Bess T. Studentever: - Education
Bess T. Studentever: - Education
Bess T. Studentever: - Education
Curriculum Vitae
Permanent Residence
500 Remarkable Lane
Lovely OH, 45809
Current Residence
45 Smiley Street
Athens, Ohio 45701
Sample University
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
and Honors in Criminology
expected June 2008
College of Arts and Sciences Deans List (Fall and Spring Quarter)
Sigma Sigma Sigma Honors Society Initiate, Sample University
Department of Psychology Undergraduate Research Travel Award
Ohio Psychological Association, Undergraduate Qualitative Research
Award ($100)
Excellence in Residential Advising Award, Sample University
Mary T. Smith Award for Excellence in Womens Leadership, Sample
Research Interests:
Research Presentations:
Studentever, T. B., & Advisor, M. Y. (2008, May). Risk factors for adolescent bullying:
The role of parental discord. Poster to be presented at the Sample University
Creative Activity and Research Fair, Lovely, OH.
Advisor, M.Y., Graduate, N. E., &, Studentever, B. T. (2007, October). Undergraduate
and graduate student research collaboration: Recommendations for optimizing
your experience. Poster presented at the annual conference of the Ohio
Psychological Association, Columbus, OH.
Manuscripts in preparation:
Advisor, M.Y., Graduate, A. N., & Studentever, B. T. (2008). Risks for adolescent
bullying: A literature review. To be submitted to The Review Journal of
Bullying Research.
Research Experience:
2006-present Principal Investigator
Student perceptions of bullying interventions: A multi-school study
Laboratory for the Study and Prevention of Bullying, Sample
University, Lovely, OH
Responsibilities: Developed and proposed an undergraduate honors thesis
examining middle school students perceptions of bullying interventions. Data
collection includes administration of surveys at 4 local middle schools prior to,
and 2-weeks following administration of a bullying intervention. Approximate
sample size: 300 participants.
Faculty Advisor: Marianne. Y. Advisor, Ph.D.
2006-present Survey Administrator
Community Initiative Study
Laboratory for the Study and Prevention of Bullying, Sample
University, Lovely, OH
Responsibilities: Facilitated survey administration for a large-scale evaluation
of bullying prevention and risk reduction program, funded by the Centers for
Disease Control. Responsibilities included facilitating informed consent,
processing survey materials, and managing participant sign-ups. Survey
sessions required 8 hours per week, and were facilitated in various residence
halls on campus.
Faculty Advisor: Marianne. Y. Advisor, Ph.D.
Study of Mens Social Experiences
Laboratory for the Study of Men, Sample University, Lovely, OH
Responsibilities: Facilitated an experimental protocol for a study of mens
bystander behaviors when primed to think about social norms.
Responsibilities included serving as a confederate, managing data collection
and survey administration for the collection of data for a dissertation, while
the graduate student supervisor was on internship. Data collection required
approximately 3 hours of independent work per week.
Graduate Student Supervisor: Nicole E. Graduate, M.S.
Faculty Advisor: Other C. Advisor, Ph.D.
Recruitment Coordinator
Study of Adolescent Bullying Outside the Classroom
Laboratory for the Study and Prevention of Bullying, Sample
University, Lovely, OH
Responsibilities: Facilitated the recruitment of middle school students
participating in a longitudinal evaluation of a bullying prevention
program for men. Responsibilities included contacting participants via
phone and via email for participation in 2-month and 4-month followup sessions. Recruitment required working independently, and
managing participant sign-up lists.
Faculty Advisor: Marianne Y. Advisor, Ph.D.
Professional Experience:
2004-present Assistant Child Care Provider, Sample University Child Care Center
Lovely, OH
Responsibilities: Maintained a work-study position that included
supervised child care provision at the university child care center three
times per week. Responsibilities included facilitation of educational
activities and developmentally appropriate crafts for children ages 3-5.
Supervisor: Site Supervisor, Ph.D.
2004- 2006
University Involvement:
2004-present Member, Sample University Co-ed Choir
2004-present Director, Sample University Hip Hop and Break Dancing Club
Member, Sample University Students Against Cancer Club
Professional Service:
2007-present Founder, Sample University Hip Hop and Break Dancing Club
2006-present Member, Sample University Student Retention Committee
Executive Officer, PSI CHI, Sample University
Work Experience:
Relevant Coursework:
General Psychology, Statistics for behavioral Psychology, Research methods,
Physiological Psychology, Psycholinguistics, Child and Adolescent behavior,
Psychology of Adult and Aging
Corrections, Police and Society, Juvenile Delinquency, Sociology of Mental Illness,
Deviant Behavior, Social Problems, Class and Inequality, Collective Behavior.
Professional Affiliations:
American Psychological Association, Student Affiliate
Phi Kappa Phi, Ohio University Chapter of the National Honor Society
Dr. Refer Enceone
Psychology Department
45 Porter Hall
Sample University
Lovely, OH