A Review of The Research On Internet Addiction PDF
A Review of The Research On Internet Addiction PDF
A Review of The Research On Internet Addiction PDF
Research indicates that maladaptive patterns of Internet use constitute behavioral addiction. This article explores the research on the social effects of
Internet addiction. There are four major sections. The Introduction section
overviews the field and introduces definitions, terminology, and assessments.
The second section reviews research findings and focuses on several key factors related to Internet addiction, including Internet use and time, identifiable
problems, gender differences, psychosocial variables, and computer attitudes.
The third section considers the addictive potential of the Internet in terms of
the Internet, its users, and the interaction of the two. The fourth section addresses current and projected treatments of Internet addiction, suggests future
research agendas, and provides implications for educational psychologists.
KEY WORDS: Internet addiction; Internet dependence; Internet abuse; pathological
Internet use.
The use of the Internet on school campuses and in society has increased
dramatically in recent years. Whereas the academic use of the Internet is
primarily intended for learning and research, the Internet has also become
an important part of student life. However, from time to time, cases of overinvolvement with the Internet have been observed on different campuses.
For example, Chou et al. (1999) observed that in one residence hall at their
1 Institute
Morahan-Martin and
Schumacker (1997,
Brenner (1997)
Scherer (1997)
Young (1996a, 1998)
Goldberg (1996)
Addictive Behavior
Inventory (IRABI)
Chinese Internet
Addiction Scale
Chinese IRABI version
Internet Addiction
Scale for Taiwan
High Schoolers
4-point Likert
4-point Likert
4-point Likert
Questionnaire (DQ)
Clinical symptoms of
Internet dependency
Internet Addiction
Disorder (IAD)
Diagnostic criteria
Criteria (core
components) for
reliability ()
Respondents (method)
Table I. Internet Addiction Assessment Instruments (using Criteria, Checklists, or Scales) with Information About Items, Scale, Reported
Reliability, Number of Respondents, and Methods
Based on the aforementioned studies, we can draw a tentative conclusion that the Internet itself is not addictive, but that some specific Internet applications, especially those with interactive functions, appear to
contribute to the development of pathological Internet use.
include random sampling, the sampling plans did not exhibit systematic
bias. On the other hand, the studies showing no malefemale differences in
addiction employed self-selected samples from online solicitation, and thus
the sampling bias may have been stronger. Griffiths (1998) commented that
because females are generally more willing than males to discuss emotional
issues and problems, or perhaps because Young is a female researcher, female respondents were more willing to take part in the study than would
otherwise have been the case.
The issue of gender in regard to the question of Internet use and its
effects is an important one. Do men and women use the Internet differently and engage different Internet applications? Young (1998) observed
that men tend to seek out dominant activities or content online. Those interactive online games that rely particularly on power, dominance, control,
and/or violence attract more men than women. Women, on the other hand,
seek out close friendships and prefer anonymous communication in which
they can hide their appearance(s). Virtual communities give women a sense
of belonging and the ability to share their feelings and emotions in private
and convenient ways. Whereas men tend to explore sexual fantasies online,
women tend to look for romance in cyberspace. Young states that although
it is not unusual for women to engage in random cybersex or cyber sex
chat, they often prefer to form some type of relationship prior to the sexual chat. In Chens study (2000), hierarchical regression analysis indicated
that time-management problems and compulsion symptoms are common
predictors for both genders weekly time spent on the Internet. Shyness
and withdrawal symptoms are predictive only for female college students,
whereas experiences and tolerance symptoms are predictive only for males.
Based on the aforementioned studies, tentative conclusions can be drawn
that men use the Internet differently from women, and that men are more
likely subject to Internet addiction.
Internet Addiction and Other Psychosocial Variables
Do people have special personality or social-psychological characteristics that lead them to become Internet addicts? A few studies have explored
the relationship between Internet addiction and users social-psychological
or personality variables, such as sensation seeking, pleasure experience,
use-and-gratification, loneliness, and depression.
Do people with high sensation-seeking tendencies tend to be more
dependent on the Internet? Lavin et al. (1999) conducted a study
in which more than 300 college students were assessed regarding
their sensation-seeking tendencies on Zuchermans Sensation Seeking Scale
(SSS) (Zuckerman, 1979) as well as their attitudes and behaviors toward the
Internet. Contrary to expectations, this study found that dependent Internet users scored lower on the sensation-seeking scale, as well as on the thrilland adventure-seeking, and the excitement-seeking subscales. Researchers
explained that dependent Internet users tend to be quite sociable in their
Internet use, but not to the point of sensation seeking. Other possible explanations were that those students sensation-seeking traits may differ from
the traditional sense of the concept, or that the SSS is more appropriate for
assessing sensation seeking through various physical activities than for similar assessment through non-physical activities. However, it is worth noting
that the term dependent Internet user in this study was used somewhat
differently than in most studies in this field. The instrument termed attitudes and behaviors toward the Internet, used to differentiate Internet
dependence in this study, did not contain some of the major Internet addiction/dependency components such as tolerance, withdrawal, and related
problems. Therefore, the differentiation of dependent Internet users and
non-dependent Internet users in this study should be carefully re-examined.
Also focusing on Internet dependence and sensation seeking, Lin and
Tsai (2002) assessed about 750 Taiwan high school students, and categorized 17% among them as dependent Internet users. These results show
that dependent Internet users scored higher on a scale of overall sensation
seeking and on the disinhibition subscale than did non-dependent Internet
users, but there was no difference in the groups subscale scores regarding
life-experience seeking, and thrill- and adventure seeking. Researchers explained that adolescents strong developmental needs, such as striving for
personal identity, may be carried out through breaking social inhibitions,
which may in turn lead to Internet dependence.
The inconsistent results from Lavin et al. (1999), and Lin and Tsai
(2002) may be due to students ages (college students vs. high school students, respectively) and cultural contexts (USA vs. Taiwan, respectively).
The present authors also agree with the suggestion from Lavin et al. (1999)
that a modified sensation-seeking scale is needed. Such a scale might address a greater number of non-physical activities, such as daydreaming, as
well as Internet-related activities like meeting new people anonymously
online and participating in character construction in chat room scenarios.
These additions and more are needed to construct a more sophisticated
scale that would help researchers better explore sensation seeking on the
Do people use the Internet mainly for fun, or for the gratification of
needs? Chou et al. (1999) investigated Internet addiction on the basis of
Stephensons (1988) Play Theory of Mass Communication. This theory assumes that using the Internet generates some kind of pleasurable communication experience that draws users to the Internet again and again,
and that overuse of the Internet finally leads them to addiction-like behaviors. In their study, 104 valid, self-selected samples were collected
online. Among them, 67% were male and 80% were students. Respondents Chinese Internet-Related Addictive Behavior Inventory scores correlated positively with their escape pleasure scores, interpersonal relationship
pleasure scores, and total communication pleasure scores. The Internet addiction scores also correlated positively with both BBSs use hours and total Internet use hours. Close review of this study suggests, however, that
the demarcation between addicts and non-addicts should be carefully reexamined. In this study, the dichotomy was based on the mean of respondents Internet addiction scores, in addition, the samples were self-selected
but not drawn randomly from among Taiwans Internet users. This limits
the external validity of the study.
In a later study, Chou and Hsiao (2000) conducted a larger-scale investigation focused not only on pleasure experience but also on the usegratification aspect of Internet use. This study collected 910 valid survey
responses from 12 universities and colleges around Taiwan and identified
about 6% of respondents as Internet addicts. The results indicated that the
addict group found the Internet entertaining, interesting, interactive, and
enjoyable. The study also found that the most powerful predictor of Internet addiction was the communication pleasure score, followed by BBSs use
hours, gender, satisfaction (gratification) score, and email-use hours.
It seems that some people seek pleasure on the Internet; therefore, it
is possible that those who are depressed may be using the Internet to treat
their depression with pleasure-seeking activities. Young and Rogers (1998)
used the Zung Depression Inventory (Zung, 1965) and Youngs DQ to assess 259 valid respondents out of a total of 312 survey responses on this
topic. Their results indicated that increased levels of depression are associated with those who become addicted to the Internet. In particular, low
self-esteem, poor motivation, fear of rejection, and the need for approval
all commonly associated with depressioncontributed to increased Internet use. Although their findings did not indicate a clear cause-and-effect
relationship, Young and Rogers proposed that excessive time online might
increase levels of social isolation, resulting in increased depression.
A related question is, are lonely people more subject to Internet addiction? Or, do people feel lonelier as their Internet use increases? In
Morahan-Martin and Schumackers study (2000), 277 college students were
assessed using the UCLA Loneliness Scale (Russell, 1996). Results indicated that 8% of the samples were pathological in their Internet use, and
these pathological users were lonelier than non-pathological users. However, because of the studys statistical limitations, the direction of the relationship between loneliness and Internet use is hard to determine. In order
to determine causality, Morahan-Martin (1999) reviewed the related literature extensively and concluded that research has not determined whether
loneliness is symptomatic of excessive Internet use, or if heavy Internet
use is symptomatic of loneliness. However, she suggests that loneliness is
caused by excessive Internet use. She also contends that once the Internet
becomes a substitute for real-life social interaction, users may be caught in
a vicious cycle.
Current research is inconclusive about the relationship between Internet addiction and sensation seeking (Lavin et al., 1999; Lin and Tsai,
2002). In addition, Chous and colleagues studies (1999, 2000) suggest that
pleasure seeking is indeed one of the major motivations for heavy Internet users; increased symptoms of depression, however, have been identified in heavy users and associated with Internet addiction (i.e., Young
and Rogers, 1998), and Internet addicts report experiencing loneliness to a
greater degree than non-addicts (Morahan-Martin and Schumacker, 2000).
Rather than answering pressing questions regarding heavy Internet use and
its effects on users, these results appear to provide researchers with more
Morahan-Martin and
Schumacker (2000)
Young (1998)
Chou et al. (1999)
Related problems
Scherer (1997)
Young (1998)
Gender difference
Chou and Hsiao (2000)
Scherer (1997)
Morahan-Martin and
Schumacker (2000)
Young (1998)
Internet addiction and
other psychosocial
Lavin et al. (1999)
Major findings
Students addiction scores were correlated with their
weekly Internet-use hours
Internet addicts spent triple the number of hours than
The addict group spent more time on Bulletin Board
System and email than a non-addicted group
Pathological Internet users spent more time online per
week than users with limited or no symptoms
Internet dependents predominately used two-way
communication functions; non-dependents more
used information-gathering functions
Addicts used the chat and talk functions of electronic
BBSs the most
13% of respondents reported that Internet use had
interfered with their academic work, professional
performance, or social lives
2% of respondents perceived the Internet to have had
an overall negative effect on their daily lives
Dependents reported excessive use of the Internet
resulted in personal, family, and occupational
Time distortion was the major consequence of Internet
Students may experience academic problems
Taiwan college addicted students reported Internet has
negative impacts on their studies and daily life
No differences between addicted groups assessment
and non-addicted groups assessment of impacts on
relationships with friends/schoolmates, parents, and
Taiwan high schools students reported that the
Internet had slightly negative influences on their
studies and daily routines, but strong positive
influences on their peer relations
Gender is one of the predicting factors in Internet
addiction; males are more likely to become Internet
Among 49 identified Internet dependents, 35 are men
and 14 are women
Males were more likely than females to be pathological
Among 496 Internet dependents, 157 were males and
239 were females
Major findings
adventure-seeking and the excitement-seeking
Internet dependents users scored higher on overall SSS
and the disinhibition subscale than non-dependents
Students addiction scores correlated positively with
their escape pleasure scores, interpersonal
relationship pleasures scores, and total
communication pleasure scores
Addict group found the Internet entertaining,
interesting, interactive, and satisfactory
The communication pleasure scores are the most
powerful predictors of Internet addiction
Increased levels of depression were associated with
those who became addicted to the Internet
22 pathological users were more lonely than 251
non-pathological users
Pathological users were more likely than
non-pathological users to have higher social
confidence and social liberating scores
Students perceiving that they can control Internet
interactions and those who highly value its
usefulness claimed they needed more time online to
achieve desired satisfaction
substituting for a part of traditional media (e.g., television, radio, newspapers, magazines, books, and so on) (Chou, 2001). Grohol (1999) suggests
that societal acceptance and promotion of the Internet must also be considered. If most of the information we need in our daily lives (e.g., from mass
media) can be easily and cheaply obtained from the Internet, and if activities (e.g., writing letters, making phone calls) can also be carried out from
the Internet, then it is no leap to predict that more and more people will
spend more and more time online.
Young (1998) concludes that the Internet itself is not addictive, but
specific applications embedded within interactive features play a significant
role in the development of pathological Internet use. Griffiths (1997, 1998)
argues that the structural characteristics of particular activities are responsible for reinforcement, may satisfy users needs, and may actually facilitate
excessive or pathological use. Structural characteristics, in his words, refer
to the features that manufacturers design into their products. For example, the high degree of interactivity embedded in chat rooms and games
may create alternative realities for their users. The anonymity of some
BBSs may encourage the verbal disinhibition of many high school students
(Lin and Tsai, 2002). Similarly, the redo button, which allows gamblers to
click on the screen and then automatically redo the last bet, may draw more
and more gamblers to virtual casinos (King and Barak, 1999). Griffiths
(2000) argues that by examining such structural characteristics, we may
gain a better understanding of what users needs are, how information is
presented or misrepresented, and how users cognition is influenced and
use is healthy, pathologically addictive, or somewhere in between is determined by users multiple needs and how the Internet meets those needs.
In particular, he addresses two interpersonal needs: the need to belong
and the need for relationships. Everyone needs interpersonal contacts, social recognition, and a sense of belonging to live healthy and balanced
lives. Young (1997) also provides an explanation of online social support for Internet addiction. She claims that social support is formed
by groups of people who engage in regular computer-mediated communication with one another over extended periods of time. With routine or frequent visits to a particular newsgroup, chat room, or Bulletin
Board System, familiarity and a sense of belonging can be established.
As Morahan-Martin (1999) observed, the more time users spend online, the more likely they are to use the Internet for emotional support,
meeting new people, and interacting with others. Young (1997) argues
that the experience of the online social support group meets a deep and
compelling need in people, especially those whose real lives lack social
Two of the leading factors underlying pathological use of the Internet
are the anonymity and the interactivity of online interpersonal communications. Young et al. (1999) suggest that anonymity is associated with
four general areas of dysfunction. Among them, two are interpersonal, the
first being that the Internet provides a virtual context in which overly shy or
self-conscious individuals are allowed to interact in a socially safe and secure environment. However, over-dependence on online relationships may
result in significant problems with real-life interpersonal and occupational
functioning. The second dysfunction involving the anonymity of the Internet is cyberaffairs or extramarital relationships formed online that negatively impact marital or family stability. Scherer (1997) also argues that
the anonymous nature of some Internet services and the elimination of visual cues may decrease social anxieties in online relationships for college
As mentioned earlier, another leading factor underlying pathological
Internet use is interactivity, which has two aspects of particular importance: humancomputer interactions and humanhuman interactions. The
Internet not only provides its users with the opportunity to encounter new
people, it also provides additionalif not primarycommunication tools
for coping with existing relationships. This is frequently observed on college campuses. Scherer (1997) found that 98% of college students use the
Internet weekly in order to maintain relationships with family and friends.
Chou and Hsiao (2000) provide similar findings: one student noted that,
You know somebody is always out there, you are not alone. The authors
observed that this accompaniment function is more desirable for many
users than that of a television set or a radio, because the interactive feature
of the Internet enables college students to connect with others reciprocally
at any time; they do not just passively receive broadcasted information from
Because a large portion of Internet usersand abusersmay be found
on college campuses, Kandell (1998) discusses the unique vulnerability of
college students to Internet addiction. He argues that late adolescents and
young adults contend with strong psychological and developmental dynamics. College-age students, therefore, face two tasks: developing a sense of
identity and developing meaningful and intimate relationships. In some
cases, addictive behavior serves as a coping mechanism for adolescents having trouble negotiating these developmental challenges. Kandell notes that
college students frequently overuse the Internets two-way communication
applications such as chat rooms, email, and Multi-User Dimension games.
The danger for college students lies in the possibility that their Internet use
may become the central focus of their campus livesparticularly because
most students are already negotiating the difficult terrain of identity and
In this final section, treatment of Internet addiction is discussed and
various counseling techniques are presented. Then, needs for future research on Internet addiction and its treatments are suggested. Last, concluding remarks, aimed especially at educators, are made.
are bound to impact us in both positive and negative ways. Research on Internet addiction is one step toward understanding and evaluating the effects
of these impacts.
As educators and educational psychologists, we should not be surprised by the onset of new behavioral conditions when technological advances are changing our students lives so rapidly and in such revolutionary
ways. Kandell (1998) stated that college students as a group appear more
vulnerable in developing a dependence on the Internet than any other segment of society. Therefore, this article offers some implications for school
psychologists and student affairs administrators. As Scherer (1997) suggests, administrators should play a primary role in promoting awareness of
Internet abuse or addiction on campus. They can promote such awareness
by being in a position to both assess the needs of students and implement
preventive programs to decrease the potential dangers of excessive Internet
use. Besides promoting diagnostic and preventive strategies, Chou (2001)
suggests more effective management of students dormitory life to prevent
excessive late-night Internet use.
For student affairs administrators, Chou (2001) suggests they play a
crucial role in informing other campus professionals (such as teachers,
teaching-assistants, residence hall superintendents, school computer center administrators, etc.) of the risks of Internet abuse or addiction. Campus
professionals are often the first to identify those students with potential or
manifest academic problems (difficulty in completing assignments, lateness
for morning classes, poor grades, academic probation, etc.). Residence hall
superintendents may easily observe students with late-night living patterns
and sleep deprivation. If faculty and others are made aware of warning signs
and symptoms, they can more readily identify those students who might
benefit from treatment or other interventions. A team approach is required
in which student affairs administrators and faculty, as well as psychiatrists,
parents, and others, are made aware of this new disorder and where to look
for helpand this holds true for high school campuses as well. Chou contends that a team approach may be an efficient and effective way to undertake both research and treatment because the phenomenon of Internet addiction touches upon the expertise of multiple fields of academic and health
professionals. By working together to investigate and address its related
problems, we can keep up with the development of Internet technology,
rather than be overtaken by it.
This work was supported by the National Science Council in Taiwan
under Project NSC89-2520-S-009-001-N. Portions of this article were
presented at the 2000 International Conference on Computers in Education/International Conference on Computer Assisted Instruction and at the
2001 American Psychology Association Annual Convention.
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