M.G University MBA Second Sem Syllabus

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Module I
Financial Management - Scope - Role of Financial Management in Business-Time value of
money-Risk and Return- Risk diversification.
Module II
Long-term investment decisions Capital budgeting, Different techniques Traditional and
modern methods (DCF method) Capital Rationing Risk Analysis in Capital budgeting
An overview of Cost of Capital.
Module III
Financing decisions Operating, Financial and combined leverage Capital Structure
Meaning and importance- Theories of capital structure Net income, Net operating income
and MM approach (Hypothesis).
Module IV
Dividend decisions Dividend policy (Walter Gordon and MM approach) Types of
Dividend- Legal and Procedural aspects of payment of Dividend.
Module V
An overview of Working Capital Management Inventory, Cash and Receivable management
and Management of surplus Working Capital Financing and Long term Financing, Current
Liabilities Management size and sources- Money Market Banks Regulation of Working
Capital Finance in India.

1. Van Horne James, Financial Management Policy, Prentice Hall India
2. I M Panday, Financial Management, Vikas Publications, New Delhi.

3. Prasanna Chandra, Financial Management, Tata Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi.

4. Khan M Y& Jain P K, Financial Management, Tata Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi.
5. Lawerence J Gitman, Principles of Managerial Finance, Pearson Education
limited. New Delhi.
6. James C Vanhorne, John M Wachowicz Jr, Fundamentals of Financial
Management, Pearson Education Limited, New Delhi.


Module I
Marketing Nature and scope- Marketing as the central function of an organizationEvolution of Marketing- Marketing as Creating, Communicating and Delivering ValueValue chain Customer satisfaction as the end of the value chain- Marketing Environment
Internal and External environment- Marketing Research- Marketing Information System.

Module II
Strategic Marketing Planning-Elements of Marketing Plan- Buyer Behavior Consumer
buying decision process- Consumer adoption process- Organizational Buying Process,
Market segmentation- Targeting- Positioning- Identifying and analyzing competitorsDesigning competitive strategies -for leaders, challengers, followers.

Module III
Concept of Product- Classification of products- Goods Vs Services- Major product decisionsProduct line and Product mix- An overview of Brand Management- Packaging and LabelingProduct life cycle- New product development- Pricing- Factors affecting Price DeterminationPricing Policies and Strategies.

Module IV
Marketing Channels Functions and Flows- Channel Design, Channel ManagementSelection- Training- Motivation and Evaluation of channel members- Retailing and
Wholesaling-Teleshopping Shopping through Internet.
Integrated Marketing Communication Process and Mix-Advertising- Personal selling- Direct
Marketing- Sales Promotion, Publicity and Public Relations Comparative advantages and
disadvantages-Managing the Sales Force .

Module V
Marketing Controls Tools and Techniques of Marketing Control- Marketing of
Services-Industrial Marketing- Marketing Challenges in the Globalized era- Green MarketingConsumerism- Rural Marketing in India- Recent trends Mobile Marketing and other Digital
forms like Video platforms, Review sites in Internet.
1. Kotler Philip & Keller Kevin, Marketing Management, Pearson Education, India
2. Czinkota Micheal. R & Ronkainen IIkka.

International Marketing, Cengage

3. Ramaswamy V.S & Namakumari. S Marketing Management Global
Perspective, Indian Context, , MacMillan.
4. Kotler Philip, Keller Kevin, Koshy Abraham & Jha Mithileshwar Marketing
Management A South Asian Perspective, Pearson Education.


Module I
Introduction to Human Resource Management-Importance-Scope and Objectives. Evolution.
Line and Staff aspects of HRM, Line managers Human Resource duties.


approaches to organising HR. Strategic Human Resources Management, Strategic

HRM tools.
Module II
Job analysis: Methods for collecting Job Analysis Information, Writing Job Description&
Job Specification. Human Resource Planning and Recruiting: The Recruitment and
Selection process- Planning and Forecasting, Internal and External sources of candidates,
Managing HR in challenging times
Employee Testing and Selection: Basic testing concepts, Types of Tests. Interview:
Process and Types, Guidelines for Interviews
Module III
Orientation, The Training Process, Training Needs Analysis, Training Techniques- On the-Job
& Off-the -Job Training Methods, OJT Process , Training Evaluation.
Management Development Programs : Case Study and other Modern Training Method .
Performance Management & Appraisal: Process and Techniques. Career

Planning and

Management Concepts.
Module IV
Establishing Pay Rates: Steps, Job Evaluation. Wage and Salary administration- Steps and
factors affecting, Incentives
Benefits and services: Statutory Benefits - Non-statutory Benefits - Insurance Benefits Retirement Benefits, Flexible Benefits Programs. QWL
Module IV
Industrial relations: Significance, Objectives, Approaches. Industrial Disputes- Causes, Forms,
Preventive Machinery.
Collective Bargaining: Basic Concepts . Trade unions: Definition, Objectives, Functions
Social Security in India, Employee welfare, Grievance Handling and Discipline-Sources and
forms of Grievances -Grievance Procedure, Disciplinary Procedure.

1. Gary Dessler & Biju Varkkey, Human Resource Management, Pearson.
2. VSP Rao, Human Resource Management: Text and cases, , Excel Books, New
3. Mizra S. Saiyadain, Human Resources Management, 4th Ed, Tata McGraw Hill.
4. Raymond Noe, Employee Training and Development, Tata McGraw Hill.
5. K . Aswathappa, Human Resource Management- Text & Cases, Tata McGraw
6. Wayne Mondy, Human Resource Management, Pearson, India.
7. Joe Martocchio, Strategic Compensation: A Human Resource Management
Approach, Pearson, India.


Module I
Introduction to Production and Operations Functions, Interaction of Operations
Management with other functional areas of Management Manufacturing and Non
Manufacturing operations and their Classifications Operations Strategy as a part of Corporate
Strategy Operations Planning and Control Operations Forecasting:
Forecasting methods.
Module II
Facility Locations Cost competition and Hidden factors Steps in location selection Types
of Manufacturing Systems and Layout Facility Layouts Layouts by Products and Process
Life balancing Design of Operations Systems : Aggregate planning and Master Scheduling,
MRP, CRP. Material Handling: Principles, Equipments for Materials Handling.
Module III

Work study, Time and Method study: Definition Importance Aims and Procedures
Implications on Productivity Work measurement Work sampling Work environment
Industrial safety Value analysis.
Module IV
Materials Management Functions Material planning and Budgeting Value
Analysis - Purchase functions and Procedure - Inventory control Types of Inventory
Safety stock Inventory Control Systems Perpetual Periodic JIT KANBAN.
Managing Vendors; Vendor Analysis, Rating and Selection Procedure and Criterions.
Module V
Maintenance Management Function Types of Maintenance Total Productive Maintenance
(TPM). Statistical Quality Control (SQC). Cost of Quality (COQ). ISO 9000 certification.
Total Quality Management.
1. Everest E Adam, Ebert Production and Operations Management PHI publication,
2. Joseph G Monks Operations Management (Theory and Problems ) McGraw
Hill Intl.
3. Chase, Aquilano, Jacobs Production and Operations Management, Tata McGraw


Module I
Environment:Components of environment: Lithosphere, Hydrosphere , Atmosphere,
Biosphere, Ecology , Eco- system : Components Biotic and abiotic components , Biodiversity
: Definition, Principles, Bio-diversity in India.
Module II
Natural resources and Energy management: Depletion of natural resources, Fossil fuels,
Energy sources: Conventional sources, Renewable sources, Energy Management:

Definition, Energy management techniques, Energy Audit, Population growth, Global

Warming, Ozone depletion, Carbon credit, Climate change.

Module III
Implementation Impact of Industrial and Business activities on the Environment,
Environmental Degradation, Industrial Pollution Types and Impacts, Managing Industrial
Pollution, Waste Management, Developing Recycling Technologies.
Module IV
Sustainable Development: Definition, Elements, Indicators, Principles, Guidelines for
sustainable development, Concern for environment: Eco-friendly manufacturing, Packaging ,
Green marketing, Green funding , Institutional support for establishing and maintaining
Environment Friendly Business.
Module V
Environment Impact Assessment, Environmental Audit, Environment Management System,
Environmental Legislations, ISO 14000, Governmental Institutions for Environmental

1. Bala Krishnamurthy, Environmental Management: Text and Cases, PHI.
2. Arindita Basak, Environmental Studies, Pearson Education.
3. Kaushik, Anubha, Environmental Studies, New Age International.
4. Betz, Fredrick, Managing Technology, Prentice Hall, Englewood cliffs, New
5. Rohatgi, P.K, Rohatgi K and Bowonder. B , , Technological Forcasting, Tata Mc
Graw Hill


Module I
Introduction to Operations Research, Evolution of the field , Scope, Merits and
Limitations Concept of Optimization Decision making through Operation Research
Nature and significance of operations research Models and Modeling in OR General
methods for solving OR models Methodology of OR, Application and Scope of OR Basic
OR models.
Module II
Programming techniques Linear programming and applications Linear programming
Graphical methods- Simplex methods , Maximization problems Minimization problems and
Problems involving Artificial Variables Concepts of Duality Sensitvity analysis.
Module III
Transportation problem Transportation algorithms North West corner method (NWCM)
Least Cost Method (LCM) Vogels Approximation Method ( VAM) Modi method
Degeneracy in transportation problem.
Module IV
Assignment problem Solution methods of assignment problem - Network Analysis, PERT
and CPM, Time estimation, Critical Path , Basic Concepts of Crashing , Resource leveling,
Resource Smoothing, Familiarization with Project Management Software Packages.
Module V
Inventory and waiting line models Inventory control Deterministic models Queuing
models Simulation Monte Carlo simulation.

1. Hamdy A Taha, An Introduction to Operations Research, Prentice Hall, ,
2. Ronald L. Rardin, Optimization in Operations Research, Pearson Education,
3. Dr. J.K. Sharma, Operations Research Macmillan India Ltd.


Module I
Nature and scope of Research-Role of research in decision-making - Values and Cost of
Information - Research process.
Module II
Research design (exploratory, descriptive, experimental)- Population, Sample, and Sampling
design-Probability sampling- Non-probability sampling-Techniques- Sampling error and Nonsampling error.
Module III
Data collection - Primary data & Secondary data -Methods & Instruments of data collection
Reliability & Validity, Questionnaire design- Attitude measurement and scalingAdministration of Surveys.
Module IV
Tabulation and analysis of data - Use of Statistical Software Packages , Hypothesis testing
Confidence level & Significance level- Parametric & Non Parametric tests- Tests involving
one population mean and two population means , z test, t test, chi square test , F test.
ANOVA one way and two way ANOVA. Basic concepts of Multivariate statistical
techniques- Multiple regressions- Discriminant analysis, Factor analysis- Cluster analysis.
Module V
Qualitative research methods - Case study method Content analysis - Focus group
Projective Techniques In-depth interview. Research reports - Different types of reports
Different formats of research reports- oral presentations of reports. Research applications in
functional areas of management.

1. Kothari, C. R, Research methodology: methods and techniques, New Age
Publications, New Delhi.

2. Donald R.Cooper and Pamela S.Schindler - Business Research Methods - Tata

McGraw Hill, India
3. Naresh K Malhotra Marketing Research: An Applied Orientation, Pearson
Education, New Delhi.


Module I
Foundations of information systems: frame work for business users Roles of information
systems system concept Organization as a system components of information systems
IS activities Types of IS.
Module II
Business Information systems Marketing Information Systems Manufacturing
Information Systems Human Resource Information Systems , Financial Information Systems
Transaction Processing System.
Module III
Management and Information & Decision Support Systems Management Information
Systems Expert systems Examples, Executive Information Systems, Artificial Intelligence
Technologies .
Module IV
Strategic roles of IS Breaking Business Barriers Business Processes Reengineering
Improving Business Quality Creating Virtual Company Using Internet Strategically
Building knowledge Creating Company Challenges of Strategic of IS Enterprise wide
systems and E- Business Applications.

Module V
Managing information systems Enterprise Management Information Resource
Management Technology Management IS planning methodologies Critical Success
factors Business Systems Planning Computer Aided Planning Tools. Security & Ethical

Challenges _ IS controls Facility Controls Procedural Controls Computer Crime

Privacy issues.

1. OBrien, James A Management Information Systems, Tata McGraw Hill, New
2. Marvin Gore, Elements of Systems Analysis & Design, , Galgota Publications.

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