VDS 2350 Key Depose Boxes

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VdS-Rules for physical security devices

Key deposit boxes (KDB)

Requirements for system components

VdS 2105en : 2005-11 (04)


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Copyright by VdS Schadenverhtung GmbH. All rights reserved.

VdS 2105en : 2005-11 (04)

Key Deposit Boxes, requirements for system components

Rules for physical security devices

Key deposit boxes (KDB)

Requirements for system components


General................................................................................................................. 5
Scope.................................................................................................................... 5

Normative references ......................................................................................... 7

Terms and definitions ........................................................................................ 8


Classification ...................................................................................................... 9
Types of KDB........................................................................................................ 9
Environmental classes.......................................................................................... 9


Protection against environmental influences................................................ 10

Limits of application ............................................................................................ 10
Climates .............................................................................................................. 10
Protection against corrosion ............................................................................... 11
Mechanical influences ........................................................................................ 11
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC).................................................................. 12


Functional reliability......................................................................................... 12
Provision of functions.......................................................................................... 12
Function monitoring ............................................................................................ 14


Operational security ......................................................................................... 14

Operation ............................................................................................................ 14
Operation instructions......................................................................................... 14
Degree of protection ........................................................................................... 14
Protection against access................................................................................... 15
Sealing capability................................................................................................ 15
Error tolerance .................................................................................................... 15


Tamper ............................................................................................................... 15
Tamper protection............................................................................................... 15
Tamper detection................................................................................................ 15

Key deposit boxes, requirements for system components

VdS 2105en : 2005-11 (04)


Construction ..................................................................................................... 16
General ............................................................................................................... 16
Key Deposit Box (KDB) ...................................................................................... 17
Construction of SD-adapter units ....................................................................... 21


Function of the SDA ......................................................................................... 21

Unlocking (release) of the external door of the KDB .......................................... 21
Opening of the unlocked external door, removal of key ..................................... 21
Re-activation of the monitoring measures.......................................................... 21
Automatically locking .......................................................................................... 22
Monitoring of the KDB......................................................................................... 22
Indication of operating states.............................................................................. 22
Loss of supply power and malfunction ............................................................... 22
Testability............................................................................................................ 23


Release element (FSE) ..................................................................................... 23

General ............................................................................................................... 23
Condensation water............................................................................................ 23
Equipotential bonding ......................................................................................... 23


Interfaces ........................................................................................................... 24
Interfaces of the KDB.......................................................................................... 24
Interfaces of the KDB-Adapter unit..................................................................... 25
Other interfaces .................................................................................................. 25


Power supply .................................................................................................... 25


KDB pillars ........................................................................................................ 26

General ............................................................................................................... 26
Construction........................................................................................................ 26


Options .............................................................................................................. 26

Changes ........................................................................................................................... 27
Annex A Example for a "Warning note" (normative).................................................. 28

VdS 2105en : 2005-11 (04)




Key deposit boxes, requirements for system components

These rules contain minimum requirements for Key deposit boxes (KDB), Key deposit
box adapters (KDB-adapter), Key deposit box adapter units (SD-adapter units) and
Release elements (FSE). Furtheron requirements for KDB-pillars for the installation of
KDB are described.
These rules shall be applied in conjunction with the Rules for intruder alarm systems,
general requirements and test methods; VdS 2227 and the Rules for intruder alarm
systems, protection against environmental influences, requirements and test methods,
VdS 2110. The Rules for fire prevention and security technology, software, requirements
and test methods , VdS 2203, also apply for system components controlled by software.
Remark 1: As KDB-adapters cover all functions, KDB adapter units realize the functions
in one unit or in a separate assembly.
Remark 2: The following requirements are valid in analogy also for so-called Key deposit
box-pillars (KDB-pillars).
The rules for planning, operation and maintenance of KDB are described in VdS 2350.
Key deposit boxes (KDB) are classified in analogy to DIN 14 675 in three classes SD1
In figures 1.01 to 1.03 the different possibilities are shown, how KDB of class SD3 could
be connected to Alarm Systems (AS).

Figure 1.01: KDB with IAS and AFDS

Key deposit boxes, requirements for system components

VdS 2105en : 2005-11 (04)

Figure 1.02: KDB with an Automatic Fire Detection and Alarm System (AFDS)

Figure 1.03: KDB with Intruder Alarm System (IAS)

The test methods for KDB, KDB-adapter, KDB-adapter units and Release elements
(FSE) are described in the rules VdS 2492 (at draft stage).
Special note concerning insurance cover: If a key deposit box (KDB) is installed and a
key is deposited there this automatically leads to an increase of risk for the insured
premises and has to be notified to your insurer. If the KDB is not VdS-approved and/or
not installed, operated or maintained according to the rules for KDB, planning, installation
and maintenance (VdS 2350), there is no insurance cover against intruder if the building
has been opened with the (right) key taken off the deposit. Especially the choice of the
right class of KDB shall be considered and the determinations which keys may be
deposited in the respective KDB and which not.

VdS 2105en : 2005-11 (04)


Key deposit boxes, requirements for system components


These rules are valid from 01. November 2005; they replace the edition VdS 2105 : 199612 (03).
Note: This is a translation of the German rules; if there are any discrepancies, the
German version shall be binding.

Normative references

These rules contain dated and undated references to other publications. The normative
references are cited at the appropriate places in the clauses, the publications are listed
hereafter. For dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these
publications apply to these rules only when announced by a change of these rules. For
undated references the latest edition of the publication referred will be applied.
Note: Some of the following publications have been published in German language only.
In these cases the titles have been translated.

DIN 14 675 Fire Detection an fire Alarm Systems, Design and operation

DIN 17 440 Stainless steels - Technical delivery conditions for drawn wire

DIN 18 251 Locks, mortise locks for doors

DIN 41 636 Sensitive switches for communication technology; climatic test classes,
measurement and test methods

DIN EN 206-1 : 2001-7 Concrete part 1: Specification, performance, production and


DIN EN 10 025 Hot rolled products of structural steels

DIN EN 50 086-1 Conduit systems for electrical installations; part 1: General


DIN EN 60 529 Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP-Code), corresponds

with VDE 0470-1
DIN EN ISO 6988 Metallic and other non-organic coatings - sulfur dioxide - test with
general condensation of moisture
DIN IEC 65A/179/CDV Functional safety Safety-relevant systems Part 1: General
EN 61000-4-2 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4: Testing and measurement
techniques Section 2: Electrostatic discharge immunity test Basic EMC publication
EN 61000-4-3 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4: Testing and measurement
techniques Section 3: Radiated, radio-frequency, electromagnetic field immunity test
EN 61000-4-4 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4: Testing and measurement
techniques- Section 4: Electrical fast transient/burst immunity test
EN 61000-4-5 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4: Testing and measurement
techniques Section 5: Surge immunity test

Key deposit boxes, requirements for system components

VdS 2105en : 2005-11 (04)

EN 61000-4-6 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4: Testing and

measurement techniques Section 6: Immunity to conducted disturbances, induced
by radio-frequency fields
EN 60068-2-1 Environmental testing - Part 2: Tests, tests A: Cold;
EN 60068-2-2 Basic environmental testing procedures - Part 2: Tests; tests B: Dry
IEC 60 068-2-3 Environmental testing; Part 2: Tests, Test Ca: Damp heat, steady
IEC 60 068-2-6 Environmental testing; Part 2: Tests, Test Fc: Vibration (sinusoidal)
IEC 60 068-2-27 Basic environmental testing - Part 2: Tests, tests Ea: shock
IEC 60 068-2-30 Environmental testing; Tests; Test Db and guidance: Damp heat,
cyclic (12 + 12-hour cycle)
IEC 60 068-2-75 Environmental testing; Part 2: Test methods, Test Eh: Hammer test

VdS 2110 Rules for intruder alarm systems, protection against environmental
influences, requirements and test methods

VdS 2113 Rules for physical security devices, burglar-resistant door shields,
requirements and test methods

VdS 2156 Rules for physical security devices, locking cylinder with individual closing
function, requirements and test methods

VdS 2203 Rules for fire prevention and security technology, software, requirements
and test methods

VdS 2227 Rules for intruder alarm systems, general requirements and test methods

VdS 2311 Rules for intruder alarm systems, planning and installation

VdS 2350 Rules for physical security devices, Key deposit boxes (KDB), Planning,
installation, operation and maintenance

VdS 2492 Rules for physical security devices, Key deposit boxes (KDB), test
methods (under preparation)

Terms and definitions

For general terms and definitions refer to the Rules for intruder alarm systems, general
requirements and test methods, VdS 2227. In addition the following term is valid.
Changeable lock: Lock, where the coding can be converted without a change of the
lever package.
Note for this in the English version: For practical reasons the key-terms and definitions
are listed here for a better understanding.
Key deposit box (KDB): Stable container for the storage of building keys intended to
enable authorized helping forces with the stored keys a violent-free access to buildings.
Key deposit box adapter: The key deposit box adapter comprises all the functions
required to control and monitor a key deposit box.

VdS 2105en : 2005-11 (04)

Key deposit boxes, requirements for system components

Key deposit box adapter unit: Technical realisation of the key deposit box adapter,
which may be designed as an individual device or as a slide-in unit for a C.I.E. for alarm
Release element: Facility which allows a provider of assistance to manually trigger a fire
alarm from outside the object/protected premises.
Note: Release elements are components of an Automatic Fire Alarm System (AFAS).



Types of KDB

Depending of the significance of the key to be deposited KDB are classified into three
type classes, SD1 SD3, whereas SD1 is the lowest and SD3 the highest security class.


KDB type 1 (SD1) - corresponds with DIN 14 675 - FSD 1 -

This is a box to be used in exterior applications (also on-wall mounting) in which keys are
deposited that do no allow access to buildings or parts of buildings, e.g. keys for gate
systems, bars etc. No monitoring and control measures are forseen for the KDB. The
KDB is not connected to an Alarm System (AS).


KDB type 2 (SD2) - corresponds with DIN 14 675 - FSD 2 -

This is a box for use in or at buildings exterior walls. The keys herein deposited allow
access to areas without higher security relevant meaning, e.g. keys for parking garages,
underground car parks, staircases etc. No monitoring measures are forseen for the KDB.
The KDB is connected to an Automatic Fire alarm and Detection System (ADFS) and is
controlled by this system.


KDB type 3 (SD3) corresponds with DIN 14 675 - FSD 3 -

This is a box which is firmly affixed at a massive exterior wall of a building. The keys
herein deposited allow the access also to security relevant areas. Monitoring measures
are forseen for the KDB. The KDB is connected to an Alarm System (AS).


Environmental classes

The environmental classes are set in accordance with the Rules for intruder alarm
systems, protection against environmental influences, requirements and test methods,
VdS 2110.

Key deposit boxes, requirements for system components

VdS 2105en : 2005-11 (04)

Protection against environmental influences


Limits of application

Environmental influences shall not affect the function of KDB, KDB-adapter, KDB-adapter
units and Release elements (FSE). Environmental influences can have various effects on
operating characteristics, depending on the nature of the function applied. The
manufacturer shall therefore specify the limits of the application (e.g. climate).
For KDB and Release elements (FSE) the requirements according to environmental class
IV are always valid. If SDA or the KDB-adapter (e.g. assembly of an Alarm System (AS)CIE) are integrated components of an AS the environmental requirements of this AS are
valid for the KDB-adapter/KDB-adapter unit.



The function of KDB, KDB-adapter, KDB-adapter unit and Release elements (FSE) shall
not be adversely affected by the thermal conditions described in table 5.01, appropriate
to its environmental class.

Dry heat (T1) as

spec. in
IEC 60 068-2-2


Cold (T3) as spec. in

IEC 60 068-2-1

Damp heat, steady

(T4), as spec. in IEC
60 068-2-3




+40 C, 16

+55 C, 16

+55 C, 16

+70 C, 16

no tests

+70 C, 21

+5 C, 16 h -10 C, 16 h -25 C, 16 h

-25 C, 16 h

+40 C, 4 d,
93 % rel. air humidity

Damp heat, steady

(T5) as spec.
in IEC 60 068-2-3

Damp heat, cyclic

(T7) as spec. In
IEC 60 068-2-30

Dry heat (T2) as

spec. in
IEC 60 068-2-2

Damp heat, cyclic

(T6) as spec. in IEC
60 068-2-30

Degree of severity,
abbreviated description of conditions


+40 C,
2 cycles

no tests

1) The test at 70C shall cover the effect of warming by solar radiation

Table 5.01: Climates


no tests

+40 C, 21 d
93 % rel. air humidity

no tests

no tests

+55 C,
2 cycles

+55 C,
6 cycles

VdS 2105en : 2005-11 (04)


Key deposit boxes, requirements for system components

Protection against corrosion

KDB, KDB-adapter, KDB-adapter units and Release elements (FSE) shall have adequate
resistance to corrosion as specified in table 5.02.


SO2-corrosion as
spec. in DIN EN ISO
6988 (K3)

Degree of severity,
abbreviated description of conditions





no test

0.2 l SO2,
5 cycles

2 l SO2,
5 cycles

2 l SO2,
20 cycles

Note: After each cycle all flexible parts of the KDB will be activated once.
Table 5.02: Protection against corrosion


Mechanical influences

The function of KDB, KDB-adapter, KDB-adapter units and Release elements (FSE) shall
not be adversely affected by mechanical influences as described in table 5.03.



Degree of severity,
abbreviated description of conditions

Shock (M1) as spec. in

IEC 60 068-2-27

Impact (M2) as spec.

in IEC 60 068-2-75

Vibration sinus (M3) as

spec. in IEC 60 068-2-6

Vibration sinus (M4) as

spec. in IEC 60 068-2-6




A(ms-2) = 1000 - (200 x M)

6 x 3 Shocks, duration each 6 ms
0.5 J, 3
impacts per

0.5 J, 3
impacts per

0.5 J, 3
impacts per

1.0 J, 3
impacts per

10-150 Hz,
2 ms-2, 1 cycle/axis

10-150 Hz, 5 ms-2,

20 cycles/axis

Table 5.03: Mechanical influences


Key deposit boxes, requirements for system components


VdS 2105en : 2005-11 (04)

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)

The function of KDB, KDB-adapter, KDB-adapter units and Release elements (FSE) shall
not adversely be affected by electromagnetic influences as specified in table 5.04.



Degree of severity,
abbreviated description of conditions




Electrostatic discharge of
low energy (E1b) acc. to
EN 61 000-4-2

Each 10 times pos. and neg. contact discharge 2, 4

and 6 kV and air discharge 2, 4 and 8 kV

Radiated, radio-frequency
electromagnetic field
(E2a) acc. to EN 610004-3

80 2000 MHz, 10 V/m as well as

415-466 and 890-960 MHz,
30 V/m Modulation: AM 80 % (modulated with 1 kHz
Sinus) for at least 3 s and in addition 3 times switching
on/off of the carrier with 1 Hz and 1 kHz

Conducted radiofrequency (E2b) acc. to

EN 61 000-4-6

150 kHz-100 MHz, 140 dBV

Modulation: AM 80 % (modulated with 1 kHz sinus) for
at least 3 s and in addition 3 times switching on/off of
the carrier with 1 Hz and 1 kHz

Conducted electrical fast

transient with low energy
burst - (E3a) acc. to EN
61 000-4-4

Each for a period of 1 min pos. and neg. mains 0.5, 1

and 2 kV, other circuits 0.25, 0.5 and 1 kV

Conducted slow surge

with high energy - (E4a)
acc. to EN 61 000-4-5

Mains 20 times pos. and neg. cl. 4 diff. 0.5, 1, 2 kV

Other circuits 5 times pos. and neg. cl. 3: line-to-line
0,5, 1 kV and line-to-ground 0.5, 1, 2 kV

Static magnetic fields (E6)

150 mT

Table 5.04: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)

Functional reliability


Provision of functions


Technical data

Technical data describing the system components shall be provided in German

language. This data shall include all information and parameters necessary for the
correct and reliable operation of the system components.


Installation instructions

Installation instructions written in German language shall be provided for the system
components. These instructions shall include a clear illustration of the assembly and
installation procedures and information describing applications for which the system
component is suitable (including an indication of the class according to clause 4). In
addition, information regarding adjustment (calibration) and maintenance is required.
A warning note according to Annex A shall be annexed to each KDB underlying the
problems with insurers in case KDB are not or not sufficiently monitored.


VdS 2105en : 2005-11 (04)


Key deposit boxes, requirements for system components

Operating voltage behaviour

Nominal voltage, operating voltage range (at least nominal voltage of 12 V 15 % and/or
24 V 15 %) and the maximum acceptable ripple of the operation voltage shall be
specified by the manufacturer. In case the KDB is integrated component of the AS (e. g.
assembly in a CIE) the operating and nominal voltages are to be taken as basis.
KDB, KDB-adapter, KDB-adapter units and Release elements (FSE) PSU shall function
correctly within these specified values. Variations in the voltage as specified in table 6.01
shall not adversely affect the function of KDB and KDB-adapter.

FuncEndutional test rance test

Degree of severity,
abbreviated description of conditions




Operating voltage
range systemvoltage (B1b)

UN 15 %

Operation voltage
surge systemvoltage (B2b)

10 cycles from UN +15 % to UN 15 % and back

Table 6.01: Operating voltage behaviour


Ripple of the operating voltage

As a minimum requirement KDB, KDB-adapter and Release elements (FSE) shall

function correctly with a voltage ripple of the operation voltage of 1,0 Vss if UN is 12 V
and 2,0 Vss if UN is 24 V.



Components for KDB, KDB-adapter and Release elements (FSE) shall be chosen such
that they are suitable for the selected environmental class.



Only components using a technology that has proven to be reliable in various

applications, with an unmodified specification over a period of 2 years, may be used. For
components of unproven reliability, other means of demonstrating reliability may be
considered on an individual basis.
All components shall be operated within the limits specified by the component
manufacturer while taking into consideration the effect of ambient temperature (including
inherent warming) (see also DIN IEC 65A/179/CDV).



Relays shall be protected against the effects of dust at least to the degree of protection
specified by DIN EN 60 529 (identical with DIN VDE 0470-1) - IP 5x.
Relay contacts shall be designed for at least 10,000 switching cycles at a corresponding
connected load.


Key deposit boxes, requirements for system components


VdS 2105en : 2005-11 (04)


Switches shall be fitted with self-cleaning contacts or be enclosed in dust-protected

casings complying at least with the degree of protection specified by DIN EN 60 529
(identical with DIN VDE 0470-1) - IP 5x.


Access to assemblies and components

KDB, KDB-adapter, resp. system components of the KDB-adapter and Release elements
(FSE) shall be constructed to ensure that assemblies and components are easily
accessible only for the installer and replacement is easily possible. Provisions shall be
made to reduce handling errors to a minimum.


Connecting and adjustment elements

Connecting and adjustment elements shall be marked and shall be easily accessible to
the installer. For the operator of the system they shall not be free accessible, they shall
be protected against unauthorised access, e.g. by the use of covers.


Isolation of fundamental functions

It shall not be possible for third parties or the user to switch off fundamental security
relevant functions (e.g. monitoring of KDB, notification of signals) at all. For installer and
maintenance service the possibility to switch off (Isolate) fundamental security functions
shall be limited.


Function monitoring

The failure of, or a fault in the central processing units (e.g. microprocessors) and other
fault detected by the function monitoring - shall be signalled.

Operational security



Actions to be executed by the operator shall be simple. Indicators shall be designed to be

clear and easily understood.


Operation instructions

Operation instructions written in the German language shall be available to the operator
of the KDB. The instructions shall include a clear illustration and description of all control
and display elements and unambiguous instructions for all operational statutes of SD and
SDA. Furthermore a Warning note according to Annex A shall be annexed to the
operation instructions underlying the problems with insurers in case KDB are not or not
sufficiently monitored.


Degree of protection

KDB and Release elements (FSE) shall, if installed, be constructed at least to the degree
of protection as specified by DIN EN 60 529 (identical with DIN VDE 0470-1) - IP 44. SDAdapter being mounted shall guarantee at least a degree of protection as specified in
DIN EN 60 529 (identical with VDE 0470-1) - IP 3x.


VdS 2105en : 2005-11 (04)


Key deposit boxes, requirements for system components

Protection against access

Parts affecting the function of KDB, SD-adapter and Release elements (FSE) as well as
connecting elements and adjustment elements shall not be freely accessible; they shall
be protected e.g. by covers.


Sealing capability

SD-adapter shall be designed so that the sealing of parts, which must not be accessibly
by the user for the operation, is possible.


Error tolerance

KDB, KDB-adapter and Release element (FSE) shall be constructed such that they
cannot be adversely affected by incorrect operations executed by the operator.



Tamper protection

Requirements regarding the protection against tamper are described in clauses 9.2 and 9.3.


Tamper detection


Key Deposit Box (KDB)

Type SD3
With the exception of stand-over parts of the housing and fastening points of the delocking mechanism and the door hinges all surfaces of the KDB which are free accessible
of the outside shall be penetration-surveilled. At least 80 % of the freely accessible
surface has to be surveilled whereas security-relevant areas shall not be excluded. A
penetration of more than 2 mm diameter shall generate a signal.
Is the installation carried out deviating from VdS 2350, clause 4.2, the area of the KDB
where the keys for the object are deposed has to be equipped with a penetration
surveillance such that an unauthorised removal of the keys will be detected early. An
opening in the penetration monitoring measures greater than 4 mm diameter shall
generate a signal.
Opening of the external door of the KDB shall be detected. The means for the openingmonitoring shall be designed for at least 10,000 openings. Only micro-snap-switches
according to DIN 41636 or equivalent parts shall be used for cover contacts. The contact
area of the contacts shall be gold-plated or of equivalent finish. Alternatively, reed
contacts may be used as long as they cannot be influenced from the outside.
An interference with the electrical monitoring measures from outside shall not be


Key deposit boxes, requirements for system components


VdS 2105en : 2005-11 (04)

KDB-adapter unit

Opening of SD-adapter unit shall be detected and signalled if security relevant functions
become accessible. The inside of the SD-adapter unit and the monitoring of the opening
shall be protected against access as long until the monitoring system has responded.
Only micro-snap-switches according to DIN 41636 or equivalent parts shall be used for
cover contacts. The contact area of the contacts shall be gold-plated or of equivalent
finish. Alternatively, reed contacts may be used as long as they cannot be influenced
from the outside.
If the opening monitoring is not included in the other monitoring measures of the KDB, it
shall be connected to separate terminals (see clause 12.2).


SD-adapter in CIE of Fire Detection and Fire Alarm System

For SD-adapter which are a part of Automatic Fire Detection and Alarm System-CIE it
shall be ensured that the interface to the IAS according to figure 1.01 is protected against
access and monitored against tamper (e.g. by covering of the connection elements and
opening-monitoring for this cover).





Stationary installation

KDB, KDB-adapter units and Release elements (FSE) shall be designed that a stationary
installation is possible.


Freedom of potential, isolation resistance

The housing and all parts of the housing of KDB, KDB-adapter units and Release
elements (FSE) as well as the electrical monitoring measures shall be free from electrical
potential (with the exception of electrical protective measures). The isolation resistance
shall be at least 500 k.


Equipotential bonding

Types SD2 and SD3

For the connection of the KDB to the equipotential a clamp for wires with a diameter of
4 mm2 shall be foreseen
Note 1: The external door of the KDB shall also be connected to the equipotential
Note 2: This requirement is also valid for type SD1 KDB if an electrical connection is
available, e.g. to an Alarm System (AS).


Shielded cables

KDB-adapter units shall be constructed so that the shielded cables can be joined
together in a reliable manner.


VdS 2105en : 2005-11 (04)


Key deposit boxes, requirements for system components

Strain relief

Connecting and contact areas of cables and wires in KDB, KDB-adapter units and
Release elements (FSE) are to be relieved of mechanical strains if such strains can be


Fastening and calibration

KDB, KDB-adapter units and Release elements (FSE) shall be constructed to allow
proper installation and calibration. Any special tools required shall be supplied by the
manufacturer of the device.



Design of visible indicators

All visible indicators - except concentrated displays - shall be marked by different colours
and - if their meaning is not clearly identifiable - by a respective legend.
The following colours shall be selected:


= Operation


= Signal from the KDB-monitoring measures


= State (KDB unlocked), if given fault

Concentrated displays

If concentrated displays are used alarm signals have priority to other signals/messages,
e.g. "fault" and further information. It shall be possible to recognize if more information is
given than the concentrated display is able to indicate. It shall be possible to recall this
information; such a recall shall not lead to a loss of information.

Recognisability of visible indicators

Visible collective indicators shall be recognisable unambiguously at a lightening between

0 - 200 Lux with a distance of 3 m and radiating angle of 22.5. The radiating angle is
measured from the vertical to the front of the CIE.
All other indicators shall be recognisable unambiguously at a lightening of 50 to
1,000 Lux with a distance of 1 m and a radiating angle of 22.5.

Reliability of visible indicators

Visible indicators shall be long-lasting; their life cycle shall at least be 30,000 h.


Key Deposit Box (KDB)


Dimensions of housing

The following dimensions are recommended for the housing of KDB:

Height 180 mm

Breadth 180 mm

Depth 140 mm

Parts standing over (e.g. rear panel) are not considered in these dimensions. Other
equivalent solutions are admitted.


Key deposit boxes, requirements for system components

VdS 2105en : 2005-11 (04)

Type SD3
The rear panel of KDB shall overlap at each side by at least 25 mm in order to complicate
pulling out the KDB of the wall.



Type SD1
The KDB shall consist of a mechanically stable, corrosion-resistant housing.
Types SD2 and SD3
Housing, external door and internal door of KDB shall consist of a corrosion-resistant
steel plate of at least 5 mm thickness material according to DIN EN 10 025 or stainless
steel according to DIN 17 440 or equivalent material.



Types SD2 and SD3

The KDB front shall be planar and shall have no parts standing over with the exception
of the doorknob. The doorknob shall be designed such that it is not be usable as a tool to
break open the door (e.g. by the implementation of a predetermined breaking point);
however the doorknob shall be stably fixed to the door. Hinges shall neither be visible nor


External door

Types SD2 and SD3

To counteract a forced penetration via the external door, the housing shall be fitted with a
The closing of the external door shall not be possible before the internal door is closed,
locked and the key has been removed.


Locking of the external door

Type SD1
For de-locking a profile cylinder, at least VdS-class A, or an equivalent locking
mechanism shall be used.
Types SD2 and SD3
The de-locking mechanism of the external door shall be currentless in the locked state
and function within the operation voltage range according to the nominal voltage; the
nominal voltage shall be 12 V 15 % and/or 24 V 15 % at a maximum current
consumption of 0.5 A.
The de-locking mechanism shall be equipped with a potentional-free contact (monitoring
contact) which signals the locked resp. the unlocked state of the external door. This
contact shall be designed for the degree of protection specified by DIN EN 60 529
(identically with VDE 0470 Part 1) - IP 40 designed for at least 10,000 switching cycles.


VdS 2105en : 2005-11 (04)

Key deposit boxes, requirements for system components

Furtheron the de-locking mechanism shall be designed for a duty-ratio of 100 % and at
least for 10,000 operations; it shall withstand a minimum force of 3 kN.
The external door of the KDB shall be unlocked at least after triggering by the SDA; an
automatic opening is, however, not permitted.


Lock of the internal door

Types SD2 and SD3

The lock of the internal door of the KDB shall be equipped with a mechanically stable
detainer or cylinder lock. The mechanical stability of the bar shall fulfil the requirements of
DIN 18 251 (minimal static load 4 kN at 4 mm distance). It shall not be possible to pull the
key in the unlocked state of the lock.
For detainer locks the key shall be provided with at least six asymmetric detainers for
each key bit. Detainers shall be sure against gauging and unlocking. Function relevant
parts of the lock case (e.g. pin/bolt) shall be especially protected against mechanical
attacks (e.g. drilling). The detainer lock shall be designed as changing lock.
Note 1: Tumblers are sure against gauging if it is not possible to receive the necessary
measures/dimensions for producing a skeleton key/copy of the key by measuring the key
Note 2: Tumblers are sure against unlocking if it is not possible to bring and keep one
after another into opening status when pressing the bar.
For cylinder locks the locking cylinder shall fulfil the rules for physical security devices,
locking cylinder with single locking function, VdS 2156, class B. The profile cylinder shall
preferably be flushed with the internal door and shall not stick out more than 3 mm.
Cylinders sticking out more than 3 mm shall be protected with a burglar resistant door
shield, which fulfils the rules of physical security devices, burglar resistant door shields,
VdS 2113, class A.
Only VdS-approved locks and lock cylinders shall be used. The supply of keys shall be
restricted to manufacturer or to companies authorised by the manufacturer.
Locking and key of the internal door of type SD3 KDB shall exclusively be used for these
internal doors.


Monitoring of the deposed keys

Types SD2 and SD3

The presence of the deposed key shall be monitored by electrical means. The monitoring
may be indirect (e.g. with an auxiliary key connected non-detachably with the keys to be
deposed) or direct. For the auxiliary key a locking cylinder at least class A according to
the rules for physical security devices, profile cylinders, VdS 2156, shall be used.
Contacts used for the monitoring of the deposed keys shall have definite positions for the
different switching points.
If several keys will be deposed, also these have to be connected together nondetachably. In type SD2 and SD3 KDB at maximum three keys shall be deposed.
Note: In type SD1 KDB the deposit of maximum two key is permitted. If this number is
exceeded e.g. for organisational reasons a co-ordination between user, fire brigade and
insurer is necessary.


Key deposit boxes, requirements for system components


VdS 2105en : 2005-11 (04)

Condensation water

The housing of KDB shall be designed such that accumulation of condensation water
may be excluded (e.g. by water drain, forced air circulation).



Types SD2 and SD3

KDB shall be equipped with heating measures (power appr. 5 W) (e.g. planar heating on
the inner side of the external door, heating resistor).
Note: Due to prefixed connection technology of KDB the heating is possible only by extralow voltage.


Connection cable

Types SD2 and SD3

KDB shall be equipped with a fixed connecting lead with a length of at least 10 m with
the following exceptions. The used cable type shall be LiYY 10 x 0.5 mm2.
Exception 1: The customer asks especially for his object another length of the cable.
Exception 2: For technical reasons a KDB with a fixed connected cable is not usable in a
special object. For such cases KDB alternatively may be equipped with adequate
connection elements. A procedure shall be determined how the connections may be
durably protected against moisture and corrosion on site (degree of protection
DIN EN 60 529 - IP 56).
Electrical connections within KDB shall sufficiently be protected against ingress of
humidity, e.g. by durable sealed rubber bushings. If the cable has to be extended,
sufficient corrosion-protected cable connection techniques (e.g. solder shrinking sleeves)
have to be used.


Cable entry point

Types SD2 and SD3

The connection cable shall be feed in from the rear of the housing of the KDB or
edgewise, in direct vicinity of the rear side of the housing (maximum 50 mm distance).


Marking of the connection terminals

Types SD2 and SD3

Connection terminals of the KDB shall be marked according to table 12.01.


Degree of protection of the monitoring measures

Types SD2 and SD3

All electrical monitoring measures according to clauses 8.2 and 9.2.7 shall be protected
against the effects of dust at least to the degree of protection specified by DIN EN 60 529
(identical with DIN VDE 0470-1) - IP 56.


VdS 2105en : 2005-11 (04)


Key deposit boxes, requirements for system components

Construction of SD-adapter units

Housings of SD-adapter units shall be mechanically strength and made from metal (at
least 0.80 mm sheet steel or equivalent). Covers shall be mounted mechanically stable,
e.g. by screwing.
For SD-adapter units which are integrated in other devices (e.g. in an Intruder Alarm
System (IAS)-CIE), the respective requirements of these devices apply.


Function of the SDA


Unlocking (release) of the external door of the KDB

Types SD2 and SD3

The external door of the KDB shall be unlocked (released) during following criteria:

Type SD2 and SD3: Signal fire and associated acknowledgement from the dedicated
Alarm Transmission Equipment (ATE) (see figure 1.01 and 1.02)


Type SD3: Signal intrusion or associated acknowledgement from the dedicated

Alarm Transmission Equipment (ATE) and in each case at least one additional
criteria (e.g. enabling by a provider of assistance or input of a code on site, see figure
Note: The final regulations for the logic operation are described in the rules for
planning and installation of IAS, VdS 2311.

The unlocked (released) state of the external door shall be visually indicated for the user
at the KDB-adapter unit or at the device where the KDB-adapter is an integral part in (e.g.
Automatic Fire Detection and Alarm System-CIE). Triggering of the de-locking
mechanism of the external door of the KDB is performed statically until restoring of the
triggering Alarm System (AS).


Opening of the unlocked external door, removal of key

Type SD3
Correct opening of the KDB after unlocking (see clause 10.1) and the following removal
of the key shall not cause signals onto the downstream Alarm Systems (AS).


Re-activation of the monitoring measures

Types SD2 and SD3

After reset of the triggering the KDB may be integrated in the monitoring measures and
may be locked if the key for the object is accordingly deposed and the external door is
closed. For the control of the reactivation of the monitoring measures the potential-free
monitoring contact of the de-locking mechanism shall be used.


Key deposit boxes, requirements for system components


VdS 2105en : 2005-11 (04)

Automatically locking

Types SD2 and SD3

In cases where after triggering of the KDB the KDB was not used it shall be assured that
the KDB after reset of the triggering will be locked and incorporated in the monitoring
measures automatically.


Monitoring of the KDB

Type SD2
The KDB-adapter has to monitor the deposed key in the KDB for availability (see clause
9.2.7). The activation of the monitoring shall be visually indicated for the user.
Type SD3
The KDB-adapter shall monitor the KDB against penetration, opening and availability of
the deposed keys (see clauses 8.2 and 9.2.7). The response of the monitoring shall be
visually indicated for the user; restoring of this indication is only permitted for the
maintenance service. If a KDB-adapter unit is used the signal of the response shall be
routed via potential-free contacts (see clause 12.2).
Monitoring of the KDB shall be effected by a monitored interconnection (primary line). If
monitoring criteria are used which could easily be simulated (e.g. quiescent current) the
primary line shall response at a change of the monitoring criterion of more than 40 %.
The response time shall not exceed 200 ms.
The current used for the monitoring shall be at least 1 mA; for the terminal resistor a
value of 2.2 k shall be used (tolerance: 5 %, load: 0.5 W).
Note: This resistor shall be build into the KDB, but easily removable for the installer (if
other termination elements are used).


Indication of operating states

Types SD2 and SD3

The following statuses of the KDB shall be indicated at the KDB-adapter:

Operation for types SD2 and SD3 KDB

KDB de-locked" for types SD2 and SD3 KDB

KDB-monitoring "triggered " for type SD3 KDB


Loss of supply power and malfunction

Types SD2 and SD3

A response of the automatic function monitoring of the SD-adapter unit according to
clause 6.2 as well as a complete loss of power shall generate a signal via the potentialfree contacts required in clause 12.2.


VdS 2105en : 2005-11 (04)


Key deposit boxes, requirements for system components


Type SD3
For testing of the monitoring measures it shall be possible for the maintenance service to
trigger the external door of the KDB without deactivation of the monitoring measures. If
the external door is not opened, triggering of the KDB has to be withdrawn automatically
at latest 180 s after the manual triggering.


Release element (FSE)



Release elements (FSE) shall be designed such that they may be used for a deliberate
triggering (e.g. fire brigade) of a fire alarm in an AFDS from outside of an object/protected
premises by a provider of assistance. Release elements (FSE) shall be designed such
that unauthorised may not trigger a signal.
Note: FSE are parts of the Automatic Fire Detection and Alarm System (AFDS).


Condensation water

Housings of release elements (FSE) shall be designed such that an accumulation of

condensation water can be excluded (e.g. by water drain, forced air circulation).


Equipotential bonding

Release elements (FSE) shall be designed such that they may be connected to the
equipotential with a wire with a diameter of at least 4 mm2.


Key deposit boxes, requirements for system components




Interfaces of the KDB
















VdS 2105en : 2005-11 (04)

Connected items
Primary line for the monitoring measures
Connection facility for the terminating element 1) of the
primary line

De-locking mechanism

Monitoring contact (door unlocked, contact closed)


Connection for the equipotential bonding (4 mm2)

1) Value 2.2 k, tolerance: 5 %, load 0,5 W. This resistor shall be assembled within the KDB, but shall be
easily removable for the installer in cases where other terminating elements may be used.

Table 12.01: Clamps and wire layout KDB

Type SD2 and SD3 KDB shall be according to clause 9.2.10 connected with a
connection cable type LiYY 10 x 0.5 mm2; the single wires have to be connected
according to table 12.01.
Note: Because type SD2 KDB does not require monitoring measures the connections
may be modified accordingly.


VdS 2105en : 2005-11 (04)


Key deposit boxes, requirements for system components

Interfaces of the KDB-Adapter unit

KDB-adapter units shall dispose of adequate connection points which shall be assigned
according to table 12.02 and marked (not applicable for KDB-adapters which are
designed as insertion to CIE of automatic fire detection and alarm systems).
SD-Adapter clamp

Primary line for the KDB-monitoring measures


Triggering of the KDB de-locking mechanism


KDB monitoring contact


+12 V/ +24 V

Reference potential(0 V)

Input for first triggering e.g. by the Alarm System (AS)-CIE




Signal output for the monitoring of the KDB and loss of power, if given
also function monitoring according to clause 6.2
Opening detection


Input for second triggering, e.g. for enabling via code-input on site

Table 12.02: Connector pin assignment SD-Adapter

For logical combinations with Alarm Systems (AS) additional clamps (connector pins)
may be arranged.


Other interfaces

The performance shall be specified by the manufacturer.


Power supply

The requirements for the power supply of KDB and KDB-adapter units shall correspond
with the requirements of the respective Alarm System (AS).This requirements is not valid
for the heating measures of the KDB (see clause 9.2.9).


Key deposit boxes, requirements for system components


KDB pillars



VdS 2105en : 2005-11 (04)

In the case, where no suitable area in the facade is available for a KDB mounting, it is
permitted to install the KDB in a free-standing pillar. It is differentiated between hollow
pillars and pillars which have to be filled after successful mounting with a respective filling



Stainless steel or equivalent material shall be used for the pillar with a wall thickness of at
least 3 mm all side. For a protected underground cable-routing a flexible metal tube
according to DIN EN 50 086-1 or equivalent shall be used, with a minimum length of
100 cm. The metal tube shall be routed at least 200 mm under the mounting surface. Demounting of the KDB from the pillar shall be possible only from inside of the KDB.
Disassembly of the complete pillar and/or parts of the pillar shall only be possible from
the interior of the pillar. Material, which is necessary for the anchoring of the pillar, shall
be specified by the manufacturer.


Hollow pillar

A KDB installed in a hollow pillar shall be penetration-monitored all-round (see clause

8.2.1, 2. clause). The connecting cable of the KDB in the pillar shall be passed through a
metal tube. The metal tube shall be run up to the KDB. If the connection cable within the
pillar is routed via a junction box, a class C junction box environmental class IV has to be


Filled pillar

As filler concrete C20/C25 according to DIN EN 206-1 : 2001-7 (table) shall be used. A
feed cable which is not covered by the filler shall be routed in a metal tube. The KDB
installed in the pillar shall be surrounded by the filler at least for 100 mm.



Options shall have no adverse effects on the functions required for KDB, SDA and FSE.
The performances of the options shall be specified by the manufacturer.


VdS 2105en : 2005-11 (04)

Key deposit boxes, requirements for system components

Compared with edition VdS 2105 : 1996-12 the following changes have been made:

Separation of the former rules VdS 2105 in equipment requirements (VdS 2105) and
requirements for planning, installation, operation and maintenance for KDB
(VdS 2350)

Amendment of clause 1 Scope by Release elements (FSE)

Revision of figures 1.01 to 1.03; among others the use of the acknowledgement
signal of the fire signal shall be used for triggering of the KDB-adapter

Addition of clause 2 (new) Normative references"

Change of the term bertragungsgert (G) to bertragungseinrichtung (E)

(only relevant in the German version).

Description of three types of KDB in clause 4 Classification; use of the three types
in the whole rules

Revision of whole clause 5 " Protection against Environmental Influences"

New clause 8.2.3 KDB-connection to Automatic Fire Detection and Alarm SystemCIE

Amendment of clause 8.2.2 Access protected interface for the KDB-adapter in


Amendment of requirements for VdS-approved locks and lock cylinders in clause


Regulation of the maximum number of keys to be deposed in clause 9.2.7

Note in clause 9.2.9 Heating, that the supply is possible only by extra-low voltage.

Note in clause 9.2.10 Connection cable, that there are alternatives allowed for the
fixed connection cable

Change of clause 10.1: in future the acknowledgement signal of the fire signal shall
be used for triggering of the KDB-adapter

Amendment of the new clause 11 Release elements (FSE)

Addition of the new clause 14 KDB-pillars

Deletion of the note for old locking mechanism in Annex A Example for a Warning

Editorial changes


Key deposit boxes, requirements for system components

VdS 2105en : 2005-11 (04)

Annex A Example for a "Warning note" (normative)

Important note for operators of Key Deposit Boxes (KDB)

If a Key Deposit Box (KDB) is installed and a key is deposited there this automatically
leads to an increase of risk for the insured premises and has to be notified to your
loss prevention insurer.
If the KDB is not VdS-approved and/or not installed, operated or maintained
according to the rules for KDB, planning, installation and maintenance (VdS 2350),
there is no insurance cover against intrusion if the building has been opened with the
(right) key taken off the deposit. This applies also if keys according to their quality
rating have been deposited in a wrong, i.e. lower class of SD.


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