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Amlodipine-induced gingival hyperplasia in chronic renal failure: a

case report
*Aldemir NM1, Begenik H2, Emre H2, Erdur FM2, Soyoral Y2
1. Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Yuzuncu Yil University, Van, Turkey
2. Department of Nephrology, Faculty of Medicine, Yuzuncu Yil University, Van, Turkey
Amlodipine is a dihydropyridine calcium channel blocker that is used in the management of both hypertension and angina.
Amlodipine induced side effects are headache, dizziness, edema, flushing, palpitations, and rarely gingival hyperplasia. The
exact reason of amlodipine-induced gingival hyperplasia is not known. We presented a case with chronic renal failure (CRF)
that developed gingival hyperplasia due to amlodipine use, which improved after ceasing the drug.
Keywords: Amlodipine, gingival hyperplasia, chronic renal failure
African Health Sciences 2012; (4): 576 - 578

Amlodipine is a long-acting calcium channel blocker
belonging to dihydropyridine group, which is used
for the treatment of hypertension and angina.
Pharmacokinetic profile characteristic of this group,
which would also have an increased oral
bioavailability and extended clearance time. A single
intravenous dose of 10 mg resulted in an absolute
bioavailability of 64% and a calculated elimination
half-life of 34 hours1. Side effects of amlodipine
usage involve headache, dizziness, edema, flushing,
palpitation and rarely gingival hyperplasia 2. We
presented here a case with stage-3 chronic renal failure
(CRF), which developed gingival hyperplasia due to
amlodipine use.
Case report
A 39-year-old male patient, who had been under
follow up because of the diagnosis of stage-3
chronic renal failure and hypertension for one year,
appealed to the dentist with the complaint of gingival
hyperplasia. The patient who was planned surgery
was referred to the nephrology policlinic to be given
preoperative recommendations for renal failure. It
was revealed that the patient admitted to our
policlinic had used amlodipine 10 mg 1x1 and
carvedilol 6,25 mg 2x1 for approximately 1 year
and that the patients complaint of gingival

hyperplasia had begun 2 months after the use of

these drugs and had gradually worsened. Since the
gingival hyperplasia was assumed to be due to
amlodipine, the medications were ceased and the
patient was prescribed angiotensin receptor blockers.
During follow up, a remarkable improvement of
the patients gingival hyperplasia was observed. The
patients figures of during the use of amlodipine
and 3 months after discontinuation have been
showed in figures 1 and 2.

Figure 1: Amlodipine induced gingival


*Corresponding author:
Mehmet Naci Aldemir
Sanlurfa Education and Research Hospital,
Internal Medicine Department
Sanlurfa, Turkey
Tel: +90 414 318 60 00
E- mail:

African Health Sciences Vol 12 Issue 4 December 2012

Figure 2: Regression of gingival hyperplasia

during 3 months after discontinuation of
The drugs causing gingival hyperplasia can be
discussed as three major groups: Anticonvulsants
(phenytoin), immunosuppressive agents
(cyclosporine A) and calcium channel blockers 3.
Among calcium channel blockers, the ones causing
gingival hyperplasia in order of frequency are
nifedipine (6.3%)4, verapamil (4.1%)5 and amlodipine
with lower rates (1.3% to 3.3%)3,4,6.
Amlodipine is a long-acting calcium channel
blocker agent from dihydropyridine group, which
is used for the treatment of hypertension and angina.
The side effects developed due to the use of
amlodipine are headache, dizziness, edema, flushing,
palpitation, and rarely gingival hyperplasia2.
Amlodipine-associated gingival hyperplasia
was first reported in 19932. The majority of the cases
in the literature were published in the journals of
dentistry. Gingival hyperplasia arises approximately
2 to 3 months after the use of amlodipine7. In our
patient, it began to occur after 2 months, the patient
continued to take the drug since the patient did not
know that it might be related to the drug and the
patient appealed to the dentist at first.
In the literature, there are three prevalence studies
along with case reports regarding amlodipineinduced gingival hyperplasia. Gingival hyperplasia due
to the use of amlodipine was found in 5 (3.3%) of
150 patients in the study performed by Jorgensen et
al. in 19973, in 3 (1.7%) of 181 patients in the study
conducted by Ellis et al. in 19994, and in 4 (1.3%) of
301 patients in the study performed by Ono et al. in
20106. To our knowledge, our reported case is the
African Health Sciences Vol 12 Special Issue 4 December 2012

first case with CRF in the literature to develop

hyperplasia due to amlodipine.
Although the exact reason of drug-induced
gingival hyperplasia is not known, some well-known
risk factors are gingival inflammation resulted from
poor oral hygiene, presence of dental plaques, the
dose and duration of the drug used8,9. The underlying
mechanism remains to be fully understood.
However, two main inflammatory and noninflammatory pathways have already been suggested.
The proposed non-inflammatory mechanisms
include defective collagenase activity due to
decreased uptake of folic acid, blockage of
aldosterone synthesis in adrenal cortex and
consequent feedback increase in ACTH level, and
upregulation of keratinocyte growth factor (KGF).
Alternatively, inflammation may develop as a result
of direct toxic effects of concentrated drug in
crevicular gingival fluid (CGF) and/or bacterial
plaques. This inflammation could lead to the
upregulation of several cytokine factors such as TGF110. Consequent gingival hyperplasia causes not only
esthetic problems but also difficulty speaking and
mastication, impairs oral hygiene and leads to
malnutrition8,9. Our patient did not have the habit
of regular tooth brushing (only once a week) and
gingival hyperplasia evolved resulted in nutritional
and speaking problems. Another factor having an
impact on the development of gingival hyperplasia
is gender. It occurs three times more often in men
than in women11. Our patient was a man with chronic
renal failure. It is not known whether chronic renal
failure is associated with adverse effects of
The primary treatment of drug-induced
gingival hyperplasia involves ceasing the drug,
prescribing another drug from a different group
instead, and a good oral care. In case of establishing
these things, gingival hyperplasia often improves.
Usually, surgical approach is not needed. In the
situations requiring surgery, gingivectomy or
periodontal flap is performed12. Gingival hyperplasia
normally begins at the interdental papillae and is
frequently found in the anterior segment of the labial
surfaces13. A gingival specimen was obtained for
histological examination, of which the findings were
the epithelium with irregular elongation and fusion
of rete ridges and bundles of collagen fibers in the
subepithelial connective tissue6. However, a biopsy
has not been made may be deficiency of for our
case report.


Our patient appealed to his dentist and was

referred to our policlinic for preoperative evaluation
because of coexisting CRF. His medication was
ceased since the development of gingival hyperplasia
was assumed to be associated with amlodipine and
it regressed within 3 months without surgical
intervention. Therefore, it is of importance that the
dentists should consider the drugs in the etiology of
these disorders because most of these patients appeal
to the dentists.

When prescribing amlodipine, it should be considered
that amlodipine potentially causes gingival
hyperplasia. The patients should be recommended
pay attention to oral hygiene and appeal to a healthcare
center in case gingival hyperplasia develops.

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amlodipine. Am Heart J. 1989 Nov; 118(5 Pt 2):
2. Ellis JS, Seymour RA, Thomason JM, Monkman
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3. Jorgensen MG: Prevalence of amlodipine related
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Butler TJ, Thomason JM: Prevalence of gingival
over-growth induced by calcium channel
blockers: a community-based study. J Periodontol
1997; 0: 63-67.
5. Miller CS, Damm DD. Incidence of verapamilinduced gingival hyperplasia in a dental








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African Health Sciences Vol 12 Issue 4 December 2012

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