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Zepp Golf User Guide

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Updated August 25, 2014


Getting Started

Whats Included

iOS & Android Requirements

Downloading the app

Turning on your Zepp Sensor

Pairing your Zepp Sensor

Getting to know your Sensor

Mounting your Zepp Golf sensor

Capturing a Swing

Flash Storage Capability

Battery Life, Charging and Power

Multi-Sport Functionality


Factory Reset

LED Indicator Lights

Getting to know your Zepp App

What Zepp Golf measures

Swing History

3D Swing Screen


Swing Dashboard


Set goals and track your improvement


Cloud Sync


Compare Swings


Sharing your Swings


Screen Lock


Delete a Swing


Low Battery Indicator


Practice Swings


General Information & Specifications


Zepp Golf App Updates


Zepp Golf Firmware Updates


Using your Zepp in wet conditions


Customer Support


Technical Specifications


Return policy and warranty


Regulatory and Safety Notices


Getting Started


Page !1

Whats Included

iOS & Android Requirements


iOS iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch iOS 6.1 or later

Android - v2.3.3 and up

Downloading the app

You will need to download the free Zepp Golf app to use your sensor.
1. Click on the App Store or Google Play icon on your iOS or Android
2. In the search toolbox, enter Zepp Golf.
3. There will be an icon with an add feature that says "Free" for iOS users
and "Install" for Android users. Click this icon. A new green icon will
appear asking "Install App. Tap it.


4. Once the download is complete you can find Zepp Golf on your device.

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Turning on your Zepp Sensor

Pairing your Zepp Sensor

To turn it on, press in from the side towards the LED channel (see image

Pairing an iOS Device

below). You should feel the button push in slightly when you do this. Hold

1. Select the Settings icon and then select Bluetooth. If Bluetooth is not

for at least 4 seconds when pushed in. If it doesn't turn on try holding a
bit longer and adjusting your finger to the top corner.

enabled, turn it on.

2. Your iOS device will automatically search for Zepp. This will take


approximately 15-30 seconds. Once found, a pop up "Bluetooth Pairing

Request" will appear. Select Pair.
3. When paired, your device will note Zepp Connected.
4. After connection has been established, another pop up will appear
asking you to allow Zepp to communicate with the ZEPP App. Select
5. From this point on, your iOS device will automatically pair with Zepp
Golf. Unless if you turn Bluetooth off or unconnected Zepp by selecting
Forget this Device, you will not need to pair the device when you turn
on your Zepp.


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Pairing an Android device

1. Select the Settings icon and then select Bluetooth. If Bluetooth is not
enabled, turn it on.
2.With some Android OS, you may receive a pop up message to let you
know the Bluetooth is paring with your Zepp device. Select "OK".
3.It will take approximately 15-30 seconds for Zepp to pair with the
device. When paired, your device will note Zepp Paired.
4.From this point on, your Android device will automatically pair with
Zepp. Unless if you turn Bluetooth off or unconnected Zepp, you will
not need to pair the device when you turn on your Zepp.



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Getting to know your Sensor


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Mounting your Zepp Golf sensor

5. Set up to a ball and take a swing! Each time you make a swing the
Zepp Golf app will show your swing in the app within a few seconds.

Slide the sensor into the golf mount ensuring a secure fit. After you have
inserted the sensor attach the mount to the glove by sliding it over the tab of
your glove. Slide the mount over the tab of your glove so that it fits squarely in

Simply continue swinging after capturing your first swing in order to

capture another swing.

the center.

Capturing a Swing
Once you have established Bluetooth connection and mounted the
sensor to your golf glove youre almost ready to capture a swing.
1. Open the app. Follow the steps to create your account if you havent
done so already.
2. Wait for the yellow sensor icon to appear in the upper left corner of the

main swing screen. ( 1 )

3.Calibrate your sensor by tapping the sensor icon in the upper left part of
the screen. Follow the instructions and remain still while calibrating.
4.Choose a club by tapping the club icon in the bottom left corner. ( 2 )


Page !5

Flash Storage Capability

Hibernate Mode

The Zepp sensor is capable of working both online and offline. For Zepp

detect a swing or a button press for 5 minutes. Simply press the multi-

Golf, it is recommended to operate in online mode (connected to app)

function button or take a swing to wake the sensor out of hibernation

since the club you swing with is regularly changed. In online mode the

mode. If you find that the sensor disconnects from the app during this

Zepp sensor is used when your connected to the app on your phone or

time, press the multi-function button twice to reconnect to the app.

To save battery the sensor will enter a Hibernation Mode if it does not

tablet. All swings are stored immediately and saved to the app. If you
lose connection or capture swings in offline mode all of your swings will
be stored locally on the sensor until you reconnect the app again.

Multi-Sport Functionality
Your sensor will work with all 3 Zepp Sports Apps: Baseball, Tennis, and

Battery Life, Charging and Power

Golf. Simply download the mobile app of choice and attach the sensor to

Battery Life

different sport, connect your sensor to your mobile device and open the

The battery will last up to 5.5 hours with continuous swing recording.

Place your sensor into the USB Charger included in the box, and plug the
charger into any USB port. Charging your sensor will take approximately
2-3 hours. When charging is complete the light rotation of the sensor is
as follows: all of the LED lights will light up for a moment, and then all
LED lights will fade away. This cycle repeating while in the charger
indicates a full charge.


the appropriate racket, bat, or golf mount. To use the sensor for a
sport app of your choice. The app will ask you if you wish to change the
sensor to the new sport mode. Select OK to begin change process.

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Tracking Mode

The Zepp Golf sensor can hold up to 2,000 swings when not connected to

running across the LED channel every 4 seconds.

The sensor is in Tracking Mode when it is on and the LED lights are

the app. When connected to the app all swings will automatically transfer
from the sensor to the app.

Connect Mode

If youre having trouble connecting to Bluetooth press in on the multiWARNING: If you have stored swings that have not been synced to an

function button two times to put the sensor in Connect mode. The sensor

app prior to switching to a new sport they will be erased. You must

will show 3 LEDs traveling back and forth across the LED channel.

upload the stored swings to the correct app prior to switching modes.
Battery Status

Factory Reset
Press in and hold the multi-function button for 10 seconds to reset your
sensor into Factory Default setting.
WARNING: All swings will be erased from memory when your sensor is

LED Indicator Lights

Your Zepp sensor features a display that consists of 10 LED indicator
lights. These lights communicate a variety of feedback including battery
status, searching to connect, starring swings, and sensor reset.


Press in on the multi-function button one time to check the battery status.
If three or less LEDs light up this indicates a low battery. Charge your
sensor for 2-3 hours.
Starring a Swing

The star feature allows you to keep track of all of the great swings you
make. To star a swing with your sensor press in on the multifunctionwithin 10 seconds of your swing.

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Getting to know your Zepp App



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What Zepp Golf measures

Backswing Position

Club/Hand Speed

address and the top of backswing. It is measured by the change in angle

Club Speedmeasures in miles per hour (MPH) or kilometers per hour

(KPH) how fast your club head is traveling at the point it impacts the golf

This is the measurement of degrees of the angle of the club shaft between
at address to the angle at the top of the swing. At address the club is at
zero (0) degrees. At the top of the swing it is 270 degrees.

ball. Hand Speed measures how fast your hands are traveling at the point
it impacts the golf ball.

Hip Rotation

Hip Rotation measures the degrees you rotate your hips on the backswing
Club/Hand Plane

Club plane measures how closely your backswing plane matches your
downswing plane. Hand Plane measures the path your hands make in the
backswing compared to the path they make on the downswing. Ideally,

and then the degrees of rotation at impact. It is captured in the app when
the phone is placed in the front right (righties) or left pocket (lefties). To
ensure the app stays open, we recommend enabling the screen lock
function located in the control center.

the closer the plane matches, the better the golf swing.
Note Mobile device must contain a gyroscope in order to capture hip

Tempo is the ratio of the measured time in seconds it takes to make a

back swing versus the measured rate of time in seconds it takes to make a


Swing History

downswing until impact. Tempo is the natural rhythm and timing of the
swing. You want your swing to not only happen in a timely manner but in
a consistent way with every swing.

Each swing recorded with your Zepp Golf sensor is stored automatically
and can be viewed at any time in your swing history. To view swing
history, tap the calendar icon in the top right corner of the 3D swing
screen. Swing History can also be viewed from the Main Menu screen by
tapping My History.


Page !9

3D Swing Screen

Cloud Sync

Review and replay your swing in 360. ( 1 ) Rotate and analyze your club

Whenever you swing, your swing data will automatically and instantly

path from any angle by moving your finger left to right to swing around

appear on your smartphone or tablet. Theres no limit to how many

your swing. Drag up or down to view from a top angle.

swings you can store and analyze in the app. When youre connected to
WiFi or a 3/4G network your swings will automatically sync to the cloud.

Swing Dashboard
The Swing Dashboard is the dashboard that shows you the results of the
swing you are analyzing. ( 2 )The metrics within the dashboard comprise

Cloud sync allows you to view your swing history when you sign in to the
app from any mobile device.
3D Swing Screen

Swing Dashboard

of the algorithm that makes up your Swing Score. Metrics within the
Swing Dashboard include club speed, hand speed, club plane, hand plane,
tempo, backswing position, and hip rotation (mobile device must contain
gyroscope and be placed in pocket).

Set goals and track your improvement

Goal setting can be used to improve over time. Set your goals and use the
swing dashboard to focus your practice on specific goals. Goals can be set
for speed, tempo, backswing position, club and hand plane. To track your
improvement, go to the Lab Reports and My Statistics section from the
main menu of the app.


Page !10

Compare Swings

Delete a Swing

Select any two swings and replay them simultaneously from any angle or

There are a couple different ways in which you can delete a swing. In your

compare the data for each swing side by side by selecting a swing and

swing history, swipe right or left across the swing that youd like to delete

opening the Control Center ( 1 ) located in the bottom right corner of the

and tap delete. Alternatively, tap edit in the upper right corner of your

app and selecting Compare. ( 2 )

swing history and select the swings that you would like to delete. Lastly,

Sharing your Swings

you can delete selected swings by opening the command center and
tapping Delete. ( 5 )

Swings can be shared via email or social media channels from the Swing
History. Find the swing that you would like to share and swipe right or
left across the session. From here you can select the channel that you
would like to share through. Alternatively, you can share selected swings
by tapping Share ( 3 ) located in the Control Center.

Screen Lock
To lock your screen while capturing swings, select Screen Lock ( 4 )

located in the Control Center.



Page !11

Low Battery Indicator

The Zepp Golf App now indicates when your sensor has low battery. See
photo below.

Practice Swings
Zepp Golf can capture your swings when practicing without a ball. Swings
where you do not make contact with a ball or mat will be marked with a
blue "p" in your swing history which stands for practice.


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General Information & Specifications


Page !13

Zepp Golf App Updates

Technical Specifications

Zepp will periodically add new features, updates, and improvements to

Zepp uses 3 MEMS sensors to measure motion in its proprietary motion

the Zepp Golf app. It is recommended that you keep your Zepp Golf app

engine capture system. This motion engine is used to capture speed,

updated to the latest version.

tempo, backswing position and more.

Zepp Golf Firmware Updates

Return policy and warranty

Zepp will periodically include firmware updates when updates to the app

Zepp provides a one-year limited warranty. Under conditions of the warranty

are released. Updating the firmware will improve accuracy and overall

agreement provided with your Zepp, purchasers will be entitled to repair or

performance of the sensor. To check if a firmware update is available sync

replacement for defective Zepp units. This warranty begins from the date of

the sensor to the app. If an update is available you'll see UPDATE in

initial purchase. Zepp may also choose to refund the purchase price of the unit

yellow in the Settings section. Tap here and follow the instructions.

to the purchaser. Warranty information and the Zepp.com Store Return Policy
can be found online at www.zepp.com/support/golf

Using your Zepp in wet conditions

Your Zepp sensor is water-resistant. It is sweat-proof, rain-proof, water

resistant, and can function with light water exposure.

Customer Support

Troubleshooting and assistance for your Zepp Golf can be found at: http://



Page !14

Regulatory and Safety Notices!

For additional information on disposal and recycling, including contact details of

a distributor in your region, please visit http://zepp.com/support.!

The symbol on the product or its packaging signifies that this product has to be

disposed separately from ordinary household wastes at its end of life. Please
kindly be aware that this is your responsibility to dispose electronic equipment
at recycling centers so as to help conserve natural resources. Each country in
the European Union should have its collection centers for electrical and
electronic equipment recycling. For information about your recycling drop off
point, please contact your local electrical and electronic equipment waste
management authority or the retailer where you bought the product.

Do not dispose of the Zepp sensor with household waste.

Batteries are not to be disposed of in municipal waste stream and require

separate collection. !
Disposal of the packaging and your Zepp should be done in accordance with
local regulations. !


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