Curriculum Vitae R Name: Mark J. Perry, Ba (Hons.), MSC, PHD
Curriculum Vitae R Name: Mark J. Perry, Ba (Hons.), MSC, PHD
Curriculum Vitae R Name: Mark J. Perry, Ba (Hons.), MSC, PHD
Nationality: British
Interdisciplinary researcher, focused on interaction design, human-computer interaction and
computer supported co-operative work. Extensive experience managing research projects,
investigating and designing mobile, ubiquitous, distributed and collaborative technologies
from a user-centred perspective; currently, leading research projects valued at over 450K as
Principal Investigator. Director of 12 faculty member University Research Centre (20112014). Experienced educator in Computer Science and Digital Media, teaching across a
range of topics and ability levels over 18 years, currently Senior Tutor (2014-). Research
community building, including reviewing and committee work, ACM CHI Associate Chair
2007, 2009, 2012-14, and Subcommittee Chair 2010 and 2015. Senior committee member,
MobileHCI 2012. Senior member of the ACM. EPSRC College Member.
Research interests: design and use of financial services, video and digital media, shared
displays, collaborative and social media, domestic, and mobile technology to support
creativity, playfulness, innovation and collaboration. Examining the relationships between
people, organisations, settings, activities and digital technology.
Oct 2013 Present. Reader, at Brunel University, Information Systems and Computing.
Leading modules and teaching at L2, L3 and PGT. Director (2011-14), university
research centre (People and Interactivity).
Aug 2003 Sept 2013. Senior Lecturer at Brunel University, DISC. Module leader,
undergraduate courses (L2, L3).
Sept 1998 July 2003. Lecturer at Brunel University, Information Systems and Computing.
March - December 1998. Visiting Researcher at Stanford University (seconded, 3 months),
examining collaborative technology (CIFE), and cognitive theory (CSLI).
April 1997 - Aug 1998. Research Fellow at Brunel University (Postdoc).
1994 - 97
1993 - 94
PhD (1997) Computer Science (HCI), Brunel University
MSc in Cognitive Science (1993) University of Wales, College of Cardiff
BA (Hons.) Psychology - 2:1 (1992) University of Wales, College of Cardiff
3 A Levels, 9 O Levels (1984-1989) Lancing College, Sussex
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Awards as Principal Investigator
Family Car Media Concept Demonstrator and Market Assessment. EPSRC Impact
Acceleration Account (IAA) Readiness (12,000, 2014).
Automedia: family life, interaction and media use in the car. EPSRC Dorothy Hodgkin
Postgraduate Award / Microsoft Research (90,000, 2011-2014).
URC seminar series: Studying Users and Designing Interactions with New Media
(2,500). Brunel Internal funding, 2011-2012.
Designing for mobile and distributed work: Technology use in Remote Settings. EPSRC
grant (63,000) with Symbian Ltd. to design and develop mobile computing and
communications technologies (2001-2004). Rated as Tending to Outstanding in review.
Appliance design. Research award of 12,100 funded by the Appliance Studio, Bristol
to investigate the role of space in collaboration (2001).
Millennium Homes: A technology supported domestic environment for frail and elderly
people. DTI Foresight/ EPSRC (521,000, supplemented by industrial finance).
126,870 directly managed by Mark Perry. PI: Prof. H. Wolff (2000-2002).
From user interface to customer interface, 29,640, NCR Financial Systems. PI: Prof.
Bob O'Keefe (1998-2000).
PhD Graduations:
Roshanak Zarabi (2011) Storing, caring and sharing: examining organisational practices
around material stuff in the home, DISC, Brunel (currently: Teaching Fellow, Brunel Uni.).
Laurel Swan (2011) Home/work: implications for domestic technologies, DISC, Brunel
University (currently Research Fellow, RCA, London).
Caroline Shangar (2009) Ubiquitous proximimity-sensitive systems, DISC, Brunel
University (currently: project manager, Vodafone Group Plc).
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Marije Kanis (2009) Mobile technology and socio-affective computing. DISC, Brunel
University (currently: Associate Professor, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences).
Jacqueline Brodie (2004) Supporting communication on the move: user activities and
implications for mobile technology design. DISC, Brunel University (currently: Senior
Lecturer, Napier University).
Gabriella Spinelli (2004) Distributed Cognition: Artefacts and computational space for
collaborative problem solving. DISC, Brunel University (currently: SL, Brunel University).
Janet Cole (2002) Media Use and CSCW: A socio-organisational computational
description of accounting activities. DISC, Brunel University (currently: SL, Kingston).
Current PhD students:
Chandrika Cycil AutoMedia: designing with family, cars and media (to complete 2014)
I am also currently second supervisor to eight other PhD students, and have supervised
around 40 MSc student projects on various topics.
Principal Investigator on the 3DaRoC EPSRC project, co-ordinating all project activities and
leading a 5-person team from Brunel, Lancaster and Bristol Universities, with direct line
management of one Postdoctoral Research Fellow (2013-14). Supervision of EPSRC
DHPA researcher (2011-14) from India. Supervision of a Visiting Research Fellow (20082009) from Finland. Supervision of a Postdoctoral Research Fellow on the
on_Message@home project (2005-2006), involving data collection and the development of
prototype software. Supervision of two Research Assistants on the Millennium Homes
project, funded by a DTI Foresight/EPSRC grant. Engaged in developing the software
engineering and HCI/ ergonomics aspects of the project (period: 28 months, 2000-2002).
Supervision of research students working on a number of other industrially funded projects, a
Nuffield Grant and an EPSRC Vacation Bursary.
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Senior Tutor (2014-), Department of Computer Science. Responsible for pastoral care,
academic welfare and student experience, overseeing academic tutor team, mitigating
circumstances and student representation.
Research group leader (2011-14) People and Interactivity (pandi) University Research
Centre, Brunels HCI group, composed of 12 faculty members. Previously (2005-11), coordinator for pandis Social Computing sub-group.
Ethics Committee Panel Member of Brunel University ad hoc Ethics Committee (20022003); Member of School (SISCM) Ethics Committee (2007-2009).
Final year degree show committee member (2000-2002) Annual event showcasing the
departments final year projects to an external audience. Involved organising the final
year degree show and arranging industrial sponsorship, which I initiated and led in its first
year (position relinquished due to 2002 sabbatical).
Selected Recent Conference committees: Best papers committee, ACM CHI 2013.
Programme Committee, BCS Conference on Human Computer Interaction (2010, 2013).
Senior Programme Committee, MobileHCI 2012. Programme Committee, ACM SIGDOC
2012. Program Committee, Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular
Applications (AutomotiveUI 2009, 2010, 2012). Programme Committee, Persuasion,
Influence, Nudge & Coercion, (2010, 2011). Programme Committee, MobileHCI 2011.
Programme Committee, 24 BCS Conference on Human Computer Interaction
(HCI2010). Programme Committee, Graphics Interface, Canada (GI 2008, 2010).
Programme committee, European Conference on Computer Supported Co-operative
Work (ECSCW 2007).
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Project Advisor: SALTSA Mobile and Virtual Work group (2004-2006), advising
Swedish trade unions and the Arbeitslivingstitutet (Swedish National Institute for Working
Life) on the implications of new mobile technologies on workplace change.
Policy Contributor: Foresight Future Identities. Changing identities in the UK: the next
10 years (2013) Final Project Report. The Government Office for Science, London, UK.
EPSRC College Member: elected to peer review college (2013). Previously, regular
reviewer EPSRC research proposals (2000-13).
UK research councils and funding bodies: ESRC (Economic and Social Research
Council) referee/rapporteur, AHRC (Arts and Humanities Research Council) independent
reviewer, and British Council grants reviewer. 15 years of regular reviewing for grant
applications and end-of-award reports.
Academic Reviewing
Selected conferences: ACM CHI (awarded special recognition), ACM CSCW, HICCS,
ICEC, Cognitive Science Society, BCS HCI, Pervasive, Ubicomp.
Academic Assessments
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Mark Perry
Publications page 1
Brown, B. and Perry, M. (2000) Why dont telephones have off-switches? Understanding the
use of everyday technologies. Interacting with Computers, 12 (6), 623-634.
37 citations
Rajani, R. and Perry, M. (1999) The reality of medical work - the case for a new perspective
on telemedicine. Virtual Reality, 4, 243-249.
Perry, M. Fruchter, R. and Rosenberg, D. (1999) Co-ordinating distributed knowledge: an
investigation into the use of an organisational memory. Cognition, Technology and
Work, 1 (3), 142-152.
Pouloudi, N., Perry, M. and Saini, R. (1999) Organisational appropriation of technology: a
case study. Cognition, Technology and Work, 1 (3), 169-178.
Perry, M. and Sanderson, D. (1998) Co-ordinating joint design work: the role of
communication and artefacts. Design Studies, 19 (3) 273-288.
158 citations
Peer reviewed conference papers
Ferreira, J., Perry, M. and Subramanian, S. (2015) Spending Time with Money: from shared
values to social connectivity. Proc. ACM CSCW15, March 1418, 2015, Vancouver,
British Columbia, Canada.
Ferreira, J. and Perry, M. (2015) Building an Alternative Social Currency: Dematerialising and
rematerialising digital money across media. Proc. HCI Korea15, Dec 10-12, Seoul,
South Korea. Lee (Ed.), Hanbit Media, Inc. (download: ACM digital library), 122-131.
Cycil, C., Perry, M.J., and Eardley, R. (2014) The HomeCar organiser: designing for blurring
home-car boundaries. In Adjunct Proc. ACM UbiComp. ACM Press, NY, USA, 955-962.
Roubert, F. and Perry, M. (2013) Putting the lab in the lab book: supporting coordination in
large, multi-site research. Proc. BCS HCI 2013, London, UK.
Love, Hone, and McEwan
(Eds.), Article 12, 10 pages.
Cycil, C., Perry, M., Laurier, E. and Taylor, A. (2013) Eyes Free In-Car Assistance: Parent
and child passenger collaboration during phone calls. Proc. ACM MobileHCI 2013,
Munich, Germany, 332-341.
Jamil, I., Perry, M., O'Hara, K., Karnik, A., Marshall, M. T., Jha, S., Gupta, S. and
Subramanian, S. (2013) Dynamic Spatial Positioning: Physical collaboration around
interactive table by children in India. In Proc. Interact 2013IFIP TC13 Int. Conf. on
HCI, Cape Town, South Africa, Sept 2-6, 2013. Berlin: Springer. p. 141-158.
Jamil, I., Perry, M., O'Hara, K., Karnik, A., Marshall, M.T., Jha, S., Gupta, S. and
Subramanian, S. (2012) Group Interaction on Interactive Multi-touch Tables by Children
in India. IDC12, IFIP TC13, 11 International Conference on Interaction Design and
Children (June 12-15, 2012) Bremen, Germany.
*Engstrm, A., Perry, M. and Juhlin, O. (2012). Mediated Viewing and Amateur Vision:
recreational orientation in collaborative video production. Proceedings of ACM CSCW
2012 (Feb 11-15, 2012), Seattle, WA, USA. Winner: Best Paper Award (in top 1% of
415 conference submissions).
*Jamil, I., OHara, K., Perry, M., Karnik, A. and Subramanian, S. (2011) The effects of
interaction techniques on talk patterns in collaborative peer learning around interactive
tables. Proceedings of ACM CHI 2011, Vancouver, Canada, 3043-3052.
Perry, M., Beckett, S., OHara, K. & Subramanian, S. (2011) WaveWindow: public,
performative gestural interaction. ACM International Conference on Interactive
Tabletops and Surfaces 2010, Saarbrcken, Germany.
*Engstrm, A., Juhlin, O., Perry, M. and Broth, M. (2010). Temporal hybridity: Mixing live
video footage with instant replay in real time. Proceedings of ACM CHI 2010, Atlanta,
GA., USA, 1495-1504.
*Perry, M., Juhlin, O., Esbjrnsson, M. and Engstrm, A. (2009). Lean collaboration through
video gestures: co-ordinating the production of live televised sport. Proceedings of
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Publications page 2
ACM CHI 2009, Boston, Mass., USA, April 04-09, 2279-2288. Nomination for best
paper award (top 5% of 1130 submissions).
Salovaara, A., Zarabi, R., and Perry, M. (2008) The fine art of surfacing. Proceedings of
SIMTech08, Nov 21-22, Cambridge, UK.
Engstrm, A., Esbjornsson, M., Juhlin, O. and Perry, M. (2008) Producing Collaborative
Video: Developing an Interactive User Experience for Mobile TV. Proceedings of UXTV
2008: First International Conference on Designing Interactive User Experiences for TV
and Video, Oct 22-24, Mountain View, CA, USA.
Kanis, M., Perry, M. and Brinkman, W-P. (2008) Minimal connectedness: exploring the
effects of positive messaging using mobile technology. Proceedings of ACM CHI 2008
(Extended Abstracts/ AltCHI), Florence, Italy, April 5-10, 2513-2522.
Rachovides, D. and Perry, M. (2006) HCI Research in the home: lessons for empirical
research and technology development within the home. Proceedings 20 BCS HCI
2006, QMW, London, September 11-15 2006, vol. 2, 30-33.
Swan, L., Izadi, S., Taylor, A.S., Sellen, A., Harper R. and Perry, M. (2006) Rethinking the
Smart Home. 1 International Symposium on Intelligent Environments, Homerton
College, Cambridge, UK.
Perry, M. and Shangar, C. (2005) Marked Spaces: interaction design and sensor integration
for ubiquitous location-based messaging and communication. 3rd Ubi-Net Workshop:
Designing, evaluating and using ubiquitous computing systems, February 9-11 2005,
Bath, UK.
Love, S. and Perry, M. (2004) Dealing with mobile conversations in public places: some
implications for the design of socially intrusive technologies. Proceedings of ACM CHI
2004, Vienna, Austria, April 24-29, 1195-1198.
32 citations
Perry, M and OHara, K. (2003) Display-based activity in the workplace. Proceedings of
Interact 2003 IFIP TC13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction,
Zurich, Switzerland, 1-5 September, 591-598.
OHara, K., Perry, M. and Lewis, S. (2003) Social coordination around a situated display
appliance. Proceedings of ACM CHI 2003, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 5-10 April, 65-72.
58 citations
OHara, K. and Perry, M. (2003) User centred opportunities for supporting consumer
behaviour through handheld and ubiquitous computing. Proceedings of the 36th Annual
Hawaii International Conference on Systems Science, Big Island, Hawaii, 6-9 January
2003, Ed R. Sprague. IEEE Computer Society.
OHara, K., Brown, B. and Perry, M. (2003) Mobile work, technology and place. Proceedings
of Mobile Communication: Social and Political Effects. Budapest, April 24-25, 2003.
Brown, B. and Perry, M. (2002) Of maps and guidebooks: designing geographical
technologies. Proceedings of DIS2002 - ACM Conference on Designing Interactive
Systems: processes, practices, methods, and techniques. London, UK, 25-28 June,
2002, 246-254.
69 citations
Lee, H. and Perry, M. (2001) Contextualising Virtuality: Polychronicity and Multipresence.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Spacing and Timing: Rethinking
Globalization & Standardization, Palermo, Italy, 1-3 November 2001.
OHara, K. and Perry, M. (2001) Shopping anytime, anywhere. Proceedings of ACM CHI
2001, Seattle, Washington. 31 March - 5 April, 345-346.
Perry, M. J., Fruchter, R. and Spinelli, G. (2001) Spaces, Traces and Networked Design.
Proceedings of the 34th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Systems Science,
Maui, Hawaii, 3-6 January 2001, Ed R. Sprague. IEEE Computer Society.
Perry M. (1999) The application of individually and socially distributed cognition in workplace
studies: Two peas in a pod? In S. Bagnara (Ed.) Proceedings of the European
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Publications page 4
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Publications page 5
Perry, M. and Rachovides, D. (2006) At home with the on_message@home system. ACM
CHI Workshop: IT@Home: Unravelling Complexities of Networked Devices in the
Home, 2006.
Perry, M., OHara, K., Spinelli, G. and Sharpe, B. (2003) The role of space in socially
distributed cognition: some issues for cognitive engineering. Short paper, in
Proceedings of the 25th Annual meeting of the cognitive science society (Cogsci 2003),
Boston, USA, 31 July - 2 August, 916-921.
Brodie, J., Chattratichart, J., Perry, M. and Scane, R. (2003) How age can inform the future
design of the mobile phone experience. 10 International Conference on HumanComputer Interaction, Crete, Greece.
Brodie, J. and Perry, M. (2002) Do we need a table? Mobile collaboration at the tabletop in
public spaces. CSCW02 Workshop Co-located Tabletop Collaboration: Technologies
and Directions.
Spinelli, G., Brodie, J. and Perry, M. (2002) Using distributed cognition and contextual design
to analyse and represent collaborative activities. CSCW02 Workshop Analyzing
Collaborative Activity: Representing field research for understanding collaboration.
Brown, B. and Perry, M. (2001) Of maps and guidebooks: designing geographical
technologies. ACM Siggroup Bulletin, 22 (3), p. 28-32
Perry, M., O'Hara, K., Sellen, A. Harper, R. & Brown, B.A.T. (2001) Research alert - Dealing
with mobility. ACM Interactions: November/December 2001, 9-11. NY: ACM Press.
Dowdall, A. and Perry, M. (2001) The Millennium Home: domestic technology to support
independent-living older people. 1st Equator IRC Workshop on Ubiquitous Computing
in Domestic Environments, Nottingham, Sept 13-14.
Rajani, R. and Perry, M. (2000) Medical Work as Practised: implications for the design of
telemedicine and medical information systems. SIHI (Southern Institute for Health
Informatics) 3rd Annual Conference, 14th September 2000, University of Portsmouth,
O'Hara, K., Perry, M., Sellen, A. and Brown, B.A.T. (1999) Managing Information on the
Move: A study of the information needs of mobile professionals. Hewlett Packard
Technical Report (HPL-1999-123).
Perry, M.J. (1997) Distributed cognition and computer supported collaborative design: the
organisation of work in construction engineering. PhD Thesis, Brunel University, UK.
45 citations
Perry, M.J. (1995) Cognitive Artefacts and Collaborative Design. IEE Colloquium: Design
systems with users in mind: the role of cognitive artefacts. IEE Computing and control
division (C5, Human-computer interaction), Digest no. 95/231.
Perry, M. (1995) Artefacts in collaborative design. Conference supplement to the fourth
European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, September 10-14,
Stockholm, Sweden. Eds. Sundblad, Tollmar, Reignier, Fahln & Forsyth, p. 37-38.
Frohlich, D. and Perry, M.J. (1995) The paperful office paradox. Hewlett Packard Technical
Report (HPL-94-20).
Perry, M.J. (1993) The cognitive functions of paper. MSc Thesis, UWC Cardiff, UK.
Invited external talks
MobileLife, Stockholm University (2014) Invited Keynote: Ordinary interaction around local,
digital and mixed media currency exchange: managing fungible, social and material
transactions. The Future of Money Symposium. Sweden.
LSE, Department of Management (2014) Invited panel discussant: Publishing and early
career planning. 10 SST Open Research Forum.
UCL, Interaction Centre (2013) Seminar: AutoMedia: family life, interaction and media use in
the car.
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Publications page 6
Aarhus University, Center for Semiotics (2013). Invited plenary speaker. Winter Symposium
(Extended Problem Solving). Denmark.
University of Limerick, Ireland, Interaction Design Centre (2011) Work around - practices
around technology, space and the ever-changing nature of organisational life. Invited
keynote: The Nomadic Work/Life International Seminar Series IV.
Surrey University, Digital Worlds Research Centre (2011) Seminar: User-generated video
production: mobile, interacting, live and online.
Birmingham University, Advanced Interaction Group (2010) Seminar: Producing live TV:
interaction, collaboration and mobile technology in real-time video-based media.
Freiburg University, Germany, FRIAS (2010) Mediated multi-stream media production:
making sense of sense-making in distributed and multi-participant professional video
production, Panel Member, Video studies of conversational aspects of video activities.
Nottingham University, Mixed Reality Lab (2010) Seminar: Making live TV together.
Swansea University, Future Interaction Technology Laboratory (2010) Seminar: Ethnography
and interaction analysis: trash and TV.
Open University, Human Centred Computing Group (2010) Seminar: Proximity-sensitive
Bath University, HCI Group (2010) Seminar: Producing live TV together.
Bristol University, Graphic and Interaction Group (2009) Seminar: Designing interactive
proximity-sensitive services.
Distributed Thinking Symposium (2008) Invited paper: Making use of things to think with: the
mobilisation of social and physical resources in enabling distributed cognition, University of
Dell Computers, commercial product launch (2008) Panel discussant on the future of mobile
computing: 'Digital Nomads'. Altitude, London.
Microsoft Research, Cambridge (2008) Invited discussant: Lean interaction: the collaborative
production of live televised sport. Workshop on Video Editing.
The Mobile Life Centre, SICS, Stockholm University, Sweden (2007) Seminar: Designing
Proximity-Sensitive Services.
City University London, Centre for HCI Design (2007) Seminar: Socially distributed cognition,
artefacts and organisations.
Glasgow University, EPSRC MATCH Project meeting (2006) Seminar: The Millennium
Homes experience.
Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL (2006) Invited discussant: On waiting and killing time:
doing hanging around, discussing urban waiting behaviour and technologies for waiting.
Microsoft Research, Cambridge (2006) Invited participant: Display-based messaging at
home. Create, Play and Learn Workshop, discussing findings supporting ludic computing.
Department of Geography, Edinburgh University (2005) Invited discussant: Passengers,
discussing mobility in transport systems.
Computing Department, Lancaster University (2005) Departmental seminar: Display based
messaging in the home.
IT University (Gteborg and Chalmers University), Stockholm, Sweden (2005) Opponent in
public discussion of PhD Thesis: Enhanced Social Interaction in Traffic.
Department for Transport (2005) Invited discussant: Travel Time Use. Hosted and
sponsored by the DfT and the Centre for Transport & Society (UWE, Bristol).
Napier University, Edinburgh (2005) Invited paper: Reproducing place, at the Design
strategies for non-place workshop. AHRB/EPSRC cluster, Designing for the 21st Century.
Mosaic Group (EU network project) meeting, Rome (2005) Mobilising work, discussing
issues of socio-cognitive co-ordination in mobile work practice, and asking the theoretical
question: how is work made mobile?
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Publications page 7
Saltsa Institute, Sweden (2004) Virtually connected, practically mobile: mobile technology
and mobile work, examining the theoretical and practical implications arising from recent
research activities into mobile virtual work.
Department of Computing, University of Bath (2003) HCI Research Group seminar: On being
mobile: life, work, travel and technology, discussing the interaction between context,
technology and mobile work.
Interactive Institute, Stockholm, Sweden (2003) Invited discussant and speaker at the 2
Conference on Movement in the City, speaking on methodology and data analysis for mobile
technology research.
Department of Computing, Imperial College London (2003) Seminar: Dealing with mobility:
some implications for mobile and ubiquitous technology.
Glasgow University, GIST Group (2002) Seminar: Distributed Cognition and its application in
Symbian Ltd., London. (2001) Invited speaker series: Distributed and Mobile Work,
discussing mCommerce and mobile work.
Hewlett-Packard Bristol, user interface group (2001) Mobile eCommerce: Shopping anytime,
Department of Sociology Surrey University (2000) Mobile technology in use: managing time
and social space, examining distributed cognition and mobile work.
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