23humidity Effects in Substations

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Prepared for:

Roxtec Ltd

Humidity Effects in Substations

A u t h o r : T o n y B yrn e
Report No: 84600

January 2013

Project No: 84600

Humidity Effects in Substations

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EA Technology Ltd January 2013
EA Technology Limited, Capenhurst Technology Park, Capenhurst, Chester, CH1 6ES; Tel: 0151 339 4181 Fax: 0151 347 2404
Registered in England number 2566313

Humidity Effects in Substations


Tony Byrne

Roxtec Ltd requested EA Technology Ltd to produce a report on the causes and effects of
humidity within indoor substation environments and methods of mitigating these factors.
This report briefly explains relative humidity and partial discharge, and the effect of high
relative humidity on the inception or level of partial discharge.
The report covers the environmental factors in switchgear design standards and the
manufacturers literature.
The report covers best practice for the design of substations and internal environment
control, the factors affecting the environment within a substation and methods of mitigating
these factors.
This report demonstrates why it is extremely important to control the substation environment
and this can be achieved by minimising moisture ingress into substations and controlling the
temperature and humidity within the building.



Relative Humidity and Partial Discharge


Description of relative humidity

Effect of changes in environmental and operational conditions
2.2.1 Environmental conditions
2.2.2 Operational conditions
2.2.3 Effects on substation environment
Description of PD and how it leads to insulation system failure
2.3.1 Solid insulation internal discharge
2.3.2 Surface discharge
How high relative humidity in combination with other contaminants contribute to
insulation failure
Effects of Partial Discharge

Switchgear Specification and Design


Environmental requirements in IEC standards

Environmental requirements in manufacturers literature
Switchgear arrangements
3.3.1 Insulation materials
3.3.2 Cable entries and terminations
3.3.3 Switchgear chambers


Transformer Rooms and Bays


Consequences of Equipment Failure




Network / plant shutdown costs

Operational costs
Consequential damage
Repair or replacement

Substation Environment



Ingress of moisture to substations

6.1.1 Substation structure
6.1.2 Cable trenches and cable entries
Effects of high relative humidity within substations


Mitigation measures



Best practice for new substation design

Techniques and equipment for maintaining internal substation environment
7.2.1 Switchroom environment control
7.2.2 Protection and control equipment environment control
7.2.3 Cable entry points
Monitoring switchroom environment
Existing substation improvements




Documents Referenced



Roxtec is aware of the of the potential for equipment failure resulting from high humidity
within high voltage substations.
Roxtec Ltd requested EA Technology Ltd to produce a report on the causes and effects of
humidity (namely equipment insulation failures due to partial discharge) within indoor
substation environments and methods of mitigation.
This report covers relative humidity and the effect it has on the inception or level of partial
discharge. The factors affecting the environment within a substation and methods of
addressing these factors are discussed.
Best practice for the design of substations and internal environment control is discussed.

Relative Humidity and Partial Discharge


Description of relative humidity

The following is a simplified description of relative humidity and how it is affected by

The amount of water contained in air depends on the temperature and pressure. When air is
holding the maximum possible amount of water it is said to be saturated.
For the purposes of this report it is assumed that substations are not hermetically sealed so
that air pressure inside and outside the substation, and consequently all equipment in the
substation, is equal at all times. The description of actual and relative humidity assumes that
standard air pressure (0oC and 1 atmosphere at sea level) applies throughout the substation
and its environment, so air pressure can be ignored for practical purposes.
This amount of water in air is usually expressed in grammes per cubic metre (g/m 3). The
graph in Figure 1 shows how the saturated vapour density of water in air varies with
temperature. This clearly shows that the higher the temperature the larger the amount of
water that air can hold.

Figure 1 Variation of saturated vapour density of air

Saturated Vapour Density of Water in Air

Vapour Density (g/m )
















Temperature (C)

The actual amount of water in air will vary constantly depending on weather conditions, e.g.
raining, sunny, freezing, etc...
The Relative Humidity (RH) expressed as a percentage is a measure of the actual amount of
water in air compared to the maximum amount of water air can hold (saturated) at the same
It the temperature falls then as the actual amount of water vapour in air is unchanged, the
RH will increase. Conversely if the temperature rises then the RH will decrease.
The dew point of air is the temperature to which air must be cooled to make it saturated.
Any further cooling, or the air coming into contact with a cooler surface, will cause the
moisture to condense out of the air.
If further information on humidity and its measurement is required then reference should be
made to the following standards:

BS 1339-1:2002 Humidity. Terms, definitions and formulae

BS 1339-2:2009 Humidity. Humidity calculation functions, tables and user guide
BS 1339-3:2004 Humidity. Guide to the measurement of humidity.


Effect of changes in environmental and operational



Environmental conditions

The environment inside substations depends largely on the ambient external conditions and
the type of building construction.
Solar radiation will heat the external surfaces of the substation structure and the internal
effects will depend on the thermal conductivity of the materials used in the construction.
Walls and roofs having materials of low thermal conductivity will smooth out the temperature
variations inside the substation. Walls and roofs having materials of high thermal
conductivity will transfer heat to the inside of the substation during the day but will also
radiate heat at night leading to large temperature variations within the substation.
Metal doors are often used in substations for security reasons and this will exacerbate the
effect of solar radiation due to their higher thermal conductivity. The orientation of doors
relative to the sun will also affect the amount of solar gain. For example an east facing door
will be heated by the rising sun, and on a cold clear winters day the temperature rise on a
dark painted metal door can be considerable, and this heat is transferred to the inside of the
building resulting in temperature variations in the room.
Rain falling on the substation will cause internal cooling through walls as the water
evaporates from the walls. Badly maintained roofs, gutters, downspouts and drains will
exacerbate the effects.
Where there are cable trenches or basements then consideration needs to be given to the
height of the water table and the direction of run-off from the surroundings in periods of high
rainfall. Whilst the sealing of cable entries may be adequate in moderate conditions the
increased pressure of water as the ground saturates may cause leaks in inadequate or
incorrectly installed seals. Poor construction or materials in the structure will also allow water
to seep into trenches and basements.
Local flooding is an obvious problem. Within the UK the Environment Agency1 maintains
flood risk maps and it is a simple matter to determine the risk at a particular site. The owner
must determine whether the risk of flooding and the impact on their business is acceptable
and if not then they should implement measures to protect the substation.
The ambient RH changes constantly depending on local weather conditions. In the UK it is
typically between 65% and 95%. This means that without any environmental control the air
inside the substation will be at a similar level of RH.


Operational conditions

Electrical loading on equipment generates heat so any changes in load current will have an
impact on the overall temperature in the substation, although this obviously may be small.
The impact of changes in load on cables will cause small amounts of expansion and
contraction. The passage of fault current can cause considerable movement in cables.
These movements will impact on any duct sealing system and may eventually lead to failure
of the seal.

Environment Agency website: www.environment-agency.gov.uk


Equipment such as batteries and the associated chargers, electronic components in

protection and control panels, computers, etc that are routinely installed in substations
generate heat which will also affect the temperature in the substation, and therefore the RH.


Effects on substation environment

Water ingress through walls or badly fitted doors and via wet or flooded cable trenches or
basements will increase the level of water vapour in the air.
The temperature in an enclosed space is invariably warmer at the top than at the bottom.
The amount of heat transfer through the structure of the substation and any heat from the
equipment will cause temperature variations inside the substation in addition to the variation
with height.
As the RH is dependent on the temperature this also implies that the RH will vary dependent
on the height and distance from heat sources across the space. The RH will be higher in
those areas, especially at the bottom of the space, where the temperature is lower.


Description of PD and how it leads to insulation system


Partial Discharges (PD) are electrical discharges occurring inside or on the surface of
electrical insulation materials caused by high-voltage electrical stressing of the insulation
system when equipment is energised.
PD leads to progressive deterioration and often plays a significant part in subsequent
failures, affecting all types of high-voltage assets critical to the operation of the network
including switchgear, cables and transformers.
A partial discharge emits energy in the following ways:
Electromagnetic: radio, light, heat
Acoustic: audio, ultrasonic
Gases: ozone, nitrous oxides.
The most practical techniques for non-intrusive testing are based on the detection of the
radio frequency part of the electromagnetic spectrum and ultrasonic emissions.


Solid insulation internal discharge

Within all insulation material, however well manufactured, there are small voids, often
microscopic. In use, these voids to become charged like small capacitors within the voltage
field applied to the insulator. When sufficiently charged, they discharge with a small spark.
These sparks produce heat, light, smoke, noise and electromagnetic radiation just like
surface discharge, but because they are embedded deep in the insulation only the
electromagnetic radiation can escape. During this process, the insulation is eroded making
the voids larger, the sparks stronger and the degradation faster. Carbonisation of the
internal surface of the void also occurs, progressively making the voids conductive. This
increases the electrical stress on the next voids and the process is cumulative. Eventually,
there are sufficient conductive voids throughout the insulation to cause insulation failure.


Surface discharge

Surface discharges tend to initiate between particles of contamination (typically dust),

especially in conditions of high humidity, producing heat, light, smoke, sound,
electromagnetic radiation, ozone and nitrogen gases.
Surface discharges can be both phase to phase and phase to earth, although the
electromagnetic radiation produced tends to be small in the early stages and does not
induce much signal activity in neighbouring metalwork. In the early stages of this type of
degradation process, sound waves in the ultrasonic frequencies are produced. When
surface discharge occurs, the nitrogen gases produced combine with atmospheric moisture
to produce nitric acid. This attacks the bushing surface to produce a substrate on which
tracking may occur. The damaged surface also becomes conductive due to carbonization
caused by the breakdown of the cast resin. This effectively reduces the electrical clearances
of the insulation, causing the PD process to accelerate to eventual flashover. The acid also
attacks the surrounding metalwork, which becomes characteristically rusty.


How high relative humidity in combination with other

contaminants contribute to insulation failure

Research was carried out at EA Technology Ltd to investigate the effects of varying RH on
the level of PD in switchgear that had been removed from an electricity distribution network
due to issues with PD. This showed that RH has an impact of the levels of existing PD.
Figure 2 shows the variation of PD with RH and it can be seen that there is a short term
correlation between the RH and the level of discharge.





















Level of Ultrasonic Activity

%RH, Temperature

Figure 2 Results of measuring PD and RH





(Source EA Technology Report No T5853 (Confidential))

High RH is known to promote the initial development of partial discharge on the surface of
insulation materials. The most important factor is to avoid rapid variations in temperature,
which in conditions of high humidity may drop below the dew point causing condensation. It
is also known that the air inside lightly loaded switchgear is at the same temperature and RH
as the ambient air in the substation. Condensation would therefore occur within and outside
the switchgear, leading to corrosion that would not be apparent until invasive maintenance is
carried out.

The three most common sources of humidity within substations leading to the onset of partial
discharge are:

Ambient air with high humidity

Water leaks into the substation
Water in cable trenches (Figure 3).
Figure 3 Flooded cable trench

Dust can cause partial discharge when found in considerable quantities in all substation
rooms. Where possible, switchgear chambers should be designed to prevent contamination
inside various chambers. Precautions should be taken to prevent contamination ingress via
the following routes:

Openings in walls
Cable entry points through walls and roofs which may not be sealed
Duct entries to cable trenches or basements
Trunking entry points through walls which may not be sealed
Leaving auxiliary compartment covers open.

2.5 Effects of Partial Discharge

The physical effects of long term Partial Discharge will typically lead to the eventual
catastrophic failure of the insulation. The examples below in Figures 4 and 5 show the
effects of advanced partial discharge activity. This activity would have required replacement
of the damaged insulation components and typically could not be rectified through cleaning
or minor refurbishment.

Figure 4 - Discharge in a cable box caused by PVC phase tape left installed following

Figure 5 - Discharge on a circuit breaker caused by high humidity and a design flaw

Further information on partial discharge and instruments for its detection can be found at the
EA Technology website http://www.eatechnology.com/partial-discharge.

Switchgear Specification and Design


Environmental requirements in IEC standards

The relevant switchgear standard above a 1000V is IEC 62271-1:2007 +A1:2011 HighVoltage Switchgear and Controlgear. Common Specifications, which is identical to BS EN

Clause 2.1.1 in IEC 62271-1 gives the normal service conditions for indoor switchgear and
controlgear. This is reproduced below.
a) the ambient air temperature does not exceed 40C and its average value, measured
over a period of 24 h, does not exceed 35C.
d) The ambient air is not significantly polluted by dust, smoke, corrosive and/or
flammable gases, vapours or salt. The manufacturer will assume that, in the absence
of specific requirements from the user, there are none.
e) The conditions of humidity are as follows
- the average value of the relative humidity, measured over a period of 24 h,
does not exceed 95 %
- the average value of the water vapour pressure, over a period of 24 h, does
not exceed 2.2 kPa
- the average value of the relative humidity, over a period of one month, does
not exceed 90 %
- the average value of the water vapour pressure, over a period of one month,
does not exceed 1.8 kPa.
For these conditions, condensation may occasionally occur.
NOTE 1 Condensation can be expected where sudden temperature changes
occur in periods of high humidity.
NOTE 2 To withstand the effects of high humidity and condensation, such as
breakdown of insulation or corrosion of metallic parts, switchgear designed for
such conditions should be used.
NOTE 3 Condensation may be prevented by special design of the building or
housing, by suitable ventilation and heating of the station or by the use of
dehumidifying equipment.
It should be noted that IEC 62271-1 states that condensation may occasionally occur and
that it can be expected where there are sudden temperature changes.
Note 3 identifies that the user may use environment control to prevent condensation.
It should be noted that type tests are carried out over a relatively short time period. The
effects of long term (i.e. several years) exposure to the levels of RH stated in the standard
have not been tested.


Environmental requirements in manufacturers literature

All HV switchgear is stated as complying with the requirements of IEC 62271-1.

Manufacturers recognise the information in the notes by the use of qualifying statements in
the equipment manuals, as the following extracts indicate:

When the area is free of moisture and abrasive substances (i.e. a satisfactory
environment for normal operation of the switchgear when commissioned)2

CAUTION: Relative humidity must not exceed 80 % and the combination of temperature
and humidity must be such that condensation, in or on the equipment, will not occur.
Where relative humidity exceeds 80 %, take special precautions to prevent

Alstom Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual for the HWX Form A Switchgear (2002) Clause 2.6.3.

condensation. These may include operating the unit heaters via a humidistat and,
preferably, equipping the substation with de-humidification equipment.3

If the average air humidity exceeds 75%, we recommend that appropriate remedies are

Ideal conditions - Humidity below 40%

Standard / Normal Conditions - Humidity below 60% RHD (Optional anti condensation
heaters may be fitted where RHD exceeds this value) 5

In case of stations installed in areas with a high relative humidity or in areas with a high
groundwater level, prevention of condensation will have to be given special attention.
This also applies to switchgear installed in areas abounding in water.6

Ideal conditions - Humidity below 40% and no dripping water

Standard conditions - Humidity below 60%.7

One switchgear manufacturer has described allowable climate conditions in terms used in
BS EN 60721-3-3:1995 Classification of environmental conditions. Classification of groups of
environmental parameters and their severities. Stationary use at weatherprotected locations.
This standard classifies groups of environmental parameters and their severities. The
following is an extract from Table 1 in BS EN 60721-3-3
Table 1 Environmental parameters
Environmental parameter


Low air temperature

High air temperature
Low relative air humidity
High relative air humidity



Source: BS EN 60721-3-3 Table 1

with class 3K5 the installation of additional heating devices is required8

As can be seen from the above extracts ideal conditions for relative humidity (RH) can be as
low as 40% and standard / normal conditions for RH less than 60%. Where the average RH
is greater than 60% it is normally recommended that some form of environment control is
used in the switchroom. When classifications from BS EN 60721-3-3 are used the
recommendations are similar.

AREVA Visax S Installation and Commissioning Manual Technical Handbook MA611(a) Rev 5 (2004) Clause
AREVA PIX Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual No AMT NoT 060-02 (2006) Clause 2.3
Hawker Siddeley Switchgear Eclipse Operation and maintenance instructions, Instruction Manual No 55/4154
(2009) Clause 4.1.1
Eaton Holec Innovac SVS/08 Technical User Manual Ref 991.137 H, Clause 3.1.1
Schneider Electric Genie Range Installation, Operation and Maintenance Instructions Version 002 (2000).
Clause on Maintenance.
Siemens NXAIRM Supplement 2000 to Catalog HA 25.71 Section 5.


Switchgear arrangements


Insulation materials

Historically switchgear insulators were either glazed porcelain or materials such as synthetic
resin bonded paper (SRBP). Polymeric and resin materials were introduced around 30
years ago and their use has become almost universal. These modern materials have
proven much more prone to partial discharge than did porcelain and SRBP.


Cable entries and terminations

Historically cables entered substations through curved ducts cast into the concrete floor and
were terminated in compound filled cable boxes. The shape of the ducts, which were often
filed with bentonite, prevented water entering the substation. Cables were terminated in
compound filled boxes which completely sealed the cables and terminations.
Modern switchgear, especially the fixed pattern design, has the cable entry virtually at floor
level so it is essential to have a cable trench or basement under the switchgear to provide
access for the cable to the area where it is terminated.
Modern cable termination boxes are air insulated. BS 2562:1979 Cable Boxes for
Transformers and Reactors Clause 7.3 states for Unfilled Boxes To minimise condensation,
ventilation shall be provided. It is known that in unfilled boxes that do not breathe there will
be a build up of moisture leading to corrosion and discharge on the terminations. It also
means that the RH of the air inside the cable box is the same as the ambient air.


Switchgear chambers

There is free exchange of air between the switchroom and the various chambers in the
switchgear. This means that the temperature and RH in the switchgear is essentially the
same as in the switchroom.

Transformer Rooms and Bays

Transformers are usually placed in separate rooms or bays in substations entirely separate
from switchgear and protection/control equipment due to the requirement to provide
ventilation for cooling.
As with all other high voltage equipment transformers are susceptible to partial discharge.
Whilst any discharge inside the transformer should not be influenced by the external
environment, the same cannot be said for the high voltage insulators, cable boxes and the
associated connections.
Whilst ventilation is required the ingress of water should be minimised. A standard that may
be useful in determining the requirements to limit the ingress of water is IEC 60529 Degrees
of Protection Provided by Enclosures (IP Code). The second characteristic numeral is the
requirement for protection against the ingress of water. If the transformer room / bay is
considered as an enclosure then this standard can be applied to the design of the ventilation
openings to minimise the ingress of water.
The section on cable entries and terminations in the section on switchgear applies equally
well to transformers.

Consequences of Equipment Failure

The consequences of equipment failure can vary depending on the severity of the failure and
the impact on the systems supplied from the equipment. The following sections discuss the
factors that should be taken into account when assessing the possible consequences of
equipment failure and the consequent loss of electricity supplies. It is the responsibility of
the owner of the equipment to carry out such an assessment.


Network / plant shutdown costs

For electricity Distribution Network Operators (DNO) in the UK the loss of supplies to
customers incurs costs for Customer Minutes Lost (CML) and Customer Interruptions (CI).
These costs are part of the Regulatory framework and the DNOs have targets set during the
5 year price control review with the Regulator. In addition there will be a decrease in the
reliability of supply for customers not affected by the immediate fault.
With generating companies a failure can prevent the generated energy being exported from
the generating station. This causes an immediate and substantial loss of income until the
failed equipment can be rectified or replaced. For a large generator these costs can be
greater than 500,000 per day.
For manufacturing plants the failure may cause an immediate shutdown in the manufacturing
process. This can result in loss of product passing through the production process, damage
to the manufacturing equipment, down time for process staff, etc., all of which will incur costs
for the company. In a prolonged outage additional costs may be incurred for late or missed


Operational costs

In any failure there will be considerable costs incurred in the immediate response to make
the site safe, to carry out any environmental cleaning and to restore electricity supplies as far
as possible.
In addition it is good practice to investigate the cause of the failure to determine whether it is
an isolated incident or if there is an issue which could affect similar plant. In the latter case it
will be necessary to develop a plan to carry out remedial actions on similar equipment to
prevent further failures.
Temporary work may be required to restore supplies to critical areas.


Consequential damage

The failure of any electrical equipment can cause damage to adjacent equipment that is
otherwise healthy, power and control cables, building structures and connected equipment.
All equipment connected to the failed equipment will need to be assessed and tested to
ensure that it has not been damage by voltage surges or overcurrents during the fault.
In a manufacturing plant the loss of supply may require that the production process
equipment must be cleaned or maintained before it can be put back into operation.




In any failure there is a danger to staff and public from the immediate explosion, collapse of
structures, any resultant fire and the possible release of noxious or toxic compounds into the
The failure will require a review of the risk management procedures to determine whether
the causes and consequences of the failure require the procedures to be revised.


Repair or replacement

A technical assessment will need to be made of the failed equipment to determine whether it
can be repaired or will need replacement.
If repairs are to be carried out it is essential to ensure that competent personnel are used to
ensure the repairs are safe and effective.
If equipment needs to be replaced then consideration needs to be given to the following

the lead time for new equipment, which may be considerable in the case of specialist
the arrangement of power, control and telecommunication cables in new equipment may
require re-design of the existing installation.
new equipment may be designed to different standards requiring assessment and redesign work on other equipment, which may itself have to be replaced
phasing of the replacement work to minimise the time requirement and the disruption to
normal operations.

Substation Environment

The external environmental and operation conditions that have an impact on the substation
environment have been discussed previously in this report.


Ingress of moisture to substations


Substation structure

The main sources of moisture ingress through the substation structure are leaking roofs and
In addition virtually all building materials are permeable to moisture. It is worth noting that
many substations constructed pre-1940 often used semi-glazed brick on the inside walls,
which is impermeable to moisture. It s not known whether this was for aesthetic purposes or
they were attempting to minimise the ingress of moisture.
The amount of water on the walls will be exacerbated if the gutters, downspouts and drains
are damaged or blocked, which will cause a flow of water over the walls.



Cable trenches and cable entries

Wet trenches can be due to local ground conditions but can also be subject to temporary rise
in the water table during prolonged wet weather. Ground conditions can be affected by
external landscaping groundwork which can affect ground levels and the direction of water
Where the seals on cable entries to trenches or basements are inadequate or not installed
correctly the movement of cables and changes in the external water pressure due to the rise
and fall of the water table can lead to failure of the seal allowing the ingress of water.


Effects of high relative humidity within substations

As has already been described high RH within substations will increase the likelihood of
partial discharge on high voltage electrical insulation.
When the RH is high there is a risk of condensation if the temperature falls below the dew
point of the air. Condensation will also occur if the temperature of a surface is below the
dew point, irrespective of the temperature of the air, e.g. metal or glass containers taken
from a fridge into a warm kitchen.
This effect can cause condensation both externally and internally as the RH is the same
throughout the room and the equipment.

Mitigation measures


Best practice for new substation design

The substation building should be of sound construction and adequately water tight.
Where the substation is in a location of extreme weather or flooding extra measures to
prevent water ingress may be required. Substations can be designed so that the switchroom
floor level is raised above the most likely flood level. The risk of flooding at a specific
location in the UK can be found on the Environment Agency website referenced above.
Substation roofs should be designed so that water will run off easily. It should be
constructed for ease of maintenance and the use of materials that would be attractive to
thieves (e.g. lead flashing) should be avoided.
Gutters and downspouts should be designed for the maximum level of rainfall prevalent in
the location. Drains should be sized for the expected amount of water and allow for easy
The substation building should be adequately insulated to prevent large temperature
Substation doors should be well fitted to minimise the passage of the external ambient air
into the substation. A weather strip should be fitted over the door to prevent rainwater from
collecting on the top of the door. The bottom edge of the door should have a spill fitted to
ensure that water is dispersed clear of the bottom opening.


The orientation of doors relative to the sun, the material of which they are constructed and
the paint finish can have an impact on the heat that they will transmit into the substation. All
personnel access doors should be fitted with self closing mechanisms to prevent them being
left open to minimise the ingress of moisture and contaminants in the air.
The use of entry lobbies for normal personnel access doors can provide a barrier to
minimise the effect of both heat and moisture on the more sensitive areas of the substation,
i.e. high voltage switchrooms.
Substation floors should be sealed to minimise dust and to simplify cleaning.
All cable entries to the substation should be sealed to prevent the ingress of water and,
where they are above ground level, airborne contamination. This has the additional effect of
preventing vermin from entering the substation. Seals on underground cable entries must
be adequate for the expected underground conditions and be installed correctly.
Transformers require ventilation for cooling so the RH in that space will be the same as the
external ambient air. The heat from the transformer is normally sufficient to minimise the
effects of RH.
There should be no exchange of air between transformer rooms / bays and rooms containing
switchgear or protection and control equipment.
Any rooms containing switchgear, batteries or protection and control equipment should be
designed to include the mitigating techniques described below as required.


Techniques and equipment for maintaining internal

substation environment

There are several measures that can be used address the control of the environment in the
switchrooms and substations as described in the following sections.


Switchroom environment control

The following secondary measures can be implemented to improve the substation

environment, these can be implemented where substation environmental conditions fall
outside of the above bounds:a) Fitting heaters in the switchgear (e.g. in the cable compartments) in cases where
humidity is high over a long period of time.
b) Installation of substation heating.
c) Installation of dehumidifiers or air conditioning.
Anti-condensation heaters can be fitted inside the switchgear cable compartments and must
operate continuously to prevent condensation forming. They are designed to prevent
condensation in that chamber but they do have several disadvantages:
a) They can only be checked during invasive maintenance requiring a circuit outage.
b) They do not remove moisture from the air, but keep the temperature of the
compartment above the dew point, thus preventing condensation.
c) They have little beneficial effect on other chambers in the switchgear.
d) If they fail this may lead to condensation and rapid failure of the switchgear.
Substation heaters can be installed to reduce temperature swings within the substation. If
fitting heaters in the substation they should be temperature regulated to avoid large
temperature swings or be left on continuously. The heating should be checked regularly as if

they fail it may lead to condensation and rapid failure of the switchgear. If the switchroom is
wet with standing water in a cable trench then substation heaters can contribute to humidity
by increasing evaporation rather than getting rid of it.
The options for positively controlling the environment in a substation are air conditioning,
heating and dehumidification controlled by room mounted thermostats and humidistats.
The best option depends on the local climate especially temperature variation. The most
important factor is to avoid rapid variations in temperature, which in conditions of high
humidity may drop below the dew point causing condensation. It is also known that the air
inside switchgear is at the same temperature and RH as the ambient air in the substation.
Condensation would therefore occur within and without the switchgear, leading to corrosion
that would not be apparent until invasive maintenance.
Where positive environment control is installed it should be fitted with an alarm system to
report failures in the environment control system, high humidity and low temperature. These
alarms should ideally be connected to the SCADA system and highlight faults in the local
control room.


Protection and control equipment environment control

Modern electronic protection and control equipment can generate considerable amounts of
heat, which may require separate environment control.
If it is situated within the high voltage switchroom care must be taken to ensure that it is
taken into account when considering the overall heating requirements.
The comments on switchrooms apply equally to protection and control equipment.


Cable entry points

Cables can enter substations through the roof, walls, or from cable trenches and basements.
Cable entries above ground should be sealed and care should be taken to ensure the
exterior finish will not trap water or cause water ingress to the substation.
Cable entries below ground should be sealed preventing water ingress to the trench or
All cable entry seals should be adequate for the expected conditions and correctly installed
Cable trenches should be covered. If the trench contains water this will minimise the
exchange of air between the room and the trench and reduce the amount of moisture that
will enter the room by evaporation.
In extreme circumstances cable trenches and basements can be sloped to create a sump to
collect water that can be pumped clear using a level activated sump.
Cable ducts need to be sealed in such a way as to remain effective taking into account such
factors as the thermal cycling of power cables during changes in load, the electromechanical
forces on power cables during fault conditions and the modern multicore nature of 33kV and
11kV power, protection and control cables and earth wires.
Where the substation is elevated it is still necessary to seal the cable entries from the cable
space to the rooms containing equipment to prevent moisture from entering the substation.



It is essential that the substation structure and internal environment control is subject to
regular inspection and maintenance.
The roof, gutters, downspouts and drains should be inspected prior to known periods of
adverse weather and maintained where necessary.
Any environmental control and its associated alarm system should form part of the
scheduled inspection and maintenance activity and the frequency should be determined by
the severity of the local conditions.


Monitoring switchroom environment

Temperature / RH surveys using dataloggers should be carried out in substations to confirm

that there are no wide variations over a long time period. In carrying out this survey
dataloggers should be placed at low and high level at each end and the centre of the room,
with one datalogger external to the building to record the ambient conditions.
As the local climate varies considerably throughout the year in each country this survey is
repeated to record data during extremes of weather conditions.
The results of any survey should be reviewed and to establish if the switchroom environment
is satisfactory and to identify ay areas for remedial work. It should be noted that
unacceptable conditions could be due to failure of the environment control equipment or
ingress of moisture through lack of maintenance or the failure of inadequately or incorrectly
installed cable entry seals.


Existing substation improvements

The structure and condition of existing substations may give cause for concern.
A survey of the structure should be carried out to determine its condition based on the best
practice information above and any deficiencies rectified.
A temperature and humidity survey should be carried out in high voltage switchrooms to
determine the actual conditions and if unsatisfactory then the complete substation should be
assessed in light of the best practice given above. Simply retrofitting positive environment
control will not be cost effective if the substation structure is unsatisfactory.



It is known that the internal environment of a substation, especially humidity, can have a
significant effect on the development of partial discharge in polymeric components.
The design of the substation can have a major impact on the internal environmental
Cable entry points are one of the main sources of water ingress to substations and they
should be effectively sealed.
The use of positive environment control in substations will maintain the humidity at an
acceptable level and prevent sudden temperature swings which can lead to condensation.
The environment should be controlled by thermostats and humidistats, with alarms to
highlight failure of the environment control system.
It is essential that routine inspection and maintenance is carried out on the substation
structure and environment control.

Documents Referenced
BS EN IEC 62271-1:2007 +A1:2011 High-Voltage Switchgear and Controlgear. Common
IEC 60529 Degrees of Protection Provided by Enclosures (IP Code)
BS 1339-1:2002 Humidity. Terms, definitions and formulae
BS 1339-2:2009 (CD-ROM) Humidity. Humidity calculation functions, tables and user
BS 1339-3:2004 Humidity. Guide to the measurement of humidity
BS 2562:1979 Cable Boxes for Transformers and Reactors
BS EN 60721-3-3:1995 Classification of environmental conditions. Classification of
groups of environmental parameters and their severities. Stationary use at
weatherprotected locations (identical to IEC 60721-3-3:1994)


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