This document contains 65 questions related to Java programming. The questions cover a wide range of Java topics including OOP concepts like inheritance, polymorphism and abstraction, exception handling, multithreading, I/O, JDBC, Swing, Applets, Servlets, JSP and more. Example programs are requested for many questions to demonstrate specific Java features, components and design patterns.
This document contains 65 questions related to Java programming. The questions cover a wide range of Java topics including OOP concepts like inheritance, polymorphism and abstraction, exception handling, multithreading, I/O, JDBC, Swing, Applets, Servlets, JSP and more. Example programs are requested for many questions to demonstrate specific Java features, components and design patterns.
Original Description:
Please find the questions below compiled from all the university papers.
This document contains 65 questions related to Java programming. The questions cover a wide range of Java topics including OOP concepts like inheritance, polymorphism and abstraction, exception handling, multithreading, I/O, JDBC, Swing, Applets, Servlets, JSP and more. Example programs are requested for many questions to demonstrate specific Java features, components and design patterns.
This document contains 65 questions related to Java programming. The questions cover a wide range of Java topics including OOP concepts like inheritance, polymorphism and abstraction, exception handling, multithreading, I/O, JDBC, Swing, Applets, Servlets, JSP and more. Example programs are requested for many questions to demonstrate specific Java features, components and design patterns.
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1-Interfaces and abstract class
2-method overloading and overriding 3-java is platform independent and machin independent justify 4-Different between an application and applet 5-design class employee and calculate gross salary of employee 6-multithreading ? explain thread life cycle details. 7-Write a java program to print the count of vowels,consonannts and number in a given files ? 8-concepts of oops ? 9-explain five swing component in java ? 10-constructor ? explain parameterized constructor and constructor overloading ? 11-use of static varriable and method in java ? 12-explain the diff. ways in which driver can be loaded in JDBC application with e.g of each method ? 13-exception ? the steps to create your own exception with a suitable e.g ? 14-Drivers in JDBC / Data type / Abstract classes / packages. ----------------------------------------------15-concepts of constructor overloding and method overloading in java ? 16-write a program to sort an array of strings.? 17-thread syncronization ? explain the procedure to synchronize threads with a p rogramme e.g. ? 18-what is access specifier ? diff. types of A.S supported in java ? 19-Different beteewn a)super and this b)statement and prepared statment 20-java program to read and write data from a text file ? 21-Design the a/c class to handle diff. opertions such as open/deposite/withdraw /transfer ? 22- JDK ? explain diff. TOOLS provided by JDk . explain execution flow of java p rogram ? 23-write an applet to illustate use of different mouse events ? 24-explain the use of wrapper classes eith e.g and packages in java ? 25-what is JDBC ? explain different steps to connect a java program to DBMS ? 26-Applets/Swings/ five layouts in Layout managers explain . ------------------------------------------------27- diff. between java application and applet ? 28- diff. between AWT and Swing Components. ? 29- explain the role of classes , interface and packages in java ? 30- expplain the class exception and exception hierarchy ? 31-write the programe to find the sum - 1 + x + x^2 + x^3 + ..... 32-explain the resultset and resultset constants in breif.? 33-differnt stages of an applet life cycle and e.g. how to pass parameters embed ded in html ? 34-distiguish between a)inputstream and reader classes b)outputstream and writer classes 35-program to explain the MULTITHREADING with use of multiplication tables.three threads must be defind each one must create one multiplication table ? the t ables are 5, 7 and 13 ? 36-short note a)bytestream amd unicode character stream b)object serialization and deserialization c)java and c++ d)database connectivity using java ----------------------------------------------37- write the program showing three thread working simultaneously upon single ob ject ? 38-diff. between static , class and local varriable in java with e.g.?
39-explain JDK,JVM and BYTECODE. ?
40-write a program to count the nubmer of object created for class using static member method. 41-what is use of synchronization in java ? with e.g. ? ------------------------------------------------------42-explain Event delegation Model in java. Write a program to demonstrate it. ? 43-explain any five built-in packeges of java also write steps to create a packa ge. ? 44-write java Exception handling program to demostrate any two java's unchecked runtime exception subclasses. 45-write java program to demonstrate use of final keyword.? 46-Write java program using objects as parameters to a function named equal to d iaplay true if the two objects are equal else false if not. ? ------------------------------------------------------47-Design a class cricketer with name,age, batting avg,bowling avg. create an ar ray of cricketer object and sort it on batting avg. 48-DATA RACE CONDITION ? explain how you will eliminate date race condition in m ultithreaded applications in java. 49-Design a swing application to select a file and display its contents in the t ext area. on click of select button , program should display the file dialog and on click of OK button contents of selected files should displayed in text area. 50-what is mouse listener interface ? write an applet to set the backgroung colo r to yellow on left click of mouse and to red on right click mouse. -----------------------------------------------------------51-how does java acheives multiple inhertence in java ? write java program to ex tend interface and implement it in a class. 52-program use of static keyword ? 53- write a program to demonstrate any four event handler in java ? 54-program for multiplication table for a number excepted from user through a di alog box. 55-write a user defind exception to raise Exception for a/c class if balance amt is below 1000 rs. 56-write JDBC-ODBC program to create table profressor (id,dept,no.of publication ),(oustanding) insent five records into table update table if number of publi cation are more than ten set outstaning to "YES" else set it to "no". ---------------------------------------------57-compare servlet with CGI. 58-diff. between strut1.x and strut2.x. 59-Object serialization and deserialiazation 60- explain about EJB architecture with a neat diagram ? 61-what is cookie ? write a simple servlet program to design to page visit count er using cookie. 62-what is servlets ? servlet life cycle ? e.g ? 63-List of all JSP implicit objects and explain them in short with there scope ? 64-what is directives ? diff. type of directives in JSP. 65-principle of the event delegation model ? what are the source of the events a nd event listener interfaces ? explian any two event listener ?