Songs and Emotions: Are Lyrics and Melodies Equal Partners?

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Psychology of Music

Songs and emotions: are lyrics and melodies equal partners?

S. Omar Ali and Zehra F. Peynircioglu
Psychology of Music 2006; 34; 511
DOI: 10.1177/0305735606067168
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Songs and emotions: are lyrics

and melodies equal partners?

Psychology of Music
Psychology of Music
Society for Education, Music
and Psychology Research
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S . O M A R A L I A N D Z E H R A F. P E Y N I R C I O G L U
D E PA RT M E N T O F P S Y C H O L O G Y , A M E R I C A N U N I V E R S I T Y , WA S H I N G T O N , D C

A B S T R A C T We explored the role of lyrics and melodies in conveying emotions in

songs. Participants rated the intensity of four types of emotions in instrumental
music or the same music paired with lyrics. Melodies and lyrics conveyed the
same intended emotion in Experiments 1 and 3 but were mismatched in
Experiments 2 and 4. The major findings in Experiments 1 and 2 were that lyrics
detracted from the emotion in happy and calm music (positive emotions), but
enhanced the emotion in sad and angry music (negative emotions). In all cases,
melodies of songs were more dominant than the lyrics in eliciting emotions. In
addition, in Experiments 3 and 4, the emotion in the songs appeared to transfer,
simply by association, to pictures of common objects arbitrarily paired with the

circumplex theory, music

Music, like language, can both express and induce emotion (e.g. Juslin and
Sloboda, 2001; Peretz and Hbert, 2000). Indeed, a variety of studies have
explored the relationship between musical variables (e.g. tempo, dynamics,
and rhythm) and judgments of emotion in music (e.g. Cooke, 1959). For
instance, strong associations have been observed between fast and slow
tempo in music and ratings of happiness and sadness (e.g. Bella et al., 2001;
Hevner, 1936), as well as ratings of anger and fear (Gabrielsson and Juslin,
1996; Juslin, 2000), respectively. Similar associations have been observed
between simple melodies, containing fewer variations of melodic contour and
more repetition, and ratings of happiness and peacefulness; between complex
melodies, containing more variation and less repetition, and ratings of
sadness and anger (Gerardi and Gerken, 1995; Vitz, 1966); as well as

sempre :

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Psychology of Music 34(4)

between regular rhythms and positive moods, and irregular rhythms and
negative moods (Hevner, 1935; Rigg, 1964). Indeed, filmmakers and
marketing executives make use of the connection between music and
emotion, either to enhance a scene in a movie (e.g. Cohen, 2001) or to sell
more of a product (e.g. Bruner, 1990).
North and Hargreaves (1997) have linked the specific emotions expressed
by music to its likeability and arousal potential using a modified version of
the circumplex theory of emotion (e.g. Russell et al., 1981). More specifically,
they divided the circumplex into quadrants, where each quadrant
represented different combinations of likeability (i.e. like/dislike, specified by
the x-axis) and arousal potential (i.e. low/high arousal potential, specified
by the y-axis). For instance, exciting and festive would be in the like/high
arousal quadrant, relaxing and peaceful in the like/low arousal quadrant,
unsettling and disconcerting in the dislike/high arousal quadrant, and
boring and unstimulating in the dislike/low arousal quadrant. One group
of participants rated musical excerpts on the extent to which they expressed
the specific emotions, and a second group rated the same excerpts on how
much they liked the music and how arousing they thought the music was.
The ratings from the first group correlated with those from the second group
in support of the circumplex theory of emotion. More recently, Ritossa and
Rickard (2004) have also found support for the circumplex theory of emotion
while demonstrating that pleasantness was a more useful predictor of
emotions expressed by music than was liking.
Songs are special in that they comprise both melodic and lyrical
information. Although the two components can be processed independently
(e.g. Bonnel et al., 2001), they are often quite integrated in that recognition
of one component is enhanced by the simultaneous presence of the other
component (Serafine et al., 1984), and such integration occurs regardless of
the semantic content of the lyrics (Serafine et al., 1986). Indeed, temporal
contiguity of melody and lyrics has been shown to be enough to account for
the integration (Crowder et al., 1990). In the present study, we explored the
relationship of melodies and lyrics in songs with respect to emotion. More
specifically, we wanted to see whether the presence of lyrical information that
conveyed the same emotion as the melody increased the intensity of the
emotion induced by the melody alone, as well as whether one component was
more dominant than the other.
Some studies focusing on the effects of lyrics in popular songs on negative
behaviors and attitudes have reported that lyrics do indeed make a difference
(e.g. Burt, 1980). For instance, Anderson et al. (2003), Arnett (1991),
Hansen and Hansen (1990), and Harris et al. (1992) have observed positive
correlations between increased exposure to hard rock/heavy-metal music
with lyrics and more frequent negative behaviors. However, other studies
have not shown such a relationship (e.g. Ballard and Coates, 1995; Maguire
and Snipes, 1995; Wanamaker and Reznikoff, 1989). In addition, in all of

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Ali and Peynircioglu: Songs and emotions

such studies to date, either the effects of the presence or absence of lyrics and
the type of music were confounded, or there were no control conditions (i.e.
music without lyrics) to tease out the effects of the lyrics per se.
More pertinent to present purposes, Galizio and Hendrick (1972) found
that a more positive emotional state, as well as an increased acceptance for
the message portrayed through the lyrics, occurred when they were coupled
with melodies. Additionally, Gfeller and Coffman (1991) found that, in
trained musicians, music paired with spoken text increased perceived
complexity and lowered both liking and affective ratings from baseline
compared to just the melody or just the spoken text, leading to the speculation that perhaps training made musicians respond analytically to the
music, diminishing their emotional response to it. Thus, in both studies, the
presence of lyrics influenced the perception of emotion in songs.
The two studies that have explored the effects of melody with and without
lyrics on mood more systematically have yielded mixed results. Stratton and
Zalanowski (1994) have found that the melody of a sad song was perceived
as pleasant and had positive effects on mood. However, both the lyrics of the
sad song, as well as the lyrics coupled with the melody of the sad song, were
perceived as unpleasant and had negative effects on mood. Furthermore, the
melody of the sad song played in an up-beat tempo was perceived as pleasant
and had positive effects on mood, whereas the lyrics coupled with the melody
of a sad song and played in an up-beat tempo was perceived as unpleasant
and had negative effects on mood. Finally, the melody of the sad song coupled
with positive lyrics and played in the original (i.e. slow) tempo was perceived
as pleasant and had positive effects on mood. Thus, Stratton and Zalanowski
(1994) concluded that the lyrics of a song have a greater ability to affect
mood than does the melody.
Sousou (1997) also examined the effects of music with and without lyrics
on mood. In this study, participants read either happy or sad lyrics while
listening to happy, sad, or no music, and rated their mood and psychological
arousal before and after the presentation of the stimuli. Participants who
listened to the sad melody rated their mood as sad, and participants who
listened to the happy melody rated their mood as happy, regardless of the type
of lyrics that they read. Participants who read the lyrics while listening to no
music rated their mood as neutral. Furthermore, participants reported
increased arousal from their baseline ratings while listening to the happy
melody, regardless of the type of lyrics that they read, compared to those
participants who listened to the sad melody or no music. Hence, even though
the lyrics were presented visually and the melodies auditory, which may have
inflated the importance of the melody, Sousou (1997) concluded that, unlike
Stratton and Zalanowskis (1994) findings, the melody of a song has a
greater ability to affect mood than does its lyrics.
In addition to the conflicting conclusions, although their interpretations
were couched in the circumplex theory (cf. Russell et al., 1981), both Stratton

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Psychology of Music 34(4)

and Zalanowski (1994) and Sousou (1997) concentrated only on happy and
sad emotions. Happiness and sadness indeed are the most identified and
distinguishable emotions expressed through music (Haack, 1980). However,
the emotions of anger (e.g. Behrens and Green, 1993; Terwogt and van
Grinsven, 1991) and peacefulness (Terwogt and van Grinsven, 1991;
Thompson and Robitaille, 1992) have been identified in music, as well.
In the present study, we systematically examined the effects of music with
and without lyrics on a range of emotional responses, spanning all four
quadrants of the circumplex theory of emotion, which included happy,
sad, calm, and angry. More specifically, in Experiment 1, we examined
whether there were any differences in the intensities of affective responses to
instrumental music with and without lyrics. In Experiment 2, the lyrics and
melodies were sometimes mismatched with respect to emotion to see whether
the melody dominated over the lyrics or vice versa. Finally, in Experiments 3
and 4, we examined whether music with and without lyrics affected emotions
attached to non-musical stimuli, such as pictures of common objects,
through being paired with emotion-conveying music. That is, of interest was
whether ones emotional responses to incidentally heard music somehow
transfer to other stimuli, simply by association.
We were also interested in observing whether any gender effects would
emerge. In general, women seem to report more intense emotions than do
men (e.g. Brebner, 2003), and it has also been suggested that women may be
more sensitive to the emotional aspects of instrumental music than men (e.g.
Peretti, 1975). Coffman et al. (1995) have found that, for both lyrics and
melodies, as well as when they were coupled together, affective response
ratings of women were higher on negative dimensions such as evil and
depression, whereas those of men were higher on positive dimensions such
as humor and pastoral. In a different vein, Iversen et al. (1989) have found
that women rated the personal relevance of the lyrics higher when they were
sung compared to when they were written and presented with no musical
accompaniment, whereas men showed the opposite effect. One speculation
was that men were distracted by the melody when judging the lyrics, whereas
women were able to integrate the music with the lyrics and identify the
jointly conveyed mood more easily.

Experiment 1
The purpose of this experiment was to determine whether the presence of
lyrics affected emotional judgments of music and whether any differences
emerged as a function of type of emotion. To this end, participants rated the
intensity of the emotion conveyed by melodies alone and the same melodies
paired with emotionally congruent lyrics.

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Ali and Peynircioglu: Songs and emotions


The participants were 32 adults (21 women and 11 men), students at
American University, who participated for extra credit in psychology courses,
and research personnel at the National Institutes of Health, who participated
on a completely voluntary basis.
The stimuli comprised 32 musical excerpts of relatively low familiarity, all
taken from instrumental classical and jazz pieces as well as soundtracks (see
Appendix). The melodies were chosen to elicit four different types of
emotional responses (e.g. happy, sad, calm and angry) corresponding to the
four quadrants of the modified circumplex theory of emotion (e.g. North and
Hargreaves, 1997). Eight melodies of approximately 20 seconds in length
were used for each of the four emotions.
To create the music with and without lyrics, the eight melodies for each
emotion were yoked and divided into two sets of four (Sets A and B), so that
when those in Set A contained lyrics, those in Set B did not, and vice versa.
There were 16 sets of lyrics of relatively low familiarity: four sets for each
emotion, taken from other songs and modified to fit the target melodies (see
Appendix). Extensive pilot testing ensured that these stimuli were not highly
familiar to our participant population and that each set of lyrics and each
melody fitted primarily the emotion it was meant to convey.
One female and one male vocalist sang the lyrics. Specifically, each set of
lyrics was paired with one melody from Set A and with one melody from Set B
for each emotion, and both vocalists sang each set of lyrics. Thus, two
versions of each song were produced, one version with the female vocalist
and one version with the male vocalist. The melodies and the lyrics were
matched so that they were congruent with respect to the conveyed emotion
(e.g. happy melodies were paired with happy lyrics, and sad melodies with
sad lyrics).
The melodies were taken from original source recordings and the vocalists
recorded the lyrics to go with these melodies at a recording studio in the
Department of Computer Science, Audio Technology, and Physics at
American University. The recorded lyrics were mixed with melodies using Pro
Tools HD (Avid Technology, Inc., Tewksbury, MA) and a Power Macintosh G4
computer (Apple Computer, Inc., Cupertino, CA).
Design and procedure
The participants were tested either individually or in small groups. All of the
participants heard all 32 excerpts, half with lyrics and half without lyrics
from each emotion type, with half of the excerpts with lyrics sung by the
female vocalist and the other half sung by the male vocalist. Half of the
participants received Set A melodies with lyrics (with half of the melodies

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Psychology of Music 34(4)

sung by the female vocalist and the other half sung by the male vocalist) and
Set B melodies without lyrics, and the other half of the participants received
vice versa. In that way, across four groups of participants, all of the melodies
in the lyric and non-lyric conditions, as well as whether the lyrics were sung
by a male or a female vocalist, were tested equally often. The excerpts were
presented to the participants randomly with respect to intended emotion,
lyric condition (i.e. with or without lyrics), and gender of the vocalist.
After hearing each excerpt, the participants rated their emotional judgments on response sheets for all four emotions: (1) happy, joyful, exciting,
and/or festive, (2) sad, depressing, and/or melancholy, (3) calm, relaxing,
and/or peaceful, and (4) angry, unsettling, disconcerting, and/or stressful,
always in that order, regardless of the intended emotion to be conveyed. The
ratings were given on nine-point scales, where 1 represented not (e.g. not
happy) and 9 represented very (e.g. very happy). Participants made their
ratings at any time during the 20-second presentation of each excerpt and
were given as much time as needed to complete them before listening to the
next excerpt. At the end of the session, participants were asked to fill out a
short demographic questionnaire indicating age, gender, whether they grew
up listening to western-style music, and whether they currently had any
mood or emotional disorders that required treatment.

Of interest were the differences between the intensity of emotional responses

as a function of the particular intended emotion of the music (happy, sad,
calm, angry), the lyric condition of the music (lyrics, no lyrics), and the
gender of the participants. The results are summarized in Table 1.
A 4 2 2 analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed a main effect of
intended emotion, F (3, 90) = 20.43, MSE = 1.84, p < .001, and post-hoc
comparisons showed that, collapsed across the presence or absence of lyrics,
the participants gave higher ratings for the happy music than the sad, calm,
and angry music, ts (126) = 5.95, 3.92, 7.09, respectively, all ps < .05. The
ratings for the sad, calm, and angry music were not different from each other,
1 Experiment 1: Mean intensity ratings (19) of emotional responses to music as
a function of the type of emotion, lyric condition, and the gender of the participants

Lyric condition
No lyrics
















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Ali and Peynircioglu: Songs and emotions

all ps > .10. A more detailed examination of these results, however, led to the
observation that the participants gave higher ratings to music that conveyed
positive emotions (i.e. happy and calm combined) than music that conveyed
negative emotions (i.e. sad and angry combined), F (1, 30) = 21.81, MSE =
1.68, p < .001. It is of course possible that the music selected to convey the
positive emotions just happened to be intrinsically more effective and hence
rated to be more intense than the music selected to convey the negative
emotions. However, it is also possible that the participants had a tendency to
rate the stimuli conveying positive emotions as more intense than the stimuli
conveying negative emotions (cf., Pfister and Bhm, 1992).
There was also a main effect for the lyric condition of the music, F (1, 30)
= 11.81, MSE = 1.13, p < .01. Overall, participants rated the emotion
conveyed only by melodies as more intense than that conveyed by the same
melodies coupled with lyrics. Although there was no main effect for the
gender of the participants, F (1, 30) = 0.30, MSE = 3.81, p > .10, there was a
small but significant interaction between the lyric condition and gender of
the participants, F (1, 30) = 4.57, MSE = 1.13, p < .05. Lyrics appeared to
detract from the emotion conveyed by the melody only for women, t (166) =
2.91, p < .05 and not for men, t (86) = 0.48, p > .10.
Although the finding that the lyrics detracted from the intensity of
emotion conveyed by the melody, at least for women, perhaps parallels
Sousous (1997) conclusion that melodies have a greater ability to affect
mood than lyrics, the explanation appears to be more complicated. There was
an interaction between the lyric condition and the intended emotion of the
music, F (3, 90) = 54.91, MSE = 1.2, p < .001. As illustrated in Table 1,
participants rated the happy and calm melodies without lyrics as more
intense in their intended emotion than that conveyed by the same melodies
coupled with lyrics, and this was true even when the two positive emotions
were analyzed separately, ts (62) = 5.63, 9.84, respectively, ps < .05.
However, participants rated the sad and angry melodies coupled with lyrics as
more intense in their intended emotion than that elicited by the same melody
without the lyrics, again, even when the two negative emotions were
analyzed separately, ts (62) = 2.20, 3.68, respectively, ps < .05. Thus, it
appears that lyrics detracted from music that conveyed positive emotions (i.e.
happy, calm), but bolstered music that conveyed negative emotions (i.e. sad,
This finding may have again been due to the chance selection of more
salient melodies for positive emotions and more salient lyrics for negative
emotions. In fact, this possibility was tested more directly in Experiments 2
and 4. Another possibility, however, is that the participants indeed relied
more on the melody for the music that conveyed positive emotion, but relied
more on the lyrics for the music that conveyed negative emotion. It has been
speculated that positive emotions are associated with the left hemisphere,
whereas negative emotions are associated with the right hemisphere of the

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Psychology of Music 34(4)

brain (e.g. Heilman, 1997). For instance, Gagnon and Peretzs (2000)
participants have shown a left-hemisphere predominance when rating tonal
melodies as pleasant and a right-hemisphere predominance when rating
atonal melodies as unpleasant (and for a review, see Davidson, 1995). In the
present study, the finding that the lyrics for the music that conveyed negative
emotions enhanced these emotions and detracted from the positive emotions
appears to be inconsistent with these findings. That is, because the lyrics
themselves should be processed in the left hemisphere, and the left hemisphere is associated with positive emotions, the positive emotions should have
been intensified by the presence of lyrics. One possible explanation for this
discrepancy might be that it is only the semantic meaning of the lyrics that is
processed in the left hemisphere; the negative emotional meaning of the
lyrics (as well as the integrated song) is processed in the right hemisphere (cf.
Besson et al., 1998; Samson and Zatorre, 1991), thus adding to the
negativity of the emotions since the right hemisphere is associated with the
processing of negative emotions.
There were no interactions between the intended emotion and gender of
the participants. Women and men gave similar ratings, regardless of the
intended emotion, F (3, 90) = 2.29, MSE = 1.84, p > .10. In addition,
separate analyses indicated no effect of the gender of the vocalists in
influencing the participants intensity ratings, F (1, 30) = 0.80, MSE = 1.02,
p > .10. Even though perhaps one might have speculated that the gender of
the vocalist would have had more (or less) of an effect on the same-gendered
listener, there was no interaction between the gender of the vocalists and the
gender of the participants, F (1, 30) = 0.65, MSE = 1.02, p > .10.
The participants had rated each musical excerpt on all four emotions,
regardless of the specific intended emotion of the excerpt. Hence, in addition
to the congruent ratings (e.g. happy rating for happy music) that were of
main interest, there were three other ratings made for each excerpt (e.g. sad,
calm, and angry ratings for happy music). Primarily as a manipulation
check, to see if what was classified as the specific intended emotion of each
excerpt matched the participants perception of it, we compared the
congruent ratings with the other ratings. We found that the participants
congruent emotion ratings were always higher than the other emotion
ratings, thus matching the perceptions of the intended emotion of each
excerpt (all ps < .05).

Experiment 2
In Experiment 1, the presence of lyrics seemed to dampen the positive
emotions but enhance the negative emotions conveyed by the melodies. The
purpose of this experiment was to examine the relative influences of the
lyrics and the melodies in these excerpts more carefully, and to look directly at
whether the melody or the lyrics emerged as the more dominant component

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Ali and Peynircioglu: Songs and emotions

in eliciting each of the emotions in question. Thus, in this experiment we

used only music with lyrics and also added a condition in which the melodies
and lyrics in some of the excerpts were not congruent with respect to the
emotion that was to be conveyed.

The participants were 32 students (19 women and 13 men) at American
University, who participated for extra credit in psychology courses or for a
chance to win $100. None had participated in Experiment 1.
Materials, design, and procedure
The stimuli included a randomly selected 16 of the 32 excerpts from
Experiment 1, with four of each emotion, and all of the excerpts were
presented with lyrics. In addition, the excerpts were re-recorded to obtain
melodylyric pairs for which the lyrics were not congruent with respect to the
emotion conveyed by the melody (e.g. happy melodies were paired with
sad, calm, or angry lyrics, as well). In fact, for each participant, of the 16
excerpts that were presented, four were congruent (as in Experiment 1,
except only one of each emotion), and 12 were incongruent (three of each
emotion, with one excerpt from each incongruent melodylyric combination). Thus, for example, a given participant heard a happy melody with
happy lyrics, as well as a happy melody with sad lyrics, a happy melody
with angry lyrics, and a happy melody with calm lyrics. The lyrics were
rotated through the melodies so that across four groups of participants, each
excerpt served in the congruent and each of the incongruent conditions
equally often. That is, for example, a happy melody that was paired with
happy lyrics for one participant group was paired with sad lyrics for the
second participant group, with calm lyrics for the third participant group,
and with angry lyrics for the fourth participant group, and no lyrics or
melodies were repeated in any participant group.
Given that in Experiment 1 no differences had emerged as a function of the
gender of the vocalists, the male vocalist from Experiment 1 sang all of the
songs in this experiment. The same recording apparatus was used as before;
however, the excerpts were recorded at Omega Recording Studios, Inc., in
Rockville, MD.
The excerpts were presented to the participants randomly with respect to
the intended emotion and congruency (whether lyrics and melodies matched
with respect to emotion). The remaining procedural details were identical to
those of Experiment 1.

The differences between the intensity of the emotional responses as a

function of (1) the congruency condition (melodies and lyrics congruent

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Psychology of Music 34(4)

TA B L E 2 Experiment 2: Mean intensity ratings (19) of emotional responses to music as
a function of the type of emotion and the congruency condition (i.e. melody and lyrics
emotionally congruent with the intended emotion, melody emotionally congruent with the
intended emotion and lyrics mismatched, lyrics emotionally congruent with the intended
emotion and melody mismatched)

Congruency condition

and lyrics

Melody congruent
and lyrics



Lyrics congruent
and melody
mismatched mismatched


with respect to the emotion of interest, melodies congruent and lyrics mismatched with respect to the emotion of interest, and melodies mismatched
and lyrics congruent with respect to the emotion of interest); (2) the particular intended emotion of interest; and (3) the gender of the participants were
examined. Table 2 summarizes the results.
The 3 4 2 ANOVA showed a main effect for congruency, F (2, 60) =
69.48, MSE = 2.76, p < .001. As expected, overall, the participants rated the
emotion conveyed by the music when melodies and lyrics were emotionally
congruent as more intense than that elicited by the music when melodies and
lyrics were emotionally incongruent. This was true both when the lyrics were
mismatched, t (254) = 4.15, p < .05, and when the melodies were mismatched, t (254) = 10.21, p < .05. In fact, the participants gave higher
ratings for the congruent music than for the incongruent music (both for
mismatched melodies and mismatched lyrics) for every single emotion, all ps
< .05. Thus, in all cases, both melodies and lyrics appeared to be contributing
to the elicited emotion.
Furthermore, the ratings were higher when melodies were congruent with
respect to the emotion of interest and lyrics were mismatched than when
lyrics were congruent with respect to the emotion of interest and melodies
were mismatched, t (254) = 6.83, p < .05. Thus, the melodies, rather than the
lyrics, emerged as the more dominant component in eliciting the intended
emotion conveyed by the excerpt. It is of course possible that again the
melodies that were selected just happened to be intrinsically more effective at
conveying emotion than the lyrics; however, this time because different
melodies were paired with different lyrics for different participants, the
asymmetry in the mismatches is more likely to be real and not just an artifact.
There was no main effect of gender, F (1, 30) = 1.08, MSE = 10.68, p >
.10, and no interactions between congruency and gender, F (2, 60) = 1.22,

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MSE = 2.76, p > .10, or between intended emotion and gender, F (3, 90) =
1.96, MSE = 3.53, p > .10. Thus, as in Experiment 1, there were no gender
effects and women and men gave similar ratings in all cases.
There was a main effect for type of intended emotion, F (3, 90) = 7.14,
MSE = 3.53, p < .001. Post-hoc comparisons showed that the participants
gave higher ratings for happy and sad excerpts than for angry excerpts, ts
(190) = 3.51, 4.59, respectively, both ps < .05, but not for calm excerpts,
both ps > .10. These results differ from those in Experiment 1 in that the
differentiation was not between positive and negative emotions. Because in
Experiment 1 the intended emotion was always defined by both lyrics and
melodies, we also examined only the conditions when the melodies and lyrics
were congruent, but still there was no main effect for type of emotion, F (3,
90) = 1.37, MSE = 3.18, p > .10. Given that the main purpose of Experiment
2 was to explore the effects of melody and lyric mismatches, there were very
few instances of the control condition of congruent lyrics and melodies and
the lack of such a main effect is perhaps not surprising.
There was also an interaction between emotion and congruency, F (6,
180) = 3.83, MSE = 1.68, p < .01. As illustrated in Table 2, the participants
rated the excerpts in the congruent condition higher than the excerpts in the
mismatched condition for the negative emotions (sad and angry), both ps <
.05, but only when the melodies were congruent and the lyrics were
mismatched with respect to the intended emotion. However, the participants
rated the excerpts in the congruent condition higher than the excerpts in the
mismatched condition for each of the emotions separately, all ps < .05, but
only when the lyrics were congruent and the melodies were mismatched with
respect to the intended emotion. Thus, when melodies were congruent and
lyrics mismatched, the effect was closer to that elicited by entirely congruent
music, demonstrating once again that the melodies were indeed the
dominant element. The participants also rated the excerpts with congruent
melodies and mismatched lyrics as being more intense than the excerpts with
congruent lyrics and mismatched melodies for happy, calm and angry
emotions (all ps < .05).
Thus far, all of the mismatched emotions have been combined in the
analyses. For example, for lyrics mismatched with respect to happy (the
intended emotion), the ratings of happy melodies paired with sad, calm and
angry lyrics were examined without discriminating between these types of
lyrics. Similarly, for melodies mismatched with respect to happy (the
intended emotion), the ratings of happy lyrics paired with sad, calm, and
angry melodies were examined without discriminating between these types
of melodies. However, the differences, if any, between the specific mismatched
emotions for the lyrics (e.g. between happy melodies paired with sad lyrics
and happy melodies paired with calm lyrics or with angry lyrics) as well as for
the melodies (e.g. between happy lyrics paired with sad melodies and happy
lyrics paired with calm melodies or with angry melodies) were also of

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Psychology of Music 34(4)

interest. To see if the dominance of the melody mattered more or less

depending on the specific emotion conveyed by the lyrics, first we examined
the differences between the intensity of emotional responses when the
melodies were congruent with the intended emotion and the lyrics were
mismatched. There emerged no interactions between the particular intended
emotion of the melody and the emotion of the lyrics, F (6, 180) = 1.99, MSE
= 4.22, p > .10, which suggests that what type of mismatched lyrics the
critical melodies were paired with did not matter.
The reverse did show an interaction, however, F (6, 180) = 6.03, MSE =
3.86, p < .001. The type of melody the lyrics were paired with did matter. In
particular, sad lyrics led to more intense emotions when paired with happy
melodies than with calm melodies, t (62) = 6.69, p < .05. Similarly, calm
lyrics led to more intense emotions when paired with sad melodies than with
angry melodies, t (62) = 4.50, p < .05. It is plausible that the participants
easily confused sad and calm lyrics, perhaps because both emotions are
characterized by having low arousal properties by the circumplex theory (e.g.
Russell et al., 1981). Thus, it appears that although the type of lyrics does not
influence the melodies, at least some melodies are important in modulating
the emotions elicited by some of the lyrics. These results are also consistent
with the observation that the melodies tend to dominate over the lyrics in
conveying emotion.
In addition, up to this point, only the intended emotion ratings given by the
participants have been examined. For example, if the intended emotion was
happy, only the happy ratings of happy melodies paired with happy lyrics,
the happy ratings of happy melodies paired with sad lyrics, and the happy
ratings of sad melodies paired with happy lyrics were looked at. However, in
the case of this particular example for instance, it would have made just as
much sense, in both of the mismatched conditions, to look at the participants sad ratings too. Thus, it was of interest to compare the intended
emotion ratings, which were congruent with respect to the melody and/or
the lyrics, with the other ratings that were congruent with respect to the
mismatched emotion. These comparisons would in fact determine more
directly if the participants were indeed attending to the melody part of the
excerpt more than the lyric part, and thus provide more evidence as to
whether the melodies dominate over the lyrics in eliciting emotion. Scheff
multiple comparisons demonstrated that the participants rated the emotion
elicited by (1) the happy melodies paired with sad lyrics as more intense on
the happy scale than on the sad scale; (2) the sad melodies paired with
happy lyrics as more intense on the sad scale than on the happy scale; (3)
the happy melodies paired with calm lyrics as more intense on the happy
scale than on the calm scale; (4) the calm melodies paired with happy lyrics
as more intense on the calm scale than on the happy scale; (5) the happy
melodies paired with angry lyrics as more intense on the happy scale than
on the angry scale; 6) the sad melodies paired with angry lyrics as more

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Ali and Peynircioglu: Songs and emotions

intense on the sad scale than on the angry scale; and (7) the calm melodies
paired with angry lyrics as more intense on the calm scale than on the
angry scale, all ps < .05. Other comparisons did not reach statistical significance. In addition, for all of the mismatched music, participants gave higher
ratings on the scales that were emotionally congruent with the melodies than
for the lyrics, all ps < .05. Thus, in general, these comparisons also support
the previous observations that the emotion of the melody dominates over the
emotion of the lyrics. When conflicting emotions are presented, the ratings
congruent with respect to the melodies tend to be higher than the ratings
congruent with respect to the lyrics.

Experiments 3 and 4
In the following two experiments, we explored whether affective responses to
music generalize to pictures of common objects paired with the music simply
by association, or whether they remain solely linked to the musical excerpt.
In addition, we wanted to see, in case of a transfer of emotionality to these
pictures, whether it was the lyrics or the melodies that were more influential
in creating such a transfer. Even though in Experiment 2 the melodies
appeared to dominate over the lyrics, when the targets of the ratings were
pictures of objects, easily described in words, perhaps the lyrics would gain in
importance. Thus, in Experiment 3, the melodies and lyrics were congruent
with respect to emotion as in Experiment 1, and, in Experiment 4, the
melodies and lyrics were sometimes congruent and sometimes incongruent
as in Experiment 2.

The participants were 72 students at American University. Of those, 36
participated in Experiment 3 and 36 participated in Experiment 4.
Participants took part in Experiment 3 for extra credit in psychology courses,
and in Experiment 4 either for extra credit in psychology courses or for a
chance to win $100. None had participated in any of the previous
Materials, design, and procedure
The methods of Experiments 3 and 4 were similar to those of Experiments 1
and 2, respectively, except that the participants viewed pictures of common
objects while listening to the musical excerpts. The pictures were taken from
the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test Revised (Form L; Dunn and Dunn,
1981) and the Boston Naming Test Second Edition (Kaplan et al., 2001).
Thus, in Experiment 3, the participants viewed 48 pictures, 16 pictures with
musical excerpts containing emotionally congruent melody and lyrics (four
of each emotion), 16 pictures with musical excerpts without lyrics (again,

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Psychology of Music 34(4)

four of each emotion), and 16 pictures with no music. In Experiment 4, the

only difference was that when the pictures were paired with music with
lyrics, the melodies and lyrics were not always emotionally congruent. In
fact, as in Experiment 2, four melodies had emotionally congruent lyrics and
12 melodies had emotionally incongruent lyrics. In both experiments, the no
music condition served as a baseline for the affective responses to the
pictures of the common objects themselves.
In Experiment 3, across 12 groups of participants, the pictures were
counterbalanced so that each one appeared equally often with music with
lyrics sung by the male vocalist, music with lyrics sung by the female vocalist,
music without lyrics, and no music. It should be noted that because no effects
in Experiments 1 and 2 were observed, gender was not of interest here;
however, to remain faithful to the design of Experiment 1, the gender of the
vocalist was also counterbalanced. The pictures were presented to the participants randomly with respect to the presence or absence of music, the
emotional content of the music, the presence or absence of lyrics, and
the gender of the vocalist. In Experiment 4, across 12 groups of participants,
the pictures were counterbalanced so that each one appeared equally often
with music with emotionally congruent lyrics, music with emotionally
incongruent lyrics, music with no lyrics, and no music.
As in the previous experiments, the participants were asked to rate their
affective reactions on all four emotions, but this time the reactions were to be
to each of the pictures rather than to the music. The music would be there
merely as background.

Experiment 3
The differences between the intensity of emotional responses as a function of
the music condition (i.e. pictures paired with melodies and lyrics, pictures
paired with only melodies, and pictures paired with no music), and the type of
emotion were examined. The pictures paired with no music were evaluated
using only the directly corresponding congruent emotion ratings. Thus, for
example, the happy ratings for pictures paired with no music were
compared only with the happy ratings for pictures paired with happy
melodies and lyrics and the happy ratings for pictures paired with only
happy melodies. Table 3 summarizes the results.
The 3 4 ANOVA showed a main effect for the music condition, F (2, 68)
= 25.22, MSE = 1.03, p < .001. Overall, the presence of music in the
background affected the ratings of the pictures of common objects. Both
pictures paired with melodies and lyrics as well as pictures paired with only
melodies were rated higher than pictures paired with no music, ts (286) =
4.07 and 2.72, respectively, both ps < .05.
Because the ratings from the pictures with no music condition were
included in this general ANOVA, the effects of type of emotion on the

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Ali and Peynircioglu: Songs and emotions

3 Experiment 3: Mean intensity ratings (19) of emotional responses to pictures
as a function of the type of emotion and the lyric condition of the music

Lyric condition


Pictures paired
with music
with lyrics

Pictures paired
with music
with no lyrics

Pictures paired
no music







picturemusic pairs or any interactions could not be examined. Thus, a

separate analysis was performed, where the differences between the intensity
of the emotional responses as a function of the music condition involving
only the pictures paired with melodies (with or without lyrics) were
examined. This 2 4 ANOVA showed a main effect for the type of emotion, F
(3, 102) = 37.53, MSE = 2.20, p < .001. Post-hoc comparisons showed that
the participants gave higher ratings to the pictures paired with happy music
than to those paired with sad and angry music, ts (142) = 6.37 and 8.19,
respectively, ps < .05, and there were no differences between pictures paired
with happy and calm music, t (142) = 1.07, p > .05. Pictures paired with
calm music were also given higher ratings than those paired with sad and
angry music, ts (142) = 5.44, 7.29, respectively, ps < .05. It appears that
participants rated pictures paired with music that conveyed positive emotions
higher in emotional content than pictures paired with music that conveyed
negative emotions. Thus, the findings from Experiment 1, where positive
emotions were rated to be more intense than negative emotions, remained
the same through transference to pictures of objects, as well.
There was no main effect for the music condition, F (1, 34) = 3.23, MSE =
0.93, p > .10, but there was an interaction between the music condition and
the type of emotion, F (3, 102) = 4.92, MSE = 1.15, p < .01. Participants
rated the pictures paired with calm melodies with no lyrics as more intense in
their intended emotion than that elicited by the pictures paired with the same
melodies with lyrics, t (70) = 3.34, p < .01. The ratings for the pictures
presented with happy, sad, and angry melodies with no lyrics, however, were
not different from the pictures presented with the same melodies with lyrics
(all ps > .10). These results are somewhat different from those of Experiment
1, where lyrics detracted from the positive emotions and enhanced the
negative emotions. Here, the lyrics did not detract from the happy music
component of the positive emotions and the lyrics did not enhance either of
the two negative emotions. Thus, one difference between the emotions

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Psychology of Music 34(4)

conveyed by the music itself and the transference of those emotions to

pictures of objects appears to be the further decreased effects of the lyrics.
In addition, the participants gave the pictures paired with music that
conveyed positive emotions similar ratings on the happy and calm scales
(all ps > .05), but both were higher than those on both the sad and angry
scales (all ps < .05). Likewise, the participants gave the pictures paired with
music that conveyed negative emotions similar ratings on the sad and
angry scales (all ps > .10), but both were higher than those on both the
happy and calm scales (all ps < .05). Thus, even though the differentiation
of the individual emotions observed in Experiment 1 was lost, the valence or
polarity effects were still preserved. The presence of the pictures seems to
have dampened the specific emotion but preserved the general tenor of the
emotion that was conveyed by the music.
Experiment 4
Of interest were the differences between the intensity ratings as a function of
type of emotion and the music condition (i.e. pictures paired with congruent
melodies and lyrics, pictures paired with music with congruent melodies and
mismatched lyrics, and pictures paired with mismatched melodies and
congruent lyrics with respect to the intended emotion, as well as pictures
paired with no music). Again, the pictures paired with no music were
evaluated using only the directly corresponding congruent emotion ratings.
Table 4 summarizes the results.
The 4 4 ANOVA showed a main effect for the music condition, F (3, 90)
= 13.12, MSE = 2.08, p < .001. Overall, the presence of music in the
background affected the ratings of the pictures of objects. Post-hoc contrasts
showed that the emotion elicited by the pictures paired with congruent
TA B L E 4 Experiment 4: Mean intensity ratings (19) of emotional responses to pictures
as a function of the type of emotion and the congruency condition (i.e. melody and lyrics
emotionally congruent with the intended emotion, melody emotionally congruent with the
intended emotion and lyrics mismatched, lyrics emotionally congruent with the intended
emotion and melody mismatched)

Congruency condition
Intended and lyrics
emotion congruent


and lyrics

and melody

No music






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melodies and lyrics was higher than that elicited by pictures with no music,
t (254) = 4.09, p < .05, as well as higher than that elicited by emotionally
incongruent melodies and lyrics, but only when melodies mismatched,
t (254) = 3.29, p < .05, and not when lyrics mismatched, t (254) = 1.00, p >
.10. Additionally, the emotion elicited by the pictures paired with congruent
melodies and mismatched lyrics was higher than that elicited by mismatched
melodies and congruent lyrics, t (254) = 2.84, p < .05. Finally, the emotion
elicited by the pictures paired with music when melodies and lyrics were
emotionally incongruent was higher than that when there was no music, but
only when lyrics mismatched, t (254) = 3.89, p < .05, and not when melodies
mismatched, t (254) = 0.90, p > .10. Thus, the findings of Experiment 3 were
replicated in that the emotion conveyed by the music did transfer to the
pictures, simply through association. In addition, consistent with Experiment
2, the melodies, rather than the lyrics, emerged as the more dominant
component in conveying the intended emotion through the transfer, as well.
As in Experiment 3, the pictures in the no music condition were removed
and a separate analysis was done to examine the differences between the
intensity of the emotional responses as a function of the music condition.
The 3 4 ANOVA showed a main effect for the type of emotion, F (3, 90) =
32.04, MSE = 3.21, p < .001. Overall, the participants gave higher ratings
for pictures paired with happy and calm excerpts than those paired with sad
and angry excerpts, all ps < .05. Incidentally, this effect remained even when
just the condition when the pictures were paired with emotionally congruent
melodies and lyrics was examined, F (3, 90) = 14.48, MSE = 4.21, p < .05.
Participants rated the picture-congruent music pairs that conveyed happy
and calm emotions higher than the picture-congruent music pairs that
conveyed sad and angry emotions, all ps < .05. Thus, again, participants gave
higher ratings for positive emotions than for negative emotions.
There was a main effect for the music condition, F (2, 60) = 9.90, MSE =
2.30, p < .001. Overall, pictures paired with emotionally congruent melodies
and lyrics were given higher ratings than those paired with emotionally
incongruent melodies and lyrics. This was true when the melodies were
mismatched, t (254) = 3.29, p < .05, but not when the lyrics were
mismatched, t (254) = 1.00, p > .10. Furthermore, the participants gave
higher ratings when melodies were congruent and lyrics were mismatched
than when lyrics were congruent and melodies were mismatched, t (254) =
2.84, p < .05, showing once again the melodies to be the more dominant
component in influencing conveyed emotion even as transferred to pictures.
In addition, as in Experiment 2, we found that it did not matter what types
of lyrics the critical melodies were paired with (F (6, 180) = 0.25, MSE =
4.36, p > .05), suggesting that all of the different emotion lyrics had similar
influences when paired with emotionally incongruent melodies. Again, the
type of melody the critical lyrics were paired with did matter (F (6, 180) =
3.18, MSE = 3.24, p < .01). Calm lyrics led to more intense emotions when

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Psychology of Music 34(4)

paired with happy melodies than with angry melodies, t (62) = 3.88, p < .05,
possibly because in the former case both components conveyed positive
emotions and the combination had a synergistic effect. In addition, we did
not replicate the finding where sad lyrics led to more intense emotions when
paired with happy melodies than with calm melodies, and where calm lyrics
led to more intense emotions when paired with sad melodies than with angry
melodies, both ps > .05. Perhaps the pictures prevented the possible
confusion between sad and calm lyrics that had emerged in Experiment 2,
possibly due to the low arousal properties of both.
When the differences between the ratings when melodies were congruent
and the lyrics were mismatched, but still congruent with respect to the
polarity of emotion, or mismatched on both counts were examined, the 4 2
ANOVA did not show any interaction between the particular intended
emotion of the melody and the emotion of the lyrics, F (3, 90) = 0.88, MSE =
3.18, p > .05. Thus, when there was a mismatch, whether the lyrics conveyed
positive or negative emotions was unimportant in influencing the intended
emotion conveyed by the melody. However, whether the melodies conveyed
positive or negative emotions was in fact important in influencing the
intended emotion conveyed by the lyrics, F (3, 90) = 4.15, MSE = 2.63, p <
.05, again suggesting the dominance of melodies over the lyrics.
As in Experiment 2, we also compared the intended emotion ratings,
which were congruent with respect to the melody and/or the lyrics that the
pictures were paired with, with the other ratings, which were congruent
with respect to the mismatched emotion. Scheff multiple comparisons
demonstrated that the participants rated the emotion elicited by the pictures
paired with the music with (1) happy melodies and sad lyrics as more intense
on the happy scale than on the sad scale; (2) happy melodies and angry
lyrics as more intense on the happy scale than on the angry scale; and (3)
calm melodies and angry lyrics as more intense on the calm scale than on
the angry scale, all ps < .05. In addition, for all of the pictures paired with
mismatched music, the participants gave higher ratings on the scales that
were emotionally congruent with the melodies than for the lyrics. Thus, in
general, these comparisons support the previous observations that the
emotion of the melody dominates over the emotion of the lyrics even in
transference to pictures easily described in words.

This study explored whether lyrics and melodies of songs were equal partners
in their effectiveness in conveying emotions, and how they affected each
other. Although intuitively one might have predicted that lyrics conveying
the same emotion as the melodies would enhance the overall emotion, we
found that this happened only for negative emotions. Lyrics indeed bolstered
the emotion conveyed by sad or angry music. However, unexpectedly, lyrics

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Ali and Peynircioglu: Songs and emotions

detracted from the emotion elicited by happy or calm music, that is, positive
emotions. Thus, it appears that lyrics can indeed influence the overall
emotional valence of music, allowing music to more easily convey negative
emotions when they are present, and allowing music to more easily convey
positive emotions when they are absent. There were no gender differences in
any of the findings.
Melodies and lyrics might be processed as independent components at the
perceptual level (e.g. Bonnel et al., 2001). In addition, even if they form a
Gestalt at a more cognitive level (e.g. Serafine et al., 1984), the two components may not contribute equally to this Gestalt. Thus, we examined
whether the melody and the lyrics contributed differentially to conveying
emotion in songs. We used songs in which the melodies and the lyrics in some
of the excerpts were not emotionally congruent and found that it was the
melodies, rather than the lyrics, that emerged as the more dominant
component in eliciting emotion for all four of the emotions that were
examined. This finding was consistent with that of Sousou (1997), which
showed that the melody of a song had a greater ability to affect mood than
the lyrics, rather than the opposite finding shown by Stratton and Zalanowski
(1994). When conflicting emotions were presented, the ratings congruent
with respect to the melodies tended to be higher than the ratings congruent
with respect to the lyrics.
We also explored whether or not affective responses to music generalized
to emotionally neutral stimuli paired with the music simply by association, or
whether they remained solely linked to the musical excerpt. This issue would
perhaps be of interest in the areas of advertising and marketing. For instance,
calm background music has been found to enhance salespersons persuasive
efforts (Chebat et al., 2000) as well as buyers cognitive activity and attention
(Chebat et al., 2001). This study found that the presence of the music had an
impact on individual stimuli as well. In fact, even the more detailed findings
from the first two experiments, where positive emotions were rated to be more
intense than negative emotions and melodies tended to dominate over the
lyrics, remained the same through transference, although the finding that
lyrics detracted from happy and calm music, but bolstered sad and angry
music, were somewhat dampened.
In all of the experiments, the participants rated the music that conveyed
positive emotions higher than the music that conveyed negative emotions. It
is possible that by chance the melodies and lyrics selected to convey the
positive emotions were intrinsically more effective at eliciting the positive
emotions than those selected to convey the negative emotions. However,
these results are consistent with those of Balkwill and Thompson (1999),
who found that there was a tendency for the participants to rate their
intensity of joy and peace to be higher than that of anger. Balkwill and
Thompson (1999) also found that sadness was rated to be as intense as joy
and peace. Perhaps their participants have confused sad with calm, as

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Psychology of Music 34(4)

both emotions are characterized by having low arousal properties by the

circumplex theory (e.g. Russell et al., 1981).
In sum, we found that lyrics detracted from emotional responses to happy
and calm music (positive emotions), but enhanced emotional responses to sad
and angry music (negative emotions). The melody of music was more
dominant than the lyrics in eliciting emotional responses. And these effects,
for the large part, remained the same through transference to pictures of

This study was supported in part by a dissertation research award from the American
Psychological Association and by a non-competitive research grant from the Graduate
Leadership Council of American University. The authors thank Benjamin Tomassetti,
Sterling Scroggins, Lisa Korenman, Scott Parker, Michele Carter, and the staff at
Omega Recording Studios, Inc. for their assistance with this study.

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Appendix: Materials used in the experiments


When its Sleepy Time Down South Louis Armstrong
Big Time Operator Big Bad Voodoo Daddy
String Quartet 12 in F Major, Op. 96: No. 3 (American) Dvorak

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Ali and Peynircioglu: Songs and emotions

Songs without Words, Op. 102, No. 5 in A major (The Joyous Peasant)
Violin Concerto No. 2 in D Major, KV211: 3 Mozart
Violin Concerto No. 3 in G Major, K216: 3 Mozart
Ti-Pi Ti-Pi Tin Preservation Hall Jazz Band
Go to the Mardi Gras Preservation Hall Jazz Band

The Wind Chet Baker
You Dont Know What Love Is Chet Baker
Sleep Tight Big Bad Voodoo Daddy
Summer Night Miles Davis
Songs without Words, Op. 102, No. 4 in G minor Mendelssohn
Piano Concerto No. 23 in A, K488: 2 Mozart
Cello Sonata, D. 821 Arpeggione in A Schubert
Symphony No. 5 in E Minor, Op. 64: No. 1 Tchaikovsky
Blue in Green Miles Davis
Songs without Words, Op. 30, No. 1 in E flat major Mendelssohn
Songs without Words, Op. 67, No. 3 in B flat major Mendelssohn
Songs without Words, Op. 85, No. 1 in F Major Mendelssohn
Violin Concerto No. 4 in D Major, KV218: 2 Mozart
Three Candles Richard Schnherz and Peter Scott
Theme from Grace/Lament George Winston
Young Mans Fancy George Winston
Symphonie fantastique, Op. 14, No. 4 (Marche au Supplice) Berlioz
Petits Machins Miles Davis
The Time of the Barracudas Miles Davis
Finally Home Jerry Goldsmith
The Hunt Builds Wojciech Kilar
Pictures at an Exhibition (The Hut on Fowls Legs (Baba Yaga))
High-Wire Stunts John Williams
The Droid Invasion and the Appearance of Darth Maul John Williams

Unconditional Love Victoria Beckham
Be Your Friend Judy Gershorn and David Gershorn
Paradise Kaci
Here Comes Summer Jerry Keller

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Psychology of Music 34(4)

I Miss You Darren Hayes
Cold Day in July Dixie Chicks
Am I Blue George Straight
Im Missing You Meja
Dream Fairy Unknown
Cradle Song Unknown
Sleep Tom Polman and Kathy Norwine
Dreams Come True Westlife
No More Miss Nice Ashley Ballard
Double Dare Bauhaus
Forward to Death Dead Kennedys
Touch of Evil Warlock

S . O M A R A L I graduated with a PhD in experimental psychology/behavioral neuroscience from American University in August 2004. The experiments in this article
were part of his PhD dissertation and were presented at the 44th Annual Meeting of
the Psychonomic Society, Vancouver, BC, Canada. Dr Ali is currently a Clinical
Research Scientist at Cato Research Ltd, in Rockville, MD.
Address: 9850 Key West Ave, Suite 400, Rockville, MD 20850, USA. [email:]
L U is an Associate Professor of Psychology and Director of the
Human Memory and Cognition Laboratory at American University.
Address: Department of Psychology, American University, Asbury Building 321, 4400
Massachusetts Ave., N.W., Washington, DC, 20016, USA. []

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2006 Society for Education, Music, and Psychology Research. All rights reserved. Not for commercial use or unauthorized distribution.

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