Crawlwave: A Distributed Crawler: Apostolos@Kritikopoulos - Info, Sideri@Aueb - GR, Circular@

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CrawlWave: A Distributed Crawler

Apostolos Kritikopoulos1, Martha Sideri1, Kostantinos Stroggilos1


Dept. of Computer Science, Athens University of Economics and Business, Patision 76,
Athens, T.K.10434, Greece,,

Abstract. A crawler is a program that downloads and stores Web pages. A

crawler must revisit pages because they are frequently updated. In this paper we
describe the implementation of CrawlWave, a distributed crawler based on Web
Services. CrawlWave is written entirely in the .Net platform; it uses
XML/SOAP and is therefore extensible, scalable and easily maintained.
CrawlWave can use many client and server processors for the collection of data
and therefore operates with minimum system requirements. It is robust, has
good performance (download rate) and uses small bandwidth. Data updating
was one of the main design issues of CrawlWave. We discuss our updating
method, some bottleneck issues and present first experimental results.

1 Introduction
The size of the World Wide Web has grown remarkably since its first appearance in
the beginning of the 90 s. Because of this rapid increase of the available Web pages,
the use of the search engines as the mean for discovering the desired information is
continuously becoming more imperative. Search Engines are based on vast collections
of Web documents ([2],[4],[11],[16],[17]) which are gathered by Web crawlers. Web
crawlers are applications that visit the Web, following the hyperlinks within pages,
and store the page contents in a data repository. The pages are then analyzed and organized in a form that allows the fast retrieval of information.
The distributed crawlers that already exist ([1],[3],[7],[8],[15],[20]) communicate
via proprietary means (peer to peer, port communication, TCP/IP and HTTP calls),
which many times cause problems if the client agent is stopped by firewalls or proxies.
In most cases, the clients of these systems are fully dependent with the server and cannot work in an automated way (specific installation process is needed, the client must
exist in the same network as the server, the update of the client version is not automated etc.).
We propose a distributed crawler system (CrawlWave) which interacts with its detached clients via SOAP and XML. The interface of the main crawling engine is published via a Web Service. In contrast with the major search engines that use dedicated
agents for the crawling process ([7],[12]), our purpose is to distribute the load at multiple client PCs over the Internet and use their processing time and internet connection

The design of the CrawlWave was influenced -but not completely based- on the
methodology of the most famous peer-to-peer distributed systems like SETI@home
[14]. Our basic goals were to achieve persistence of the connection between the client
and the server (HTTP and XML/SOAP), to publish an open interface of the server
functionality (Web Services) that anyone could use, to ensure the consecutive and persistent process of the crawling, to automate the upgrading of the client module and to
use a Relational Database (Microsoft SQL Server) for the storage of the data. We used
state-of-the-art development tools (Microsoft.Net platform, C#, ADO.Net) to achieve
great performance. Our initial objective was to use the CrawlWave for the concentration of the Greek Web pages, with aim to create a data depository that could be used
for research purposes.
The following paper is organized as follows: Section 2 presents an overview of the
functional requirements and the desired architecture of the system. Section 3 analyzes
the interface and the implementation of the CrawlWave. Section 4 presents some preliminary experimental results. Finally Section 5 summarizes our conclusion.

2 Functional requirements of the CrawlWave

The structure of the CrawlWave has been designed in such way that it offers efficiency along with easy management and maintenance. A lot of effort has been given to improve the fault tolerance of the system (regarding possible errors of the software and
the hardware). In this part we describe the functional requirements that the system
must meet. A Web crawler ought to have great performance in order to visit all Greek
Web domain (gr) in reasonable time. Based on the fact that the Greek domain has already a size of almost 2400000 URLs [7], and the last 5 years it grows rapidly, is substantial that a Web crawler should be able to visit the Web documents with significant
speed (hundreds of pages per minute).
Data Repository Efficiency: The database could be organized in various ways in order
to store data with advanced speed. As it is mentioned in [4] the direct storage of entire
pages in disk, in the form of a sequence of objects (list or a log) in conjunction with a
data structure such as a B-tree index, is the most rapid solution. However this implementation leads to difficulties in maintenance, especially when updating the items of
the collection. The required solution is to use a relational Database in order to increase the efficiency and the availability of the stored data.
Download Module: During the past we tried many times to use a single computer to
crawl the Greek Web, but we always encountered many problems (power failures, decreasing speed due to the growth of the indices, unhandled exceptions). In most cases
the process was cancelled and many crawled data were lost. Based on these facts, we
decided to develop a decentralized crawler, which could operate regardless of the errors that might occur, the connection speed, and the efficiency of the database. A server/coordinator has to distribute to the various client modules a list of Web pages to be
visited. In that case the bandwidth is not shared between the client modules, but every

module could use its own bandwidth. During the visit of different Web pages, the
client module will probably meet enough obstacles (for example, many Web servers
could be unavailable). To skip this problem a multithreaded approach must be employed; the client has to interact with multiple Web servers simultaneously using different threads. With this approach we isolate any possible problems; in case of a local
error, only one thread will freeze for a short amount of time- but all the rest will
continue to operate.
User interface: One of the more basic elements that the system supervisor should have
access to, is the statistic report of the crawler s progress. The supervisor must be notified immediately of any problems that could delay the crawler s process. A simple
Web page that shows the current activity is considered adequate. The client modules
must not consume a lot of bandwidth at the local computer. For this reason the client
module must be adjusted to function proportionately with the local system's capabilities.
Fault tolerance: Resistibility in faults is one of the elements that characterize the qualitative software. A crawler handles huge amounts of data (tens of GB) and it is extremely essential that the integrity of these data to be independent of any possible errors. It is also very important that if the crawling process stops for some reason, then it
should continue from the point that it halted. In the worst case, the data loss should be
limited in the loss of some few pages. The system should be compliant with the model
ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) for any action that is related
with the storage of the data.
Scalability: Greek Web is increasing rapidly. That means that a Web crawler should
use all the capabilities of the hardware, in order to cope with the ever increasing load.
The system architecture should allow multiple (redundant) instances of its units to operate simultaneously. If one module collapses, then the crawler should be able to continue its operation even with lower speed.

3 Structure of CrawlWave
The basic modules of the CrawlWave are the Data Depository, the DBUpdater, the
CrawlWave Server, the CrawlWave Client and the VersionChecker. The following diagram presents the units of the system, and the way that communicate with each other:

Fig. 1. Architecture of CrawlWave

In the diagram we can see that the only unit that is unique (Singleton) in the system
is the data repository. All the other units (Server, DBUpdater and the Client) can exist
in many instances. Each CrawlWave Server coexists on the same workstation with the
DBUpdater (even though this is not necessary), while the Clients are completely independent. In the next section we analyze each of CrawlWave's main components.
3.1 Data Repository
CrawlWave uses a relational database (Microsoft SQL Server) for saving all the data
it collects through the crawling of the Web. A more low-level solution (like using
proprietary files based on B-Trees or custom hash tables) could probably be faster.
However this approach would be more difficult in the field of administration, report
generation and resource management. The database is not only used to store the internal data of each Web page, but also the link graph ([5],[10]) of the hyperlinks. We
also store important information about the available CrawlWave Servers, the PCs that
the clients operate on, and the history (log) of every function that a client uses.
3.2 Client-Server approach
Many distributed applications ([14]) use internet sockets to communicate with each
other (or with their server). This approach is very fast compared to HTTP text based
protocol but is extremely error-prone. Many times the Internet Proxy or the
Firewall/NAT of the client system restricts the access to any non well-known ports.
That means that the communication via ports other than HTTP (port 80) is not always

available or reliable. For this reason CrawlWave is based on SOAP (Simple Object
Access Protocol), a protocol that allows access to remote objects transparently using
XML documents [9]. The following diagram illustrates the communication between
client and server with the exchange of SOAP messages over the Web.

Fig. 2. XML messages between the client and the server of the CrawlWave

For the development of all the modules of the crawler, we used Microsoft Visual
Studio .Net 2003, and the C# programming language. In the next section we analyze
each of the system s modules.
3.2.1 The common library of the CrawlWave
It was a necessity to use common data structures for almost all modules. We encapsulated the common functionality and the shared objects into a DLL (Dynamic Link Library), in order to avoid the repetition of programming code.
3.3 CrawlWave Server
The main task of the CrawlWave Server is to distribute the URLs that must be visited
to all the clients, and to gather all the information that the clients have collected about
the requested Web pages. In Fig.3 we can view its basic modules and functionality.

Fig. 3. The architecture of the CrawlWave's server

The server was developed as an ASP.NET XML Web Service [19]. The transactions of the data are based on SOAP protocol and they are performed over HTTP. The

public interface of the service is an XML document (WSDL schema) that is available
to everyone who has access to the Internet. The specification of the interface XML
document is well defined in the Web Services Protocol designed by the World Wide
Web Consortium [18], and can be used by any development tool that supports Web
Services (such as Microsoft.Net, Java, Delphi etc). Therefore any third development
party, who wants to use the methods of the CrawlWave Server, can obtain its interface
and use its functionality by just reading the Web Service description file. The CrawlWave Server therefore is simply a public class with well-defined methods that can be
called by any remote client PC.
For the naming of the methods, we used a server-initiated naming convention; the
prefix send means that the server is sending data to the client, and get means that
the server receives information from the client. We briefly describe the functionality
of each method of the server object:
SendFirstClientInfo: This method is called the first time a client is connected with
the system. The server creates a unique identifier for the client, and returns it.
SendServers: It sends a list of the available servers and their version to the client.
SendUrlsToCrawl: The server creates a list of URLs to be visited, and sends them
to the Client. It gives top priority to the URLs that have never been visited. The
method used for selecting the URLs is the one of a random walk, though the system
can very easily be configured to use a BFS approach.
GetCrawlResults: Updates the repository with the data returned by a client.
GetClientComputerInfo: It is used the first time that a client communicates with a
server, to get vital client information (type of hardware, connection speed).
SendCurrentVersion: The client uses this method for version control. If a newer
version of the client is available the crawling process stops and the new version is
downloaded from the server.
SendVersionFile: Sends the latest version of the client s executable.
IsAlive: It is used only to certify that a specific server is in a functional state.
The system also publishes another (supplementary) Web Service, with the name
CrawlWaveServerStats. This object contains methods that can be used for statistical
reports regarding the topology of the crawled Web, the current crawling speed etc.
3.4 DBUpdater
This module is responsible for the proper update of the Web Pages and the link graph
contained in the data depository. The architecture is very simple:

Fig. 4. The functionality of DBUpdater

It can be installed in the same server with the CrawlWave Server, but that is not
necessary. Its main function is to read periodically the data returned by the clients, and
update the database. The data are stored as XML files from the CrawlWave Server at
a local temporary disk. Whenever DBUpdater finds a new XML file, it updates the
database with the data it contains and then deletes it. Basically the temporary directory
is a queue, and the XML files represent packets of information that must be inserted in
the Database. The reason that we used the DBUpdater, and we don t update the
database in a synchronous way, is because during our tests the delay of this function
was extremely aggravating. It was a necessity to update the database in bulk mode, using an asynchronous method.
3.5 CrawlWave VersionChecker
VersionChecker is one of the three main modules that compose the Client part of the
system (the other two are the CrawlWave Client and the CrawlWave Uninstaller). It
has three main functionalities:
Initialization: The first time the client application is launched, a unique identifier
must be retrieved, so that the CrawlWave Client can operate.
Scheduling: It launches the client application at specific time of the day, which is
parameterized by the user.
Versioning: Every time a new version is released, the VersionChecker downloads it
from the CrawlWave Server, and replaces the old one at the client PC.
VersionChecker was developed as a Windows Service, because it has to execute
continuously, and it has to check the status of the Client at specific time intervals.
3.6 CrawlWave Client
CrawlWave Client is the most important application of the client module, because its
main functionality is to crawl the Web pages, analyze their contents and return them
back to the CrawlWave Server.

Fig. 5. The modules and the operations of the CrawlWave's client

The only functionality of the client that is irrelevant with the crawling of the
URLs, is the GUI (Graphical User Interface) that the user operates to declare important information about the local PC and to adjust the Scheduler of the client. The
client after the establishment of the connection with an active server (by calling the
server method SendServers), it calls the server method SendUrlsToCrawl to get a list
of URLs to visit. After the parsing of the crawled URLs, it returns all the necessary information to the server by using the Web method GetCrawlResults. The parsing of the
Web pages and the extraction of the URLs is performed with the use of regular expressions. This way we can extract hyperlinks found in the body of a page, in framesets or form actions. The URLs are then parsed in order to be converted to canonical
form and the number and type of their parameters (if any) is examined in order to remove redundant information. The parameters are sorted alphabetically and any session
ids are removed using a heuristic function. The types of session ids this function can
recognize include hexadecimal strings (traditionally used by languages such as PHP or
JSP) and GUIDs. For example the URLs:
are dynamic html pages, and they are basically the same, because the first two contain
the Session Id of the current connection in hexadecimal form.
The URL extraction and normalization processing speed during our tests varied
between 800KB/sec and 3600KB/sec and is a CPU-intensive task. Considering that
the average size of an HTML file is less than 20KB, one can conclude that the performance is very adequate. CrawlWave Client also uses the class RobotsManager [13], a
Singleton [6] implementation of a FIFO, which is responsible for the manipulation of
the robots.txt files. Every time a robots.txt file is visited, the crawler stores its data
into RobotsManager. RobotsManager grows up to a specific size, and provides methods to obtain the paths of a domain that must not be crawled. The operational steps of
the client are executed continuously in the following order:
1. Examination of the scheduler: The client checks if it is allowed to begin the crawling. If not, then it stops.
2. Request of URLs: It calls the SendUrlsToCrawl Web method to determine the
URLs that must be crawled. All of them are gathered in a FIFO queue. For every
element in the queue:
Visit of a Web page: A URL is extracted from the FIFO, and is assigned to an
available thread.
Determine the data to return: If the URL has changed since the last time it was visited (the client examines its checksum) then an UrlCrawlData object is created,
which contains in compressed form the contents of the page and its out-links.
3. Dispatch of the crawled URLs: When the FIFO is empty, the client gathers all the
UrlCrawlData objects into a list, and sends them to the server. Afterwards it starts
again from the first step.

3.7 CrawlWave Uninstaller

A small application which is executed automatically when the administrator of a workstation tries to uninstall the client module of the CrawlWave.

4. Experimental Results
The time period of the first experimental crawling was from 19 September 2003 to 12
October 2003. Because of the limitations of the academic environment and the technical problems we encountered, the process was executing only for 11 days (during this
period, the Internet connection was cut off many times due to problems of the main
campus router). We used only two clients, and we crawled 526,679 URLs. Finally we
collected 496,647 Web pages (almost 1/3 of the Greek Web). Table 1 shows approximate statistics for the crawl:
Table 1. Statistics of the first crawl

Total successful requests

200 (OK)
302 (moved temporarily)
400 (bad request)
403 (forbidden)
404 (not found)
500 (internal server error)
503 (service unavailable)



We have also launched a second crawl just to test the speed of the system. We
started on 19 October 2003 (12:54) and we stopped it after 19 hours. We used only
one client executing with 15 threads and the system collected approximately 65,600
Web pages with an average download speed of 0.84 MB/sec (57.54 URLs per

5. Discussion
CrawlWave is a distributed crawler that can operate with minimum system requirements. The crawling of the pages is performed by client PCs which communicate -by
using Web Services- with the main server PCs. The operation not only is extremely
robust and guarantees the continuous and synchronous function of the crawling, but
also is very fast. The collected data are stored in a Relational Database, and by using
simple SQL we can easily depict the structure and the link graph of the Web. Any
search engine can use the Database of the CrawlWave for performing queries on the
Greek Web.

Our preliminary results are quite encouraging, but more tuning is needed to
achieve better results. The final target is to be able to support a great number of clients
that will be able to crawl the entire Greek web every day.

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