Notes On Vortex Based Mathematics PDF
Notes On Vortex Based Mathematics PDF
Notes On Vortex Based Mathematics PDF
Vortex Based Mathematics A Summary
Number Polarity
Doubling Circuits, Reciprocals & Shearing
Multiplication Table ("Multiples")
Using Controls
Circulation of Numbers & The Hourglass
Family Number Groups & The Binary Triplet
Emanations, Number Activation & Phasing
Polar Number Pairs & The Coordinate System
Nested Vortices, Negative Backdraft Counterspace & Spires
Dividing By 7 & The Nexus Keys
Scaling, Alternate Layouts & Other Number Bases
Technical Applications
Extension Uncovering Familiar Mathematical Patterns
Right Triangles
The Golden Rectangle & The Importance of Angles
Pascal's Triangle & The Fibonacci Sequence
Sine Waves
Extension Uncovering Harmonics
Moving From Number To Frequency
Moving From Frequency To Number
The Lambdoma Matrix
Pythagorean Color Harmonics
Extension Making A 3D Grid
Extension The Flux Thruster Atom Pulsar & Its Geometry
General Background
Getting Started
Synchronized Electricity
Extension "Advanced" Mathematics: Its Relationships To Energy
VBM As A Wholistic Framework
"Imaginary" (or "Complex") Numbers & Their Stereographic Projections
Hopf Fibrations
Fractals & "Chaos" Theory
The Penrose Twistor
Matrix Algebra
Avenues For Further Exploration
Addendum Reorientation of Perspective
Document Version 2.0
Photo Credits:
The beautiful picture on the cover is by BJ White. (Careful, the link leads to the original file which
is 6 MB large animation)!
While many of the diagrams I have made or re-made from the images in Rodin's books and articles
related to his work (unless otherwise noted), there are probably a few that do not have proper
credits. Please let me know and I will update it or remove it.
Marko Rodin
Marko Rodin is the creator of a system called "Vortex-Based Mathematics". The inspiration
for it came about through a spiritual experience he had when he was 15, wherein he asked the
universe "What is the secret of universal intelligence?". The answer he recieved was that it has to do
with a person's name and the language in which it is spoken. He figured that the most important
names would be those of God, so he searched many sacred texts for any references to the "names of
God". He eventually came across the scripture of the Baha'i faith and within the original Persian
texts1 he looked for number patterns using "Abjad numerals" (i.e.: when each Arabic letter is used to
represent a number see diagram below).
1 There are several works that he continually makes references to: The Star Tablet, The Tablet of the Virgin, The
Tablet of Wisdom, The Hidden Words, The Seven Valleys & The Four Valleys, and The Book of Certitude. See:
This figure also has a doubling/halving pattern, but instead of cycling around like the doubling circuit, it sits
there and pulsates, oscillating back and forth between 3 and 6 (with 9 as the axis between them):
*3 doubled is 6,
*6 doubled is 12 (1 + 2 =3),
*12 doubled is 24 (2 + 4 = 6),
*24 doubled is 48 (4 + 8 = 12 & 1 + 2 = 3),
*6 halved is 3,
*3 halved is 1.5 (1 + 5 = 6),
*1.5 halved is 0.75 (7 + 5 = 12 & 1 + 2 = 3),
*0.75 halved is 0.375 (3 + 7 + 5 = 15 & 1 + 5 = 6),
The oscillation of 3 and 6 can be shown in two other ways as well. One way is that all the lines of the symbol
that shift towards the 3 add up to 3, while all those that shift towards the 6 add up to 6:
8 + 7 = 15 (1 + 5 = 6),
9 + 6 = 15 (1 + 5 = 6),
1 + 5 = 6,
2 + 4 = 6,
1 + 2 = 3,
9 +3 =12 (1 + 2 = 3),
8 + 4 = 12 (1 + 2 = 3),
7 + 5 = 12 (1 + 2 = 3),
6 + 6 = 12 (1 + 2 = 3)
1 + 2 = 3,
5 + 4 = 9,
8 + 7 = 15 (1 + 5 = 6)
4 + 2 = 6,
8 + 1 = 9,
7 + 5 = 12 (1 + 2 = 3)
We are going to take this sequence (6, 9, 3, 3, 9, 6) and sandwhich it between two copies of the sequence that
makes up the doubling circuit (1, 2, 4, 8, 7, 5), one going forwards ("positive" or doubling) and the other
backwards ("negative" or halving), like this:
The Mathematical Fingerprint of God is not really a circle, but a simplified represenation of a sphere or tube
torus1, and this grid will help you to see it in much more detail because it is the "map" or "skin" of this torus.
By tiling it and then linking it up end-to-end, you can make toroidal rings of various sizes. The smallest one
you can make (while still keeping all the necessary features intact for it to be a "true" torus i.e.: an accurate
reflection of The Mathematical Fingerprint of God) is a grid of 9 X 9. There are none smaller than this.
The numbers are laid out in such a way that you never have more of one than any other. Once you know
where just one number is on the grid, you know where every number is because they are all connected.
9 X 9 Grid
Let us now explore some of the patterns within the torus. Although it may seem complex, it is simple so long
as one keeps in mind the dynamic nature of the patterns, and uses The Mathematical Fingerprint of God as
their guide. If something does not make sense, always reference it against the simple patterns contained with
The Mathematical Fingerprint of God to find clarity.
1 A sphere can be thought of as a type of torus.
2 This is called the ABHA Torus because ABHA, the "most great name of God" in Baha'i scripture, was the inspiration
behind it. Its pronunciation produces a compression ("AB") and decompression ("HA") in the breath when spoken.
1251 is the value of "ABHA" in Abjad numerals (A = 1, B = 2, H=5). Notice that it adds up to 9. He found this
significant because 9 is considered a "holy number" in the Baha'i faith, with their icon even being a 9-pointed star.
He reasoned that it must be like a mirror because it begins and ends in 1, so he placed a decimal point in the middle
to form 12.51. If you add up each side of the decimal you get 3 and 6. It also gives the first 2 reciprocal number
pairs, 1-1 and 2-5 (more about these number pairs below). He then drew a circle, dividing it into 9 equal parts (or 40
degree increments as 360 / 9 = 40), and labeled each segment with the numbers 1-9. From this, all the other patterns
that make up The Mathematical Fingerprint of God started to unfold.
Number Polarity:
The numbers on the surface of the torus alternate
between "positive" and "negative", therefore there
are really 18 numbers. We will represent this within
our grid by white and black squares respectively.
Also note that the number grid itself is outlined in
red squares of 9. Although it is a mouth-full, this
view of the surface of the torus is sometimes called
The Diamond Crystal Grain Lattice Structure.
Positive and negative polarities show up in other ways as well, and will be mentioned when applicable.
Doubling Circuits, Reciprocals & Shearing:
It is important to keep in mind that when we refer to the toroid, the term "Doubling Circuit" includes both of
the positive (1-2-4-8-7-5) and negative (5-7-8-4-2-1) sequences that we sandwiched around the 6-9-3-3-9-6
(also called The Gap Space or Equipotential Major Groove) to form the grid that makes up the surface of it.
These three lines of numbers wrap around the top of the torus, go in through the middle, curve around the
side at a slight inclinaton to make an s-curve, and then come up around the other end from the bottom to
meet themselves head-on, making a yin-yang-like shape. (See diagrams below).
The Doubling Circuit is marked in red and The Gap Space is in blue.
There is a general principle that multiplying by any number is the same as dividing by its reciprocal on The
Doubling Circuit. This means that particular numbers are always paired:
1 and 1,
2 and 5,
4 and 7,
8 and 8.
7 X 2 = 14 (1 + 4 = 5)
7/2 = 3.5 (3 + 5 = 8)
7/0.5 = 14 (1 + 4 = 5)
7 X 0.5 = 3.5 (3 + 5 = 8)
Step 2
Step 3
5 X 2 = 10 (1 + 0 = 1).
Notice that the series of each number is mirrored from the one across from it. For example:
*2 is "positive", going up in units of two (2, 4, 6, 8, etc.)
*7 is "negative", going down in units of two (7, 5, 3, 1, etc.)
If you add up the digits in both sequences they all add up to 9.
Generally speaking, everything to the left of 9 is "negative", while everything to the right of 9 is "positive"
when looking at it in this way. 9, being the axis, polarizes all the other numbers because it is also like a
mirror. Therefore, these groups of numbers (1-8, 2-7, and 4-5) are called Polar Number Pairs.
Also, you might notice that each Polar Number Pair is made up of both an even and odd number:
*1 is odd and 8 is even
*2 is even and 7 is odd
*3 is odd and 6 is even
*4 is even and 5 is odd
Using Controls:
One can even assign different numbers to The Doubling Circuit and it will still function with all the proper
patterns, with one exception. You cannot not reverse the numbers within it because the multiplication tables
will no longer work (even though all the other patterns will still hold true)! Here are some examples:
Control (Multiples of 2)
Control (Multiples of 4)
This is not to be confused with a reversing in the direction of travel through the circuit as in the case of
halving, but an actual reversal of the numbers within it!
Circulation of Numbers & The Hourglass:
The multiplication tables make vortices that circulate the numbers around inside of The Mathematical
Fingerprint of God. For example, beginning at the top with numbers 5 and 4, we can follow each of them
through the multiplication tables of the other numbers until we get to the bottom. To get to the next instance
of 5 and 4, we have to cross the middle to get to the other side. Therefore, numbers turn around in the center
point where the line of The Doubling Circuit seems to cross itself; this point is sometimes referred to as The
Primal Point of Unity or The Decimal Point Singularity, amongst other names.
Similiarly, each pole of the toroid has a rotation as well:
Northern Hemisphere
(CCW 3)
*Rotation shown in magenta.
Southern Hemisphere
(CW 6)
*Rotation shown in cyan.
This polar view of the torus with a center that looks pinched is sometimes referred to as The Sunflower
Hologram, because of its similarity to the head of a sunflower, and the fact that every part of it contains the
whole, just like a holographic image.
The two vorticies that make up the poles meet in the middle of the torus to form a shape called The
Hourglass with The Primal Point of Unity in the very center of it:
Cross-section of torus showing The Hourglass with number grids partially shown in red.
Thus the entire toroid acts as a sort of pump, drawing numbers in at the top and ejecting them out of the
bottom to move along the surface cyclically in a manner similar to the circulation of numbers inside The
Mathematical Fingerprint of God:
Backward Motion:
1 + 6 = 7,
7 + 6 = 13 (1 + 3 = 4),
13 + 6 = 19 (1 + 0 = 1),
Backward Motion:
2 + 6 = 8,
8 + 6 = 14 (1 + 4 = 5),
14 + 6 = 20 (2 + 0 = 2),
Backward Motion:
3 + 6 = 9,
9 + 6 = 15 (1 + 5 = 6),
15 + 6 = 21 (2 + 1 = 3),
There is also oscillation between positive and negative numbers between these three groups.
While the 3 and 6 are positive, the 9 is negative and vice versa. Similarly, while numbers of Family Number
Group 1 are positive, the numbers of Family Number Group 2 are negative and vice versa. Because of this
feature, if you were to follow The Doubling Circuit, you would oscillate between positive and negative
numbers. This is called a Binary Triplet. (See diagram below).
Here, the torus is open in the middle to show The Emanations radiating outward from center.
The Emanations (black arrows) come out in thirds in all directions; this is called The Dandelion Puff
Principle (because the rays look like a dandelion puff). They activate only the positive numbers of one
Family Number Group (designated by red circles) at a time, so only 1/6th of the numbers on the torus are
activated at once.
This Phasing occurs in 4 cycles indefinitely:
Cycle 01 Positive numbers of Family Number Group 1,
Cycle 02 Positive numbers of Family Number Group 2,
Cycle 03 Positive numbers of Family Number Group 3,
Cycle 04 An interval of rest.
Polar Number Pairs & The Coordinate System:
The 3 Polar Number Pairs (of 1-8, 2-7, and 4-5) within The Doubling Circuit were mentioned briefly in
relation to the multiplication tables. Now we will apply them in a different way.
Here the Y-Axis (made by Polar Pair 1-8) is shown in gold, and the X-Axis (made by Polar Pair 4-5) is
shown in green.
Notice that if we take 9 as the center, going up is multiples of 1, going down is multiples of 8, going left is
multiples of 4, and going right is multiples of 5.
This can even account for how number lines are used in a regular Cartesian coordinate system because each
Polar Number Pair is made up of a positive and negative number. For example, 1 goes up in units of 1
(positive), 8 goes down in units of 1 (negative), 4 goes up in units of 4 (positive), and 5 goes down in units
of 4 (negative).
The reason why 9 X 9 is the smallest grid you can make is because it keeps the rings that form the X and Y
axes intact (as The Mathematical Fingerprint of God utilizes digits 1-9). You can check if you have full
rings by looking for at least one mutliplication series for each axis because they make loops :
Octadecagon / 18-Pointed Star
Dodecagon / 12-Pointed Star
This is obviously the smallest Magic Square you can
8 + 8 + 3 + 7 + 4 + 3 + 5 + 2 + 9 = 49 (4 + 9)
= 13 (1 + 3) = 4 (the number in the middle)
Nonagon / 9-Pointed Star
Hexagon / Hexagram
2 + 5 + 6 + 1 = 72 (7 + 2) = 9
= 180 (1 + 8 + 0) = 9
12 X 12
They make Nested Vortice Circuits along the surface of the torus like this:
Northern Hemisphere
*Rotation shown in red. Although it may look like it
is rotating clockwise because of the Nested Vortices,
it is actually rotating counterclockwise.
The Nested Vortices can be assigned numbers because they follow the same pattern as The Doubling
If you look carefully, there is another sequence of the same type running in the other direction as well. It is
mirrored in both direction and polarity. This is the Antithesis Nexus Key:
Each axis also has its own symbol called a Nexus Key Domain Schematic or Spin Angle Waveform:
Zoom of toroid showing how its grid can be used for higher numbers.
The single digit that these numbers reduce to by "casting out nines" is in the parentheses next to them.
While you can make the dimensions of the torus longer in one axis (e.g.: a 9 X 18 tile is possible), the grid of
9 X 9 scales easily according to an Inverse Square Law:
One Quanta
*3 Nested Vortice
*6 Nested Vortice
*9 Nested Vortice
Circuits (9 Groups of 18
(3 Groups of 6 Vortices
Each 18 Vortices Total)
(6 Groups of 12 Vortices
Each 72 Vortices Total)
*6 Doubling Circuits
*1 Spire
*2 Spires
*3 Spires
*4 Spires
While we have gone through the square/diamond-shaped tiling, there are alternate layouts (sometimes called
Carpets) based upon both the triangle and the hexagon. This is suiting as these are the only 3 regular
polygons that can completely tile a plane by themselves. One can make tori with surfaces based upon these
other tilings too.
Triangular Layout
Hexagonal Layout
Even though they overlap to some degree, I have included all the major features so that you can see how
they function: The Doubling Circuit is in red, The Gap Space is in blue, The Y-Axis is in gold (it is the
"vertical" even though it seems horizontal in the hexagon tiling), a Nested Vortice is shown in cyan, and
The Nexus Key is in pink. If you look carefully you can even see the Shearing and its Reciprocals.
You can derive each layout from one another as well:
Base-26 (5^2)
So what exactly is the significance of all of this?
Base-50 (7^2)
It unites all branches of mathematics because it can do all mathematical functions simultaneously.
Furthermore, the coordinate system it contains allows you to model everything as a vortex in great detail,
from the structure of atoms to galaxies. The vortice is ubiquitous throughout nature.
By "casting out nines" you take all things back to their archetypal form. All numbers can only interact with
each other in certain patterns, and therefore imply an underlying geometry. It is this geometry that describes
how all energy naturally flows, the numbers acting like pathways. It is the science of harmonics.
All physical things grow from the center out, and unfold according to doubling/halving (e.g.: cell division,
nuclear fission, etc.) in a diagonal or spiral pathway around that center. The reversing of the numbers within
The Doubling Circuit destroys the multiplication tables and is thus synonymous with decay.
The 3 and 6 are the pulsation of Magnetism and the 1-2-4-8-7-5 is the flow of Electricity, curving around it
to create a boundary through its spin that also allows motions to continue indefinitely (for this reason it is
sometimes called a Bounded Infinity and/or Spin Continuum). The motion towards the center of the toroid
made by the Negative Backdraft Counterspace is Gravity.
The Hourglass in the middle is a blackhole-whitehole pair (such as that which resides inside every Active
Galactic Nucleus). The Primal Point of Unity is a singularity and is not solid (i.e.: it does not eventually
condense into "nothingness").
The blackhole causes compression (or "implosion") because it is a negative inward vortex (the Northern
Hemisphere of the torus symbolized by the number 3). The whitehole causes decompression (or "explosion")
because it is a positive outward vortex (the Southern Hemisphere of the torus symbolized by number 6). The
equator of the toroid is the turning point. Matter expands and cools as it is released from the whitehole on the
bottom, and then begins contracting and heating as it passes the equator going into the blackhole on the top.
All matter is continually recycled in this manner.
The Emanations from the center of the vortex are the cause of its rotation, and are the energy that literally
controls everything (being synonymous with God's Will). It is symbolized by the number 9. This energy is
called by many names throughout the work, I believe to accentuate some particular aspect of it:
Property Emphasized
Radiant Energy
for its characteristic of radiating linearly in all directions from the center point like
the radii of a sphere; probably also for its similarity to the energy spoken of by
Nikola Tesla (not to be confused with radioactivity or the ambient heat within the
Inertial Aether /
Quasi-Mass Energy
for its characteristic of deflecting matter and/or becoming the spin axis for all
mass; it does not bend and does not decay, therefore it "penetrates everything and
nothing can resist it"
for its ability to travel faster than light, such as the capability that sound is said to
have when it travels through a blackhole; some might call it "scalar" or
Aetheron Flux /
for its dynamic nature and the fact that Magnetism is always coupled to it
Orgone / Prana /
for its ability to trigger cell regeneration, and thus its assocation with the various
names of the Life Force both ancient and modern (Orgone being the term used by
Wilhelm Reich for the energy that sustains life)
The Phasing is what causes time, which occurs in frames. This is how it was known that the Electric and
Magnetic moments do not occur simultaneously. There is 1 Aetheron (represented by the 9 of Family
Number Group 3) for every 2 parts Magnetism (represented by the 3 and 6 of Family Number Group 3).
They move in opposite directions, with the Magnetism being the after-effect of the Aetherons.
Technical Applications:
He often states that his goals are to have inexhaustible energy, to end all diseases, produce unlimited
food, to travel anywhere in the universe, and to utilize the full potential of the brain. It seems that he,
his associates, and many independent researchers have caried the work far enough to see how each of these
might be possible.
The one device he is probably most known for, and the proof of concept for all other devices, is The Flux
Thruster Atom Pulsar (or Rodin Coil for short).
*The magnetic field is spread out all along the surface, extending outward in a rotating spiral configuration,
rather than contained inside the coil (for this reason it is sometimes called a Field Generator Coil). However,
the center is not necessarily inactive. The flux is pinched within it and thrown out of one end; he often
compares this action to a nozzle.
There are other designs and ideas that are being pursued as well:
*A computer processor of potentially unlimited speed (because the transistors do not heat up and one can use
less of them to build it),
*A type of programming language based on the Binary Triplet (Combinational Explosion Tree), said to have
use in Data Compression and Artificial Intelligence,
*Communications antennas,
*Cables for long-distance transmission of DC electricity,
*3D speakers,
*Ceiling fans (perhaps of a vortexial design like that of Victor Schauberger's Klimator or Raymond Avedon's
Thermal Equalizer unless of course he is referring only to the motor it runs off of),
There are even several biological applications:
*A system called Biophysical Harmonics that can be used to heal brain damage through sound (an off-shoot
of the original idea of intelligence being dependent upon a person's name and the language in which it is
spoken the different tones of the voice activiating particular centers within the brain).
Nested Vortices
His website(s)
It contains all his endorsement papers, audio interviews, and other information.
His books Aerodynamicsss - Point Energy Creation Physics
The Rodin Glossary
His video presentations
The websites of several persons he works with Jamie Buturff
Randy Powell
Other Researchers
Study Groups & Forums
Similar Works Based off of the Luo Shu Squares of the I Ching
Based off of Buckminster Fuller's work with Indigs (short for "Integrated Digits")
This list of links is by no means exhaustive, but is included to give you some resources to explore if this
subject is of interest to you.
12 X 12 X 12 Triangle Above
Side A = 8 + 3 + 4 + 7 + 9 + 2 = 33 (3 + 3 = 6)
Side B = 2 + 1 + 5 + 7 + 8 + 4 = 27 (2 + 7 = 9)
Side C = 4 + 3 + 2 + 1 + 9 + 8 = 27 (2 + 7 = 9)
Side A = 8 + 3 + 4 + 7 + 9 + 2 + 5 + 6 + 1 + 1 + 6 + 5
= 57 (5 + 7 = 12 & 1 + 2 = 3)
Side B = 5 + 7 + 8 + 4 + 2 + 1 + 5 + 7 + 8 + 4 + 2 + 1
= 54 (5 + 4 = 9)
Side C = 1 + 9 + 8 + 7 + 6 + 5 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1 + 9 + 8
= 63 (6 + 3 = 9)
6^2 = 36 (3 + 6 = 9)
9^2 = 81 (8 + 1 = 9)
9^2 = 81 (8 + 1 = 9)
3^2 = 9
9^2 = 81 (8 + 1 = 9)
9^2 = 81 (8 + 1 = 9)
9 + 9 = 18 (1 + 8 = 9)
9 + 9 = 18 (1 + 8 = 9)
Golden Triangle
Golden Triangle
The shapes that make up the surface of the toroid are elastic in a sense, becoming skewed depending upon
where you are on the surface. In the case of the diamond layout, the tiles start off like the shape to the left
and become like the one in the middle as you approach The Primal Point of Unity. (See diagram below).
Pascal's Triangle
The sides of the triangle are all 1's. Adding up the numbers next to each other in one line gives you the
number below them (just follow the red arrows). (Example: 1 + 1 = 2, 2 + 1 = 3, 3 + 1 = 4, 3 + 3 = 6, etc.).
You can continue this process indenfinitely to make a larger triangle.
Adding up the numbers horizontally (cyan arrows) and "casting out nines" gives you the numbers of The
Doubling Circuit. (Example: 1, 1 + 1 = 2, 1 + 2 + 1 = 4, 1 + 3 + 3 + 1 = 8, etc.). Adding up the numbers
diagonally (magenta arrows) gives you the Fibonacci Sequence (1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, etc.).
The Fibonacci Sequence (named after the mathematician Leonardo of Pisa because he popularized it through
a book he wrote in 1202), is a string of digits generated by adding each number to the one that comes before
it in the sequence starting with 1. (Example: 1 + 1 = 2, 2 + 1 = 3, 3 + 2 = 5, 5 + 3 = 8, etc.).
While there are many fascinating patterns within both Pascal's Triangle and the Fibonacci Sequence, we are
only going to cover one particular aspect.
If you take the Fibonacci Sequence and "cast out nines" on every number that has more than one digit, you
will eventually get a repeating sequence of 24-digits. Example:
Fibonacci Sequence
5 + 5 = 10 & 1 + 0 = 1
8 + 9 = 17 & 1 + 7 = 8
3 + 7 + 7 = 17 & 1 + 7 = 8
9 + 8 + 7 = 24 & 2 + 4 = 6
1 + 5 + 9 + 7 = 22 & 2 + 2 = 4
2 + 5 + 8 + 4 = 19 & 1 + 9 = 10 & 1 + 0 = 1
4 + 1 + 8 + 1 = 14 & 1 + 4 = 5
6 + 7 + 6 + 5 = 24 & 2 + 4 = 6
1 + 0 + 9 + 4 + 7 = 21 & 2 + 1 = 3
1 + 7 + 7 + 1 + 1 = 17 & 1 + 7 = 8
2 + 8 + 6 + 5 + 7 = 28 & 2 + 8 = 10 & 1 + 0 = 1
4 + 6 + 3 + 6 + 8 = 27 & 2 + 7 = 9
7 + 5 + 0 + 2 + 5 = 19 & 1 + 9 = 10 & 1 + 0 = 1
It can also be viewed in another way when we focus in on The Family Number Groups:
Family Number Group 3 (3-6-9) is in red. There are two of them, making a hexagram.
Family Number Group 1 (1-4-7) is in green and Family Number Group 2 (2-5-8) is in orange.
They also make a hexagram. There is an oscillation from one of these hexagrams to the other, with the 1-8
Polar Number Pair (marked in yellow) acting as the axis between them.
There are also variations of the number sequence that can be made in a similar way. For example, by
beginning our adding on the number 3 instead of 2, we get a new sequence that generates the same sort of
Modified Fibonacci
4 (1 + 3 = 4)
7 (4 + 3 = 7)
11 (7 + 4 = 11)
18 (11 + 7 = 18)
29 (18 + 11 = 29)
47 (29 + 18 = 47)
76 (47 + 29 = 76)
123 (76 + 47 = 123)
199 (123 + 76 = 199)
322 (199 + 123 = 322)
521 (322 + 199 = 521)
2 + 9 = 11 & 1 + 1 = 2
4 + 7 = 11 & 1 + 1 = 2
7 + 6 = 13 & 1 + 3 = 4
1 + 9 + 9 = 19 & 1 + 9 = 10 & 1 + 0 = 1
Sine Waves:
As a flat projection, The Doubling Circuit makes a sine wave.
The 1 is also The Decimal Point Singularity, while the 3 dots on each end signify that the numbers continue
in both directions indefinitely like a regular number-line.
Here is the same diagram with the numbers reduced by "casting out nines" to make the patterns more
Note the oscillation of the 3 and 6 at the crest and trough of the waves. Adding up adjacent black numbers
inside the wave will give you the red number on the wave between them. Example:
1 + 2 = 3,
2 + 4 = 6,
4 + 8 = 12 (1 + 2 =3),
8 + 7 = 15 (1 + 5 = 6),
You might have also noticed that 9 is the only number that does not show up in the two diagrams above.
Remember, since this is a flat projection, the wave is really a spiral. All the numbers spin around the path
made by the 9 and continue on in the direction in which it points. 9 is both an axis and a vector1.
1 A vector is a line that has both direction and magnitude (or length). They are used to mathematically describe a
"force" or action. For example, a car moving north (the direction) at 35MPH (the magnitude) can be described as a
"vector" in a geometric space.
1 X 2 = 2, 2 X 2 = 4, 4 X 2 = 8, etc.
1 X 3 = 3, 3 X 3 = 9, 9 X 3 = 27, etc.
Step 2 Multiply every number in the column by every number in the row to
get all the numbers in the table:
2 X 3 = 6, 2 X 9 = 18, etc.
4 X 3 = 12, 4 X 9 = 36, etc.
Step 3 Continue this action until at least an 8 X 8 grid is filled to get this type of table:
This gives you the frequency of every note in every octave (for a musical scale utilizing a standard
pitch of A = 432 Hz with intervals that are whole number ratios1). The red notes on the bottom show
how the order of the columns follows the "circle of fifths" of a Pythagorean chromatic scale. The
blue square is the speed of light (to less than 1% deviation) which is equal to 432^2.
Moving From Frequency To Number:
We can go in the other direction and derive a number pattern from a set of frequencies.
1st partial
256 Hz
2nd partial
512 Hz
Perfect Fifth
3rd partial
768 Hz
4th partial
1,024 Hz
Major Third
5th partial
1,280 Hz
Perfect Fifth
6th partial
1,536 Hz
Minor Seventh
7th partial
1,792 Hz
8th partial
2,048 Hz
Major Second
9th partial
2,304 Hz
Major Third
10th partial
2,560 Hz
Augmented Fourth
11th partial
2,816 Hz
Perfect Fifth
12th partial
3,072 Hz
Minor Sixth
13th partial
3,328 Hz
Minor Seventh
14th partial
3,584 Hz
Major Seventh
15th partial
3,840 Hz
16th partial
4,096 Hz
1 Standing waves can only be generated in whole number multiples (this is called a "harmonic series"), or stated
another way, by dividing their medium into partial wavelengths that are whole numbers. There are no standing
waves of a fractional wavelength in Nature as they cannot be sustained.
Beginning with C = 256 Hz (the "fundamental"), when we "cast out nines" on this number and
every sucessive frequency until the numbers repeat (its first eight "overtones"), we get a string of
digits (4-8-3-7-2-6-1-5-9), highlighted in the right-most column above.
Notice that it contains every digit of 1-9 at least once. This is The Harmonic Number Sequence, and
it can be diagramed by a symbol called The Ennead:
The Ennead
Divisions in degrees
It is interesting that "casting out nines" on the degrees going clockwise gives you the sequence over
again. Example: 4 + 0 = 4, 8 + 0 = 8, 1 + 2 + 0 = 3, 1 + 6 + 0 = 7, etc. Note that the 0 at the top is
also 360 degrees (and 3 + 6 + 0 = 9).
The Ennead is not only one 9-pointed star, but 3 nested ones:
Here are the 3 stars ordered from largest (yellow) to smallest (magenta).
It can also be thought of as 3 nested triangles whose areas increase in size logarithmically:
Triangles are shown in red, green, and blue. They continually make the 3-9-6 pattern of Family
Number Group 3.
While The Ennead may look similar to The Mathematical Fingerprint of God, it is actually a polarview of the toroid. The triangles are becoming bigger or smaller because they are spinning along
an axis that is either coming towards you (Northern Hemisphere) or moving away from you
(Southern Hemisphere), which gives it this tunnel-like effect.
The Harmonic Number Sequence is the X-Axis of the toroid (the "horizontal" made up of Polar
Number Pair 4-5). Therefore, you can also derive it from multiples of 4 and 5. For example:
5 X 2 = 10 (1 + 0 = 1)
4 X 3 = 12 (1 + 2 = 3)
5 X 3 = 15 (1 + 5 = 6)
4 X 4 = 16 (1 + 6 = 7)
5 X 4 = 20 (2 + 0 = 2)
4 X 5 = 20 (2 + 0 = 2)
5 X 5 = 25 (2 + 5 = 7)
4 X 6 = 24 (2 + 4 = 6)
5 X 6 = 30 (3 + 0 = 3)
4 X 7 = 28 (2 + 8 = 10 & 1 + 0 = 1)
5 X 7 = 35 (3 + 5 = 8)
4 X 8 = 32 (3 + 2 = 5)
5 X 8 = 40 (4 + 0 = 4)
4 X 9 = 36 (3 + 6 = 9)
5 X 9 = 45 (4 + 5 = 9)
Notice that the multiples of 4 are The Harmonic Number Sequence moving forwards, while the
multiples of 5 are it moving backwards.
Top-view of torus showing how the The Harmonic Number Sequence is the X-Axis. The
corresponding musical notes are also shown, along with two 9-pointed star patterns.
These star patterns are logarithmic spirals that demonstate the harmonics of vortex motion. They
show how energy is drawn into or away from The Primal Point of Unity in the center of the toroid
to recycle matter. If you were to trace one of them out it is easy to see how it spirals:
Beginning on the red 4 to the right, follow the arrows to touch each of the numbers within The
Harmonic Number Sequence. Notice that when you finish the star you come right back to 4 again.
Also note that we have flows going in both directions simultaneously (we just traced out a star
counterclockwise, but the sequence runs clockwise as well).
The following may be somewhat complicated, but is included for sake of completeness.
From C to C on a piano is either doubling or halving depending on which direction you move.
Having C as 256 Hz (and by extension A as 432 Hz, depending upon what "intonation" or tuning
you are using) is sometimes used in science ("Scientific Pitch") because of its recognition of
conserving the pattern of doubling in frequency from octave to octave. The current, arbitrarily
chosen "Concert Standard Pitch" is C = 261+ Hz / A = 440+ Hz. Is this a reflection of how energy
moves (like all the harmonic tables given above)?
This may seem insignificant, some might even state that these rules are unecessary and/or wholly
dependent upon musical taste, but all manifest things are of motion, of vibration. Sound is thus
form, and can not only affect deep changes in people2, but literally help create or destroy physical
structures as well, even on the most subtle of levels. What effect might a constant dissonance have
upon your body and your behavior?3
Pythagorean Color Harmonics:
Pythagoras is also have said to have assigned a color to each musical note.
*C Red
*D Orange
*E Yellow
*F Green
*G Blue
*A Indigo
*B Violet
2 There are many disciplines (Music Therapy, Brainwave Entrainment, etc.) that provide evidence of sounds in
general, and especially music (whether playing or just listening), having profound effects on a whole slew of bodily
processes, both immediate and long-term. Examples:
3 It is said that the Pythagoreans believed all things could be expressed in number (including "abstract concepts such
as justice"). Perhaps thinking of things like emotions in terms of vibration (which can be designated by a particular
number, also known as its frequency) can make this point of view more tangible?
If we color code the tones we used in The Harmonic Number Sequence earlier, we get can then
color the grid that makes up our torus in the same fashion.
Top-view of torus showing all positive tiles of The Harmonic Number Sequence colored according
to Pythagorean Color Harmonics.
4 C, Red (First & Second Octave Fundamental & First Overtone)
3 G, Blue (Second Octave Second Overtone)
7 C, Red (Third Octave Third Overtone)
2 E, Yellow (Third Octave Fourth Overtone)
6 G, Blue (Third Octave Fifth Overtone)
1 Bb, Violet (Third Octave Sixth Overtone)
5 C, Red (Fourth Octave Seventh Overtone)
9 D, Orange (Fourth Octave Eighth Overtone)
A cube cut diagonally both ways with pyramid formation highlighted in pink.
Step 2 Attach each of these 6 pyramids to another cube of equal volume so that their bases meet
each square face of the cube. This makes another shape called a rhombic dodecahedron.
Rhombic Dodecahedron
You can see how its faces are also Equiangular Triangles just like The Diamond Grain Crystal
Lattice Structure.
These rhombic dodecahedra can be stacked to fill space perfectly, and each one is equivalent to a
tile in 3-dimensions (i.e.: each has a number inside it). The smallest stack you can make is a block
of 9 X 9 X 9, similar to the grid of 9 X 9 in 2-dimensions. However, there are 3 times as many
negative numbers as positive numbers inside of it.
By facing the block directly (so that you are only looking at one face), you can use it as a normal
grid, or you can move through it as if it were many grids layered on top of one another. You can tell
which Polar Number Pair is your Z-Axis from that direction because the reciprocals will change.
General Background:
Vortex Based Mathematics is referred to as Omni-Fourth Dimensional. What does this mean? Let
us parse it:
*Physical matter is electrical, its action is represented by The Doubling Circuit (and the Family
Number Groups 1 and 2). This is 3-dimensional.
*Energy is magnetic, its action is represented by the pulsation of 3 and 6 in Family Number Group
3. This is 4-dimensional.
*It is The Emanations that makes both of these possible, and its action is represented by the selfsimilar number 9 in Family Number Group 3. This is "omni"-dimensional because it is ever-present,
controling all things from within and without.
There are many interesting correlations between the math and Electromagnetism. For example, on
The Mathematical Fingerprint of God, each of the "magnetic numbers" (3, 6 and 9) are 120 degrees
away from each other (120, 240, and 360 degrees respectively). This is the same as the 3-phases of
a rotating magnetic field. Also, The Doubling Circuit (being the "electrical numbers") embodies
patterns similar to the "stepping-up" (doubling) and "stepping-down" (halving) of an electrical
However, in this section of the document we are going to cover specifically how to wind a "Rodin
Coil" and how it embodies the geometry of the toroid.
Like we did with the above term, let's parse the full, original name of the "Rodin coil", The Flux
Thruster Atom Pulsar Electrical Venturi Space-Time Implosion Field Generator Coil. It may seem
excessive, but each term contributes to the overall meaning in some way and is very important:
*"Flux Thruster" As described much earlier in the Technical Applications section, the magnetic
field goes in one end, is pinched by the The Primal Point of Unity in the center (usually referred to
as the Aeth Coalescence in this case), and thrust out of the other end to make what is called a
Centroid Nozzle. It is therefore a "thruster" of magnetic "flux".
To be more specific, and it cannot be emphasized enough, The Emanations are a real energy and
this device demonstrates their existence. They are radiated from the Aeth Coalescence, imparting
spin to the magnetic field (thus creating a Torsion B-Field). Notice that there is no mechanical input
which causes this phenomena, but only the geometry of the wire. When the device is constructed
and powered in the right way, this energy does one more thing in addition to the "pinching"
described above:
It makes Nested Vortices of magnetism along the surface (sometimes called Vector Spatial
Interstices). These keep it from heating up as they act as little heat sinks, pumping the heat
generated by the electricity away from the wires to keep them cool. Therefore, one can make
"computer chips that cool themselves" (as it is pointed out in the presentation Inexhaustable
Electricity Supply). To quote Randy Powell, they also "act like kickers for the electricity", allowing
you to have two wires next to each other without insulation and without shorting out. This is called
Synchronized Electricity and we will talk more about this later.
*"Atom" The geometry of the coil literally makes it a macroscopic model of an sub-atomic
particle or atom. How so?
On the subatomic level, we will use the electron as an example. Electrons have spin (angular
momentum) which allows them to act somewhat like little magnets. This property is actually being
utilized to create devices in a branch of electrical engineering called Spintronics.
The electron is a little toroid. Like the Torsion B-Field in the coil, The Emanations are responsible
for its spin, hence Marko is said to have "discovered the source of the non-decaying spin of the
Atoms function in a similar manner. We know atoms are not always symmetrical on both ends
because "parity is not conserved" (meaning that when polarized, an atom will eject small particles
from one end).
Their electrons don't make circular orbits, but tunnel through the "nucleus" (The Primal Point of
Unity) in logarithmic spirals like the Spires. Although they might seem complex, they are harmonic
and predictable with the math (being called an Interferometry Numerical Pattern when used in this
sense). They do not make "jumps", but change in frequency.
Although this is not mentioned, we could also show that the planets do the same thing on a much
larger scale (in the sense of both time and space), being emitted from the sun in egg-shaped waves
(or circuits) that produce a logarithmic "Parker Spiral" in the plasma that makes up the
"Heliospheric Current Sheet" which fills the solar system.
Just as through harmonics, Johannes Kepler approximated the structure of the solar system by
nesting Platonic Solids, Robert J. Moon used a similar model to describe the structure of the atom.
*"Pulsar" As we just saw, harmonic principles apply to every level of scale. Pulsars, which "are
highly magnetized, rotating neutron stars that emit a beam of electromagnetic radiation", follow the
same patterns as evident by their description. In two words, we've jumped from atomic to stellar
sized objects that the properties of this device (and its associated mathematics) are able to describe.
One of the most intriguing examples given of this has to do with the similarity of red giant stars and
red blood cells. Red blood cells are toridial. They contain chemicals ("metalloproteins") called
"hemoglobin" that help transport oxygen in the bloodstream. Part of what makes up these chemicals
is a substance called a "heme group". (See diagrams below).
The elements within the "heme group" follow a particular pattern from the center to the periphery,
while the elements within a red giant star do also, being stratified into layers due to the pressure
differences throughout it. Notice that iron centers both of them.
What if stellar evolution and biological evolution are one and the same, unfolding in the same sort
of sequences only at different pressures and sizes? The interconnectedness of ourselves to our living
environment seems to point out that we are like cells in a larger being.
*"Electrical Venturi" Various descriptions are given as to the properties that an "ideal conductor"
for this device would have. They should have the least acute incline as possible in relation to the
toroid (Least Mean Free Path), and should be fatter on the outside than on the inside. Why?
The first feature creates an angular relationship that keeps the electricity from interfering with itself
and causing resistance. The squeezing of the conductor specified by the second feature helps the
electricity "flow" better in a sense, increasing in amperage while decreasing in voltage, much like
how water flowing through a pipe will increase in speed and decrease in pressure when going
through a constricted section of that pipe. This is known as the Venturi Effect, and hence it is an
Electrical Venturi.
*"Space-Time Implosion" The Primal Point of Unity is the singularity of a blackhole-whitehole
pair, the blackhole half of it causing the "implosion" of "Space-Time". Alternately, it is a
"coalescence" of "Aether". It was mentioned in the Significance section closer to the beginning of
this document that one of these resides inside the "Active Galactic Nuclei" of every galaxy. In a
very literal sense, this device makes a miniture version of one to some extent.
To give a more complete description, the Aeth Coalescence itself is actually produced by two
interpenetrating tetrahedral-shaped fields of energy whose apices are 180 degrees from one another.
They rotate in opposite directions in a harmonic ratio at the speed of light in the center of the toroid.
Together they make up The Unit and their motion is called a Cosmic Eggbeater.
Not only does it spin along its own axis, but the The black lines on the vortices that make up The
entire Unit itself also rotates around to form The
Hourglass show the general path that matter
Second 9-Axis (in blue). This IS the axis on
travels upon (going in on the top and coming out
which the vortices of The Hourglass spin.
on the bottom).
(Images adapted form ones in The Rodin Glossary)
The center of mass in a tetrahedron is called a "centroid" (in pink), and when these points merge
inside The Unit in its star tetrahedron configuration they make the Aeth Coalescence (in red) which
produces the Centroid Nozzle action. Rotation of interpenetrating tetrahedrons is shown in blue.
The faces of these tetrahedron are equiangular (60 degrees). The angles of the tetrahedra specify
the directions in which The Emanations are emitted from the center, and how the surface of the
toroid crystallizes. It is hexagonally polarized.
The Unit is the center of all matter on every level of scale. It emits a Fundamental Tone created by
the frequency (i.e.: the rate of spin) of the two tetrahedons. In turn, this creates a series of overtones
and undertones that create a spiral path for matter to circulate on through the toroid (like The
Ennead star patterns made by The Harmonic Number Sequence). One tetrahedron produces positive
Emanations that give this matter spin and momentum (positive Nested Vortices), while the other
produces negative Emanations that create Gravity (negative Nested Vortices or Negative Backdraft
There is an infinite number of variations to the toroid as there are an infinite number of wavelengths
the energy that makes up The Unit can take. The Unit can ratchet to form different geometries when
you look at it from one of the axes of spin (like the stars generated by the Magic Squares). The Unit
can also move through space to make very complex patterns with its motion, or oscillate in place in
different ways to do the same. It is compared to a "kaleidoscope" for the endless number of forms it
can make, but the movements make me think of it as a multi-dimensional Spirograph.
There is a main Unit that integrates the energies of all other Units of the same system. The rotation
of all Units is continually sustained by Love. Pure Love is the only energy that can allow Creation
to take form because it is absolute coherence. How can a thing exist without coherence? For
example, to put it within a personally relevant context, how do the trillions of cells that make up
your body function as ONE whole?
*"Field Generator Coil" This part of the name has to do with the fact that the magnetic field is on
the outside of the coil, rather than wholly contained inside of it like a traditionally wound toroid
Getting Started:
Now, we are going to go through the winding of a coil step-by-step and explain how each feature
relates to the mathematics. There are many resources on the internet that can guide one in making a
well-designed "Rodin Coil" if these instructions alone are insufficient. While there are an increasing
number of variants out there, we are only going to focus on the original design. The features this
particular design has are very important.
Step 1 We need something to act as a support for wrapping our coil. It should be a ring-shape, and
to get the full effect of the magnetism, it should also have a hollow core. There is an easily
attainable item that meets all of these criteria, the toy doughnuts made for children. (See picture).
Step 2 Taking the largest ring from the set, we must prepare it for winding. It is necessary to
remove any raised lettering or designs upon its surface. Scrape them off with a razor. (Please be
If the surface is too slick, you can also lightly scruff it up with sandpaper to give it some traction so
as to hold the wire upon it properly.
If the plastic is too flimsy, you can cut it in half, pack it with foam, and then put it back together
with glue to make it more sturdy. You do not want it to deform while you are wrapping your wire
around it as that will alter the geometry of the coil.
Step 3 We aren't quite done preparing it for wrapping just yet. We need to separate the surface of
our ring into evenly spaced increments, 36 of them to be exact. Taking a marker and protractor,
make a line every 10 degrees along the equator of the ring.
Within each one of these points we are going to place a pin to act as a jig for our wire.
Step 4 Now we are ready for the wire. Any thickness is fine, so long as it is not too thick (e.g.:
cannot allow for multiple wraps around the ring) or too thin (e.g.: it breaks easily). If the wire you
have is on a spool, make sure that the spool is small enough to fit into the hole of the ring for ease
of wraping. If the spool is too big, you can always remove the wire from the spool and wrap it on
any skinny object (e.g.: popsicle stick, pencil, pen, etc.) to feed it through the hole instead.
This coil is going to have 2 wires (making it a "bifilar coil"). We have divided it up into 36 points
(like the 36-digits that make up The Harmonic Number Sequence) because this is the X-axis (the
"horizontal") of our toroid, and each of the wires is going to be wrapped in a star pattern along the
surface of the ring in a way that is similar to The Ennead, except with 12-points instead of 9.
Here is a picture of a completed coil to give you an idea of what they look like before we describe
how to make the windings. While it looks like only one wire wrapped into a spiral-like shape, it is
really two wires that are right next to each other.
(Image from Alex Petty)
(First Wire)
(Second Wire)
To begin, take one wire and wrap some of it around the pin corresponding to the number 1 on the
ring. This is our starting point for this wire.
Now, going over the top of the ring and into the hole, come out on the other side on the number 180
degrees from the 1, in this case, 16. This is one "turn".
Then, go over the top of the ring and back into the hole towards the number 180 degrees from 16,
which is 31. Continue this process until you have come back to the number 1 again. This is one
"wrap" or "winding". When it is done, it should look something like this:
One wrap.
He has cleverly extended the pins as a reference for what numbers he is winding around.
If you decide to do the same, be careful not to let any of them come out until you are finished as
that would ruin your windings.
(Image from Alex Petty)
While the wire should not be so taught as to snap it or bend the plastic, it cannot be too slack or it
will not duplicate the necessary geometry. You can use a little bit of tape or glue to hold it in place if
Continue making wraps in the same way for both wires. You can make as many as you would like,
but with two very important stipulations:
*The number of wraps for both wires should be equal to each other. (Perhaps aim for a number
divisible by 3, 6, or 9).
*You cannot fill the entire ring with wraps. You have to leave a space of equal width to all the
wraps of one wire in the areas corresponding to all the numbers not touched by the above two star
patterns. (See diagrams below).
Picture on the left is a close-up of the coil showing the space as equal to the width of the wraps of
one wire. Picture on the right shows the numbers associated with them.
So, what is the significance of these number patterns used to make the coil? While the 36-digits
point out its relationship to The Harmonic Number Sequence and the energy pathways made by The
Ennead stars, it does not seem to be the X-axis alone. Maybe, like the 36 X 36 tile (One Quanta),
these stars are an embodiment of the energies of the entire toroid in great detail if we know how to
look at them? "Casting out nines" on them makes their patterns more transparent:
When you are winding a wire, you move through the digits that make up the Family Number
Groups repeatedly, always ending up 90 degrees from the previous one.
activation. Power it from a distance if possible and begin only with low voltages.
Generally, the process would be as follows:
*Keeping in mind that wire 1 is a positive Family Number Group 1 and wire 2 is a positive Family
Number Group 2, we should pulse DC into both wires simultaneously but invert the voltage going
into the second wire. (This is the activation of Family Number Group 1).
*Then, on the next cycle, reverse this. (This is the activation of Family Number Group 2).
*Stop right there! Don't put any more pulses in just yet. I believe that the combination of this sort of
twisting and pulsating action will lead to Nested Vortices being produced in the magnetic field on
the third cycle, with effects being most evident within The Gap Space. Having a conductor here will
interfere with it, which is why you don't put wraps all the way around the ring. (This is the
activation of Family Number Group 3).
*At this point, the fourth cycle, we must give it an interval of rest as the magnetic field collapses in
preparation of the next pulse that will start the cycle all over again. You might have to play with the
timing of it, but it is likely that it will achieve resonance even if you are off a bit.
The conductors are meant to be perfect loops in any torus that is formed in Nature (being the
Bounded Infinity / Spin Continuum that allows motions to continue forever). But in order to
energize the one we have made with our coil, they have to be open so that they can be connected to
our power source. In a sense we are working backwards, using the electricity and magnetism to
make a toroidal space for the Aetheron Emanations to show up, rather than building it from the
center out with a Cosmic Eggbeater powered by Pure Love as Nature does.
Despite this, I have a strong feeling that it is quite likely that it will begin to sustain itself after a
while if all of this is done correctly (meaning that the field will no longer require a power source). I
also have a feeling that it will change the atmosphere around the device, possibly even having an
effect at great distances.
Everything being alive, it is a living entity rather than "just a device" (e.g.: Plasmoid).
Would it be possible to use The Diamond Grain Crystal Lattice Structure as a "complex plane" (i.e.:
like a Cartesian plane but for plotting out "imaginary" numbers)?
In the video they demonstrate that you can make a "sterographic projection" on this "complex
plane" by placing the pole of a sphere on the origin.
"Projecting" through the north pole of the sphere onto the complex plane under it. Each point on
the plane then becomes one on the surface of the sphere.
(Graphics from Dimensions)
This is used to describe that a sphere can be thought of as a "complex projective line". This means
that it can be 1-dimensional (the blue line along the surface of the yellow sphere in the picture to the
left), in addition to being either 2-dimensional (the surface of a sphere as a flat plane) or 3dimensional (a sphere as a geometrical "solid"), because it only takes one complex number to
describe it...much like how by knowing one number on The Diamond Lattice you know all of them.
Is it possible to describe every number on the toroid at once with a loxodrome-like curve, similar to
that in the box above on the right? Have we might already even have done this in a simple way
without knowing it?
Of course, all this talk of complex numbers is conjecture on my part. The Rodin Glossary mentions
them on page 35, in a section entitled Complex Planes and Fermat's Last Theorem. It states:
"Periodic functions, such as sines and cosines, were studied by Poincare on a 'complex plane' rather
than on a 'number line' as did Fourier. Poincare examined the complex plane, which contains real
numbers on the horizontal axis and imaginary numbers on a vertical axis. This allowed Poincare to
model periodcity along multiple axes, and to place elements of the matrix into algebraic groups with
infinitely many possible variations. Poincare extended this concept of periodic functions on a
complex plane to complicated functions called modular forms. Goro Shimura's conjecture delt with
the folding of a complex plane: 'If we 'fold' the complex plane as a Torus, then this surface will
hold all the solutions to elliptic equations over the rational numbers, these in turn arising from the
equations of Diophantus.' What proved to be important later was that if a solution to Fermat's
equation (x^n + y^n = z^n) existed, then the solution would have to lie on that Torus."
I have inserted links to all the topics mentioned within the quote, and highlighted what I feel to be
the biggest clue as to understanding it, but we won't decipher its meaning just yet.
Hopf Fibrations:
It is at this point in the document that we get to the heart of the quotation by Alastair Couper that
was mentioned earlier. A video that specifically covers this topic can be found here (click the link
and open up video number 7 in the playlist that comes up; if it is inconvenient to do so, there is a
text explanation here). I recommend the video however as it is very visual and makes it easy to
This video is a continuation of the topic of the previous section. Without getting too deep into the
mathematics, it basically demonstrates that by using "sterographic projection" again, we can turn a
4-dimensional sphere (i.e.: one made up of many intersecting "imaginary" dimensions) into a series
of rings in 3-dimensions.
To make it simple, think of the jump from a sphere in 3-D (e.g.: a ball), to a respresentation of one
in 2-D (i.e.: a circle). This is quite similar.
The picture to the left is a 4-D sphere made by the two intersecting complex planes, but when we
only look at one at a time, it seems to make a circle like in the picture to the right. This circle is
really a ring in 3-D.
(Graphics from Dimensions)
These rings can be rotated along an axis or linked together like a chain (without intersecting one
another) to form a torus. This is another representation of the 4-D sphere just expressed in a
different way.
In the mathematics of topology, this shape is called a Hopf Fibration (after Heinz Hopf, the
mathematician who discovered it). Each ring is referred to as a "fibration" because because they are
like "fibers" that weave together to make the "fabric" of a 4-D sphere. (See diagrams below).
It is interesting to note that in order for the rings of the Hopf Fibration to be non-overlaping (or
"conformal") they becomed tapered as they near the center, with only a gradual incline in relation to
the ring in the middle. These features reflect almost exactly the descriptions of what an "ideal
conductor" would be like structurally within Rodin's Flux Thruster Atom Pulsar as mentioned
As for the Hopf Fibration, have we already seen something akin to this? Indeed, we have! You
might have noticed that The Sunflower Hologram is made out of 36 circles, in a very similar fashion
to how the "fibrations" make up the Hopf structure:
This is a bifircation map. (Image is from Wikipedia, but I have added the blue text)
Again, in the case of population growth, if the rate of growth is a particular value we will get a
"steady state" (i.e.: a line that does not change, such as the one to the left of the diagram). If we
increase that growth rate, something interesting happens. It "bifircates" (or splits in two). This
means that the population will periodically fluctuate between two values (e.g.: being a certain
amount one year, a different amount the next, going back to the first, and so on). This is called a
"period", and this process, a "period-doubling bifircation".
If you keep increasing it, after 8 divisions ("period 4") you get "chaos" (i.e.: an infinite number of
possible states). It is at this point that the system becomes completely unpredicatble...
Isn't interesting that when you get to 8 (after 4 doublings) on The Doubling Circuit, it is at that point
that the numbers become double digits and you have to "cast out nines" to get the 7 and 5 that make
up the rest of the sequence.
Is the "digital doubling" (the kind we do with the numbers) the same as the "analog doubling" (the
kind that complex systems do, which is expressed in the "bifircation map") one and the same? Are
we seeing order amidst the seeming "chaos" by "casting out nines"?
There also is said to be a "period-halving bifircation" that shows the movement from "chaos" to
Another interesting property of the "bifircation map" is that it too is a fractal, containing a copy of
itself within the complexity:
Before continuing on to the next section, I would like to share one more idea. It is interesting to
note that there is a specific type of "noise" (called 1/f, "flicker", or "pink noise") that seems to occur
in many different types of systems. There have also been applications developed that utilize "noise"
in some sort of constructive manner. Truly it may be said that there is no "chaos" in the sense of
disorder, even if we may not fully understand a thing's cause.
I again point to this article here as describing the topics relevant to this section.
Like the "bifircation map" that was just described, there is another way to describe complex
processes, with a figure called an "attractor". We won't go too deeply into them, concerning
ourselves only with a particular one called a Lorenz Attractor.
Stated very simply, it is a double spiral that depicts an oscillation between two states of a complex
system (much like the first "bifircation", or split of the "bifircation map").
Wow, that even looks like The Doubling Circuit doesn't it? It is similar in more than just looks. One
of its features is that the values along its curve never repeat; in a sense, the numbers of The
Doubling Circuit do the same because they are becoming exponentially larger as you continuously
spiral along it.
This is equivalent to the pumping action described before. (See diagram below).
I wonder if perhaps it could also be described as a increase in size with every successive circulation,
somewhat like this:
Cross-section view of nested tori that are increasing size. Red arrows describe circulation.
With each pass you jump to the next highest torus.
It is stated in The Rodin Glossary that the geometry is specifically related to a Torus Attractor, and
these are the ways in which I think it might show up.
The Penrose Twistor:
There is another 4-D geometry that has the shape of a toroid called a Penrose Twistor (Roger
Penrose being the mathematician whom formulated it, and a "twistor" being a type of mathematical
It is part of a larger physics theory used to merge quantum physics and relativity. Summaries are
given here and here; while highly mathematical summaries can be found here and here (PDF link).
We aren't going to go into exactly what the theory consists of (although the first link given above is
a very good and fairly simple introduction if you are interested). We are only going to talk about a
quote within one of the endorsement papers for Rodin's work by Tom Bearden:
"In the late 70s and early 80s, Bill Tiller, Frank Golden and I worked on curl-free A-potential
antennas, and Golden built dozens of curl-free A-field coil antenna variants. One of the most
interesting variants he built was quite similar to Ramsay's buildup of the Rodin coil. Simply, he
built a coil embodiment of the diagrammatic geometry for a 'twistor' that was shown by Roger
Penrose. That coil antenna exhibited about what Ramsay and Rodin are reporting, and dramatically
extended the communication range of a small CB radio from, say, its nominal 14 miles to about 20
miles or more."
Matrix Algebra:
I believe that within one of the video presentations on this work it is said that it is directly relevant
to several branches of mathematics, some of which include Surface Topology and Matrix Algebra.
We have already applied Surface Topology to some extent by taking the grid (a plane) and wrapping
it up into a toroid (although we did not use the name "Surface Topology" to describe this
deformations). Alternatively, we might also think of it as folding up a plane into a sphere, making
two twists in it (one one its north pole and the other on the south pole), and then connecting them
inside the center of the sphere to form The Hourglass.
As for how Matrix Algebra shows up within it, my guess is that it has to do with objects called
Rings, which are a part of something called Ring Theory, funnily enough. Here is a helpful glossary
of terms should you choose to explore this branch of mathematics.
Highlighting of patterns.
It seems as if it is a side-view of the toroid, but from the inside of it. The rotations of the poles given
by The Doubling Circuit (shown as little black arrows going clockwise and counterclockwise in the
picture to the right) are backwards from what it would be if you were to look directly at the pole
(such as in the view given by The Sunflower Hologram).
Maybe we could change our perspective of it like this: