CS4800 SU1 15 Assignment 1

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CS 4800 Algorithms and Data

Assignment 1

Student Name: ________________________________________

Professor: Nik Bear Brown
Due: Sunday May 17, 2015

Q1 (10 Points)
Give a brief definitions for the following:
Computational tractability
Stable Matching
Big-Oh notation
Asymptotic order of growth

Q2 (10 Points)

Arrange the following functions in increasing order of growth. . If the function g(n)
immediately follows f(n) then f(n) = O(g(n))



0.0001n + 1

n / log(n)

log(log(n)) + n0.5





Q3 (10 Points)
Miley Shipping Lines, Inc., is a shipping company that owns n ships and provides
service to n ports. Each of its ships has a schedule that says, for each day of the
month, which of the ports its currently visiting, or whether its out at sea. (You can
assume the month here has m days, for some m > n.) Each ship visits each port
for exactly one day during the month. For safety reasons, MSL Inc. has the following
strict requirement:
() No two ships can be in the same port on the same day.
The company wants to perform maintenance on all the ships this month, via the
following scheme. They want to truncate each ships schedule: for each ship S i,
there will be some day when it arrives in its scheduled port and simply remains
there for the rest of the month (for maintenance). This means that Si will not visit
the remaining ports on its schedule (if any) that month, but this is okay. So the
truncation of
Sis schedule will simply consist of its original schedule up to a certain specified day
on which it is in a port P; the remainder of the truncated schedule simply has it
remain in port P.
Now the companys question to you is the following: Given the schedule for each
ship, find a truncation of each so that condition () continues to hold: no two ships
are ever in the same port on the same day.
Show that such a set of truncations can always be found, and give an algorithm to
find them.

Q4 (10 Points)
Theres a class of folk songs and holiday songs in which each verse consists of the
previous verse, with one extra line added on. The Twelve Days of Christmas has
this property; for example, when you get to the fifth verse, you sing about the five
golden rings and then, reprising the lines from the fourth verse, also cover the four
calling birds, the three French hens, the two turtle doves, and of course the
partridge in the pear tree. The Aramaic song Had gadya from the Passover
Haggadah works like this as well, as do many other songs.
These songs tend to last a long time, despite having relatively short scripts. In
particular, you can convey the words plus instructions for one of these songs by
specifying just the new line that is added in each verse, without having to write out
all the previous lines each time. (So the phrase five golden rings only has to be
written once, even though it will appear in verses five and onward.)
Theres something asymptotic that can be analyzed here. Suppose, for
concreteness, that each line has a length that is bounded by a constant c, and
suppose that the song, when sung out loud, runs for n words total.
Show how to encode such a song using a script that has length f (n), for a function f
(n) that grows as slowly as possible.

Q5 (5 Points)
One algorithm requires n log2(n) seconds and another algorithm requires n
seconds. Which one grows asymptotically faster? That is, which grows faster as n
gets large? What is the cross-over value of n? (The value at which the curves

Q6 (10 Points)
Fatweasel Digital is making a game, Dragon Ball Z versus Pokmon that creates
fights (matches) between DBZ and Pokmon. The Internet was used to rank the
matches that gamers would most like to see. The preference lists are in the
dictionaries below. Use Gale-Shapley to create stable matches. You can choose
whether DBZ proposes fights to Pokmon or vice-versa. Show your work.
DBZ = {
'Goku': ['Charmeleon','Jigglypuff','Diglett','Pikachu'],
'Piccolo': ['Jigglypuff', 'Pikachu', 'Diglett','Charmeleon'],
'Vegeta': ['Charmeleon','Pikachu','Jigglypuff','Diglett'],
'Trunks': ['Jigglypuff','Pikachu', 'Charmeleon','Diglett']}
Pokemon = {
'Pikachu': ['Goku','Piccolo', 'Vegeta','Trunks'],
'Charmeleon': ['Vegeta','Goku','Trunks', 'Piccolo'],
'Diglett': ['Piccolo','Vegeta', 'Trunks','Goku'],
'Jigglypuff': ['Trunks','Goku','Vegeta,'Piccolo']}

Q7 (15 Points)
Use Kruskal's algorithm to find a minimum spanning tree for the connected
weighted graph below. Show your work.

What is the Time Complexity of Kruskal's algorithm?

Q8 (15 Points)
Use Prim's algorithm to find a minimum spanning tree for the connected weighted
graph below. Show your work.

What is the Time Complexity of Prim's algorithm?

Q9 (15 Points)
Find shortest path from A to F in the graph below using Dijkstra's algorithm. Show
your steps.

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