Advanced Road Design: Convert Your Bricscad® Into A Civil Design Package

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Advanced Road Design

Convert your Bricscad into a Civil Design package

Advanced Road Design provides every Bricscad user highly efficient and simple-to-use civil design tools including
surfaces, alignments, road networks, drainage, sewer and utility pipe systems. With Advanced Road Design
residing directly inside the Bricscad environment, you can do all your design and drafting within Bricscad, ready
for plotting. Built for all civil designers, you can quickly and easily generate road network designs complete with
dynamic intersections and cul-de-sacs, updating as you make changes to any element. The software is also
purpose built for the road reconstruction designers, and there are piping design tools
for drainage and sewer designers. As you design, you will be drafting your outputs
inside Bricscad.
Heres how Advanced Road Design can benefit you:
Integrates design and drafting
All-in-One Program Surface, Alignment, Road and Pipe design
Easy to learn
Low cost resides on top of your Bricscad
Civil Survey Solutions

Head Office:
1/29 Business Park Dr
Notting Hill, Victoria

Reports and Outputs Direct to Bricscad

You design in Bricscad and your drafting occurs in
Bricscad, updating as you make your design changes.
Save time, effort and risk with revision controls by
managing the design and drafting in the one drawing.
Create numerous
reports and tables
from the design, such
as surface analysis
outputs, point setout
or pit schedules.

New South Wales

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Table outputs are generated as Bricscad table objects,

enabling a high level control on the outputs.

Design long sections and cross sections output to

separate drawings or as layouts in the current
drawingyou get to customise the output to suit your
drafting standards during the plotting process.
The benefits at a glance:
Reports can typically be exported to csv and as
tables in the drawing
Table outputs can be customised by you
Generate setout reports, volume reports, long &
cross section plots at any time from your designs
Quick and easy to use
Table output of surface analyses in the dwg

1300 254 004
+61 3 9544 5250


Surface Modelling
Turn your 3D drawing data into a Surface model and
dynamically display contours and contour labels. You
can create surface data from a multitude of data in the
drawing, as well as external point files and LandXML.
Display the surface how you wanta wide range of
surface analysis tools enable you to display slope
arrows, elevation banding, direction shading and more.
Its easy to share your data out to other design packages
via LandXML transfer.
The benefits at a glance:
Supports multiple data inputs
Intuitive display controls
Outputs dynamically represented in Bricscad
Supports external point file data and LandXML
Dynamic adjustments to contour settings
Volume reports and supports surface merging
Bricscad table output of surface analyses

Stringer Survey* - Topographical Survey

When combined with Stringer Survey*, the surface
modelling functionality provides a comprehensive
topographical surface modelling solution. You can
import your raw survey data into Bricscad to create
COGO points.
Create your topographical surface with breaklines
automatically added directly from the surveyed points.

Advanced Road Design

Civil Design Inside Bricscad
Data Sharing
Advanced Road Design interfaces with other design
programs that support Land XML. Using Land XML, you
can share your surfaces, alignments and string data with
other designers or upload to survey equipment for
machine control.
In pipe design, Advanced Road Design shares pipe
network data with Watercom Drains and PC Drains, as
well as maintaining data output files for import into
other packages.

Hec-Ras Support
Advanced Road Design for HEC-RAS provides users with
the ability to transfer section data to HEC-RAS for river
analysis, including assignment of Mannings coefficients,
defining overbank areas, skewed sections, houses
and ineffective areas.
Waterline results can be exported back to Advanced
Road Design for presentation in the drawing and
construction of a water surface.

Civil Survey Solutions

Head Office:
1/29 Business Park Dr
Notting Hill, Victoria

New South Wales

Advanced Road Design Pick your Bricscad or AutoCAD Drafting Platform

With full support in Bricscad V12 or an AutoCAD based platform, you have the flexibility to select the drafting
engine you need for your organisation. Below is a comparison table to highlight the product differences.

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1300 254 004
+61 3 9544 5250


* Stringer Survey is a software package produced by Civil Survey Solutions as a sellable product. The Civil Survey Solutions Suite combines Advanced Road Design
and Stringer Survey. Stringer Survey can be purchased separately to Advanced Road Design. Please contact Civil Survey Solutions for more information.

Advanced Road Design

Roads, Drainage and Sewer Design inside Bricscad
Alignment Design
Alignment design is easy in Advanced Road Designjust click on
a polyline and it becomes an alignment object, complete with
Alignment editing tools provide quick adjustments to the tangents, curves and spirals. As you edit the alignment geometry
the display updates in the drawing, including all labelling.
The benefits at a glance:
Click button conversion from polylines to alignments
Labelling is automatic, dynamic and fully customisable
Labelling is automatically set to be plan readable
Simple to use and easy to make edits
Create Bricscad alignment and curve tables

Alignment tables can

be created when you
create the alignment or
during editing. You
select the information
to include in the Bricscad table and update
it when the design

Road DesignRoad Networks, Road Reconstruction and String Design

Advanced Road Design combines template and string based
design and automates the inclusion of common design elements
such as intersections, kerb returns and cul-de-sacs, providing for
rapid creation and output of road subdivisions, reconstruction,
rural, highway and other design projects.
With three dynamic and interactive views of your road design
you can see the development of the plan, long and cross sections
as edits are made. Plan drafting updates as the design changes,
so you dont need to worry about revision control.
Centralisation of the vertical grading and cross section editing
tools makes designs simple and efficient.
Every alignment can be converted into a String for independent
vertical grading, so you can construct whatever design you need.
Long and cross sections can be
published at any time in the drawing
you control the sheet layout,
scales, title block and more. Save
and re-use plotting setups on any
Point setout can be generated at any
time including external point files.
The benefits at a glance:
Template and string based design
Centralised vertical grading and cross section tools to
streamline the design process
Automates common road network elements such as
intersections, kerb returns, cul-de-sacs and knuckles
Comprehensive String design tools
Dynamic and interactive views for long section, cross
section and plan design and display
Multiple vertical design windows to create and edit
vertical geometry, including plan tracker
Multiple cross section windows to view design sections at
various chainages, with plan and vertical grading trackers
Civil Survey Solutions Pty Ltd

Road Network Design and Outputs

You can completely automate your road subdivision
processes using intelligent objects such as
kerb returns, cul-de-sacs and knuckles.
As the software understands the
interactions between roads, kerb
returns and cul-de-sacs, when
you edit any road vertical or cross
section geometry, the affected
kerb returns and cul-de-sacs
automatically update, including
updating all linework and
Road Reconstruction
The software has been
developed with road
reconstruction in mind.
You can develop multi
level sugrade layers,
apply independent
horizontal and/or
vertical control over
any part of your cross
section, match parts of your design to any surface, automate the
vertical design by applying resheet/overlay depths, and more.
With multiple cross section window
displays, you can track changes to
crossfalls and cut/fill depths along your
road design.
Using a String and modelling based
approach, you can tackle any type of
design, incorporating both new and
existing infrastructure into your design

Australia ph: 1300 254 004

Advanced Road Design

Roads, Drainage and Sewer Design inside Bricscad
Highway Design and Modelling
Advanced Road Design
is a proven performer
for large scale designs
including service
roads, 50+km of
multiple divided
carriageways and
grade separated
Advanced Road Design
includes specific design tools for highway designers in managing
grade separated roads, multiple benching conditions and open

You design itthe software will build it!

You can create your own design models in
the software, applying any
combination of roads,
kerb returns, cul-de-sacs
and other strings at user
defined chainage ranges.
This provides design freedom to model car
parks, retaining walls, wetlands or other design features.
Surface models are created and can automatically update as any of
the design strings change, as well as be shown in the cross sections.

Pipe, Stormwater and Sewer Design

The interactive vertical design windows make designing the pipe
branches simple see the pipe details in a design long section view
including all crossing services, with conflicting pipes highlighted.

Complete your pipe

designs and generate your
design outputs directly in
the drawing.

As you move pipes up and down and change pipe sizes you can
review the design impacts.

You can take any polyline

geometry in the drawing
and convert it into a
connected pipe network,
then view and edit it
vertically and in plan.

Service Obstructions are created directly from polylines and are

included in every vertical design window to avoid clashes.

For stormwater drainage

designers, assign
catchments and rainfalls and have the software calculate pipe
inverts and pipe sizes to accommodate the design flows. You can
generate long sections and reports of your designs.
Pipe and Stormwater Designersthe benefits at a glance:
Supports stormwater, sewer and general pipe design
Avoid service obstructions and pipe conflicts
Edit multiple pipe networks in Vertical Grading widows
and interactively review crossing pipes
Pipe networks are synchronised with and displayed on
Road long and cross sections
Drainage design is in accordance with Australian Rainfall
and Runoffreview the design implications of making
changes to pipe inverts and sizes, as you make the changes
Easily create drainage catchments using surface and
polylines in the drawing
Easily create drainage
catchments using surface and
polylines in the drawing
Plotting tools generate industry
standard outputs complete with
drainage details
Customisable reports outputted
directly to the drawing
Civil Survey Solutions Pty Ltd

For sewer designers,

connections are
included for depth
controls and minimum
levels along the sewer
network. House
connections (lot
controls) are easy to
create an edit.
The sewer pipes will
automatically adjust to ensure compliance with the house/property
controls. You can review and design your sewer pipe network in the
vertical grading window, including display of all crossing pipes and
house connections.
Plotting and reports can be customised to suit your needs.
Sewer Designersthe benefits at a glance:
Sewer house/property connections can check depth controls
and minimum levels along the sewer
House connections can be viewed in a
vertical design window for editing
Be alerted if sewer pipe edits result in any
compliance issues with house/property
connection levels
Generate specific sewer reports to
confirm design compliance.

Australia ph: 1300 254 004

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