PDMS 12.1 Drawing Production
PDMS 12.1 Drawing Production
PDMS 12.1 Drawing Production
1 Drawing Production
The Drawing Production (Basic) course allows participants to learn the basic functions required to
produce, dimension and annotate drawings.
In general terms, the course objectives are to provide participants with the following:
Familiarisation of the Draft screen layout and the workings of the user interface.
An understanding of the Draft hierarchy to allow the creation of new Drawing Sheets,
including Departments, Registries and their related attributes.
The ability to create and define Views within a Drawing Sheet using the various methods,
and to understand the different ways to manipulate them and their content.
The ability to be able to create and edit Section Planes and understand the different ways in
which they can be used.
The knowledge to be able to create and modify Labels, Dimensions and 2D Drafting
The ability to utilise some of the more advanced functions such as Limits-defined and Detail
Trainees should have attended the training course TM-1001 AVEVA Plant (12 Series) PDMS
Foundations training course and be familiar with Microsoft Windows.
Course Structure
Training will consist of oral and visual presentations, demonstrations and set exercises. Each
workstation will have a training project, populated with model objects. This project will be used
throughout the training ensuring the course objectives are met through practice.
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In completing the Drawing Production (Advanced) course, participants will learn how to use the
AVEVA PDMS Draft module to create detailed engineering drawings from existing model data using
advanced Draft functions and tools. The course is an extension to the TM-1002 Drawing Production
(Basic) course and therefore assumes a good basic understanding of PDMS Draft.
Through the completion of the training, the Trainee will have sufficient knowledge to complete the
following tasks:
Trainees must have attended the AVEVA Plant Tm-1002 Drawing Production (Basic) course and be
familiar with Microsoft Windows.
Course Structure
Training will consist of oral and visual presentations, demonstrations and set exercises. Each
workstation will have a training project, populated with model objects. This will be used by the
trainees to practice their methods, and complete the set exercises.
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