Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control MIHAP No.3 May 2003
i PlanningNSW
Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control MIHAP No.3 May 2003
The Major Hazards Unit gratefully acknowledges the substantial assistance of the relevant documentation published by
the following organisations:
Printed May 2003
ISBN 0 7347 0426 7
ii PlanningNSW
Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control MIHAP No.3 May 2003
Summary vii
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Purpose and Scope of this Advisory Paper 1
1.3 Process Overview 2
1.4 Communications with the Major Hazards Unit 4
Major Hazard Facilities Regulation 200X 5
3 Planning and Preparation 6
3.1 Scope and Purpose of Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment 6
3.2 Information Requirements 6
3.3 Demonstration Requirements 7
3.4 Team Based Approaches 8
3.5 Choice of Methodologies 10
4 Hazard Identification 16
4.1 Terminology 16
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Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control MIHAP No.3 May 2003
5 Risk Analysis 25
5.1 Uncertainty in Risk Assessment 25
5.2 Multi-Level Risk Assessment 26
5.3 Screening Tools 26
5.4 Risk Ranking Tools 27
5.5 Qualitative Methodologies 28
5.6 Semi-Quantitative Methodologies 29
5.7 Quantitative Methodologies 30
5.8 Consequence Analysis 31
5.9 Likelihood Analysis 57
5.10 Sensitivity Analysis 65
5.11 Risk Estimation and Presentation of Results 65
6 Control Measures 69
6.1 Identifying and Understanding Controls 69
6.2 Criticality of Controls 74
6.3 Investigation of Alternative Control Measures 75
6.4 Reviewing Alternative Control Measures 76
6.5 Linking Control Measures to the Safety Management System 77
7 Risk Assessment and Communication 82
7.1 Summary of Criteria for Risk Assessment 83
Example Form/s 89
Hazard Identification Word Diagram 90
iv PlanningNSW
Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control MIHAP No.3 May 2003
Table of Figures
1 Process Overview 3
2 Example Flowchart for Risk Screening and
Risk Management at Major Hazard Facilities 13
3 Example Hazard Register Database 14
4 Comprehensive Hazard Identification 23
5 Calculation of Risk 25
6 Example Risk Matrix (Refer to MIHAP No. 2) 28
7 Consequence Analysis 31
8 Example Flowchart for Management of Risk
to the Biophysical Environment 49
9 Example Event Tree 58
10 Example Fault Tree [HIPAP No. 6] 60
11 Reliability Bath Tub Curve 62
12 Examples of Iso-Risk Contours 67
13 Example F-N Curve 68
14 Structuring Hazard Identification Findings 71
15 Illustration of Critical Operating Parameters (CCPS 1992) 80
16 Applying ALARP 82
Table of Tables
1 Possible Applications of Safety in the Process Lifecycle 11
2 Hazard Types 17
v PlanningNSW
Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control MIHAP No.3 May 2003
Failures at Major Hazard Facilities (MHFs) have the potential to cause major
accidents arising from the storage, handling or processing of significant quantities of
dangerous chemicals. Typically, MHFs include large-scale operations such as
refineries, chemical complexes, LPG depots and chemical factories.
The overall framework for control of MHFs in NSW is consistent with the provisions
of the National Standard for the Control of Major Hazard Facilities (National
Standard) and with approaches adopted in other jurisdictions. The objective of this
framework is to protect people, property and the environment. The Operator is
expected to take all measures necessary to prevent major accidents and minimise
their effects on people and the environment.
The NSW framework is administered by the Major Hazards Unit (MHU) of
PlanningNSW. For a number of years, PlanningNSW has taken an active role in
ensuring that planning aspects of risks to people, property and the environment
from potentially hazardous industrial developments are taken into account in
development assessment and approval.
This paper is one in a series of several Major Industrial Hazards Advisory Papers
(MIHAPs) developed by the MHU. It has been developed to assist Operators of
Key Messages
The key messages for Operators with respect to hazard identification, risk
assessment and risk control described in this paper are:
Hazard identification, risk assessment and risk control are fundamental to the
prevention of major accidents. If they are seriously deficient, then subsequent
Risk control measures critical to safe operation are only understood if there is a
clear link between identified hazards, accident scenarios and the risk
Analysis of risk requires an understanding of the consequences and likelihood of
major accidents.
There are a range of systematic and structured techniques that can assist
Operators in hazard identification and risk assessment. The techniques selected
by the Operator must be fit-for-purpose and based on the nature of the activities
and materials handled.
vii PlanningNSW
Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control MIHAP No.3 May 2003
Risk assessment is the basis for prioritisation and management of risks, and
focuses Operator effort on major risk contributors and critical risk control
Critical risk control measures must be managed through a safety management
system (SMS).
Effective hazard identification, risk assessment and risk control processes must
be implemented. These must be documented, integrated, systematic,
comprehensive and routinely reviewed.
Consultation at all stages of the process is vital to the successful prevention of
major accidents.
Demonstration Requirements
The key messages are complimented by the following specific requirements, which
are critical for ensuring the success of each stage in the process.
Hazard Identification
For the hazard identification stage, the Operator should be able to demonstrate that:
Appropriate hazard identification techniques have been used to comprehensively
identify the hazards at the facility, and the related potential major accidents, for
the complete range of normal and abnormal operating modes - Comprehensive
and systematic hazard identification is the first and most important step in any
hazard analysis.
The Operator must be able to show that: appropriate personnel were involved; up-
to-date and accurate information was used; an appropriate range of techniques were
employed; human factors were considered; the findings of previous studies were
reviewed; and the lessons learned from previous accidents and near misses
were considered.
Risk Analysis and Assessment
For the risk analysis (including consequence and likelihood analysis) and risk
assessment stages, the Operator should be able to demonstrate that:
Appropriately validated methods have been used for the analysis and
assessment of consequences, likelihood and risks, with comprehensive
documentation of
explanations) and provides guidance on which are the more appropriate to use in
different circumstances. Techniques appropriate to the nature of the facility and
the identified hazards are to be used.
Locational and land use factors, including the potential for knock-on effects have
been considered during the consequence analysis.
Human factors have been systematically considered Human factors are relevant
to all stages.
The likelihood of each step in the cause-consequence chain is understood.
The risk assessment has been made against all relevant criteria, in particular
identifying areas in which further risk reduction is essential or desirable.
Risk Control Measures
In evaluating the existing (and proposed) risk control measures (particularly those
critical to safe operation), the Operator should be able to demonstrate that:
The hierarchy of controls has been considered, with measures to eliminate
hazards given the highest priority, and that the way in which other control
measures impact on risk levels is understood - A range of control measures
viii PlanningNSW
Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control MIHAP No.3 May 2003
Safety Management Systems) or following a significant accident or near miss
(Refer to MIHAP No. 9 Accident Reporting and Investigation).
Other Important Links
The hazard identification, risk assessment and risk control processes are central to
the overall framework (Refer to Figure 1) and the Operator should be able to
demonstrate that:
Fully documented systematic and structured processes have been developed
and are being maintained The policies, procedures, responsibilities, etc. for
hazard identification, risk assessment and risk controls are an important aspect
of the SMS for an MHF (Refer to MIHAP No. 4 Safety Management Systems),
and should be routinely reviewed (Refer to MIHAP No. 11 Safety Auditing).
Although information management methods (such as hazard and risk registers),
options for presenting risk results and example forms are included in this paper,
MIHAP No. 5 Safety Reporting includes greater detail on the documentation
that must be submitted to the MHU as part of the Safety Report.
The risk assessment findings have been integrated into training programs (Refer
to MIHAP No. 6 Training and Education) The findings of the risk assessment
The risk assessment findings have been integrated into emergency planning and
response procedures (Refer to MIHAP No. 7 Emergency Planning) The findings
of the risk assessment should be used to ensure site specific events are
considered during exercises and to ensure that emergency response (including
evacuation) procedures are appropriate and effective.
The risk assessment findings have been used to develop information for community
consultation purposes (Refer to MIHAP No. 10 Stakeholder Consultation).
ix PlanningNSW
Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control: MIHAP No. 3 May 2003
1 Introduction
[Note: This draft is based on preliminary proposals for a NSW regulatory framework.
These have no statutory force and may change significantly before finalisation. This
should be carefully borne in mind when reviewing the regulatory and administrative
1.1 Background
The National Occupational Health and Safety Commission (NOHSC) declared a
National Standard for the Control of Major Hazard Facilities (National Standard) in
1996, the objective of which is to prevent major accidents and near misses, and to
minimise the effects of any major accidents and near misses (National Standard
Section 2.1) at major hazard facilities (MHFs).
Meeting the objective of accident prevention starts with the facility Operator
identifying and assessing hazards and implementing control measures to reduce the
likelihood and effects of a major accident (National Standard Section 2.1 (a)). To
identify, assess and control major accident hazards, the Operator must consider the
protection of people (both on- and off-site), property and the environment.
In NSW, the objectives and relevant requirements of the National Standard, and other
equivalent international best practice systems developed for the control of MHFs,
have been introduced under the Control of Major Hazard Facilities Act 200X and the
Control of Major Hazard Facilities Regulation 200X. The regulatory framework for
control of MHFs in NSW is administered by the Major Hazards Unit (MHU) of
PlanningNSW (formerly the Department of Urban Affairs and Planning).
Major Industrial Hazards Advisory Paper (MIHAP) No. 1 Overview and Definitions
provides additional background on the National Standard and the relevant NSW
legislation. It is recommended that this document be read in conjunction with
assessment and risk control processes for MHFs. This MIHAP is primarily intended
for Operators of MHFs.
Meeting the objective of accident prevention starts with the facility Operator
identifying and assessing hazards and implementing control measures to reduce the
likelihood and effects of a major accident. The hazard identification, risk assessment
and risk control processes, which are included under Section/s [To be Inserted] of the
Control of Major Hazard Facilities Act 200X and clause/s [To be Inserted] of the Control
of Major Hazard Facilities Regulation 200X (Refer to Section 2), build upon the
requirements proposed by the NOHSC in Section 6 of the National Standard.
1 PlanningNSW
Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control: MIHAP No. 3 May 2003
The scope of this document is limited to the provision of practical technical guidance
on the expectations of the MHU with respect to:
Identification of hazards and initiating events that could lead to a major accident;
Identification of the type, likelihood and consequences of major accidents;
Analysis and assessment of major accident risks;
Identification of measures to control major accident risks (consistent with the
hierarchy of controls); and
Risk communication.
Hazard identification, risk assessment and risk control identification are central to the
process for control of MHFs (Refer to Figure 1). Several additional MIHAPs may need
to be consulted to address related issues that are outside the scope of this MIHAP. In
particular, both MIHAP No. 4 and MIHAP No. 5 should be consulted at an early stage.
The findings of the hazard identification, risk assessment and risk control process are
a key input to the Operators Safety Improvement Program (SIP), which is described in
MIHAP No. 5 Safety Reporting. Other documentation relating to the hazard
identification, risk assessment and risk control process that must be submitted to the
MHU as part of the Safety Report is also outlined in MIHAP No. 5, together with the
relevant assessment criteria.
Guidance on Safety Management Systems (SMS) for MHFs (which are important for
ensuring implementation and ongoing management of the identified control
measures) is provided in MIHAP No. 4.
The terms used in Figure 1, and elsewhere in the document, are defined in the
2 PlanningNSW
Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control: MIHAP No. 3 May 2003
No. 1
Classification &
Regulatory Framework
No. 2
Consultation with
No. 10 No. 10
Hazard Identification
Consultation with
Risk Assessment
Employees & Reps
Safety Reporting
Risk Reduction
and Control No. 5
No. 8
No. 3
Land Use
Safety Emergency Safety Auditing
Risk No. 11
Criteria No. 7
Training and
Site Security Systems No. 6
No. 4
Accident Reporting
Change to Facility and Investigation
or Systems
No. 9
Yes Significant No
Risk Increase?
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4 PlanningNSW
Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control: MIHAP No. 3 May 2003
2 Relevant Regulatory
2.1 Introduction
[This will be finalised, once the regulatory framework has been determined]
A summary description of other regulatory instruments relevant to the control of
MHFs is included in Major Industrial Hazards Advisory Paper No. 1 Overview and
Definitions. [To be prepared]
Section X (y) [To be Inserted]
Section X (y) [To be Inserted]
Section X (y) [To be Inserted]
Section X (y) [To be Inserted]
Section X (y) [To be Inserted]
5 PlanningNSW
Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control: MIHAP No. 3 May 2003
obtaining approval for a new development.
MIHAP No. 5 Safety Reporting contains guidance on the requirements for safety
reports of major hazard facilities. This advisory paper should be consulted at an early
stage of the assessment process to ensure that the information required for
production of the safety report is obtained. The information required will vary
depending on the stage of the hazard identification and risk assessment process and
the particular tools used to identify hazards and assess risks.
reasons for undertaking the study. MIHAP No. 5 - Safety Reporting includes a
description of the process safety information that should be up-to-date and accurate
prior to commencing Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment.
The information required usually includes:
Site map and facility description. This will need to be included in the study report
to define the bounds of the study and to give the reader a good understanding of
the site and processes without excessive technical details.
Surrounding land uses and environmental attributes and data, including
meteorological data, geological data, as well as any relevant location issues, such
as environmentally sensitive areas and current plans for development of the
surrounding area.
6 PlanningNSW
Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control: MIHAP No. 3 May 2003
Material and process information, including the physical, chemical and toxicological
nature of all hazardous materials at the site, descriptions of the processes
undertaken at the site, inventory of the process plant, and process conditions
through each part of the process.
Accurate and up-to-date engineering information, including the engineering details
of plant items and safety systems, e.g. equipment design specifications, process
flow diagrams, piping and instrumentation diagrams, site/plant layout drawings,
Site management details, e.g. safety management system information, equipment
condition, incident records, etc.
Previous safety and risk studies can be used where they are relevant to the facilities
on the site. There is no need to reproduce existing analyses but it is necessary to
ensure that they are relevant to the specific facility, up-to-date and appropriate for this
Area map (or possibly an up-to-date aerial photograph) showing the
surrounding land uses.
Meteorological data for the site including wind rose, wind strengths and
atmospheric stability.
Location and details of nearby environmentally sensitive areas (e.g. natural
watercourses, bush land, etc.).
7 PlanningNSW
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The consequence analysis has taken into account locational and land use factors
and the potential for knock-on effects.
Human factors have been systematically considered.
An assessment has been made against all relevant criteria, in particular identifying
areas in which further risk reduction is essential or desirable.
A hierarchy of controls has been considered, with measures to eliminate hazards
given the highest priority, and that there is an understanding of how other control
measures impact on risk levels.
A range of control measures has been considered, and that there is a clear
rationale as to why control measures have been selected. This will require a
balanced assessment of potential alternative control measures.
There is a valid demonstration of the overall adequacy and reliability of the control
Appropriate performance standards and indicators have been established for
control measures and there are appropriate procedures for review and revision of
control measures.
The demonstration requirements are to be undertaken to a level that is fit for the
purpose of the demonstration. Extensive detail is not required on very low risk
processes but is required for high risk processes.
3.4 Team Based Approaches
There are a number of considerations in planning for the hazard identification, risk
assessment and risk control processes. To be successful, it is essential that the right
people are involved at all stages of the process. Amongst these people are plant
operators, plant supervisors, maintenance personnel, process engineers, design
engineers and line management. These stakeholders should be consulted and
involved during:
personnel involved must be suitably trained in the methodologies that they will be
using (see MIHAP No. 6 Training and Education). It is likely that different teams and
individuals will be used at different stages of the analysis and each persons training
must be appropriate to the needs of the study in which they are involved.
During the hazard identification process, a team approach is often used. Appropriate
team leadership is critical to ensuring that the study team contributes effectively to
the process. The role of the leader is to facilitate the process being undertaken and to
harness the expert knowledge of the team members. The leader should ensure that
the team comprehensively examines each hazard or scenario, without skipping over
important facts or dwelling too long on irrelevant issues. The specific role of the study
leader will vary, depending on the type of study being undertaken, but often will
involve preparation tasks, definition of the scope of the study, and documenting
findings. The study leader must be trained and experienced the specific type of study
being undertaken and experience in workshop facilitation is also valuable. Lees
(1996a) presents an extensive discussion of the role of the team leader in HAZOP
studies, although the points made are relevant to other team based hazard
identification and risk assessment processes.
8 PlanningNSW
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Team based approaches are likely to be required during other phases of the risk
assessment and risk control process, e.g. identification of control measures and
determination of adequacy. A core team of one or two persons may drive the overall
process, drawing on the expertise and knowledge of others as required and acting as
focal points for the study. The skills of this core team will need to include the ability
to write technical prose, to effectively consult with other people within and outside
the organisation and an understanding of the requirements of the study.
The importance of consultation and involvement cannot be underestimated at all
stages of the study. Potential consequences of inadequate consultation or
involvement include:
Incomplete hazard identification, due to incomplete appreciation of operations.
Each work group will have a different perspective on operations, and as such, will
tend to identify somewhat different sets of hazards.
Misleading study results, due to incorrect assumptions regarding the
effectiveness of control measures, the process conditions during accident
scenarios, etc.
Adoption of inappropriate or sub-optimal control measures, due to a lack of
understanding of all facets of their impact on operations.
Involvement and consultation with plant operators and maintenance personnel is
especially important, since these employees are most directly involved in operations,
the hazards that may arise and the use of controls to prevent or mitigate these
hazards. Furthermore, involvement and consultation of these employees enhances
their understanding of hazards and control measures.
While it may not always be necessary to involve senior management in the conduct
of hazard identification and risk assessment process, it is important that they take
responsibility for the processes that are to be used. This will help ensure that
sufficient and appropriate resources are made available at all stages of the process.
Management should also sign off on the findings of the process, to help ensure that
recommendations, corrective actions and any further studies that are required are
completed in a timely manner.
The specific personnel utilised during the study are likely to change, as people with
different experience or skills are required at different stages. Depending on the
choice of methodology used for hazard identification and risk assessment, the study
team may require people with technical expertise, meeting facilitation skills,
management of the process and knowledge of the site and operations at various times.
9 PlanningNSW
Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control: MIHAP No. 3 May 2003
Generally, coarse and conservative Risk Assessment techniques should be
applied initially, and more complex and detailed techniques used to analyse
those hazards identified as having high risk. Hazards identified to be a low risk
generally do not warrant detailed Risk Assessment. This approach is consistent
with the Multilevel Risk Review Process presented in the National Code of
Practice for the Control of Major Hazards Facilities (NOHSC 1996), where
detailed studies are only required after coarse studies find the level of risk
exceeds defined criteria.
The types of hazards that need to be assessed
Specific Risk Assessment techniques have been developed for assessing the
likelihood of failure in specific types of systems. Some are useful when analysing
systems consisting of mechanical equipment, others are suited to electrical
equipment and others can be used to analyse systems that rely on human
intervention. The appropriate technique depends on the type of system failures
being studied. Similarly, specific techniques have been developed for analysing
the consequences of specific types of incident, and therefore should be chosen
on which to base such studies, and changing uses for the findings. For example,
during the initial design of a facility, decisions about the siting and layout of a facility
can be changed relatively easily, hence specific studies of the available options
should be performed at this point in the lifecycle. Later in the lifecycle, once the
plant is operating, insight into new hazards will be gained through operator feedback,
incident and near miss investigations, and plant monitoring. The techniques best
suited to assessing these hazards may differ from those used during design.
10 PlanningNSW
Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control: MIHAP No. 3 May 2003
Although each of the techniques listed in the above table may be valuable, there is no
need to apply all techniques to each analysis. Those techniques which are most
applicable to meet the needs of the analysis should be used. Other techniques that
are not listed in the table may be used where they meet the needs of the analysis.
adequate to manage the risks to people (both on- and off-site), property and the
environment. Various hazard/risk screening and management methods exist to ensure
an appropriate level of detail is applied at each stage. An example model, developed
11 PlanningNSW
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For assessment and management of major accident risks at the major hazard facility,
it is proposed that a risk matrix (see Figure 6) be used in the hazard identification
sessions to initially categorise the consequences, likelihood and risk in a qualitative
If the risk of a scenario is categorised as Low, a simple Hazard Register (such as a
hazard identification word diagram refer to Appendix 6) may be used to list the
initiating events, scenarios, consequences, and prevention and mitigation controls.
If the risk of a scenario is categorised as Intolerable, actions must be undertaken to
eliminate or reduce the risk of the scenario to within the ALARP region. Risks in the
ALARP region are to be recorded in a more detailed Hazard Register (and may need
to be supported with a semi-quantitative analysis of the consequences and/or
likelihood). This detailed Hazard Register should identify the controls used to prevent
each of the initiating events and the controls used to prevent each of the potential
consequences of the scenarios. It should also identify the link/s to the relevant
sections of the safety management system (including performance standards for
critical control measures).
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12 PlanningNSW
Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control: MIHAP No. 3 May 2003
Figure 2: Example Flowchart for Risk Screening and Risk Management at Major
Hazard Facilities
Divide facility into sections (eg. water treatment, warehouse, production plant)
Identify and list representative scenarios of potentially hazardous incidents for each facility section
Identify representative worst case accident Develop site risk matrix and criteria (eg.
scenario for each facility section 'Intolerable', 'ALARP' and 'Low' risk)
Yes Yes
performance Is
Is scenario
scenario No
N o Scenario
indicators/ risk
risk in
in is in
standards and 'ALARP'
'ALARP' ' 'Low'
Identify critical
Noo Document entire process and outcomes.
Are criteria measures
Maintain control measures through
safety management system
(Refer to MIHAP No. 4) and
monitor performance
Yes (Refer to MIHAP No. 11).
Repeat assessment process at
Develop action plan to mitigate appropriate intervals.
risk and re-assess risk after
implementation of risk
control measures.
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14 PlanningNSW
Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control: MIHAP No. 3 May 2003
One of the most important structural features of an MHF hazard register is the
demonstration of a clear linkage between each identified initiating event, control
measure (Including the associated performance indicator/s and standard and critical
operating parameters Refer to Section 6.5) and specific elements of the SMS (Refer
to Section 3.3). Any hazardous scenarios that are aggregated for screening purposes
(Refer to Section 4.6) and subsequently identified as presenting a potentially
significant major accident risk, should be disaggregated to ensure that the individual
controls relating to each initiating event can be clearly identified (and tracked through
to the SMS). MIHAP No. 4 provides additional information on the ongoing
management of control measures through the SMS.
The example hazard register provided above is structured by location, with various
scenarios grouped according to their location. Hazard registers can be structured in
any fashion that meets the specific needs of the Operator. For example, the Hazard
Register might be grouped by hazardous material or to match the management
structure of the facility. The advantage of using such a database is that the data can be
searched or reported using any of the fields. Hazard registers are also useful for
training and education of operators, engineers and maintenance personnel.
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15 PlanningNSW
Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control: MIHAP No. 3 May 2003
4 Hazard Identification
Hazard Identification is the first step in the analysis. Hazard Identification provides the
scenarios that can be assessed for consequences and for likelihood. The list of
scenarios must cover all of the potential hazards and initiating events on the site.
Hazard Identification is often described as the most important step in a risk
assessment, since what has not been identified will not be evaluated and cannot be
managed (CCPS 2000). From Hazard Identification, an Operator should gain a
comprehensive understanding of what hazards exist, the range of accidents that these
hazards could lead to and what outcomes these accidents have the potential of
causing (see case example below from USEPA).
events. One worker was killed and two injured when an explosion occurred in a
mixing vessel following introduction of oxidising materials before the vessel had
been sufficiently filled with fuels (www.epa.gov/ceppo/pubs/accsumma.html). The
site and surrounding areas were evacuated as the subsequent fire escalated to
other stored materials on the site. The factors contributing to the incident included
a failure to fully evaluate and control hazards from mixing inappropriate materials,
failures in operating procedures and other controls for filling the vessel, and a failure
to train operators in correct use of operating procedures. Through not appreciating
the potential hazard associated with mixing of incompatible materials, the hazard
In many cases, particularly for existing facilities, an Operator may also gain additional
understanding of the control measures already in place to manage hazards.
4.1 Terminology
There are a number of different terms used when describing the purpose and findings
of Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment. Different organisations, and sometimes
even different people within an organisation, use these terms differently. To
effectively communicate the purpose and findings of the process, an Operator must
define and adopt consistent terminology. While this need not be the same as the
16 PlanningNSW
Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control: MIHAP No. 3 May 2003
Table 2: Hazard Types
Hazard Definition
Process hazards Hazards associated with the physical and chemical nature of
the manufacturing process. Examples include pressure and
temperature excursions caused by reaction kinetics, level
Biological and Hazards associated with the use of biologically active material
radiological such as infectious material or medical waste and
radioactive materials.
External hazards Hazards associated with the environment that surrounds the
manufacturing process. Examples include both persistent and
Height hazards, Hazards associated with working at heights and associated with
mechanical equipment and materials used at heights. Mechanical hazards
hazards and transportation are associated with the use of machinery,
including rotating and hazards moving machinery. Transportation
hazards are associated with the movement of equipment and
people. Examples include the use of forklift trucks, conveyor
systems and truck loading and unloading.
17 PlanningNSW
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Radiological hazards could pose risks to off-site personnel but such risks are regulated
by ARPANSA for Commonwealth facilities and the EPA for NSW state facilities such
as hospitals, universities and sterilisation facilities. Similarly, biological hazards are
under the jurisdiction of the Health Department of NSW.
Although some of the general principles included in this paper may be appropriate for
the assessment of transport risks, the estimation and assessment of risk for
off-site pipelines, road, rail and sea transport requires a slightly different approach
to the one used for fixed major hazard facilities. The estimation and assessment of
off-site transport risk is outside the scope of this paper.
those goods or liquids
Reactions between the goods/liquids and other substances or articles they may
come into contact with
Previous incidents involving those goods and liquids.
To achieve this, a number of different Hazard Identification techniques may be
required. There are a large number of Hazard Identification Techniques, some suited
to specific types of operations, and others used to identify specific types of hazard.
Lees (1996a) contains a comprehensive overview of many of these techniques,
and a summary of the usefulness of some of these techniques is provided in Table 3,
which can assist in initial choice of hazard identification and risk assessment
techniques for a facility.
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18 PlanningNSW
Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control: MIHAP No. 3 May 2003
Process System
Safety Audit/
Process Hazard
Analysis (PHA) 2
Hazard Operability
What If Checklist
Effective Analysis
Fault Tree Analysis
Human Reliability
Best suited
Could be used
Least suited (not advised)
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The definition of PHA differs in various locations. In the USA, and in this table, a PHA is a high level
examination of the hazards of a facility and the associated controls. In NSW, a PHA is a Preliminary Hazard
Analysis, which is a more detailed document which quantifies the off-site risk of a facility and assesses the
compliance with specific
19 PlanningNSW
Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control: MIHAP No. 3 May 2003
HAZOP A Hazard and Operability Study was developed primarily Skills in meeting facilitation, and
for application to chemical process systems. It is a highly training and experience in HAZOP
structured technique that delivers a detailed understanding study facilitation for the meeting
of the possible deviations from design intent, particularly leader. The information includes
those associated with process upsets and the operation of P&IDs, flowsheets, site layouts
the process. HAZOP is less suitable for identification of and details flowsheets, site
hazardous scenarios associated with external events. layouts and details on packaged
Also, since HAZOP analyses a process using a section by items.
section approach, it may not identify hazards associated
with the interactions between different nodes.
HIPAP No. 8 (DUAP 1995) describes the HAZOP
methodology in greater detail.
Checklists There are many hazard checklists available, covering a Skills are required in attention
widw range of types of operation. These can be an effective to detail and perseverance in
way of capturing and passing on the experience of others, obtaining information. The
and therefore are a valuable Hazard Identification tool. information varies depending on
However, as discussed in Lees (1996a), checklists the checklist chosen for use.
should only be used as a final check that nothing has
been neglected or missed by other studies. They should not
be used as the sole tool in a Hazard Identification process,
since they may not cover all types of hazard, particularly
facility-specific hazards, and they tend to suppress any
lateral thinking.
Historical There are a number of publicly accessible databases that Skill in literature searching
records of contain summaries of accidents and near misses that have and in analysis of accident records
incidents occurred in hazardous processes around the world. for relevance to the facility. The
These provide valuable information since they provide information required is a good
insight into how incidents can actually arise. searching facility, both internet
The information in these sources should be considered and library based and access
during Hazard Identification, in addition to the Operators to the various databases.
own site, company and industry history. However,
What-If and Similar to HAZOP, this structured technique identifies Skills in meeting facilitation and
Structured potential deviations, upsets and external hazards general knowledge of the site
What-If at the facility using a set of pre-prepared and operation. The information
(SWIFT) customised what-if questions. The questions are includes site layouts, equipment
often based on the experience of others, hence this drawings, procedures and control
technique has some of the same benefits as a checklist system details.
approach. An advantage of this approach over HAZOP
is that hazards associated with interactions between
sections of the plant may be more readily identified,
however in general this tool delivers results that are
less detailed than HAZOP.
20 PlanningNSW
Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control: MIHAP No. 3 May 2003
Task This technique was developed specifically to identify Skills include experience
Analysis hazards associated with human factors, procedural errors interviewing people, training and
and the man-machine interface. The technique can be experience in task analysis.
applied to working environments such as control rooms, or Information required includes
to specific jobs such as start-up of shutdown processes. detailed layouts of controls and
Types of hazard identified may include procedure failures, equipment, detailed descriptions
human resources issues, hazardous human errors and of tasks to be undertaken and
incorrect responses to alarms. Task Analysis is therefore other operational factors.
of particular benefit when areas of a facility have a low
fault-tolerance, and human error can easily take a plant out
of its safe operating envelope.
FMECA Failure Modes, Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA) Skills include training and
and FMEA and Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) are experience in FMEA or FMECA.
highly structured techniques. They are most often applied Workshop facilitation is also
to a complex item of mechanical or electrical equipment, useful. The information required
which contains a number of sub-systems and components. includes detailed drawings
The overall system is broken down into a set of related of the equipment being studied
sub-systems, and each of these as a set of smaller including layouts, mechanical
sub-systems, and so on down to component level. Failures assembly and electrical wiring.
of individual systems, sub-systems and components are
then systematically analysed to identify potential causes
(which stem from failures at the next lower-level system),
and to determine their possible effects (which are potential
causes of failure in the next higher-level system). The
technique is most often used to analyse the level of safety ra
achievable by safety critical mechanical or electrical plant
items such as firewater pumps, gas detection devices or
trip systems.
Fault Tree Fault tree analysis is useful in identifying combinations Skills include analytical thinking
and Event of equipment failures nd human failures that can lead ability, training and experience in
Tree to an accident. It uses a logic diagram to systematically fault tree and event tree analysis.
Analysis work from an accident back to the range of initiating The information required includes
events that have the potential to lead to the accident. the detailed description of the
As well as being a useful Hazard Identification tool, a fault operation of the equipment or
tree can be used to estimate the likelihood or probability process, including fault diagnosis
21 PlanningNSW
Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control: MIHAP No. 3 May 2003
shown in Figure 4, a single technique may not identify all hazards and initiating
events in all facilities. Some may be identified by a number of Hazard
Identification techniques, while others may only by identified through the use of
one specific technique. More details on a number of different techniques are
provided in Section 4.4.
Human factors have been considered. Examples of relevant human factors
include: memory limitations, visual acuity limitations, information processing
susceptibility to following group behaviour, etc. These can all adversely influence
human actions and decisions leading to the possible creation of hazards.
The findings of previous Hazard Identification studies have been reviewed and
both near misses and accidents within the direct experience of the Operator, as
well as those from the wider spectrum of relevant operations. Hazards and
initiating events cannot be dismissed as non-credible simply because they have
not yet occurred, nor because the control measures are so effective that it
22 PlanningNSW
Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control: MIHAP No. 3 May 2003
As highlighted in Section 4.2, hazards and initiating events cannot be dismissed due
to the perceived effectiveness of control measures, or due to the belief that a
double jeopardy scenario (ie. a scenario arising from the failure of two, or more,
control measures) would be required for a hazard to be realised. A key purpose of
Hazard Identification is to help identify critical control measures, which an Operator
can then ensure remain effective. History has shown that many accidents have
resulted from Operators incorrectly assuming that control measures are always
Note 4: A Cautionary Example
[Wong W., 2002, How Did That Happen? Engineering Safety and Reliability]
The effectiveness of any hazard analysis depends entirely on the experience and
creative imagination of the team doing the investigation. The procedures only
was ignited and then the plane caught on fire and crashed. The engineers had
considered all failure modes in the design and the fuel tank should not have
ruptured. The event that was not foreseen was the possibility that an object
could strike the underside of the fuel tank and cause a hydraulic wave to be
transmitted to the upper side of the fuel tank. It was the reflected hydraulic wave
that then caused the underside of the fuel tank to rupture. If the fuel tank had not
been completely full there would not have been a reflected hydraulic wave. For
take-off on a long journey the tanks were of course full. No one had thought of
this possibility; it just demonstrates how much imagination is needed to ensure
23 PlanningNSW
Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control: MIHAP No. 3 May 2003
As with all types of Risk Assessment, Operators should use conservative best
estimates when screening hazard clusters, to ensure that uncertainty does not
result in an inadequate identification of high-risk hazardous scenarios.
4.7 Worst Case Scenario
The worst case scenario (also termed the bounding case scenario) defines the upper
boundary for the range of credible hazardous scenarios that must be identified. It
must not be defined simply as the largest event within the capacity of existing
protection systems, on the basis that events worse than this cannot be managed. It
must also be recognised that consequences that extend furthest from the facility
may not be the worst case, once the effect of these consequences on people,
plant and the environment are considered. Furthermore, although local communities
and other stakeholders may be very sensitive to information regarding high severity,
low likelihood accidents, this is not a valid argument for failing to consider such
accidents. The Operator should consider all available information, including historical
incident records, in deriving the worst case scenario. The worst case scenario
should reflect any foreseeable factors that could exacerbate the severity of an
accident, including abnormal process conditions, out of hours manning levels, and
24 PlanningNSW
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5 Risk Analysis
Whereas Hazard Identification obtains information about what can happen, the
purpose of Risk Analysis is to determine how likely accidents are to occur and to
determine the magnitude and effects of these accidents on people, plant and the
environment. The objectives of the Risk Analysis are to:
Enhance site personnel understanding of hazards and risks;
Identify major risk contributors;
Enable decisions on risk reduction measures to be made using appropriate
criteria and justification;
Identify areas of concern for community consultation, critical safety management
system controls and emergency plans; and
Achieve an acceptable level of on-site and off-site risk (e.g. ALARP or better).
As shown in Figure 5, risk represents a combination of these two factors, although
the rules used to combining them may vary from hazard to hazard, and between
Operators. In most quantitative risk assessments, the calculation of risk is defined
as the product of likelihood and consequence severity. However, this is not
necessarily the case in qualitative assessments.
Figure 5: Calculation of Risk
Likelihood Consequence
Analysis Analysis
case scenario for comparison with off-site criteria will require consequence
assessment before all the hazardous scenarios are fully recorded. It is necessary to
assess the risk of the scenario to determine the degree of detail required for
recording of the scenario.
25 PlanningNSW
Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control: MIHAP No. 3 May 2003
deliver the Operator sufficient understanding of the risk and the options for its
control, then further detailed Risk Assessment may be limited to testing and
confirming the assumptions. However, where substantial uncertainty remains, the
risk is high, or the Operator wishes to review a range of options in greater detail,
then further effort is justified and more detailed assessments may be desirable. At
each level, the Operator should compare the potential cost of performing more
detailed Risk Assessment against the increased understanding of risk. Generally,
greater assessment effort will result in a more detailed quantitative, accurate and
robust understanding of risk, thereby allowing a more justifiable and rational basis
for decision-making. At the lowest level of risk, qualitative analysis tools can be
used, while as the level of risk increases, semi-quantitative and ultimately fully
quantitative tools must be used.
described in Section 3.6 are provided below. The screening tools can be based on
consequences, likelihood or risk.
An example of a risk-based screening tool is the preliminary screening tool
presented in Multi-Level Risk Assessment (DUAP 1997). This may be a suitable tool
26 PlanningNSW
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5.4 Risk Ranking Tools
Risk ranking tools can be used to develop a better understanding of the risks, and
the level of Risk Assessment warranted. One such tool that may be useful for Risk
Ranking is a risk matrix. Figure 6 presents an example of a Risk Matrix, based on the
Tertiary Classification method presented in MIHAP No. 2. Some Operators may
already have their own Risk Matrices, and these may suitable for using in Risk
Ranking, provided the consequence and likelihood ranges adequately span the full
range of scenarios to be ranked. AS/NZS 4360:1999 (Standards Australia 1999) also
presents a Risk Matrix that may assist Operators with Risk Ranking, although
effects on the environment and property are not explicitly addressed in this
Risk Matrices are able to provide a relatively rapid understanding the risk profile of
the facility, and can be used based on qualitative judgement alone, or can be refined
using more detailed quantitative information, such as consequence results
measures. For example, using the matrix in Figure 6, a two orders of magnitude
change in a Remote accident scenario may not change its assessment. Nor is it
easy to use to assess cumulative risk, particularly where a large number of accident
scenarios exist. For example, the cumulative risk of ten separate scenarios that fall
into the Remote/Severe category may be considered Moderate or High risk.
Middleton and Franks (2001) present some approaches that can help manage these
issues. However, in many cases, to adequately address these limitations, more
detailed methods are likely to be required.
27 PlanningNSW
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Another tool for determining the level of risk assessment required is the
Approximate Risk Integral. Developed by Hirst and Carter (2000), this technique
uses the worst case scenario to characterise the entire societal risk profile of a
facility. The characterisation is based upon the societal risk profile of accidents at
similar types of facility, and can be used to determine whether the societal risk from
a facility is broadly negligible, potentially tolerable, or most likely intolerable. These
findings can then be used as a basis for deciding whether qualitative, semi-
quantitative or quantitative methodologies should be used for further Risk
28 PlanningNSW
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Risk Matrices, such as that shown in Figure 6, are one of the more common
qualitative Risk Assessment tools. Risk Nomograms, discussed in WorkSafe MHD
(2002b), are another tool that can be used. One advantage of this technique over
Risk Matrices is that risk reductions delivered by additional control measures can be
more accurately measured, since risk is presented as a continuous scale, rather than
in discrete cells of a matrix. However, the development of Risk Nomograms is not a
straightforward matter, and Operators should ensure they clearly understand the
principles involved before considering such an approach.
There should be an estimate of likelihood for each event confirmed by the
consequence modelling to have significant off-site effects, using appropriate
failure data and techniques, such as fault and event trees or workshop
Where no fully quantified risk assessment is required for the facility, there should
be an indicative estimate of the off-site risk, taking into account the cumulative
impact of all hazardous scenarios for the facility.
The study must demonstrate that, in principle, all relevant risk criteria will be met.
This includes the PlanningNSW criteria for off-site risk and the facilitys criteria for
facilities where Hazard Identification, Screening and Risk Ranking had identified one
or more events with off-site consequences but where their consequences and
likelihood were low. For higher risk facilities, or when the likelihood of such events
is not low, fully quantitative methodologies should be carried out.
Semi-quantitative assessments tend to use the same techniques for estimating the
consequences of accidents as would be used in quantitative assessment. However,
the likelihood assessment is often qualitative and risk contours are not produced.
The analysis only needs to be sufficiently detailed to conservatively demonstrate that
there are no combinations of likelihood or consequences that could lead to any
relevant risk criteria being exceeded. For example, the analysis could show that
there are no events with significant offsite consequences, or that any off-site
consequences occur at such a low frequency that the risk could be regarded as
29 PlanningNSW
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The Purple Book (1999) has been published by Dutch Regulatory authorities as a
guide to performing QRA, and contains an extensive list of such tools. While these
tools can help reduce the time required for QRA, as well as improve the accuracy of
the results, it is important for Operators to understand that the accuracy and
usefulness of such tools depends heavily on the knowledge and skill of the user and
the accuracy of the input data. These tools should not be used as a black box. The
user must understand the intended purpose, suitability and limitations of any tools
being used. PlanningNSW makes no warranty as to the suitability of any of these
tools for any study that may be undertaken. Each Operator must rely on their own
The continual upgrading of software tools for QRA can result in some apparent
contradictions. If a QRA is updated to account for improved controls and mitigation
measures; and is run on a newer version of the software, it is possible for the
calculated risk levels to actually increase. As is recommended in the TNO Purple
Book, the existing and new risk levels should be compared using the same version
of the software, which will give an improved understanding of the reasons for the
study, the QRA analysis process can be manipulated. However, this provides a false
sense of security to management, poor decisions may be made and risk reduction
opportunities missed. The best use of QRA is as an objective tool to study risks and
contribute to reducing risks to ALARP.
30 PlanningNSW
Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control: MIHAP No. 3 May 2003
satisfactory indication of the consequences of the incident. The analysis should
attempt to be as accurate and realistic as possible, however, simplifying assumptions
will have to be made. Where this is the case, it is usually appropriate to employ a
degree of conservatism.
Figure 7: Consequence Analysis
Consequence Analysis
scenarios of potentiality
hazardous incidents
Presentation of
consequence results
(including magnitude
and effects)
31 PlanningNSW
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The types of accidents most commonly contributing to a QRA are fires, explosions
and toxic releases. The consequences of these can be estimated quantitatively in
terms of thermal effects, explosion overpressure effects and toxic effects. In some
cases, the dispersion and effects of hazardous materials of other types such as
polluting substances, radioactive materials and infectious materials will also need to
be considered.
Since, in general, consequences become less severe with increasing distance from
the source, it is usual to express consequences as the distance to a specified
consequence level. For example, the results of a consequence calculation might be
the distance to the thermal radiation intensity likely to cause fatality, or the distance
to the level of explosion overpressure that would produce building damage.
A large number of mathematical models have been developed to estimate the
consequences of various types of incidents. These models require inputs of the
conditions preceding the release such as:
physical and chemical properties of the released material;
storage or operating conditions prior to the release;
size and orientation of the release orifice; and
assumptions regarding factors such as meteorological conditions and ignition sources.
Some of the major types of models are discussed in the following sections. Depending
on the type of incidents to be modelled, the analyst would need to use a selection of
the types of models described. A more detailed discussion, with references to provide
further information, is presented in Appendix 4: Models for Consequence Analysis.
mathematical discharge models that can be used to estimate the rate of release of
hazardous gases, liquids or a mix of both, and the amount released. For a pure
substance leaking from a pipe or vessel, it is often assumed that the hole in the pipe
or vessel is similar to a circular orifice. This enables standard equations of flow to be
used to estimate the total flow rate of material from the pipe or vessel.
Natural gas at 2 bar and 20C is modelled as escaping from a vessel through a 25-mm diameter orifice. The release
rate from the vessel can be estimated by the following calculation, provided the release is assumed to be the
isothermal flow of an ideal gas with no losses due to friction:
CD = coefficient of discharge
A0 = orifice cross section area
A1 = cross section area upstream of orifice
v1 = volume per mass of fluid upstream of orifice
v2 = volume per mass of fluid in the orifice vena contracta
P1 = pressure in the vessel
P2 = pressure in the vena contracta
Using this equation, the flow rate of natural gas can be calculated to be approximately 0.21 kg/s.
32 PlanningNSW
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(e.g. LPG or chlorine) or behave as if they are much denser due to their low
temperature on release (eg. LNG or ammonia).
It is also necessary to consider whether the release will be an instantaneous puff, a
continuous plume or a time-varying release, as this will have a significant effect on
the concentration profile over time. Weather conditions such as wind velocity and
stability affect the extent of dilution with air, and the cloud velocity. Toxic Releases
The greatest potential for far field effects on people is generally associated with the
release and dispersion of toxic gas or vapour. However, toxic concentrations in the
air can also result from:
vapours from toxic liquids;
33 PlanningNSW
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Air temperature (25 C)
The result of this calculation will be a chart showing the maximum concentration
of ammonia as a function of distances downwind. When calculating toxic effects
on people, probits are often used, which calculate the toxic dose, rather than use
concentrations as a surrogate for dose. (See Section for discussion of
n su
34 PlanningNSW
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Due to the uncertainties that usually exist on the particle size that exists in accident
situations, the assessment of deposition of particulate materials is usually
undertaken in a qualitative fashion.
If dioxins are produced in specific scenarios, deposition analysis is required in more
detail as the dioxins can deposit on other particulates in the gas stream and thus be
deposited with the other particulates. Ausplume, developed by the Victorian EPA
does deposition calculations using the dry deposition algorithm adopted by the US
EPA model ISC3 (USEPA, 2002). The US EPA model allows the user to specify
settling velocity categories, mass fractions, and reflection coefficients for sources of
large particulates that experience settling and removal of the pollutant as it is
dispersed and transported downwind. Release of radio nuclides into the air can also
require analysis of deposition. There are specific models that have been developed
to estimate the behaviour of radio nuclides in air streams, such as PC-Cosyma.
welding activities;
naked flames; and
static electricity.
If a release of flammable or combustible material is ignited, a fire and/or explosion
will result.
Depending on the physical properties of the hazardous material, the mode of
release and the time of ignition, the types of fires of greatest concern are pool fires,
jet fires, flash fires, fireballs and warehouse fires. These can give rise to high levels
of thermal radiation. In addition, the potential for the evolution of toxic combustion
products or toxic fumes due to thermal decomposition may need to be addressed.
Thermal radiation intensity is determined by factors such as:
35 PlanningNSW
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A variation on pool fires which may need to be considered is fires involving flowing
flammable liquids. In such cases, both thermal radiation and direct involvement in
the fire may result.
Surface emissivity of hexane fires
Surface temperature (20 C)
Air temperature (25 C)
Air humidity (70%) this affects the heat transmission through the air
Of this data, the heat of combustion, the surface emissivity and the wind strength
are the primary determinants of the result, with the other parameters affecting
the result only slightly.
The result of the pool fire calculation is a chart of heat radiation intensity vs.
distance from the fire. For conservative results, the chart is given for distances
directly downwind.
n su
36 PlanningNSW
Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control: MIHAP No. 3 May 2003
Jet Fires
A jet fire occurs when a flammable liquid or gas, under some degree of pressure, is
ignited after release, resulting in the formation of a long stable flame. Jet flames can
be very intense and can impose high heat loads on nearby plant and equipment.
Consideration of the potential for jet fires often leads to recommendations regarding
spacing to limit heat radiation incident on critical plant and equipment. Where appropriate
separation is not possible, special protection systems, such as mounding, may be
Direction of jet (raised at an angle of 45 for this example)
Heat of combustion of methane
Surface emissivity of methane fires
Surface temperature (20 C)
Air temperature (25 C)
Air humidity (70%) this affects the heat transmission through the air
Of this data, the jet orientation, the heat of combustion, the surface emissivity
and the wind speed are the primary determinants of the result, with the other
37 PlanningNSW
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Flash Fires
A flash fire occurs when a cloud of flammable gas mixed with air is ignited. If the
cloud is sufficiently large and sufficiently constrained, it is also possible that the
flame may accelerate to a sufficiently high velocity for a vapour cloud explosion
(VCE) to occur. Though very brief, a flash fire can seriously injure or kill anyone in the
burning cloud. Its effects are confined almost entirely to the area covered by the
burning cloud. Incident propagation, sometimes called domino effects, can occur
through ignition of materials or structures within the cloud, although this is less
likely than from a fire with a longer duration, such as a pool or jet fire.
The extent of the flammable gas cloud will be the extent of the flash fire.
In some assessments, conservatism requires that the gas cloud be
considered to extend to half the Lower Flammable Limit to account for
local fluctuations in concentrations.
Data requirements:
Wind speed and stability (5 m/s and Stability Class C for this example)
Release orientation (horizontal for this example)
Of this data, the release rate, release orientation, flammability limits, wind speed
and wind stability are the primary determinants of the result, with the other
parameters affecting the result only slightly.
The result of the flash fire calculation is a plot of the site area that would be
38 PlanningNSW
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50% LFL
n su
39 PlanningNSW
Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control: MIHAP No. 3 May 2003
Fireballs can occur when large quantities of flammable gases are released suddenly
and ignited, resulting in a rising ball of flame. The thermal radiation intensity at the
surface tends to be very high, and although the duration is short (of the order of
seconds), injurious levels of thermal radiation can be experienced at considerable
distances from the fire. When modelling fireballs, consideration of both the thermal
radiation and the duration is required.
Flame emissivity of propane in a fireball. This is different to the surface
emissivity in a pool fire due to the very high turbulence generated in the
Air temperature (25 C)
Air humidity (70%)
The results of the calculation are the maximum extent of heat radiation intensities
from the fireball. However, due to the short lifetime of fireballs (a number of
seconds), a probit analysis is often used to estimate the effects on people (see
4.5 kW/m2
12.5 kW/m2
37.5 kW/m2
40 PlanningNSW
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Many fireballs are due to the phenomenon known as a boiling liquid expanding vapour
explosion or BLEVE. These mostly involve liquefied flammable gases stored under
Most BLEVEs occur due to a storage vessel being subjected to flame impingement
above the liquid level. Hot spots can develop resulting in substantial weakening of the
metal to such an extent that it is no longer capable of containing the internal pressure.
Internal pressures would also typically be higher than usual during such events due to
the high temperatures. The inventory of the vessel when it BLEVEs may be reduced
due to operation of pressure relief valves prior to the vessel rupture.
If the vessel fails, the pressurised contents escape rapidly and expand forming a large
cloud of vapour and entrained liquid. If ignited, a large fireball may result. Casualties can
be due to thermal radiation, blast effects and projectiles. As with modelling of fireballs,
BLEVE modelling requires consideration of both the thermal radiation and the duration.
Warehouse Fires
The possibility of fires in stores containing dangerous goods may need to be considered.
The consequences of such fires are often complex due to the variety of goods that
may be stored in the same building. Of particular concern is the possibility of the
evolution of toxic fumes, although explosions, fire and pollution of the biophysical
environment may also be important. The potential for contaminated firewater runoff
from the site should also be considered. (Such an incident occurred in the Rhine River
following a fire in a pesticide warehouse. The contaminated firewater caused fish kills
and rendered the water unusable for many kilometres downstream.)
The nature of possible consequences needs to be considered carefully with particular
regard given to interactions between the various substances present. Such analysis
will often lead to recommendations for the segregation of incompatible materials. Explosions
The three types of explosions are physical energy, chemical energy and nuclear
energy (not discussed here). Physical energy includes pressurised gases, strain
expansion of gases or by projectiles that are thrown from the explosion (see Section The magnitude of the pressure wave is usually expressed in terms of blast
overpressure. However, in order to predict accurately the destructive capacity, it is
necessary to consider the rate of increase/decrease in pressure as the wave passes.
degree of confinement;
elevation of cloud;
the size of the cloud;
degree of turbulence;
the combustion properties of the gas; and
the location of the ignition source relative to the cloud.
Explosions may also occur as a result of catastrophic rupture of a pressurised vessel.
If a mild steel vessel is pressurised to bursting, the burst pressure will be typically 4
times the design pressure of the vessel. This is the worst case and vessels can
rupture at lower pressures if the temperature is higher, particularly in fire conditions.
41 PlanningNSW
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Explosions resulting from ignition of dust clouds can cause major damage to
equipment. Detonation of explosive materials such as TNT or ANFO can result in both
overpressure and projectiles. The extent of the damage from such explosions
depends on the type of explosive, the degree of confinement, the mass of explosive
and the elevation.
where HTNT =4.7 x 106 J kg-1 is the heat of combustion of TNT without air, m is the
mass in the cloud at the time of the explosion, X is the explosion efficiency and
is the ground reflection factor, set to 1 for an air burst, and 2 for a ground burst.
Data requirements for TNT model:
Mass of propane (10 tonnes)
TNT equivalent of propane (30% (Lees 1996, p17/145))
Location of explosion at ground level
A mixture of Ammonium Nitrate and Fuel Oil typically diesel fuel.
42 PlanningNSW
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where the properties of the fuel are as follows: m is the total mass of
flammable material, Vspecific is the specific volume, and cStoichiometric is the
stoichiometric concentration.
2. The mass of fuel in a given confined volume i is calculated by:
3. The distance scaling factor is calculated for each volume (confined or
unconfined) using:
and as a function of
for nine possible flame speeds, where R is the distance of interest, Timpulse is the
impulse, vsound is the speed of sound, and E is the explosion energy.
To obtain the overpressure and impulse at a given distance, it is necessary to
calculate the value of x for that distance, then use lookup tables (that correspond
to the graphs) to derive an estimate of the value of y and y for each flame speed.
The values of y and y for the actual flame speed are obtained by interpolation,
and then y is converted to an overpressure and y to an impulse.
43 PlanningNSW
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subject to a degree of uncertainty. Reliable data on the effects on humans is rarely
available, and so data based on experiments on animals is often used, especially for
toxic exposures.
Note 13: Probit Analysis
The range of susceptibility in a population to a harmful consequence can be
expressed mathematically using a criterion in the form of an equation which
expresses the percentage of a defined population which will suffer a defined
level of harm (e.g. fatality) when it is exposed to a specified dangerous load. This
is a Probit equation which has the form:
Where: Y is the probit (or probability measure); a, b and n are constants; C is the
In making a decision on the most appropriate method, it is essential that the analyst
has a good understanding of the relationships between dose and effects, and that
the limitations are also recognised.
44 PlanningNSW
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The effects on people will depend on whether people are located inside or outside
buildings. Generally, people are more susceptible to injury when located inside, as
the buildings can collapse or the windows can be blown in. Projectiles
In addition to overpressure, explosion incidents can also produce a significant hazard
in the form of high momentum projectiles. Their consideration is particularly
important with regard to the potential for incident propagation, and in the prediction
of maximum effect distances, since fragments are often projected well beyond the
thermal radiation or blast overpressure effect zones.
45 PlanningNSW
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Effects can range from fatality or injury (e.g. damage to respiratory or nervous system,
emphysema, initiation of a cancer, etc.) to irritation of eyes, throat or skin, through to a
nuisance effect. Effects can also be classified as acute, chronic or delayed. The toxic
effects are frequently specific to conditions at the time of release.
The estimated dose to which an organism is exposed must be translated into an effect.
This should be done using quantitative dose-effect functions relating the level of
exposure to probability of fatality, injury etc. However, these functions are only available
for relatively few chemicals and usually relate to short-term effects of acute exposures.
Detailed information on the long-term effects of acute exposures is very limited.
For non-carcinogenic chemicals, it is generally accepted that adverse effects will arise
only when a threshold value or level of concern is exceeded. However, very little
information on dose-effect relationships is available. Consequence analysis, even in
the absence of detailed dose-effect information for these chemicals, can provide
insight into whether particular threshold values may be exceeded.
There are a number of comprehensive sources of toxicological data that cover a large
range of chemicals. Information on the concentrations of hazardous substances that
can cause serious injury or death have been published in sources such as AlChE
(1988) and Sax and Lewis (1989). Electronic databases are also available, and include:
Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health Documentation: http://www.cdc.gov/
International Chemical Safety Cards: http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/ipcsneng/
Emergency Response Planning Guidelines: http://www.bnl.gov/scapa/.htm
The analysis of toxic material effects is particularly difficult in the case of smoke from
fires which may involve multiple and uncertain components. It is difficult to assess
what effects such combinations of toxins might have. In such cases, conservative
assumptions about the toxins involved and their concentration may be appropriate.
A Probit approach may be used where information exists for specific substances.
the results need to be used with caution as probit equations are largely based on data
derived from animal population responses and the extrapolation to human response is
not straightforward (Refer to TNO Green Book for a discussion of this process).
For both human and other species exposures, where data are limited, dose-effect
calculations may be difficult to estimate with any degree of confidence. In such cases,
estimation of the duration and exposure to defined levels of concern such as time-weighted
average (TWA), short term exposure limit (STEL), immediately dangerous to life and health
(IDLH), Emergency Response Planning Guidelines (ERPGs), etc. may be appropriate.
There are a number of probit equations that have been developed for estimating
the probability of fatality from exposure to ammonia. For example (DCMR Steering
Committee 1984):
Y= -9.82 + 0.71 ln(C2 t) Where: C is in ppm and t is in minutes
Using this equation, for a person exposed to 5,000 ppm for 46 minutes, the
probability of fatality is 0.5. Similarly, if a person is exposed to 10,000 ppm, the
period for a 0.5 probability of fatality drops to 11 minutes.
The probit equation can be used to estimate the probability of fatality for a person
who is exposed to a changing concentration of a toxic material, such as could
occur if a vessel bursts and a cloud of vapour drifts with the wind.
46 PlanningNSW
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The analysis of such information will necessarily be qualitative due to the lack of
knowledge. Such assessments must provide details of the consequence estimation
process and the description of the response of the environment to the estimated
consequences. In many cases it will be possible to use very conservative data to
show that the consequences of an accident are minor. Where the consequences are
not obviously minor, sufficient details must be provided to enable the reader to follow
Risk to the biophysical environment includes damage to flora and fauna, as well as
indirect risks to humans, for example through materials entering the human food chain
(e.g. deposition onto home grown crops) or contaminating soil, groundwater or
surface waters used for drinking or swimming. The overall approach to estimating risk
to the biophysical environment is the same as that for estimating risk to human safety
and, as far as possible an analysis of the consequences (including magnitude and
and the effects on particular species and ecosystems (Refer to Section, full
quantification may not be possible or warranted in all cases. It is recognised that in-
depth or quantitative approaches are not always possible with environmental risks due
to limited availability of environmental data.
It is important to recognise that the types of environmental accidents that need to be
considered are those that have the potential to cause severe, widespread, long-term
or even permanent damage to ecosystems. An occurrence is interpreted by
PlanningNSW to have constituted serious danger or harm to the environment if it
results in one or more of the effects listed below:
47 PlanningNSW
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growth and mortality and community-level factors such as diversity, relative
dominance and distribution. There are ways however, to simplify the complex
structure of an ecosystem. For example, determination and analysis of key species
may facilitate prediction of the effect of the toxic material/s on dependent species
(Refer to Section In addition, knowledge of physio-chemical parameters of
the toxic material/s may make an analysis of fate and transport possible.
Nevertheless, ecosystem-level analysis is an inherently complex undertaking.
Various models can be used to evaluate ecosystem risk. These include models of fate,
transport, exposure and effects as well as integrative models. However, the
et al. (2001). The understanding of these matters is, however, developing rapidly and
reference should be made to the relevant scientific literature when undertaking an
analysis of risk to the biophysical environment.
Other ecosystem models focus on population density, food chains, bioenergetics and
toxico-kinetics. The diverse models for both individual species and population groups
have advantages and disadvantages that must be defined and tailored to meet specific
circumstances. It is essential to use an orderly and justifiable approach in developing
models are critical aspects of developing precise models for each particular situation
in nature. Models should not be used for situations where they have questionable
validity or to predict effects for conditions appreciably different from those for which
the models were originally developed.
The example approach described below in Sections (and Figure 8) has
been adapted from PlanningNSWs Best Practice Guidelines for Contaminated Water
Retention and Treatment Systems, and the UK HSEs Guidance on the Environmental
Risk Assessment Aspects of COMAH Safety (1999a) and Guidance on Interpretation
of Major Accident to the Environment (MATTE) for the Purposes of the COMAH
Regulations (1999b).
48 PlanningNSW
Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control: MIHAP No. 3 May 2003
Assess attributes Analyse effects (eg. area, affected
of receiving and recovery time), including
environment indirect effects upon humans
(Re-) Estimate likelihood
- Likelihood of leak/spill/fire;
- System availability/reliability
- Intensity-frequency-duration
rain; etc
*Including: performance
indicators/ standards and
critical operating parameters
Estimate risk/s
attributes of
environment Identify critical
Determine Yes
risk acceptable?
Ensure all critical control
criteria measures are integrated
49 PlanningNSW
Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control: MIHAP No. 3 May 2003
Note 16: Other Screening Techniques: Two Examples of Hazard Index Approaches
Hazard indices are commonly used as screening tools to assist with determining the level and extent of a risk
assessment (Refer to Section 5.3). Two examples of hazard indices specifically developed for screening releases
to the aquatic environment are provided below.
Where an Operator intends to use these, or other hazard index, approaches as screening techniques, it must be
demonstrated that they are consistent with the definition of a major accident (i.e. including the interpretation of
serious danger or harm) to the biophysical environment.
Example 1: The Ecological Harm Measure (EHM) [Haddad, Mullins, Maltz, Ecological Risk Assessment and the
Planning Process].
(EHM)i = [((PEL)i x (XOI)i ) / ((EQL)i x (XOI)i(ref))] x (EFV)i / (EEV) x 100
Where: (EHM)i = Ecological Harm Measure for chemical (i). The EHM is a derived measure of
ecological harm analogous to the consequence magnitude derived in a QRA. In its
simplest form, this quotient includes components to represent the predicted
ecological level of the contaminant (e.g. concentration) and the ecological quality
level for that contaminant (e.g. regulatory or other acceptable levels), the magnitude
of the impact, and socio-economic factors such as values and foregone values of
the ecosystem.
(PEL)i = Predicted ecological levels for chemical (i).
(XOI)i = Extent of impact for chemical (i).
(EQL)i = Ecological quality level for chemical (i).
(XOI)i(ref) Extent of impact used as a reference.
(EFV)i =
(EEV) =
Ecosystem foregone value for chemical (i).
Ecosystem existing value. ra
A factor of 100 is applied to normalise the EHM value and bring it close to 1 for major environmental accidents
(assuming foregone benefits of 10%, extent of impact of 10% and PEL = EQL).
Example 2: The Environmental Hazard Index (HI) [Suarez, Kirchsteiger, 1998, A Qualitative Model to Evaluate the
Risk Potential of Major Hazardous Industrial Plants].
50 PlanningNSW
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ft Concentration/s of Toxic Material/s in the Biophysical Environment
The effects on the biophysical environment (Refer to Section, as well as the
indirect effects to people, are directly related to the resulting concentration profile of
toxic material/s in each environmental compartment (i.e. air, water and/or soil). These
concentration profiles depend on the:
Quantity (and possibly the rate) of material/s released at the source;
Pathways by which the material/s may travel from the source of release to each
relevant receptor;
Physical and chemical properties of the material/s released (e.g. density, solubility,
degradation rate); and
Physical and chemical properties of the receiving environment (e.g. volume of
water body, soil permeability).
serious danger or harm to the biophysical environment, the quantity of toxic material
that may be released at the source (and possibly the rate of release) should be
estimated. This may require the use of discharge models (Refer to Section 5.8.1) for a
discrete set of representative release cases (For example, pipework failures could
occur with leak sizes varying from pin-hole leaks to full bore ruptures It is usual to
51 PlanningNSW
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Pathway Analysis
For each representative accident scenario identified with the potential to cause
serious danger or harm to the biophysical environment, the pathway/s (both on- and
off-site) whereby the toxic material/s can travel from the source of release to each
relevant receptor (e.g. humans, fauna, flora) should be identified. The pathway
analysis is an input to both the consequence analysis (i.e. in estimating the quantity of
material that is released via each pathway) and the likelihood analysis (i.e. in
estimating the likelihood of release via each pathway).
liquids with subsequent wash-down by rain, releases due to inundation of the site
from local or broad area flooding, etc.) and liquid spillages, an estimate of the
concentration profile in the receiving waters will need to consider issues such as
physical dispersion (e.g. dilution at the source and/or receptor), physical losses (to
52 PlanningNSW
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and pathway should be evaluated, such as:
Overflow of bund due to presence of storm water and loss of entire tank
contents (3 m3 release of aqueous mixture).
Minor leak/overflow and release to river via open bund drain valve (2 m3
Even in this simplified example, it is clear that probabilistic techniques, such as
event tree analysis, can be extremely useful for determining the potential
combinations of spill/leak scenario and pathway Refer to PlanningNSWs Best
Practice Guidelines for Contaminated Water Retention and Treatment Systems for
further information. Example event trees for an on-site, and off-site, pathway analysis
are also included in the UK HSEs Guidance on the Environmental Risk Assessment
Aspects of COMAH Safety (1999a).
density, may be important for the pathway analysis and estimation of the
concentration profiles. The degradation of the toxic material/s through exposure to
light, oxidation, reduction or biochemical processes may also be important when
The potential for serious danger or harm from releases to the biophysical
environment is dependent on the physical and chemical characteristics of the
receiving environment (e.g. surface waters, groundwater, soil, etc.), as much as the
nature and quantity of the materials received.
For a release into a water body, the capacity to absorb and dilute the toxic material
load is an important factor. The relevant physical and chemical characteristics include:
the volume of the water body; rates of flow in streams and currents (which may vary
depending on weather conditions); extent of mixing and of tidal flushing (if relevant);
the buffering capacity of the water; and, absorptive/adsorptive capacities
(groundwater). The depth of the waters and seasonal weather patterns (e.g. drought)
53 PlanningNSW
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compensatory interaction of multiple species;
kinetic balance of the system;
complexity of the system;
temporal and spatial variability;
availability of regenerating units; and
rate of re-establishment of the biological and physical habitat.
Each of these factors (viz. sensitivity/area/duration) are evident in PlanningNSWs
definition of serious danger or harm to the environment. These factors are also
evident in the consequence categories commonly used in risk matrices. For example,
the following consequence categories were developed for the example risk matrix in
Section 5.4 (Refer to MIHAP No. 2):
54 PlanningNSW
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Similarly, Wright (1993) has proposed the following consequence categories (Refer to
Appendix 3 for additional examples):
or impairment. Loss of resources but sustainability
unaffected. Recovery temporarily affected.
Recovery < 5 years
to Section against threshold or criteria values (e.g. LC50 data, critical loads,
dose-response relationships, no observable effect levels, etc.) that are applicable to
the range of species present. Previous accidents might also provide some insight into
necessary to consider more than one species to obtain an appreciation of the overall
environmental impact. The data used, including the species chosen, should be
55 PlanningNSW
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Cumulative and synergistic effects of toxic material/s from various sources may
need to be considered when analysing the potential effects. The existing condition
of the receiving environment may also be a relevant consideration. Existing
degradation may make the system more vulnerable to impact (ie. effects may be
observed at lower concentrations), whilst on the other hand, the immediate effects
may not be as severe if extensive damage has already occurred in the past.
The Australian and New Zealand Environment and Conservation Council (ANZECC)
have published Australian and New Zealand Guidelines for Fresh and Marine Water
Quality (2000). The primary objective of these guidelines is: To provide an
authoritative guide for setting water quality objectives required to sustain current, or
likely future, environmental values [uses] for natural and semi-natural water
resources in Australia and New Zealand. These guidelines, which provide an
understanding of effects, offer guidance on sediment quality, and contain detailed
advice on water monitoring and assessment, also include trigger values:
If concentrations of contaminants are below the specified trigger values: there is
unlikely to be any concern;
If the concentrations are above the trigger values: the guidelines show how site
specific criteria can be developed; and
If the concentrations are above the site-specific criteria: the guidelines
recommend that alternative management options be considered.
Although these guidelines are aimed at ensuring that water quality is maintained for
fishery and agricultural purposes, rather than avoiding significant harm from a major
accident, the provision of concentrations for various contaminants provides some
data on levels of concern.
Other sources of threshold or criteria values include, for example, material safety
data sheets, reference books on dangerous substances (e.g. Sax, 1989), and
databases such as IRIS (Integrated Risk Information System), CHRIS (Chemical
Hazard Response Information System), HSDB (Hazardous Substances Data Bank), etc.
When factoring the recovery rate into the analysis, a distinction should be drawn
between natural unassisted recovery and assisted recovery (e.g. if response plans
Consequence analysis results can be used in a number of ways. Firstly, they provide
an extension of the Hazard Identification process in that it leads to a better
understanding of the potential hazards at the facility.
56 PlanningNSW
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generic failure rate data, fault trees, event trees, workshops, Delphi techniques,
assessment of human failures, and reliability and availability estimates. These
techniques are discussed in this section, along with their advantages and
A prerequisite for the analysis of the likelihood of hazardous incidents and their effects
is a proper understanding of the terms probability, likelihood and frequency.
occurring. No time period is specified. For example, given that a flammable release has
occurred, one may be interested in the probability of ignition. Wherever a number of
outcomes are possible, the sum of the probabilities of each outcome must be equal to one.
A likelihood is an expression of the chance of something occurring in the future.
item of equipment was twice per year. Failure frequency data are often used as a
basis for predicting the likelihood of similar occurrences in the future.
Logic Models
The likelihood of particular outcomes of hazardous incidents can be estimated using
specific experience of the hazardous incident frequency. However, as the frequency of
many high consequence accidents is very low, the historical data is unreliable or
sparse. In this situation, logic models are required to estimate the likelihood of specific
incidents. The most well known logic models are fault trees and event trees.
Logic models have some advantages over the use of historical data as they allow for
the consideration of:
specific operating conditions
organisational factors
57 PlanningNSW
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maintenance programs
operator capabilities
manual/automatic intervention systems
other technical, organisational and operational safety controls
Event Trees
An event tree starts with a single incident (e.g. release of LPG from a pipe) and the
subsequent event sequence possibilities are represented by branching of the tree, leading
to a number of possible final outcomes (e.g. pool fire, jet fire, flash fire, BLEVE, etc).
Any point in the event tree can be characterised by a particular consequence and an
associated likelihood. Hence, event trees are important for both consequence and
frequency analysis. To obtain likelihoods within the tree, conditional probabilities need
to be determined wherever branching occurs. These probabilities may be available
directly, or they may need to be estimated using an analytical method such as a fault
As an example, to estimate the likelihood of a release of LPG leading to a flash fire,
the analyst may have to estimate:
the frequency or likelihood of a pipe containing LPG failing,
the probability of protection systems failing and thus allowing a sizeable quantity of
LPG to be released,
the probability of an ignition source to be present in the vapour cloud.
Subsequent to the release, other factors that may need to be determined in order to
estimate the likelihood of the various outcomes are meteorological condition
probabilities, ignition probabilities for releases in various directions, and the probability
of explosion upon ignition, rather than a flash fire.
Figure 9: Example Event Tree
solution manually
Flash fire
Safe dispersal
Flash fire
Release of
flammable gas
Safe dispersal
Jet fire
Safe dispersal
58 PlanningNSW
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Fault Trees
One of the most commonly used logic models for the estimation of the likelihood of
a hazardous incident is fault tree analysis.
Fault trees use logic similar to that of event tree analysis. However, the starting
point is the top event of interest and the analyst works down in order to identify the
sequences of events required to produce that final event. The technique is useful
both for the quantification of particular likelihoods or probabilities, and as a method
for identifying which event sequences and causal factors could lead to a hazardous
incident. It is also useful for identifying the major contributors to the likelihood of the
top event.
A completed fault tree, such as that shown in Figure 10, should consist of a series
of basic events connected through intermediate events to the top event. Below the
top event, and below every intermediate event, a gate is shown which explains
how the lower events can lead to the higher event. The most important types of
logic gates are OR and AND gates. An OR gate indicates that any one of the
lower events is sufficient to lead to the higher event. An AND gate indicates that
all of the lower events are required to lead to the higher event. The rules for gate-by-
gate fault tree calculation are as follows:
OR PA OR PB P (A OR B) = 1 (1 PA)(1-PB)
= PA + PB - PAPB
~ PA + PB (When PA
and PB are small)
FA OR FB F (A OR B) = FA + FB per unit time
PA OR FB Not permitted NA
59 PlanningNSW
Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control: MIHAP No. 3 May 2003
Failure of operator to
Relief valve capacity Relief valve Relief
valve capacity
rises Relief valve capacity
respond to high
inadequate fails closed inadequate inadequate
pressure alarm
Automatic pressure Manual outlet valve
Relief valve capacity
control system fails closed whilst vessel
D inadequate
Controller fails
Relief valve capacity
Control valve fails
Use of incorrect logic gates (i.e. Using an OR gate instead of an AND gate,
and vice versa);
60 PlanningNSW
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However, data may be available for subsystems such as pump-motor combinations,
closed control loops, gas detection systems, refrigeration systems etc.
Because of the large population of items included of any particular type, generic
data can give a good first estimate of the likelihood of failure of similar items.
However, generic data may not provide enough information for a complete analysis
of a specific plant operating under specific circumstances.
The use of specific plant failure data derived from an organisations own records would
usually be preferable to generic data, provided that the item population and time
period of data collection are sufficiently large. If applied to other plant within the
organisation or extrapolated to other similar plants, these may still be better than
generic data because specific plant data may reflect more relevant design, construction,
operation, maintenance and other management practices. Unfortunately, such data
are rarely available, except in very large organisations. Section 5.9.2 discusses other
factors that should to be considered when using plant specific failure data.
In cases where plant specific data are not available, it may be appropriate to modify
the best data available in order to reflect the operational and organisational practices
of the company concerned. This will always involve some degree of judgement, although
more formal techniques are available to assess an Operators overall safety performance,
which may help with making such modifications. It is essential to document the
base data as well as the modification factor and the reasons for the modification.
61 PlanningNSW
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The understanding of equipment reliability developed since the mid 1970s has
compared with the total time that the item is required to be in service. That is:
62 PlanningNSW
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It provides a measure of the fraction of plant operating time that an item can be
expected to be in service. Reliability is a measure of the probability of an item not
functioning correctly, assuming that it is in service. Factors that can influence
availability include testing and calibration tasks that require plant to be taken offline
and expected repair times for known failure modes. Therefore, the performance of a
control measure will depend upon both the reliability and availability. For example, a
gas detection system may be considered highly reliable if it has never required
breakdown repairs, but if it spends a significant amount of time performing internal
calibrations that prevent it from monitoring ambient conditions, then its availability will
be reduced, and its overall performance compromised.
local sources.
5.9.4 Human Factors
The Operator of a MHF must ensure that human factors that have been identified in
the Hazard Identification are adequately considered in the likelihood analysis. The
depth of assessment that is required may vary according to the hazards complexity,
uncertainty and level of contribution to risk, and in some cases may necessitate that
the operator use personnel with specific human factors knowledge.
The potential for people to make errors that leads to an accident or for people to make
less than optimal decisions in an accident scenario are well known. In some facilities,
the potential for human factors to affect the overall level of safety is significant and
thus explicit consideration of the potential for human errors may be required.
and evaluate each human factor that has been identified and the likelihood of it
occurring. For example, how likely would a person fail to notice a low-flow alarm?
What effect could this have, and how critical is this effect?
In this way, failures in human performance are analysed for effects on the system in
much the same way as failure of physical components. It is important to include
human errors (eg. arising from poor design, or overload etc.) as well as deliberate (rule
violation) behaviour in this analysis, and to integrate the analysis into the related
engineering safety assessment.
There are a number of techniques that have been developed specifically to estimate
the likelihood of human error occurring. These include:
Human Error Assessment and Reduction Technique (HEART): Williams (1988)
Techniques for Human Error Rate Prediction (THERP): Swain and Guttman (1983)
Systematic Human Error Reduction and Prediction Approach (SHERPA):
Embrey (1986)
Generic Error Modelling System (GEMS): Reason (1987)
63 PlanningNSW
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These techniques are based on the assumption that the probability of a human error
occurring under a set of particular circumstances can be estimated and applied to
calculate risk. It is important to recognise that past experience in their use is greatly
beneficial, as expert judgement is required to implement the methodologies.
Simplified Human Error Potentials (HEPs), based on generic situations, may be used
in QRA. Table 5 contains some examples of HEP values:
less time available, some cues necessary (e.g. selection
of a large-handled switch rather than a small switch).
Errors of commission are errors in which the person performs extra steps that are incorrect or
performs a step incorrectly. They also include errors where a person performs a sequence of steps in
the wrong order or performs a step too quickly or too slowly. Errors of commission often reflect
inadequate training and/or procedures, poor instruction or job aids, or a person being unaware of the
risks/hazards associated with equipment or the environment.
Errors of omission are instances where a person fails to perform one or more steps in a procedure.
They can be caused by people being confused or having communication problems. Distraction or
diversion of attention is also often the source of these errors. An inadequate mental model of a
complex system can lead to errors of omission when the system experiences a malfunction. They are
particularly prevalent in maintenance tasks.
It is important that the generic nature of these values is recognised. As with all
assumptions made during Risk Assessment, HEP values should be chosen
conservatively, and where risk levels exceed relevant criteria, more detailed methods
of analysis may be required.
64 PlanningNSW
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inventory. However, should the likelihood of escalation be significantly higher when
vessel inventories are above 50%, then it may be necessary to determine the fraction
of time inventories are above 50%, and the effect that this has on the overall risk.
5.11 Risk Estimation and Presentation of Results
Accidents can have a wide range of outcomes. The outcomes can take many forms,
In some cases, such as human fatality risk from fire and explosion, the risk from each
event can be identified at any point in the affected area. For each point in the area
affected, the risk from each final like outcome (e.g. fatality, injury, irritation) can be
calculated and, by summation, the total risk at each point can be determined. Hence,
the distribution of risk around the facility can be calculated.
Similarly, the total risk at a particular location due to a number of facilities can be
calculated by the summation of the risks from each individual facility. If the population
in the affected areas is combined with the likelihood and consequence information for
particular points, estimations of societal risk can be made.
Where the risk is calculated by the summation of risk from multiple sources (or
facilities), it is still important to identify the major risk contributors. Identification and
ranking of major risk contributors assists with demonstrating the relevance of existing,
or proposed, control measures (Refer to Section 6). Ideally, major risk contributors
should be ranked and presented in a tabular format.
For other cases, the defined adverse outcome could be a toxic concentration, a
system failure or an effect on an ecosystem or species. Where a number of events
contribute to the same outcome, summation is possible. For any facility or activity,
however, there may be a number of risks which need to be analysed, understood and
managed. It is not always possible or appropriate to try to reduce all risks to simplified
comparable measures.
65 PlanningNSW
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Individual Risk Values
Individual fatality or injury risk measures represent the likelihood of a specified level of
presentation, areas of high exposure can be readily identified. Individual risk levels
should, as far as possible, include all contributors to injury and fatality from fires,
explosion and toxicity, even where there are uncertainties in correlating some
66 PlanningNSW
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are usually plotted on the basis that the individual is exposed for the full duration of
the hazardous incident and no account is taken of evasive action or protection by
clothing, buildings etc. It is essential that the analyst understands the basis of the risk
calculations and that assumptions used are internally consistent. It is also essential
that these assumptions be clearly documented.
Societal risk is a measure of risk to a defined population that could be affected, usually
in terms of injury or fatality. It takes account of the number of people in the affected
area, the nature and scale of incidents that contribute to particular risk levels at
particular points and the outcomes of these incidents in terms of injury and fatality. It
single event.).
Quantitative measures of societal risk can be presented as a graph, called an F-N
curve (see Figure 13), which is a plot of cumulative frequency (F) versus number of
fatalities (N). This curve shows graphically the potential for accidents on the facility to
kill a large number of people in a single incident. F-N curves have potential for a lack of
clarity of meaning and Operators must ensure that the indicator used is meaningful to
Property damage risk indicators show the potential of incidents to cause damage to
buildings and structures on-site and off-site, usually as a result of fire, explosions and
missiles. This is usually expressed as the likelihood and intensity of heat flux or
explosion overpressure incident at various points around the facility, and may be
presented as tables or risk contours of heat radiation or explosion overpressure. Table
13 and Table 14 in Appendix 4 (Appendix 4: Models for Consequence Analysis) list
threshold quantities for different levels of property damage as a result of heat
radiation and explosion overpressure.
67 PlanningNSW
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possible to establish the final effects. For risk to the biophysical environment,
generally the focus is on toxicity effects on whole systems or populations rather than
on individual plants and animals. Data are often limited and factors affecting the
outcome variable and complex. There may be no immediate loss of plants or animals
or other observable effects from a single release, but there may be cumulative and
synergistic effects. The form of presentation of risk to the biophysical environment
must necessarily be selected on a case-specific basis. In many cases, the likelihood of
identified concentrations occurring in the air, water or soil may be the appropriate risk
indicator. Qualitative indicators may also be appropriate in certain circumstances.
68 PlanningNSW
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6 Control Measures
Control measures are the systems that reduce the risk associated with accidents by
eliminating, preventing, reducing or mitigating the associated hazards and
consequences. They are the means by which the Operator ensures safe operation.
identifying control measures.
Once identified, control measures must be understood. There must be a clear link
between control measures and the initiating events, accidents and consequences
which they are intended to manage. Generalised risk controls (e.g. training) may be
necessary, however are insufficient to adequately control accident scenarios. Tools
that can assist with documenting these linkages include Hazard Registers, Bow Tie
diagrams, fault trees and event trees.
accidents and consequences that the control measure is intended to manage, and
the effect that the control measure will have on these factors. This understanding
provides the basis for defining performance indicators and standards for control
measures, and for defining those control measures that are critical to safe operation.
Control measures can be categorised according to a hierarchy of controls. Various
hierarchies of control have been developed (e.g. HSE, NOHSC, and WorkCover).
69 PlanningNSW
Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control: MIHAP No. 3 May 2003
Hierarchy Explanation
Elimination Something that removes a hazard completely. While this is clearly the
most effective type of control measure, it is often not practicable to
eliminate hazards. For example, if a toxic material is an essential raw
material, then removal is most likely not possible.
Substitution Using a less hazardous material to meet the same need as a highly
hazardous material.
Mitigation Control measures that directly combat the consequences of an
accident by reducing their effects on people, plant and the
environment. While the least preferred type of control measure, well
designed mitigation control measures are essential for safe
operation, since they provide the absolute last line of defence.
* Based on HSE Hierarchy of Control
and implementing control measures. Errors made in the design and implementation of
control measures, whether engineered safety devices, individual procedures and
tasks, or the overall SMS, can result in control measures being unable to fulfil their
intended role or achieve the level of performance required for full effectiveness. In
addition, these areas may introduce further hazards that may cause or contribute to
major accidents.
It is important that people designing or implementing control measures look beyond
behavioural response issues and consider also modifying possible problem areas at
their source (for example, by creating less error prone environments and less error
prone activities).
Where the control measures involve people, then human capacity and limitations must
be carefully and demonstrably considered. For example, if an employee is required to
70 PlanningNSW
Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control: MIHAP No. 3 May 2003
not simply record hazards and controls in an unstructured manner. A Hazard Register,
as discussed in Section 3.7, is a tool that can help record this information in a
systematic and structured manner.
The type of structure used to record control measures may vary between Operators,
and possibly from plant to plant for a single Operator. More rigorous structures may
be required for high-risk accident scenarios, to facilitate the detailed Risk Assessment
such scenarios warrant, while simple structures may be suitable for low risk hazards.
Figure 14 shows examples of different structures that can be used. In the
unstructured case, hazardous scenarios, controls and consequences are listed,
however the sequence in which control measures function is not documented. In a
highly structured case, such as a Bow Tie diagram4, this sequence is recorded, and the
reliance upon some control measures for managing multiple hazards can be more
clearly determined.
Nearby fire High pressure trip Explosion
Overpressure Relief valves
Electrical classification
Gas detection & isolation
Vessel design standard
valves Unignited gas
Nearby Electrical
fire classification
Localised fire
Large scale
Internal Vessel Vessel design Gas detection
release from
corrosion inspection standard & isolation
Maintenance Permit to
work Work
The bow tie diagram, initially developed by Shell, can be thought of as a linked fault tree (the left-hand side) and
an event tree (the right-hand side) based on a specific scenario. The two sides of the bow tie have different
features, which need to be recognised if they are used. The left-hand side does not contain a sequence. E.g.
the control feature could fail before or after the initiating event. In more complex bow tie diagrams, there is
the possibility for branches to be linked using and or or gates. By comparison, the right-hand side is simpler.
It is sequential and the scenario develops along only one of the routes. The control measures are listed in the
bow tie diagram but it is failure of the control measure that allows the sequence to develop.
71 PlanningNSW
Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control: MIHAP No. 3 May 2003
In terms of a bow-tie diagram, prevention controls are located to the left of the initiating
event, and can be considered to be proactively managing risk. Elimination, substitution
and intensification controls are not explicitly included in the Bow Tie Diagrams but
affect the possible initiating events and the potential accidents. Controls of type
reduction and mitigation are located to the right of the initiating event, and can be
considered to be reactively managing risk. Adopting a hierarchy of controls can
improve the understanding of control measures by helping an Operator analyse, and if
necessary, adjust, the balance between proactive and reactive control measures.
Intensification Smaller process and Improved logistics and
storage vessels stocks management
safety devices
Pressure relief valves and Management of Change
bursting disks
72 PlanningNSW
Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control: MIHAP No. 3 May 2003
The Health and Safety Executive of the United Kingdom, publish a list of types of
controls and extensive descriptions of the factors relevant to those controls for Major
Hazard Facilities (http://www.hse.gov.uk/hid/land/comah/level3/). The list of controls is
given in Table 9.
Emergency Isolation
Emergency Response / Spill Control
Explosion Relief
Hazardous Area Classification / Flame proofing
Inspection / Non-Destructive Testing (NDT)
Leak / Gas Detection
Lifting Procedures
Maintenance Procedures
Operating Procedures
73 PlanningNSW
Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control: MIHAP No. 3 May 2003
A key output from the Risk Assessment process should be the identification of those
control measures that are critical to safe operation. These critical control measures
should receive the highest level of ongoing management attention to ensure that they
are not degraded.
There is a range of methods available for identifying critical control measures.
These include:
Team judgement of criticality. While the objectivity of this approach can be
improved by using rule sets, it tends to be divorced from the other parts of the
Risk Assessment process. Unless teams are well facilitated, key contributory
Last lines of defence / first lines of attack philosophy. In terms of a bow tie
diagram, this approach defines critical control measures as the right most proactive
control measures, and the left most reactive control measures. Provided accurate
bow tie diagrams are prepared for each incident scenario, this approach should
ensure that all hazards have at least one critical control measure. However, in
some cases, the last line of defence may not be the most effective layer, and
focussing management attention on these controls would not be the most
with a certain level of risk reduction. Those credited with the largest reductions are
most likely to be critical.
74 PlanningNSW
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Operators may already have their own methodologies for identifying critical control
measures, or may develop techniques that build upon Risk Assessment results.
Whatever technique is adopted, some of the factors that should be considered when
determining control measure criticality are:
The hierarchy of controls. Prevention is better than mitigation, hence critical control
measures will tend to be biased towards prevention.
The number of layers of protection. Where there are few control measures, one or
more of those controls is likely to be critical; in the extreme, if there is only one
control it will almost certainly be critical.
If a control measure is highly effective, it is more likely to be a critical control.
Control measures for the most likely causes of accidents are more likely to be
critical than those for less likely causes.
Control measures that prevent a number of causes of accidents are more likely to
be critical than those for single causes.
The more severe the potential consequences of an accident, the more likely that
associated control measures will be critical.
At a minimum, documentation on each critical control measure should cover:
The purpose of the control (clearly linked to the identified hazard/s, initiating event/
s and possible consequences);
How the reliability and availability of the control measure will be maintained and
monitored through the SMS (Refer to Section 6.5.1 Performance Indicators),
including actions to be taken in the event of a non-compliance;
Responsibilities for maintenance and monitoring of the control measure; and
The minimum performance requirements for the control measure (Refer to Section
6.5.2 Performance Standards).
There are a number of reasons for an Operator to search for alternative control
measures. One of the more compelling and straightforward of these is when Risk
Assessment has shown that risk levels exceed some relevant criteria. Other relatively
straightforward reasons to look for alternative control measures include:
existing hazards.
Somewhat less obvious reasons to look for alternative control measures include:
Where new operating conditions have arisen without any modification to plant
being made.
75 PlanningNSW
Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control: MIHAP No. 3 May 2003
Where Risk Assessment has shown that while risk levels do not exceed any
relevant criteria, they are not negligible and can therefore potentially be further
Where the knowledge of the basis for safe operation has been lost, and the
reasons why existing control measures were adopted are no longer part of
corporate memory.
One often overlooked reason for Operators to look for alternative control measures is
where the knowledge of the basis for safe operation has been lost, and the reasons
why existing control measures were adopted are no longer part of corporate memory.
For Operators of existing facilities, there may be control measures that were reviewed
in the past without full records of the decisions that were made. Some of these
decisions may even have been made before the Operator was responsible for the
facility. For existing control measures, an Operator should determine those past
decisions that need to be recorded and reviewed, in order to maintain the integrity of
the control measures into the future. Given the large number of decisions and control
measures for some facilities, it may not be practicable to revise all past decisions.
However, understanding the basis of existing control measures, even those that
cannot practicably be revised (e.g. site location and layout), is still important for
maintaining safe operation. The Operator should identify the critical areas that require
detailed review and those areas where less detailed review may suffice.
6.4 Reviewing Alternative Control Measures
A number of factors contribute to determining the reasonable number of existing and
alternative control measures for an Operator to review, including:
The nature of the risk profile. As discussed previously, the review of alternative
control measures should be focussed on those areas with the highest level of risk.
Those hazards that dominate the risk profile of the facility may warrant the review
of a greater number of alternatives than those that contribute relatively little to the
overall risk profile.
The scale and complexity of the facility. For larger and more complex facilities,
there are likely to be more hazards, and therefore, more control measures
required. It would therefore be appropriate for the Operator of such as facility to
review a wider range of options than an Operator of a small and simple facility with
relatively few hazards.
The rate of development of new control measures. Hazards for which new and
potentially improved control measures are rapidly being developed may require
more thorough review than those areas where fewer potential advances have
been made.
Alternatives should include both proven technology and newly developed techniques.
The Operator should not dismiss an alternative without consideration on the grounds
that it is unproven. Rather, they should evaluate new technologies and practices to
determine if they are suitable.
The following table, based on material developed by WorkSafe MHD (2002c), lists
some factors and issues that should be considered when reviewing alternative control
measures. WorkSafe MHD (2002c) provides further discussion on each of these
76 PlanningNSW
Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control: MIHAP No. 3 May 2003
Factor Issues
Existing controls Are there controls clearly linked to each hazard, or are there
some hazards having no (or insufficient) control measures?
Does the number of controls reflect the level of severity of
the hazards?
Effectiveness of Functionality
alternative Is it sufficient to control the hazard in the intended manner?
Does it suppress the hazard completely, prevent escalation or
simply mitigate effects?
Is the reliability of the alternative, and of all control measures
in combination, appropriate to the level of risk presented by
the associated hazards?
Can function testing detect failures, and will failures once
detected be able to be rectified sufficiently promptly?
Is the control system off-line for testing, calibration or
maintenance for an unacceptable fraction of the time?
Is the control measure able to function as intended during the
types of accidents it is intended to reduce or mitigate?
Management System
77 PlanningNSW
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These concepts are central to maintaining safe operation, and are discussed in further
detail below. Other aspects of control measures that the Safety Management System
must manage include:
Assigning responsibility for maintaining the effectiveness of control measures;
Specifying the correct use of control measures, and ensuring the competency of
employees responsible for working with them;
Safely controlling all work (including maintenance) upon control measures;
Managing proposed changes to control measures;
Maintaining the corporate knowledge of the reasons for adopting or rejecting
control measures, and the design basis for adopted control measures;
Safely handling any identified failure of control measures; and
Identification of those control measures critical to safe operation of the facility.
These and other key concepts are discussed further in MIHAP No. 4 - Safety
Management Systems.
and maintaining control measures, and therefore provide an indication
of the performance of the Safety Management System, as well as the control
measures themselves.
Performance indicators may be expressed in quantitative or qualitative terms,
and can be defined for various levels. High-level indicators tend to address
overall performance issues, whereas low-level performance indicators tend
to relate to specific control measures or even sub-elements of control measures.
There are many different types of performance indicator that can be defined for each
control measure. Table 11 gives some examples of both high-level and low-level
Performance indicators, particularly lower level ones, may vary over the lifecycle of
the facility. For example, a particular control measure may have different performance
indicators for its procurement, installation, commissioning, operation and
78 PlanningNSW
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relevant industry standards, practices, or codes. In such cases, the Operator must
show that these are appropriate to the specific facility and the specific application of
the control measure. Alternately, performance standards may be adopted from
manufacturers recommended standards for supplied components. Again, in these
cases, the Operator must demonstrate that these standards are appropriate to the
specific case. In more complex cases, the Operator may need to derive the
performance standard for a control measure based on assumptions regarding control
measure performance that have been made in the Risk Assessment. For example, if a
fault tree used in the Risk Assessment assumed that a particular system would
operate 99.9% of the time, then the performance standard for that system must
reflect this, and ongoing measurement of the performance indicator should support it.
Control measure performance standards may be either soft or hard targets. A soft
target is a desirable long-term goal, the breaching of which can be tolerated to a certain
extent or under certain conditions. A hard target on the other hand is one that must be
achieved within a prescribed timeframe or where there is zero tolerance for any
breaches. For example, the example performance standard for a preventative
maintenance system shown in Table 11 would most likely be a soft target. If it were
exceeded, operations would most likely not need to stop. However, it would indicate
that additional resources may be required to push performance back to acceptable
levels. Conversely, the example performance standard for a diesel fire pump would
most likely be a hard target, which if violated would mean that operations must not
continue until performance was restored, or equivalent, alternate control measures
instated. Soft targets can generally be exceeded for a defined period, provided
potentially affected areas are monitored. Hard targets will generally relate to critical
control measures that must be fully functional to maintain safe operation.
Regardless of the type of control measure, performance indicators and standards
should consider the following:
They should measure the features of the control measure that define its
functionality, availability, reliability and survivability.
There should be comprehensive reporting of findings, particularly the reporting
of failures.
They should clearly define the steps that should be taken in the event of a
detected failure in a control measure.
79 PlanningNSW
Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control: MIHAP No. 3 May 2003
As with performance indicators, critical operating parameters have target values that
should not be violated. A single critical operating parameter may have both soft and
hard target values. Soft targets should define the normal operating envelope (see
Figure 15). Violation of a soft target should provide warning that one or more control
measures have failed to maintain operations within that envelope. Targets must only
be considered as soft when there are additional control measures in place that will
restore safe operation, and the process is still in a known safe, albeit abnormal and
undesirable operating zone. For example, the set points for high and low level alarms
may be soft target levels, if trip systems or other protective devices are in place to
restore safe plant condition from beyond these points, and the process can safely
operate with somewhat higher or lower than normal levels. Hard targets should be
defined above the level of soft targets, but they must still be below the level of any
known unsafe or uncertain operating zone. Hard targets should never be exceeded,
even where there are additional control measures in place that can restore safe
operation from levels above these targets. For example, the set point for a high
pressure trip may be set as a hard target, even though a pressure relief valve is
installed that should protect the plant should the trip fail.
80 PlanningNSW
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By ensuring that the Safety Management System continuously monitors the critical
operating parameters for the facility, the Operator should be able to detect control
measure failures and implement corrective actions before these failures lead to
accidents. Performance indicators and standards can provide lead indication of control
measure failure. Critical operating parameters tend to provide lag indication of control
measure failures, but still provide lead indication of the potential for accidents.
Cool the contents of equipment; and
Purge material.
The number, type, response speed and effectiveness of isolation and shutdown
systems depends upon the scale of the hazard posed by the material and the
potential for dangerous conditions to arise. The procedures for using these systems
are just as important as the hardware and should form part of the emergency
response plan for a facility. Isolation valves and trips may be manual, remote operated
or automatic devices. Common features of isolation and shutdown systems include:
Classification as safety critical with corresponding testing, inspection
81 PlanningNSW
Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control: MIHAP No. 3 May 2003
Risk levels and the concept of ALARP (see Figure 16) were developed by the HSE
(1992 & 2001). Above a certain level, a risk is regarded as intolerable and is forbidden
whatever might be the benefit. Below such levels, an activity is allowed to take place
and in pursuing any further safety improvement account can be taken of the cost. The
HSE suggests the limit of tolerable risk to a worker is 10-3/year, the limit of tolerable
risk to a member of the public is 10-4/year. The risk to a member of the public that
might be regarded as acceptable, as opposed to tolerable, is taken to be 10-6 per year.
82 PlanningNSW
Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control: MIHAP No. 3 May 2003
In a NSW Occupational Health and Safety context, the Courts have given
consideration to the term reasonably practicable when used as part of a legal
defence. Comment has been made that reasonably practicable is a narrower term
than physically possible, implying that a computation must be made in which the
quantum of risk is placed on one scale and the sacrifice involved in the measures
necessary for averting the risk (whether in money, time or trouble) is placed on the
other; and that if it be shown that there is a gross disproportion between them - the
risk being insignificant in relation to the sacrifice - the defendants discharge the onus
on them.
The Courts have noted that the greater the magnitude of the risk and the greater the
gravity of the harm, should the event occur, the higher is the duty to take precautions,
even if these are expensive or difficult to adopt.
Without necessarily endorsing the HSE criteria or attempting to establish specific
criteria for MHFs, the broad ALARP principle is endorsed in these guidelines. It should
be noted that, irrespective of numerical risk criteria, the broad aim should be to avoid
avoidable risk.
safety planning criteria established by PlanningNSW (Refer to Section 7.1.1).
Secondly, the risks to people (on- and off-site), property and the environment should
Risk Assessment relying solely upon fatality risk criteria may not accurately represent
the risk associated with a facility. Reasons for this include:
Society is concerned about risk of injury as well as risk of death.
Fatality risk levels may not entirely reflect variations in peoples vulnerability
to risk. Some people may be affected at a lower level of hazard exposure
than others.
Some accidents may only have the potential to cause property or environmental
damage, and not represent a risk to people.
Therefore, for new facilities, PlanningNSW have established additional land use safety
planning risk criteria for injury, property damage and environmental damage. These are
83 PlanningNSW
Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control: MIHAP No. 3 May 2003
Table 12: NSW Individual Fatality Risk Criteria for Existing Facilities
Principles Interpretation
on an area basis.
residential areas from existing individual fatality risk greater than 1 x 10-6
hazardous activities (in addition to on any residences (or greater than 0.5 x 10-6
safety review/ updates) should on any sensitive developments) would
84 PlanningNSW
Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control: MIHAP No. 3 May 2003
to distinguish the benefits when reviewing alternative controls, and are not well suited
to fully addressing cumulative risk. Operators who use risk matrices should give clear
definitions for the indices on the matrix and show what action or significance is
attributed to each position on the matrix. Operators should also check that any risk
criteria superimposed on a risk matrix are broadly consistent with the land use safety
planning risk criteria presented Section 7.1.1 and in MIHAP No. 8.
It is important for Operators to note that while assessment against quantitative or
qualitative risk criteria may support the demonstration that risks are reduced to
ALARP, it is unlikely that a full demonstration can be made solely on the basis of risk
assessment and comparison with risk criteria. However, they can assist with this
demonstration, as well as help to determine the urgency of actions required and the
criticality of control measures.
Another method of estimating risk is the Potential Loss of Life (PLL). This is an
estimate of risk to society rather than individuals as it represents the number of
fatalities expected to occur each year, averaged over a long period. The PLL is a useful
basis for cost-benefit analyses of risk reduction measures, via another measure
known as the Implied Cost of Averting Fatality:
ICAF = cost of measure / (initial PLL reduced PLL)
Such calculations are often controversial as they can be seen to place a monetary
value on human life. However, the ICAF is not a value of a life, as no-one can be
compensated for the loss of their life but is an estimate of the value placed on slightly
changing the risk levels to a large number of people. The use of ICAF values are
common in many areas of industry and government, and may be suitable for
application to decision-making in regard to optional control measures for major
hazards. For example, a low ICAF for a proposed risk reduction measure implies that
the measure is highly effective, because the cost is low compared to the risk
reduction achieved. Conversely, a high ICAF implies an ineffective risk reduction
measure, where the cost may be better diverted elsewhere.
85 PlanningNSW
Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control: MIHAP No. 3 May 2003
of information. Communication that addresses these issues may require expertise
from public relations experts.
Government agencies require communication in accordance with the appropriate
regulations. MIHAP No. 5 contains a description of the Safety Report that is required
of Major Hazard Facilities. Regular communication with the regulator during the
process of developing the Safety Report is recommended to enable specific guidance
to be provided on the level of detail that may be required.
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86 PlanningNSW
Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control: MIHAP No. 3 May 2003
When reviewing a Risk Assessment, the following issues should be considered:
New technology for reducing or eliminating risk;
New lessons from incidents on site or elsewhere;
Changes to the Safety Management System;
Changes to data (e.g. toxicity, failure rates etc.);
Updated computer software;
Where a previous study did not consider some sections of plant, the study will be able
to be extended, rather than repeated. One set of criteria for assessing a previous
study included an assessment of the completeness of the following (Frank & Whittle
(i) Identification of the hazards of the process;
(ii) The identification of any previous incident which had a likely potential for
(iii) Engineering and administrative controls applicable to the hazards and their
interrelationships such as appropriate application of detection methodologies to
provide early warning of releases; and
(iv) Consequences of failure of engineering and administrative controls.
87 PlanningNSW
Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control: MIHAP No. 3 May 2003
Some of the aspects of a deficient study are the following (taken from a more
complete list in Frank & Whittle 2001):
Inadequate team and/or facilitator expertise;
Failure to identify or document all credible hazards associated with the process;
Important initiating events not captured;
Failure to address all operating modes (e.g. start-up, shut-down); and
Claiming ineffective safeguards when evaluating likelihoods (e.g. claiming operator
intervention when, in reality, the scenario would develop too quickly for effective
When undertaking a review and update of a study it is essential to identify all the
changes to the facility since the last study. Such changes can include changes that
have been made to P&IDs, changes to operating instructions, changes to control
philosophies, changes in raw materials, changes in staffing levels or training
programs, changes to adjacent land uses and changes to the maximum achievable
throughput. Compiling a list of the changes since the previous study was completed
requires the knowledge of numerous people in the facility as well as detailed records.
Auditing of the process and outcomes of the risk assessment is also required to
provide the Operator with assurance that the information contained in the risk
assessment has been implemented. Auditing can provide assurance that the
information used in the risk assessment is accurate and can provide early warning that
systems are less effective than anticipated or are falling into disrepair. As with all
audits, a balance must be sought between internal audits using people familiar with
the processes and the operating history and external audits using fresh eyes and
independent views. (See MIHAP No. 11 for more details on Safety Auditing).
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88 PlanningNSW
Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control: MIHAP No. 3 May 2003
Example Form/s
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89 PlanningNSW
Hazard Identification Word Diagram
90 PlanningNSW
Example of a Partially Completed Hazard and Risk Register
Facility Section or Operation: Plant A
Scenario Description: Loss of Containment from Pump P101 Reference No.: PA-LOC1
Material/s (Max. Quantities): Material A (X kg in pump and connecting pipework)
Description of Potential Consequences (Including Magnitude and Effects) Existing Control Measures
Risk Rating
Perf. Description of Likelihood of
Ref. No.
Desc. of Potential Effects (On-Site and Off-Site) and Consequence Rating: Critical COP
Initiating Type and Std Potential Effects (On-Site
Control SMS Data Action/s
Event Magnitude Biophysical Description No. and Off-Site) and Likelihood
People Property Measure Ref. Sheet
Environment Economic Impact Rating
(Yes/No) No.
Seal leak Unignited release Injury to (and None identified None identified Minor disruption Automatic gas detection No S. 3-3 - - Seal leak = 1 x 10-3 per yr.
(without of Material A to hospitalisation) of [INSIGNIFICANT]. [INSIGNIFICANT]. to operations until and isolation system in S. 5-1
ignition) atmosphere. up to 5 on-site stand-by pump is Plant A. Frequency of release (without
personnel at brought on-line ignition) with existing control
Max. downwind production office [INSIGNIFICANT]. Etc. Etc. Etc. Etc. Etc. measures = 1 x 10-4 per yr
level conc. of 100
ppm = 25 m. Detectable odour Probability of wind direction
Etc. Etc. Etc. Etc. Etc.
at nearest (towards production office) =
Max. downwind residence [NA]. 0.2.
distance to ground
level conc. of 10 Total (approx.) likelihood ~ 2 x Refer to
ppm = 250 m. 10-5 per yr [REMOTE]. Figure 6
Seal leak (with Etc. Etc. Etc. Etc. Etc. Etc. Etc. Etc. Etc. Etc. Etc.
Note: Critical control measures are
only associated with major accident Cross-reference to documentation on
hazards. Although the gas detection specific critical control measure
and isolation system is not a critical performance standards and critical
control measure in this case, it may be operating parameters
critical for a different scenario or
initiating event.
91 PlanningNSW
Hazard and Risk Register
Facility Section or Operation:
Scenario Description: Reference No.:
Material/s (Max. Quantities):
Initiating Description of Potential Consequences (Including Magnitude and Effects) Existing Control Measures
Risk Rating
Description of Likelihood
Ref. No.
Event Type and Desc. of Potential Effects (On-Site and Off-Site) and Consequence Critical COP
Magnitude Rating: Perf. of Potential Effects (On-
Control SMS Data Action/s
Description Std Site and Off-Site) and
People Biophysical Property Economic Measure Ref. Sheet
No. Likelihood Rating
Environment Impact (Yes/No) No.
92 PlanningNSW
Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control: MIHAP No. 3 May 2003
Longford (Australia), The low temperature brittle failure of a heat exchanger in a gas
1998 separation plant led to a fire and several explosions that killed
2 and injured another 8 people. The immediate cause of the
incident was the loss of flow of the heating medium in the
heat exchanger, when the pumps that circulated this fluid
stopped. Plant operators were not aware of the hazard this
represented, nor did they react correctly to warning signs. An
operating instruction highlighting this hazard was not longer
available and HAZOPs on the plant had been deferred. A near
miss occurred 1 month prior to the accident and had very
similar causes.
(ergonomics). The consequences of the release were a large
vapour cloud explosion and fire, which later escalated to two
other explosions in separate parts of the plant. The severity of
the consequences and the escalations were exacerbated by
the plant layout and the vulnerability of fire-fighting systems to
fire and blast damage.
Piper Alpha, 1988 This accident resulted in the loss of 167 lives and destruction
of an entire offshore platform. It began with a small leak in a
condensate pump system. A combination of operational,
Bhopal (India), 1984 Following a release of highly toxic methyl-isocyanate via a vent
stack, over 2000 people were killed at a large shanty town
93 PlanningNSW
Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control: MIHAP No. 3 May 2003
Not only was the hazard not identified during the modification,
it was not recognised during subsequent operations despite
warning signs.
94 PlanningNSW
Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control: MIHAP No. 3 May 2003
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95 PlanningNSW
The following tables summarise a number of different approaches that have been taken to define the consequence and likelihood categories for risk matrices.
- No injuries - First aid treatment - Medical treatment required - Extensive injuries - Death
- Low level short-term subjective - Objective but reversible - Moderate irreversible disability - Single fatality - Short or long term health effects leading to multiple fatalities
inconvenience or symptoms disability/impairment
- Impairment (<30%) to one or - Severe irreversible disability - Significant irreversible human health effects to >50 persons
- No measurable physical effects - Medical treatment injuries requiring more persons or impairment (>30%) to one
hospitalisation or more persons
- No medical treatment
- First aid treatment - Casualty treatment - Serious injury - Fatality - Multiple fatalities (internal) - Multiple fatalities
(internal and external)
Industry Example 3 Notable Event Significant Event Highly Significant Serious Event Extremely Serious Catastrophic
- 1 Minor injury - Recordable or single - Multiple MTC - Disability casualty - 1 Fatality - Multiple fatalities
- First aid - 1 LWC - Multiple LWC
- Localised first aid treatment - Medical treatment required - Extensive injuries - Fatality(s) or permanent serious disability(s)
- Permanent part disability
- No health effect/injury - Slight health effect/injury - Minor health effect/injury - Major health effect/injury - Single fatality - Multiple fatalities
96 PlanningNSW
Table 14: Consequence Categories: Environment
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
97 PlanningNSW
Table 15:
: Likelihood Categories
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
98 PlanningNSW
Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control: MIHAP No. 3 May 2003
Discharge Models
Discharge models are often the first stage in developing consequence estimates. Their
purpose is to allow the rate of release and the amount released to be estimated.
It is important to correctly determine the phase of the discharge as this affects the
flow rate. The release could be in the form of a gas, liquid or two-phase mixture. The
behaviour of the contents of the vessel and the discharge rate depend on a number of
factors such as the properties of the material and the temperature and pressure within
the vessel immediately before release.
Some examples of discharge phenomena are as follows:
a) vapour discharges may result from:
boiling point.
c) two-phase discharges may result from:
a hole in equipment in the region of a gas/ liquid interface;
99 PlanningNSW
Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control: MIHAP No. 3 May 2003
The total amount of material released is usually determined by the amount of material
stored in any single vessel or interconnected vessels plus the net ingress of material
into the system, for instance, due to fluids being pumped from elsewhere.
In many situations, it is necessary to estimate the flash fraction of an initial liquid
discharge, and the extent of entrainment of liquid droplets, for instance from
pressurised liquefied gases. Methods for estimating flash fractions are presented in
the TNO Yellow Book (1997), Lees (1996) and AlChE (1996).
Dispersion Models
The analysis of the dispersion of gases and particulates in air and contaminants in
water bodies often plays a central role in consequence calculations. Because the
effects of hazardous materials on people and the environment are dependent upon the
concentration/time exposure profiles, these profiles must be considered in order to
properly estimate effects.
In order to make the calculations manageable, however, rather than calculating the
exact concentration/time profiles, it is often appropriate to make simplifying
assumptions. For instance, the maximum ground level concentration of a toxic gas
might be assumed to exist throughout the duration of the event instead of more
rigorously analysing the time varying concentration. For flammable clouds, it may be
sufficient to estimate the maximum dimensions of the cloud which is within
flammability limits.
The exact methodology adopted will depend upon the needs of the particular
circumstances and judgement will have to be exercised by the analyst in order to
decide upon the appropriate degree of detail.
Vapour cloud behaviour is determined predominantly by the density of the gas relative
to air, the rate of release over time and weather conditions. It is convenient to classify
the clouds according to whether they are heavier than, the same density as or lighter
Clouds with positive buoyancy tend to rise. In most circumstances, this tends to limit
the harm they can inflict.
Dense clouds stay at low levels for a considerable distance downwind and pose a
much greater hazard. In some instances, dense clouds can travel upwind because of a
combination of topographical features and gravitational forces.
Gases with Neutral or Positive Buoyancy
for small puffs of dense gas that dilute rapidly at the point of release to a neutral
buoyancy; and
in a dense gas dispersion model after neutral buoyancy of the dispersing cloud has
been achieved.
The Pasquill-Gifford model is the commonly used model for dispersion estimates. The
model is described in Pasquill and Smith (1983), TNO (1997) and Lees (1996).
In cases where the release is a high velocity turbulent jet rather than a plume, more
sophisticated analysis is required. The dispersion of a neutral, buoyant or dense jet is
discussed in AlChE (2000).
100 PlanningNSW
Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control: MIHAP No. 3 May 2003
Dense Gases
Substances included in the dense gas category include those with molecular weight
heavier than air, liquefied gases at cryogenic temperatures and liquefied gases stored
under pressure and which become more dense than air due to a fall in temperature
upon release.
The behaviour of dense gas clouds is characterised by an initial slumping and horizontal
spreading due to the force of gravity.
A number of models have been developed for consequence modelling of dense gas
dispersion. The mathematics which describe the dispersion process is complex and
hence the models are usually incorporated into computer programs. Reviews of some
models for dense gas dispersion are provided in AlChE (1996) and Daish et al. (1998).
The dispersion characteristics of particulates such as toxic dusts or smoke may also
need to be analysed. Lees (1996) provides a list of further references on the dispersion
of particulates in air.
The thermal radiation incident at various points away from the fire is governed by the
heat flux at the flame surface and the flame geometry. The surface heat flux is in turn
governed by the burning characteristics of the particular material under the particular
physical conditions. The heat flux at any particular point can be estimated using the
'view factor method' which is described in TNO (1997). The various types of fires are
described briefly in Section with further information available in TNO (1997).
Fire damage estimates are based upon correlations with recorded incident radiation
flux and damage levels. A table of radiation effects is included in Table 16.
The simplest and most often used technique of calculating overpressures is the well
documented TNT Equivalence Model, described in Lees (1996). However, more
sophisticated models are available, some of which are detailed in AlChE (2000).
101 PlanningNSW
Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control: MIHAP No. 3 May 2003
Pressure vessel needs to be relieved or failure will occur
35 Cellulosic material will pilot ignite within one minute's exposure
Significant chance of fatality for people exposed instantaneously
Table 17: Effects of Explosion Overpressure
Explosion Effect
102 PlanningNSW
Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control: MIHAP No. 3 May 2003
hazardous incidents. The most commonly used methods are fault tree analysis and
event tree analysis.
Random number techniques, such as Monte Carlo simulation, use a fault tree or similar
logic model as a basis. The probability of each contributing failure is expressed as a
range of probabilities. The severity of the 'top event' is expressed as a function of the
probability of various events. In this way it is possible to differentiate the effect of each
contributing factor to the top event.
Common cause failure (CCF) analysis is particularly useful in assessing the causes of
dependent failures in plants where system redundancy has been increased to improve
reliability. CCF investigates the factors that create dependencies among components
and identifies those most likely to lead to a CCF. A quantitative CCF evaluates the
probability of occurrence of each postulated CCF event. The method has been
event must be combined with the probability of failure associated with that event.
Flood zone maps, earthquake zones,
The likelihood of people making mistakes is referred to as Human Error. Some
examples are provided in Table 5. For more details see Kletz (1991) and CCPS (1994).
103 PlanningNSW
Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control: MIHAP No. 3 May 2003
Rail or road tanker loading Tanker overfill Spillage of fuel with Tanker overfill
bays for flammable liquids pool fire if ignited protection
Regular inspection/
Flexible hose failure Possible propagation to maintenance of hoses
involve entire tanker
Driver uncouples hose contents or other tankers Drive-away protection
before isolating through brake
Ground contamination interlocks or boom gates
Driver fails to disconnect
before driving off Water course pollution Control of ignition
via drainage system sources
Collision Remote isolation
Pollution via fire fighting systems
Adequate bunding/
drainage systems
Foam monitors /
Adequate emergency
egress routes
n su
104 PlanningNSW
Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control: MIHAP No. 3 May 2003
during demolition, construction, and commissioning.
COP Critical Operating Parameter.
Design Review
A design review study is used to compare the current condition
of the facility against the original design intention and any
subsequent changes in knowledge, codes or standards. This
may be undertaken as part of a proposed modification or in
light of changes at the facility.
105 PlanningNSW
Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control: MIHAP No. 3 May 2003
Near Miss Any occurrence which, but for mitigation effects, actions or
systems, could have escalated to a major accident.
National Occupational Health and Safety Commission.
An employer, occupier or person who has management or
control of a facility.
PLL Potential Loss of Life.
Pre Startup Safety Reviews A review of the status of all previous
safety assessments prior to startup of a plant or a modified
106 PlanningNSW
Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control: MIHAP No. 3 May 2003
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8. Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS) 2000, Chemical Process Quantitative
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110 PlanningNSW
Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control: MIHAP No. 3 May 2003
Additional Information
Other Publications
Major Industrial Hazards Advisory Papers (MIHAPs):
No. 1 - Overview and Definitions
No. 2 - Notification, Classification and Prioritisation
No. 3 - Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control
No. 4 - Safety Management Systems
No. 5 - Safety Reporting
No. 6 - Training and Education
No. 7 - Emergency Planning
No. 8 - Land Use Safety
No. 9 - Accident Reporting and Investigation
No. 10 - Stakeholder Consultation
No. 11 - Safety Auditing
111 PlanningNSW