It is an experimentation of GLT (gas to liquid)
(ref.31), a mixture that was manufactured by Shell and was applied by Airbus and
Qatar Airways. The GLT is limpid, clean fuel, free from sulphur and aromatic
hydrocarbons, reports the website of Shell. The new fuel offers increased fuel
efficiency as well as considerably decreased emissions of local pollutants, as the
particles, the monoxide of coal and the oxides of nitrogen. At the same time, Rolls
Royce used for flight a mixture that has natural gas as its basic element natural gas.
(ref. 30, 32)
All these variations aimed at the creation of fuel that will have the higher
possible fuel efficiency and at the same time its combustion will emit the fewer
possible pollutants. Mainly, concerning GLT and the biofuels, in the green week
2008 (ref .33) , serious objections were formulated by the professor Grazia Zanin of
Baylor University of Texas who points out that we do not believe that biofuels is the
answer that we look for because it cannot function well in very low temperatures of
big altitudes where the plane flies.(ref.27) The research team of the green week
2008 also formulates scruples about the proportion of land available for the
development of biofuels to the ecosystem and about whether these new fuels can
constitute a factor of minimization of the greenhouse effect and ozone hole
Accordingly, again in the same research, the interruption of the use of petrol and
kerosene should come in combination with the appearance of fuels clean for
atmosphere. And this should take place at an early date, before the situation
henceforth is not reversible. For this reason it is henceforth deliberated to search for
alternative sources of energy that agree with our aims and our requirements
Thus, an idea that might be heard utopian comes in light with a lot of
promises. A form of clean energy as electricity and capable of storage as petrol, which
as a product of combustion in the exhausts will produce simple water vapors, instead
of pollutant exhaust has been always a dream of humanity. This is obviously
Why hydrogen?
Because along with electricity they are the two only that can constitute sources
of energy and can be used without emission of dioxide of coal and at the same time
these two energy currencies can be produced with use of not pollutant sources of
energy. They are also renewable in the precise significance of the term. Also, what
concerns the viability of H2 as fuel is obvious because it is a complete recycling
circle. The hydrogen is created with the split of water H2O and its segregation in H2
and O2, while hydrogen attributes once again water, at its use in combustion. Thus,
the water is not substantially consumed but is recycled. To raise the issue of
sufficiency is pointless since the probabilities of lack of hydrogen are the same as the
probabilities of lack of reserves of electrons for the universe.(ref. 34)
The questions, concerning the hydrogen as fuel of a supersonic airliner, lie in
the sector of production of H2 so that the plane can include it in its reservoirs either
from a service station, or even from production of hydrogen during the flight (we will
analyze below the unique cases) and in the sector of storage which as in biofuels has
burdening importance. [For this reason, moreover, fraction of kerosene was used,
because it remains humid in flight conditions].(ref. 27)
Production of hydrogen
The production of hydrogen is mainly feasible with electrolysis of water,
something which means that more energy will be consumed in the split than that
which hydrogen will give with combustion. For this reason, the proposal has been
rejected. Thus, the interest in hydrogen was turned to alternative methods. One of
them is the thermo-chemical split of water with the engagement of thermal energy
from thermal circles as the circle of iodine acid - sulphurous acid, known as Mark 16,
EURATOM, so that the production becomes friendly to the environment split (ref.35)
The H. Power Corp., however, gave the solution with the method of spongelike iron. This method has reached the applying stage and is described
comprehensively as follows: Sponge-like iron in humidity is changed in oxide of iron
(rust) and this reaction releases hydrogen and requires only concrete sum of energy
only at the departure. The iron with the inverted reaction, known as reduction, comes
back in the initial situation. The proposal of Princeton is impressive using as a
reductive reaction agent the COx (1-2) that emanates from biomass and according to the
university, it is recycled again by the plants the biomass is constituted. This is our
main proposal which offers ready hydrogen that is stored and simply used in the
The proposal for a light-chemical split of water that will be found in reservoir
of plane at the duration of the flight has been formulated. However, this would require
photovoltaic systems covered by powerful transparent materials, which accordingly
means bigger costs and that is also the basic drawback the idea. However we should
not be in a hurry to be opposed to this application after new researches which use
multilateral of coal, Kevlar, in transparent situation and believe that if this
combination is possible, the water would be rendered feasibly as a direct fuel.
(ref. 36, 37)
Storage of hydrogen
So, the only question that has been complex up to recently, is the storage of
hydrogen. As an expert says the best system of storage is not to store it by no
means.(ref.38) The small size of its molecule and the fact that it is odorless and
colorless makes it sneaky because it leaks easily from the rabbets of pipings and
elements. Moreover hydrogen will shape extremely explosives mixture with
atmospheric air.
The use of alloys of hydrides of metal (ref.39) was proposed so that the
possible escape has inconsequential repercussions. The entrapment of hydrogen in
special metals - which absorb it while frozen them and attribute it while heated - is
efficient, but the cistern weighs a lot and the export of hydrogen requires energy
and filling takes too much time!(re.40, 41)
The idea however that can give us the speed that we want is the method of
storage in containers with absorption of active coal (University of Syracuse) that was
extended thanks to one exceptional conception, the eminent nanotubes of coal
(ref.41), which are light perfect traps of hydrogen. It is the similar idea but with the
use of material that does not overload the movement of plane. Actually, it is the same
precise activity, however, instead of hybrids of metal, the active coal and nanotubes
(ref .27) of coal which are institutions [they are called institutions or carriers because
they can carry everything, mainly metals but also hydrogen without extra weight]
are used as material and in concise description, they function as a sponge that you
have soaked in water (filling stage), while the way of draining is in reality a simple
catalytic circle. Thus the problem of all problems(ref.42,43), that the experiments of
Airbus and Boeing are presented, is solved.
Thus, a hybrid hydrogen bird (ref. 36) , leading to the supersonic plane of
2020, will be presented, which will be composed of reservoirs that follows the
described function with synthetic materials of high resistance with systems of
protection against percussion and detectors of escape. These reservoirs for the first
years would be partitioned and would contain also GLT as much as hydrogen,(ref.44)
until the industry develops completely the technology of hydrogen. With regard to the
danger of the appearance of nitric acid, the solution is found in catalysts from Pt or
Pd, giving us the occasion to say that in the near future the unique exhaust will be
clean steam.(ref.45.46)
7.1 Engine
The engine of a supersonic aircraft(ref. 47,48) should not be examined from
the view of speed, since people have been able in the past to reach and get over the
speed of 1.8 Mach with many different ways and engines.(ref. 49)
The engine should be powerful enough in order to exceed the sound barrier
and the frictions of the air. The basic model is a turbojet (ref. 45,46,50,51,52) which
will have radical changes proportional with the technological development and the
replacement of fuel that is proposed.
The engines were one of the factors why Concorde created deafening noise
while on the ground. One of the basic factors which create this noise is bypass ratio.
(ref.53,54) Bypass ratio is supposed to be big when the plane is near a populated
(ref. 55) region and small when it is found in high altitudes, where the sound of the
engine will not be able to cause noise pollution. So the need for controlled change of
the interval between exterior region of the engine where the air is not used for
combustion and the combustion room is a necessity. This could be feasible via a
scientific thermometer and barometer, which will determine the distance between the
combustion room and cubicles of bypass. The conception is simple. While the
distance of the plane from the earth increases, the pressure and the temperature are
changing. So a system, following the clues of the meters, will determine the distance
of the cubicle of combustion from exterior cubicle. At the same time in the cockpit,
there will be special electronic systems that will inform the pilot about all
measurements and will also make a digital 3-D of the engines.(ref.56)
Moreover, the manual change of the bypass ratio will be feasible, so in a
situation of emergency the pilot himself can control the engines and the distance in
case of fire in the engine. Naturally, the stabilization in a certain distance will also be
The issue with this particular model is that the speed is altered and does not
allow the plane to have a constant speed. The logic is that the bypass is a factor of
impulse. (ref. 57)The INASCO, however, showed that if parallel the change of the
ratio the change in the valve of entry (inlet) and in the exit (ref.58,59) becomes
controlled then one can produce the same speed.
In practice, valves are used which will alter the diameter of import, decreasing
the speed entry without altering the pressure. Thus, you do not have to use auxiliary
engines for extreme (high-low) speeds.
At the same time, the application of electronic engines and electronic systems
that will begin to be used in public transportation by 2013 (ref. 60, 27)should be taken
into consideration. Main advantage of electronic engines, which will replace all
hydraulic systems, for example in the fins, is that will increase the efficiency and the
effectiveness in their operation and will produce a decrease of 20 decibels in the
sound. (ref. 61)
The combustion room is not altered as far as its operation is concerned, but at
the entry and at the exit a catalytic system is used that will isolate the clean oxygen
and will minimize the possibility of the formulation of nitrogen of acid (toxic gas)
,responsible for acidic rain. The process of combustion of hydrocarbons remains the
2 + 2 H2O.
An important point of this study is the resistance that it can show the engine
when it approaches in the superior point of friction from the air caused by sonic
boom. A proved pioneering idea that was formulated by Russian scientists of the 70s
(ref.62) for the use of plasma for the reduction of sonic boom and the frictions of air
can be used henceforth as a semi-shell in the engines. The idea is, in a few words, to
produce an electric field, so that plasma is created, heating the local air and making
feasible the reduction of waves. The proof was experimentally checked with Deep
Space 1. Obviously until 2020 the application of this model will not be feasible,
neither will the plasmatic ignition that is going to be achieved in the experiment of
NASA with VASIMR engine but after 2040 the results of these experiments will have
surely practical application.(ref.62,63)
Until 2020 we will not need to worry so much about this particular question,
even if this method will be certainly beneficial, since it would make the aircraft more
efficient. Turbojets are engines powerful enough to exceed the friction, while an
interesting idea is to use around the engine a layer of foamy sound insulator covered
by Thermal Barrier Coating.
8.1 Conclusions
This was our view on how a small supersonic airliner be realized. This
research had many limitations, such as lack of time, lack of expertise and definitely
lack of state-of-the-art facilities, such as aerodynamic tunnels. Furthermore the 12
page limit was very restricted for such a topic. What we did is simple. We searched
and found what technologies are to be used in a future supersonic aircraft and we
developed those ideas though our imagination.
Supersonic transportation will be a momentous time for people. A whole new
era will start.
Many things should be done in order to make available to public a small
supersonic airliner. First of all we should find a way to integrate a fleet of supersonic
airliners into the current situation.
Furthermore, thorough research about the materials, the design and the engine
should be done. Materials like Carbon Nanotubes reinforcements may bring the
revolution not only to aerospace science, but to the whole world.
We as human beings have the temperament to search, to try to find new things.
Humans will never stop searching, trying to explain the inexplicable. The same will
happen with aeronautic science. We will never reach the top, because we will always
meet new obstacles. This is our world!
Daedalus knew the problems of his flying system but he could not inform his
son, Icarus, earlier. Today, we are able to identify the problems of the flight thanks to
Concorde but we are able to solve them. The real goal is not immediate. It is not the
progress of supersonic flight but the general progress of travelling. By supersonic
planes, we enter the travels of the next generation, which promises us travels from
one end of the universe to the other in a few seconds.
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