Wage Fund Theory

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There is no more burning question in the present state of Economic controversy than that

of the Wages-fund, and none on which the opinions of teachers in full repute appear more
widely divided. The doctrine that was held by J. S. Mill till 1869 (and then "presumed"
by him to be found in every systematic treatise on Political Economy) is still apparently
taught by Professor Fawcett; (1) it was restated with some additions and explanations, but
without important qualification, by the late Professor Cairnes; (2) and it is at least
continually implied in the advice tendered to the working classes from the capitalists'
side, even by sympathetic and fair-minded writers, such as Mr. Brassey. On the other
hand, the doctrine is altogether rejected by Mr. Jevons, Mr. Thornton, Mr. Cliffe Leslie,
Mr. F. Walker, and other American and English economists; and, under the influence of
these writers, I think there is a growing tendency in the organs of cultivated opinion to
treat it as exploded. It seems, therefore, opportune to consider, first, what precisely is the
theory of the determination of wages which is thus held by one set of economists and
denied by others, and what is its real importance; secondly, to weigh the negative
arguments urged against it by these latter; and thirdly, to inquire what positive doctrine is
or may be proposed in place of that which is thus rejected. The discussion in the present
article will fall under these three heads taken in the above order.

The first inquiry might seem to be superfluous, after the doctrine has been stated by such
able expositors as J. S. Mill and Cairnes. But the former's statements have certainly been
misunderstood both by friends and by foes; and I must confess that I have found some
difficulty in ascertaining the exact limits of the latter's position. In the passage (B. II. c.
xi. p. 1) in which Mill first speaks of the wages-fund he seems rather to describe the
manner in which the whole sum paid in wages is distributed, than to state the law by
which the total is determined. "What may be called the wages-fund of a country," he
says, is made up of "that part of the circulating capital (of the country) which is expended
in the direct purchase of labour," together with all other funds that are paid in exchange
of labour. If we knew no more of the wages-fund than that it is a total thus
heterogeneously made up, it might seem to be an [402] insignificant truism to affirm that
wages depend upon the relative amount of the wages-fund and of population ; as it is
merely an incontrovertible deduction from the principles of simple arithmetic that "the
general rate of wages cannot rise but by an increase of the aggregate funds employed in
hiring labourers or a diminution in the number of the competitors for hire."

Mill, however, means to assert something much more important than this elementary
arithmetical proposition; (3) something which is more distinctly implied in the statement
which he gives as roughly equivalent to the above, that "wages depend on the proportion
between population and capital." He means that, since the great majority of the wage-
earning class are labourers hired by employers for a profit, the amount of wealth devoted
to the payment of wages is mainly determined by the law of increase of capital. (4) Hence,
since capital is the result of saving, the wages-fund must be fixed independently of the
discussion between individual employers and labourers as to the wages which the former
are to give the latter. Mill was, of course, aware that the proportion of the whole capital
of a country that is employed in wages is not strictly a constant one, but varies with the
changes that invention introduces into the methods of production; but for his purpose this
variation is not important, provided it is independent of the haggling of the labour market.
His point was, that this proportion as well as the whole amount of capital must be taken
as "predetermined" in considering the problem of Distribution.

And this is the point which Cairnes is still concerned to maintain, with a more careful
statement of the relation of the wages-fund to the whole capital of the country. Cairnes
explains that the character and condition of the national industries determine the
proportion which labour will bear to the other part of capital, which is not wages-fund,
but fixed capital, raw materials, &c. He allows that, since wages may be higher or lower
while the amount of labour remains the same, this is not quite the same thing as
determining the proportion of wages-fund to capital. But he argues that if the supply of
labour, the total amount of capital, and the proportion of capital that is not wages-fund to
labour, be all three given, the wages-fund and the average rate of wages must also be
determined; [403] and that its determination gives us the rather remarkable result that not
only the average rate of wages, but the whole money spent in wages is decreased by an
increase in the supply of labour. (5)

Here, then, we have an abstract statement of the wages-fund doctrine in its latest and
most precise form; but we shall gain a clearer view of it by considering briefly its
practical bearings. From the manner in which Mill introduces the notion of a wages-fund
in close connection with his discussion of remedies for low wages, he might perhaps be
understood to imply that the fund is too rigidly limited to admit of being increased by any
legislative action or by any moral pressure on employers or other rich persons. But, in
fact, he is far from maintaining anything of the kind; and in his argument against the
expediency of such remedies he does not refer to any supposed limits of the wages-fund,
but to the Malthusian theory of population. So again he (as well as his disciples) plainly
recognises, in the distinction drawn between "wages" and the "cost of labour," that the
labourers' share of consumable commodities may be increased by an increase in their
efficiency without any diminution of profits; though it is undoubtedly a defect in his
exposition - unconsciously inherited from Ricardo and James Mill - that he keeps too
much in the background the large possibilities of amelioration which this consideration
opens up. In short, the only mode of enlargement of the wages-fund which he, or any
other economist of repute, has believed to be rigidly excluded by its so-called
determinateness, is enlargement through the successful bargaining of labourers with their

But there is a further qualification of fundamental importance which has been frequently
forgotten in practical applications of the wages-fund theory. The most confidently
"deductive" economists, so far as I know, have never supposed that the fund spent in
wages in any particular trade was determined independently of the bargaining between
employers and employed. Certainly Mill, in the days of his completest acceptance of the
wages-fund doctrine, allowed most explicitly that workmen in certain trades might, by
combining, keep their wages at a higher level than they would otherwise secure. He only
argued that this could not be done without also causing the aggregate wages of the rest of
the working class to be less than they would otherwise have been. But since the theory
left perfectly indefinite the individuals and even the classes on which such loss would
fall, this consideration could only be supposed to influence [404] the action of working
men so far as they are governed not by self-interest or even by natural esprit de corps, but
by a refined and abstract sympathy with the interests of certain unknown labourers. Now
I am far from saying that it is undesirable to encourage this kind of sympathy, or that the
working classes are incapable of being seriously influenced by it. But it must be allowed
that this is a motive very difference in kind from those by which the "economic man" has
been usually conceived to be governed. In most other departments of social organization,
under the régime of free competition, we continually find individuals and classes getting
rich in a manner which involves a corresponding diminution in the wealth of other men;
and not merely of "other men" abstractly and indefinitely conceived, but of very
definitely and familiarly known individuals - tradesmen in the same street, physicians in
the same town, barristers on the same circuit. Of course it may be replied that the
competition which brings about this result benefits society by keeping production
generally at the highest pitch of efficiency. But the point that I am urging is that no
economist has ever supposed the competing producers to be extensively influenced by
this consideration, or has asked, with a serious expectation of being listened to, that they
should refrain from all modes and expedients of competition except such as are socially
useful. In all the other eager struggles for well-being which society everywhere presents,
we are content to direct the force of social disapprobation against such diminution of
other people's wealth as is due either to fraud or to mere recklessness. Hence, when we
read the economic sermons on the text of the wages-fund which have so often been
addressed to workmen in their struggles with employers, we must conclude that the
preacher has either a confused notion of the doctrine that he is expounding or a
remarkably high opinion of the moral standard of his audience. (6)

It seems clear, in short, that the wages-fund doctrine-or any other theory of the
determination of general or average wage is of practical importance only so far as men's
pursuit of self-interest well understood "admits of being restrained and modified by moral
or philanthropic motives. So far as the labourers in any particular industry are ,economic
men" of the ordinary type, the considerations which they have to take into account in
regulating their [405] combined action for raising and sustaining wages are of a totally
different kind. They ought to forecast carefully the effects of the competition of other
actual or possible labourers in the same industry, and the decrease in the demand for their
product that will result from a rise in its price. But they certainly need not trouble
themselves much about the general wages-fund of the country, even if its
"predeterminateness" were established on the most solid basis of scientific reasoning.

It is now time to examine this reasoning more closely. As we have seen, the foundation of
the whole theory consists in the supposed independence of two facts, (1) "saving," the
process by which capital is increased, and (2) the discussion between employers and
employed by which the wages of particular labourers are fixed. If (1) is altogether
uninfluenced by (2), it will certainly follow that though the efforts of particular labourers
to get higher wages may be successful, it can only be at the expense of other labourers;
and similarly, though particular capitalists may beat down their workmen to a lower
wage, the money they thus save, being destined for productive employment, must
ultimately take the form of wages of other labourers. And this degree of rigidity in the
wages-fund is certainly implied in Mill's language in his Political Economy (compare v.
c. x. § 5 with II. cxi. §§ 1 and 3 - passages which, I observe, he did not think it worth
while to alter even after his review of Thornton). Mill's disciples, however, seem to have
admitted a greater degree of elasticity in the limitations of the fund long before the
appearance of Thornton's criticism. Professor Fawcett (e.g.), Pol. Econ., II. c. ix. (ed. I),
while arguing that combinations of workmen cannot permanently raise wages, affirms
that they may do so temporarily if they demand an increase when trade is flourishing and
profits high. In this passage he implies that this addition to the wages of one set of
labourers will not be taken from the wages of another set ; and the same conclusion is
reached by Cairnes (Some Leading Principles, Pt.II.c.3). But how is this result consistent
with the chain of reasoning that we have just been considering ? If the total amount of
capital is determined by saving, and therefore independently of the haggling of the
market, and if the proportion of capital that becomes wages-fund is determined by the
character of the national industries, &c., together with the supply of labour, how can any
action of any set of labourers (so long as these determining conditions remain unchanged)
increase the total wages-fund, as it must do if they raise their own wages without
diminishing those of any other labourers ? The only possible answer to this question
seems to be that which Mill gives in his review of Mr. Thornton's book "On Labour."
Although the process of increasing capital is generally voluntary - what we ordinarily call
"saving" - there is no economic law which prevents it from being compulsory; and, in,
[406] fact, when an employer yields to the demands of a union and raises his workmen's
wages, if he finds the money by cutting down his expenditure instead of taking it from a
bank or some other investment, he does increase capital in this compulsory way. Whether
we choose to call this saving or not is a mere question of words; it is at any rate a process
not independent of, but determined by, the haggling of the labour-market.

But if this be so, what becomes of the wages-fund theory ? If this compulsory economy
be possible at all, why should it not be on the whole successful ? In fact, neither Professor
Fawcett nor Professor Cairnes really denies this possibility. When they say that
combinations of labourers can only raise wages "temporarily," (7) they do not mean to
assert that the temporary rise will inevitably be balanced by a consequent temporary fall
in the wages either of the same or of other labourers; they clearly imply that this will not
be the case, if only the combined action of the labourers be wisely directed, and their
demands for advances only made when trade is exceptionally prosperous. It is true that
Cairnes does verbally deny that a "permanent elevation of the average rate of wages" can
be effected in this way; but the whole context distinctly shows that in this phrase he has
momentarily fallen into a confusion between "average" and "usual." If the cases in which
combinations can successfully raise wages are, as he assumes, "exceptional," it follows,
of course, that they cannot raise the usual rate in any branch of industry; but if these
exceptional rises are not inevitably compensated by consequent falls, it equally follows
that they must tend to raise the average rate. Of course the force thus exerted by any
single strike is very slight; but if we make the rather ideal supposition that the whole
body of labourers in their several industries are wisely led, and thus never demand an
advance unsuccessfully, it is clear that the level of average wages may be steadily
elevated by a continual series of slight rises. And if we suppose the movement of wages
to take place not in one trade only, but along the whole line of the labour-market, (8) what
is there to prevent the compulsory enlargement of the wages-fund from being both rapid
and extensive ?

[407] It may be replied that the fall of average profits involved in such a rise of wages
will diminish the motives to save, and thus ultimately reduce the voluntary additions to
the wages-fund so much as to balance the compulsory enlargement of the fund through
the successful bargaining of the workmen. Here, I think, we have the last stronghold of
the believers in a strictly determinate wages-fund; and, indeed, the only position which
they seem seriously prepared to maintain. It is not the wages-fund at any given time, but
the wages-fund in the long run, which they really hold to be independent of the haggling
of the labour-market. In considering this position, we must bear in mind, as was before
observed, that this fall in profits will not accompany the rise in wages, so far as the
efficiency in the labourer is increased through the improvement in his physical health,
due to better food, &c. The practical importance of this consideration seems to have been
conclusively established by Mr. Brassey. (9) And however we may agree with Cairnes's
strictures on the absurdity of formulating a "general law that the cost of labour is
uniform" on the strength of Mr. Brassey's statistics, a considerable approximation to such
uniformity, under certain conditions and over a limited range, has undoubtedly been
made out; and this is quite sufficient to render nugatory all general statements as to the
inevitable connection of a rise of wages with a fall of profits.

But, secondly, even if we assume the efficiency of labour to be unchanged, it does not
seem that we have any means of predicting à priori the extent to which a fall of profits
will operate in decreasing the additions to capital. In examining this point we have in the
first place to remove a confusion between "profit " and "interest" which pervades the
treatment of this subject by Mill and his school, notwithstanding the express distinction
between the two notions in Mill's analysis of profit (10). The employer's profit, as Mill
explains, consists (besides indemnity for risk) of "wages of superintendence" as well as
interest on capital; so that primâ facie any increase in the remuneration of his workmen
may operate to reduce the former element rather than the latter; whereas it is the latter
and not the former that constitutes the general inducement to save, which would be
comparatively unaffected by a reduction in the wages of superintendence. There is
nothing, I believe, in the extremest wages-fund doctrine to lead us to conclude that the
average remuneration of employers is incapable of decrease. Suppose that average
employers' profit, exclusive of risk, is now eight per cent., of which three per cent.
represents absolutely safe interest on capital, and five per cent. the "wages of
superintendence :" if an increase in workmen's wages should reduce average profits to
seven per cent., have we any grounds for concluding that it will not in the [408] long run
be possible to get the employers we want for four per cent.? What, then, are the persons
who now become employers to do under the circumstances supposed ? Will they, to any
considerable extent, live idly on three per cent. instead of working for seven ? Perhaps it
may be said that they will enter the professions; and no doubt there is a certain
competition between the learned professions and "business" for the services of young
men of ability with some inherited property, so that this tendency would operate to some
extent; but then this only leads to the wider question, Why should there not be a general
fall in the average remuneration of the whole first grade of services, that includes all
kinds of professional work as well as all kinds of employment of industry ? I know of no
economic law that renders such a fall impossible.

At any rate it is clear, I think, that the blow caused by increase of workmen's wages will
not fall immediately on the interest of capital, but will only reach it through a medium
that will absorb at least a good deal of its force. But if we grant that the rate of interest
will be reduced through the refusal of capitalists to become employers at the lower
remuneration, we have really no definite knowledge of the extent to which the fall would
check accumulation in England. All the saving that takes place to provide for old age, bad
times, children, &c., is nearly unaffected by the rate of interest. Most of the saving
accomplished by the poorer classes is of this character, and we may observe that a rise in
wages would have a direct tendency to increase this quota. Again, many persons have a
nearly fixed standard of living, and so long as their income is more than sufficient to
provide for this they will save the surplus, whatever that may be : in proportion as this is
the case their saving is only affected by the rate of interest so far as their income is
affected by it. But, farther, so far as men in business and the professions save with a view
of ultimately retiring on a certain income, it is obvious that a decrease in the rate of
interest may tend to make them save more rather than less; as they will require a larger
amount of accumulated capital to obtain the same amount of annual income. I do not
wish to exaggerate the force of these considerations; I quite allow that a decrease in the
rate of interest would on the whole tend to check accumulation of capital within the
country; but I submit that we have no such means of measuring this tendency as would
enable us to affirm that its operation must necessarily keep down average wages (cæteris
paribus) to their present level. The same may be said of the tendency of capital to seek
investment abroad in consequence of any fall in average profits confined to one particular
country. No doubt it is of the utmost importance, in considering any concrete case, to take
this consequence into account. But it seems clear that this tendency cannot be estimated à
priori with any [409] such exactness as would be necessary if it were used as a basis for
the wages-fund theory; so long as we are contemplating a state of things in which the
mobility of capital is as imperfect as it is actually shown to be by the very different rates
of interest and profit permanently maintained in different countries.

In the preceding discussion I have assumed that the wages of labour are to be regarded as
a certain share of the produce of previous labour; the remainder being consumed by the
capitalists or landlords themselves, or unproductive labourers whom they pay, or the
Government. This is the view commonly taken by English economists; and I have
adopted it because it seemed to me that the supposed rigid limitations of the wages-fund
could be shown to be illusory on this view as well as on any other. I must now point out,
with Professor Walker, that there is no absolute necessity that workmen's wages should
be paid entirely out of the saved results of past industry. In fact, in newly colonised
countries, where capital and labour are at once scarce and highly productive, the most
natural and convenient plan is to pay the labourer out of the product of his industry,
whatever sum he requires for subsistence while labouring being merely advanced (11). No
doubt in old countries like England wages are for the most part completely paid out of the
results of previous industry; still it is worth observing that there are large exceptions to
this rule. For example, a large part of the labourers employed in transportation (railway
porters, bus conductors, &c.) and in distribution (shop-boys, &c.) are paid by their
employers after the services for which they are paid have been remunerated by the
consumers; and a considerable number of small artisans (tailors, shoemakers, &c.),
working each on his own hand and owning the small capital that he requires, do not
receive the return for their labour till some time after they have sent home the finished
product. But even if we put out of sight these cases, and consider all wages as actually
paid out of the produce of previous labour, saved and devoted to production, it still is not
true that the wages-fund at any moment is rigidly incapable of increase without trenching
on the consumption of other members of the community. For the stock of finished
products available at any given time is always somewhat than would be required to
supply the consumption of society at the existing rate, during the varying periods of time
that must elapse before it can be replaced by fresh production; and though the margin
given may not be large, it is sufficient to invalidate the conclusion that an increase in the
supply of labour without an increase in saving cannot possibly enlarge the wages-fund.
For the new [410] labourers can be employed productively; and the prospect of this
increased production will tend to increase immediately the sale of goods already finished,
and therefore the whole fund of commodities in consumers' hands, and therefore probably
the wages-fund (12).

So far I entirely agree with Professor Walker that wages may be philosophically regarded
as paid out of current produce. But this does not help us to determine what share of the
product will go to the labourer; and when Professor Walker goes on to say that "the
product furnishes at once the motive to employment and the measure of wages," I cannot
help thinking that he has confounded the notions of "measure" and "limit." He seems,
indeed, to hold that on the assumption of perfect competition and perfect mobility of
labour, the determination of average wages is quite easy and straightforward. "In a state
of active competition, each labourer will sell his labour at the highest price which any
employer can afford to give, since the employers are in competition among themselves
for labour. Each employer will get his labour at the lowest price at which any labourer
can afford to sell it, since the labourers are in competition among themselves for
employment." (13) Phrases like these frequently occur in economic discussion, and they
certainly seem to give a delightfully clear and simple account of the matter. I think,
however, that the intellectual satisfaction that they afford depends upon an essentially
vague notion of the effects of competition. Competition tends to equalise the terms on
which several similar exchanges of commodities are made (including under the term
"commodity" services of all kinds). Thus it tends to prevent there being two prices in the
same market; two rates of interest to capital, risk being equal; two rates of profit or wages
in different branches of industry, except so far as effective work in one branch involves
qualifications of a rarer kind or requiring more expensive training than effective work in
another. So again competition between different commodities limits the price of any
commodity, even when monopolised, unless it be absolutely indispensable. But it is not
clear what effect competition can have in determining the rate of exchange of any two
commodities owned by two parties (external influences being excluded) when each
commodity is incapable of being a substitute for the other, while yet it is the urgent
interest of both to exchange. Now, when we are inquiring into the determination of
"general" wages, we conceive the whole class of (employing)
[411] capitalists on the one hand, and the whole class of labourers on the other, as two
parties to a general bargain; so that it becomes as difficult to settle the terms of the
bargain by competition as if there were but one capitalist and one labourer. In short, it
seems to me that while Professor Walker's argument gives a coup de grâce to the old
wages-fund theory, it supplies no substitute for it; it leaves us with no theoretical
determination whatever of the average proportions in which produce is divided between
labour and capital.

Nor does it seem that any of the English economists who agree in rejecting the "Wages-
fund Theory" has been successful in filling the gap thus created in economic doctrine,
though more than one of them made an elaborate attempt to fill it. The most ingenious of
such attempts is that presented by Professor Jevons, in his Theory of Political Economy,
c. vii. Mr. Jevons considers that the industrial bargain to be contemplated from the side of
labour rather than (as is ordinarily the case) on the side of capital; in fact that,
philosophically speaking, it is labour that hires capital, and not capital labour. If we take
this point of view, we find that the fundamental function which capital fulfils is, that by
enabling the labourer to wait longer the produce of his labour, it enables him to apply it in
a manner ultimately more productive. Of course the degree of this utility depend on the
development of the mechanical and other arts of invention; but supposing these given,
supposing that inventive ingenuity has devised instruments and processes calculated to
render more profitable while delaying its remuneration, it is capital, the saved product of
past labour, that enables labour to realise this productiveness. Since, however, capital - in
countries such as ours -is absolutely indispensable to labour, it may seem that this does
not yet enable us to determine the conditions on which it will be hired. But Mr. Jevons
points out, that though some capital is thus indispensable, all that is actually employed is
not : the difference between the whole amount actually used and a somewhat smaller
amount - the "last increment of capital," as Mr. Jevons calls it - is something that labour
could do without, though it will be rendered more productive by using it. Hence, in the
increment of produce which this last increment of capital enables labour to obtain we
may find a theoretical measure of the normal remuneration of capital, and therefore of the
normal remuneration of labour.

On this theory it is to be observed, in the first place, that it does not attempt to settle the
distribution of produce as between employers and employed, except so far as the
employer's share consists of interest. That is, it does not help us to determine what Mill
calls the "wages of superintendence." Now it is just this latter that in our practical
discussions usually appears as the most prominent element of the problem : what English
workmen grumble at is not the rate of interest, but the undue extra profit which they
[412] suppose the employers to be making. But there is a more fundamental defect in Mr.
Jevons's reasoning. He has apparently overlooked the fact that the entrepreneurs will
require to be remunerated for the trouble and anxiety of employing the last increment of
capital : so that the increment of produce which this enables labour to obtain cannot be
taken as the measure of interest, any more than the additional value produced by the last
increment of labour can be taken as the measure of wages. "Superintendence" must take
its toll of both; and therefore, until we have settled the proportion that is to go to
superintendence, we have not really advanced a step towards solving the abstract problem
of distribution.

In short, the very node of this problem lies in determining the entrepreneur's normal
remuneration; a complicated question, the difficulties of which English economists do not
seem to have fully recognised. This is strikingly shown in the assumption, which they
commonly make as a matter of course, that industrial competition tends to equalise the
rate of profit (as well as interest) on capitals of different amount. There is no à priori
ground for supposing this; since, on the one hand, the labour of managing capital
certainly does not increase in proportion to the amount managed, while, on the other
hand, the owner of capital has a qualified monopoly of the opportunity of employing it.
Therefore, even if the assumption above mentioned is borne out by experience, this fact
ought itself to be taken as a result requiring careful analysis and explanation.

What, then, the reader will ask, so long as this central point is undetermined, can abstract
economic theory do for us ? What answer can it give to questions as to the amount of the
aggregate wages fund and the average rate of wages ?

It can furnish us with no doctrine so simple and definite as that which we have been
considering. Still, it can give us positive results of two different kinds, as follows:-

I. It can show limits on either side within which it is the common interest of employers
and employed that the variations in wages should be confined. For (1) an inferior limit is
given by the point at which any further decrease in wages would diminish the labourer's
efficiency, so as to decrease the value of his work by an amount greater than the decrease
in his wages (14). I do not say that wages never do fall below this limit, owing to the
short-sighted greed of employers; but it is obviously not the employers' real interest that
they should fall below it, and therefore the action of free but enlightened competition
tends to prevent such a fall. (2) Similarly a superior limit is given by the point at which a
fall in interest [413] consequent on any further rise in wages would check accumulation
so powerfully that the portion of the prevented saving which would have gone to wages
exceeds the total amount of the rise (15). I have already said that I see no ground for
believing that we have practically reached this point in England. But it hardly belongs to
abstract economic theory to investigate the point at which the limit will be attained, as
this will obviously depend upon conditions varying from country to country, and in the
same country at different times. It is conceivable that in a society where there prevailed
generally a keen susceptibility to the pleasures of exertion, and a preference for simplicity
in the satisfaction of physical needs and appetites, the limit might not be reached until the
"reward of abstinence" had been reduced to zero; so that the price paid for borrowed
capital would represent nothing but compensation for risk. It is conceivable that at the
same time, owing to the general spread of education, the average rate of that part of each
employer's profits which represents his wages of management might be reduced so low
that it would only exceed the wages of ordinary labour by an amount just sufficient to
compensate for the extra anxiety of his work and the extra expensiveness of his training.
In this way our individualistic society might find itself peacefully conveyed to the goal at
which socialism aims without any disturbance in the existing organization of industry. I
do not, however, wish to imply that we are at present anywhere near this consummation.

II. Within the limits just stated economic theory shows us forces of an equilibratory or
compensatory nature, which tend to reduce the effect of any upward or downward
movement in wages. It is true that a fall in wages, accompanied as it will be, cæteris
paribus, until the lower limit is reached, by a rise in profits, will give a certain stimulus to
accumulation, and so tend ultimately to raise wages again. It is similarly true that a rise in
wages tends to give a certain check to accumulation, probably increasing in strength as
the rise approaches the superior limit above mentioned. What is not true, as I have tried to
show, is that we have any calculus for measuring à priori the amount of these forces; or
any grounds for affirming that they will ultimately bring back wages, after any
movement, to the point from which the movement began. There is no question here of a
discrepancy between "Deduction" and "Induction," between abstract theory and actual
fact. It merely requires a careful consideration of the assumptions on which ordinary
economic reasoning proceeds, to convince us that the definiteness of its conclusions on
this point has been gravely overrated.

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