Education Community Programs

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Council on Education for Public Health

800 Eye Street, NW, Suite 202
Washington, DC 20001-3710

Amended January 2002

For additional information contact:

Patricia P. Evans
Executive Director
Alicia Davis Cooper
Accreditation Specialist
Phone: (202) 789-1050
Fax: (202) 789-1895

Table of Contents
CEPH PURPOSE AND PROCEDURES ....................................................................... 1

BASES FOR ACCREDITATION CRITERIA ................................................................. 1



EDUCATION PROGRAMS.................................................................................3

MISSION, GOALS AND OBJECTIVES ...............................................................3


ORGANIZATIONAL SETTING ..........................................................................4


GOVERNANCE ................................................................................................5


RESOURCES .....................................................................................................6


INSTRUCTIONAL PROGRAMS ........................................................................7


RESEARCH .....................................................................................................14


SERVICE .........................................................................................................15


FACULTY .......................................................................................................17


STUDENTS .....................................................................................................19


EVALUATION AND PLANNING ......................................................................22


The Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH) is the independent agency officially recognized
to accredit graduate schools of public health and certain graduate public health programs outside
schools of public health, including graduate programs in community health education and
community health/preventive medicine. CEPH assists schools and programs in evaluating content
and quality of their instructional, research, and service programs, and grants accreditation to those
schools and programs that meet its published criteria.
CEPH accreditation procedures are detailed in a separate manual, which should be used in
conjunction with these criteria. Separate criteria documents are published by CEPH for schools of
public health and for graduate community health/preventive medicine programs outside schools of
public health.
Accreditation of graduate education for public health, as one area of specialized accreditation, is
based on the unique functions that graduate public health schools and programs perform in their
parent universities and health science centers. Their educational functions derive, in turn, from the
variety of functions performed by school and program graduates in the health and medical care
system and in society. The goals of those working "to enhance health in human populations,
through organized community effort,"1 are to identify the totality of health problems and needs of
defined populations, to consider mechanisms by which the needs may be met, and to assure
services essential to the health of populations.
The missions and goals of public health schools and programs are focused on preparation of
individuals who will serve as practitioners, researchers, and teachers competent to carry out broad
public health missions and goals, within and outside schools' and programs' institutional settings.
For purposes of CEPH accreditation it is expected that excellence in education will relate to
proficiency in practice. By defining educational quality in terms of competence of the graduates of
schools and programs reviewed for accreditation, CEPH criteria help to link learning with
application. Graduates who prepare for practice in a defined professional specialty area should be
ready, when granted their degrees, to begin their professional careers with competence
appropriate to their level of education and the extent of their previous experience, and to continue
to keep up with current developments in health and related fields.
CEPH criteria for accreditation, as set out on the following pages, deal with quality of both product
and process -- the ends to be achieved through public health educational, research and service
activities, the means used to achieve the desired ends, and evaluation of the degree to which the
desired ends are attained.

Definition adopted by CEPH, 1978



Characteristics of a Graduate Program

in Community Health Education
To be considered eligible for accreditation review by CEPH a graduate program in community
health education shall have the following characteristics:
1. The program and its faculty shall have the same rights, privileges and status as other programs
that are components of its parent institution.
2. The program shall be coordinated with other disciplines that address the health of the
community and focus on instruction, research, and community service. The special learning
environment of a program shall provide for interdisciplinary communication, development of
professional public health concepts and values, and stress problem-solving.
3. The program shall provide access to a wide array of both academic and professional interests
and activities that relate to the health of the public. The program should be part of a rich
intellectual climate that stimulates and facilitates multidisciplinary exchanges of ideas between
academics and professionals. The program should facilitate an environment that stimulates
both individual creativity and initiative and collaborative and cooperative activity among its
4. The program shall have faculty and other human, physical, financial and learning resources to
provide both breadth of educational opportunity in the basic public health knowledge areas
noted in Criterion V. and depth of educational opportunities in community health education.
5. The program shall plan, develop and evaluate its instructional, research and service programs
in such a way as to assure sensitivity to the perceptions and needs of its students and to
combine educational excellence with applicability to the world of public health practice.




Criterion I.: The program shall have a clearly formulated and publicly stated mission
with supporting goals and objectives.
While each program must define its own mission, it is expected that all community health
education programs will be guided by the broad mission of public health, which was defined by
CEPH in 1978 as "enhancing health in human populations, through organized community effort."
All programs will contribute to the consortium of disciplines that together address the health of the
community through instruction, research and community service. It is further expected that all
programs, as a minimum, will prepare community health education practitioners who are able to
identify and assess needs of populations; plan, implement and evaluate programs to address those
needs; and otherwise assure conditions that protect and promote the health of populations.
Beyond that, a program may define its mission to include other roles and functions, that derive
from the purposes of its parent institution, which reflect its own aspirations and which are
responsive to changing health needs and demands of populations in what it defines as its service
region. The mission, goals and objectives should identify in specific terms what this particular
program has set out to accomplish through its instructional, research and service activities. The
program's view of the role of the community in program endeavors and the program's role in
serving the community should be clearly reflected in the stated mission, goals and objectives.
The mission, goals and objectives of a program should prescribe and limit the activities of the
program in ways that permit rational allocation of resources and evaluation of outcomes. There
should be clear relationships between the mission and the goals and between the goals and the
objectives. Each program will be evaluated based upon its own mission, goals and objectives.
Documentation Expected
1. A clear and concise mission statement for the program as a whole.
2. One or more goal statements for each major function by which the program intends to attain
its mission, including instruction, research and service.
3. A set of measurable objectives relating to each major function through which the program
intends to achieve its goals of instruction, research and service.

4. A description of the manner in which mission, goals and objectives are developed, monitored
and periodically revised and the manner in which they are made available to the public.
5. Assessment of the extent to which this criterion is met.
Criterion II.A.: The program shall be an integral part of an accredited institution of
higher education.
An accredited institution of higher education is one that is accredited by a regional accrediting
agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education.
Documentation Expected
1. A brief description of the institution in which the program is located, along with the names of
accrediting bodies (other than CEPH) to which the institution responds.
2. An organizational chart of the university indicating the program's relationship to the other
components of the institution.
3. A description of the program's relationship to the university's system of governance, to amplify
the diagrammatic representation, including budgeting and resource allocation; personnel
recruitment, selection and advancement; and establishment of academic standards and policies.
4. Assessment of the extent to which this criterion is met.
Criterion II.B.: The program shall provide an organizational setting conducive to
teaching and learning, research and service. The organizational setting shall facilitate
interdisciplinary communication, cooperation and collaboration and shall foster the
development by the program of professional public health values, concepts and
Organization of the program should enhance the potential for fulfillment of its stated mission and
goals, and should provide for effective participation of its faculty and students in all activities of
import to them. The environment must be characterized by commitment to the integrity of the
institution, including high ethical standards in the management of its affairs, fairness in its dealings
with all constituencies, support for the pursuit and dissemination of knowledge, and accountability
to its constituencies.

Documentation Expected
1. An organizational chart of the program, indicating relationships of its components with the
administration of the school or other unit in which the program is located.
2. Description of the relationships indicated in the diagrammatic representation.
3. Description of the manner in which interdisciplinary coordination, cooperation and
collaboration are supported.
4. Definition of the professional public health values, concepts and ethics to which the program is
committed and a description of how these are operationalized.
5. Identification of written policies that are illustrative of the program's commitment to fair and
ethical dealings.
6. Assessment of the extent to which this criterion is met.
Criterion III.: The program administration and faculty shall have clearly defined
rights and responsibilities concerning program governance and academic policies.
Where appropriate, students shall have participatory roles in program governance.
Within the framework of university rules and regulations, program administration and faculty
should have sufficient prerogatives to assure integrity of the program and to allow accomplishment
of the program's stated mission, goals and objectives. Program faculty should have formal
opportunities for input in decisions affecting admissions and progress, resource allocation, faculty
recruitment and promotion, curriculum design and evaluation, research and service activities, and
degree requirements. Where degrees are awarded to program students through the university
graduate school or other school or college, program faculty should represent program views and
interests in policy- and decision-making. Students should have formal methods to participate in
policy-making and decision-making within the program. Details regarding the role of students in
governance are covered in Criterion IX.D.
Expected Documentation
1. Description of the program's administrative, governance and committee structure and
processes, particularly as they affect:

general program policy development;

budget and resource allocation;
student recruitment, admission and award of degrees;

e. faculty recruitment, retention, promotion and tenure;

f. academic standards and policies;
g. research and service expectations and policies.
2. A list of standing and important ad hoc committees, with a statement of charge and
3. A list, including membership, of program, school and university committees through which
program faculty contribute to the activities of the program, school and university.
4. Assessment of the extent to which this criterion is met.
Criterion IV.: The program shall have resources adequate to fulfill its stated mission
and goals, and its instructional, research and service objectives.
Program resources shall be sufficient to achieve the program's mission, goals and objectives.
These include financial resources, personnel (faculty, administration and staff), offices, classrooms,
library facilities and holdings, laboratories, computer facilities, field experience sites and other
community resources that facilitate partnerships with communities to conduct instruction, research
and service.
Documentation Expected
1. A clearly formulated program budget statement, showing sources of all available funds and
expenditures by major categories, since the last accreditation visit or for the last five years
whichever is longer. If the program does not have a separate budget, it must present an
estimate of available funds and expenditures by major categories and explain the basis of the
2. A concise statement or chart concerning faculty resources, showing number and percent time
of faculty allocated to the program and computing a student/faculty ratio for the community
health education program. (FTE faculty and FTE student numbers should be used and these
should be consistent with FTE faculty and student numbers presented in sections VIII and IX.)
3. A concise statement or chart concerning the availability of other personnel (administration and
4. A concise statement or chart concerning amount of space available to the program by purpose
(offices, classrooms, common space for student use, etc.) and location.
5. A concise statement or floor plan concerning laboratory space, including kind, quantity and
special features or special equipment.

6. A concise statement concerning the amount, location and types of computer facilities and
resources for students, faculty, administration and staff.
7. A concise statement of library/information resources available for program use.
8. A concise statement identifying field sites used during the last three years for student practice
9. A concise statement describing other community resources used during the last three years for
instruction, research and service, indicating those where formal agreements exist.
10.Identification of outcome measures by which the program may judge the adequacy of its
resources, along with data regarding the program's performance against those measures over
the last three years. As a minimum, the program must provide data on student-to-faculty ratio,
program expenditures per full-time-equivalent student, and research dollars per full-time
equivalent faculty.
11.Assessment of the extent to which this criterion is met.
Criterion V.A.: The program shall offer instructional programs reflecting its stated
mission and goals, leading to the Master of Public Health (MPH) or equivalent
professional masters degree in community health education. The program may offer
other degrees, professional and academic, if consistent with its mission and
The areas of knowledge basic to public health include:
1. Biostatistics collection, storage, retrieval, analysis and interpretation of health
data; design and analysis of health-related surveys and experiments; and concepts
and practice of statistical data analysis.
2. Epidemiology distributions and determinants of disease, disabilities and death in
human populations; the characteristics and dynamics of human populations; and
the natural history of disease and the biologic basis of health.
3. Environmental health sciences environmental factors including biological,
physical and chemical factors which affect the health of a community;
4. Health services administration planning, organization, administration,
management, evaluation and policy analysis of health programs; and
5. Social and behavioral sciences concepts and methods of social and behavioral
sciences relevant to the identification and the solution of public health problems.

A program, sometimes referred to as a program of study, course of study or curriculum, is a series
of planned and evaluated learning experiences that constitute the total requirements for the award
of a degree. The program shall offer the Master of Public Health (MPH), the primary professional
public health degree, or other equivalent professional masters degrees.
A professional degree is one that, based on its learning objectives and types of positions its
graduates pursue, prepares students with a broad mastery of the subject matter and methods
necessary in a field of practice; it typically requires students to develop the capacity to organize,
analyze, interpret and communicate knowledge in an applied manner. A research or academic
degree program is one that, based on its learning objectives and the paths its graduates follow,
prepares students for scholarly careers, particularly in academia and other research settings; it
typically prepares students to investigate, acquire, organize, analyze and disseminate new
knowledge in a discipline or field of study.
Documentation Expected
1. Identification in matrix form of the program's degree programs, showing the areas of
specializations possible and distinguishing between those considered by the program to be
professional degrees and those considered to be academic degrees. If the program offers
degrees in a nontraditional format, these must be included in the matrix and identified as
2. The school bulletin or other official publication which describes all curricula offered by the
3. Assessment of the extent to which this criterion is met.
Criterion V.B.: Each professional degree program identified in V.A., as a minimum,
shall assure that each student a) develops an understanding of the areas of
knowledge that are basic to public health, b) acquires skills and experience in the
application of basic community health education concepts and knowledge to the
solution of community health problems, and c) demonstrates integration of
knowledge through a culminating experience.
Basic community health education concepts and knowledge include the following:
1. Community health analysis with special reference to community description,
analysis of communication pathways, influence and power, social norms,
coordinating provision of health education services, and roles of institutions in
relation to learning and the behavioral change process;
2. Health-related behavior including knowledge of psychosocial, cultural and
situational factors in the voluntary behavior change process;

3. Educational processes with particular relevance to adult learning, theories of

health education including knowledge and skill in the use of group dynamics,
leadership skills, mass media, community organization, training, consultation,
communication, information retrieval systems, and planning as educational
methods aimed at helping people to make voluntary, informed choices;
4. Educational program planning, implementation and evaluation including the use
of community and behavioral analysis as a basis for establishing educational
objectives, determining appropriate methods for educational intervention, carrying
out panned educational programs and evaluating behavioral change outcomes,
changes in community services and programs and community health status;
5. Research in terms of introduction to research design and methods applicable to
community health education and voluntary behavior change; and
6. Administration with emphasis on organization theory, administrative
management, supervisory and legislative processes, and conflict resolution.
The program must provide opportunities for professional degree students to apply the knowledge
and skills being acquired through their courses of study. A planned, supervised and evaluated
practice experience is considered a very important component of a public health professional
degree program. These opportunities should be arranged in cooperation with as wide a range of
community agencies as possible, including especially local and state public health agencies in the
program's geographic area. Individual waivers should be based on well-defined criteria; the
possession of a prior professional degree in another field or prior work experience that is not
closely related to the academic objectives of the student's degree program would not be sufficient
reason for waiving the practice requirement. While there are advantages to a practice placement
conducted full-time in a concentrated block of time, this is not always possible for students.
Programs should be sensitive to the constraints of students and may develop alternative modes for
providing practice experiences.
A culminating experience is one that requires a student to synthesize and integrate knowledge
acquired in coursework and other learning experiences and to apply theory and principles in a
situation that approximates some aspect of professional practice. It may be used as a means by
which faculty judge whether the student has mastered the body of knowledge and can demonstrate
proficiency in fulfillment of responsibilities and execution of the basic competencies identified by
the National Commission for Health Education Credentialing, Inc., and more advanced
competencies expected of graduate-trained health education professionals. The culminating
experience should assure that students are able to participate in policy formulation, use diagnostic
and consultation skills to define the educational needs of target populations, and design, manage
and evaluate health education programs. Many different models are possible, including written or
oral comprehensive examinations, supervised practice placements, a major written paper such as a

thesis or an applied research project, development of case studies, capstone seminars and others.
Each professional degree program must require a culminating experience.
Expected Documentation
1. Identification of the means by which the program assures that all professional degree students
have a broad understanding of the areas of knowledge basic to public health.
2. Identification of the means by which the program assures that all professional degree students
acquire concepts, knowledge and skills basic to community health education.
3. Description of the program's policies and procedures regarding practice placements, including
criteria for selection of sites, methods for approving preceptors, approaches for faculty
supervision and methods of assessment of students.
4. Identification of agencies and preceptors used for formal practice placement experiences for
students, over the last three years.
5. Identification of the culminating experience required for each degree program.
6. Assessment of the extent to which this criterion is met.
Criterion V.C.: For each program and area of specialization within each program
identified in Criterion V.A., there shall be clear learning objectives.
Learning objectives are statements that describe what a successful learner should know and be able
to do upon completion of a particular program or course of study. These statements should define
the competencies that a successful graduate will demonstrate at the conclusion of the program and
should be articulated in terms of measurable outcomes. It is expected that these competencies will
meet or exceed the basic competencies for health educators identified by the National Commission
for Health Education Credentialing, Inc. Stated learning objectives should be demonstrably related
to the program's mission, goals and objectives, and, in turn, course objectives and other planned
learning experiences should be demonstrably related to the stated learning objectives.
The articulation of learning objectives is central to the educational process. Since these objectives
define the nature and content of a program and establish explicit student expectations, they should
be widely available to students and prospective students. Stated learning objectives should guide
the curriculum planning process and should be the primary measure against which student
achievement is measured.
If a program expects or allows students to develop highly individualized learning objectives
consistent with the students' prior experiences and career goals, these learning objectives must be
comparable in their level of specificity to learning objectives that would be appropriate to define a
degree program as identified in V.A. and must be documented on an individual basis. Furthermore,


specific documentation must accompany modification of the students' personalized learning

Expected Documentation
1. Identification of a set of learning objectives for each program of study identified in the matrix
for V.A. If individualized learning objectives are used, identification of a sample set that is
typical of each program of study and that can be verified through on-site inspection.
2. A description of the manner in which learning objectives are developed, used and made
available to students.
3. A description of the manner in which the program periodically assesses the changing needs of
public health practice and uses this information to establish the learning objectives for its
educational programs.
4. Assessment of the extent to which this criterion is met.
Criterion V.D.: There shall be procedures for assessing and documenting the extent
to which each student has attained these specified learning objectives and
determining readiness for a community health education career.
A program shall award or recommend the award of a degree only when the student has
demonstrated mastery of necessary theories, concepts and content and competence in the skills
defined in the learning objectives. Procedures for measuring attainment of stated objectives may
include course tests and examinations, evaluation of performance in practice placements, written
project reports or theses, comprehensive examinations, portfolio assessments, and professional
credentialing examinations, such as that offered by the National Commission for Health Education
Credentialing, Inc. Successful completion of a set of required courses is not, in and of itself,
sufficient evidence that a student has mastered the necessary content or demonstrated proficiency
in the application of skills. A graduate-level curriculum is more than a set of required courses and
the judgment about the success of an individual student in that curriculum should include an
assessment about the student's ability to select theories, methods and techniques from across the
content matter of a field, to integrate and synthesize knowledge, and to apply it to the solution of
public health problems. The manner in which this assessment is done may differ between
professional and academic programs.
Expected Documentation
1. Description of the procedures used for monitoring and evaluating student progress in meeting
stated learning objectives.


2. Identification of outcomes which serve as measures by which the program will evaluate student
achievement, and presentation of data assessing the program's performance against those
measures over the last three years.
3. If the outcome measures selected by the program do not include degree completion rates and
job placement rates, then data for these two additional indicators must be provided, including
experiential data over the last three years. If degree completion rates, in the normal time
period for degree completion, are less than 80 percent, an explanation must be provided. If
job placement rates, within 12 months following award of the degree, are less than 80 percent,
an explanation must be provided.
4. Assessment of the extent to which this criterion is met.
Criterion V.E.: If the program also offers curricula for academic degrees, then
students pursuing them shall have the opportunity and be encouraged to acquire an
understanding of public health problems and a generic public health education.
These curricula shall cover as much basic public health knowledge as is essential for
meeting their stated learning objectives.
Because public health is an interdisciplinary field, students pursuing academic public health degrees
should have an opportunity to acquire a broad, public health orientation, as well as depth of
education in a specific discipline. Since these degree programs are preparing students who will
become the next generation of public health faculty and preparing researchers who will be
expected to work in multidisciplinary settings, learning objectives should reflect a commitment to
acquiring a public health perspective. Students pursuing graduate academic degrees shall have the
opportunity and be encouraged to acquire generic public health knowledge, which might be met
through mechanisms such as symposia, working groups, collaborative working relationships,
choice of thesis topic, and courses. If these experiences are waived for individual students, the
reason for the waiver shall be documented.
While opportunities to engage in research activities are important for all students, they are essential
for students in academic or research curricula. Such opportunities are possible only when faculty
themselves are actively engaged in research. Research curricula should culminate in an integrative
activity that permits the student to demonstrate the ability to successfully undertake research.
Expected Documentation
1. Identification of all academic degree programs. The matrix in V.A. may be referenced for this
2. Identification of the means by which the program assures that students in research curricula
have the opportunities and are encouraged to acquire a public health orientation.
3. Identification of the culminating experience required for each academic degree program.


4. Assessment of the extent to which this criterion is met.

Criterion V.F.: If the program offers joint degree programs, the required curriculum
for the professional public health degree shall be equivalent to that required for a
separate public health degree.
Programs, in cooperation with other degree-granting units in the institution, may offer joint,
coordinated or dual degrees, such as the MD/MPH, MBA/MPH and MPH/MSW. The required
curriculum of the public health component of these joint degrees must be comparable to the
curriculum in the separate public health degree.
Expected Documentation
1. Identification of joint degree programs offered by the program and a description of the
requirements for each.
2. Assessment of the extent to which this criterion is met.
Criterion V.G.: If the program offers degree programs using nontraditional formats
or methods, these programs must a) be consistent with the mission of the program
and within the program's established area of expertise; b) be guided by clearly
articulated student learning outcomes that are rigorously evaluated; c) be subject to
the same quality control processes that other degree programs in the program and
university are, and d) provide planned and evaluated learning experiences that take
into consideration and are responsive to the characteristics and needs of adult
learners. If the program offers nontraditional programs, it must provide needed
support for these programs, including administrative, travel, communication and
student services. The program must have an ongoing program to evaluate the
academic effectiveness of the format, to assess teaching and learning methodologies
and to systematically use this information to stimulate program improvements.
A program of study may be delivered through various models and may use a wide range of
teaching and learning technologies. Nontraditional programs, sometimes referred to as alternative
or extended degree programs, are those that are offered in a format or design that differs
significantly from the established approach of students attending regular on-site course sessions
spread over a quarter, semester or other standard term. Permitting students to extend their
program over a longer period of time than the norm, offering courses in the evening or offering
regular day and evening courses in an off-campus site but still spread over a standard term are no
longer considered nontraditional. Nor is the occasional use of sophisticated communications
technologies in a regular program format considered nontraditional.


A nontraditional degree program is a curriculum or course of study that is flexibly structured to

meet the needs of a student population and that leads to the award of a degree. There is great
variation in nontraditional models but generally they are designed to accommodate the needs of
employed professionals (or part-time students) who cannot pursue a course of study in a traditional
time frame or format. Most often accommodations are introduced in terms of time, location or
format. Nontraditional programs, for example, may be offered over an extended period, in time
slots outside the regular weekday work week, or in concentrated blocks of time during the summer
or throughout the academic year. They may be offered in locations distant from the main campus
of the institution that awards the degree. They may be offered in innovative formats, sometimes
taking advantage of advanced technology such as interactive television, computer assisted learning,
and other contemporary teaching/learning methods.
Innovative means of offering public health degree programs and thereby upgrading the
qualifications of the public health workforce are encouraged, particularly those models that respond
to the needs of mid-career working professionals. Programs that do so, however, must plan,
implement and evaluate these programs, consistent with principles of good practice regarding adult
learning. While format and structure of the learning experiences must be appropriate to the adult
student, academic rigor must be comparable, regardless of the format and structure. Academic
rigor takes into consideration such factors as the qualifications of the teacher, institutional approval
and review processes, and congruence between degree of complexity and the level of the degree.
Expected Documentation
1. Identification of all degree programs that are offered in a nontraditional format, including those
offered in full or in part through distance education in which the instructor and student are
separated in time or place or both. The matrix in V.A. may be referenced for this purpose.
2. Description of the nontraditional degree programs, including an explanation of the model or
methods used, the program's rationale for offering these programs, the manner in which it
provides necessary administrative and student support services, the manner in which it
monitors the academic rigor of the programs and their equivalence (or comparability) to
traditional degree programs and the manner in which it evaluates the educational outcomes, as
well as the format and methodologies.
3. Assessment of the extent to which this criterion is met.
Criterion VI.: The program shall pursue an active research program, consistent with
its mission, through which its faculty and students contribute to the knowledge base
of the community health education
discipline, including research directed at
improving the practice of public health.


The research program shall be consistent with the program's stated mission and goals and should
complement teaching and learning objectives stated for the instructional programs. The program
should provide an environment that is conducive to research and scholarly inquiry by all faculty.
Such endeavors may involve basic and applied topics and appropriately include various forms of
scholarship aimed at improving the practice of health education. Opportunities should be available
for students who would benefit from research experiences, whether or not such is required as a
part of the curricula.
Documentation Expected
1. A description of the program's research activities, including policies, procedures and practices
that support research and scholarly activities.
2. A description of current community-based research activities and/or those undertaken in
collaboration with health agencies and community-based organizations. Formal research
agreements with such agencies should be identified.
3. A list of current research activity, including amount and source of funds, over the last three
4. Identification of measures by which the program may evaluate the success of its research
activities, along with data regarding the program's performance against those measures over
the last three years.
5. A description of student involvement in research.
6. Assessment of the extent to which this criterion is met.
Criterion VII.: The program shall pursue an active service program, consistent with
its mission, through which faculty and students contribute to the advancement of
health education practice, including continuing education.
The program's service program should contribute to the fulfillment of its stated mission and goals
and should complement teaching and learning objectives. Because the community is the site
where public health and health education are implemented, effective linkages with organizations
and agencies in the community are essential to the success of the program in meeting its overall
objectives. As a consequence, faculty should be actively involved with the community through
communication, collaboration, consultation, provision of technical assistance, and other means of
sharing the program's professional knowledge and competence. There should, as well, be effective


ways for the community to participate in the work of the program, from assessing the relevance of
curricula, to participating in teaching, to evaluating the effectiveness of the program. The service
activities may relate to existing local, regional, national and international opportunities and needs.
Opportunities to engage in service should be available to all students, regardless of curricular
Although the primary educational function of a community health education program is the
preparation of well qualified professionals, a program should also address the needs of the large
numbers of personnel engaged in health education practice without formal training and the needs
of previously trained professionals who need to maintain and advance their knowledge and skills.
Assessment of professional needs should be undertaken periodically in health education settings
and short-term programs should be developed in response to those needs and made available in
easily accessible locales and formats. Programs should collaborate with other institutions that train
public health personnel, including schools of public health, in order to extend continuing education
opportunities beyond the program's own market area.
Service is an explicit activity undertaken for the benefit of the greater society, over and beyond
what is accomplished through teaching and research. The term service is often ill-defined and
covers a wide range of activities including contributions of professional expertise, professional
practice, continuing or outreach education, and membership on university committees.
Participation in internal university committees is not within the definition of this section. Service as
described herein refers to contributions of professional expertise to the public, including
professional practice. While these activities may generate revenue, the value of service is not
measured in financial terms.
Expected Documentation
1. A description of the program's service activities, including policies, procedures and practices
that support service. If the program has formal contracts or agreements with external agencies,
these should be noted.
2. A list of the program's current service activities, including identification of the community
groups and nature of the activity, over the last three years.
3. A description of the programs continuing education activities, including policies, procedures
and practices which support continuing education.
4. A list of the continuing education programs offered by the program, including number of
students served, over the last three years.
5. A list of other institutions with which the program collaborates to offer continuing education, if
6. Identification of the measures by which the program may evaluate the success of its service
program, along with data regarding the program's performance against those measures over
the last three years.


7. A description of student involvement in service.

8. Assessment of the extent to which this criterion is met.
Criterion VIII.A.: The program shall have a clearly defined faculty which, by virtue of
its size, multidisciplinary nature, educational preparation, research and teaching
competence, and practice experience, is able to fully support the program's mission,
goals and objectives.
Faculty adequacy, quantitatively and qualitatively, relates to a number of factors, including those
stated above. The faculty of a program may draw broadly from the many disciplines that
contribute substantially to health education and must, in particular, be able to support the
community health education concentration. While teaching resources may be drawn from other
parts of the university and from professionals in practice settings, as well as people from the
community, there must be a central core of regular faculty to sustain the curricular requirements for
the concentration.
Faculty should teach and supervise student research and practice experiences in areas of
knowledge with which they are thoroughly familiar and qualified by education and experience. To
assure a broad public health perspective, in spite of increasing specialization in the field of public
health, there should be faculty who have professional experience outside the academic setting and
have demonstrated competence in health education practice. To assure the relevance of curricula
and individual learning experiences to current and future practice needs and opportunities,
programs should regularly involve health education practitioners and other individuals involved in
health education work through such arrangements as adjunct and part-time faculty appointments
and use as preceptors. Programs should also encourage faculty to maintain ongoing practice links
with health education agencies, especially state and local.
Expected Documentation
1. Identification in a table or chart of faculty who support the degree programs offered by the
program, indicating at least professorial rank, tenure status, percent time devoted to the
program, earned degrees, universities at which degrees were earned, disciplinary area of
degree, area of teaching responsibility, area of research interest, and selected demographic
data (gender, ethnicity).
2. Description of the manner in which the faculty complement integrates perspectives from the
field of practice.


3. Identification of outcome measures by which the program may judge the qualifications of its
faculty complement, along with data regarding the performance of the program against those
measures over the last three years.
4. Assessment of the extent to which this criterion is met.
Criterion VIII.B.: The program shall have well defined policies and procedures to
recruit, appoint and promote qualified faculty, to evaluate competence and
performance of faculty and to support the professional development and
advancement of faculty.
Policies, procedures and operational guidelines related to conditions of employment should be
established and available to all faculty. Procedures should provide for fair and equitable treatment
of faculty and should be consistently applied. Criteria for advancement should reflect the program's
mission and goals. The program should provide opportunities to enhance the teaching capabilities
of faculty and otherwise support their professional growth and development. If the program
makes part-time, adjunct, clinical or other faculty appointments, the responsibilities and privileges
of these categories should be made explicit. Service to the community should be seen as a
significant contribution in promotion and tenure deliberations. Procedures for evaluating faculty
competence and performance, particularly in the area of teaching, should be in place and
consistently applied.
Expected Documentation
1. Inclusion of a faculty handbook or other written document that outlines faculty rules and
2. Description of provisions for faculty development, including identification of support for faculty
categories other than regular full-time appointments.
3. Description of formal procedures for evaluating faculty competence and performance.
4. A description of student course evaluation process and/or evaluation of teaching effectiveness.
5. Description of the emphasis given to community service activities in the promotion and tenure
6. Assessment of the extent to which this criterion is met.
Criterion VIII.C.: The program shall recruit, retain and promote a diverse faculty,
and shall offer equitable opportunities to qualified individuals regardless of age, sex,
race, disability, religion or national origin.


Given the mission of public health of enhancing health in human populations and the mission of a
community health education program to prepare professionals who address health needs and
problems of populations, the inclusion of all segments of society is directly relevant to the
achievement of the mission of a community health education program. A faculty that reflects the
diverse demographic characteristics of the population can provide incentives for enrollment,
matriculation and achievement of students from diverse demographic groups. Policies, procedures
and practices of a program should encourage the inclusion of faculty members who contribute to
the diversity of the faculty complement.
Expected Documentation
1. Demographic data on the program's faculty.
2. Description of policies and procedures regarding the program's commitment to providing
equitable opportunities without regard to age, sex, race, disability, religion or national origin.
3. Identification of outcome measures by which the program may evaluate its success in achieving
a demographically diverse faculty complement, along with data regarding the performance of
the program against those measures over the last three years.
4. Assessment of the extent to which this criterion is met.
Criterion IX.A.: The program shall have student recruitment and admissions policies
and procedures designed to locate and select qualified individuals capable of taking
advantage of the program's various learning activities, which will enable each of them
to develop competence for a career in health education.
A community health education program should seek individuals who have the educational
prerequisites, interest and motivation for undertaking and advancing in health education careers,
consonant with the program's stated mission, goals and objectives. Admission procedures and
policies should emphasize experience as an important factor when considering applicants.
Catalogs and bulletins used by the program to describe its educational offerings must accurately
describe its academic calendar, admissions policies, grading policies, academic integrity standards,
and degree completion requirements. Advertising, promotional materials, recruitment literature
and other supporting material, in what ever medium it is presented, must contain accurate


Expected Documentation
1. Description of the program's recruitment policies and procedures.
2. Statement of admissions policies and procedures.
3. Examples of recruitment materials and other publications and advertising that describe, as a
minimum, academic calendars, grading and the academic offerings of the program. The most
recent catalog must be included. References to website addresses may be included.
4. Quantitative information on the number of applicants, acceptances and admissions, over the
last three years.
5. Quantitative information on the number of students enrolled in each degree program identified
in Criterion V.A., including a headcount of full-time and part-time students and a full-time
equivalent conversion, over the last three years.
6. Identification of outcome measures by which the program may evaluate its success in enrolling
a qualified student body, along with data regarding the performance of the program against
those measures over the last three years.
7. Assessment of the extent to which this criterion is met.
Criterion IX.B.: Stated application, admission, and degree-granting requirements and
regulations shall be applied equitably to individual applicants and students regardless
of age, sex, race, disability, religion or national origin.
A program should encourage the inclusion of students who reflect the diversity of the population.
Programs should have affirmative action plans to recruit, admit and graduate students from groups
that are disadvantaged or underrepresented in the public health professions. Approaches such as
provisional admissions and remedial coursework may be used to promote a diverse student body.
Expected Documentation
1. Description of policies, procedures and affirmative action plans to achieve a diverse student
2. Quantitative information on the demographic characteristics of the student body, including data
on applicants and admissions, over the last three years.
3. Identification of measures by which the program may evaluate its success in achieving a
demographically diverse student body, along with data regarding the program's performance
against these measures over the last three or more years.


4. Assessment of the extent to which this criterion is met.

Criterion IX.C.: There shall be available a clearly explained and accessible academic
advising system for students, as well as readily available career and placement
Each student enrolled in any program should have access, from time of enrollment, to advisors
who are knowledgeable about the program's curriculum overall and about specific courses and
other programs of study. Orientation, including written documentation, should be provided for all
entering students. Career and placement counseling should be available to students, including
students who may not be seeking employment. If the program has large numbers of mid-career
working students or nontraditional students, advisors should be sensitive to the differing needs of
these students in regard to career and placement counseling. Appropriate career and placement
counselors may include clinical faculty, community practitioners and alumni. The program may also
wish to consider the development of a mentorship program which could draw mentors from these
same affiliated groups.
Expected Documentation
1. Description of the advising and counseling services, including sample orientation materials such
as student handbooks.
2. Information about student satisfaction with advising and counseling services.
3. Assessment of the extent to which this criterion is met.
Criterion IX.D.: Students shall, where appropriate, have participatory roles in
conduct of program evaluation procedures, policy-setting and decision-making.
Students should participate in appropriate aspects of evaluation including assessment of teaching,
of research and service opportunities, of field experiences, and of counseling and placement
procedures. Administrative mechanisms should permit appropriate student involvement in
program policy formulation and review. Standing and ad hoc committees, with explainable
exceptions, should include student members.
Expected Documentation
1. Description of student roles in evaluation of program functioning.
2. Description of student roles in governance, as well as in formal student organizations.
3. Assessment of the extent to which this criterion is met.



Criterion X.A.: The program shall have an explicit process for evaluating and
monitoring its overall efforts against its mission, goals and objectives; for assessing
the program's effectiveness in serving its various constituencies; and for planning to
achieve its mission in the future.
A community health education program must undertake systematic, broad-based and integrated
evaluation of its activities, to determine its effectiveness in achieving its stated mission, goals and
objectives. The results of this process must be linked to and systematically utilized to inform the
program's processes by which it plans for the future. Evaluation and planning are interrelated
functions which should be ongoing and explicit and contribute to making the program a learning
organization in all aspects.
The program should have regular data collection mechanisms to provide information needed for its
own evaluation, management and planning. Information should be obtained on a regular basis
from alumni and from public health agencies concerning careers in public health, the value of
graduates' educational experiences, and current and future needs for professional education.
Planning should reflect the program's accommodation to changes in health needs of populations
and in society and institutional responses to such change.
Evaluation and planning processes should provide for participation of the program's major
constituent groups, including administration, faculty, students, alumni and the community. A wide
variety of methods for achieving their input is possible.
Expected Documentation
Description of evaluation procedures and planning process being used.
1. Identification of measures by which the program may evaluate the effectiveness of its evaluation
and planning activities, along with data regarding the program's performance against these
measures over the last three years.
2. Assessment of the extent to which this criterion is met.
Criterion X.B.: For purposes of seeking accreditation by CEPH, the program shall
conduct an analytical self-evaluation and prepare a self-study document that responds
to all criteria in this manual.
Accreditation is a form of external, peer-based evaluation that programs may elect to pursue and it
can be one, although not the only, method of evaluation used by a community health education


program. A program that pursues accreditation must undertake a self-evaluation that includes a
qualitative and quantitative assessment of its success in achieving its mission, goals and objectives.
A self-study process should be reflective, thoughtful and analytical and should result in a candid
assessment of strengths and weaknesses in terms of the program's performance against the
accreditation criteria. The self-study process should involve the program's administrative officers
and staff, teaching faculty, student body, alumni and other significant constituencies, especially
including representatives of the health education community.
Expected Documentation
1. Provision of all documentation specified as being expected.
2. Description of the process used for the self-study.
3. An analysis of the programs responses to recommendations in the last accreditation report, if
4. Summary statement of the programs strengths and weaknesses in regard to each accreditation
criterion. (This statement may be organized as an executive summary, if the program so
5. Assessment of the extent to which this criterion is met.


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