Newsleer For The Weekend - 9th/10th May 2015: Sixth Sunday of Easter (Year of St. Mark-Year B)
Newsleer For The Weekend - 9th/10th May 2015: Sixth Sunday of Easter (Year of St. Mark-Year B)
Newsleer For The Weekend - 9th/10th May 2015: Sixth Sunday of Easter (Year of St. Mark-Year B)
Bro. Nicholas Hutchinson,
David Lindley, Dominic Gamble,
Eileen Cock, Margaret Reilly,
Elaine Hardman, Ray Fitzwalter,
James Scanlon, Jody Turon,
Austin Sweeney, Michael
Dewsnap, Phyllis Daly, Maurice
Berry, Joan Grimshaw, Margaret
Reilly, Sean Reilly, John Cullen,
Hilda Wilcock, Joan Hearle,
Phillip Bailey, Alan Radcliffe,
Mary Hanson, Joyce Greenhalgh,
Maddie Clayton, Paddy Harrison,
Larry Hindes, Lilian Graves, Alex
Riley, David Saulius Balsys,
Bridie Dunne.
First Reading: A cts 10: 25-26,
34-35, 44-48: The Holy Spirit is
poured out on the gentiles
Psalm 98: The Lord has shown
his salvation to the nations
Second Reading: : 1 John 4:710: God is love
Gospel: John 15: 9-17: The
greatest sign of love is to lay
down ones life for ones friends.
Maura Morley.
Gerald Foulds
Rita Clarke
Rhys OBrien
Raymond Booth.
Ellen, Dominic & John Grealy
Deceased of Brett & King Family
Doris Humphreys
The Ascension of the Lord
First Reading: Acts 1:1-11
Second Reading: Eph 1: 17-23
Gospel: M ark 16: 15-20
St Theresa of Lisieux
For the week beginning Sunday
10th May 2015 we pray for the
parish of St Vincents, Norden,
for the parishioners and Canon
Paul Brindle their Parish Priest
Question for the week: Gr aced
with Jesus friendship, unmerited
and unearned, to whom can I
become a friend this week and
Saturday 9th May
10.00 am12.00 noon: Sacramental Programme Parents
and childrens meeting (Parish Centre)
Tuesday 12th May
Tuesday Club: Spring trip to Lancaster and Barton Grange
UCM: No meeting
Thursday 14th May
Tuesday Club: Spring Trip to Lancaster & Barton Grange
7.30 pm Seeking Christ Meeting in Parish Centre
7.30 pm Bereavement Support Group Meeting
Saturday 16th May
10.00 am 3.00 pm: A Day with David Wells (organised
by the Department for Evangelisation) at St Gabriels HS.
(Full details on page 3)
Sunday 17th May Solemnity of the Ascension of the
After the 10.30 am MassTen Week Draw starts today
1.00 pm: Celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation
3.00 pm: Celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation
Tuesday 19th May
Tuesday Club: Music and dance
UCM: Meeting as usual
Thursday 21st May
Parish Centre being used all day for interviews.
Saturday/Sunday 23rd/24th May
Annual Mission Appeal at all the Masses
Sunday 24th MaySunday 31st May
Diocesan Pilgrimage to Auschwitz and Krakow (Parish
Office Closed for the week)
Tuesday 2nd June
7.30 pm Our Lady of Lourdes Full Governing Body Meeting
Sunday 7th June
10.30 am Mass: Mayoral Sunday Mass
10.30 am Mass: Presentation & Welcome for Baptism
After 10.30 am Mass: Baptism Preparation Meeting (1)
Thursday 11th June
7.30 pm Guardian Angels Full Governing Body Meeting
Saturday 13th June
10.00 am 1.00 pm: Sacramental Programme Family Day
Sunday 21st June
8.45 am & 10.30 am Masses: First Communions
The Clusterers
Sunday 24th May 2015
Leader Jeff Smith: 764 7269
N.B. 9.30 am departure from GA Car Park
Address: .
Postcode: .. Tel No: .
I can:
7.00 pm Mass
8.45 am Mass
10.30 am Mass
Name: ...
Tel No: .
E-mail address: .
Proclaim 15 is being launched to support, inspire and encourage new expressions of parish evangelisation. A project
of the Bishops Conference of England
and Wales, it is designed to affirm the
good work that is already being done by
the Catholic community, and to provide resources and events
to profile and develop new expressions of Catholic joy and
missionary outreach. In July this year there is a National
Catholic Evangelisation Conference. Taking place. Obviously
as a National Conference places are very limitedbut to enable parish communities to take part in the project as a whole,
materials have been produced for 3 parish meetings.
We are hoping to have these meetings very soonso watch
this space! (more details next week!)
Please submit all items for inclusion in the newsletter to the
Parish Office no later than Wednesday evening.
Either pop them through the Office letter-box or e-mail them
in. Anything received after Wednesday evening cant be guaranteed to make it into the next weekends newsletter.
Its that time of the year again! We are starting to get ready for the next
session of the 10 Week Draw.
We have been running the ten week draw for several years now and it
has brought in a large amount of extra capital for the Parish. We are only
able to do the extras (decorating the church outside and inside, new
flooring etc) with the help of the extra capital generated by our social
events and the 10 week draw. Paying the fuel bills and diocesan levy etc
takes the majority of our weekly income.
The next ten week draw will begin next Sunday 17th MAY (and the
final draw will be on Sunday 19th July).
As most people know, its a very simple processwe have agents, and
there are 20 numbers on each agents book. We really could do with some
more agents (so please contact the Parish Office to become an agent),
and we really need more people to join the 10 week draw. Its ten
pound (a pound a week10 paid before the start of the draw), and the
prizes are very good.
Each week there are prizes of 50.00 and 25.00 (plus agents prizes of
5.00 if the winner is on your book). The big draw will hopefully once
more be 1000 and a few other prizes, but we have to keep within the
law and it all depends on the numbers who join the draw as to what the
final big prize would be.
Fr Paul.
You are now able to access the weekly parish newsletter
from our twitter feed (@olgcga