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(12) Ulllted States Patent

RuWWe et a].

(10) Patent N0.:

US 7,847,133 B2

(45) Date of Patent:



Dec. 7, 2010

References Cited


(75) Inventors: Johannes Ruwvye, Niederkassel (DE);

Kai-Martin Kruger, Essen (DE); Udo
Knippenberg, Marl (DE); Volker
Brehme,Nottuln-Appelhiilsen (DE);

Manfred Neumann, Marl (DE)

1,910,331 A

5/1933 Halbig

2,877,274 A
4,895,989 A
6,759,560 B2

3/1959 Kramis
1/1990 Sander
7/2004 Guth

2002/0183566 A1

(73) Assignee: Evonik Degussa GmbH, Essen (DE)



Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this

patent is extended or adjusted under 35

U.S.C. 154(b) by 371 days.

(21) Appl.No.: 12/153,888

(22) Filed:



968 903
0 299 577
1 242 345 A
377 631
WO 01/42178 A1

Prior Publication Data

US 2008/0296786 A1



May 27, 2008


12/2002 Guth et a1.

Dec. 4, 2008

Related US. Application Data

European Search Report for European patent reference EP 08 15

4500, Sep. 2008.

Primary ExamineriRosalynd Keys

(74) Attorney, Agent, or FirmiLaW O?ice of: Michael A.
SanZo, LLC

(60) Provisional application No. 60/935,715, ?led on Aug.

28, 2007.



The invention relates to a process for preparing an alcoholic

Foreign Application Priority Data

Jun. 1, 2007


..................... .. 10 2007 025 904

(51) Int. Cl.


solution of an alkali metal alkoxide from alkali metal hydrox

ide and alcohol in a reaction column, the alcohol and the alkali

metal hydroxide being conducted in countercurrent, Which is

C07C 31/30


characterized in that a re?ux ratio of at least 0.05 is estab


us. Cl. .................................................... .. 568/851


Field of Classi?cation Search ..................... .. None

lished in the reaction column'

See application ?le for complete search history.

18 Claims, 2 Drawing Sheets

/ 19
17 /

18b \

18a \

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1 0d

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US. Patent


Dec. 7, 2010

Sheet 1 of2

US 7,847,133 B2


US. Patent

Dec. 7, 2010

Sheet 2 0f 2

US 7,847,133 B2

US 7,847,133 B2



Surprisingly, a process has been found for preparing an

alcoholic solution of an alkali metal alkoxide from alkali
metal hydroxide and alcohol in a reaction column, the alcohol



and the alkali metal hydroxide being conducted in counter

current, Which is characterized in that a re?ux ratio of at least
0.05 is established in the reaction column. In the case of a

complete condensation, this means that at least 5% by Weight

The present application claims priority to German appli

of this condensate of the reaction column is returned to the

reaction column in the form of a re?ux at the top. As a result
of the establishment of a re?ux ratio in the reaction column, it

cation no. 10 2007 025 904.4, ?led on Jun. 1, 2007. The

present application also claims priority to, and the bene?t of,
US. provisional application 60/935,715, ?led on Aug. 28,
2007. The contents of these prior applications are hereby

is surprisingly possible to prevent solid precipitation beloW

incorporated by reference in their entirety.

the feed point of the alkali metal hydroxide solution. Com

pared to the prior art processes, the process according to the
invention has the advantage that the solubility limit of the
alkali metal hydroxide at the feed point of the alkali metal
hydroxide solutioniat Which the concentration of the alkali
metal hydroxide used is the greatestiis not exceeded. The


The present invention relates to a process for preparing

alkali metal alkoxides from alkali metal hydroxides by means
of reactive distillation.

re?ux ratio to be established in the process according to the

invention is guided by the type of alkali metal alkoxide to be



metal hydroxide in the mixture of Water and the alcohol used

Which is established. In particular, this Was surprising since
the prior art processes are performed Without re?ux in the

Alkali metal alkoxides are used as strong bases in the

synthesis of numerous chemicals, for example in the prepa

ration of active pharmaceutical or agrochemical ingredients.
In addition, alkali metal alkoxides ?nd use as catalysts in
transesteri?cation and amidation reactions.
Alkali metal alkoxides (MOR) are prepared by means of

reaction column, or the Water is WithdraWn from the conden


column. The establishment of a re?ux ratio ensures that, in the

from alkali metal hydroxides (MOH) and alcohols (ROH),

the Water of reaction formed being removed With the distillate

according to the following reaction.

no removal of the Water from the condensate before the re?ux


metal hydroxide and alcohol in a reaction column, the alcohol

and the alkali metal hydroxide being conducted in counter

serves to enable a separation of Water and a Water-soluble

alcohol. In the tWo patents, the condensate is subjected to a

phase separation in order to remove the Water of reaction.
For instance, DE 96 89 03 also describes a process for

is recycled into the reaction column.

The invention thus provides a process for preparing an
alcoholic solution of an alkali metal alkoxide from alkali

solution and gaseous methanol are conducted in countercur

rent in a recti?cation column. In basically unchanged form,

this process is described again in EP 1 242 345.
Similar processes in Which, hoWever, an aZeotroping agent,
for example benZene, is used additionally are described in GB
377,631 and US. Pat. No. 1,910,331. The aZeotroping agent

sate by means of phase separation or membrane techniques

before the noW anhydrous re?ux is recycled to the reaction

upper part of the reaction column, a su?iciently high Water

concentration is alWays present, such that solid precipitation
is effectively prevented. A process is thus possible Which is
less sensitive to disruptions or variations, for example con
centration variations in the feeds. In contrast to the prior art
processes, in the process according to the invention, there is

reactive distillation in a countercurrent distillation column

Such a process principle is described, for example, in US.

Pat. No. 2,877,274, in Which aqueous alkali metal hydroxide

prepared and by the solubility of the corresponding alkali

current, Which is characterized in that a re?ux ratio of at least

0.05 is established in the reaction column.


continuously preparing alkali metal alkoxides, in Which the

FIG. 1 shoWs a plant With a loWer pressure in the reaction

column 4 than in the recti?cation column 9. In this case, the

alkali metal hydroxide solution is conducted via the pipeline

Water-alcohol mixture removed at the top is condensed and

then subjected to a phase separation. In this case, the aqueous
phase is discarded and the alcoholic phase is returned to the
column at the top together With the fresh alcohol. A similar
process is described by EP 0 299 577, in Which the Water is
removed in the condensate With the aid of a membrane.


In practice, all processes have the disadvantage that, at the

feed point of the alkali metal hydroxide solutioniie. at the
point in the column pro?le at Which the concentration of the
alkali metal hydroxide used is the greatestithe risk exists


rator 5 are fed via the pipeline 7 at the loWer end of the


reaction column 4. The alcohol 8 recycled from the recti?ca

tion column can be fed in at several points in the reaction
column 4: 8a and 8b. In addition to the feeding of the recycled
alcohol, fresh alcohol can also be fed via the feed lines 1011 to
10e. At the top of the column, a portion of the vapours is

1 into a heat exchanger 2, in Which it is heated to the tem

that solid precipitation occurs and the process has to be inter

It Was therefore an object of the present invention to pro
vide a process for preparing an alcoholic solution of an alkali

metal alkoxide Which offers a stable continuous preparation

process With high process reliability, in Which commercial

aqueous alkali metal hydroxide solutions can be used.


perature of the feedpoint, and is added via the pipeline 3 at the

top of the column 4. The alkali metal alkoxide solution is
WithdraWn at the bottom of the column via the pipeline 6. At
the bottom of the column is disposed an evaporator 5 With
Which the concentration of the alkali metal alkoxide solution
is adjusted to the desired value. The vapours from the evapo

condensed and can be recycled as re?ux 11 back into the

reaction column 4. The other portion of the vapours is con
ducted via a pipeline 12 and a vapour compressor 13 into the
recti?cation column 9. At the bottom of this recti?cation
column 9, Water is WithdraWn via the pipeline 14. The column
is heated by means of the evaporator 15, Which feeds the
vapour stream via the pipeline 16 at the loWer end of the

US 7,847,133 B2

recti?cation column 9. At the top of the recti?cation column
9, fresh alcohol can be applied to the top of the recti?cation
column via the pipeline 18a. At the top of the recti?cation
column, a portion of the vapours is condensed and recycled
back into the recti?cation column 9 as re?ux 19. The other
portion of the vapours is transferred to the recti?cation col

The alcohol used in the process according to the invention

may serve both as the solvent and as a reactant. Moreover, the

alcohol used can serve to strip Water out of the liquid, such
that it can be removed from the reaction chamber via the

distillate. Therefore, in the process according to the invention,

preference is given to using 15 to 45 times the amount, pref

umn 4 via a pipeline 8. The fresh alcohol can also be added to

erably 25 to 35 times the amount, of alcohol based on the

the re?ux of the recti?cation column at the feed points 18b

and 180.
FIG. 2 shoWs a plant With a higher pressure in the reaction
column 4 than in the recti?cation column 9. This plant differs
from the plant in FIG. 1 in that the vapour stream 8 is con

Weight of Water in the feedstream of the alkali metal hydrox

It is advantageous to operate the reaction column at a

pressure of 0.5 to 2 bar; preference is given to operating the

reaction column at ambient pressure.

The alkali metal hydroxide solution is added in the process

according to the invention preferably to the uppermost tray, or
fed at the top of the reaction column. It is advantageous for the
process according to the invention to feed the alkali metal
hydroxide solution to the reaction column preferably With a

ducted via a vapour compressor 20 into the reaction column 4.

The vapour compressor 13 is dispensed With.


temperature just beloW the boiling point of this solution. In

The re?ux ratio in the process according to the invention is

guided by the type of alkali metal alkoxide to be prepared and

by the solubility of the alkali metal hydroxide used in the


the case of use of an aqueous sodium hydroxide solution, it is

preferably heated to a temperature of 50 to 700 C. before


supply into the reaction column, for example by means of a

heat exchanger. The feed temperature of the alkali metal
hydroxide solution should have the temperature of the tray at
the feed point of the alkali metal hydroxide solution.
In the process according to the invention, the top product,

mixture of Water and the alcohol used Which is established.

The vapours obtained in the reaction column are the alcohol
With a small amount of Water, at least 5% by Weight of these

vapours being condensed in these processes according to the

invention and this condensate being recycled in the form of a
re?ux at the top of the reaction column, Which corresponds to

i.e. vapour or distillate, Which is not recycled as re?ux to the

reaction column, is separated in a further process step into

a re?ux ratio of at least 0.05 in the reaction column. In the

context of this invention, a re?ux ratio is understood to mean

the ratio of the mass ?oW (kg/h) Which is recycled to the

column in liquid form (re?ux) and of the mass ?oW (kg/h)
Which is draWn off from the reaction column in liquid form
(distillate) or gaseous form (vapour). In the reaction column,
preference is given to establishing a re?ux ratio of 0.11 to
0.34, more preferably of 0.14 to 0.27 and most preferably a
re?ux ratio of 0.17 to 0.24. Preference is thus given to recy

Water and alcoholithis can preferably be done in a recti?

cation column, in Which case the alcohol obtained by the


It is thus possible to feed both recycled alcohol from the

recti?cation column and fresh alcohol to the reaction column

cling 10 to 25% by Weight, more preferably 12 to 21% by

Weight and most preferably 15 to 19% by Weight of the top
Water in the condensate and/or in the re?ux of the reaction
column is preferably not removed before the recycling as
re?ux into the reaction column. The establishment of a re?ux
ratio in the reaction column ensures that, in the upper part of

the countercurrent distillation column, a su?iciently high

Water concentration is alWays present in the reaction mixture,
such that solid precipitation can effectively be prevented.
The possible alkali metal hydroxides used in the process
according to the invention may be sodium hydroxide, potas
sium hydroxide or lithium hydroxide; preference is given to

using sodium hydroxide and potassium hydroxide. The alkali

column together With the recycled alcohol.

The recycled alcohol from the recti?cation column is pref

to 10 trays, more preferably 1 to 6 trays, above the bottom, or


given to feeding the fresh alcohol into the bottom, into the


The alkali metal hydroxides are used in the process accord

ing to the invention preferably as an aqueous solution; pref
erence is given to using an aqueous solution having a content

evaporator or to a tray or to a plurality of trays Which are 1 to

10, more preferably 1 to 6, trays above the bottom. In particu

lar, the fresh alcohol is fed in the process according to the
invention into the bottom or into the evaporator of the reaction
columnipreferably in gaseous form.
In a preferred embodiment of the process according to the
invention, fresh alcohol is added into the upper part of the

recti?cation columniespecially together With the re?ux of

the recti?cation column. This embodiment of the process

(by acidimetry) of alkali metal hydroxide of 15 to 55%, more

according to the invention is suitable especially for removing


excess Water from the methanol before the alcohol is con

ducted into the reaction column. Particular preference is

may be aliphatic alcohols having 1 to 5 carbon atoms, for

given to adding the fresh alcohol to the condenser or to the

condensate vessel on the recti?cation column; very particular
preference is given to adding the fresh alcohol to the con

example methanol, ethanol, n- or isopropanol, n-, sec-, iso- or

tert-butanol, or isomers of pentanol, for example n-pentanol.

In the process according to the invention, hoWever, preference
is given to using methanol or ethanol; particular preference is
given to using methanol.

directly into the bottom of the reaction column. Mo st prefer

ably, the recycled alcohol is metered into the bottom of the
reaction column.
The fresh alcohol can be used in the process according to
the invention either as vapour or in liquid form. Preference is

tion or an aqueous solution Which comprises the alcohol used

preferably of 30 to 53% and more preferably of 45 to 52%.

In the process according to the invention, the alcohols used

erably fed to the reaction column in gaseous form at least

tWenty trays beloW the feed point of the alkali metal hydrox
ide solution. The recycled alcohol is preferably metered in 1

metal hydroxides may be used in the process according to the

invention in the form of an aqueous solution, alcoholic solu
as a further solvent.

in the process according to the invention. Preference is given

to feeding both recycled alcohol and fresh alcohol to the
reaction column. Optionally, the fresh alcohol can be fed to
the reaction column in a separate feed point or to the reaction

product into the reaction column in the form of a re?ux at the

top thereof. In the process according to the invention, the

separating stage can be fed to the recti?cation column as

recycled alcohol.


denser on the recti?cation column.

In a particular embodiment of the process according to the

invention, the fresh alcohol is added to the re?ux of the

US 7,847,133 B2

reaction column; this can be done in the condenser or else into
the condensate vessel on the reaction column.
The alcohol metered into the reaction columniboth the

In the case of use of methanol as the alcohol in the process

according to the invention, the distillate of the reaction col

umn is preferably Worked up in a recti?cation column. Suit
able internals here are all knoWn internals, both trays and

recycled alcohol and the fresh alcoholipreferably has an

average Water content of not more than 1000 ppm (m/m),

structured packings and random packings. The methanol is

preferably not more than 500 ppm (m/m). It is particularly

advantageous for the process according to the invention When
the alcohol metered into the reaction column has an average
Water content of 200 to 450 ppm (m/m), preferably of 300 to

obtained here as loW-boiling distillate at the top of the recti

?cation column, and the Water can be WithdraWn at the bottom
of the recti?cation column. The re?ux ratio here is preferably
greater than 0.5 and is preferably 0.8 to 1.5. The pressure in

400 ppm (m/m).

the recti?cation column can be selected at either a loWer or

The process according to the invention can be operated

either continuously or semicontinuously. In the case of semi

higher level than in the reaction column. The temperature is

established correspondingly. The methanol/Water feed is
introduced into the loWer half of the recti?cation column,
preferably from the 2nd to 15th tray above the evaporator. In
this preferred embodiment of the process according to the
invention, fresh alcohol is added to the upper part of the
recti?cation columniespecially together With the re?ux of

continuous operation, the alcohol, preferably methanol, is

initially charged in the evaporator of the reaction column, the
alcohol is metered in during operation to the column bottom
in liquid form, or in gaseous form at the loWermost or one of

the loWer trays of the column, and an alkali metal hydroxide

solution is metered in at the top of the reaction column.

the recti?cation columniin order to remove excess Water

from the methanol before the alcohol is recycled into the

HoWever, preference is given to operating the process

according to the invention continuously. In this case, alkali
metal hydroxide solution is preferably metered in at the top of
the reaction column, While gaseous alcohol is metered into
the bottom of the reaction column.
The reaction column of the process according to the inven


tion preferably has column trays of the bubble-cap tray type,

selected from bubble-cap trays, tunnel-cap trays, Thormann


the fresh alcohol to the condenser or to the condensate vessel

on the recti?cation column; very particular preference is

given to adding the fresh alcohol to the condenser on the
recti?cation column.

ally multistage processes for the Workup of the alcohol in the

process according to the invention, in Which the aZeotropes or

recycled into the reaction column. Preferred processes for this

Workup of the alcohol are distillation, drying by means of

knoWn to those skilled in the art. The assistants used may be

heteroaZeotropes With the alcohol. HoWever, it is also pos

sible to use adsorbents, for example Zeolites, for this purpose.

WithdraWn at the top of the reaction column and has not been
recycled into the reaction column as re?ux is Worked up in a
recti?cation column at a higher pressure than in the reaction

restricted to this embodiment.


Example 1.1 (Inventive)



reaction column into the recti?cation column via a vapour

It is likeWise possible to perform the reaction at higher

pressure than the recti?cation and to recycle the top product


1. Continuous Process

column. It is advantageous for the process according to the

invention to conduct this portion of the top product of the
compressor. The Water is discharged from the system via the
bottom ef?uent of the recti?cation column. The distillate
obtained at the top of the recti?cation column can in turn be
recycled to the reaction column.

The examples Which folloW are intended to illustrate the

process according to the invention for preparing alkali metal

alkoxides in detail, Without any intention that the invention be

membrane processes or drying by means of a molecular sieve,

as knoWn to those skilled in the art. Preference is given to

performing this Workup of the alcohol in the process accord

ing to the invention by means of distillation.
In a particularly preferred embodiment of the process
according to the invention, the top product Which has been

heteroaZeotropes can be separated by means of techniques

prior art azeotroping agents Which are capable of forming

The distillate not recycled into the reaction column is pref

erably separated in a separate step in the process according to
the invention, and the alcohol freed of Water can thus be

In the case ofuse ofethanol, n- or isopropanol, n-, sec-, iso

or tert-butanol, or in the case of the isomers of pentanol,

preference is likeWise given to selecting distillative, option

trays or cross-slit bubble-cap trays, as internals. In a further

embodiment of the process according to the invention, the

reaction column may also have sieve trays or valve trays,
structured or unstructured packings or random packings.
The product stream in the process according to the inven
tion is advantageously WithdraWn at the column bottom or
evaporator and consists of an alcoholic solution of the desired
alkali metal alkoxide, for example as a 30% solution. This
product stream may optionally have small amounts of Water
and/ or unreacted alkali metal hydroxide.

recti?cation column. Particular preference is given to adding


At the top of a 9 metre-high reaction column equipped With

40 bubble-cap trays and having an internal diameter of 80
mm, 0.53 kg/h of a 50% aqueous sodium hydroxide solution
is heated to about 600 C. and fed to the uppermost tray. The
reaction column is equipped With an electrical compensation
heater Which comprises 10 trays in each case in order to
minimiZe heat losses to the environment. The temperature of
the compensation heater is regulated in each case to the inter
nal temperature of the middle tray of the particular section.
12% by Weight of the condensate of the reaction column are
recycled to the reaction column in the form of a re?ux, ie a
re?ux ratio of 0.14 is established in order to reduce the pro

portion of dissolved solid in the liquid phase. In addition, it is


operated at ambient pressure. BetWeen the evaporator and the

loWermost tray of this reaction column, 8.88 kg/h of vaporous

of the recti?cation column into the reaction column by means

methanol With a Water content of 400 ppm (m/m) and a

of a vapour compressor.

temperature of about 700 C. are passed into the reaction

column, Which ascends in countercurrent to the liquid phase

The recti?cation of the mixture of alcohol and Water can be

effected in the process according to the invention according to

knoWn process steps, as described, for example, in Distilla

tion: Principles and Practices (Johan G. Stichlmair, James R.

Fair; Wiley-VCH).


in the column.
A product stream of 1.16 kg/h Which consists of a 30%
sodium methoxide solution in methanol and Whose concen
tration of Water and unreacted sodium hydroxide4calculated

US 7,847,133 B2

as sodium hydroxideiis a total of 0.18% by Weight is With

draWn from the evaporator of the reaction column. The tem
perature at the top of the column is 75 C. An amount of
condensate of 8.25 kg/h, Which consists of pure methanol
With a 5% Water content, is obtained there. About 1 kg/h of the
condensate is recycled as re?ux into the column.
The total alkalinity, i.e. the concentration of sodium

a cooler, re?ux divider and a metering means at the top. The

incoming streams in the top or at the bottom can be heated if

Example 2.1 (Inventive)

The reaction column selected has the folloWing construc
tion: BeloW the temperature measurement point, a column

hydroxide and sodium methoxide in the liquid phase, is

reduced to beloW 20% by Weight by this measure, i.e. the
liquid phase is diluted and the concentrations of sodium
hydroxide and sodium methoxide are signi?cantly beloW the
particular solubility limit. This is true especially of sodium

section With steel Wool packing (20 cm) and, above it, a
bubble-cap tray column With 9 trays are used. The tWo col
umns have a diameter of 29 mm. The apparatus is charged

With 720 g of methanol, Which is heated to boiling. The re?ux

divider is adjusted to a re?ux ratio of 0.16, such that approx.
300 g of distillate per h are obtained. At the top of the reaction
column, a 50% aqueous sodium hydroxide solution is

hydroxide, since the Water recycled signi?cantly increases

the Water content in the liquid phase. The sodium hydroxide

metered in at a rate of 13 g/h. 290 g/h of methanol are metered

in via the metering means at the bottom. No solid precipita
tion is observed.

thus remains in solution. Therefore, no solid precipitation can

be observed in the reaction column.

After 6 hours, the metered addition of the sodium hydrox

Example 1.2 (Not Inventive)

At the top of a 9 metre-high reaction column equipped With
40 bubble-cap trays and having an internal diameter of 80
mm, 0.55 kg/h of a 50% aqueous sodium hydroxide solution
is heated to about 600 C. and fed to the uppermost tray. The
reaction column is equipped With an electrical compensation
heater Which comprises 10 trays in each case in order to
minimize heat losses to the environment. The temperature of
the compensation heater is regulated in each case to the inter
nal temperature of the middle tray of the particular section.


methanol are obtained, Which has a concentration of Water


Example 2.2 (not inventive)



ascends in countercurrent to the liquid phase in the column.

A product stream of 1.27 kg/h Which consists of a 30%
tration of Water and unreacted sodium hydroxideicalculated
as sodium hydroxideiis a total of 0.15% by Weight is With
draWn from the evaporator of the reaction column. The tem
perature at the top of the column is 750 C. An amount of
condensate of 8.01 kg/h is obtained there, Which consists of

The reaction column used is the apparatus described under

Example 2.1. The apparatus is charged With 720 g of metha
nol, Which is heated to boiling so as to obtain approx. 460 g of
distillate per h. At the top of the reaction column, a 50%
aqueous sodium hydroxide solution is metered in at a rate of

ambient pressure. BetWeen the evaporator and the loWermost

tray of this reaction column, 8.74 kg/h of vaporous methanol

sodium methoxide solution in methanol and Whose concen

and unreacted sodium hydroxide4calculated as sodium

hydroxideiof 0.75% by Weight in total.

The column is operated Without re?ux, and is operated at

having a Water content of 400 ppm (m/m) and a temperature

of about 700 C. are passed into the reaction column, Which

ide solution at the top is ended. For a further 30 minutes,

methanol is metered in at the bottom of the column and
distillation is continued With the same condensate removal.
After 6.5 hours, 697 g of a 10% sodium methoxide solution in


20 g/h. The apparatus is operated Without re?ux. After

approx. 1 hour, signi?cant solid precipitation is observed on
the uppermost 3 trays of the bubble-cap tray column.
After 6 hours, the metered addition of the sodium hydrox
ide solution at the top is ended. For a further 30 minutes,
methanol is metered in at the bottom of the column and
distillation is continued With the same condensate removal.
After 6.5 hours, 582 g of a 13% sodium methoxide solution in
methanol are obtained, Which has a concentration of Water

and unreacted sodium hydroxide4calculated as sodium


pure methanol With a 5% Water content.

hydroxideiof 0.57% by Weight in total.

Example 2.3 (Inventive)

The total alkalinity, ie the concentration of sodium

hydroxide and sodium methoxide in the liquid phase, is sig

ni?cantly above 30% by Weight. The sodium hydroxide con


centration in the upper part of the column is signi?cantly

higher and the Water concentration is signi?cantly loWer than
in Example 1.1. Solid precipitation is observed on the upper
trays of the column.
2. Semicontinuous Process
A laboratory distillation apparatus is constructed as fol
loWs: A multineck ?ask is equipped With tWo column sec
tions, Which are connected via an intermediate piece for
incorporation of a thermometer, and With a stirrer, thermom
eter and a metering means at the bottom. The column sections
used may, as desired, be tray columns or packed columns; it is
likeWise possible to use different column types above and

beloW the temperature measurement point. The column is

equipped With a re?ux divider. To check the solid formation,
preference is given to using a bubble-cap tray column made
from glass. The top of the distillation column is equipped With

The reaction column used is the apparatus described under

Example 2.1. The apparatus is charged With 720 g of metha
nol, Which is heated to boiling. The re?ux divider is adjusted
to a re?ux ratio of 0.16, such that approx. 460 g of distillate
per h are obtained. At the top of the reaction column, a 50%
aqueous sodium hydroxide solution is metered in at a rate of



20 g/h. No solid precipitation is observed.

After 6 hours, the metered addition of the sodium hydrox
ide solution at the top is ended. For a further 30 minutes,
methanol is metered in at the bottom of the column and
distillation is continued With the same condensate removal.
After 6.5 hours, 814 g of an 11% sodium methoxide solution
in methanol are obtained, Which has a concentration of Water
and unreacted sodium hydroxide4calculated as sodium

hydroxideiof 0.57% by Weight in total.

Analysis Method:

The concentration of Water and unreacted alkali metal

hydroxide is determined by means of a modi?ed Karl-Fischer
titration, as is typically used for determining Water contents.

US 7,847,133 B2
8. The process of claim 5, Wherein said distillate is sepa
rated into Water and alcohol using a recti?cation column that
is connected to said reaction column.
9. The process of claim 8, Wherein said recti?cation col

This detects Water and alkali metal hydroxide together as a

cumulative parameter. The corresponding content is reported

in % by Weight4calculated as alkali metal hydroxide.
All references cited herein are fully incorporated by refer
ence. Having noW fully described the invention, it Will be

umn has a higher pressure than said reaction column.

understood by those of skill in the art that the invention may

be practiced Within a Wide and equivalent range of conditions,

10. The process of claim 9, Wherein said distillate Which is

not recycled to the reaction column is conducted into said

parameters and the like, Without affecting the spirit or scope

recti?cation column via a vapor compressor.

of the invention or any embodiment thereof.

11. The process of claim 8, Wherein said reaction column

has a higher pressure than said recti?cation column.
12. The process of claim 11, Wherein, after the removal of
Water, said alcohol is recycled back to said reaction column

What is claimed is:

1. A process for preparing an alcoholic solution of an alkali

metal alkoxide, comprising:

via a vapour compressor.

a) reacting an alkali metal hydroxide With an alcohol in a

13. The process of claim 8, Wherein fresh alcohol is added

reaction column, Wherein:

i) said an alkali metal hydroxide and said alcohol ?oW in
countercurrent to one another in said reaction column;
ii) alcohol vapors are WithdraWn from said reaction col
umn and divided into a re?ux that is fed back into said
reaction column and a distillate, With the ratio of

re?ux to distillate (re?ux ratio) of at least 0.05; and

b) recovering said alcoholic solution of an alkali metal
alkoxide from said reaction column, Wherein Water is
not removed from the alcohol vapors being re?uxed
back into said reaction column.
2. The process of claim 1, Wherein said alkali metal
hydroxide is in the form of an aqueous solution, alcoholic

to a condenser or condensate vessel on the recti?cation col


14. A process for preparing an alcoholic solution of an

alkali metal alkoxide, comprising reacting an alkali metal

hydroxide and an alcohol in a reaction column, Wherein:

column as a solution at a ?rst site and said alcohol is fed

into said reaction column as gas at a second site beloW

said ?rst site, so that said alcohol and said alkali metal
hydroxide ?oW in countercurrent in said reaction col

3. The process of claim 1, Wherein a solution of said alkali

into the reaction column has an average Water content of 200

to 450 ppm (m/m), said total alcohol comprising both alcohol

recovered in said further process step and any fresh alcohol
added to said reaction column.


b) alcohol vapors are WithdraWn from said reaction column

solution or an aqueous solution comprising an alcohol.

metal hydroxide is fed into the top of said reaction column.

4. The process of claim 1, Wherein said alcohol is fed into
said reaction column in gaseous form at least tWenty trays
beloW the feed point of the solution of the alkali metal hydrox
5. The process of claim 1, Wherein said distillate Which is
not recycled to the reaction column is separated in a further
process step into Water and said alcohol, and the alcohol
recovered in this further process step is recycled to the reac
tion column.
6. The process of claim 5, Wherein said alcohol is methanol.
7. The process of claim 5, Wherein the total alcohol metered

a) said alkali metal hydroxide is fed into said reaction


at a site above said second site and divided into a re?ux

that is fed back into said reaction column and a distillate
that is not fed back into said reaction column, With the
re?ux ratio of said re?ux to said distillate being at least
0.05 Wherein Water is not removed from the alcohol

vapors being re?uxed into said reaction column.


15. The process of claim 14, Wherein said second site is at

least tWenty trays beloW said ?rst site.
16. The process of claim 14, Wherein said alcohol is metha
17. The process of claim 16, Wherein said alkali metal

hydroxide consists of sodium hydroxide or potassium


18. The process of claim 17, Wherein said distillate Which

is not recycled to the reaction column is separated into Water
and said alcohol on a recti?cation column and the alcohol

recovered after this separation is recycled to the reaction


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