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PC System


Selected Course Objectives

Disassemble and reassemble a PC Identify PC

oday, understanding PC technology

represents the necessary fundamental
knowledge that many successful IT

programs are built on. Heathkit recognizes the

importance of student success in technical

Explore PC preventative

maintenance DOS/Windows 98 configure,

customize and problem solving


backup, restore and recovery Identify I/O

addresses/IRQ request lines and DMA channels
Master frequently used diagnostic software

programs where confidence is learned through





engineered lab exercises, Heathkit controls the

exercise outcomes to maximize student
learning. Students learn what a PC is, how it

System Components
PC Trainer Intel P4 processor


Windows 98 SE Operating Systems 17

color monitor Workstation Parts Package

works and how operating systems control it. By

including: Fault Insertion & Removal Modules

using our exclusive Fault Insertion and

(FIRM) Instructor Guide with Palm Device (1

Removal Modules (FIRM) students are able to

per order) Textbooks Workbooks Data

replicate PC faults and develop their ability to

Recovery CD-ROM

use critical thinking skills for problem

Quick View

identification and resolution.

The course

CompTIA CAQC and ProCert Certified

supports the latest CompTIA A+ Certification

Provides a comprehensive introduction to PC

objectives, and when combined with our PC

technology Flexible and modular curriculum

Systems Troubleshooting prepares and qualifies

90 hours No prerequisites

your students for the A+ Certification exam.





including: Full lesson plans Required lab

materials Reading assignment summaries
Lesson objectives Complete PowerPoint
slide presentation with narratives

To o l s f o r t h e M i n d
455 Riverview Drive Building 2 Benton Harbor, MI 49022 USA TEL 800-253-0570 FAX (269) 925-2898 www.heathkit.com E-mail info@heathkit.com

PC Systems Servicing
Course Overview
Module 1
Computer Hardware
The Motherboard
The Boot Process
Using Edit

Using the Upper Memory

Mapping Upper Memory
Working with Passwords
Module 4
Setup Part 1

Using the Multimeter

The Microsoft Diagnostic

(MSD) Utility

Module 2
Using MS-DOS
Using MS-DOS Help
Files and Their Attributes
Executable Files
Organizing Directories
Module 3
Floppy Disk Drives
Hard Disk Drives
Examining Memory Usage

Hard Disk Drive Setup

Windows Explorer
Removing and Reinstalling
Hard Disk Drive Recovery
with Windows 98

Controlling the Boot

The Power Supply

Hard Disk Drive Interfaces

Setup Part 2
Module 6

Troubleshooting with the


Troubleshooting a
Malfunctioning PC

Troubleshooting without
the Monitor

Backing up the Registry


Restoring the Registry

Backing up Your Data

Introduction to the
Windows 98 Desktop

Safe Mode
System Maintenance

Module 5

Evaluating the Keyboard

Using the Windows 98


Evaluating the Mouse

Organizing Programs and

Organizing Files and

To o l s f o r t h e M i n d
PC TechnologyEZS-801 032003

455 Riverview Drive Building 2 Benton Harbor, MI 49022 USA

TEL 800-253-0570 FAX (269) 925-2898 www.heathkit.com info@heathkit.com

2003 Heathkit Company, Inc., Heathkit Educational Systems, HES, and Heathkit are registered trademarks of Heathkit Company, Inc. Heathkit Company reserves the right to
alter product availability, price and/or specifications without notice. All brand, product, and company names appearing on this sheet are trademarks of their respective companies.

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