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2014 Orig Manual

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Spring Fling

Booth Manual
Original and Pizza Booths
Bre Allaart
Club Relations Director

Email: springfling@email.arizona.edu
Office: 520.621.5610
Cell Phone: Field Cell Phone TBD

Office Hours
Monday 11am-4pm
Tuesday 11am-1pm &2pm-4pm& 3:30pm-5pm
Thursday 11am-12pm &2pm-4pm
*or by appointment
Welcome to Spring Fling 2014! The 40th year of our amazing event!
Congratulations on being selected to raise money for your club with your
fellow University of Arizona clubs. It is my pleasure to be directing your
involvement this year. I have made it my goal to provide every club with the
support and feedback necessary to be successful in Spring Fling. Many of you

depend on the funding raised during Spring Fling; you and I want to
maximize that funding. I will outline Spring Flings policies and procedures as
how they pertain to your individual club:
I. Preparation (page 2)
II. Mall Conduct (page 8)
III. Business Procedures (page 9)
IV. Disciplinary Actions (page 11)
V. Checklist (page 14)


It is my hope that you see my level of commitment to making this

anniversary year a great success. I am asking that you reciprocate this
commitment with respect. I will not ask you to fill out a form or give me
information that is not worth your time. Any piece of information or form is
timely and I would appreciate a response within 48 hours. Other club
responsibilities are as follows:
Attend all booth meetings (See calendar for dates, times, and location)
Return the required forms by the dates specified.
Run your assigned booth during each day of Spring Fling.
Provide cashiers for the assigned number of cashier shifts (and make sure
cashiers attend training sessions)
Set up your club booth at your designated time (to be assigned later).
Follow all of the conduct and operational guidelines in this manual.
Failure to adhere to these requirements/policies will result in disciplinary
action discussed later in the manual. I do not anticipate many problems but
have to start out with that disclaimer. I also want everyone to know that this
a new venue and new year for us. Everything will be planned but if at any
time something needs to change I hope you will be flexible with me. If I have
to change meeting times or dates you will be notified in advance. Now on to
the fun stuff, about what it actually means to participate in Spring Fling!

Spring Fling 2014



Booth Set Up

3 PM - 7 PM



Risk Management

10 AM

Health Department

3:30 PM




4 PM - 11PM




11 AM - 11PM




11 AM - 6 PM

I. Preparation
Club Contacts
The Club Relations Director sends all emails to the primary contact provided
in the club booth application. Before the next meeting a link will also be sent
out to a GoogleDoc where your club will provide 4 permanent contacts. This
will be used to create a contact tree for your organization. If the primary
contact (expectations listed below) does not keep in contact, the others on
the list will be contacted. When unforeseen circumstances arise (unfortunate
weather conditions or other fair conditions), this list will also be used to
achieve quick contact with any leading members of the club.
Expectations of Club Rep (Primary Club Contact)
1. Read and understand the booth manual and enclosed forms
2. Attend all mandatory mass booth meetings (January 29, February 12,
March 12, April 2)
3. Present and communicate meeting information to other club members
who are scheduled to work in the booth (i.e. rules, procedures, cleanup
policy, cashier meetings, etc.)
4. Submit booth forms by Wednesday, Feb 12, 2014
5. Pay the booth rental fee (to ASUA front desk) by Friday, March 7, 2014 at
12 pm.
6. Complete and submit the proper Health Permit application (to Bre Allaart)
by Wednesday, February 12th, 2014 at 6pm.
7. Create and maintain a positive attitude among the student workers in the
8. Must be on the field at the open and close of each carnival day (Can be
shared with other contacts)
**Failure of a Club Rep to meet these requirements will result in possible
disciplinary action due to a breach of contract**
Dont hesitate to ask a question! Chances are that you are not the only one

with that question. It will help you as well as the other clubs involved. The
deadlines for various forms are as follows:
February 12th W-9, Booth contract packet, Online Club Contact Update by
March 5th- Cashier signups due by 12pm
March 7th- Last day to drop, check due in ASUA
March 12th Health Permit Application at 6pm

Booth Rental Fee

A $150 booth rental fee is charged to all clubs and organizations with an
Original Booth to cover the costs that are incurred by Spring Fling in
equipping the booths with the necessary supplies. The booth rental fee is
due on or before Friday, March 7th, 2014 before noon to the ASUA
front desk. Only CASHIERS CHECKS and MONEY ORDERS, payable to
The University of Arizona, will be accepted. No personal checks, club
accounts, fraternity/sorority house checks, or cash will be accepted. These
payments are non-refundable after March 7, 2014.

Each participating club will pay the full $150 booth deposit unless it is
sharing a booth with another club. Then those clubs split the payment
between them (i.e. each club pays half).

Your booth fee pays for Spring Fling to provide a health permit and
also, a limited amount of floors, screens, and sanitary gloves for each food
booth. Each booth will also be given a fire extinguisher and trash bags (clubs
can retrieve trash bags and gloves from the procurements area).
In an effort to foster our image as a cohesive team and celebrate the 40th
year. I am asking clubs to wear club shirts or special 40th shirts. Spring Fling
will be releasing our logo along with a University of Arizona logo in pdf or
jpeg format so clubs may screen-print them onto their shirts. If your club
doesnt have the funding to screen print, please come up with an alternative
so that your club looks cohesive. (ie your regular club shirt or everyone
wearing the same color)
Informational Posters
I want your clubs to be the focus of our event! In order to push your clubs
more towards the center of attention, I would love to see a poster or two
outside your booths telling patrons (with pictures and words) what your club
is all about. Why is your club an important piece of the university mosaic?
Why was your club chosen for Spring Fling? Make those patrons proud to be
supporting the University of Arizona and the students!

All booths are responsible for procuring their own appliances. The Directors
of Spring Fling recommend that you make arrangements for appliances as
soon as possible.
Overnight security
Will be available during the carnival, but The University of Arizona and Spring
Fling accept no responsibility for any items left in your tent/booth overnight.
In short, leave appliances and supplies on the field at your own risk.
Food storage
A refrigerated truck will be available for all booths during Spring Fling.
However, refrigeration alone is provided, so you must provide your own
freezer for any items that need to stay frozen. If you need a freezer,
remember that you are going to need constant power (overnight) to keep
your food frozen. With the problems in the past regarding the refrigerator
truck, only the food your club thinks it will sell that day will be allowed in the
refrigerator truck. This is to prevent a large loss of food. If the refrigerator
truck does fail, Spring Fling will replace up to $75 worth of food per club as
indicated in the Refrigerator Liability Release Papers. In addition, Spring Fling
will not be responsible for any lost or damaged food that is stored. The
refrigerated truck is kept locked and it is supervised by the Club Relations

Spring Fling provides the following items:
Booth frame (8x16 structure)
One overhead light per 8 x 8 structure (2 total)
Fire extinguisher
Two electrical outlets with two inputs each
2 Tables and 4 chairs
Trash bags
Access to water
Gloves (food servers)
Screens (to keep bugs and debris out of the front of the booth)
Warmers (pizza booths)
Grease disposal barrels
Grey water tank
Original Food Booths need to provide the following items:

4 (8 x 4) sheets of plywood for the facade

Decorations for booth and facade (i.e. lights, paint)
Building materials (i.e. hammer, heavy-duty zip ties, drill)**
Waterproof tarps to cover both top and back of booth
Bucket and bleach (per the Health Code Sanitation Pail
Appliances (other than pizza booth warmers)
Electrical cords, power-strips or other supplies
Hand washing station (per the Health Code Requirement)
Coolers for drinks and ice
Drop cloths if using grease or oil
**Remember, you cannot alter the physical structure of your booth.
Do not cut or remove any part of the structure**
Beverages and Ice
Spring Fling purchases Coke products for clubs to sell. Clubs are charged at
cost for these products by inventory taken by the Club Relations Director
before and after each day of operation. To streamline the process, after each
day of operation please remove the drinks from any coolers and order them
on a counter. Ice is also available to keep these beverages chilled. Clubs will
be charged at cost for this as well. Clubs simply need to report to the
Procurements Tent behind the original booths to obtain these products.
Physical Resources
Spring Fling will provide every booth with a minimum of 110 volt (16 amps)
of electrical power. Each booth will have access to two permanent outlets
with two plugs each. Wire trees are not permitted unless there is an internal
fuse or breaker on the tree itself. Additional outlets, including 220 volts
(fryers or industrial stoves) may be requested.
Remember, if you need to keep things frozen, you will need a freezer and
constant power. All appliances must be put on the online Physical
Resources Request Form and specify whether they require 110v or 220v (110
volts is the standard all socket voltage, 220 volts are usually used for
industrial fryers and cookers four prong plug). Overnight power can also be
requested online. We need to know this information so we can prepare the
layout of the mall and give the electricians plenty of time to set up. Please
check your equipment and ensure that you indicate correct voltage. If your
booth requests a 220v outlet, Physical Resources will be contacting your
Water will be available in designated areas on the mall. Each booth will be

responsible for transporting water to their booths. You are can only wash
items in the three-bin setup discussed in the temporary health guidelines.
This also requires heated water as part of the sanitization process. Please
bring the appropriate number of utensils, plus a few extras, for that day. We
also have to watch water usage due to the possibility of mud; it is a violation
of the Health Department to have all the mud behind the clubs. Please
indicate on the Physical Resources form if you need water each day or night.

All booths must supply their own facade to advertise their booth, stating your
club or organization, what you are selling, and who your sponsor is. Your
sponsor should not exceed 10% of the total area of the facade.
A basic facade consists of (2) 4x8-foot pieces of plywood to cover the lower
half of the booth and (2) 4x8 sheets of plywood to cover the upper part of
the structure. The bottom piece will rest on the ground and upper piece will
start above your desired window space. The 8x16 booths will need four 4x8
plywood sheets.
Facades in the past, which we have found to be appealing, have included the
following elements:
Bright colors
Glow in the dark paints, black
Christmas tree lights
Bold, uniform lettering
Neat and uncluttered look
Cut-out shapes/letters in the
Chicken wire with paper mache Use of 3D images
The Spring Fling logo for your faade design can be provided upon request as
well. Please keep the content and style of your faade respectful and
tasteful. A fine is possible for violation of the Spring Fling community
standards policy.
From past experience, we have found that painting the facades one to two
weeks before the carnival is most beneficial because it allows time for the
paint to dry and for touch-ups. All facades will have to be done prior to
move-on day. When you bring your faade to set up on Wednesday, April 9th,
you must have your own tools (hammers, zip ties, brushes and touch-up
paint) because you will not be able to borrow tools from Spring Fling. Please
do not wait to paint your faade on the field during set-up.
By Friday, March 7th, 2014, I would like to have a very good idea of what
your faade will look like. There will be instructions on the online Graphics

Please consult the Community Standards section, attached to this packet to
remind you of the standards that exist for Spring Fling. All booth faades will
be inspected April 9th during set-up. If facades are unacceptable or they have
changed from the design approved by the Club Relations Staff, you will have
to change it before you will be allowed to open on April 11th, 2014. If you find
you need to change your design, please contact the Club Relations director
as soon as possible.

Temporary Food Facilities Guidelines

During the Mass Booth Meeting on February 12, 2014, the Pima County
Health Department will give a presentation on all the rules regarding food
preparation. At this time, applications for a temporary Health Permit will be
dispersed. This permit will be due, completed, by Wednesday, March 12,
2014 at 6 pm. I will be taking all of the permits to the Health Department to
pay and get them approved that weekend. The health permits must be
approved two weeks prior to the opening of the event as per the Health
Department Code. The Health Department will only be meeting with groups
if they feel it is necessary. (Any group that fails to meet with the Health
Department for this meeting will not be able to sell food at the carnival.)
Only approved foods will be permitted. There shall be no more than three
potentially hazardous foods on the menu (i.e. meat, fish, poultry, cooked
rice, and beans). Minimum handling of food is necessary. A primary menu is
due by the meeting in February.
Spring Fling will provide the floor and fly mesh to cover the window area at
the front of your booth. Food booths will have to provide a tarp to
completely cover the back and roof of the booth. Booths on the ends of the
booth units will have to provide additional tarps to cover the open sides of
your booth. This is in accordance with the Health Departments regulations.
Except for clubs and organizations that serve wrapped or pre-packaged food
or beverages, hand washing and utensil washing stations must be present in
all booths. Hand washing facilities may be provided, if so, you will be notified
prior to the carnival. The following pages have detailed instructions from the
Health department. Please consult them if you are confused or unsure.
Food handling personnel must adhere to proper hygiene practices. Wash
hands frequently, wear hair restraints, wear clean outer clothing, and no
eating, drinking, or smoking allowed in the food booth. These rules also
apply to anyone who is preparing any food outside of the booth as well.

All food, food containers, utensils, napkins, and all other single service
materials must be stored well above the floor and adequately protected from
any form of contamination.
Condiments (i.e. mustard, ketchup, onions, relish, salsa) available for
customer self-service should be individually packaged, or from approved
squeeze-type containers.
All potentially hazardous foods are to be kept cold, 45 F degrees or less, or
hot at 140 F degrees or higher. Foods are to be pre-heated to 165 F degrees.
Some foods may be cooked outside the booth (in the barbecue area), but no
food is to be maintained outdoors for heating.
Spring Fling will provide facilities so that you can dispose of all liquid waste in
a sanitary manner. These bins will be marked GREASE and their locations
will be discussed at the final mass booth meeting.
All equipment and utensils must be cleaned and sanitized after each days
No foods may be prepared at home!!! Food booths must display Health
Permits at all times. The complete food guidelines are on the following
pages, if you have questions feel free to contact the Pima County Health
There is a 4 page document entitled Temporary Health Guidelines on the
Club Involvement page of the Spring Fling website should you want to review
the specific guidelines before the presentation by the Health Department.

II. Mall Conduct

Set-Up Guidelines
On Wednesday and Thursday, April 9th &10th, 2014, clubs will be allowed to
set up their booths between 3 and 7 pm. I will have a load in and out plan set
for all of you and discussed at the April 2nd meeting. I highly recommend
getting there as close to your time slot as possible because it takes much
longer than expected to set up your faade, appliances, and overall booth.
After your club is set up, someone will be applying mesh to the front of your
booth to keep dust and insects out of the booth during the event. You are
allowed to cut holes or flaps in these the following morning.
The University of Arizona has its own risk management department. This

department will be attending the March 12th meeting to brief you on event
set-up expectations. In addition, they will be inspecting your booths at 10 am
on Friday, April 11, 2014. If you are not in compliance they will be back
around 2 pm to re-inspect your booth for safety violations. If you do not pass
the second inspection, you will not be allowed to open.
The Pima County Health Department will be conducting inspections on that
Friday, April 11, 2014 at 3:30 pm while you are preparing your food. The
purpose of these inspections is to ensure compliance. If your club is not in
compliance, the department will return unannounced during the weekend to
check compliance.
Each club will receive 5 parking permits for use throughout the entire
carnival. There is a designated parking lot for club volunteers. A parking
representative will direct any incoming cars to that designated area when
presented with parking permit.
Community Standards
Spring Fling exists as the primary fundraising opportunity for many of the
universitys clubs and organizations. However, students must realize that
they are not the sole participants in Spring Fling. Faculty, administrators,
members of the Tucson community, and children attend this event. Thus,
great care is taken to ensure that all participants, whether patron or
volunteer, have an enjoyable experience.
The Club Relations Staff is concerned with the conduct of all clubs and
organizations volunteers, the content of entertainment shows, and the
appearance of faades and will be enforcing the community standards of
Spring Fling. The Club Relations Staff will check all booths periodically for
compliance with the rules and regulations of Spring Fling and The University
of Arizona. Spring Fling reserves the right to enter and search any booth at
any time.

Unacceptable conduct includes but is not limited to:

Sexual or other inappropriate innuendos
Racist/Sexist remarks
Smoking while preparing or serving food
Failure to comply with University and Spring Fling policy with regard to
conduct will result in actions discussed in the Disciplinary Section of this
Customer Service
Spring Fling is committed to every aspect of customer service. While clubs
are here to raise money, they are here to raise money through extraordinary
customer service on behalf of the University of Arizona. Proper etiquette is

essential to creating an inviting atmosphere for guests. Anyone operating a

booth needs to be attentive (ie not on his mobile device) and dedicated to
bringing customers to his booth. If the club relations director witnesses or is
alerted to sub-par behavior in this department, a club possibly adheres
themselves to disciplinary action.

III. Business Procedures

Business Staff Liaison
Each club will be assigned a Business Staff member who they can contact
with questions about business. Check to Google Doc that will be sent out for
your contacts information.
All sales and transactions performed during Spring Fling are computed
through a scrip system. The scrip (a paper ticket valued at approximately
$.75) is given in exchange for cash at scrip ticket booths located through the
field. Cash is only accepted by Admit, Scrip, and Parking cashiers. As
appropriate tender, Spring Fling will recognize only scrip. The Spring Fling
Business Staff along with RCS determine the location of the Scrip booths and
their hours of operation.
Each club will be assigned a ticket bucket. It is the clubs responsibility to
have the bucket picked up at least 15 minutes before the start of the event
from the business compound. Once the carnival has closed, the club has 15
minutes to return the ticket bucket to the business compound. A club
forfeits their opportunity to win daily gift card prizes if they are not timely in
the pick up and drop off of their buckets.
All booths are responsible for ensuring that only scrip tickets are deposited
into the ticket box. Do not deposit any foreign material, any other tickets, or
wet scrip into the ticket box. This includes counterfeit (or RCS tickets from
other fairs) tickets and clubs will not be reimbursed for these tickets. If
something falls into your scrip box by accident, let us know when returning
the ticket box. Buckets that are returned mislabeled, appear tampered with,
broken, or contain foreign objects are subject to action by the Business
Calculating Scrip Net
Scrip is sold in increments of approximately $0.75. Also, $15.00 and $20.00
booklets will be available for purchase. There is no specific price for each
scrip ticket. At the end of the day the average scrip price is calculated based

on how many scrip of each type were sold that day. Spring Fling withholds
15% of this daily revenue value to help cover the operating costs of the
carnival. RCS also receives a small percentage of the total revenue.
(Gross Revenue) * (0.85) = (Scrip Net)
Daily Reports
Each clubs daily payout and calculations for the previous day will be posted
each morning outside the business office. A list of all fines charged to booths
in the previous day(s) will also be listed along with the revenue. Sundays
totals will be posted in the Spring Fling office on Monday, April 14th.
(Scrip Net) (Fines) (Stock Used) = (Daily Payout)
University Payment Policy, Final Reporting, and Check Disbursement
The aggregate club revenue and fines will be posted in the Spring Fling office
by Friday, April 18th, 2014. Clubs will have a week from the day revenues
were posted to dispute payment figures. Members of the Business Staff will
have office hours the week after revenues are posted in order to answer any
questions regarding revenue figures. Two weeks following revenue posting
the figures will become final and will be handed over to the ASUA Business
Director who will see to payment disbursement. We will be using the Club
ACH form. If you have any questions about the form please contact
us and we can work on it with you. Forms will be due with the
contracts on February 12th.
All clubs are required to provide cashiers to work in the Spring Fling vending
locations, which include ticket booths and admission booths. The amount of
hours required to work is determined by the club size. Your club will be
receiving a Google Doc containing the shifts you have been assigned. These
shifts are due by February 26th, 2014 at 12pm when the documents close so
do not wait; send this out to all members.
Please note that all cashiers must arrive 30 minutes prior to their scheduled
shift and expect to stay for 15 minutes after their scheduled shift in order to
be counted in and out. All cashiers, and alternates, must attend ONE
mandatory cashier training session. This year there will be online signup
before the actual training. The sign-up will work where individuals will not be
allowed to sign up for trainings that are already full. The training dates are as





Friday, March 7th







Thursday, March 13th



Monday, March 24th



Wednesday, March



Friday, March 28th



Monday, March 10th

Tuesday, March 11


Clubs are responsible for any discrepancy in excess of $5.00 when

counting out. Any amount over $5.00 will be deducted from club
revenue. Business Operation forms for Admission and Field
Cashiers are kept in the business compound for the length of the
carnival. Cashier procedures will be explained during the
MANDATORY cashier meetings.

IV. Disciplinary Actions

Spring Fling expects participating clubs to abide by the policies and
procedures listed in this club manual. Instead of resorting to fines for every
small infraction, clubs that do not follow the procedures listed will be
ineligible for daily incentive prizes. More serious negligence and blatant
disregard for policies and expectations of conduct will be met with fines
and possible expulsion from the carnival.
Procedures for Spring Fling are the day-to-day operational expectations.
Examples of this include but are not limited to:
1. Timely Booth Opening
2. Timely Cashier Arrival
3. Timely Ticket Bucket Pick-Up and Drop-Off
4. Timely Booth Construction on Wednesday, April 9, 2014
Rewards, in my humble opinion, incentivize proper behaviors more than
threats. Therefore, in order to gain your compliance with timeliness, I will be
awarding daily prizes to the best operational clubs. Operational does not

necessarily mean clubs that make the most money for that day.
Operationally successful means a smooth day of service for guests.
Customer service, cashier reliability, and timeliness are all integral elements
of a successful operation. I feel that this is a more respectful way to handle a
large number of clubs and people and create a unified team.
Policies for Spring Fling are umbrella ideas and expectations that guide
conduct and presentation at the carnival. Spring Fling is an event of the
Arizona Board of Regents (ABOR) on behalf of the University of Arizona.
Persons entering the premises agree to be subject to and bound by ABOR
and University policies. No weapons are permitted. Persons entering the
premises are also subject to Pima County ordinances and to the laws of the
state of Arizona. Violators shall be subject to expulsion from the premises,
sanction by the University as appropriate, and prosecution by local, county
and state authorities. The following policies are integral and failure to adhere
will result in fines or more serious consequences.
There will be NO alcoholic beverages and/or alcoholic containers,
empty or full, on the field at any time. It is against Arizona state law to
consume alcohol on University grounds. Violation of this statute will warrant
a citation and punishment, which will include a court appearance and a
possible jail sentence. Also, Spring Fling is a university event and, therefore,
alcohol is prohibited. Violation of these regulations will be cause for action
by the University of Arizona.
Spring Fling will not tolerate the presence of alcohol and/or drugs at
the event because it jeopardizes the safety and integrity of the carnival. If
alcohol and/or drugs are found in any booth at any time the following actions
will be taken:
$750.00 Fine - First violation of alcohol/drug policy
Booth Removed - Second violation of alcohol/drug policy
Any member of the Spring Fling Staff who witnesses the use of or discovers
the presence of alcohol and/or drugs has the authority to report these
findings to the Club Relations Staff, who will then impose the appropriate fine
and notify the appropriate authorities. The person violating this policy will
then be removed from the property.

Each booth is responsible for cleaning up around their booth. This includes
twenty yards in front of the booth and thirty yards behind. The Club

Relations Staff will be on the field throughout the carnival, visiting booths. At
the beginning and close of each day, the Club Relations Staff will help booths
inspect their respective areas for trash. Please try to keep the area around
your booth clean because it will help the image of your booth and at the
same time keep the carnival clean. If there is an on-going problem with trash
around your booth, the Club Relations Staff will be forced to remove your
booth from the field for the remainder of the carnival.
$50.00 Fine - Excess trash around booth coupled with inaction to
Clubs will be held financially responsible for any structural damages/changes
to any carnival grounds/equipment. Examples include but are not limited to:
field grease damage, cashier booth damage, original booth modifications
without consent.
The Spring Fling staff defines negligence as actions that affect or jeopardize
the operations, interest, or safety of the greater carnival. Examples include
but are not limited to leaving your booth unattended for any reason during
the course of the event, not tending to a safety concern, or blatant and/or
repeated disregard for Spring Fling policy or procedures. $100 fines will be
awarded for instances of negligence at the discretion of any Spring Fling
director. Negligence is a serious issue and clubs need not worry about
landing a negligence claim if they are following the guidelines set forth in
this manual. I am here to help your club make money not have your club live
in fear of being fined. If you work to the best of your ability at running a well
thought-out booth, I will see you as complying with Spring Fling policies and



February 12, 2014 Booth Meeting

Online Contact Information Form
Form W-9
Spring Fling Contract
Liability Release
Refrigerator Truck Release
AHC Form
Online Menu Submission
Faade Design Finalization
March 12, 2014 Booth Meeting
Cashiers Assigned
Cashiers Signed Up For Training
Create a Schedule for Booth Staffing
Health Permit submitted by March 12, 2014
Faade Completed
Cashiers Attend Trainings
Purchase Food Supplies
Prepare Food in Approved Kitchen
Ready to Move onto Field

And Remember: After 40 years theres still nothing else like it!


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