Stolper Samuelson 1941
Stolper Samuelson 1941
Stolper Samuelson 1941
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The effect of international trade upon the shares of the productive factors
can now be analysed by varying Pa/Pb as a parameter from its value as deter-
mined in the absence of trade, or with a given amount of protection, to its new
value after free trade is opened up. Throughout we follow the conventional
method of comparative statics, disregardingthe process of transition from the
old to the new equilibrium. Full employment of both factors is assumed to be
realised before and after the change, and each factor is assumed to have
perfectly complete physical mobility.' Throughout pure competition is
assumed. The following symbols are used:
The amount of labour used in producing A .. .. .. La
The amount of labour used in producing B .. .. .. Lb
The amount of capital used in producing A .. .. .. Ca
The amount of capital used in producing B .. .. .. Cb
The total amount of labour used in producing both A and B L
The total amount of capital used in producing both A and B C
It is assumed that regardlessof trade the total amounts of each factor of
production remain unchanged. Therefore, we have the following obvious
La + Lb L ..... ..(.)......
Ca + Cb C ......................(2)
The production functions relating each good to the inputs of the factors
allocated to its production can be written respectively as:
A A (La, Ca) .............. * (3)
B B (Lb, Cb) ............ (4)
Because we are concerned with proportions and not with the scale of the
process, these functions are assumed to be homogeneousof the first order.
It is a well-known condition of equilibriumthat the ratio of the marginal
productivities of the two factors must be the same in each occupation, because
otherwise there would be a transfer from lower to higher levels. Symbolically
this can be expressed as follows :2
aA(La, Ca) aB(Lb, Cb)
VLa 9Lb
- , ~~.................................... (5)
aA (La, Ca) aB(Lb, Cb)
aCa 9Cb
where the partial derivatives stand respectively for the marginal productivities
of given factors in the production of the indicated commodity.
We are still lacking one condition to make our equilibrium complete. If
we add as a known parameterthe value of Pa/Pb, that is, the price ratio between
the two goods, wheat and watches, all our unknowns will be completely deter-
I We should like to emphasise that in our argument there is no dependence upon imperfections
in the labour market such as form the basis for the Manoilesco type for defense of a tariff. See
M. Manoilesco, The Theory of Protection and International Trade (I93I).
2 Of course, this holds only if something of both commodities is produced, that is, if trade
does not result in complete specialisation. The effect of this qualification is treated below
But what is the meaning in terms of all of the above magnitudes of labour's
real wage ? This is not an easy question to answer if, as is usually true, labour
consumes something of both commodities. In principle it is of course possible
to determine whether a given individual's real income has gone up or down if
one has detailed knowledge of his (ordinal) preference field. But we cannot
gather such knowledge simply from observation of the price changes which
take place. Possibly an index number comparisonof the type associated with
the names of Pigou, Haberler, K6nus, Staehle, Leontief, and others could serve
to identify changes in real income. But we shall later show that this is unneces-
sary. At this point, purely for reasons of exposition, we shall consider the
highly restrictive case where labour consumes only one of the commodities,
that is, where there is a single wage good. In this case the real wage in terms of
that good is an unambiguous indicator of real income' because of the propor-
tionality between occupations indicated in condition (5). It is the marginal
physical productivity of labour in the production of the wage good.
The effect of international trade upon the real wage (thus defined) could
now be determinedmathematically by varying Pa/Pb, the price ratio of the two
goods, and observing how the marginal physical productivity of labour in the
wage good industry is affected. One could perform this purely mathematical
computation by differentiating our equilibrium equations with respect to
Pa/Pb, treating as variables all the unknowns listed above. The result of this
procedure, not shown here because of its purely technical character, would be
found to involve a sum of terms of necessarily different sign, and without
introducing further economic content into the problem, we would not be able
to achieve a definite result, but would be forced, like the older writers, simply to
indicate that all things are possible. However, by introducingfurther economic
content of no less generality than theirs, we shall find that definite results can
be derived.
With the assumptions made so far it is hardly surprising that no more
definite results have been reached. For no assumption has as yet been made as
to which country is relatively well supplied with capital or with labour. To
begin with we make two assumptions. The first is that the country in question
is relatively small and has no influence on the terms of trade. Thus, any gain
to the country through monopolistic or monopsonistic behaviour is excluded.
Secondly, it is assumed that the removal of the duty will not destroy the
formerly protected industry, but only force it to contract.
1 It is true that we have been talking about the real wage rate and not about the total amount
of real wages, but as we have assumed full employment before and after any change and unvarying
total amounts of the factors of production, it follows that the real wage sum will always be pro-
portional to the real wage rate.
F. svm
both commodities. At one crucial price ratio correspondingto the slope of the
tangent at R in Fig. i the production of one of the commodities will cease
completely, and further changes will not alter the specialisation. Up until the
critical price ratio is reached, the introduction of trade worsens the position of
labour according to the previous arguments. But what happens after this
critical price ratio ?
There is no essential loss of generality in considering the two commodity
case. For the commodity which is still producedthe real wage is determinedas
before by the physical productivity of the workers in that line. Up until the
critical price ratio at which complete specialisation takes place, the scarce
labour factors have been shown to lose. Beyond this critical price ratio their
physical productivities remain unchanged. It is clear, therefore, that the real
wage in terms of the good using little labour is necessarily harmed by the
introduction of trade.
With respect to the other commodity the matter is more complicated, and
the final result is indeterminate. Up to the critical price ratio we know that
the real wage in terms of this commodity must fall. But after specialisa-tion,
the level of real wages cannot be determined by the productivity of workersin
this line since there are no such workers. One cannot avoid bringing into the
analysis the price ratio between the two consumers'goods, that is, the terms of
trade. Given this price ratio, it is possible to convert real wages in terms of one
commodity into real wages in terms of the other. It becomes apparent that
beyond the critical point the real wage in terms of the non-produced,imported
good must begin to increase. This is to be balanced against the loss of real
wages in terms of this good wvhichtook place before the critical point was
reached. Whether the result will be on balance favourable or unfavourable
cannot possibly be determinedon a priori grounds,but rests,upon the technolo-
gical and economic features of the countries in question. Even if in a limited
number of cases we could determinethat the real wage in terms-ofthe imported
good would increase, there would still be involved a problem of weighing
against this the demonstratedloss in real wages expressed in terms of the good
in which the country has a comparative advantage. Here again the final result
would be indeterminate, although in favourable cases an index number com-
parison might be decisive.
Applying this same line of reasoning to the constant cost case of the
classical theory of international trade, it is seen that theirs is one of the special
unambiguous cases. Either a single factor of production or a never varying
composite dose of factors is assumed. Because of constant costs the slightest
change in the price ratio of the goods will lead instantaneously to complete
specialisation. There results no shifting of the proportions of the factors, and
hence no deterioration of wages in terms of either good. On the contrary, in
terms of the imported good there must be an improvementin real wages with a
consequent increase in real income. This is made intuitively obvious from the
considerationthat trade necessarily increases the real income of a country, and
in the classical case the proportion of income going to the respective factors
cannot be changed by trade. It is the latter feature of the classical theory which
constitutes one of its important short-comings.
of relative factor prices, i.e. relative shares in the national income, it seems that
we cannot infer unambiguously that the physical marginal productivities move
in the same direction. Even though these continue to depend only upon the
proportionsof the factors in the respective industry, diverse patterns of comple-
mentarity and competitiveness emerge as possibilities. It is outside the scope of
the present paper to attempt a catalogue of the various conceivable permuta-
tions and combinations.
This lack of definiteness in the more complex case is typical of attempts to
go beyond the level of abstraction current in economic theory. We have
resisted the temptation to lump together diverse factors into two composite
factors and thereby achieve the appearance of versimilitude, although others
may care to do so for some purpose.
We have shown that there is a grain of truth in the pauper labour type of
argument for protection. Thus, in Australia, where land may perhaps be said
to be abundant relative to labour, protection might possibly raise the real
income of labour.1 The same may have been true in colonial America. It does
not follow that the American working man to-day would be better off if trade
with, say, the tropics were cut off, because land suitable for growing coffee,
rubber, and bananas is ever scarcer in America than is labour. The bearing of
the many factor case will be obvious.
We are anxious to point out that even in the two factor case our argument
provides no political ammunition for the protectionist. For if effects on the
terms of trade can be disregarded,it has been shown that the harm which free
trade inflicts upon-one factor of production is necessarily less than the gain to
the other. Hence, it is always possible to bribe the suffering factor by subsidy
or other redistributive devices so as to leave all factors better off as a result of
Swarthmore,Penna. PAUL A. SAMUELSON.