1 Spiritual Enhancement
1 Spiritual Enhancement
1 Spiritual Enhancement
Through the Circle of Love’s Spiritual Enhancement program, CDA members look for the many
ways in which there might come closer to Our Lord; closer in spirit and love to our fellow man
and our Catholic Daughters of the Americas sisters in Christ. Programs are developed to assist
in bringing about opportunities to participate in the religious and charitable ministries of the
Church as well as improving personal sanctification.
I. Religious Ministries
A. Liturgical opportunities
B. Baptisms
1. Provide baptismal gowns or bibs for babies to be baptized; stoles for adults
2. Send congratulatory card following baptism
1. Furnish First Communion dress or veil if needed; appropriate attire for young
2. Become a prayer partner
3. Plan a breakfast or reception for First Communicants and their families
following Mass
4. Provide gifts for First Communicants
D. Confirmation
A. Bereavement
B. Catholic Charities
C. Local Charities
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D. National Charitable Projects
A. Plan retreat or Day of Recollection for Court members; include others as space
B. Participate regularly as a prayer-line member
C. Participate in living or scriptural rosary; Bible or book study
D. Schedule time at Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
E. Offer service at soup kitchens, homes for the unwed, abused shelters or Pro-Life
F. Plan a pilgrimage to a local shrine
G. Attend plays and programs at local churches, monasteries or colleges
H. Watch programs and discussions on EWTN (Eternal Word Television Network)
I. Research Internet websites for religious information
J. Attend Mass and receive the Holy Eucharist as frequently as possible
K. Prayer walking
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B. Support the Pontifical North American College in Rome; American College of
1. Become a prayer partner with seminarian
2. Assist financially when possible
3. Adopt a Seminarian
C. Offer prayer and financial support for clergy, seminarians, deacons, women religious
D. Pray for increased vocations
E. Celebrate special occasions such as birthdays, anniversary of ordination, feast days
F. Host a welcome or retirement reception
G. Donate for new vestments for newly ordained priests
H. Provide Court Chaplain with CDA Chaplain pin and subscription to SHARE
I. Provide CDA information and name of a contact person to priests
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Spiritual Enhancement References
Franciscan Mission Associates, PO Box 598, Mount Vernon, New York 10551-0598
May I Have This Dance? By Joyce Rupp, 1992; personal thoughts, prayers, poems, litanies, and
creative prayer suggestions with monthly themes. Ave Maria Press, Notre Dame, Indiana
A Tree Full of Angels: Seeing the Holy in the Ordinary by Macrina Wiederkehr, OSB;
HarperCollins Publishers, Inc.
Praying with Faustina includes meditations featuring stories from St. Faustina’s life, quotations
from her personal diary and suggestions for prayer and action
Novena to the Holy Spirit by George E. Schulhoff, AHS; Apostles of the Holy Spirit, 2709
Woodburn Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio, 45206
With Open Hands by Henri Nouwen; Ave Maria Press, Notre Dame, Indiana
Five Loaves and Two Fishes by Cardinal Francis Xavier Nguyen Van Thuan
Lift Up Your Heart by Rev. Msgr. Gerald J. Walsh; poetic reflections for the seasons of faith;
E. T. Nedder Publishing
The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren; Zondervan Publishers, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Inspirational Music
“The Spirit Soars” by Steve Hall; uplifting inspirational piano music; Bankbeat Production
“Inspiration, Hope, Encouragement” by various artists; MRB Records, PO Box 237, Manasquan,
NJ 08736
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“City of God” by John Michael Talbot; Troubadour for the Lord Music
“The Gift” by Mario Reynolds; instrumental with antara, charango, guitar, rainstick and
keyboard); www.mario_reynolds@yahoo.com
“Come to the Quiet” by John Michael Talbot; The Sparrow Corporation, Chatsworth, CA
www.beliefnet.com www.ourcatholicfaith.org
www.prayerforthenations.com www.americancatholic.org
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