Sway Book Summary
Sway Book Summary
Sway Book Summary
support that you are crazy. Even if you are not crazy, being
labelled can be self-perpetuating.
This is known as the Pygmalion effect (describing how we take
on positive traits assigned to us by someone else) and the
Golem effect (describing how we take on negative traits).
The Chameleon effect, page 104 -If someone says that you are
beautiful, thoughtful, etc., you are likely to act that way.
Diagnosis can have a lasting effect on your health.
Studies on aging negative stereotypes about aging contributes
to memory loss and cardiovascular weakness, and even reduce
overall life expectancy by an average of 7.5 years.
11.Procedural justice when it comes to fairness, it is the process not
the outcome that causes us to act irrationally. The need to be heard is
critical when life happens to us as with customer complaints. If the
supplier of a faulty product or service keeps an open line of
communication, regardless of the outcome, the customer responds
more favourably with this process. Well delivered feedback makes
people feel that they are valued. It provides depth, design and
direction to our conversations, it enhances the quality of the
12.Blockers, Initiators, Supporters & Observers in group
Blockers are essential but will find reasons why a project
will not work. They will mostly collide with the Initiator.
Blockers question the wisdom or merit of new decisions. They
raise points about the harmful consequences that might follow.
Blockers are not often given a fair hearing. Dissent has proven
to be helpful in building consensus, it makes a better opinion.
Blocking may not be pleasant, but it can save lives, money and
family well being by taking a stand. It is worth the price of this
book to just read how a pilot error caused the death of 584 lives
due to the co-polot not being a Blocker. The airline industry
has since acted on this issue to train airline crew to act as
effective blockers. (page 164)