QA Bank JAD Theory Test

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Question Bank For Theory Test For Obtaining Driving

License From Jeddah Advanced Driving (JAD)School

 These Questions are based on the feedback from those who have
appeared for the Theory Test at JAD.
 The phrasing of the questions may be different from that in the
actual Test, as these are written later by the applicants.
 Answers to all the questions can be verified from the “Theoretical
Driving Handbook Trainee-Moroor(new)-1”.
 The applicant has to attempt at least 22 Multiple Choice
Questions (MCQs) out of 30, for passing the Theory Test.
 The Answers to the Questions in this Q-Bank are given at the end
of the Document.
 This document is solely compiled by one of the applicants just
like you. It is an attempt to collect as many actual questions from
the theory test as possible only for the sake of making the
preparation for the theory test easier for the applicants. The
compiler does not claim any gain/ benefit out of it. No permission
is required for sharing this Q-Bank with anyone at any platform.
It is not an official document.
1. If you want to move forward, where will you set your gear?
A) P
B) N
C) D
D) R

2. A Driving License in Saudi Arabia can be valid for a maximum of ____years.

A) 2
B) 4
C) 5
D) 10

3. You can carry a maximum of ______ passengers including the driver in a

small private vehicle.

A) 9
B) 7
C) 5
D) Any number you want to.

4. With a valid Driving License for small private vehicles in Saudi Arabia, you
can drive a vehicle with a maximum weight of _______ .

A) 5000 kg
B) 6000 kg
C) 3500 kg
D) 4500 kg

5. To obtain a Private Driver’s License, you must be at least _____ years old.
A) 16
B) 17
C) 18
D) 20
6. A temporary permit for a maximum period of ________ can be issued if the
driver has completed his/her 17 years of age.

A) 6 months
B) 1 year
C) 2 years
D) none of the above

7. A temporary permit for a maximum period of one year can be issued if the
driver has completed his/her ______ years of age.

A) 16
B) 17
C) 18
D) 20

8. Which of the given options Not True;

A valid driver’s license qualifies you for the following:

A) Your driving license is valid for a maximum of 10 years
B) You can carry a maximum of 9 passengers, including the drive
C) You can drive all kinds of small private vehicles
D) You can drive vehicles with a maximum weight of 5000 kg.

9. Public Driving License is valid for a maximum period of ________ years.

A) 2
B) 4
C) 5
D) 10

10. You must be at least ______ years old to obtain a public driving license.

A) 20
B) 18
C) 17
D) 16
11. To drive a small vehicle ( eg a car) , you need to obtain a _____________
Driving License.

A) Private Driving License

B) Public Driving License
C) Public Works Vehicle Driving License
D) Motorcycle Driving License

12. True or False?

There are 3 different types of Public Driving Licenses:

1) a taxi driver’s license
2) transport license ; light transport license (weight upto 3500 kg) And
heavy transport license (weight more than 3500 kg).
3) bus license ; A mini or private bus license ( at least 15 passengers) And a
large or public bus (more than 15 passengers) license.

13. If you are the first person to arrive at an accident, what action will you

A) park and give horn.

B) pass by slowly.
C) park and try to take out the injured.
D) park and call 911

14. The seat belt is tied

A) beneath the arm

B) beneath the shoulder
C) over the shoulder
D) beneath the stomach
15. For a driver, to fasten the seat belt is

A) not necessary
B) mandatory
C) optional
D) any of the above

16. It is mandatory to tie a seat belt for

A) the driver only

B) the driver and the front seat passenger
C) the driver and all the passengers
D) the back seat passengers only

17. In the event of parking on a public road or on the road, passengers must
enter and exit the vehicle from _______________.

A) the right side of the vehicle

B) the left side of the vehicle
C) the sidewalk area
D) any side they like to

18. Which part of the car is used to change the direction of the vehicle ?

A) Steering
B) Accelerator pedal
C) Brake pedal
D) none of the above

19. Which part of the car is used to judge the distance of the vehicle behind
your vehicle?

A) left side mirror

B) right side mirror
C) rare wind screen
D) rare view mirror
20. When you approach a School Bus Stop where a School Bus is stopped for
children to board or exit, you should

A) pass the school bus in slow speed

B) stop until the school bus moves forward
C) give horn and move on
D) stop until you see no child boarding or exiting the bus

21. A temporary road sign has a red frame with ________ colour in the
background .

A) yellow
B) white
C) blue
D) brown

22. The traffic sign indicates a _____________ ahead.

A) hospital
B) restaurant
C) park
D) gas station

23. The given traffic sign means

A) mandatory turn around

B) turn left only
C) may turn left
D) move around the round about
24. A warning traffic sign is in the shape of a triangle with a vertex at the top,
with a _________ coloured frame and a white background.

A) yellow
B) blue
C) red
D) green

25. The traffic sign means

A) do not stop or park

B) do not park
C) do not stop
D) none of the above

26. Which traffic sign is a mandatory sign?

27. The traffic sign indicates

A) maximum width
B) minimum width
C) maximum height
D) minimum height

28. The traffic sign indicates

A) You have the right of way
B) you should give way to the oncoming vehicles
C) no overtaking
D) you can not enter
29. The traffic sign indicates
A) low flying aircraft
B) Airport ahead
C) the road towards airport
D) aircrafts may fly here

30. The traffic sign indicates

A) low flying aircraft

B) Airport ahead
C) the road towards airport
D) aircrafts may fly here

31. Guide signs (or query signs) are usually _______________ in shape with
different sizes depending on the length of the message to be written on

A) circular
B) square or rectangular
C) triangular
D) any of the above

32. Important traffic conditions, useful information, details regarding road use,
and directions to the road users about the way to cities, villages, streets,
and other destinations are indicated by ____________ .

A) Warning signs
B) Regulatory signs
C) Guide signs ( or Query signs)
D) Temporary work area signs
33. Which of these is a Temporary sign?

34. Which of these signs is a Regulatory (mandatory ) sign?

35. If the number of violations recorded in the violating driver’s record reaches
24 points, for the first time in one Hijri year, the Driver’s license is
withdrawn for ________________ .

A) 3 months
B) 6 months
C) 10 months
D) 1 year

36. If the number of violations recorded in the violating driver’s record reaches
24 points, for the fourth time in one Hijri year, the Driver’s license is
__________________ .

A) withdrawn for 6 months

B) withdrawn for 8 months
C) withdrawn for 1 year
D) revoked permanently
37. For exceeding the speed limit by not more than 25 km/h, ______ points
are allocated / recorded in the offending driver‘s record.

A) 12
B) 8
C) 6
D) 4

38. For exceeding the speed limit by more than 25 km/h, ______ points are
allocated / recorded in the offending driver‘s record.

A) 12
B) 8
C) 6
D) 4

39.For not wearing seat belts, ______ points are allocated / recorded in the
offending driver‘s record.

A) 8
B) 6
C) 4
D) 2

40. For not stopping while the red light is on, ______ points are allocated /
recorded in the offending driver‘s record.

A) 24
B) 12
C) 6
D) 4

1 C 31 B 61 101
2 D 32 C 62 102
3 A 33 A 63 103
4 C 34 A 64 104
5 C 35 A 65 105
6 B 36 D 66 106
7 B 37 D 67 107
8 D 38 C 68 108
9 C 39 D 69 109
10 A 40 B 70 110
11 A 41 71 111
12 T 42 72 112
13 D 43 73 113
14 C 44 74 114
15 B 45 75 115
16 C 46 76 116
17 C 47 77 117
18 A 48 78 118
19 D 49 79 119
20 B 50 80 120
21 A 51 81 121
22 A 52 82 122
23 A 53 83 123
24 C 54 84 124
25 B 55 85 125
26 D 56 86 126
27 A 57 87 127
28 B 58 88 128
29 A 59 89 129
30 B 60 90 130

Best wishes and Prayers for the candidate’s success in the Theory Test from the
Women’s Driving Group JED (WhatsApp group).

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