Ergonomics Climate Assessment

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Applied Ergonomics 50 (2015) 160e169

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Ergonomics Climate Assessment: A measure of operational

performance and employee well-being
Krista Hoffmeister*, Alyssa Gibbons, Natalie Schwatka, John Rosecrance
Colorado State University, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o

a b s t r a c t

Article history:
Received 7 May 2014
Accepted 11 March 2015
Available online

Ergonomics interventions have the potential to improve operational performance and employee wellbeing. We introduce a framework for ergonomics climate, the extent to which an organization emphasizes and supports the design and modication of work to maximize both performance and well-being
outcomes. We assessed ergonomics climate at a large manufacturing facility twice during a two-year
period. When the organization used ergonomics to promote performance and well-being equally, and
at a high level, employees reported less work-related pain. A larger discrepancy between measures of
operational performance and employee well-being was associated with increased reports of workrelated pain. The direction of this discrepancy was not signicantly related to work-related pain, such
that it didn't matter which facet was valued more. The Ergonomics Climate Assessment can provide
companies with a baseline assessment of the overall value placed on ergonomics and help prioritize
areas for improving operational performance and employee well-being.
2015 Elsevier Ltd and The Ergonomics Society. All rights reserved.

Ergonomics climate

1. Introduction
To maximize success, organizations must have a climate that
supports operational performance (e.g., production efciency,
product or service quality) as well as employee well-being (e.g.,
health and safety). Researchers (e.g., Aryee et al., 2012; Pousette
et al., 2008) have examined operational performance and
employee well-being climates individually; however, few studies
have considered how to simultaneously promote a climate for both
performance and well-being. One comprehensive way to demonstrate both of these values is by promoting a systems approach as is
frequently done in ergonomics. The eld of ergonomics aims to
increase efciency by designing or modifying the job to eliminate
non-value added processes and hazards that increase the risk of
employee injury (Wickens et al., 2004). Professionals who use ergonomic principles adapt work tasks to the physical and mental
capabilities of the workers. Implementing ergonomic principles in
an occupational environment can directly benet the worker and
the organization by reducing physical and mental strain, lowering
the risk of occupational related injuries and illnesses and improving

* Corresponding author. Present address: Sentis, 116 Inverness Dr. E., Englewood,
CO, 80112, USA. Tel.: 1 719 459 1288.
E-mail address: (K. Hoffmeister).
0003-6870/ 2015 Elsevier Ltd and The Ergonomics Society. All rights reserved.

work performance (Sanders and Mccormick, 1993). By embracing

the principles of ergonomics, and establishing a positive ergonomics
climate, organizations can enhance both operational performance
and employee well-being.
Ergonomics climate represents employee perceptions of the
extent to which the organization emphasizes and supports the
design and modication of work such that both performance and
well-being are maximized. We use performance here to refer to
an organization's successful functioning in an economic context,
which can include (but is not limited to): maximizing productivity
and efciency, quality of product or service, sustainability as a
company, maintaining a competitive edge in the market, and
completing the tasks necessary for the organization to succeed
(Drucker, 1991). Employee well-being often refers to a focus on
ensuring that employees are happy and healthy, which can include
(but is not limited to): reducing their risk for injuries and illnesses,
addressing quality of work life issues, improving job satisfaction,
and supporting work-life balance (e.g., Cotton and Hart, 2003; Sears
et al., 2013). Although some efforts to design or modify work target
only performance or only safety, we argue that a positive ergonomics climate reects a value for both improved process and
safety outcomes, consistent with the traditional values of the eld
of ergonomics. Thus, a company with a positive ergonomics climate
promotes the design and modication of work to support both
types of outcomes, rather than favoring one over the other.

K. Hoffmeister et al. / Applied Ergonomics 50 (2015) 160e169

In this paper, we outline the development and use of a novel

measure of ergonomics climate. We conducted focus groups to
qualitatively assess the framework of ergonomics climate, developed and pilot tested an ergonomics climate measure (the Ergonomics Climate Assessment), and obtained preliminary criterionrelated validity evidence for the measure by examining the association between ergonomics climate and self-reported workrelated pain. Further, we examined the effect of perceived differences in emphasis between performance and well-being, to test our
contention that the best outcomes should result for organizations
that emphasize both.
1.1. The relationship between performance and well-being
Although the importance of both operational performance and
employee well-being for organizational success are intuitive, organizations often perceive a conict between them. For example,
there is some evidence that employees who are more productive
are also increasingly unsafe (Allen et al., 2007; Probst, 2002). In
addition, safety climate and productivity may be negatively related
(Wallace and Chen, 2006). However, other researchers have suggested that safety and productivity are independent (Hofmann and
Tetrick, 2003; Wallace et al., 2005), suggesting that the relationship
between safety and productivity depends on the organizational
context (Jackson and Mullarkey, 2000). If the climate of an organization is supportive of both safety and process quality goals,
employees can be safe while producing a quality product (Gehring
et al., 2013; Landsbergis et al., 1999). Thus, the context, or the
climate, of an organization, can impact the relationship between
performance and employee well-being.
1.2. Developing a systems orientation through ergonomics climate
Within the eld of ergonomics, many view the facets of operational performance and well-being as not only compatible, but
inextricably linked. Ergonomics aims to simultaneously improve
outcomes such as productivity, efciency, quality, and safety
(Wilson et al., 2009). The ergonomics eld is committed to a systems orientation in which nothing exists in isolation and each
element has the potential to impact another (Sanders and
Mccormick, 1993). Ergonomic interventions, for example, are
often designed to promote both performance and well-being
simultaneously (Genaidy et al., 2007; Goggins et al., 2008).
Maudgalya et al. (2008) reported that following ergonomics initiatives, there was an average increase of 66% in productivity, 44% in
quality, 82% in safety records, and a 71% average decrease in
workers compensation costs. Taking a systems approach wherein
operational performance and employee well-being are simultaneously valued has many benets for organizations (Hofmann and
Tetrick, 2003).
The climate of an organization helps employees understand and
interpret organizational norms, and employees shape their
behavior based on their perceptions of what is valued by the organization (Schein, 1990). Although there is little research on the
concept of an employee well-being climate, there is a body of
research on safety climate (e.g., Neal and Grifn, 2006; Pousette
et al., 2008; Zohar, 2002) as well as performance climates (Aryee
et al., 2012; Cappelli and Neumark, 1999; Wriston, 2007).
Although there are some exceptions (e.g., Allen et al., 2007; Probst,
2002; Wallace et al., 2006), most climate research has not examined performance and well-being simultaneously. For example,
safety climate is often conceptualized as a company's value for only
safety on the job. Various dimensions related to safety are
measured, such as management commitment to safety, the safety
system, and risk (Flin et al., 2000). Safety climate by itself does not


reect a company's simultaneous value for both employee wellbeing and performance. Ergonomics climate also relates to
employee safety; however, ergonomics climate is a more robust
construct that reects broader values. Ergonomics climate reects a
perceived value for employee well-being, which includes worker
health and safety, quality of work life, and job satisfaction. Ergonomics climate also reects the perceived value that management
places on operational performance. Thus, employees responding to
ergonomics climate measures will be asked to refer to practices that
affect both their well-being and operational performance.
Therefore, we propose ergonomics climate as one example for
how an organization may seek to balance performance and wellbeing objectives. It is possible that an organization might use ergonomics principles to improve one, but not both, of these facets. In
doing so, they do not take full advantage of ergonomic principles.
Thus, we expect the best outcomes for organizations that value
both facets, consistent with the holistic, systems-oriented philosophy of ergonomics.
2. Qualitative analysis of ergonomics climate
If organizations that foster a positive and balanced ergonomics
climate should reap the greatest outcomes from ergonomics initiatives, then organizations who use (or intend to use) such initiatives should benet from assessing, tracking, and understanding
their ergonomics climates. We therefore sought to develop a
measure for ergonomics climate. We began with two focus groups
(N 12) at a manufacturing facility to discuss how an understanding of the relative priorities of performance and employee
well-being might be useful to the company. To analyze the qualitative data from the focus groups, we used open coding and content
analysis processes (Janis, 1965; Weber, 1990; Woike, 2009). Interrater agreement of the measure was not assessed, because only one
researcher coded the responses. The coder read transcripts to
identify common themes that occurred while the group discussed
what an ergonomics climate could look like. This resulted in a total
of eight core themes extracted from the focus groups (Table 1). We
then outlined, from a range of resources, the best practices in
occupational ergonomics. The resources included a review of the
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health's (NIOSH)
Elements of an Ergonomics Program, the Occupational Safety and
Health Administration's (OSHA) Voluntary Protection Program, the
rescinded federal ergonomics standard promulgated by OSHA, and
state ergonomics guidelines (Washington and California).
Following this review, we examined research literature related to
ergonomics, occupational health and well-being, productivity, and
organizational climate, as outlined in Table 1. The combined results
from the focus groups, national resources and literature review
revealed four common factors central to organizational climates
that involve ergonomics: management commitment, employee
involvement, job hazard analysis, and training and knowledge (see
Table 1). These four factors have been identied many times in a
range of literatures, with the most relevant being the safety climate
literature. Although researchers have yet to agree on a single factor
structure of safety climate (Cox and Cheyne, 2000; Coyle et al.,
1995; Vinodkumar and Bhasi, 2009), many measures share the
common factors of management commitment (e.g., Brown and
Holmes, 1986; Cooper and Phillips, 2004; Grifn and Neal, 2000;
Probst, 2004; Zohar, 1980), employee involvement (Cheyne et al.,
1998; Cox and Cheyne, 2000; Dedobbeleer and Beland, 1991; Neal
and Grifn, 2004), job hazard analysis (Cheyne et al., 1998; Cox
and Cheyne, 2000; Grifn and Neal, 2000; Probst, 2004), and
training and knowledge (e.g., Cooper and Phillips, 2004; Evans
et al., 2007; Grifn and Neal, 2000; Lu and Tsai, 2008). Thus, we
acknowledge that the four factors described here are similar to


K. Hoffmeister et al. / Applied Ergonomics 50 (2015) 160e169

Table 1
Sources of the four components of ergonomics climate.

Management commitment

Employee involvement

Job hazard analysis

Training and knowledge

Focus Group Themes

 Management commitment
 Value of ergonomics

 Federal OSHA Ergonomics

 NIOSH Elements
of an Ergonomics Program


 Monitoring the effectiveness
of the ergonomics program
 Reporting system
 OSHA Job Hazard
Analysis Guidelines
 Federal OSHA
Ergonomics Standard
 WA Ergonomics Standard
 CA Ergonomics Standard
 NIOSH Elements
of an Ergonomics Program
 Chao and Henshaw (2002)
 Cheyne et al. (1998)
 Cox and Cheyne (2000)
 Grifn and Neal (2000)
 Morag and Luria (2013)
 Munir et al. (2007)
 Probst (2004)

 Employee knowledge
and training

National and State


 Employee Involvement
 Value for ergonomics
 Reporting system
 Federal OSHA
Ergonomics Standard
 NIOSH Elements
of an Ergonomics Program

Cavazza and Serpe (2009)

Christian et al. (2009)
Cooper and Phillips (2004)
Dedobbeleer and Beland (1991)
Drury et al. (1999)
Hofmann and Morgeson (2004)
Koningsveld et al. (2005)
Lewin et al. (1939)
Nahrgang et al. (2011)
Probst (2004)
Zohar (1980)
Zohar (2011)
Zohar and Tenne-Gazit (2008)

Chao and Henshaw (2002)

Cheyne et al. (1998)
Cox and Cheyne (2000)
Dedobbeleer and Beland (1991)
Haims and Carayon (1998)
Koningsveld et al. (2005)
Laing et al. (2007)
Oliver et al. (2006)
Schneider and Reichers (1983)
Van Eerd et al. (2010)

factors seen in many safety climate measures; however, we believe

that these dimensions are applicable to climate in general, and
therefore also to ergonomics climate.
3. Development of the Ergonomics Climate Assessment
To develop the Ergonomics Climate Assessment, we created two
parallel measures to assess the design and modication of work in
relation to operational performance and well-being, respectively. A
value for both of these is necessary for an ideal ergonomics climate;
however, it is possible for a company to place more emphasis on
one than on the other. The parallel nature of our measure allowed
us to test how a relative priority for each can inuence relevant
All questions specically reect the key ergonomic concept of
designing and modifying work to improve the focus of interest
(performance or well-being). Thus, there is a scale for the facet of
well-being-focused (WE) ergonomics climate and another scale for
the facet of performance-focused (PE) ergonomics climate. It is
important to note that these facets are not overarching measures of
an organization's value for well-being or performance, but rather
measures of the organization's climate for ergonomic practices
related to those goals. More specically, ergonomics climate is not
overall organizational climate; it is specically focused on the
climate surrounding ergonomic practices, such as designing and
modifying work, with the goal of aiding organizations who wish to
adopt or expand such practices.
We developed items that reected policies and practices that
corresponded to each of the four ergonomics climate factors
(management commitment, employee involvement, job hazard
analysis, and training and knowledge). The company involved in
the study had factory metrics that were analogous to performance metrics, and because employees were accustomed to this
terminology, factory metrics were referenced in the survey. Parallel versions of each questionnaire item were written to reect the
different facets. For example, an item under management
commitment read, My supervisor emphasizes the importance of
designing and modifying work to improve factory metrics, and its

 Federal OSHA
Ergonomics Standard
 WA Ergonomics Standard
 CA Ergonomics Standard
 NIOSH Elements
of an Ergonomics Program

Burke et al. (2011)

Cavazza and Serpe (2009)
Cooper and Phillips (2004)
Drury et al. (1999)
Evans et al. (2007)
Grifn and Neal (2000)
Korunka et al. (2010)
Lu and Tsai (2008)
Miles and Perrewe
Robertson et al. (2008)
Robertson et al. (2013)

parallel item was, My supervisor emphasizes the importance of

designing and modifying work to improve worker well-being. On
the actual questionnaires, these items were placed side-by-side to
draw attention to the different facets, and the terms were printed
with bold text. The dimensions and items of the Ergonomics
Climate Assessment were tested in a pilot study before any further
validation efforts were undertaken, as described in the Methods
4. Validation of the Ergonomics Climate Assessment
To validate the newly developed Ergonomics Climate Assessment, we rst assessed the concurrent validity of the Ergonomics
Climate Assessment as a predictor of employee self-reported
work-related pain. Many studies have supported the relationship
between safety climate and employee safety outcomes (e.g.,
Christian et al., 2009; Nahrgang et al., 2011), and we believe that
both PE and WE facets of ergonomics climate should function
similarly to safety climate in this way. Work-related pain was
chosen as the focal outcome for this study because other safety
indicators, such as accidents or incidents, are low-base-rate behaviors and can be problematic in self-report surveys because
individuals may hesitate to report such occurrences (Probst et al.,
2008). Work-related pain can be viewed as a leading, rather than
lagging, indicator of employee well-being, and ergonomics interventions often specically aim to prevent pain. There is an
intuitive negative relationship between the WE facet of ergonomics climate and pain; if an organization values designing and
modifying work to improve well-being, and if their efforts in this
direction are at all successful, employees should experience less
work-related pain.
The relationship between the PE facet of ergonomics climate
and pain may be less obvious. Although it would not be unusual to
increase work pace in the hopes of productivity gains, product
quality as well as safety can be compromised. In an environment
that values a systems approach to occupational ergonomics, productivity gains are designed concurrently with worker well-being
goals. For example, manually attaching hydraulic hoses to a

K. Hoffmeister et al. / Applied Ergonomics 50 (2015) 160e169

subassembly with a hand wrench can be performed faster by

increasing the expected yield of the worker, which would likely
lead to greater hand fatigue, work stress and poorer quality. Using a
systems approach to ergonomics, a redesign may include the use of
a power driven wrench that results in greater output, less physically
demanding hand motions, and less worker stress. Poor work design
however, has been associated with greater injuries to employees
(Genaidy et al., 2008).
Hypothesis 1. Both WE and PE facets of ergonomics climate will
be negatively related to work-related pain.
It is also important to consider the congruence between PE and
WE facets of ergonomics climate. As stated previously, a positive
ergonomics climate is one in which the organization strives to
improve both performance and well-being. The structure of the
Ergonomics Climate Assessment allowed us to explore how PE and
WE facets of ergonomics climate relate to self-reported workrelated pain individually, as well as their joint effect. The conceptually parallel measures of PE and WE facets in the Ergonomics
Climate Assessment facilitate the use of response surface methodology (RSM; Box and Draper, 1987), a technique that is useful for
understanding how the congruence or discrepancy between two
predictors relates to an outcome.
The use of RSM allowed us to answer three important questions about the relationship between the two facets of ergonomics
climate (Shanock et al., 2010). We rst tested how the facets of WE
and PE were jointly related to reported pain when they were in
agreement. In other words, when values for the design and
modication of work to promote PE and WE facets of ergonomics
climate were equal, how did this combined level of ergonomics
climate relate to pain? We also tested whether that relationship was
linear or curvilinear. Following the logic of Hypothesis 1, we propose that:
Hypothesis 2. When PE and WE facets of ergonomics climate are
in agreement, there will be a signicant linear relationship with
work-related pain, such that when they are in agreement at a low
level (i.e. both are rated low), the employee-reported pain will be
higher than when they are in agreement at a high level (i.e. both are
rated high).
The second question we answered was how the degree of
discrepancy between climates was related to employee-reported
pain. If, as we have argued, a positive ergonomics climate is one
in which PE and WE are valued equally, a climate in which they are
valued unequally should result in less positive outcomes. Therefore,
we expected that:
Hypothesis 3. When PE and WE facets of ergonomics climate are
in disagreement (i.e. unequal), the amount of disagreement will be
signicantly correlated with work-related pain, such that the
higher the discrepancy between the two climates, the more workrelated pain will be reported.
Finally, we tested whether the direction of the discrepancy was
related to pain. Therefore, we not only assessed whether the
disagreement between these values was important, but also
whether employees reported more work-related pain if the PE facet
of ergonomics climate was rated higher than the WE facet of ergonomics climate, or if the WE facet was rated higher than the PE
facet. In light of the research suggesting that a strong emphasis on
productivity may have negative effects on safety outcomes (Allen
et al., 2007; Probst, 2002), we propose:
Hypothesis 4. When employees perceive a discrepancy between
PE and WE facets of ergonomics climate, those who rate the PE facet
higher than the WE facet will report more work-related pain than
those who rate the WE facet higher than the PE facet of ergonomics


5. Methods
5.1. Participants and procedure
The Ergonomics Climate Assessment was rst piloted on 130
employees at an international manufacturer of earth moving
equipment that consisted of both ofce and production employees.
Employees were divided between multiple departments and multiple buildings on the facility's campus. Employees in each
department were responsible for assembling various parts of the
nal product, and each department had their own team supervisor.
Respondents were mostly Caucasian (84%) males (98%) with an
average age of 33 years (SD 11 months). One month following the
pilot survey, 1593 employees from the same manufacturing company were invited to participate in the survey (Sample 1). We
received 1031 responses (65% response rate), of which 84% were
line employees and 16% were ofce employees. The majority of
those surveyed were Caucasian (86.8%) and male (91%) with an
average age of 37 years (SD 11 months). Line employees were
surveyed in person during normal work hours, and ofce employees were provided with an online link to the survey.
One year later, the same manufacturing facility was surveyed
again using the same methodology. A total of 706 employees
responded, resulting in a response rate of 53% (Sample 2). Of those
that responded, 87% were line employees and 13% were ofce
employees. Most of those surveyed were Caucasian (85%) and male
(90.6%) with an average age of 38 years (SD 12 months). Due to
concerns about condentiality expressed by the management and
employee representatives, we were not able to link responses at the
individual level from Survey 1 to Survey 2. Although the samples
are not independent, it is likely that they are also not completely
overlapping, and so the samples were analyzed separately to provide additional insight.
5.2. Measures
The rst version of the Ergonomics Climate Assessment consisted of 20 parallel items per each of the four core factors (e.g., 10
management commitment for PE and 10 management commitment for WE), resulting in 80 questions total. Participants were
asked to rate the extent to which they agreed or disagreed that the
survey statements were accurate for their department on a scale of
1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree). Pilot testing (results
described below) allowed us to reduce the Ergonomics Climate
Assessment to a 40-item measure that was used in the subsequent
surveys. All survey items are provided in the supplementary
To measure self-reported pain, individuals were also asked if
they had experienced any work-related pain in the past 12 months
in nine different areas of their body. Each of these nine items was a
dichotomous variable recorded as yes (1) or no (0), and a total pain
score (ranging from 0 to 9) was calculated by summing the number
of body parts reported to be in pain. The self-reported pain survey
was similar to other surveys used in epidemiological research
among occupational populations (Dickinson et al., 1992;
Rosecrance et al., 2002).
6. Results
6.1. Pilot study results
The pilot study allowed us to identify the most informative of
the original survey items based on preliminary factor analyses,
following recommendations from Mcdonald (1999). The proposed 4-factor models fell somewhat short of conventional


K. Hoffmeister et al. / Applied Ergonomics 50 (2015) 160e169

criteria for good t (Mcdonald and Ho, 2002). Typically, a CFI

value above .90 and RMSEA values below .05 are desired,
although in this case, the CFI and RMSEA did not meet these
cutoffs (CFI .90, .88; RMSEA .10, .11, respectively). However, a
4-factor model did t signicantly better than a 1-factor model
for both PE and WE facets of ergonomics climate. Item-level
statistics allowed us to identify the best items within each
scale, and the reduced Ergonomics Climate Assessment represented the best 5 item pairs for each of the four constructs for a
total of 40 items (Table 3).
6.2. Preliminary validation study results
We then assessed whether the data should be aggregated and
analyzed in a multilevel framework (i.e., individuals within departments), or whether it was best analyzed at the individual level
(James et al., 2008; Joyce and Slocum, 1984; Parker et al., 2001).
Interrater reliability and agreement statistics (rwg(j), ICC(1), and
ICC(2)) were calculated on Samples 1 and 2, with rwg(j) values
ranging from .65 to .99 for the PE facet of ergonomics climate and
.35 to .99 for the WE facet of ergonomics climate. The ICC(1) value
was .07 for both the PE and WE facets, and the ICC(2) value was .48
for PE and .47 for WE facets. These results suggest that the perceptions of ergonomics climate are shared across the entire organization, rather than various ergonomics climates existing between
departments and work groups. Therefore, our data was best
analyzed at the individual level for both PE and WE facets of ergonomics climate.

The pattern of correlations and reliabilities was nearly identical

between Samples 1 and 2, and thus summaries of results are presented here, and statistics are reported in Table 2. We rst performed conrmatory factor analyses on each facet scale (PE and
WE) separately. Similar to the pilot study, for both PE and WE, the
hypothesized four-factor model showed better t than a singlefactor model in both samples (Table 3). However, the four subscales within each model were correlated strongly (factor
r .80e.93), and the single-factor model for each facet showed
adequate t. To facilitate interpretation, we chose to aggregate
across subscales to form an overall score for each facet. Reliabilities
for WE (a .98) and PE (a .97) were high.
However, there was also a high correlation between the PE
and WE scales overall. Thus, we tested a model with a single
general factor for all of the items (PE and WE together) as well as
a model with two general facet factors (i.e. PE and WE). The twofacet-factor model t slightly, but signicantly better, than the
single-factor model; however, neither t well (Table 3; though
they are not directly comparable to the other models because
they are not nested). Further, because we hypothesized that
equality (or inequality) of values for productivity and wellbeing
can impact work-related pain, we decided that for conceptual
reasons, it was best to keep PE and WE facets of climate separate.
RSM can be used even when predictors are substantially correlated, because RSM is concerned with not only correlation but
agreement. A high correlation between variables does not
necessarily mean that the values assigned to each variable are
the same. For example, ratings of 5-4-3 on one variable and 3-

Table 2
Means, standard deviations, and correlations.




M(Sample 2)

SD (Sample 2)

Wage or Salary
Time with Supervisor (Months)
Time with Company (Months)
PE Climate
WE Climate
PE e Management Commitment
PE e Employee Involvement
PE e Job Hazard Analysis
PE e Training & Knowledge
WE e Management Commitment
WE e Employee Involvement
WE e Job Hazard Analysis
WE e Training & Knowledge

37.54 (38.21)
8.48 (8.52)
68.57 (71.21)
3.36 (3.25)
3.34 (3.22)
3.35 (3.21)
3.32 (3.22)
3.42 (3.34)
3.33 (3.22)
3.31 (3.17)
3.33 (3.25)
3.35 (3.26)
3.35 (3.21)
2.15 (2.24)

11.60 (11.96)
13.58 (13.00)
96.40 (103.88)
.90 (.84)
.93 (.90)
1.01 (.94)
.98 (.92)
.92 (.87)
.93 (.88)
1.04 (1.00)
.96 (.93)
.97 (.95)
.94 (.91)
2.48 (2.24)
















Wage or Salary
Time with Supervisor (Months)
Time with Company (Months)
PE Climate
WE Climate
PE e Management Commitment
PE e Employee Involvement
PE e Job Hazard Analysis
PE e Training & Knowledge
WE e Management Commitment
WE e Employee Involvement
WE e Job Hazard Analysis
WE e Training & Knowledge










Note. Correlations greater than or equal to .08 are signicant at the p < .05 level.
Sample 1 correlations are on the lower diagonal, Sample 2 correlations are on the upper diagonal. Average reliabilities across samples are reported on the diagonal; across
years all reliabilities were within .02 of each other.
PE Performance-focused ergonomics climate, WE Well-being-focused ergonomics climate.

K. Hoffmeister et al. / Applied Ergonomics 50 (2015) 160e169

6.3. Polynomial regression and response surface methodology

Table 3
Model t statistics for performance and well-being.
1 general factor
2 facet factors
PE 1 factor
WE 1 factor
PE 4 factor
WE 4 factor
Sample 1
1 general factor
2 facet factors
PE 1 factor
WE 1 factor
PE 4 factor
WE 4 factor
Sample 2
1 general factor
2 facet factors
PE 1 factor
WE 1 factor
PE 4 factor
WE 4 factor


















factor r












Note. The tests for general factor and 2 facet factor models for the pilot data resulted
in a non-positive denite rst-order derivative product matrix; thus, results are not
presented here. PE Performance facet of ergonomics climate, WE Well-being
facet of ergonomics climate.
**p < .01.

2-1 on another would be perfectly correlated, yet there are clear

discrepancies in the values associated with each. RSM models
these discrepancies, and Shanock et al. (2010) suggest that RSM
is appropriate when there are a nontrivial number of discrepancies. In Sample 1, 9% of individuals had a standardized difference greater than half a standard deviation between PE and WE
scores, as did 7% of individuals in Sample 2. This suggests that
although perceiving a discrepancy is not entirely common, the
proportion of individuals that did have a discrepancy is large
enough to warrant exploration (Shanock et al., 2010). The impact
of this difference was examined in the remainder of the analyses.
As can be seen from Table 2, both overall PE and WE facets of
ergonomics climate were signicantly related to work-related
pain for both samples, supporting Hypothesis 1.

To test Hypotheses 2e4, we used polynomial regression

(Table 4). Covariates were included in these regression models
based on signicant correlations between demographic variables
and work-related pain. Although the covariates and WE were signicant predictors of work-related pain, the PE facet did not
uniquely contribute to work-related pain once accounting for the
other variables included in the model. As seen in Table 4, the
squares of PE and WE facets, and the product of PE and WE facets
were also included to generate the necessary components to
calculate the RSM results. To facilitate interpretation of these results, we plotted the polynomial regression coefcients using RSM
(Box and Draper, 1987). Response surface methodology creates a
three-dimensional representation of the agreement and disagreement of two variables and their relation to a third variable, the
outcome. The coefcients from the polynomial regressions in
Table 4 were entered into additional equations and contrasted to
test the signicance of the slope and curvature of two lines: the line
of perfect agreement and the line of perfect disagreement (Shanock
et al., 2010).
The line of perfect agreement addressed Hypothesis 2: When
performance and well-being climates were equal, were they related
to work-related pain, and was this relationship linear? The slope of
this line shows the various levels of work-related pain experienced
by individuals who perceived PE and WE facets as being equally
important (Shanock et al., 2010, p. 546). The curvature of this line
allowed us to test whether the relationship was curvilinear. The line
of perfect disagreement addressed Hypotheses 3 and 4. The curvature of this line represented how the degree of discrepancy between PE and WE facets of ergonomics climate related to workrelated pain. That is, did pain increase as the size of the discrepancy between the PE and WE facets of climate increased? The slope
of this line allowed us to test whether the direction of the
discrepancy mattered. Together, these four statistics (the slope and
curvature of the line of agreement and the line of disagreement) are
calculated using surface tests, or combinations of the polynomial
regression coefcients (Table 5). The RSM plots for both PE and WE
for Survey samples 1 and 2 are presented in Figs. 1 and 2,
In general, these graphs are relatively at with high wings on
either side, with these wings being around the same height. Each

Table 4
Polynomial regression results for work-related pain.








Sample 1

Wage or Salary
Time with Sup







Wage or Salary






Sample 2


Note. PE Performance-focused ergonomics climate, WE Well-being-focused ergonomics climate.

**p < .01 *p < .05.


K. Hoffmeister et al. / Applied Ergonomics 50 (2015) 160e169

Table 5
Response Surface Tests.

Surface test

Sample 1 Ergonomics Climate

Slope of agreement
Curvature of agreement
Curvature of disagreement
Slope of disagreement




Sample 2 Ergonomics Climate

Slope of agreement
Curvature of agreement
Curvature of disagreement
Slope of disagreement




Note. a1 (b1 b2), where b1 is beta coefcient for performance-focused ergonomics climate (PE) and b2 is beta coefcient for well-being-focused ergonomics climate (WE).
a2 (b3 b4 b5), where b3 is beta coefcient for PE squared, b4 is beta coefcient for the cross-product of PE and WE, and b5 is beta coefcient for WE squared.
a3 (b1  b2), a4 (b3  b4 b5), SE standard error.
**p < .01 *p < .05 p .054.

employees reported. These are the wings seen in the eastewest

direction of the graph; in the middle where PE and WE facets are
similarly rated, pain is lower than when you move towards either
side of the graph, when one facet is higher than the other. The slope
of the line of disagreement was non-signicant for both samples,
indicating that the direction of this discrepancy was not important
in predicting pain. This can be seen in the graph where the wings
on either side are at relatively the same level on the vertical plane.
Therefore, Hypothesis 4 was not supported.
7. Discussion
Fig. 1. Sample 1 response surface pattern for performance-focused ergonomics climate
and well-being-focused ergonomics climate discrepancies.

graph can be interpreted further using the surface tests. Surface

tests 1 and 2 (the slope and curvature of the line of agreement,
respectively) refer to Hypothesis 2, surface test 3 (the curvature of
the line of disagreement) refers to Hypothesis 3, and surface test 4
(the slope of the line of disagreement) refers to Hypothesis 4. For
both Samples 1 and 2, the slope along the line of agreement was
signicant, as seen by the slight downward curve of the graph in
the north-south direction. In support of Hypothesis 2, when PE and
WE facets were in agreement at a low level, work-related pain was
higher than when they were in agreement at a high level. The
curvature along the line of agreement was non-signicant, meaning that this relationship is linear.
The curvature of the line of disagreement was signicant in
Sample 1, and almost signicant in Sample 2 (p .054), partially
supporting Hypothesis 3. This suggests that the degree of
discrepancy between PE and WE facets is related to work-related
pain, such that the larger the discrepancy, the more pain

Fig. 2. Sample 2 response surface pattern for performance-focused ergonomics

climate and well-being-focused ergonomics climate discrepancies.

Through a series of steps, we developed the Ergonomics Climate

Assessment, then piloted, rened, and obtained preliminary validation evidence for this new assessment tool. In all three samples
(Pilot, Sample 1 and Sample 2), factor analyses supported the fourfactor model (i.e., management commitment, employee involvement, job hazard analysis, and training and knowledge) for both the
performance (PE) and well-being (WE) facets of ergonomics
climate. However, it is worth noting that a single-factor model for
each facet also demonstrated acceptable t to the data. Therefore,
for simplicity, the four sub-factors were combined into overall PE
and WE facet scores to use in further analysis. Our results indicate
that organizations should place equal emphasis on both PE and WE
in order to reap the greatest benets of ergonomic interventions.
The synergy between PE and WE facets in this organization was
associated with employee work-related pain. The relationship between an organization's value for well-being and employee workrelated pain has been supported in previous research (Christian
et al., 2009). However, no study to date has allowed for a comparison of how the values for performance and well-being may work
together to predict work-related outcomes. Ergonomics is a systems discipline that focuses on multiple inter-related activities or
entities (e.g., hardware and people). Good ergonomic practice involves understanding that the whole is usually greater (more
useful, powerful, functional, etc.) than the sum of the parts
(Wilson, 2014, pg. 6). This understanding is consistent with our
ndings that PE and WE facets of ergonomics climate were
conceptually distinct, but interrelated so much so that incongruence between the two resulted in poor outcomes. Interestingly, the
direction of the discrepancy did not affect work-related pain.
One potential explanation for this nding is that the discrepancy
between PE and WE facets of climate may create stress for the
worker, and thus predispose them to work-related pain. Organizational climate theory states that climates arise from workers'
attempts to understand their work environments so that they can
determine what kinds of actions are rewarded and supported on
the job (Schneider and Reichers, 1983). This theory, together with

K. Hoffmeister et al. / Applied Ergonomics 50 (2015) 160e169

our ndings, suggests that climate perceptions are a frame of

reference for how to behave at work. It follows that employees who
perceive a positive ergonomics climate perceive that their actions
at work should be directed in such a way that accounts for maintaining and improving their health and their work performance.
On the other hand, if employees perceive that one outcome is
favored over another, they perceive a poor ergonomics climate. This
discrepancy may induce work-related stress and create symptoms
of work-related pain. On one hand, companies that emphasize
facets of PE over WE indicate to workers that production is more
important than their well-being. This results in stress related to
getting the job done at the expense of their well-being. Alternatively, companies that emphasize the WE facet of designing and
modifying work over the PE facet may send a message to workers
that ergonomic improvements are not relevant to their productivity. This may cause stress if an improvement is seen as a threat to
productivity; for example, employees may resist a new tool or
process that reduces injury if they think it will cause them to work
more slowly and miss production targets. Although the ergonomic
improvements in this case are well-intentioned, they cannot reduce
or prevent pain if they are not adopted. In fact, they may create
additional stress due to role overload, or the perception of
competing demands (use this less effective process, but produce
the same results).
The relationship between stress and work-related pain has been
demonstrated in prior literature. For example, Carayon et al. (1999)
outlined how work organization and stress can inuence strain
outcomes such as work-related musculoskeletal disorders. The
authors noted that the stress stems from an imbalanced work
system (i.e., technology, organization, task environment, and the
worker). Indeed, recent research from Eatough et al. (2012) demonstrates that work organization inuences strain, which in turn
inuences work-related pain. Future research should consider the
role of a poor ergonomics climate as a potential inuencer of workrelated stress and work-related pain.
In practice, the ability of the Ergonomics Climate Assessment to
compare an organization's PE and WE facets is benecial for both
scientists and practitioners. Organizations need to focus on building climate value for both PE and WE facets of ergonomics climate.
Wilson (2014) notes that it is too common for ergonomics solutions
to be of singular focus due to time, permission, and access issues
(pg. 6). In order for organizations to maximize the impact of ergonomics solutions, we will need to move beyond a focus on just
well-being or a focus on just performance towards a focus on
maximizing both together. This can be done by dedicating resources to each of the four core factors (i.e., management
commitment, employee involvement, job hazard analysis, and
training and knowledge) while considering both PE and WE facets
As an example, this study's participating company used the results of the rst survey to identify areas for improvement. During
the year between when the two surveys were conducted, the
company (based on the climate data) implemented specic ergonomic interventions for one production department that had a
relatively poor Ergonomics Climate Assessment score at the time of
the rst survey. The ergonomic-based intervention consisted of
both engineering and administrative changes that were developed
by a team of production operators, maintenance and engineering
staff and management, and was developed and implemented
within 9 months of Survey 1. The results of the second survey
indicated that there was a signicant increase in both PE and WE
facets of ergonomics climate for that production department. Thus,
the Ergonomics Climate Assessment may be a practical and useful
tool for organizations looking to understand and improve their
ergonomics climate. This tool can be used as a baseline to assess the


effectiveness of organizational efforts focused on improving ergonomics as well as a measure to assist in the prioritization of ergonomic interventions during periods of limited resources.
7.1. Limitations and suggestions for further research
This study is based on cross-sectional and self-reported data,
and included only a single outcome measure. As an initial step in
the development of this measure, this outcome provided evidence
needed to move forward with this framework and test more
detailed models. Other outcomes of employee well-being such as
the quality of work life and presenteeism, and operational
performance-based outcomes such as production efciency, product quality, and errors or deviations in tolerances should be added
to subsequent models. Nevertheless, based on the results of the
present study, it appears that the Ergonomics Climate Assessment
may be very useful in understanding how an agreement or
disagreement between the PE and WE facets of ergonomics climate
is related to a variety of individual and organizational outcomes.
The results of this study also suggest that the PE and WE facets
were very highly correlated. Although it was most appropriate to
combine the sub-factors within PE and WE facets for the purposes
of analyzing our particular research questions, additional research
should further examine the model by which ergonomics operates
in organizations and the relationship between PE and WE facets.
Our results also suggested that ergonomics climate was best
assessed at the individual level for our sample, because of a lack of
between-group variation. Together, these results suggest that PE
and WE facets were both equally acknowledged within this organization, and that this perception was facility-wide as opposed to
varying across departments. Therefore, the use of this particular
organization, which had a longstanding tradition of highly visible
ergonomics programs targeting both performance and well-being,
could have inuenced the results. Future research should examine
ergonomics climate within companies that may not place a strong
and equal emphasis on both PE and WE facets.
Additional research is also needed to further investigate the
associations between the Ergonomics Climate Assessment tool and
individual and organizational outcomes. For example, it appears
logical that when an organization focuses primarily on operational
performance, the value for well-being decreases, resulting in
increased pain. However, it is less clear why an increased focus on
well-being (over performance) would result in increased complaints of pain. We proposed that lack of adoption of ergonomic
improvements or work-related stress might help explain this result,
but researchers should explore and test these mechanisms further.
Furthermore, it is possible that the performance and/or well-being
facets of ergonomics climate could be differentially related to other
organizational outcomes such as quality, productivity, and other
aspects of workplace health and safety. An understanding of these
relationships may help organizations recognize the importance of
valuing both performance and well-being facets of ergonomics
7.2. Conclusion
The Ergonomics Climate Assessment is a practical tool that researchers and practitioners can use to understand the value for
performance and well-being that exists within an organization and
to help identify areas for improvement, as well as a method to
benchmark ergonomic process goals. Our ndings demonstrated
that the framework of ergonomics climate can be used for
designing and modifying work to improve both operational performance and employee well-being. Furthermore, our results
indicate that it is not only possible, but also preferred, for


K. Hoffmeister et al. / Applied Ergonomics 50 (2015) 160e169

organizations to equally value and develop strong performance and

well-being facets of ergonomics climate.
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