Assignment-2 Control System

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1) Sketch the Bode plot showing magnitude in dB and phase angle in degrees as a

function of log frequency for the transfer function shown below.

Determine gain cross over frequency, phase crossover frequency, gain margin and
phase margin.
2) A servo mechanism has open loop transfer function
Draw the Bode plot on semi log paper and determine phase and gain margins.
3) Define and explain the design specifications in frequency domain. Also derive their
co-relation with time domain specifications.
Derive expression for
a. Mr (resonant peak)
b. Wr (resonant frequency)
c. Wb (bandwidth) for a second order system.
Discuss the merits and demerits of frequency response analysis.
4) State Nyquist criterion of stability. Construct the complete Nyquist plot for a unity
feedback control system whose open loop transfer function is

Find the maximum value of K for which the system is stable.

5) Sketch the root locus of a control system having open loop transfer function

G ( s )=

83.33 ( s+ 0.001 )( s+2 ) ( s +6 )

6) The system equations are given by:

a) Find the transfer function of the system.

b) How, the solution of the state equation can be found?
7) Test for the controllability and observability for the following system:

8) Obtain the state model of the system whose transfer function is given by
And hence its state transition matrix.
9) Consider the system

a) Determine the stability of the system

b) Find the output response of the system to unit step input.
10) Define and explain the controllability and observability with a suitable example.

11) A system has the following state equations:

Solve the state equation if initial conditions are

12) A feedback control system is described by

G ( s )=

s ( 1+0.2 s ) (1+ 0.01 s )

H ( s )=1
Construct an asymptotic log-magnitude plot and an exact phase plot. From this
a. Gain crossover frequency and phase crossover frequency
b. Gain margin and phase margin.
13) The open loop transfer function of a unity feedback system is

G ( s )=

50 K
( s+10 )( s+5 )( s+1 )

a. Gain margin and phase margin

b. The value of steady-state error co-efficient for a gain of 10 dB and the value which
will make the closed-loop system marginally stable.
14) Consider the unity feedback control system, whose open loop transfer function is
given by:

Determine the value of a, so that the phase margin is 45.


Define the followings:

i. Gain Margin ii. Phase Margin

iii. Phase crossover frequency

16) A unity step input is applied to a unity feedback control system having open loop
transfer function

Determine the value of K and T to have Mp=20% and resonant frequency Wr = 6

rad/sec. Calculate the resonant peak Mr.

locus for the
system as K


Sketch the root

following given
varies from 0 to

18) For the system

range of K for
the value of


shown in figure, find the

stability, instability and
gain for marginal stability

19) What are M and N circles? Explain the physical significance of these circles in stability
20) Apply Routh Hurwitz criterion to determine the stability of the system:
21) Discuss the concept and also derive the conversion of state variable models to
transfer function model. Also list the properties of state transition matrix.
22) The system equations are given below:

Find its transfer function.

23) Define the controllability and observability of the system. Also test controllability and
observability of the following system.

Derive the expression for the transfer function from the state model

X =Ax

Y =Cx+ Du
Construct signal flow graph and state model for a system whose transfer
function is

T ( s )=

s2 +3 s+3
s3 +2 s 2+ 3 s+ 1

Construct the state model for a system characterized by the differential

d y
d y
+ 6 2 +11 +6 y=u
Give the block diagram representation of the state model.

Find the canonical form of representation and state transition matrix,


][ ] [ ]

2 2 3 x 1
x2 = 1 1
1 x2 + 1 u
1 3 1 x 3 14


Y =[ 3 5 2 ] x 2

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