Teaching Notes: How To Use This Resource
Teaching Notes: How To Use This Resource
Teaching Notes: How To Use This Resource
This section refers to Sites2See: Exploring road and traffic injuries. This resource was
developed for the PDHPE Stage 6 syllabus. It contains links to a range of websites and
resources specifically related to road safety, including links to road safety and youth
Your tasks
Before commencing the following activities, it is important that you consider the
appropriateness of the activities in your local school environment. School communities that
have recently experienced the loss of a community member through a road accident should
consult the school community including the school executive and parents before
commencing such activities in their PDHPE lessons.
Task 1: Write a microblog
NSW DET 2009
cause the accident eg an unrestrained passenger in the rear of the car may
distract the driver which results in them increasing the speed of the vehicle.
Also emphasise to students that while they or the person they are travelling
with might be extremely careful on the roads, other motorists who have
unsafe attitudes and behaviours can impact on their safety. Many innocent
people who drive safely on the roads are injured or killed each year.
Fostering a community attitude that reflects safe driving behaviours is
essential in creating a supportive environment for all road users.
Explain to students that microblogs are a new way people can communicate
online. Unlike standard blogs that enable users to communicate vast
amounts of text, microblogs generally only allow users to communicate text
between 140200 characters. Students need to consider how they can
summarise key aspects of information they wish to communicate. Discuss
with students the following key questions associated with microblogging:
What are the implications if people only used the language commonly
used in microblogging?
Every year, the RTA and other government road safety organisations
develop and implement key road safety strategies, often aimed at reducing
the number of serious crashes on Australian roads. Road safety campaigns
often involve graphic television advertisements that highlight the
consequences of unsafe road use, particularly for motorists.
NSW DET 2009
The emphasis of the current ads No one thinks big of you is to make
unsafe driving attitudes and behaviours socially unacceptable.
Before allowing students to commence the film strip, remind them of the
need to use appropriate language at all times.
Provided are two examples in which young people may face tough decisions
associated with road safety. Like most decisions facing young people, it is
important to consider the social context in which the decisions need to be
made. Successfully analysing factors that may influence the decision
making process and then formulating strategies that support the health and
safety of all people is a vital skill for young people to develop.
You may wish to develop other relevant and realistic scenarios that will
stimulate student engagement in the activity.
Allow students to compare and discuss their podcasts and flowcharts. What
were common themes that were discussed in the student work?
NSW DET 2009