Dates For Your Diary: 5Th Sunday of Easter (B)
Dates For Your Diary: 5Th Sunday of Easter (B)
Dates For Your Diary: 5Th Sunday of Easter (B)
Monthly Cake Stall: Future dates :- May 16th/17th and June 27th (at
Summer Fete)
Tribute Concert for Noel O'Brien - Hinckley Operatic Society will be
performing a tribute concert in memory of Noel O'Brien, who was a member
of the Society. This will take place at St Benedict's Church on Friday 15th
May at 7.30pm. Entrance is free, but Noel's wife Ann asked that tthere be a
collection towards Parish Funds. All are welcome.
Future Plans
Prayer Group - Fr Paul would like to know if anyone would like to take part in
a regular group for prayer. This could probably take place on a weekday
evening (after evening Mass, if Tues or Thurs). Primarily, it would be to pray
for the parish and to discern God's purposes and the direction He wants to
parish to develop and grow. It could involve some teaching also about
Worship of God, Scripture, Intercession and Spiritual Warfare. As for
regularity - weekly, fortnightly or monthly, as seems appropriate.
4.00 pm
9:30 am
7:00 pm
10.00 am
7:00 pm
10.00 am
4.00 pm
Vigil Mass
6th of EASTER
Vigil of Sunday
Patricia Morris
For the Parishioners
No Mass
Committment Mass
Confirmation Children
We pray for all our deceased relatives and friends especially those
anniversaries fall at this time,, John Mulhall, Delina Grubb, Patrick
Guilfoyle, Fr Bunce, Maria Morgan, Bill Cunningham, James Milburn,
Jaames Madden, Jane O'Grady. May they Rest in Peace.
Money Matters
Collections last week: Ist - 239.46
Gift Aid donors - Please see Tracey (Sat) or Jo (Sun) after Mass
1. Please throw away old envelopes. They will not be accepted any
2. If you miss a week through holidays etc... please combine your
offerings together into one envelope. There is no need to submit
multiple envelopes.
3. 14 new parishioners joined the Gift Aid in March! Thank you
4. Donating your offertory collection by standing order is the parish
preferred method and we thank the small but increasing number of
people opting to use this method.
TOTE: Nos 11 & 36 Payout 36.36 Rollover - Snowball 10
As we continue to celebrate the weeks of Eastertide, our Masses invite us to
experience the Risen Jesus in our own lives. Last week marked a transition in
the Eastertide readings. Up till last week, each Sunday Gospel presented us
with an occasion of encounter with the Risen Jesus. Last week we read from
John's Gospel in which Jesus describes himself as the Good Shepherd. This
week, again from John's Gospel, Jesus describes himself as the True Vine.
Both of these Gospel readings focus on our relationship with Jesus - but using
different images. Last week, the Good Shepherd image invited us to reflect on
belonging to Jesus who laid down his life for us. The image of the true vine
focuses much more on the interior life of Jesus which, when we are united to
him, also flows within us. This life is one of self-sacrificing love, which begins
to be manifest in each one of us. If we are not bearing this fruit, it is because
we are not maintaining our union with Jesus - through prayer & reading his
word in Scripture.
More Items
Bible Alive - Easter issue - available at the back of the Church - please take
Unused Rosaries: Do you have unused rosaries tucked away in the
cupboard or drawer, we are collecting rosaries to send out to various missions
around the world, this appeal is being made by The Catenians who have so
far sent out 135,000 rosaries. It would be good if we could give this initiative
our support, spare rosaries can be given to Brian Ingram.
Confirmation Candidates - During May and June, children from Year 6 at St
Benedict's School will be assisting with the weekend Masses as part of their
preparation for Confirmation. Please support them in their roles and keep
them in your prayers at this important time in their spiritual lives. To
accommodate this there have been some changes to the Readers and
Offertory Rotas (new rota is on the notice board in the porch). If this affects
you, we hope that you will understand. Thank you!
Mass of Commitment to Confirmation - this will take place on Thursday 7th
May at 7.00pm, followed by a short meeting in the Parish Hall for the
Confirmation Children and their families. All are welcome to the Mass.
Mass of Commitment to Ist Communion - this will take place on Sunday
10th May at 11.30am.
Parents Evening in preparation for 1st Communion - at 6.00pm on Wed
6th May at St Benedict's School.