Joseph and The Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat: by American Eagle Productions

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Joseph and the Amazing

Technicolor Dream Coat

by American Eagle Productions

Sunday, January 24, 2010

11:00 a.m.—Noon

In the Gym

This is a dramatic, musical entertainment about Divine

Providence. Joseph’s brothers sell him into slavery and
God uses Joseph’s talent to save all of Egypt. All ages will
be engaged with this production. This musical show be-
gins at 11:00 a.m. in the gym for a one hour production.
We will have a continental breakfast and refreshments.

JANUARY 24, 2010


1501 South Main Street, Lombard, IL 60148

Rectory: (630) 629-1717 Fax: (630) 705-0692
Academy: (630) 627-0640 Fax: (630) 705-0139

Page 2 January 24, 2010


Rev. Robert Schoenstene Deacon Fred Francl Deacon Wayne Storrs

630.629.1717 630.629.1717 630.629.1717

Deacon Frank Lillig Deacon Peter Robinson

630.396.6077 Coor. Pastoral Care; 630.629.1717

Rev. Peter Jarosz, Pastor


Eileen Maggiore Sherry Rochford Bill Runge

Pastoral Assoc./Adult Faith Formation Children’s Faith Formation Director of Music and Liturgy
630.396.6076; 630.396.6078; 630.396.6075;

Elaine Ward Marge Zilinsky Carol Clishem

Business Manager Religious Education/Parish Secretary Pastor’s/Parish Secretary
630.396.6073; 630.396.6074; 630.629.1717;

Jill Placey, Academy Director Lori Bhardwaj

Kindergarten Teacher Academy Secretary/Parish Finance Asst.
630.627.0640; 630.627.0640;

Karen Hanish, Pre-School Jan Waas, Pre-School Aide Michelle Iwinski, Kindergarten Aide

Tony Azzolin Maintenance

Facilities Manager Paul Sweder, Joe Iapichino
630.629.1717; Victor Mandin

Welcome New Parishioners!

We would like to welcome the following families who have joined our parish over the past 3 months.
We are happy to have you as part of our family!

Jeffrey and Eileen McLaughlin, Jeffrey, Jr., Jessica and Kiera

Juan Castillo/Emily Rodriquez, Marcus
Vanessa Delgado, Rachel
Joseph and Catherine Piscitelli, Isabel and Mason
John Stoecker
Joseph and Amie Thompson, Lillie Winburn, Dreylon Jones and Ricki Dunklin
Angie Finnegan, Sara, Matthew Finnegan and Cristian Arriaga
Susie Arredondo, Lujan
Beverly Cione, Jason
Stephen and Cierra Urbanczyk
Mary E. McGrath
Jeff Smosna
Robert and Nicole Salerno
January 24, 2010 Page 3

Annulments: What Catholics and

Save the Date!
Non-Catholics Should Know
50th Anniversary Saturday, February 6, 2010, 9:30am to 12 noon
Parish Appreciation St. Joan of Arc Parish Center
Mardi Gras Celebration This morning session is designed for those who are think-
ing about starting the annulment process, but would like
February 13th, 2010 more information about annulments before making a deci-
sion. The morning will explore the Church's view of mar-
7:30 p.m. in the Parish Life Center riage, definition of annulment, annulment myths, the
ABC's of the formal process, and the benefits and difficul-
More information to follow. ties encountered.
The workshop will be conducted by Desiree Marciani,
M.S., the Associate Director of The Center for Family Min-
istry for the Diocese of Joliet.

O God, we acknowledge you today as Lord, For further information or to register, please contact Paul
Not only of individuals, Fay, Director of Adult Faith Formation, at (630) 963 -
but of nations and governments. 4500, X4529
We thank you for the privilege
Of being able to organize ourselves politically
And of knowing that political loyalty
Does not have to mean disloyalty to you.
We thank you for your law,
Which our Founding Fathers acknowledged Marriage Encounter
And recognized as higher than any human law.
We thank you for the opportunity Now you are Christ’s body, and indi-
that this election year puts before us, vidually parts of it (1CCor.12:27). As
To exercise our solemn duty not only to vote, Sacraments of the Church and part of
But to influence countless others to vote, Christ’s body, we need to take care
And to vote correctly. of our relationships. Worldwide Mar-
Lord, we pray that your people may be awakened. riage Encounter can help you strengthen your marriage/
Let them realize that while politics is not their salvation, holy orders. Plan to attend a Worldwide Marriage Encoun-
Their response to you requires that they be politically active. ter Weekend on February 19-21, 2010. Contact Jerry and
Awaken your people to know that they are Darlene Huston 630-577-0778. For more information visit
not called to be a sect fleeing the world our website at:
But rather a community of faith renewing the world.
Awaken them that the same hands lifted up to you in prayer
Are the hands that pull the lever in the voting booth;
That the same eyes that read your Word
Are the eyes that read the names on the ballot,
And that they do not cease to be Christians
When they enter the voting booth.
Awaken your people to a commitment to justice Out of Poverty Program
To the sanctity of marriage and the family,
To the dignity of each individual human life, “Out of Poverty” classes will be held on 8 consecutive
And to the truth that human rights Mondays, from 9:30am – 12:30 pm, starting February 22,
begin when human lives begin, 2010 through Monday April 5, 2010 at Catholic Charities,
And not one moment later. 26 W St Charles Rd. Lombard, IL 60148. A graduation
Lord, we rejoice today ceremony will take place on Monday April 12, 2010.
That we are citizens of your kingdom. Babysitting will be available.
May that make us all the more committed
To being faithful citizens on earth. Jane Tyschenko
We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Outreach Support Specialist
Catholic Charities, Diocese of Joliet
--Fr. Frank Pavone 630-495-8008 x2123
Page 4 January 24, 2010

Mass Intentions Pray for Healing

Saturday, January 23 5:00 John Esposito
Jean Brzezinski, Diana Crue, Peter Christoff, Roberta
Blessed Virgin Mary
2 Sm 1:1-4, 11-12, 19, 23-27; Mk 3:20- Dirschl, Joan Frichtl, Cathy Castro, Frank Nelson, John
21 Sheehan, Denis Perry, Joan Temborius, Lorraine Wick,
Marilyn Melichar, Carmen Giacalone, Isabel Carey, Efren
Sunday, January 24 8:00 Chester Smok Iraola, Mary Lou LeRoy, Esther Sassi, Sam Battaglia,
3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time 10:00 Rick Madison Sharon Barsaloux, Robert Balteskonis, Karen Schumann,
Neh 8:2-4a, 5-6, 8-10; Ps 19;1 Cor 12:00 Dirce Redivo Kevin Stellmach, Maurice Vandenbroucke, Jodie Garri-
12:12-30; Lk 1:1-4; 4:14-21 son, Jeffrey McLaughlin, Brian Millsap, Eleanor Conforti.
8:30 Kathyrn Brosey
Please pray for all the sick in our parish, our families, our
Monday, January 25
The Conversion of St. Paul
friends, our community.
Acts 22:3-16 or 9:1-22; Mk 16:15-18

Tuesday, January 26 8:30 Russ Rusevic Hospitality

Ss. Timothy and Titus
2 Tm 1:1-8 or Ti 1:1-5; Mk 3:31-35 Thank you to the PADS ministry for an enjoyable Hospi-
tality Sunday a couple weeks ago. Join us for Hospitality
Wednesday, January 27 8:30 Edward Soppi
Feb 6th and 7th hosted by the Service Commission.
St. Angela Merici
2 Sm 7:4-17; Mk 4:1-20
Karen Schumann, Hospitality Chairman
Thursday, January 28 8:30 Tom & Alice Flanagan
St. Thomas Aquinas
2 Sm 7:18-19, 24-29; Mk 4:21-25

Friday, January 29 8:30 Joseph C. Salerno

2 Sm 11:1-4a, 5-10a, 13-17;
Mk 4:26-34

Saturday, January 30 5:00 Edwin Wilson

Blessed Virgin Mary
2 Sm 12:1-7a, 10-17; Mk 4:35-41

Sunday, January 31 8:00 Rita Smith

4th Sunday in Ordinary Time 10:00 Mildred Grayson
Jer 1:4-5, 17-19; Ps 71; 12:00 Vicky & Patrick Freund
1 Cor 12:31 — 13:13; Lk 4:21-30

Jan 30, 5:00 PM Jan 31, 8:00 AM Jan 31, 10:00 AM Jan 31, 12:00 PM
Allison Achenbaugh Rebecca Haas Alexander Sokalski Cedric Martinez
Altar Server Brian Orr NOT FILLED MaureenRose Sweeney Justin Martinez
Neil Orr KaitlynReilley Sweeney Monique Martinez
Roberta Beckman Arsenio Alzona Pat Barone Roberta Beckman
Sandi DiSalvo Mercedita Alzona Lee Burr James Begale
Extraordinary Minis- Joseph Iapichino June Carlson Carol Clishem Patricia Caruso
ter of Holy Commun- Mary Maderak Eugene Caselli Russell Gaden Terry Caruso
ion Joseph Maderak Rudy Caselli Fran Harris Sean McDaniel
Fran Zelazny Kate Uhart Maryanne Klomfar Valeree Paras
George Zelazny Rick Uhart Henry Sokalski Sharon Pierscionek
Lector Maura Gonzalo Joseph Lofendo Veronica Sujewicz Patricia Millsap
Presider Fr Peter Jarosz Fr Bob Schoenstene Fr Bob Schoenstene Fr Peter Jarosz
B. Collins, G. Francl, L. Michalik, B. & P. Robinson, F. Kaminski, G. Majcen, Roberta Beckman, E & E
Ministers of Care
Mears, R. Caselli, J. Furgal
January 24, 2010 Page 5

St. Joseph’s Table Pray for our Military

Christ the King’s annual St. Joseph’s Table will be held on Joseph Velasco, III, Richard Godman, III, Steven
March 14 in the gymnasium. This event is truly a fun-
Van Dyke, Jeremy Guenther, Frank Minniti, Andrew
filled, family oriented affair that is always enjoyable.
DaMitz, Patrick J. Doran, Kevin Dollens, Jessie
The committee is in need of many volunteers and food Blanton, Michael Whelan, John Pierczynski, Thomas
donations. See further bulletin articles for more informa- Pierczynski, Scott Allen Petersen, Kevin Fitzpatrick,
tion or call Mary Ellen Clish, St. Joseph’s Table Chair- Nikita Majcen, Tom Clohessy, Benjamin Raymond,
man, at 1-630-495-1339. Stephanie Olson, Joshua D. Braun, Brandon Hart-
mann, Jeffrey W. Erickson, Mark Kuhar, Matthew
Beifuss, Francis Beifuss, Melissa J. Gertie, Lara
Parish St. Patrick's Day Luncheon Owczarski, Frank Wilkins III, David Jurk, Kyle
Villalobos, Douglas Wozniak, Jeff Maicke, Philip
Plans are already in the works for this year’s annual Corpuz Torralba, Robert Schroeder, Nicholas
Luncheon to Honor St. Patrick to be held on Wednesday, Zappa.
March 17 at 11 o’clock in the Parish Life Center. Please
mark your calendars and don’t miss this fun and enter- Do you have a loved one in the armed forces?
taining dining experience. Luncheon will include tradi- Email, call, or drop a note in the collection with their
tional Irish dishes. See more details in further bulletins. name.
Remember, everyone is Irish on March 17.

Council of Catholic Women Board

Basketball Free Throw Contest
For boys and girls ages 10 - 14

The "Tap" Goes On: This is not a School Sponsored Activity

Called to Discipleship What: Free Throw Contest

Monday, February 8 When: Saturday, Jan 30th, 6 PM –
(Sign-up 5:30–6:00).
Ballydoyle Irish Pub Where: Christ The King School
Downtown Downers Grove
5157 Main Street, Downers Grove, IL Prizes will be awarded to all 1st places in
each division. Pizza and pop will be served
Serving Young Adults, College Age, 20's and 30's immediately following the contest.
Attendance is free Contact: Ray Wojkovich at 630-932-9833
Food and Drinks Available for Purchase
Monday Evenings Gather at 6:30...Speaker at 7:00

Jeremy Hylka...Called to Discipleship

Jeremy is Director of Liturgy and Youth Ministry at St.
Paul the Apostle Parish in Joliet. He has a degree in The-
ology from the University of St. Francis and continued his
studies in youth ministry at Loyola University. His work in
the Church has included directing a youth ministry pro-
gram, teaching high school theology, assisting at special
Masses, and speaking at numerous churches on various
topics Next up: March 8: Duane and Chris Wozek Finding
the Perfect Mate

Questions? Jerry Christensen:

Page 6 January 24, 2010

Christ the King Early Learning Academy

For ages 3, 4 & 5 Year Olds


STUDENT’S NAME:_______________________ GENDER:_____________

STUDENT’S ADDRESS:____________________________________________

CITY:_____________________ ZIP:__________________

HOME PHONE:__________________________________________

OPTIONAL PHONE NUMBER: ______________________


MOTHER’S MAIDEN NAME:_________________________________________

STUDENT’S FULL BIRTH DATE:_____________________

STUDENT’S SOCIAL SECURITY:_____________________

STUDENT ETHNICITY: (optional) African American_____ American Indian/Native Alaskan_____

Asian_____ Caucasian_____ Hispanic_____ Multi-Racial_____
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander_____


KINDERGARTEN______ (Full Day) PRE-SCHOOL: 4YR. (A.M.-M,W,F) _____
4YR. (A.M.-M thru F) ____
4YR. (FULL TIME)_____
3YR. (A.M.-T,TH)______
NAME OF PARISH I BELONG TO:_____________________________________
CHURCH OF BAPTISM:_________________________ FULL DATE OF BAPTISM:_____________
CHURCH OF FIRST COMMUNION:______________________
FULL DATE OF FIRST COMMUNION:_____________________



in school office)


CATE (if not baptized at Christ the King)



January 24, 2010 Page 7

Dear Academy Families and parish families,

Catholic Grade School’s Open Houses
Thank you for such a successful Winter Wonderland
Fundraiser! The total for the event was close to St. Pius Open House
$8,000.00 thanks to all the hard work and generosity of
many people from parish, school and friends! A special St. Pius X Parish School invites prospective parents to
thanks to Sue Wick who made the event possible – the learn more about our school at our upcoming open
Academy is indebted to her many God-given talents houses. From 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. on Sunday, Jan. 31, St.
that she continues to share with us! Pius will be hosting an open house event for current and
prospective families to kick off Catholic Schools Week. In
Please make sure that your child has proper winter addition, from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. on Monday, Feb. 1, and
clothing, including boots. Send in some sneakers – it’s Tuesday, Feb. 2, prospective parents are invited to come
hard to run in the gym in boots and our staff cannot to the school to take a tour and see a Catholic education
take students outside to play in the snow without boots. in action. St. Pius, located at 601 S. Westmore Road in
Please call the school at any time before you leave Lombard, is in its 53rd year of educating students in
home for school to make sure we are open during in- Lombard, Villa Park and the surrounding communities.
clement weather. An emergency prompt is given for Students benefit from the school's academic excellence,
emergency closing. Listen for Mrs. Placey’s message. state-of-the-art technology, service projects and warm
community, all in a faith-based environment. Come and
Please mark your calendar for these important dates: see what we have to offer! For more information, please
contact the school at 630-627-2353. Visit us online at
Jan 12 Academy Advisory Council Meeting at 6:30!
Jan 15 No School
Jan 22 Book Fair in Parish Life Center
Jan 23-24 Book Fair in Parish Life Center
Jan 28-29 No School
Jan 31 Catholic Schools Week Mass at Noon
Open House at Academy after Mass till 2:00 PM
Feb 1 Parent Coffee & Treats!
2 Movie Day
3 Pajama Day and Preschool
Conferences 4-6pm
4 Academy t-shirt day with
Music and Exercise Day
5 Pizza Lunch

Parents will be receiving a Book Fair magazine & enve-

lope to assist with shopping. The Book Fair benefits
the Academy – either with cash or materials for use in
the classroom such as books, games and other re-
sources. We are very lucky to have our volunteer Pat
Luedtke chair this event!

Each family has received an order form for Spirit prod-

ucts. Products should arrive by Catholic Schools
Week. We would like each student to have a t-shirt to
wear during Catholic Schools Week. The affordable
products are a great way to market our Acad-
emy. Thanks to Karen Corcoran for making these
products available for the Academy! Please turn in
registration forms for the next school year this month –
classes are already forming for next year! You may
want attend an Academy Advisory Council meeting–
we would love to hear your voice!

Academy Staff
Page 8 January 24, 2010

Why should we sing at Mass? A Sad Anniversary

A Reflection from our PPC Chair
On January 22, 1973, the Roe vs.
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops says Wade Supreme Court decision
that singing is a very important part of our praise and wor- legalized abortion in the United
ship to God. So then why do so many of us keep our States through all nine months of
heads down and our mouths closed when we are at pregnancy. Tens of millions of
Mass? I look around the church when we are singing and children have been killed as a
while the choir is signing beautifully the congregation is result. The plaintiff in the case,
staying silent. It is so easy for us to forget that what God however, has changed her mind.
loves most is to hear our voices raised in prayer by sing- Norma McCorvey, the former
ing. I remember hearing my teachers in religious educa- “Jane Roe” of Roe vs. Wade, now
tion telling us that “when you sing you are praying twice”! opposes abortion and works for
It’s not just the people of Christ the King that are guilty of the reversal of this tragic decision.
this but it seems that singing in church is a problem in Her conversion gives us hope that
most parishes. as millions of Americans pray,
march, and speak up this week-
I have had the wonderful opportunity to do some traveling end for the unborn, the con-
this past year and to visit other churches of other religions science of the nation will again be stirred, and the bless-
while I found that their services were interesting what I ings of liberty, equality, and prosperity will be granted
found more striking was the way that the congregation soon to the children living in their mothers’ wombs.
worshiped God, voices were raised in song and arms
were raised in praise especially at certain times when a The Gospel reading today fits perfectly with the sad com-
verse of the song hit their hearts and they felt God even memoration of Roe vs. Wade (January 22), which hun-
stronger. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if each one of us could dreds of thousands of citizens observe as an occasion to
raise our voices to God and not worry about what we advocate for the rights of children in the womb and call for
sound like, or that we don’t know the words – here is a their protection. Such advocacy is at the heart of the Gos-
hint GOD DOESN’T CARE!!!! He loves to hear our music pel and of Jesus’ mission. “He has anointed me to bring
not the notes from the instruments being played but the glad tidings to the poor, to proclaim liberty to captive…to
words flowing from our mouths. Please join me at Mass let the oppressed go free.”
this weekend and every weekend and raise your voices to
God! Nobody is more oppressed in our world today than the
unborn child. The Spirit of the Lord, who is our Advocate
Roberta Beckman in heaven, fills us and makes us advocates for these
Parish Pastoral Counsel Chairperson lives. And that advocacy takes so many numerous forms
in the wide variety of activities in the pro-life movement.
Just as the second reading reminds us of the diversity of
the one Body of Christ, so is that diversity manifested in
the pro-life movement which, driven by the same Spirit
who is “Father of the poor,” seeks the same ultimate goal.

Today is a day to remind our people of the extent of this

tragedy, and of the fact that it is “our business” to inter-
vene for the victims of abortion, no less than it is our busi-
Easter Triduum Choir Rehearsals ness to help the victims of crime, war, drugs, poverty,
AIDS, and any other type of violence. Ours is the busi-
ness of love, the business of “letting the oppressed go
Rehearsals for the Triduum Choir begin on Wednesday,
free,” for that is what God has done to us.
January 27, 2010 at 7:00pm in the church. Our Choir is
open to all parishioners, high school and above, who
Some 42 million children have been aborted in the United
love to sing and are able to commit to weekly rehearsals
States since the 1973 Roe vs. Wade decision. May they
through Easter. If you have any questions, or wish to join
rest in peace. Let us do our part this new year 2010 to
us, please contact Bill Runge at 630.396.6075 or
promote the culture of life--a greater respect for the eld-
erly, dying, the unborn and an end to capital punishment.
Let us pray for Gods mercy and compassion.
We are especially in need of more male voices for tenor
or bass. Contraltos are also needed (female tenor
Priests For Life
voices). You do not need to be a trained singer to join us.
January 24, 2010 Page 9

Jubilee Events:
Jan 24, 2010: Whole Parish Catechesis: Apr 25, 2010: Spirit of Life Concert
Celebrating Family Life
May 9, 2010: May Crowning following the 10:00 mass
Feb 13, 2010: Mardi Gras celebration (7:30 p.m.)
50th Anniversary Memories Display June 6, 2010: Feast of Corpus Christi Procession

Mar 7-17: Pilgrimage to the Holy Land Sept 18, 2010: 50th Anniversary Dinner Dance
w/ Fr Peter

Mar 21, 2010: Family Fun Fair

50th Anniversary Pilgrimage to the

Holy Land with Father Peter Jarosz
March 7-17, 2010

Questions? Call Fr. Peter


The 2010 SpeakOut Illinois Conference

Defending Life; Protecting the Future
January 30, 2010 – 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Doubletree Hotel – 1909 Spring Road – Oak Brook, IL

You are invited to attend the 2010 Conference which will feature three
exciting speakers: PHILL KLINE, former Kansas Attorney General
with a talk entitled “The Foundation of Liberty and the Rule of Law –
the Need for Truth.” LILA ROSE of Live Action Films, with her story
of how she “Exposed the Truth About Planned Parenthood.” AUSTIN
RUSE, President of the Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute,
who will receive the Henry Hyde Life Leadership Award and give a talk entitled “The UN Threat to Life, Faith and Fam-

Registration postmarked by 1-18-10 - $50 [after that date $60] Includes luncheon at 12:30 p.m.

A concurrent Conference TEEN SPEAK will also be held with the theme: “PRO-LIFE TEENS TAKE ACTION!” UCLA
student LILA ROSE will be featured with her talk “Undercover at Planned Parenthood.”
$25 registration fee includes lunch and materials.

TEEN SPEAK ESSAY CONTEST offering a first place scholarship of $1,000 and second place $500 to students 14-18
years of age. The theme: Think ahead to the next six months. What could you do to help fight abortion during that
time? E-mail essay submission by Jan. 27 in MS Word or WordPerfect format to You must
be present to win.

For full information on both Conferences:: or phone: 312-422-9300

Page 10 January 24, 2010

Request for 2009 Year-End Stewardship of Treasure

Contribution Statement January 9/10
(drop in collection or mail - Attn: Business Office)
Will be mailed after January 30, 2010. # Registered Families 1380
Please DO NOT CALL the Parish Office
Information cannot be given or Account # Amount
requests taken over the phone
White Envelopes 384 $8,952.12
Non-envelope users $3,808.18
This week’s total $12,760.30

Street Address________________________________ Weekly Budget $13,462.00

Difference -$701.70

Green Envelopes* 76 $1,218.00

Envelope No.________
Restricted Budget** $2,308 .00
Difference -$1,090

Finance Council Gold 39 $416.50

January Meeting Minutes * Thank you for reaching the goal this past week!
Let’s try to reach our goal of $2,500 weekly to bring down our debt!
The Finance Council met on the evening of January 13th.
Elaine Ward, Rick Cosenza, Lori Bhardwaj, and Brian
Carnahan were in attendance. A small correction was
Parish Offering Program
made to the December minutes, and then they were ap-
proved. December giving figures were not yet available
Our Planned Parish Offering Program will begin on Janu-
for analysis. November giving was down when compared
ary 31. Father Peter will speak all Masses regarding
to the previous 3 years. Historically we’ve seen an in-
Stewardship. Each registered household will be receiving
crease in giving late in the year, coinciding with the start
a summary letter and Declaration of Intention Card. After
of the holiday season and the Annual Stewardship Ap-
prayerful consideration, the Intention Card will be returned
peal. We remain hopeful that upcoming February figures
in the next weeks offertory collection (Commitment Sun-
will reflect the successes of our Stewardship Appeal. Fa-
ther Peter will address the Appeal in his homily, and let-
ters will be mailed to parishioners. Commitment weekend
Our Planned Parish Offering Program is one very impor-
will be the first week of February. All contributions large
tant way to express our self-giving for the good of others
and small are helpful and very much appreciated. Every-
and for God’s greater glory. Your donation aids the parish
thing is going well at the Early Learning Academy and
in forecasting revenue for the next year. Please reflect on
preparations are being made for next year’s budget. The
your spending priorities and consider where our parish is
next Finance meetings are scheduled for February 10th
currently placed within them.
and March 10th.

The Administration Commission and Christ the King staff wishes to thank all the parishioners and organization
who ordered a commemorative brick that will surround the Ten Commandment monument. A total of 149 bricks
were ordered. We also want to thank John Brust, of Brust Funeral Home, who donated a granite bench facing
the Ten Commandment side. Installation will begin in early spring, weather permitting. It is our intention that
the bricks will be in place in time for Easter. All the proceeds from the sale of brick commemorative will go into
the enhancement and repair of our campus. Your generosity made it possible to achieve our goal to provide our
parishioners a place for reflection and prayer.
January 24, 2010 Page 11



Book Fair All Masses PLC Exposition/Adoration 9am-8pm Church
Generations of Faith 11:00am Gym Break Open the Word 10:00am ER
Knights of Columbus 6:30pm ER
SVDP Food Pantry 12:00pm ER FRIDAY
CCW 7:00pm ER

Prayer Group 7:00pm ER

Children’s Choir Rehearsal 4:45pm Church SATURDAY
Rosary and Chaplet 5:30pm Church
Teen Ensemble Rehearsal 6:30pm Church Pre-Cana Marriage Prep 8:00am ER/PLC
Ensemble Rehearsal 7:30pm Church
R.C.I.A. 10:00am ER
RE Classes 6:30pm Academy Confirmation Retreat 10:00am PLC
50th Anniv. Meeting 7:00pm ER Catholic Schools Week Kickoff 12:00pm Church
Financial Freedom 6:30pm Academy Infant Jesus of Prague 3:00pm Church
Choir Rehearsal 7:00pm Church

Sacraments Mass Times Rectory Hours

Monday-Friday 8:30am
Baptism: Arrangements for baptisms are
Mon: 9:00 am-3:00 pm
made by attending a preparation meeting. Sunday Obligation Tues, Wed, & Thurs: 9:00a.m.– 6:00 pm
Parish registration is a pre-requisite for attend- Saturday Vigil at 5:00pm Friday: 9:00 a.m.– 12:00 p.m.
ing this meeting. Sunday at 8:00am, 10:00am,
and 12:00 Noon
First Reconciliation, First Eucharist, and Bulletin Articles
Confirmation: Christ the King offers Faith Sacrament of Reconciliation
Formation both in our Parish Academy, and in Saturdays: 4:00pm-4:45pm Bulletin articles are due on the previous
our Religious Education Program. And by appointment Friday in order to be published in the fol-
lowing weekend’s bulletin. Please send
Weddings: Weddings are scheduled in the St. Peregrine Devotions articles to
home parish of the bride or groom. We require Second Saturdays at 11:00am
an eight month preparation time. The church
date is set before any other commitments are Rosary and Chaplet Registration
made. Weekdays at 7:35am
Tuesdays 5:30pm On behalf of the pastoral staff, we welcome you
Anointing of the Sick: If you or one of your as a family member of Christ the King Parish. It
loved ones are in need of the Anointing of the Eucharistic Exposition is our hope and prayer that you feel at home with
Sick, please contact the rectory, or see the 1st Thursday 9:00am until 8:00pm us at weekend masses, prayer times, and parish
priest after Mass. In case of an emergency, 1st Friday at 7:00am activities. Welcome!
please call the rectory, ext 1. Other Thursdays 9:00am-8:00pm
Christ The King #512918

1501 South Main Street
Lombard, IL 60148


Bill Runge

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