Lakes and Reservoir in Malaysia: Management and Research Challenges

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Sengupta, M. and Dalwani, R. (Editors).

Proceedings of Taal2007: The 12th World Lake Conference: 1349-1355

Lakes and Reservoir in Malaysia: Management and Research Challenges

Zati Sharip* & Salmah Zakaria
National Hydraulic Research Institute of Malaysia (NAHRIM), Lot 5377, Jalan Putra Permai, 43300 Seri
Kembangan, Selangor Malaysia
*Corresponding author: Email:

Lakes and reservoir are important water resources in Malaysia. Rapid pace of development surrounding
many of the lake catchments has had significant effects on the quality of the water body. This paper
looks into various studies on the status of lakes and reservoir that have been carried out in Malaysia. It
detailed out some of the major issues and problem faced in the areas of lake research, management,
governance, capacity building, information management and stakeholder participation. The paper
concludes with strategies and plans to be consider as the way forward to overcome the issues.
Keywords: Eutrophication, research, management

This paper appraises some of the past studies that
have been carried out in Malaysia and synthesise the
overall findings from paper presentations and
discussion in the Colloquium on Lakes and Reservoir
in Malaysia held in August 2007 at Putrajaya,
Lakes and reservoir are important sources of water in
Malaysia and can have multipurpose functions. They
formed part of storage basins for municipal and
industrial water supply, agriculture and hydropower.
Some lakes and reservoir were constructed as flood
control detention storage to buffer the different flow
during dry and wet season, although most of them,
currently have multipurpose functions. Water bodies
are also created when silt retention/detention basins
are constructed in urban areas. Hydropower in
Malaysia contributed about 8% of the energy
requirement in year 1998 (Ministry of Energy, Water
and Communication 2007). Lakes and reservoir also
support important ecosystem and repository of
biodiversity of rare, endemic and endangered
species. Due to its economic potential, many lakes
and ponds have become popular tourism and waterbased recreational sites or sports- or commercialfishing activities, expanding the water needs and
creating conflicting water uses.
Generally, natural lakes are few in Malaysia
and mostly form as part of swamp wetlands. A
wetland of international importance, Lake Bera, was
accepted as Malaysias first RAMSAR site in 1995.
At the same time a number of man-made lakes were
created to fulfil the needs of the nation. Not less than
73 man-made lakes have been created for water
supply, irrigation hydropower generation, flood

mitigation and others. Distribution of major lakes

and reservoir in Malaysia is shown in Figure 1.
Limnological Studies of Freshwater Lakes
Limnological studies of the freshwater lakes in
Malaysia was reported to have begin in the early
1970s (Ho 1995), with Lake Bera studied intensively
Programme/Productivity of Freshwater Communities
(IPB/PF) Program followed by studies of other
shallow lakes such Paya Bungor and Ulu Lepar
wetland. Two reviews of past studies on lakes in
Malaysia (Ho 1995, NAHRIM 2005) showed most of
studies that have been carried out concentrates on
fisheries and aquaculture, water quality analysis and
flora and fauna. Following the successful completion
of the Malaysian/Japanese IBP/ PF Lake Bera Project
in the late 1970s, another limnological study of a
similar scale and nature has been carried out in
Kenyir Reservoir in 1990s. Loagan Bunut is another
lake which has been selected as one of the
demonstration sites under a five-year (2002-2007)
UNDP/GEF Funded Peat Swamp Forest Project
which aims to promote the conservation and
sustainable use of the highly significant and fragile
ecosystem of tropical peat swamp forests in
In the NAHRIM desk top study of 2005 which
covers 90 lakes and reservoir, more than 80 studies
on 30 lakes and reservoir in different parts of the
country, were reviewed. Main focuses of the studies
were fish and aquatic fauna which include suitability
of lakes for fish development and analysis of fish
communities and diversity in more than 20 lakes.
Water quality studies that have been looked into
include water quality analysis, pollution source
identification and water quality improvement

Figure 1: Distribution of Major Lakes and Reservoir in Malaysia

A comparison between reviews by Ho (1995) &

NAHRIM (2005) showed studies on lakes has
diversified from taxonomic and basic identification
of the flora, fauna and fishes community and water
quality analysis to application of technique to
improve lake quality as well as development of
model to understand the relationship between
pollution source and ecosystem.
Status of Lakes and Reservoir in Malaysia
Lakes and reservoir all over the world experience
different problem. Common problems include
eutrophication, sedimentation and weed infestation.
Eutrophication of lakes, which is known as a
prevalent global concern in lakes and reservoir, is
also a critical issue in Malaysia. The preliminary
desk top study on the current status of eutrophication
of Lakes in Malaysia indicated that more than 60%
of the 90 lakes reviewed in the country, is
experiencing eutrophication (NAHRIM 2005, Zati &
Zulkifli 2007). Different lakes show different
symptom of eutrophication. Phytoplankton blooms
were not widely reported but macrophyte blooms are
common occurrence in some lakes and ponds.
Majority of lakes encounter threats arising from
within lake drainage basins as well as in-lakes
problems. Degradation threats from within lake
drainage basin include excess sediment and nonpoint sources inputs associated to rapid development
and changes in land use as well as pollution from
agrochemical and sewage effluent. In-lakes problems


reported were weed infestation, and nutrients from

fish cages.
Detail studies on a few major lakes in Malaysia
show different level of degradation. Deterioration of
water quality and water quantity was reported in all
three biggest natural lakes in Malaysia; the Lake
Bera (Chong 2007), Lake Chini (Mushrifah 2007)
and Loagan Bunut Lake (Rahim Nik et al 2007). The
main source of degradation includes surface run off
containing nutrient-rich water from nearby
plantations, sewage from communities living around
the lake, logging activities and oil discharges from
motorboats. Changes in land use within the three
lakes catchment were widespread where part of the
watershed consisted of secondary and primary forests
were converted to agriculture areas specifically the
oil palm plantation. Decreasing amount of water
levels was also reported in Lake Bera and Lake Chini
affecting transportation and natural resources.
Indicators suggesting water degradation in Lake
Bera includes higher presence of nutrients;
phosphorous, nitrogen and ammonia in the water
(Chong 2007). High coliform and faecal coliform
were of concern in Lake Chini. Preliminary findings
in 2003 showed the total coliform counts and faecal
coliform counts exceeded the Malaysias Interim
National Water Quality Standards for recreational
activities subsequently indicated the unsuitability of
the lake for recreational purposes (Mushrifah 2007).
Sedimentation by surface run-off is a major problem
for Loagan Bunut lake. Rapid land development
activities upstream were reported to contribute
substantial sediment to the lake bottom, threatening

to fill up the lake within 60 years (Abdul Rahim et al,

2007). The level of heavy metal such as lead in the
lake sediment was relatively high due to discharge by
motorised boat that navigate in the lake and the
adjacent waterways.
All three natural lakes also experience fish and
phytoplankton diversity change and shift in species
composition. Phytoplankton species that are more
tolerant to pollution, such as Euglenophyta and
Pyrrhophyta, are found in areas of high human
disturbance (Chong 2007). Studies on the diversity of
fish in Lake Chini indicated that only 28 species have
been recorded, compared to actual recorded species
at 84 species (Mushrifah 2007). A number of
freshwater fish species native to the lake such as
Scleropagus formasus was no longer in the existing
list of Lake Chini. Diversity issues was also reported
in Loagan Bunut, with an increase in trash species
such as the kissing gourami (Helostoma temminckii),
and carnivorous species such as the snakehead
(Channa sp). Sedimentation, which robs the
spawning grounds of many species and contributes to
the anoxic levels of the lake during low flows were
suggested by Abdul Rahim et al (2007) as part of the
reason for the decrease in the fish population. Other
suggestion to the changes in fish diversity in Loagan
Bunut was partly due to over fishing by the local to
meet the increasing market need as well as growing
fishing community. The changes in water quality in
Lake Chini were suggested to have encouraged the
foreign species Camboba furcata to flourish in the
lake (Mushrifah 2007).
Deep man-made lakes especially created for
stratification problem. In Lake Kenyir, strong
thermal stratification was reported with an anoxic
hypolimnion during both dry and wet seasons
(Fatimah et al 2002). Despite limited aerobic
condition with availability of oxygen between 10-15
m layers above the metalimnion, Lake Kenyir is
known to having diverse of high commercial value of
fish stock. Lake Kenyir is popular with sport-fishing
and intensive cage aquaculture activities. Such
activities provide nutrient rich environment which
encourage localised eutrophication within the lake.
Infection of fish species were also reported (Molnar
et al 2003) in Lake Kenyir. Decrease in biodiversity
due to over-fishing, eutrophication due to nutrientrich water from ecotourism and agriculture activities
and siltation as a result of logging in the upstream
areas are some of the threats for Lake Kenyir. The
relatively anoxic environment of the large portion of
waters in Lake Kenyir will hasten eutrophication of
the reservoir if there is no effective control of
nutrient loading into the reservoir (Fatimah 2007).
Other artificial lakes created for irrigation and
water supply also experience similar threat. Pilot
caged aquaculture projects are a big threat for Muda
and Pedu dam. Muda Dam is also subjected to ecotourism activities by Ulu Muda tourism development

which promotes nature tours, recreation and outdoor

activities, education and rural tourism. Sedimentation
study for Muda Dam showed sedimentation is not
likely to reduce the active storage of the reservoir
(Chiang 2007). High soil erosion and turbidity was
reported in Pedu Dam in 1993-2003 due to
underwater logging activities. Anthropogenic
activities especially agricultural and urbanization
within the upstream catchment was the biggest threat
for Timah Tasoh Reservoir (Wan Ruslan 2007).
Sedimentation rate was reported to be relatively high
during the dry year. Availability of wetlands and
riparian plants, however, has contributed in
controlling the water quality of Timah Tasoh by
diminishing the amount of suspended solid and
nutrients downstream.
Lakes surrounded with intact natural forest
vegetation such as Ahning Reservoir have good
water quality and suitable for water supply for
domestic and industrial use (Chiang 2007). At
present, there is no threat due to none development
except only small scale fishing activities by local
fishermen. Most lakes and reservoir in Malaysia,
however, has no record on soil erosion as soil erosion
study was not yet been carried out.
Climate change or global warming is another
threat seen as to be affecting the lakes and reservoir
problems in Malaysia. Changes in the rainfall pattern
and intensity provide challenges for the functioning
of the lakes in controlling the flood and drought, as
been experienced in different part of the country.
Issues and Challenges
Focusing on the current lake problems in the country,
the main issues and challenges is discussed under the
sub-headings of lake research, lake management,
governance, stakeholder participation, capacity
building and information management.
Lake Research
Limnological studies on lakes or the lentic system
have been carried out in many lakes in Malaysia but
the publications of these studies were very limited.
Majority of the studies appear to have been carried
out in universities and government institutions
mostly on individual basis and confined to their
objectives and interests (NAHRIM 2005). Research
on man-made aquatic ecosystem were reported to be
sporadic and rudimentary (Ho 1980). There is also no
national body for coordinating lakes research (Ho
1995, NAHRIM 2005). Most of the current research
focuses on aquatic pollution and water quality, water
resource development and management and
biodiversity. Main environmental issues concerning
lakes include eutrophication, inorganic pollution,
sedimentation and siltation, over-exploitation, loss of
biodiversity, habitat change, aquatic plant infestation
and introduced species.


There is a need to identify gaps in terms of

research and management. The preliminary studies
have shown a large gap in information and
understanding of tropical lakes in comparison to
temperate lakes (NAHRIM 2005). There is also a
need to identify focus areas. Areas of concern
include physical limnology, lake modelling,
biodiversity and effects of exotics fauna and flora.
There is also a need to study the carrying capacity of
the lakes.
There are still gaps in terms of nutrient budget
and trophic relationships amongst food-web
organism in almost all lakes in the country (Ho
1995). Assessment on knowledge gaps between lakes
and reservoirs in Malaysia and those in developed
countries indicate further research needs in the areas
of physical characteristics of lakes and pattern of
stratification, improvement of monitoring and
mathematical models for lakes and reservoir (Zati &
Zulkifli 2007).
There is a need for comprehensive planning and
coordination for development of long-term integrated
multidisciplinary lake research programs. A holistic
approach is needed to achieve specific targets.
Adequate technologies and financing is also essential
for the success of any restoration and conservation
effort. There are few sources of funding available in
terms of lake research in Malaysia which includes
government funding through 5-year Malaysian Plan,
Intensification of Research in Priority Areas (IRPA);
E-science, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme
(FRGS), National Biotechnology Directorate
Development Grant (NBD) as well as private and
International funding such as Global Environment
Facility (GEF), European Union, Japan Society for
the Promotion of Science (JSPS) and Japan
International Cooperation Agency (JICA).
Lake Management
Proper management of lakes depends on the uses of
the lakes. Lakes which were designed for different
recreational and tourism activities require good
quality of water and ecosystem. Majority of lakes in
Malaysia lack adequate mechanism for managing
lakes. Development of wetland parks enable nature
to be introduced into urban fabric. Wetland acts as
natural filter, improving the water quality and
providing a sustaining environment for flora and
fauna. Management measure on lakes and reservoir
requires understanding of key processes that drive
the ecosystem. Management of lakes and lacustrine
wetlands requires preserving the health of aquatic
life, protection of rare and endangered flora and
fauna and habitat enhancement for birds and fishes.
Development of an integrated system of the wetlands
and lake management will ensure sustainability of
management measures.


A good management practices requires

development of vision and comprehensive strategic
plan and formulation of a long term lakes or reservoir
catchment development and management plan.
Active participation of all stakeholders within the
catchment is also crucial to ensure proper
implementation of the catchments management
recommended programs. There must be mechanisms
to control the use of fertilizer, detergent and sewage
inputs. There is a need for comprehensive monitoring
program which includes water quality and habitat of
flora and fauna either in the form of scientific
physical and biological monitoring programme.
Currently, there is no comprehensive
monitoring program carried out in majority of lakes
in Malaysia. Catchment development plans are yet to
be formulated for most lakes within the country.
Only Putrajaya Lake Catchment has a comprehensive
Guidelines, which defines the land-use, drainage and
sewerage master plans, comprehensive monitoring
program as well as integrated regulatory control for
areas outside Putrajaya integrating to the pertinent
master plans for Putrajaya (Zaharah 2007, Akashah
Governance of inland water in Malaysia involves
many sectors and thus forms the biggest challenge to
ensure sustainability. Under the Federal Constitution
(revised 1998), land and water resources are under
the state jurisdiction thus there is segmentation in
terms of ownership and management of water
resources and water supply (Salmah & Zati 2007).
There is also separation of powers in terms of
management of lakes of different types of uses.
Lakes that fall into natural water courses are under
the responsibility of Drainage and Irrigation
Department while wetland are either under the
management of Wildlife Department, state
(NGOs) or RAMSAR. Dams and reservoir created
for water supply are governed by the various water
supply departments, authorities or private
concessionaires while dams and reservoir created for
generation of electricity is being managed by the
National Electricity Board.
Major governance problems include pollution
wastewater), Stakeholders conflicts, invasive
species, development within Lake Basin and
increased of water demand.
In terms of legislations, development and
management of lakes are subjected to various water
and environmental laws. Some of these laws were
formulated before independence and need to be
revised or supported with sufficient enforcement
capabilities. The laws that are indirectly related to
lakes and its catchment include the Environment

Quality Act 1974 and Environmental Quality

(Prescribed Activities) (Environmental Impact
Assessment) Order 1987, National Forestry Act
1984, Fisheries Act 1985 (Fisheries Maritime
Regulations 1967: Amended 1987 and Fisheries:
Marine Culture System Regulation), Town and
Country Planning Act 1976, Land Conservation Act
1960, Water Act 1920 (Revised 1989), National
Land Code 1965 and National Parks Act 1980.
The National Physical Plan (NPP) coordinating
land development throughout the Peninsular of
Malaysia in more sustainable manner was introduced
in 2006. Important measures promoted include the
establishment of environmental sensitive areas and
central forest spine that protect water catchment,
minimise pollution and preserve biological diversity.
Environment-related policies having impact on lakes
include the National Forestry Policy (1978), National
Energy Policy (1979), National Policy on Biological
Diversity (1998), National Policy on the
Environment (2002) and Third National Agricultural
Policy (1998-2010). EIA Guidelines for Dams and/or
Reservoir Projects published in 1995 provides
information on procedural requirements for the
planning, development and maintenance of manmade lakes.
In general, there are insufficient governance
and accountability systems for lakes in Malaysia.
Specific laws on lakes are currently not available.
There is also no specific national water quality
standard which requires stringent control of
parameters such as nutrient, formulated for lakes.
Only Putrajaya Lake has its own specific water
quality standard. It is recommended that a national
policy to be formulated to consolidate the various
laws, regulations and enactments that govern water
resources (NAHRIM 2005).
Stakeholder Participation
The success of any lake management depends on the
participation of the stakeholder. Every individual and
organisation either in the public or private sector
contributes to the release of pollutants which affects
water bodies through generation of waste and
alteration of natural environment. Conversions of
forest and development within the catchment area for
urban and agriculture practice creates conflict to the
sustainability of pristine environment. The role of
managing and preserving the whole lake catchment
requires awareness and participation of every
stakeholder. Level of awareness and participation of
public in conservation efforts especially for lakes are
generally still very low.
(NGOs) are actively involved in various
environmental issues and protection and conservation
efforts as well as creating awareness among the
public. This includes Malaysian Nature Society,
Environmental Protection Society of Malaysia,

Sustainable Development Network Malaysia,

Sahabat Alam Malaysia, Wetland International and
Water Watch Penang. Major activities of NGOs
includes awareness raising, community development,
capacity building, fund raising and campaigning on a
broad spectrum of issues and initiatives, ranging
from environment, community, health, governance,
ecotourism and sustainable livelihood. Efforts that
are being conducted by various NGOs in Malaysia
include Saves Lake Campaign in Lake Chini, Save
the Belum Temengor Forest Complex, and setting up
of various Community Information and Education
Despite increasing involvement by NGOs in the
environmental awareness and conservation effort,
there is a need to establish platform or committee
integrating all stakeholder of a lake basin to
participate and to foster good framework of
relationship in monitoring and enforcement among
agencies, organisations and sectors (NAHRIM 2005).
Capacity Building
Rapid degradation or eutrophication of lakes and
reservoirs in Malaysia which cause short lifespan of
lakes is major prevalent issue. There is also issue in
terms of availability of knowledge and understanding
on lake processes based on tropical lakes. Most
management strategies that are available are based on
temperate knowledge of lake processes. There is
insufficient in-depth knowledge of limnology for
Malaysian lakes. There is also no integrated,
stakeholders in conservation efforts and availability
of management tools and technologies is needed to
enable sustainable management of lakes and
Capacity building should be carried out at
various levels. At present, there is an increasing
development of capacity building in universities.
Most public Institute of Higher Learning offer
courses in aquatic sciences and engineering as
subjects in environmental, ecological or engineering
based programmes. Various training programmes are
available at a few universities such as Universiti
Malaya, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Universiti
Putra Malaysia and Universiti Sains Malaysia (Ho
1980). However, there are not that many courses
which are developed as an entire programme. Most
of the approach taken in the public universities is too
academic and theoretical with insufficient application
taught and no hands-on training in industry. Private
universities and colleges, in contrast, rarely seen to
undertake such programmes due to high course to
run the course while graduates were seen as not
Major recommendation to address the issue is
the need to redesign the curriculum towards
multidisciplinary and integrated approach. There is
also a need to encourage life-long learning and


capacity building at all levels and awareness

programmes to local communities as well as
sustainable utilization of water bodies.

Information management on lakes in Malaysia is

very limited. No lake has been studied extensively on
integrated approach to enable the database of the
lakes and reservoirs in Malaysia to be properly
developed (NAHRIM 2005). At present, there is no
systematic effort to compile and share information on
all lakes in Malaysia. Comparative analysis of trends
is not able to be carried out as there is no agreed
template of information to be collected. Thus it is
difficult to gain new insights of the major problem.
There is also no central, national repository for
information on lakes in Malaysia. Dissemination of
knowledge to suit the layperson is also limited due to
unavailability of suitable materials.

information from Lake Data Repository will be used

for monitoring purposes as well as to guide
management effort and measures needed to restore
and conserve lakes sustainably. It will also steer
further researches needed to look into the various
issues on lakes in the country.
One of the reasons for the setting up of the
National Hydraulics Research Institute of Malaysia
(NAHRIM), in 1995 was the impact of global
warming looming in the background. The effect of
global warming and rapid economic development has
an impact to the growth and lake water quality. To
meet the need to establish a centre to coordinate
research in lakes, the government has established a
Lake Research Unit within National Hydraulic
Research Institute of Malaysia, to act as the focal
point in coordinating lake research in Malaysia.
Results from integrated research programmes will be
instrumental in guiding the governance and
management efforts.

The Way Forward


Many efforts are being pursued to address the lake

eutrophication issues. One of the efforts that have
been carried out is the organising of a national lake
colloquium with the support of the Ministry of
Natural Resources and Environment. The colloquium
aims to foster greater awareness on the status and
issues pertaining to lakes and reservoir in Malaysia
through sharing the findings of past and current
research activities and lake management practices.
The colloquiums stakeholder discussion has resulted
in the setting up of Lake Technical Committee which
formed as a platform to develop a framework for
sound lake management and to move forward the
related research agenda. A series of workshops will
be organised to develop strategies and action plan
involving various stakeholders to enable integrated
governance and management of lakes and its
catchment based on the basin concept.
In addition, the colloquium provide a reference
material on the subject through development of
proceeding which subsequently form a practical
information in planning further actions and
programmes towards sound management of lakes
and reservoirs in the country. A coffee Table book on
lakes is being pursued and targeted to increase
awareness among public and various stakeholders on
the importance and value of lakes in Malaysia. It
covers selected natural lakes and man-made
In-line with the need to develop strategic
information and knowledge management including
development of a database; a Lake Data Repository
which includes development of booklet is being
pursued by National Hydraulic Research Institute of
Malaysia. The repository will be based on the 90
lakes inventoried in the preliminary study on the
status of eutrophication of lakes by NAHRIM. The

A preliminary study on lakes in Malaysian has

shown that eutrophication is a major problem of
lakes in Malaysia. Rapid development through
conversion of catchment area to agricultural and
urbanization has a great effect to the quality and
quantity of water. Different lakes experience
different level of degradation and eutrophication.
Awareness on the eutrophication issues is still very
limited despite increasing threat to the water bodies.
Barrier and large gap existed in terms of lake
research, management, governance, information
management, stakeholder participation and capacity
building. Measures that are being carried out to
address some of the threat include increase
awareness through development of reference
materials for both technical and public besides
improve information management on lakes through
development of data repository to enable collection
of data which can be used for monitoring purposes.
A specific research unit on lakes has been set up to
coordinate research efforts among the various
institutions of higher learning, research institutes and
government departments subsequently assist lake
management efforts through dissemination of
research findings.

Information Management on Lakes


Akashah Majizat (2003), Operation and Management of
Putrajaya Lake and Wetlands, Paper presented at
National Seminar on Constructed Wetland 2003,
Putrajaya Malaysia
Abdul Rahim Nik, Alexander K. Sayok, Efransjah and
Sapuan Ahmad (2007), Issues Affecting the
Sustainability of Loagan Bunut Lake, Sarawak,
Paper presented at the Colloquium on Lakes and
Reservoir Management: Status and Issues, 2 3
August 2007, Putrajaya Malaysia

Chiang Thin Thin & Geh Yean Lian (2007),

Muda/Pedu/Ahning Reservoirs, Kedah, Paper
presented at the Colloquium on Lakes and Reservoir
Management: Status and Issues, 2 3 August 2007,
Putrajaya Malaysia
Chong, G (2007), Tasek Bera: Past, Present and Future,
Paper presented at the Colloquium on Lakes and
Reservoir Management: Status and Issues, 2 3
August 2007, Putrajaya Malaysia
Fatimah M. Yusoff (2007), Tasik Kenyir: Thermal
Stratification and Its Implications on Sustainable
Management of the Reservoir, Paper presented at the
Colloquium on Lakes and Reservoir Management:
Status and Issues, 2 3 August 2007, Putrajaya
Fatimah M. Yusoff, H.M Matias and N. Khan (2002),
Changes of water quality, chlorophyll a and
zooplankton along river-lacustrine continuum in a
tropical reservoir, Verh. International Verein.
Limnology, 28: 295-298
Ho, S.C (1995), Status of Limnological Research and
Training in Malaysia. In Gopal, B and Wetzel, R.G
(Editors) Limnology in Developing Countries Vol. 1:
163-189, International Association for Limnology,
New Delhi India
Ho, S.C (1980), Research and Training in Limnology with
Respect to Man-made System in Malaysia. pp. 6773. In: Mori, S and Ikusima, I (Editors) Proceeding
of the First Workshop on the Promotion of
Limnology in the Developing Countries, 29-30
August 1980, Kyoto Japan
Lim, R. P (1980), Limnological Research and Education
with reference to Natural Ecosystems in Malaysia.
pp. 57-65. In: Mori, S and Ikusima, I (Editors)
Proceeding of the First Workshop on the Promotion
of Limnology in the Developing Countries, 29-30
August 1980, Kyoto Japan

Molnar K., Shaharom-Harrison F. and Szekely CS.

(2003) A survey of coccidian infections of freshwater
fishes of Peninsular Malaysia, with descriptions of
three species of Goussia Labbe, 1986
(Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae), Systematic Parasitology
55: 1118, 2003. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Ministry of Energy, Water and Communication. Accessed 5 October 2007
Mushrifah Idris (2007), Tasik Chini: Sustaining
Environmentally Sensitive Areas, Paper presented at
the Colloquium on Lakes and Reservoir
Management: Status and Issues, 2 3 August 2007,
Putrajaya Malaysia
NAHRIM (2005), A Desktop Study on the Status of Lake
Eutrophication in Malaysia - Final Report, August
Salmah Zakaria and Zati Sharip (2007), Water, Paper
presented at the National Conference & Exhibition
on Sustainability, Malaysia 2007 (SM2007), 30-31
January 2007, Sime Darby Convention Centre, Kuala
Wan Ruslan Ismail (2007), Timah Tasoh: Environmental
Management of A Reservoir Within an Agriculture
Scenario, Paper presented at the Colloquium on
Lakes and Reservoir Management: Status and Issues,
2 3 August 2007, Putrajaya Malaysia
Zaharah Salamat (2007), Putrajaya Lake: Sustainable
Management of Created Wetland, Paper presented at
the Colloquium on Lakes and Reservoir
Management: Status and Issues, 2 3 August 2007,
Putrajaya Malaysia
Zati Sharip & Zulkifli Yusop (2007), National Overview:
The Status of Lakes Eutrophication in Malaysia,
Paper presented at the Colloquium on Lakes and
Reservoir Management: Status and Issues, 2 3
August 2007, Putrajaya Malaysia


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