Newsleer For The Weekend - 9th/10th May 2015: Sixth Sunday of Easter (Year of St. Mark-Year B)

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Our Lady of Good Counsel

& Guardian Angels Parish

54 Harvey Street,
Elton, Bury BL8 2RD
Tel: 0161 764 1630

Email: olgcga@b

Parish website:
Parish Twier: @olgcga
Diocesan website:

Newsleer for the weekend - 9th/10th May 2015

Sixth Sunday of Easter (Year of St. MarkYear B)


Bro. Nicholas Hutchinson,
David Lindley, Dominic Gamble,
Eileen Cock, Margaret Reilly,
Elaine Hardman, Ray Fitzwalter,
James Scanlon, Jody Turon,
Austin Sweeney, Michael
Dewsnap, Phyllis Daly, Maurice
Berry, Joan Grimshaw, Margaret
Reilly, Sean Reilly, John Cullen,
Hilda Wilcock, Joan Hearle,
Phillip Bailey, Alan Radcliffe,
Mary Hanson, Joyce Greenhalgh,
Maddie Clayton, Paddy Harrison,
Larry Hindes, Lilian Graves, Alex
Riley, David Saulius Balsys,
Bridie Dunne.

First Reading: A cts 10: 25-26,
34-35, 44-48: The Holy Spirit is
poured out on the gentiles
Psalm 98: The Lord has shown
his salvation to the nations
Second Reading: : 1 John 4:710: God is love
Gospel: John 15: 9-17: The
greatest sign of love is to lay
down ones life for ones friends.

Maura Morley.
Gerald Foulds
Rita Clarke
Rhys OBrien
Raymond Booth.
Ellen, Dominic & John Grealy
Deceased of Brett & King Family
Doris Humphreys

To include someone on the

prayer list please give their
name to Fr. Paul, put it
through the letterbox of
the Parish Office, call the
Office on: 0161 764 1630
or e-mail to

The Ascension of the Lord
First Reading: Acts 1:1-11
Second Reading: Eph 1: 17-23
Gospel: M ark 16: 15-20

St Theresa of Lisieux
For the week beginning Sunday
10th May 2015 we pray for the
parish of St Vincents, Norden,
for the parishioners and Canon
Paul Brindle their Parish Priest
Question for the week: Gr aced
with Jesus friendship, unmerited
and unearned, to whom can I
become a friend this week and

Please use the White Mass Intention

envelopes for Mass intentions which
you will find in the porches. Thank
When adding the name of someone
sick please ensure that you have their
permission (or the permission of their
family). The list is updated each week.
and because of space the names of the
sick will be removed from the list after
four weeks. You can ask for them to
be added again.

Please note that the Parish

Office is closed tomorrow
(Monday 11th May).


Saturday 9th May: Sixth Sunday of Easter
7.00 pm: Mass
Sunday 10th May: Sixth Sunday of Easter
8.45 am: Mass
10.30 am: Mass
12.15 pm: Celebration of the Sacrament of Baptism
Monday 11th May:
9.15 noon: Eucharistic Service
Tuesday 12th May: Easter weekday
7.00 pm: Eucharistic Service
Wednesday 13th May: Our Lady of Fatima
9.15 am: Mass
Thursday 14th May: St Matthias
9.15 am: Mass
Friday 15th May: Easter Weekday
9.15 am: Eucharistic Service
Saturday 16th May: The Ascension of the Lord
7.00 pm: Mass
Sunday 17th May: The Ascension of the Lord
8.45 am: Mass
10.30 am: Mass
1.00 pm: Sacrament of Confirmation
3.00 pm: Sacrament of Confirmation
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturday 9th May: No Confessions
Saturday 16th May: at 6.00 pm
The Rosary (for the sick and peace)
7.30 pm each Monday
Flowers on the Sanctuary.
If you would like to have the
flowers on the sanctuary in memory of
someone or something special just let Fr
Paul or Sharon know and they will arrange it, or you can
simply put all the details on an envelope, and put the
donation in the envelope and pop it through the office
The flowers in Church this weekend are in memory
of Raymond Booth whose anniversary occurs around
this time.

Sixth Sunday of Easter

10th May 2015
If you wish to contribute to the View from the Pew,
please contact the Parish Office. These are anonymous
comments from parishioners.
You did not choose me, no, I chose you; go out.I command
you to love one another. Sometimes I find this is easy, sometimes I
find it is full of difficulties.
I remember on one occasion when I was struggling with putting
the command to love one another into action, I came across a prayer by
Mother Teresa of Calcutta- it really helped and I still often return to it.
Do it anyway by Mother Teresa
People are often unreasonable, irrational and self-centered.
Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives. Be kind anyway.
If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and
some genuine enemies. Succeed anyway.
If you are honest and sincere people may deceive you.
Be honest and sincere anyway.
What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight. Create anyway.
If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous. Be
happy anyway.
The good you do today, will often be forgotten. Do good anyway.
Give the best you have, and it will never be enough. Give your
best anyway.
In the final analysis, it is between you and God. It was never
between you and them anyway.
To receive our Parish Newsletter by e-mail each weekend, simply
e-mail the Parish Office on: with the tag line newsletter and we will
add you to the list. Follow us on Twitter also @olgcga for reminders
and updates on parish events.
Follow the Department for Evangelisation: @SalfordDFE
The Offertory Collection for:
For the weekend 3rd/4th April was:
Envelopes: 794.68 Loose collection: 231.95
Total: 1026.63
Thank you for your generosity.
If you wish to join the Gift Aid scheme please see Fr Paul at the back of
Church after Mass. It only takes a couple of seconds!
If you cannot fulfil your rota duty, please arrange a swap with another
team. Thanks.
This weeks team: Mary & Steve Sawley
Next weeks team: Michael Harrington & Simon Carlon
Spaces on the Minibus: We cur r ently have some spaces on the minibus for the 10.30 am Mass minibus run. If you or someone you know
would benefit from this fantastic service please call the Office.
Please contact the Parish Office if you would like to volunteer or for
more information.

Dont forget that we have the Childrens Liturgy of

the Word at both Sunday Masses now. We still have room
for more leaders at both Masses, so if you are interested
please have a word with me, and we can sort it out. Im
delighted that we have now been able to get it up and running at both of the Sunday Masses nowso please do support it and take advantage of us being able to offer this.
Fr Paul
The New Eucharistic Ministers & Readers Rotas
are now available to collect from the
Welcome & Information Centre.

Saturday 9th May
10.00 am12.00 noon: Sacramental Programme Parents
and childrens meeting (Parish Centre)
Tuesday 12th May
Tuesday Club: Spring trip to Lancaster and Barton Grange
UCM: No meeting
Thursday 14th May
Tuesday Club: Spring Trip to Lancaster & Barton Grange
7.30 pm Seeking Christ Meeting in Parish Centre
7.30 pm Bereavement Support Group Meeting
Saturday 16th May
10.00 am 3.00 pm: A Day with David Wells (organised
by the Department for Evangelisation) at St Gabriels HS.
(Full details on page 3)
Sunday 17th May Solemnity of the Ascension of the
After the 10.30 am MassTen Week Draw starts today
1.00 pm: Celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation
3.00 pm: Celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation
Tuesday 19th May
Tuesday Club: Music and dance
UCM: Meeting as usual
Thursday 21st May
Parish Centre being used all day for interviews.
Saturday/Sunday 23rd/24th May
Annual Mission Appeal at all the Masses
Sunday 24th MaySunday 31st May
Diocesan Pilgrimage to Auschwitz and Krakow (Parish
Office Closed for the week)
Tuesday 2nd June
7.30 pm Our Lady of Lourdes Full Governing Body Meeting
Sunday 7th June
10.30 am Mass: Mayoral Sunday Mass
10.30 am Mass: Presentation & Welcome for Baptism
After 10.30 am Mass: Baptism Preparation Meeting (1)
Thursday 11th June
7.30 pm Guardian Angels Full Governing Body Meeting
Saturday 13th June
10.00 am 1.00 pm: Sacramental Programme Family Day
Sunday 21st June
8.45 am & 10.30 am Masses: First Communions

The Clusterers
Sunday 24th May 2015
Leader Jeff Smith: 764 7269
N.B. 9.30 am departure from GA Car Park

Music and Singing in our Liturgies

Why do we have music at Mass?
Music has always played a key part in peoples worship.
Whether sung or instrumental, its task is to serve and support the prayer
of the people as they give thanks and praise to their God.
When we sing as a congregation during the Mass we are drawn
together. We are united both in the action of singing and in the belief
that our song expresses. Our songs express the faith of the Church.
They help to nourish and strength this faith.
Within the celebration of Mass, music can heighten the liturgical
texts so that they speak more richly and fully.
The joy and enthusiasm which music adds to a communitys
worship of God cannot be gained in any other way. So St Augustine
was right when he said: One who sings well prays twice.

The Salford Diocese Department for

Evangelisation invites you to spend a day with
David Wells. David is the author of The Reluctant
Disciple, a book recently published by Redemptorist Publications. He works for Plymouth Roman
Catholic Diocese in the Department for Formation,
and is internationally renowned as a speaker and
facilitator in the field of evangelisation, catechesis
and education. He has a lively and entertaining
style that holds the attention of any audience.
During his day with us in our Diocese, David will
speak about:

Evangelii Gaudium and the vision of

Pope Francis for the Church.
Cost per person: 10.00
(including Tea & Coffee throughout the day, and
Soup & bread at lunchtimeyou can also bring
sandwiches with you if you wish)

Booking is essential for catering purposes.

Please reserve me place(s) at the David
Wells day.

Here in our Parish we have three Sunday Masses. This means

that the Mass each person comes to is their Sunday Mass. Over recent
months the attendance at our Masses has been steadily increasing
(which is wonderful!). We must ensure that each Mass is as enriching as
the other two Masses. Having recently started the Childrens Liturgy of
the Word at the 8.45 am, we seem to be getting more people at this
Mass also.
For the 7.00 pm Mass and the 8.45 am Mass we have been very
fortunate that John Cullen has, for several years now, played at both
Masses each weekend. Unfortunately at the moment John is in hospital
and has been for the past few weeks. This means that at the moment we
have unaccompanied singing (led by mein the hope that I dont pitch
it too high or too low!). In a parish of our size, with good Mass attendances we probably have people in the benches who are able to play musical instrument, or help lead the singing, but have never thought about
offering to be involved in it at any of the Masses.
There are other occasions when (aware that many people are
working) it would be very helpful if there were people to help lead the
singing, such as at funerals. We always have an organist for funeral, but
so often it is almost a duet (me and the organist) when it comes to singing the hymns! So, lets all have a think about what we could do !
If you would like to be involved in the music and singing in Church
please fill in the form below (ticking the relevant boxes) and return it to
the Parish Office. We can then see how we can move forward into the

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I would like to be involved in the music and singing at

Church. (Please tick the relevant boxes)
I could be involved at :

Address: .
Postcode: .. Tel No: .

Return to: Guar dian Angels Par ish Office

E-mail: shar on.beech@dioceseofsalfor d.or
or Tel: 0161 761 0536 to book on the day.

I can:

7.00 pm Mass
8.45 am Mass
10.30 am Mass

Play a musical instrument

(instrument ...)

Help to lead the singing

I could help lead the singing at Funerals:

Name: ...
Tel No: .

Please make cheques payable to:

The Department for Evangelisation.

E-mail address: .

Please return to the Parish Office.

Having your child baptised at Guardian

If you are planning on having your child baptised,
please pick up a leaflet from the Welcome and
Information Centre, which outlines our baptism
preparation programme.
Please note that the first thing that parents have to do is contact the
Parish Office (telephone on 0161 764 1630 or call in) to book onto
the First Meeting, held on the first Sunday of each month. Please do
not just turn up for the meeting without first booking in through the
Parish Office. This means that our Baptism Preparation Team have a
workable number of people each month.

Planning on getting married in 2016

at Guardian Angels?
Please remember that all couples are required to
give at least 6 months notice (by Diocesan Law) in order to
marry in the Church. So, if you are planning on getting married in 2016
and have not yet made contact with us and booked in your wedding,
please do so as soon as possible.
Please telephone the office (0161 764 1630) to make an appointment for an initial meeting with Fr Paul, so that the availability of the
Church can be checked and details can be put in the Parish Diary.

Proclaim 15 is being launched to support, inspire and encourage new expressions of parish evangelisation. A project
of the Bishops Conference of England
and Wales, it is designed to affirm the
good work that is already being done by
the Catholic community, and to provide resources and events
to profile and develop new expressions of Catholic joy and
missionary outreach. In July this year there is a National
Catholic Evangelisation Conference. Taking place. Obviously
as a National Conference places are very limitedbut to enable parish communities to take part in the project as a whole,
materials have been produced for 3 parish meetings.
We are hoping to have these meetings very soonso watch
this space! (more details next week!)
Please submit all items for inclusion in the newsletter to the
Parish Office no later than Wednesday evening.
Either pop them through the Office letter-box or e-mail them
in. Anything received after Wednesday evening cant be guaranteed to make it into the next weekends newsletter.

At the Railway Hotel, Ramsbottom.

Its that time of the year again! We are starting to get ready for the next
session of the 10 Week Draw.
We have been running the ten week draw for several years now and it
has brought in a large amount of extra capital for the Parish. We are only
able to do the extras (decorating the church outside and inside, new
flooring etc) with the help of the extra capital generated by our social
events and the 10 week draw. Paying the fuel bills and diocesan levy etc
takes the majority of our weekly income.
The next ten week draw will begin next Sunday 17th MAY (and the
final draw will be on Sunday 19th July).
As most people know, its a very simple processwe have agents, and
there are 20 numbers on each agents book. We really could do with some
more agents (so please contact the Parish Office to become an agent),
and we really need more people to join the 10 week draw. Its ten
pound (a pound a week10 paid before the start of the draw), and the
prizes are very good.
Each week there are prizes of 50.00 and 25.00 (plus agents prizes of
5.00 if the winner is on your book). The big draw will hopefully once
more be 1000 and a few other prizes, but we have to keep within the
law and it all depends on the numbers who join the draw as to what the
final big prize would be.

If you dont know an agent, please see Fr Paul

after Mass and he will take your money and you
will be put on an agents book.
Agents books need to returned no later than Wed 13th May.
Please support the 10 week draw.
Many thanks.

A great night was had by allgood food, good company and

good (and some obscure!) questions. Congratulations to the
No chancers Team who were the winning team with a very
impressive performance.
They were: Les, Paul, Mych and Jonathan.
Watch this space for more Mens Night events.

Wedding Anniversary Congratulations

John and Monica Cullen celebrated their 65th
Wedding Anniversary on Wednesday 6th May. Sadly it
was celebrated at North Manchester Hospital as John is
still in hospital.
They would like to thank everyone for the Mass cards
and prayersit has been amazing.
Congratulations John and Monica.

Nepal Earthquake Appeal.

A very big thank you for your generous response to the
appeal for the people of Nepal last weekend.
The collection raised a total of 740.60
Please continue to pray for the people of Nepal.
If possible please donate to the CAFOD appeal. Your gift will
provide life-saving food, water, shelter and emergency supplies.
If you didn't get chance to donate last weekend you
can still donate by the following means:
Ways to donate : Online at
By telephone: 0500 85 88 85
Thank you once again for your generosity.

Dont forget we have Tea and Coffee in the

Parish Centre after the 10.30 am Mass each
Sundaycome and join us!

Fr Paul.
You are now able to access the weekly parish newsletter
from our twitter feed (@olgcga

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