N'Letter 22nd Week

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Dates for your Diary

Slip Stitch - Knitting and sewing group, next meeting Wednesday 2nd
September at 11:30 in the church hall. Everyone welcome, enjoy a chat and
a cuppa!
There will be a series of Jewellery Making sessions for children aged 6 to 12
years, to be held in the Church Hall on the following dates: August 31st. All
equipment is provided, there is no charge, however if you can afford a
donation towards costs it would be appreciated. If you have children that
would like to attend, please see Margaret Ingram or call on 01827 704858.
Calling all bakers, gardeners, jam-makers and chutney-makers; There
will be a cake and home produce stall on the week end of 19/20th
When someone asked Jesus, "Which commandment in the Law is the
greatest?" He replies, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart,
and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and first
commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbour as
yourself. On these two commandments hang all the Law and the prophets."
The Decalogue must be interpreted in light of this twofold yet single
commandment of love, the fullness of the Law. (2055)

Remember, "If your not lighting any candles,

you can't complain about being in the dark!


Tel: 01827 713177,
Website: st-benedicts-atherstone.org

Finance Secretary: Jo Howe 01827 750214

Newsletter: Brian Ingram 01827 704858
email: brianingramocds@gmail.com
Items for inclusion in the Newsletter by Thursday Noon

22nd Sunday of the Year



Saturday Mass.

Beheading of Saint

4.00 pm

Vigil Mass

John the Baptist

Sun 30th Aug

9:30 am

20th Sunday

Mon 31st Aug

Tues 01st Sept


Prayer group

Thurs 03rd Sept

Friday 04th Sept

10.00 am

Eucharistic service


Saturday Mass.

4.00 pm

Vigil Mass
23rd Sunday in

Sat 29th Aug

For the Parish

Meet in Church, all


Wed 02nd Sept

If you have a Mission Box, can you please bring it

into church for emptying, thank you.

Sat 05th Sept

We extend a warm welcome to everyone worshipping here this

weekend, refreshments are served in the Church Hall after 9.30am
Mass, please come and join us, ALL ARE WELCOME.

Sun 06th Sept


Ordinary Time

Saint Gregory the


Our Lady

The Liturgy & the of the Church

Readers this week:

Readers next week:

Sat. M. Henney
Sun: M. Reed
Sat: M. Bourne

Sun: J. Taylor

Offertory Procession this week: G. & T. Strugnell

Next week: M. & V. Heath
Eucharistic Ministers
T. Wright
T. Willmott
Next Week
M. Bourne
D. Dickens
Church Cleaning Mrs. R. Hatton & Mrs. A. Duffield
Altar Society "

The Sick and their Carers

Please pray for Father Andrew, Pat & Maureen Burke, Bridie Symmons,
Ada Russell, Winifred Jones, Charlotte Smith, Kath Ford, Ursula Cope,
Patricia Carter, Christina Chetwynd, Olive Fortune, Victor John Zeslawski,
Val Horton and Father Paul. Please remember our housebound
parishioners in your prayers: Marion Burrows and Marie Aherne .

We pray for all our deceased relatives and friends especially those who's
anniversaries fall at this time, Val Horton, Joseph Kelly, Elsie O'Grady,
Edna McCarthy, Dorothy Conolly, Elizabeth Cooke, Florence Marriott,
Mary Macdonald, May they they Rest in Peace.

Money Matters
Collections last week: 1st - 164:54

2nd - 107:65 - thank you!

June Direct Debit receipts were: 1st collection 417

2nd. 44
TOTE: 23/08/2015.
10:82. No Winners
Snowball. 27

PRAYER GROUP - The prayer will take the basic format of Evening
Prayer of the Church with the opportunity to extend the various elements
of the Prayer (Praise and adoration, listening to Scripture readings and
Intercession for our various needs).

"That in all things God may be glorified St. Benedict

The Lords commandments

Keeping to rules or if you like, sticking to rules is intended to guide us on
our pathway. I assume we all know the importance of keeping to speed
limits, and the importance of parking our cars properly and so on. The
importance of abiding by law cannot be over emphasized. Recently, the
media has been inundated with warnings and caution about our health.
One of the emphases is to cut down on fatty food and fizzy drinks. The
purpose of creating such awareness is to guide against obesity and perhaps
heart diseases. The other long time effects of having good health are well
known to us.
Similarly, our spiritual nature has its guiding principles. Without law,
people are likely to drive themselves to ruins. The book of Deuteronomy
describes it as keeping to the commandment of the Lord our God. The
natural law bids us to know the concept of good and evil. According to the
letter to James in todays second reading, these are written in our hearts.
The Gospel message concludes by reminding us not to put aside Gods
commandments and clinging to human traditions.

Fr Raphael Imoni

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