Kindergarten Kids School - Prospectus
Kindergarten Kids School - Prospectus
Kindergarten Kids School - Prospectus
Some gifted or talented children may be ready to start school at an earlier age
while others may benefit from being a little older. By International law, United
Nations, all children must start school by their sixth birthday.
Parents will need to provide proof of their child's age when starting school.
When children start Kindergarten, parents/caregivers are also required to
provide an immunization certificate - a record of the child's immunization
status. Speak to your doctor, local council bodies e.g. D.H.A, Clifton Board etc.
or school about any affiliation with hospital for immunization.
Orientation Day
Most schools have orientation days towards the end of the previous year to
welcome children to Kindergarten. Many schools also have transition to
Kindergarten programs in the second part of the year.
Keep in mind a triangle: the student, the parent or teacher, and the
environment. It is the role of the adult to prepare, and continue to prepare, the
environment, to link the child to it through well-thought-out introductions to
books and materials, projects, and lessons, which nurture the child's
exploration and creativity. Children thus taught often surpass both the level of
education of their peers, and the knowledge of the adult in all areas -- then they
learn to find answers for themselves.
The Early learning school has environment that is being arranged according to
the subject area -- cleaning, gardening, arts & craft, caring & sharing, library
corner, etc. -- children always free to move around the room instead of staying
at desks. There is no limit to how long a child can work on something she has
chosen. At any one time in a day all subjects -- practical work, math, language,
science, history, geography, art, music, etc. -- will be being studied, at all levels,
by children of mixed ages learning from each other, facilitated by careful
observation, individual lessons, record keeping, and help of the teacher.
The Kinder garden School has developed an independent faculty for children of
3 to 7yrs and plus, It has adequate modern facilities with quality playground
equipment. The teaching staff is qualified in developing the latest educational
techniques to ensure a head start for the future of our young scholars.
Your child will be encouraged to attempt the things mentioned below, but do
not worry if your child cannot do all of them. Talk to the Kindergarten teacher,
and together you can support and assist your child's learning.
Personal/Social Skills
• uses the toilet independently
• can say own name and address
• adapts to unfamiliar settings and new experiences
• can finish a task, and tidies up afterwards
• plays cooperatively with other children - shares and takes turns
• can sit still to listen to a story for a few minutes
• is curious about the world
• can share an adult's attention with several other children
• participates in imaginative play
Physical Skills
The school shall remain closed on all the gazette holidays as announced by the
government of Pakistan, and as and when announced by the Provincial
Government of SIND.
Mrs. Talat Ambareen Farooqui. Directress
M.phil (Psychology) Education/Behavior Psychologist.
Telephone: 09221-6027081
The last date for registration for the year 2008-2009 is 31 August 2008. The
new academic year begin on 9 AUGUST 2008.
Price. Deserving / Special Case- Free Books
REGISTERATION FEE Rs. 10000 PER NEW STUDENT. Deserving / Special
Case- Free
APPLCATION FEE Rs.100 @ PER NEW STUDENT Deserving / Special Case-
PLACEMENT FEE Rs.1000 @ PER NEW STUDENT Deserving / Special
Case- Free
TUITION FEE Rs. 4500 PER MONTH Deserving / Special Case- Free
BUS FEE: ONE WAY Rs. 3500/-, TWO WAYS Qrs. 6500/-
All Rights Reserved: Any Act of Coping / duplicating/ Misusing/ illegal usage is strictly
prohibited; all liable found doing so shall be legally prosecuted by the owner.