G9 Chemistry
G9 Chemistry
G9 Chemistry
Date/Day Chapter Topic Key teaching points/ Objectives Key Questions Activity & Description Teaching Classwork Home Assignment
Aids/Resources Exercises
26.8.19 / The Alkali Reaction of 1) Understand how the similarities in the 1) Who remembers what direction Watch a PPT about the PPT Write the
Monday metals the metals reactions of these elements with water the Groups go on the Periodic Table? Periodic Table. reactivity series
provide evidence for their recognition as 2) Has anyone heard of the Alkali
a family of elements Metals before?
3. How many elements compose this
group of elements?
2. Understand how the differences
between the reactions of these elements
with air and water provide evidence for
the trend in reactivity in Group 1
27.8.19 / The Alkali Properties 1) use knowledge of trends in Group 1 to 1) What makes these metals different Draw conclusions about Reactions of the Draw the Complete the
Tuesday metals predict the properties of other alkali from the rest of the metallic patterns and trends in Group alkali metals in the diagrams questions in Pg: 129
metals elements? 1 from the results of the lab.
2. Explain the trend in reactivity in 2) What general pattern do you
Group 1 in terms of electronic notice about the elements of the
configurations. periodic table?
29.8.19 / Halogens Physical 1) know the colours, physical states (at 1 What is the significance of the Watch a PPT or PPT Complete the notes
Thursday properties room temperature) and trends in physical electrons and how they relate to the demonstration, and note the
properties of these elements elements on the periodic table? trends in colour and room
2. How do you find the oxidation temperature state of
2.Use knowledge of trends in Group 7 to number of an element? halogens
predict the properties of other halogens
30.8.19 / Halogens Displacement 1) Understand how displacement 1 How reaction will change Reactions of chlorine, Reactions of the Write the Complete the given
Friday reactions. reactions involving halogens and halides according to the group? bromine and iodine with halogens with iron in equation for the questions.
provide evidence for the trend in iron. the lab. given reactions.
reactivity in Group 7