Add Z Field To Field Catalouge
Add Z Field To Field Catalouge
Add Z Field To Field Catalouge
2. Enhance the structures KOMKBV3 (Header) and KOMPBV3 (Item) with the new field by adding an
append structure.
ABAP Switching, Enhancing, and Adapting Standard Programs: Enhancing The Field Catalog of Condition
Tables For Output Billing Documents
3. Now maintain V_T681F with the new field, this will add the new field to the condition table structure.
ABAP Switching, Enhancing, and Adapting Standard Programs: Enhancing The Field Catalog of Condition
Tables For Output Billing Documents
ABAP Switching, Enhancing, and Adapting Standard Programs: Enhancing The Field Catalog of Condition
Tables For Output Billing Documents
Save it.
4. Coding for filling the new field in RVCOMFZ1 form USEREXIT_KOMPBV3_FILL for the item field.
ABAP Switching, Enhancing, and Adapting Standard Programs: Enhancing The Field Catalog of Condition
Tables For Output Billing Documents
5. Coding for filling the new field in RVCOMFZZ form USEREXIT_KOMKBV3_FILL for the header field.
This will add the new field in the field catalog structure for access sequence, now we can create a condition
table with this field and assign it to the Output type which will be triggered during the billing document creation.
To create a condition table use the transaction V/62.
Give the description and the field catalog will be shown as below with newly added fields.
ABAP Switching, Enhancing, and Adapting Standard Programs: Enhancing The Field Catalog of Condition
Tables For Output Billing Documents
Double clicking the required fields will move the fields to the selected fields list.
The technical view will help us in seeing the technical details of the selected fields.
ABAP Switching, Enhancing, and Adapting Standard Programs: Enhancing The Field Catalog of Condition
Tables For Output Billing Documents
The access sequence and output type are assigned to the billing application in NACE configuration and the
data for the output type of the billing document is maintained using VV31.
Once this configuration is done, when a billing document is triggered with corresponding output type all
the condition records are filled and we can see them from output messages tab on billing document using
determination analysis.
ABAP Switching, Enhancing, and Adapting Standard Programs: Enhancing The Field Catalog of Condition
Tables For Output Billing Documents
The output will be seen in the analysis under the output message type with the condition table records.
Thank you.
ABAP Switching, Enhancing, and Adapting Standard Programs: Enhancing The Field Catalog of Condition
Tables For Output Billing Documents
Just try activating the enhancements and put a break-point to see the list of fields available. This should help
you filling the data.
Supriya Kadam
Jun 19, 2014 1:32 PM
Hi Sandeep,
This is what i was looking for besides can u please provide coding for point No.4 & 5.
Thanks in Advance.
Aditya Sharma
Aug 8, 2013 7:00 PM
Very Informative Post Sandeep. Thank you
Sarala Reddy
Jul 24, 2013 12:41 PM
This post is very helpful Sandeep. Was searching for just this.
Thank you.
Mohit Pandya
Jun 27, 2013 12:50 PM
Really Grate And Helpful Document
Harish Babu
Jan 30, 2013 7:58 AM
Very useful document! Good contribution..