Cisco Net 4 Wan

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Case Study


Cisco Networking Academy Program

CCNA 4: WAN Technologies v3.0

Overview and Objectives

This final case study will allow you to build and configure a complex network
using skills gained throughout the course. This case study is not a trivial task. To
complete it as outlined with all required documentation will be a significant
The case study scenario describes the project in general terms, and will explain
why the network is being built. Following the scenario, the project is broken into
a number of phases, each of which has a detailed list of requirements. It is crucial
that you read and understand each requirement to make sure that the project is
This case study requires that you accomplish the following:


Set up the physical layout of the network using the diagram and
accompanying narrative

Correctly configure single-area OSPF

Correctly configure VLANs and 802.1q trunking

Correctly configure Frame Relay

Correctly configure DHCP

Correctly configure NAT

Create and apply access control lists on the appropriate routers and

Verify that all configurations are operational and functioning according to

the scenario guidelines

Provide detailed documentation in a prescribed form as listed in the

deliverables sections

CCNA 4: WAN Technologies v3.0

Copyright 2003, Cisco Systems, Inc.


You have been asked to design and implement a network for a company with
locations in four cities. Three of the locations will be connected using leased-line
serial links. The fourth location, Galway, will be connected using Frame Relay
because of cost considerations. The company has previously used RIP version 2
in this location and wishes to continue using it for now. However, the other three
locations will use OSPF, so you must redistribute RIP routes into the OSPF
routing process.
One location, Cork, has a large and complex LAN. Due to the size and
complexity, the company wants you to create VLANs to control broadcasts,
enhance security, and logically group users. The company also wants to use
private addresses and DHCP throughout the WAN, so you must properly
implement NAT for Internet connectivity. The company also wishes to limit
Internet access to Web traffic while allowing multiple protocols within its own
Although private addresses (RFC 1918) will be used, the company appreciates
efficiency and address conservation in design. To minimize wasted address
space, they have requested VLSM to be used when appropriate.

Copyright 2003, Cisco Systems, Inc.

Case Study: WANs 3-21

Phase 1: Addressing the WAN


Use for internal addressing with IP subnet zero enabled.

Apply /30 subnets on all serial interfaces, using the last available subnets.

Assign an appropriately sized subnet for the DHCP pool on the Galway
LAN, which has 512 devices.

Assign an appropriately sized subnet for the Cork LAN, which has 750

Document all of your addressing in the tables below. This documentation

will serve as your deliverable item for Phase 1.


Interface/Subnet Mask

Limerick S0
Cork E1
Cork S0
Cork S1
Galway E0
Galway S0
Belfast E0
Belfast S0
Belfast S1

CCNA 4: WAN Technologies v3.0

Copyright 2003, Cisco Systems, Inc.


Address Pools

Galway DHCP Pool

Cork LAN

Copyright 2003, Cisco Systems, Inc.

Case Study: WANs 5-21

Phase 2: Configuring the Routers and



Configure each router with a hostname and passwords.

Configure each interface on the four routers documented in Phase 1.

Configure OSPF on the Cork, Limerick, and Belfast routers.

Configure and redistribute RIP into the OSPF routing process

Verify that the Limerick, Belfast, and Cork routers have connectivity
through Layers 1-7.

Capture and save the four router configuration files. Edit the text files, and
include comments at the top of each file documenting the following:

Your name

The date

CCNA4 Case Study Phase 2

The router name that corresponds to each file.

This documentation will serve as your deliverable item for Phase 2.


CCNA 4: WAN Technologies v3.0

Copyright 2003, Cisco Systems, Inc.

Phase 3: Configuring NAT, Frame Relay

Simulation, and ACLs


The Belfast router will perform NAT. Configure the Belfast router as


Define the NAT pool. The pool consists of only one address of
Define an access control list, which will permit traffic from all internal
( addresses, and deny all other traffic.
Establish dynamic source translation, specifying the NAT pool and the
ACL defined in the previous steps.

Specify the inside and the outside NAT interfaces.

Change the default NAT timeout value to 120 seconds.

Connect a workstation to Belfasts E0 port to simulate an ISP server.

Configure this workstation as follows:

Configure the IP address and subnet mask as

Configure the default gateway.

Copyright 2003, Cisco Systems, Inc.

Configure the workstation to act as a web server. Create a simple web

page that will tell users that they have reached the ISP.

Case Study: WANs 7-21

3. Configure the Frame Relay simulator as follows:

Configure S0 on both the Cork router and the Galway router to use
Frame Relay encapsulation.
Configure the router between Cork and Galway to simulate a Frame
Relay switch.


Configure an ACL to filter traffic from source addresses on the Galway

LAN. The ACL should permit HTTP access to the ISP, deny all other access
to the ISP, and permit all traffic to destinations within the WAN.


Recapture and save the Belfast, Cork, and Galway router configuration files.
Capture and save the Frame Relay switch router configuration file. Edit the
text files, and include comments at the top of each file documenting the

Your name

The date

CCNA4 Case Study Phase 3

The router name that corresponds to each file.

Document your NAT configuration and your ISP Server configuration in the
chart below.
This documentation will serve as your deliverable item for Phase 3.


Configured Values

Belfast: Name of NAT Pool

Belfast: ACL Number
ACL Number for ACL Filtering Galway LAN Traffic
Router for ACL Filtering Galway LAN Traffic
Configured Port for ACL Filtering Galway LAN Traffic
Configured Direction for ACL Filtering Galway LAN
ISP Server IP Address
ISP Server Subnet Mask
ISP Server Default Gateway
Filename of web page on ISP Server (include path)


CCNA 4: WAN Technologies v3.0

Copyright 2003, Cisco Systems, Inc.

Phase 4: Configuring VLANs and DHCP

1. Configure the Cork Local Area Network switch as follows:


Create three VLANs.

Assign ports 1-4 to VLAN1.

Assign ports 5-8 to VLAN2.

Assign ports 9-12 to VLAN3.

Connect E1 of the Cork router to a VLAN1 port.

Connect a workstation to each VLAN.

Configure the workstations with appropriate IP addresses.

The Galway router will perform DHCP. Configure the Galway router as


Using the DHCP pool documented in Phase 1, configure E0 with the

first useable address.

Configure the DHCP pool on the router.

Connect a workstation to E0 on Galway.

Configure the workstation to obtain its IP address automatically.

Recapture and save the Galway router configuration file. Edit the text file,
and include comments at the top documenting the following:

Copyright 2003, Cisco Systems, Inc.

Your name

Case Study: WANs 9-21

The date

CCNA4 Case Study Phase 4

Galway router

This documentation will serve as your deliverable item for Phase 4.


CCNA 4: WAN Technologies v3.0

Copyright 2003, Cisco Systems, Inc.

Phase 5: Verification and Testing


Verify communication between various hosts in the network. Troubleshoot

and fix any problems in the network until it works properly. Document your
tests in the table below:





Host on VLAN1




Host on VLAN1

Host on Galway LAN



Host on VLAN1

Host on VLAN2



Host on VLAN1

Host on VLAN3



Host on VLAN2

Host on VLAN3



Host on VLAN2

Host on Galway LAN



Host on VLAN2




Host on VLAN3

Host on Galway LAN



Host on VLAN3




Host on Galway LAN




Host on Galway LAN




Copyright 2003, Cisco Systems, Inc.

Date Verified

Case Study: WANs11-21


Recapture and save the router configuration files for all five routers. Edit the
text files, and include comments at the top of each file documenting the

Your name

The date

CCNA4 Case Study Final Router Configuration

The router name that corresponds to each file.

This documentation, along with the completed tables from Phase 1, Phase 3, and
Phase 5, will serve as your final deliverable item for the case study.


CCNA 4: WAN Technologies v3.0

Copyright 2003, Cisco Systems, Inc.

Instructor Notes
Phase 1
VLSM can offer a great number of solutions. Make sure to recognize that the
only subnets that can be used for the two LANs are /22, even though they vary
greatly in size. Check that the students solutions are correct before they proceed
to subsequent phases of the case study. In Phase 5, students should not be
troubleshooting errors in the addressing scheme.
Since this is the basis for a number of other parts of the case study, make sure
that the students document their addresses and keep the documentation.
This is one of several possible solutions:


Interface/Subnet Mask

Limerick S0

Cork E1

Cork S0

Cork S1

Galway E0

Galway S0

Belfast S0

Belfast E0

Belfast S1


Address Pools

Galway DHCP Pool

Cork LAN

Copyright 2003, Cisco Systems, Inc.

Case Study: WANs13-21

Phase 2
This is an example of the configuration on the Cork router. Remember to issue
the clockrate 56000 command in interface configuration mode on any
serial DCE interfaces.
Router#configure terminal
Router(config)#hostname Cork
Cork(config)#enable secret cisco
Cork(config)#line vty 0 4
Cork(config-line)#password cisco

Cork(config)#interface serial 0
Cork(config-if)#ip address
Cork(config-if)#no shutdown

Cork(config)#router ospf 1
Cork(config-router)#network area 0
Cork(config-router)#network area 0
Cork(config-router)#network area 0

Cork(config)#router rip
Cork(config-router)#version 2
Cork(config)#router ospf 1
Cork(config-router)#redistribute rip subnets

Layer 1-7 connectivity may be verified through Telnet. Layer 1-3 connectivity
may be verified through ping.
Any line in a configuration file that begins with an exclamation point character is
a comment line.


CCNA 4: WAN Technologies v3.0

Copyright 2003, Cisco Systems, Inc.

Phase 3

Configured Values

Belfast: Name of NAT Pool

(Can be any word consisting of letters and/or numbers)

Belfast: ACL Number

(Can be any value between 1-99)

ACL Number for ACL Filtering Galway LAN



Router for ACL Filtering Galway LAN Traffic


(Can be any value between 100-199)

(Closest to source for extended ACL)

Configured Port for ACL Filtering Galway
LAN Traffic


Configured Direction for ACL Filtering

Galway LAN Traffic


ISP Server IP Address

ISP Server Subnet Mask

ISP Server Default Gateway
(Must be same value as Phase 1, Belfast E0;
can be or any value from

Filename of web page on ISP Server

(include path)


(If running Apache, location of htdocs subdirectory depends on
Apache directory tree installed. If running NT server, location
will differ.)

After configuring the port addresses as specified in Phase 1, the following

commands are used to configure NAT on the Belfast router:
Belfast#configure terminal
Belfast(config)#ip nat pool BelfastPool netmask
Belfast(config)#access-list 1 permit
Belfast(config)#access-list 1 deny any
Belfast(config)#ip nat inside source list 1 pool
Belfast(config)#interface s0
Belfast(config-if)#ip nat inside
Belfast(config-if)#interface s1
Belfast(config-if)#ip nat inside
Belfast(config-if)#interface e0

Copyright 2003, Cisco Systems, Inc.

Case Study: WANs15-21

Belfast(config-if)#ip nat outside

Belfast(config)#ip nat translation timeout 120


The following commands are used to configure the ISP Server workstation
(assuming that it is a Windows PC):

Go to Control Panel, and double-click on Network.

Double-click on TCP/IP.

Under the IP Address tab, select Specify an IP Address. Enter

as the IP address and as the subnet mask.
Under the Gateway tab, enter the same IP address as configured on the
E0 port of Belfast, and click Add.
Click OK twice, and reboot the PC.
If the ISP PC is running Windows NT, then it can be configured as an
NT web server. Consult the operating system documentation for
Alternatively, web server software (such as Apache) can be downloaded
and installed.

This link explains how to install Apache:

This link may be helpful in debugging the Apache installation:

Copy the HTML document that tells users that they have reached
the ISP to the htdocs subdirectory in the Apache directory tree.

If the name of the HTML document is not index.html, search for a

file named httpd.conf, and open it in a text editor. Find the line in
the file that begins with DirectoryIndex, and add the filename
between the word DirectoryIndex and the word index.html. The
files listed after DirectoryIndex represent the prioritized order in
which files will be searched for and opened.

3. The following commands are used to configure the Cork router for Phase 3:
Cork#configure terminal
Cork(config)#interface s0
Cork(config-if)#encapsulation frame-relay

The following commands are used to configure the Galway router for Phase 3.
The ACL shown is one of several possible solutions.
Galway#configure terminal
Galway(config)#interface s0
Galway(config-if)#encapsulation frame-relay


CCNA 4: WAN Technologies v3.0

Copyright 2003, Cisco Systems, Inc.

Galway(config)#access-list 101 permit any eq 80
Galway(config)#access-list 101 deny any
Galway(config)#access-list 101 permit any any
Galway(config)#interface e0
Galway(config-if)#ip access-group 101 in

The following commands are used to configure the router simulating the Frame
Relay switch:
FR#configure terminal
FR(config)#frame-relay switching
FR(config)#interface s0
FR(config-if)#no ip address
FR(config-if)#encapsulation frame-relay
FR(config-if)#clock rate 56000
FR(config-if)#frame-relay intf-type dce
FR(config-if)#frame-relay route 21 interface serial 1 20
FR(config-if)#no shutdown
FR(config-if)#interface s1
FR(config-if)#no ip address
FR(config-if)#encapsulation frame-relay
FR(config-if)#clock rate 56000
FR(config-if)#frame-relay intf-type dce
FR(config-if)#frame-relay route 20 interface serial 0 21
FR(config-if)#no shutdown

Copyright 2003, Cisco Systems, Inc.

Case Study: WANs17-21

Phase 4
1a: Catalyst 1900 switch configuration.
The following commands are used to configure the Cork switch. These
commands assume that the switch is reset to its default settings. To reset the
switch, select [S] System from the Main Menu, and the select [R] Reset System.

Select [V], Virtual LAN Menu from the Main Menu.

Select [A], Add VLAN from the Virtual LAN Menu.

Enter [1], Ethernet. Press Return.

Select [S], Save and Exit. This creates VLAN 2, which will use the
default VLAN name of VLAN0002. VLAN 1 is configured by default.

Select [A], Add VLAN from the Virtual LAN Menu.

Enter [1], Ethernet. Press Return.

Select [S], Save and Exit. This creates VLAN 3.

Select [E], VLAN Membership

Select [V], VLAN Assignment. Enter ports 5-8, and assign them to
Select [V], VLAN Assignment again. Enter ports 9-12, and assign them
to VLAN 3.

Select [X], Exit to Previous Menu.

Connect E1 on the Cork router to a VLAN1 port on the switch.

1b: Catalyst 2950 switch Configuration.

Erasing and reloading the 2950 Switch.
Enter into the privileged EXEC mode by typing enable.
If prompted for a password, enter class. If that does not work, ask the instructor.
Switch#delete flash:vlan.dat
Delete filename [vlan.dat]?[enter]
Delete flash:vlan.dat? [confirm] [enter]
If there was no VLAN file, this message is displayed.
%Error deleting flash:vlan.dat (No such file or directory)

At the privileged EXEC mode enter the command erase startup-config.

Switch#erase startup-config

The responding line prompt will be:

Erasing the nvram filesystem will remove all files! Continue?
Press [Enter] to confirm.


CCNA 4: WAN Technologies v3.0

Copyright 2003, Cisco Systems, Inc.

The response should be:

Erase of nvram: complete

Now at the privileged EXEC mode enter the command reload.


The responding line prompt will be:

System configuration has been modified. Save? [yes/no]:

Type n and then press [Enter].

The responding line prompt will be:
Proceed with reload? [confirm] [Enter]

In the first line of the response will be:

Reload requested by console.

After the Switch has reloaded the line prompt will be:
Would you like to enter the initial configuration dialog?

Type n and then press [Enter].

The responding line prompt will be:
Press RETURN to get started! [Enter]
Configure VLANs:
Switch_A#vlan database
Switch_A(vlan)#vlan 2 name VLAN0002
Switch_A(vlan)#vlan 3 name VLAN0003
Switch_A#configure terminal
Switch_A(config)#interface fastethernet 0/5
Switch_A(config-if)#switchport mode access
Switch_A(config-if)#switchport access vlan 2
Switch_A(config)#interface fastethernet 0/6
Switch_A(config-if)#switchport mode access
Switch_A(config-if)#switchport access vlan 2
Switch_A(config)#interface fastethernet 0/7
Switch_A(config-if)#switchport mode access
Switch_A(config-if)#switchport access vlan 2
Switch_A(config)#interface fastethernet 0/8
Switch_A(config-if)#switchport mode access
Switch_A(config-if)#switchport access vlan 2

Copyright 2003, Cisco Systems, Inc.

Case Study: WANs19-21

Switch_A(config)#interface fastethernet 0/9

Switch_A(config-if)#switchport mode access
Switch_A(config-if)#switchport access vlan 3
Switch_A(config)#interface fastethernet 0/10
Switch_A(config-if)#switchport mode access
Switch_A(config-if)#switchport access vlan 3
Switch_A(config)#interface fastethernet 0/11
Switch_A(config-if)#switchport mode access
Switch_A(config-if)#switchport access vlan 3
Switch_A(config)#interface fastethernet 0/12
Switch_A(config-if)#switchport mode access
Switch_A(config-if)#switchport access vlan 3
Switch_A#show vlan

2. After configuring the port addresses as specified in Phase 1, the following

commands are used to configure DHCP on the Galway router. In the
network and default-router commands, use the network address for the E0
network on Galway from Phase 1.
Galway#configure terminal
Galway(config)#ip dhcp pool GalwayPool
Galway(dhcp-config)#network x.x.x.x
Galway(dhcp-config)#default-router x.x.x.x


CCNA 4: WAN Technologies v3.0

Copyright 2003, Cisco Systems, Inc.

Phase 5
Troubleshooting is a difficult process to learn. Encourage students to be
systematic about their troubleshooting techniques. If communication that is
expected to succeed instead fails, students should then ping in a systematic
manner beginning with the link closest to the source. The student should then
proceed to the next link only upon success. There may be more than one problem
preventing communication between the source and the destination. After a
problem is found and fixed, the testing process should continue until
communication between the source and the destination is verified.
To ensure that the hosts are configured properly, use winipcfg or
ipconfig /all.
The following router commands are helpful in troubleshooting router
configuration problems:

show running-config

show protocol

show interface

show ip route

show frame-relay

Copyright 2003, Cisco Systems, Inc.

Case Study: WANs21-21

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