MRCP2 Rapid Revision Notes
MRCP2 Rapid Revision Notes
MRCP2 Rapid Revision Notes
use mefenamic acid for perimenstrual prophylaxis of
menstrually related migraines, with treatment starting 2 days
prior to the onset of flow or 1 day prior to the expected onset of
the headache and continuing for the duration of menstruation.
Metoclopramide has been shown to have efficacy for both
the pain and nausea associated with migraine. safely used in
Topiramate is second line prophlaxis for migraine after
Oral contraceptive pills are contraindicated in women with
migraine with aura, especially if the aura involves more than
just simple visual aura, if there are additional stroke risk
factors, or if the aura begins after the initiation of oral
Tension-type headache
is distinguished from migraine by the fact that patients
with tension headache are not disabled and can carry out
activities of daily living in a normal, expedient manner.
Medication overuse headache
headache for more than 15 days per month and the use of
acute headache medication on more than 10 days per month.
Trigeminal neuralgia.
affects the right side of the face five times more frequently
than the left.
The number of attacks may vary from one a day up to a
hundred per day, and patients are typically asymptomatic in
between attacks
Trigeminal neuralgia is a disease of middle-to-late age
We should evaluate for secondary causes of Trigeminal
neuralgia if it
o occur in a young patient
o associated with any physical signs as reduced corneal reflex
and reduced sensation in the mandibular and maxillary division
of the trigeminal
secondary causes of Trigeminal neuralgia
o multiple sclerosis,
o posterior fossa tumors, and
o vascular or aneurysmal compression of the trigeminal nerve.
Usual treatment for trigeminal neuralgia would be a
titrated dose of carbamazepine, with addition of gabapentin or
amitriptyline if needed.
The disorder may cease spontaneously after 6-12 months.
The trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias
o cerebellar ataxia
o Horners syndrome (descending sympathetic) and
o rarely deafness (cochlear nerve or nucleus)
o impaired pain and temperature over the half of the body
"spinothalamic tract" involvement.
Benign intracranial hypertension
Headache, which occurs in almost all (9294%) cases.
worse in the morning, generalized in character and throbbing
10% of cases are free of headaches.
nausea and vomiting.
worse by coughing and sneezing.
pain may also be experienced in the neck and shoulders
pulsatile tinnitus
abducens nerve palsy "double vision"
rarely, the oculomotor nerve and trochlear nerve facial
Bilateral papilledema, "transient visual obscurations",
episodes of difficulty seeing that occur in both eyes but not
necessarily at the same time.
Long-term untreated papilledema leads to visual loss, leads
to optic atrophy
o Neuroimaging Should be done first CT or MRI "MRI brain is
better than CT brain to look for cerebral venous thrombosis",
rules out mass lesions. In IIH these scans may be normal,
although small or slit-like ventricles and "empty sella sign"
(flattening of the pituitary gland due to increased pressure) may
be seen. An MR venogram to exclude the possibility of cerebral
venous sinus thrombosis.
o Lumbar puncture is performed to measure the opening
pressure,Occasionally, the pressure measurement may be
normal despite very suggestive symptoms. This may be due to
the fact that CSF pressure may fluctuate over the course of the
day. If the suspicion remains high, it may be necessary to
perform more long-term monitoring of the ICP by a pressure
Ischemic stroke
The preferred treatment of intravenous rtPA,within 3
hours from stroke onset "even patient has AF"
o Blood pressure lowered and stabilized (systolic <185 mm Hg,
diastolic <110 mm Hg)
o In a patient with ischemic stroke treated with recombinant
tissue plasminogen activator (rtPA), systolic blood pressure
should be kept below 180/105 mm Hg for 24 hours after rtPA
treatment; intravenous labetalol or nicardipine can best achieve
this goal.
o rtPA is not contraindicated if warfarin taken if INR less than
or equal to 1.7
o No seizure with postictal residual neurologic deficits
o Platelet count of 100,000/L (100 109/L) or greater
and plasma glucose level of 50 mg/dL (2.8 mmol/L) or greater
Weakness or lethargy
Nausea or vomiting
Loss of appetite
Personality changes
Inability to speak or slurred speech
Ataxia, or difficulty walking
Altered breathing patterns
Hearing loss or ringing ringing
Blurred Vision
Deviated gaze, or abnormal movement of the eyes
Neurologic examination may demonstrate
o mental status changes,
o hemiparesis,
o papilledema,
o hyperreflexia or reflex asymmetry,
o hemianopsia, or
o third or sixth cranial nerve dysfunction.
Hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia
Presents with epistaxis, and
Arteriovenous malformations
o brain "stroke"
o lung "hemoptysis"
Do not confuse HHT with Wegener's granulomatosis which also
present with epistaxis, hemoptysis but NO stroke as
Neurological involovement is occasionally sensory neuropathy
(10%) and rarely mononeuritis multiplex
Nystagmus Nystagmus duration Imbalance Vomiting Hearing
Peripheral Severe Nystagmus
Horizontal, torsional Never vertical inhibited by fixation does
not change direction with gaze to either side Usually< 1 minute
fades after a few days
Mild to moderate able to walk
DixHallpike Latency of symptoms 15 seconds May be severe
Central Mild Nystagmus
vertical, horizontal, or torsional not inhibited by fixation of eyes
may change direction with gaze Usually>1 minute
may last weeks to months Severe unable to stand
DixHallpikeNo Latency of symptoms Variable Rare
NO Tinnitus
Disease Type Duration Auditory symptoms
Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo Peripheral
Repositioning procedure Epley manoeuvre Medications not
Vestibular neuronitis Peripheral Days
MRI is superior to CT for detection of epileptogenic lesions.
CT is the imaging modality of choice for new-onset seizures
only when there is a suspicion of an acute cerebral hemorrhage
or when a contraindication to MRI is present
Continuous EEG monitoring is indicated for patients who
remain unresponsive after resolution of clinical status
epilepticus to distinguish nonconvulsive status epilepticus from
a postictal state.
Risk of recurrence after a first unprovoked seizure
o partial seizure
o Todd paralysis,
o status epilepticus on presentation,
o age greater than 65 years,
o abnormal findings on neurologic examination.
Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy,,, Lifelong drug treatment is
usually necessary to avoid relapses in patients who achieve
seizure-free status on medication.
Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy linked to chromosome 6
Lamotrigine is an alternate option to carbamazepine if a
woman is considering starting a family, as the risk of
Neuromyelitis optica
o Transverse myelitis " severe paraparesis".
o optic neuritis.
o often associated with serum autoantibodies or other
autoimmune diseases, and has a predilection for the optic
nerves and spinal cord with relative sparing of the brain
o can be distinguished from MS by the NMO-IgG autoantibody
Criteria for commencing beta-interferon therapy.
more than two separate episodes within the last two years
more than 18-years-old, and
Can walk more than 100metres
Contraindications to beta-interferon are
History of severe clinical depression
Uncontrolled epilepsy
Hepatic dysfunction and
Prognosis of multiple sclerosis
o Onset with optic neuritis;
o one year or more duration of first remission;
o onset before the age of 40 years.
o There was no association with sex.
o Onset with pyramidal symptoms
o extent of white matter lesions on MRI and subsequent clinical
deterioration is well documented.
Optic neuritis
In acute ON, the optic disc may appear normal since two
thirds of cases of ON are retrobulbar. However, the optic nerve
may become pale over time.
In case of ON without any clinical signs and symptoms of a
systemic disease ,,, blood tests and CSF examination are of little
MRI can be used to assess inflammatory changes in the
optic nerves and helps exclude structural lesions.
Intravenous methylprednisolone therapy followed by an
oral prednisone taper speeds recovery of visual acuity in optic
Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis is usually readily
distinguishable from multiple sclerosis (MS) by the presence of
certain clinical features, including the following:
o History of preceding infectious illness or immunization
o Association with constitutional symptoms and signs such as
o Prominence of cortical signs such as mental status changes
and seizures
o Comparative rarity of posterior column abnormalities, which
are common in MS
Benign fasciculations
are relatively common in patients who have undergone a
period of very strenuous exercise, and are also seen after an
alcohol binge.
the prognosis of this condition is entirely benign.
Benzodiazepines are generally ineffective in the
o gait apraxia,
o dementia, and
o urinary incontinence.
may occur months to years after radiation and
is more common after whole-brain compared with focal
brain irradiation.
Huntington's disease,
Wilson's disease
drugs (neuroleptic agents, levodopa, dopamine agonists,
anticholinergic agents),
infections (Sydenham's chorea),
systemic lupus erythematosus
This is a serologic blood test used to detect antibodies
against antideoxyribonuclease B ,,is produced by group A
This test is used to document a previous streptococcal
infection in those who are suspected of having poststreptococcal disease (for example acute glomerulonephritis,
rheumatic fever).
Anti-basal ganglia antibodies
appears to be a potentially useful diagnostic marker in
post-streptococcal neurological disorders
Westphal variant of Huntingtons disease
presentation in youth
with associated Parkinsonian symptoms.
a sudden decline in academic performance, changes in
behavioral problems,
brief, "shock-like" spasms of certain muscles or muscle
groups (myoclonus); progressively impaired control of
voluntary movement (ataxia); and dystonia
The family history of suicide is of relevance
may be associated with behavioural features of the disease
HD is inherited in an autosomal dominant pattern with
complete penetrance.
CT scan of brain show Gross atrophy of the caudate nucleus
and putamen on both sides is the characteristic
The gene for HD is on the short arm of chromosome 4,
which contains CAG repeats (coding for glutamine).
Wilson disease and Neuropsychiatric complications
Most patients have cirrhosis.
The most common presenting neurologic feature is
asymmetric tremor
o parkinsonian
o pseudosclerotic group had tremor resembling multiple
o Dystonic,,,hypertonicity associated with abnormal limb
o chorea associated with dystonia.
Psychiatric features include
o Depression, poor concentration and "personality change"
o emotional lability, to cry very easily
o disinhibition, and
o self-injurious behavior
o Behavioral
o Affective
o Schizophrenic like
o Cognitive
Kayser-Fleischer rings are observed in up to 90% of
individuals with symptomatic Wilson disease and are almost
invariably present in those with neurologic manifestations.
Restless legs syndrome
consists of abnormal sensations in the legs and restlessness
relieved by movement.
check serum iron levels. Oral iron therapy can alleviate
symptoms and is recommended if serum ferritin levels are
lower than 45 to 50 ng/mL (45 to 50 g/L).
treated with dopamine agonists,
unilateral involuntary flinging movements of the proximal
upper limbs.
The lesion is in the contralateral subthalamic nucleus of
In the elderly the usual cause is a vascular event such as a
whereas in younger patients the aetiology may be infectious
or inflammatory.
Hemiballismus patients require treatment both for the
underlying aetiology and for the movements themselves.
anti-ballismus therapy.
o Dopamine receptor blocking agents have been shown to
suppress choreic and ballistic movements.
o neuroleptic drugs such as haloperidol are started at low doses
and titrated as tolerated until the movements are controlled.
o Catecholamine-depleting agents such as tetrabenazine may be
considered when long-term therapy is required.
Tourettes syndrome
multiple tics, including sniffing, snorting, involuntary
vocalisations. Some patients display repetitive and annoying
motor behaviour.
An attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and
obsessivecompulsive traits are associated
Intelligence does not deteriorate.
Treatment Dopamine receptor blocker"D2" like haloperidol
is an effective treatment
Streptococcal infection has been implicated
Essential tremor
First-line medications used to treat essential tremor
include propranolol, primidone, gabapentin, and topiramate
Clonazepam is considered a second-line
Friedrichs ataxia
autosomal recessive
mentation is normal.
progressive spinocerebellar ataxia
loss of vibration sense
bilateral extensor plantars indicate pyramidal tract
dysarthric speech,
bilateral optic atrophy.
Progressive muscular wasting and weakness
Sensorineural deafness,
oculomotor disturbance in the form of jerky pursuit,
retinitis pigmentosa.
diabetes mellitus,
pes cavus,
equinovarus deformity and scoliosis
Nerve conduction study reveals either
o low amplitude or absent sensory nerve action potentials.
o Motor nerve conduction velocities are usually normal.
Alzheimer dementia
Speech dysfunction
visuospatial skills difficulties.
The presenilin-1 mutation is specific for early-onset
familial Alzheimer dementia. autosomal dominant mutation
Frontotemporal dementia and Alzheimer dementia are
sometimes difficult to distinguish on clinical grounds alone
Rivastigmine is licensed for the treatment of both mild to
moderate dementia of Alzheimer type, and mild to moderate
dementia associated with Parkinsons disease.
NICE guidance for treatment of Alzheimer's disease (AD).
Treatment with drugs for dementia should be initiated in
mild to moderate AD whose MMSE is between 10-20 and
supervised only by a specialist experienced in the management
of dementia.
Repeating the cognitive assessment every six months
assesses benefit.
Up to half the patients given these drugs will show a slower
rate of cognitive decline.
The drug should be discontinued in those thought not to be
In those who are responding, drugs should be stopped once
the MMSE score is less than 10.
Memantine is not recomended as a treatment option for
patients with moderately severe to severe AD except as part of a
clinical trial.
memantine for moderately severe to severe
Alzheimers disease. NICE Guide
Pick's disease
Frontal lobe dementia
progressive changes of personality and behaviour.
Binswanger's disease
"Subcortical arteriosclerotic encephalopathy"
is a form of multi-infarct dementia caused by damage to
the white brain matter.
The average age of onset is between the fourth and seventh
decades of life, and 80% of patients have a history of
This disease is characterized by loss of memory and
intellectual function and by changes in mood
Patients also show progressive motor, cognitive, mood, and
behavioral changes over a period of 5-10 years.
early-onset urinary incontinence
gait disturbances
Patients may be apathetic or abulic.
Tumour at the foramen of Monro
Deterioration in his mental capacity
marked perseveration.
Ataxic gait
Bilateral papilloedema.
Ocular movements were full and the rest of the cranial
nerves were normal.
bilateral palmomental reflexes,
tone, power and reflexes were all intact.
There is obstruction between the lateral ventricles and
third ventricle, A CT scan of the brain showed dilated lateral
ventricles with normal-sized third and fourth ventricles.
Wernicke encephalopathy
The typical clinical triad of ataxia, areflexia, and
ophthalmoplegia "lateral gaze nystagmus' is seen in only 19%
Nystagmus "Horizontal"
ophthalmoplegia, especially of the lateral rectus muscles
impaired horizontal eye movements with preserved pupillary
absence of any upper motor neurone focal signs
gait ataxia,
Stupor and coma
hypotension and
Dr albarwariGuest
Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome
proximal upper and lower limb weakness,
Autonomic symptoms occur in up to 75% of patients and include
o dry mouth,
o constipation,
o blurred vision,
o sluggish pupillary reflexes
o postural hypotension
o impaired sweating.
o erectile dysfunction),
proximal muscle weakness (legs greater than arms)
absent reflexes that return after brief exercise
The diagnosis of Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome precedes the clinical
diagnosis of cancer in up to 50% of affected patients
Nerve conduction test Decremental response at lower rates of stimulation after
repetitive nerve stimulation and incremental response at higher rates of stimulation
Tensilon test may be +ve
Voltage-gated calcium channel antibodies are seen in almost 100% of LEMS
patients with cancer and in more than 90% of individuals without cancer
Management 3,4-diaminopyridine
Myasthenia gravis crisis
Acetylcholine antibodies may be negative
dysphagia requiring nasogastric feeding and/or
severe respiratory muscle weakness necessitating ventilation.
treated with plasmapheresis or IV immunoglobulin.
Seronegative myasthenia gravis
Patients without anti-AChR antibodies
have antibodies against muscle-specific kinase (MuSK). MuSK
are predominantly female, and respiratory and bulbar muscles are frequently
Late onset myasthenia gravis is associated with thymic atrophy as opposed to
thymic hyperplasia.
The most important factor influencing management in this patient is whether
there is impending respiratory muscle weakness.
the patient should be initially commenced on pyridostigmine 60 mg QDS.
If not responding, prednisolone can be cautiously added in small doses to start
with, normally 10-20 mg/day.
High dose prednisolone can lead to paradoxical worsening of myasthenia gravis.
MillerFisher syndrome
Flexor plantar responses
no disturbance of consciousness.
anti-GQ1b antibodies are often positive.
History of viral upper respiratory tract infection
Bickerstaffs brainstem encephalitis
Extensor plantar responses
Disturbance of consciousness.
anti-GQ1b antibodies are often positive.
History of viral upper respiratory tract infection
Botulism can be
o food-borne or
o 3 Days after wound infection or
o from intravenous drug injection.
A descending flaccid paralysis affecting cranial nerves and then spreads towards
the limbs
o Diplopia
o Ptosis
o Facial weakness
o Dysarthria
o Dysphagia
Reflexes are depressed or absent OR normal
sensation is normal
Autonomic features particularly
o Vomiting
o Abdominal pain
o paralytic ileus
o bradycardia
o Dry mouth
o fixed dilated pupils
CSF is normal in botulism.
Diagnosis is by isolating the toxin in the blood, urine or stool.
It is a neuromuscular junction disorder and therefore nerve conduction studies
and EMG are normal.
Botulism can cause a false positive tensilon test result
Repetitive nerve stimulation shows incremental responses, which is diagnostic of
Large doses of botulinum antitoxin can be given intravenously, but are
ineffective once the toxin has bound to an acetylcholine receptor site.
The drug guanidine hydrochloride helps to reduce neuromuscular blockade
o Early administration of IV antitoxin may help reverse paralysis.
o NO role for Intravenous (iv) immunoglobulin
o should be managed in an ITU setting.
Supportive therapy with intubation and ventilation,
respiratory physiotherapy,
nasogastric tube placement and
o Recovery occurs on average between 30 and 100 days after infection;
o severe cases may require ventilation for many months.
Lyme disease
spare the extraocular muscles.
Myotonia dystrophica
Trinucleotide repeats on chromosome 19.
Weakness of the muscles of the face temporalis, masseters and
sternocleidomastoids), neck, and distal extremities are typically involved.
Both hands and wrists were wasted and weak,,, Bilateral foot drop was noticed.
Tendon reflexes were hypoactive
They are prone to recurrent jaw dislocation.
With progressive disease the proximal muscles, bulbar muscles and even the
diaphragm are involved.
Respiratory failure
Progressive dementia,
abnormal immunoglobulins with the risk of increased infections
Myotonia is the hallmark and is characterised by inability to quickly relax a
contracted muscle.
Diagnosis is normally based on
o clinical features with a
o characteristic EMG of myotonic discharges.
o Creatine kinase is generally normal and
o muscle biopsy is non-specific.
The disabling grip myotonia can be treated with phenytoin but should be used
carefully as may have cardiac conduction defects.
KearnsSayre syndrome
mitochondrial diseases
starts before the age of 20 years.
progressive external ophthalmoplegia,
retinitis pigmentosa, increased difficulty seeing at night
cardiac conduction defects and a
cerebellar syndrome. ataxic gait
sensorineural hearing loss
endocrine pathology
Chronic thyroid myopathy (Basedow paraplegia)
is a progressive weakness and wasting of skeletal muscles occurring in
conjunction with overt or masked hyperthyroidism.
The classic signs of hyperthyroidism may or may not be present.
This type of muscle disease presents in middle-aged males more often than
Muscles of the pelvic girdle and thigh are weakened more often, though all
muscles are variably affected.
Tendon reflexes are brisk.
Serum concentration of muscle enzymes is not elevated.
EMG reveals polyphasic potentials.
With successful treatment of hyperthyroidism, muscle bulk and power return to
McArdles syndrome
a type-V glycogen-storage disorder
This disorder is characterised by muscle phosphorylase deficiency.
Symptoms include exercise-induced muscle pain and stiffness with contractures
that subside at rest.
Myoglobinuria can occur.
In normal patients there is a sustained increase in serum lactate after exertion,
but this does not occur in patients with McArdle's.
The diagnosis is confirmed by muscle biopsy, which demonstrates
subsarcolemmal glycogen deposition and central migration of muscle nuclei.
critical illness.
Creatine phosphokinase (CPK) is elevated
EMG to exclude other conditions, such as Guillain-Barr syndrome, and
confirm the diagnosis of critical illness myopathy or neuropathy.
EMG reveals myopathic motor unit potentials and fibrillations.
Muscle biopsy reveals loss of myosin filaments.
Most patients recover after several weeks.
Physical and occupational therapy is ideally initiated immediately on recognition
of this syndrome.
It is important to note that this type of myopathy has not been seen after highdose corticosteroid treatment for neurological diseases like multiple sclerosis
Listeria meningoencephalitis
Affects mainly older patients (more than 50 years old)
immunosuppressed (diabetes, excess alcohol, oncology patients).
It produces a mixed picture of
o meningitis and
o brain stem encephalitis. fifth, sixth and seventh cranial nerve palsies with bulbar
The treatment of choice is ampicillin intravenously. Delayed treatment carries a
high mortality.
CSF leucocytosis may occur in
Lyme disease
Partially treated bacterial meningitis.
CSF Finding
Opening pressure 210 mmH20 (NR 50 - 180mm H20)
CSF protein 0.98 g/L (NR 0.15 - 0.45 g/L)
CSF white cell count 140 per ml (NR 5 cells per ml)
CSF white cell differential 90% lymphocytes (NR 60 - 70%)
CSF red cell count 4 per ml (NR 3.8 - 5.6 x 1012/L )
CSF glucose 3.6 mmol/L (NR 3.3 - 4.4 mmo/L)
Subdural empyema
from an infection in the frontal or ethmoid sinuses, less commonly from middle
ear infection.
Streptococci (viridans and non-haemolytic) are the most common organisms,
followed by Staphylococcus aureus, E.coli, proteus and pseudomonas.
Focal lesions may occur as partial seizure "continuous twitching of the hand and
Lumbar puncture may reveal:
Opening pressure 20 cm H2O (518)
Protein 0.85 g/l (0.150.45)
WCC 120 cells/ml (90% lymphocytes)(5)
RCC 3 cells/ml(5)
Glucose 3.4 mmol/l (3.34.4)
MRI is more dependable at demonstrating a collection of pus and meningeal
enhancement than CT scan, and should be arranged urgently.
In the meantime, high-dose intravenous (iv) antibiotics and iv lorazepam should
be given to treat infection and simple partial seizures.
TB meningitis
Subacute onset with confusion;
in a homeless person;alcoholic
Brainstem signs
associated secondary spinal meningitis;
characteristic CSF findings especially the
o very high protein and
o very low glucose.
Low blood sodium of 119 mmol/l is suggestive of SIADH (secretion of
inappropriate antidiuretic hormone).
Spinal arachnoiditis
o weakness and pain of lower limbs
o retention of urine.
o spastic paraparesis with sensory levels of different segments eg, T4, T6, T8, L3
defect while T5, T7, L1, L2 Normal
o confirmed on myelogram (candle guttering appearance) or on MRI
an empirical treatment with four antituberculous (eg rifampicin, INH,
pyrazinamide and ethambutol) drugs is usually started when diagnosis is suspected
on clinical grounds.
Limbic encephalitis
paraneoplastic or
autoimmune disease.
It presents with
o a subacute onset of memory impairment,
o disorientation
o +/ seizures and
o psychiatric disturbances (hallucinations, agitation and sleep disturbance).
o Hypothalamic disease (hyperthermia, weight gain, endocrine dysfunction,
MRI show Medial temporal lobe changes
CSF shows
o raised protein
o oligoclonal bands
o 50% have raised WBC.
A recently described subgroup of patients has
o antibodies to voltage-gated potassium channels.
o 80% have resistant hyponatraemia.
o only 10% had oligoclonal bands.
o This group has shown an improvement with immunosuppressive treatment (IVIg,
plasma exchange, steroids) both clinically and with a decrease in the titre of
voltage-gated potassium channel antibodies.
are often found incidentally during neuroimaging studies.
may be asymptomatic or have subtle signs and symptoms.
Seizure is the most common presentation and is reported in greater than 50% of
symptomatic patients.
Meningiomas characteristically appear on CT scans and MRIs
Treatment . Older adults with small, asymptomatic tumors can be managed
conservatively with observation and serial neuroimaging studies.
Surgical resection is the treatment of choice for younger patients with and
without symptoms and for symptomatic older adults and is curative when complete.
Radiation therapy or stereotactic radiosurgery may benefit patients with
unresectable or rare aggressive meningiomas
Parasagittal meningiomas
may produce seizures may be partial "as rhythmic jerking of the limb" or be
entirely asymptomatic,
Lesions that reach sufficient size may cause spastic paraparesis
Upgoing planter bilaterally
Diagnosis MRI of brain
Brain metastases
are 10 times more common than primary brain tumors,
occur in 20% to 40% of adults with cancer.
The tumors most likely to metastasize are
o lung and
o breast carcinoma and
o melanoma.
Presenting signs and symptoms ,,,local mass effect or increased intracranial
pressure; common symptoms include seizure, headache, behavioral changes
Contrast-enhanced MRI is the diagnostic modality of choice when brain
metastasis is suspected.
o MRI has a higher sensitivity and specificity than CT scanning
o It is safer because MRI contrast does not cause nephrotoxicity, and allergies are
extremely rare.
o normal findings on a CT scan do not exclude the presence of a brain tumor, so a
follow-up MRI would be required.
Meningeal carcinomatosis
is seen in 5% of cases of adenocarcinoma of the breast, lung, gastrointestinal
tract, melanoma, lymphoma etc.
The clinical presentation is variable
o headache,
o sciatic pain,
o cauda equina syndrome,
o multiple cranial nerve palsies,
o confusional state,
o seizures,
o focal neurological deficits and
o poly-radiculoneuropathy.
The diagnosis is established by
o MRI brain with gadolinium
o CSF examinations
identifying tumour cells in CSF using
o cytospin,
o millipore filtering and
o flow cytometry.
It is important to note that several CSF examinations are usually required using
large quantities of CSF,,so if CSF ve it can be repeated
CSF opening pressure is increased and
lymphocytic pleocytosis up to 100 cells/mm3,
elevation of protein, and
low glucose are common findings.
Prognosis The median duration of survival is 6 months.
Foster-Kennedy syndrome
loss of smell.
olfactory meningioma with optic nerve involvement.
optic atrophy on one side with
contralateral papilloedema
due to frontal tumour or tumour within the olfactory bulb compressing the
ipsilateral optic nerve and causing raised intracranial pressure.
Cerebellar pontine angle syndrome
Involvement of cranial nerve V, VI, VII, and VIII.
cerebellar dysfunction
Conus medullaris lesion = UMN+LMN
Cauda equina lesion is a LMN
Conus Medullaris Syndrome Cauda Equina Syndrome
Presentation Sudden and bilateral Gradual and unilateral
Reflexes Knee jerks preserved but ankle jerks affected Both ankle and knee jerks
Radicular pain Less severe More severe
Low back pain More Less
Sensory symptoms and signs Numbness tends to be more localized to perianal area;
symmetrical and bilateral; sensory dissociation occurs Numbness tends to be more
localized to saddle area; asymmetrical, may be unilateral; no sensory dissociation;
loss of sensation in specific dermatomes in lower extremities with numbness and
paresthesia; possible numbness in pubic area, including glans penis or clitoris
Motor strength Typically symmetric, hyperreflexic distal paresis of lower limbs that is
less marked; fasciculations may be present Asymmetric areflexic paraplegia that is
more marked; fasciculations rare; atrophy more common
Impotence Frequent Less frequent; erectile dysfunction that includes inability to have
erection, inability to maintain erection, lack of sensation in pubic area (including
glans penis or clitoris), and inability to ejaculate
Sphincter dysfunction Urinary retention and atonic anal sphincter cause overflow
urinary incontinence and fecal incontinence; tend to present early in course of
disease Urinary retention; tends to present late in course of disease
NO incontinence
Pontine myelinolysis
may occur in Rapid correcting HypoNatremia acute para- or quadraparesis,
dysphagia, dysarthria, diplopia, loss of consciousness, and other neurological
symptoms associated with brainstem damage. The patient may experience locked-in
Serotonin syndrome as in Moclobemide
Serotonin toxicity leads to
Changes in mental status:
o Confusion
o Agitation
o Hypomania (the happy drunk state)
o drowsiness,
o myoclonus,
o Anxiety
o Coma
Systemic changes:
o Tachycardia
o Hypertension
o Nausea
o Salivation
o Rhabdomyolysis
o DIC + Acute renal failure
o Pyrexia
Motor complications:
o Myoclonus
o Hyper-reflexia
o Seizures
o Inco-ordination
o Tremor.
Treatment is supportive and involves
removing the precipitating drugs,
controlling agitation,
administering serotonin antagonists (cyproheptadine or methysergide) and
controlling hyperthermia.
Treatment for hyperthermia includes
reducing muscle over-activity via sedation with a benzodiazepine.
More severe cases may require muscular paralysis with vecuronium, intubation,
and artificial ventilation. Succinylcholine is not recommended for muscular paralysis
as it may increase the risk of cardiac dysrhythmia from hyperkalemia associated with
Antipyretic agents are not recommended as the increase in body temperature is
due to muscular activity not a hypothalamic temperature set point abnormality
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) discontinuation syndrome
which typically occurs following abrupt withdrawal of SSRIs.
Symptoms can occur within days and can last months following withdrawal and then
Psychiatric (anxiety, insomnia, mood lability, vivid dreams)
Gastrointestinal (nausea, vomiting) and
Neurological (dizziness, headache, paraesthesia, dystonia, tremor)
Neuroleptic malignant syndrome
o anti-psychotic neuroleptic medication
o patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) who suddenly stop their L-dopa treatment
The mortality is 15-30% if it is not recognised and treated properly.
o confusion,
o hyperthermia,
o muscle rigidity "meningism"
o autonomic dysfunction (dysphagia).
o unstable blood pressure and profuse sweating
Serum creatine phosphokinase may rise up to 60 000 units/l and may lead to
myoglobinuria and Rhabdomyolysis + acute renal failure
Treatment should be started early when consciousness is first altered and
temperature is rising.
Bromocriptine 5 mg tid (up to 20 mg tid) will terminate the condition.
Intravenous dantrolene should be given if the patient is unable to swallow.
Upper brachial plexus injury C5, 6, 7
o idiopathic brachial neuritis,
o irradiation
o trauma (arm jerked downward)
lower brachial plexopathy.C8, T1
Clinically, the patient is unable to speak or move but patients may be able to open
their eyes and may blink in an effort to communicate.
Locked-in syndrome
Usually results in quadriplegia and the inability to speak
lesions in the Ventral pons "not dorsal"
central pontine myelinolysis
Basilar artery "not vertebral" occlusion may cause it
Basilar artery territory cerebrovascular disease
is typically associated with a poor prognosis.
4060% of patients present with motor deficits,
3060% with dysarthria and speech involvement,
5075% with nausea, vertigo and vomiting
40% with headaches
2030% with visual disturbances. This includes
o abducens nerve palsy,
o conjugate gaze palsy,
o internuclear ophthalmoplegia and
o ocular bobbing.
Around 70% of patients presenting with basilar artery territory stroke are
Management includes vigorous control of hypertension and antiplatelet agents.
Phenytoin toxicity typically gives rise to a
Cerebellar-like syndrome.
Nystagmus is present even in mild toxicity.
cause abnormal liver function test
Nystagmus is not a feature of sodium valproate toxicity but can cause nausea and
Gradenigo's syndrome "petrous osteitis"
1st 5 + 6
Retroorbital pain due to pain in the area supplied by the ophthalmic branch of
the trigeminal nerve
Ipsilateral paralysis of the abducens nerve
otitis media.
Other symptoms can include photophobia, excessive lacrimation, fever
Trigeminal nerve and Abducence palsy 5 + 6
The involvement of all the three divisions of the trigeminal nerve suggests that
the lesion has either involved the Gasserian ganglion or its roots and since the
neighbouring 6th nerve is also affected the latter localisation at the petrous temporal
bone is more likely.
Lesions like
o meningiomas,
o schwannomas,
o metastasis, and
o nasopharyngeal carcinoma invading the base of the skull,
o granulomatous infections or
o carcinomatous meningitis would be the likely causes.
Tolosa-Hunt syndrome
3+4+1st 5+6
severe and unilateral headaches
extraocular palsies, usually involving the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth cranial
Endotracheal administration of drugs is
no longer recommended
In PPCM,,, Heparin given even before
Trifascicular block is a term used for the combination of
right bundle branch block,
left hemiblock (typically left anterior hemiblock) and
long PR interval
o Clinically it means there is extensive disease of the conduction system and, in a
patient such as this, would be an indication for permanent pacemaker
ventricular pacemaker impulse mimics complete heart block and the pounding is the
feeling of atria contracting against a closed tricuspid valve causing cannon waves in
the neck.
The treatment is to upgrade the system to a dual chamber pacemaker; this allows
the atria to sense any retrograde electrical impulse, so inhibiting native atrial
Lead displacement in pacemaker implantation.
The lead can displace through the ventricle into the pericardial space, leading to
pain with features suggestive of pericarditis.
Electrical stimulation of the diaphragm may be experienced as hiccoughs.
A chest X-ray would reveal the displaced lead in most cases.
Sick sinus syndrome, cause episodes of bradycardia and tachycardia. Antiarrhythmics are likely to exacerbate any bradycardia and the treatment of choice
would be a permanent pacemaker. Dual chamber pacemakers are usually used, as
single chamber pacing may be associated with the development of pacemaker
Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation + complete heart block + ejection fraction points
towards impairment of LV function. Management of choice in this case is dual
chamber pacing, She should continue her sotalol to prevent further episodes of atrial
AV Block after inferior MI
no prognostic significance
usually resolves in the first 24 h.
If the patient is haemodynamically stable and asymptomatic, should continue to
be monitored
If symptomatic give atropin
Indications for permanent pacemaker implantation include
third-degree heart block,
symptomatic second-degree block,
asymptomatic type II second-degree block
pauses of more than 3.0 s.
Carotid sinus hypersensitivity
exaggerated response to carotid sinus stimulation.
The diagnosis is only made after ischaemic heart disease or rhythm disturbance
have been reasonably excluded, as in this case.
CSH may be
o predominantly cardioinhibitory (resulting in bradycardia),
o vasodilatory (resulting in hypotension),
o or a mixture of the two.
Cardioinhibitory CSH is usually managed with insertion of a dual-chamber
pacemaker, and
vasodilatory CSH is managed with support stockings, fludrocortisone and
Do not give atropine to patients with cardiac transplants. Their hearts are
denervated and will not respond to vagal blockade by atropine, which may cause
paradoxical sinus arrest or high-grade AV block in these patients
this reason, a prolonged period of CPR may be required until core temperature is
above 30C. Where available, for a long period of cardiac arrest, cardiopulmonary
bypass may be effective, although practically this would be possible in only a handful
of centres within the UK. Recovery is usually complete for patients with mild to
moderate hypothermia (28C or higher core temperature) and no pre-existing
medical conditions,
severe hypothermia coupled with pre-existing medical illness carries a mortality of
around 50%.
Precordial thump
A single precordial thump has a very low success rate for cardioversion of a
shockable rhythm and is only likely to succeed if given within the first few seconds of
the onset of a shockable rhythm.
There is more success with pulseless VT than with VF.
Delivery of a precordial thump must not delay calling for help or accessing a
It is therefore appropriate therapy only when several clinicians are present at a
witnessed, monitored arrest, and when a defibrillator is not immediately to hand. In
practice, this is likely to be in a monitored environment such as the emergency
department resuscitation room, ICU, CCU, cardiac catheter laboratory or pacemaker
Torsade de pointes
haemodynamically unstable should be treated with electrical cardioversion.
If stable
Magnesium and potassium are first-line
Other therapies include overdrive pacing and
isoproterenol infusion.
supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) + Asthma
Adenosine is contraindicated in asthmatic patients as is beta-blockade with
The safest alternatives would be IV verapamil or iv flecainide in this patient
Vagal manoeuvres or adenosine will terminate almost all AVNRT or AVRT within
seconds. Failure to terminate a regular narrow-complex tachycardia with adenosine
suggests an atrial tachycardia such as atrial flutter (unless the adenosine has been
injected too slowly or into a small peripheral vein).
loop monitors, which are worn and record continuously but only save when the
patient activates the monitor, and
hand-held event monitors, which must be held to the chest to record.
o Loop monitors are useful for syncope because patient activation saves data from a
short period of time (programmable and varying by company) before the monitor is
activated by the patient.
o Hand-held event monitors are not useful for syncope, since the patient cannot
activate the monitor when consciousness is lost.
Syncopy and ventricular arrhythmia
In the setting of a high enough clinical suspicion for syncope caused by
ventricular arrhythmia, it is not necessary to formally document the arrhythmia with
an event monitor before proceeding with ICD implantation, given the extremely high
risk for sudden death in this setting.
In heart failure If the ejection fraction remained low after optimal medical
therapy, the patient would also qualify for ICD implantation for a primary
prophylaxis indication.
Kawasaki disease
The condition is frequently self-limiting
but it is important to recognise, as it causes coronary arterial inflammation
resulting in aneurysm formation (25% of cases) which may present much later in life.
Coronary disease can be prevented with treatment which includes non-steroidal
anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and gamma globulin infusion.
Ischemic HD
Patients with peripheral arterial disease have an increased risk of adverse
cardiovascular event and frequently have coexistent coronary and cerebrovascular
atherosclerosis; therefore it is considered a coronary artery disease equivalent. For
this reason an appropriate statin should be commenced. Currently the recommended
target is LDL less than 2.0 mmol/l,
Unstable angina Six-hour troponin T test may still miss some cases of unstable
angina with troponin rise, as such 12-hour testing is recommended. Unless the
electrocardiogram (ECG) changed significantly, IV heparin or IIB IIIA receptor
antagonist therapy would not be indicated.
Recent studies have demonstrated that troponin T assay at the 12 hour stage is
the most effective for cardiovascular risk stratification. If troponin T is normal
(<0.03) at 12 hours it indicates very low forward cardiovascular risk. Mild elevation
in the presence of ECG changes is supportive of a diagnosis of unstable angina and
elevation of troponin T above a level of 0.1 indicates a confirmed myocardial
A normal echocardiogram between episodes of chest pain does not rule out
unstable angina because wall motion returns to normal between ischemic episodes.
However, if patient had no wall motion abnormalities during chest pain, an acute
coronary syndrome is highly unlikely
-Blockers are first-line therapy for unstable angina and NSTEMI unless
contraindications are present.
With ongoing angina, a calcium channel blocker can be added to a -blocker.
However, there is no benefit in substituting a calcium channel blocker for a -blocker
in the absence of significant side effects.
Recent studies have suggested the possibility that angiotensin-converting
enzyme inhibitors may be effective in reducing exercise-induced ischemia.
Recent randomized trials have shown that full-dose low-molecular-weight
heparin is more effective than full-dose unfractionated heparin without an increase in
bleeding events.
However, low-molecular-weight heparin is renally excreted, and if estimated
glomerular filtration rate is below 30 mL/min/1.73 m2, the level of antifactor Xa
thigh cuffs and finally the upper thigh cuffs. Inflation is controlled by a pressure
monitor, and the cuffs are inflated to about 300 mmHg. When timed correctly, this
will decrease the afterload that the heart has to pump against, and increase the
preload that fills the heart, increasing the cardiac output.[4] In this way, ECP is
similar to the intra-aortic balloon pump Contraindications to EECP include severe
aortic regurgitation and severe peripheral vascular disease.
Spinal cord stimulation involves placement of an electrocatheter within the
epidural space that is connected to a pulse generator and stimulates the spinal cord
region receiving the cardiac nerve fibers. In a placebo-controlled trial, spinal cord
stimulation was shown to reduce angina and improve functional status.
Investigation for chest pain with history of IHD
Exercise stress test should be the first choice stressor for patients with good
effort tolerance.
Myocardial perfusion imaging is indicated in the following situations:
o high clinical suspicion with negative exercise test
o low clinical suspicion with positive exercise test
o borderline or uninterpretable exercise test
o resting electrocardiogram (ECG) precludes stress ECG test eg left bundle branch
block (LBBB).
Ranolazine can be useful in patients with chronic stable angina on maximal medical
Stent thrombosis causing myocardial infarction
Stent thrombosis usually occurs in the first two days after the procedure.
Combined antiplatelet therapy with aspirin and clopidogrel, reduces the risk of
Dual antiplatelet therapy with clopidogrel and aspirin is mandatory following
placement of a coronary stent to reduce sudden thrombotic occlusion of the stent.
Clopidogrel is required for 1 month for bare metal stents and for 1 year for drugeluting stents
This patient should be taken immediately to the Cardiac Catheterisation Lab with
a view to performing
o angioplasty or to
o administer intracoronary thrombolytic therapy to open up the blocked stent.
o Simultaneous use of abciximab (a glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitor) has been shown
to improve morbidity and mortality in acute coronary stent thrombosis
Emergency CABG might be considered if percutaneous intervention fails.
IV thrombolytic therapy is not the optimum therapy in this setting.
Diabetes mellitus and ischemic heart disease
Coronary artery bypass grafting is indicated in patients with
left main coronary artery disease,
severe three-vessel disease with reduced left ventricular systolic function, and
severe three-vessel disease with involvement of the proximal left anterior
descending artery.
o In this setting, surgery would not only relieve angina and improve quality of life,
but it would also prolong life expectancy.
o Patients achieve a significant clinical benefit when the left internal mamillary artery
graft is used as the bypass for lesions within the left anterior descending artery
Enhanced external counterpulsation (EECP) is an acceptable treatment for
patients with medically refractory angina who are not candidates for
Patient with severe left ventricular (LV) dysfunction, and calculated valve area in
such patients can be falsely low because low cardiac output reduces the valve opening
It is important to distinguish patients with true severe aortic stenosis (AS) with
secondary LV dysfunction from those who have a falsely low calculated aortic valve
area because of low cardiac output.
An important method of distinguishing between the two conditions is to assess
the haemodynamics after increasing the cardiac output by dobutamine infusion
during echocardiography or cardiac catheterisation.
Patients with truly severe AS manifest an increase in transaortic pressure
gradient while the valve surface area remains the same during dobutamine infusion;
while those with falsely low calculated valve area manifest an increase in calculated
valve surface area.
Dobutamine echocardiography is also important to assess LV contractile reserve.
Patients who have 20% or more increase in stroke volume after dobutamine infusion
have a much better prognosis after surgery compared to those who do not have LV
contractile reserve.
Aortic stenosis with acutely ill elderly patient with heart failure
The ultimate treatment is valve replacement but in a patient who is acutely
unwell, a valvuloplasty is used as a bridging procedure.
An aortic balloon pump would improve the cardiac failure and also increase
coronary perfusion, and is necessary in such a high-risk procedure.
Noradrenaline has no place here as it can worsen the left ventricular failure as
raising the afterload may cause the ventricle to fail further. Milrinone, a
phosphodiesterase III inhibitor, appears to be useful in moderate ventricular
dysfunction with small doses of adrenaline. This increases the cardiac output as well
as raising the mean arterial pressure.
Microcytic anaemia and severe calcific aortic stenosis
This is Heydes syndrome
The treatment is to replace the valve after blood transfusion " No further gastroendoscopies are needed", as the mechanism is thought to be due to destruction of von
Willebrands factor as the platelets traverse the stenosed valve resulting in
bleeding per rectum.
several gastric endoscopies and colonoscopies in search of an underlying cause of
his anaemia may be done with ve results
The investigation of choice after valve replacement is mesenteric angiography as
the bleeding vessels are poorly visualised on colonoscopy. This would look for the
presence of angiodysplasia, which may be associated with aortic stenosis. Resection
of the diseased bowel has also been described as a treatment
Mitral stenosis
Clinical markers consistent with severe mitral stenosis are
transmitral pressure gradients greater than 10 mm Hg,
enlargement of the left atrium,
mitral valve area less than 1.5 cm2, and
pulmonary pressures greater than 50 mm Hg.
Clinical outcome in
asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic patients with mitral stenosis is
excellent (>80% survival at 10 years),
but once patients are symptomatic, 10-year survival is less than 15%.
Morbidity associated with untreated mitral stenosis includes
o pulmonary hypertension,
Acute respiratory distress syndrome
may be secondary to a fat embolus in frctures
clinically there may be
o coarse crackles on auscultation of his chest bilaterally.
o jugular venous pressure is raised
o There is no peripheral oedema.
o ECG shows right axis deviation with prominent R waves on leads V1V2.
Initial resuscitation should involve
o high flow oxygen and
o intravenous (iv) fluids to maintain high right ventricular filling pressures.
o Steroid therapy is normally used a little later in ARDS, it can worsen pulmonary
o Continuous positive airways pressure ventilation would help in the management of
the pulmonary oedema.
o It should be noted that diuretic treatment would be strongly contraindicated "even
in pulmonary oedema". This is because the right ventricular output is dependent on
elevated filling pressures. Reducing the preload is therefore not a good idea.
Mitral stenosis
MS with AF
Patients tolerate fast atrial fibrillation very poorly.
o oxygen
o achieve rate control as quickly as possible. This is most quickly achieved with the
use of a short-acting beta-blocker such as esmolol through a continuous infusion This
might seem counter-intuitive in a hypotensive patient, but the hypotension is rate
dependent as the ventricle has no time to fill.
o Digoxin takes a few hours to act whether given orally or intravenously.
o Amiodarone also takes a few hours to act
o Flecainide is contraindicated in patients with structural cardiac abnormalities.
o DC cardioversion should be considered if the patient does not respond quickly.
Aortic regurgitation
All symptomatic patients with severe AR should have AVR.
Asymptomatic patients with severe AR should also undergo AVR if they have
o depressed left ventricular (LV) function (ejection fraction (EF)<50%) or
o if they have severe LV dilatation (end-diastolic dimension >75 mm and end-systolic
dimension >55 mm).
Similarly patients with severe AR undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting or
surgery on the aorta or any other valve should have AVR at the time of surgery.
Vasodilator therapy in the form of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors or
nifedipine should be given to patients who do not have indications for AVR.
Patients with AR require regular echocardiographic follow-up to assess the state
of the left ventricle, as symptoms develop quite late in the course of the disease. so
regular echocardiographic follow-up is required to pick up individuals with early
features of left ventricular failure "dilated left ventricle, an ejection fraction of 50%"
that would benefit from valve replacement.
Acute severe aortic regurgitation is a surgical emergency, necessitating valve
replacement, particularly with symptoms of heart failure.
dysbetalipoproteinaemia (type III hyperlipoproteinaemia)
Palmar xanthomas are pathognomonic
It is caused by mutation in apoprotein E,
transmitted as an autosomal recessive trait
usually requires a secondary exacerbating metabolic factor for expression of the
Therefore, secondary causes of hyperlipidaemia such as
o hypothyroidism,
o obesity,
o diabetes mellitus,
o renal insufficiency,
o high-calorie,
o high-fat diet or
o alcohol are often encountered at diagnosis,
Patients are predisposed to peripheral vascular disease and coronary artery
Lipid profile in these patients reveals
o elevated cholesterol and triglycerides while high-density lipoprotein (HDL) is
o tremor.
o High levels of cyclosporine can cause seizures
-blockers and pregnancy
All available -blockers cross the placenta and are present in human breast milk,
resulting in significant levels in the fetus or newborn.
Therefore, when used during pregnancy, fetal and newborn heart rate and blood
glucose monitoring are indicated.
Adverse fetal effects, have been associated with the use of atenolol, especially
when initiated early in the pregnancy.
o low birth weight,
o early delivery, and
o small size for gestational age
o The World Health Organization considers atenolol (U.S. Food and Drug
Administration [FDA] pregnancy risk category D) unsafe during breastfeeding as it
concentrates in breast milk, resulting in a significant dose to the breast-fed infant
with associated risks for hypoglycemia and bradycardia.
o Metoprolol (pregnancy risk category C) should be considered as an alternative.
Digoxin in pregnancy
risk category C drug.
Although it readily passes to the fetal circulation, no teratogenic effect has been
reported in humans.
Digoxin is often used as a maintenance medication in patients with heart failure
or atrial arrhythmias during pregnancy.
The indications for digoxin are identical to those for nonpregnant patients with
heart failure.
It is recommended for patients with New York Heart Association class III heart
failure to improve symptoms and reduce hospitalization.
It is not indicated in asymptomatic patient.
Diuretics in pregnancy
Diuretics impair uterine blood flow and placental perfusion.
Continuation of diuretic therapy initiated before conception does not seem to
have unfavorable effects.
Maternal use of furosemide during pregnancy has not been associated with toxic
or teratogenic effects, although metabolic complications have been observed.
Neonatal hyponatremia and fetal hyperuricemia have been reported.
Use of diuretics should be limited to the treatment of symptomatic heart failure
with clear evidence of elevated central venous pressure.
Furosemide (pregnancy risk category C)
Central Retinal Vein Occlusion
Patients usually present with painless loss of vision
diffuse retinal hemorrhages in all four quadrants of the retina
as well as dilated, tortuous veins.
cotton-wool spots,
disc edema,
optociliary shunt vessels
neovessels might also be present.
Multiple etiologies should be considered including:
o hypertension,
o glaucoma,
o optic disc edema,
o hypercoagulable states,
o vasculitis,
o drug-induced, and
o retrobulbar compression by tumors or grave's opthalmopathy
left Subclavian steal syndrome
left upper extremity claudication precipitated by exertion
Examination findings include the
o low blood pressure in the left arm compared with the right,
o the diminished left radial and brachial pulses, and
o the systolic murmur in the left clavicular region.
Another possible symptom is syncope or near-syncope due to subclavian steal
syndrome, which occurs in the setting of significant stenosis of the subclavian artery
and retrograde flow in the ipsilateral vertebral artery during upper extremity
Transient ischemic attack in complex ascending aortic atheromas.
The presence of an ascending aortic atheroma of 4 mm or greater in diameter
increases the risk of recurrent stroke.
Treatment either warfarin or antiplatelet
Lyme carditis
is manifested by acute-onset, high-grade atrioventricular conduction defects that
may occasionally be associated with myocarditis.
Carditis occurs in 5% to 10% of patients with Lyme disease, usually within a few
weeks to months after infection.
Cardiac involvement can occur in isolation or with other symptoms of the
Atrioventricular block can present in any degree, and progression to complete
heart block is often rapid.
Atrioventricular block is usually within the node, but sinoatrial and His-Purkinje
involvement have also been described.
Prognosis is good, with usual resolution of atrioventricular block within days to
In some patients, heart block is the first and only manifestation of Lyme disease,
but the diagnosis can be confirmed by a positive IgM and IgG antibody response to B.
burgdorferi. Lyme serologic testing should be considered in any patient with
unexplained high-grade atrioventricular block, particularly in patients with potential
tick exposure living in endemic areas.
Electrophysiology study is not indicated, since it does not provide additional
prognostic information.
The preferred antibiotic regimen is intravenous ceftriaxone until the heart block
resolves, followed by a 21-day course of oral therapy.
Erythromycin is considered a third-line agent for the treatment of Lyme disease,
as it is less effective than penicillin or cephalosporin drugs. However, oral
erythromycin can be used for patients with erythema migrans who are intolerant of
amoxicillin, doxycycline, and cefuroxime.
Most cases of Lyme carditis resolve spontaneously, and neither temporary nor
permanent pacemaker therapy is needed.
Temporary pacing would be required if the patient were hemodynamically
unstable with bradycardia. However, this rarely occurs in the setting of Lyme
Indications for permanent pacemaker placement would include persistent highgrade atrioventricular block.
Tetralogy of Fallot
Women with tetralogy of Fallot have an increased risk of having offspring with
congenital anomalies.
Approximately 15% of women with tetralogy of Fallot have chromosome 22q11.2
microdeletion "DiGeorge Syndrome", which raises the risk of having a child with
congenital heart disease substantially, from 4% to 6% in affected women without the
microdeletion to approximately 50% in those with the microdeletion.
Recommended goals for management of adults with diabetes are
hemoglobin A1C <7.0%,
preprandial plasma glucose 90-130 mg/dL (5-7.22 mmol/L),
peak (2 hour) postprandial plasma glucose <180 mg/dL (9.99 mmol/L),
blood pressure <130/80 mm Hg,
triglycerides <150 mg/dL (1.69 mmol/L),
HDL cholesterol >40 mg/dL (1.03 mmol/L), and
LDL cholesterol <100 mg/dL (2.59 mmol/L).
Compared with subjects with normoglycaemia, beta cell mass is reduced
By 50% in subjects with impaired fasting glucose
By 65% in subjects with Type 2 diabetes and
Over 90% in subjects with type 1 diabetes.
The suggestion therefore is one of gradual insulin deficiency associated with
increasing insulin resistance.
Gestational diabetes mellitus
Patients with gestational diabetes mellitus have a 50% risk of developing type 2
diabetes mellitus in the 5 to 10 years after the diagnosis of gestational diabetes.
Diabetic Retinopathy
o Recent UK studies have put the 4-year incidence of maculopathy in type 2 diabetes
patients as high as 10.4%,
o 75% of cases of maculopathy being type 2 diabetes related.
o In type 1 diabetes maculopathy is named as the cause of blindness in 14% of
Immediate ophthalmology referral is recommended for
o proliferative retinopathy (presence of new vessels signifies a 40% risk of blindness
within 2 years if untreated),
o rubeosis iridis,
o vitreous haemorrhage, and
o advanced retinopathy with fibrosis and
o retinal detachment.
Referral within 6 weeks is recommended for
o preproliferative retinopathy,
o maculopathy and for
o any cause of deterioration of more than two Snellen chart lines in visual acuity,
o although the presence of email technology means that a same day opinion should
be obtained from the ophthalmologist.
Routine referral may be considered in some
o cases for cataract surgery or
o in those patients with non-proliferative retinopathy but who have a large amount of
hard exudates and
o circinate formation.
Rubeosis iridis
ocular pain is due to raised intraocular pressure.
Causes include
o Sickle cell disease
o Diabetes mellitus
o central retinal vein occlusion and
o carotid artery occlusive disease.
Diagnosis is with fluorescein angiography to assess extent of retinal ischaemia
and ultrasound.
Progression of rubeosis is thought to be reduced by aggressive management of
the underlying medical cause and reduction of the area of viable retina with panretinal photocoagulation.
Topical steroids and standard treatments for open angle glaucoma are also of
Unfortunately prognosis for this condition is generally poor as many patients
present at a late stage.
Diabetic autonomic neuropathy
early satiety due to gastroparesis,
poor night vision due to pupillary dysfunction, and
urinary incontinence.
Cardiovascular neuropathies
orthostatic hypotension,
absent normal variation of the heart rate with breathing,
tachycardia, and
sudden death.
Patients should thus undergo further testing, such as an exercise stress test, to
exclude exercise-induced silent ischemia.
Diabetic amyotrophy
uncommon and disturbing condition which is said to usually affect men in their
fifties who have type-2 diabetes.
weight loss, burning proximal muscle pain and weakness. quadriceps wasting.
The condition affects lumbar sacral plexus lower motor neurones.
Presentations may be :wasting of the quadriceps muscles bilaterally with loss of
power. Loss of Knee and ankle jerks some loss of light touch and pinprick sensation
over both feet and ankles. Plantar responses may be flexor or extensor.
EMG shows multifocal denervation in paraspinous and leg muscles.
Prior to making the diagnosis it is important to exclude other causes such as disc
disease or malignancy "MRI spinal cord"
The aetiology of this condition is unknown, but oral antidiabetic agents may play
a part. Transition to insulin therapy is therefore recommended, additionally in this
case it would improve blood glucose control.
Recovery happens over 34 months, but only 50% achieve complete recovery.
Partial or complete resolution occurs with control of hyperglycaemia
best evaluate the patient for insulinoma, a prolonged fast (up to 72 hours) under
strict medical observation is often necessary.
Serum glucose, insulin, C-peptide, and proinsulin levels are measured at 4- to 6hour intervals throughout the supervised fast.
The fast is discontinued once the glucose value falls below 45 mg/dL (2.5
mmol/L) with associated symptoms of hypoglycemia and appropriate blood tests
(measurement of plasma glucose, insulin, and C-peptide levels) are obtained.
More than 95% of patients with insulinoma will have hypoglycemia within 72
Insulin and C-peptide levels will generally be elevated, as will the proinsulin
level, which suggests a greater tumor release of immature insulin.
Once the diagnosis of insulinoma is confirmed biochemically, imaging studies of
the pancreas are obtained, beginning with an abdominal CT scan
Charcots arthropathy
indium labelled white cell scan is the best way to differentiate between infective
causes and Charcots arthropathy.
Charcots is thought to occur due to increased blood flow as a result of
neuropathy. This results in increased osteoclast activity and bone turnover; the foot is
then susceptible to often very minor trauma and destructive changes take place.
joint immobilisation for at least 3 months in an aircast type non-weight-bearing
plaster. This is to allow bone remodelling/repair to occur.
Bisphosphonates are a useful adjunct to the healing process as they reduce
osteoclast activity.
Whilst insulin therapy is likely to improve glycaemic control and slow further
progression of neuropathy, it will not affect recovery of the Charcots joint.
High dose metformin is thought to interfere with the enterohepatic circulation of bile
salts, leading to reduced reabsorption of bile salts from the ilieum
Diabetes insipidus
Osmolality, plasma 275-295 mosm/kg
Initial plasma osmolarity Initial urine osmolarity Water deprivation urine
Desmopressin urine
Normal 275-295 600 > 600 > 600
Nephrogenic DI >295 <300 No effect <300 No effect <300
Cranial DI >295 <300 No effect <300 > 600
Partial cranial DI >295 <300 300-400 400-600
Psychogenic <275 <300 300-400 400
If initial urine osmolarity >660 it exclude DI
Psychogenic Both the plasma and urine osmolalities are low
During pregnancy sNa and plasma osmolarity are in lower normal level,,,,so DI
can easily be missed in pregnancy so finding Na and osmolarity in upper normal level
is abnormal high
can cause hyponatremia if a person continues to drink without any fluid
restriction, particularly if their fluid intake is excessive
In patients receiving desmopressin who develop severe hyponatremia and a low
urine output, cortisol deficiency should be part of the differential diagnosis.
Cortisol is necessary for the distal nephron to excrete a water load. Thus, cortisol
deficiency may mask diabetes insipidus.
Cerebral salt wasting a syndrome characterized by hypovolemia and hyponatremia,
usually occurs within 10 days of a neurosurgical procedure or disease, particularly
subarachnoid hemorrhage.
is a common late finding after irradiation of pituitary adenomas. radiation
therapy typically does not cause damage to the posterior pituitary
In patients with panhypopituitarism, cortisol should be replaced before other
Post-traumatic Hypopituitarism
a frequency of hypopituitarism in up to 35% to 50% of patients after a motor
vehicle accident or subarachnoid hemorrhage.
The most important hormonal axis to test is the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal
axis, and an 8 AM serum cortisol measurement is the best first test to determine
deficiency of this axis.
If the basal cortisol level is equivocal (that is, between 6 and 18 g/dL [166 and
497 nmol/L]), then testing with low-dose (1 g) cosyntropin stimulation may prove
Assessment of the other pituitary axes should eventually be carried out in this
patient, but the results of these tests are not as potentially lifesaving as (and thus are
less critical than) the results of an early morning measurement of the serum cortisol
Growth hormone would be the last hormone assessed once all other deficits have
been tested for and corrected.
If there are three or more pituitary hormonal axes found to be deficient, a low
insulin-like growth factor I level would establish a diagnosis of growth hormone
Symptoms of tiredness, poor concentration and weight gain suggest growth
hormone (GH) deficiency and this is supported by the lowish IGF-1 concentration.
The diagnosis of secondary hypogonadism is established if a patients
testosterone concentration and sperm count are low and serum luteinizing hormone
and follicle stimulating hormone levels are inappropriately normal or low.
A serum free thyroxine (T4) level will indicate thyroid hormone status more
accurately than measurement of the serum thyroid-stimulating hormone level
Prolactin more than 6000 in macroadenoma
Always consider the possibility of pregnancy in reproductive-aged females,
because this is the most common cause of secondary amenorrhea
hypoestrogenism include vaginal dryness, dyspareunia, and a decline in bone
mineral density (ie, osteopenia or osteoporosis).
Dopamine agonists are preferred initial treatment because of their very high
Radiation therapy is rarely performed for prolactinomas because of the high
efficacy rates of dopamine agonists.
Somatostatin analogues have not been shown to have substantial prolactinlowering or tumor-shrinking effects in patients with prolactinomas
surgery is reserved for the few patients who cannot tolerate or respond to
dopamine agonists.
optic nerve compression gives no time to wait. In this situation, dopamine
agonists may be used as an adjunct to surgery.
Severe hypogonadism in a young male with an elevated serum prolactin level
strongly suggests pituitary macroadenoma
In men with massive prolactinomas, irreversible damage to the gonadal axis may
occur that necessitates testosterone replacement therapy, despite normalization of
the prolactin level.
Women with microadenomas
The dopamine agonist bromocriptine has been shown to restore ovulatory cycles
in greater than 80% of women.
A dopamine agonist would be indicated if pregnancy were desired.
Amenorrhea, which implies hypo-estrogenemia and an increased risk for
osteoporosis. Oral contraceptives will supply needed estrogen and, at the same time,
provide contraception if patient not interested in becoming pregnant
oral contraceptive use is safe in women with microadenomas, and there is
minimal risk of tumor enlargement.
For women with prolactinomas, dopamine agonists are stopped once pregnancy
is achieved. There are no documented risks of fetal malformations or other adverse
pregnancy outcomes for these agents
Symptomatic growth occurs in approximately 30% of macroprolactinomas and
3% of microprolactinomas in the second or third trimester, which necessitates
reinstitution of the dopamine agonist, transsphenoidal surgical decompression, or
delivery if the pregnancy is sufficiently advanced
Nonfunctioning pituitary tumors
The increase in prolactin levels due to the hypothalamic or stalk dysfunction
The most appropriate treatment for such an adenoma is surgery.
Nonsecreting adenomas generally do not enlarge and cause symptoms during
levothyroxine therapy. Because the patients bipolar disorder has been well
controlled on his present regimen, the lithium should not be discontinued.
Euthyroid sick syndrome,
particularly common in patients with chronic renal failure
small reductions in both free T3 and free T4 and normal or suppressed TSH
abnormal results on thyroid function tests that often normalize after recovery;
This should have repeat thyroid function tests in 4 to 8 weeks.
neither levothyroxine nor liothyronine is indicated for treatment of the thyroid
function changes seen with such non thyroidal illness.
Thyroid nodule
Fine-needle aspiration is the mainstay in the evaluation of such thyroid nodules
in euthyroid patients and has an excellent sensitivity and specificity for detecting
Ultrasonography is superior to CT in the evaluation of thyroid nodules, except
when there is a goiter with substantial substernal extension.
Thyroid scanning has no role in the initial workup of thyroid nodules because
both benign and malignant nodules tend to be hypofunctional or cold on a
thyroid scan.
Thyroid scanning may be helpful when the thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)
level is suppressed to assess for a hyperfunctioning (hot) nodule that does not
require fine-needle aspiration biopsy. Hyperfunctioning nodules are rarely
Thyroid cancer
nodule which is 'cold' on uptake scanning
Thyroid-stimulating hormone suppression by levothyroxine is the standard of
care in patients who have thyroid cancer, with the degree of suppression determined
by the severity of disease
TSH suppression has shown benefit is reducing thyroid cancer recurrence.
Typically, patients with low-risk stage I and II disease have a target TSH level in the
low-normal to just-below-normal range (0.3 mU/L)
Thyroid cancer associated with Graves' disease is not uncommon and usually due
to papillary carcinoma and must be considered in suspicious/expanding nodules
Amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis
Amiodarone which inhibits the peripheral conversion of thyroxine (T4) to triiodothyronine (T3) so consequently T4 may be elevated and T3 low
Radioiodine uptake scan disting between amiodarone induced thyrotoxicosis
type 1 or type 2
Type 1
normal radioiodine uptake
normal interleukin 6 (IL-6) levels.
amiodarone should be discontinued IF there is alternative
treated with a combination of antithyroid drugs and potassium perchlorate
High-dose antithyroid drugs are needed to treat type 1 AIT as they have less
effect due to the high iodine load.
Type 1 AIT should be treated when stable with either radioiodine therapy or
Type 2
decreased radioiodine uptake on thyroid scan
raised IL-6 levels.
treated with a combination of antithyroid drugs and corticosteroids such as
type 2 AIT may progress to hypothyroidism
The amiodarone need not necessarily be stopped if given for VT
Colour flow Doppler ultrasound can be used to differentiate the two. Blood flow
is increased in type 1 and decreased in type 2.
Radioiodine is not usually effective due to reduced uptake by the thyroid due to
high iodine levels.
In both cases, if amiodarone cannot be withdrawn then total thyroidectomy
should be considered.
Lithium would typically cause low T4 and elevated thyroid-stimulating hormone
Thyroglobulin autoantibodies are present in:
Grave's disease
Hashimoto's thyroiditis
idiopathic thyroid atrophy
De Quervain's thyroiditis - transiently
7% of males, and 15-20% of females without thyroid disease
Antithyroid peroxidase antibodies (previously known as thyroid microsome
autoantibodies) are present at:
high titre, in:
o Hashimoto's thyroiditis
o idiopathic thyroid atrophy
low titre, in:
o Grave's disease
o De Quervain's thyroiditis
o 8% of males, and 10% of females without thyroid disease
High titres of thyroid autoantibodies, particularly to thyroid microsomes, is
associated with increased likelihood of progress to myxoedema as it reflects increased
damage to the thyroid cells
Graves disease and ophthalmopathy
an initial inflammatory phase followed by a fibrotic stage.
If the symptoms are mild patients can be managed with lubricants and eye
For active disease treatment, options include
o orbital decompression,
o orbital radiotherapy and
o glucocorticoids.
There is concern that radio-iodine could exacerbate Graves
Patients with pretibial myxoedema tend to have more severe ophthalmopathy.
Secondary hyperthyroidism
elevated tri-iodothyronine (T3)
elevated thyroxine (T4)
normal TSH.
MRI head scan may be expected to demonstrate a pituitary macroadenoma.
Alpha subunit is also secreted in large amounts and measurement of this should
yield an elevated alphaSU:TSH ratio (usually 1:1).
The diagnosis should be suspected when TSH concentrations are not suppressed
in the presence of hyperthyroidism.
Thyroid in pregnancy
It is a feature of normal pregnancy that T3 , T4 levels show a slight increase in
the first trimester due to human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) stimulation.
TSH may be mildly suppressed in up to 13.5% of pregnancies during the first
trimester, and this is considered a normal variant.
PTHrP high
Bisphosphonates inhibit osteoclastic bone resorption and are particularly
effective in hypercalcemia of malignancy.
zoledronate, a long-acting intravenous nitrogen-containing bisphosphonate,
induces rapid and long-lasting hypocalcemic response.
Alendronate has a mild hypocalcemic effect but is not potent enough to combat
acute severe hypercalcemia.
Glucocorticoids have classically been used in hypercalcemic states associated
with production of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3, such as lymphoma or granulomatous
Hypercalcemia with normal PTH level
In an asymptomatic patient with mild hypercalcemia and an inappropriately
normal parathyroid hormone level the main differential includes primary
hyperparathyroidism versus benign familial hypocalciuric hypercalcemia.
Familial hypocalciuric hypercalcemia is diagnosed by a urinary
calcium/creatinine clearance ratio <0.01
In familial hypocalciuric hypercalcemia there is hypocalciuria while in primary
hyperparathyroidism there is hypercalciuria
Hungry bone syndrome
severe hypocalcemia and hypophosphatemia
can occur after removal of a parathyroid adenoma in patients with significant
hyperparathyroid bone disease
The associated hypoparathyroidism is usually transient because the healthy
parathyroid glands recover function quickly, generally within 1 week
Treatment with calcium and a short-acting vitamin D metabolite may be
required until the bones heal.
Alkaline phosphatase levels are not elevated in all types of hyperparathyroidism
Although the action of PTH is to increase the renal tubular reabsorption of
calcium, hypercalcemia causes an increase in the filtered load of calcium. This
increase overwhelms the ability of PTH to reabsorb calcium in the renal tubule with
resultant hypercalciuria
Vitamin D deficiency,
characterized by
o hypocalcemia,
o hypophosphatemia,
o increased alkaline phosphatase
o increased parathyroid hormone levels,
o decreased serum 25-hydroxy vitamin D level.
Measurement of 25-hydroxy vitamin D (calcidiol) is more informative than
measurement of 1,25-dihydroxy vitamin D (calcitriol) in most patients with
hypocalcemia because
o vitamin D deficiency causes hypocalcemia and stimulates parathyroid hormone
secretion, which in turn stimulates renal conversion of 25-hydroxy vitamin D to 1,25dihydroxy vitamin D. the 1,25-dihydroxy vitamin D level is influenced more by
parathyroid hormone and phosphorus levels and by renal function.
o Low dietary intake, poor absorption of vitamin D, and lack of production in the skin
will result in a low serum 25-hydroxy vitamin D level.
o This serum level will also be low in patients taking phenytoin, those with nephrotic
syndrome (loss of vitamin Dbinding protein), and those with hepatobiliary
o Whereas 25-hydroxy vitamin D has a long half-life, 1,25-dihydroxy vitamin D is
Tissue resistance to the action of PTH
increased PTH levels
hypocalcemia and
Phenotypically, a short round face, short neck, and short fourth metacarpal bone.
Obesity Dental hypoplasia Soft tissue calcification/ossification.
The diagnosis is confirmed with genetic analysis and with a failure of cyclic
adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) rise following PTH.
Slipped femoral epiphysis is a recognised feature.
phenotypic appearance of pseudohypoparathyroidism but normal calcium and
phosphorus levels because of normal PTH secretion, function, and action.
Familial hypocalciuric hypercalcemia
is a rare autosomal dominant disorder that is diagnosed by a urine calcium to
creatinine clearance ratio of less than 0.01.
Clinical features
Most cases: Asymptomatic (unlike primary hyperparathyroidism)
Hypocalciuria ( Ca excretion rate < 0.02 mmol/L).
Normal to high PTH
Green colored urine
Genetic testing for FHH-associated mutations in CASR
No treatment is generally required, as bone demineralisation and kidney stones
are relatively uncommon in the condition
Oncogenic osteomalacia
Occur in Certain tumours. prostatic carcinoma, and haematological malignancies
such as myeloma and chronic lymphocytic leukaemia
produce a phosphaturic substance.
Clinically, patients present with bone pain and or fracture, profound proximal
myopathy and severe hypophosphataemia, usually accompanied by a marked
reduction in concentration of 1,25-OH vitamin D.
Other abnormalities of renal function such as glycosuria and aminoaciduria may
also be present.
Treatment with vitamin D metabolites and phosphate supplements may result in
some resolution of skeletal symptoms.
In the case of solid tumours, removal of the primary tumour also results in
improvement of symptoms.
Once yearly intravenous infusion of zoledronate is a potent therapy for treating
postmenopausal osteoporosis
Pagets disease
Recent evidence has suggested that limited skeletal survey is superior to bone
scan for the assessment of the disease.
Pagets is present in around 2% of the population over 55 years, this
prevalence increases with age and the disease is also more common in men
Deafness may be a feature in up to half of all patients with skull base
Osteogenic sarcoma is a very rare complication of the disease.
The mainstay of treatment is with bisphosphosphonates.
The goals of therapy in Pagets disease are to normalise bone turnover and
achieve an alkaline phosphatase as a marker of this, in the normal range if possible.
Bisphosphonates have become the mainstay of therapy,
It appears that the more aggressive initial therapy is, then the longer a period of
remission may be achieved.
Alkaline phosphatase, as a non-invasive method, appears to be the best way to
monitor disease activity.
Deafness may occur in up to half of patients with skull base Pagets,
spinal cord compression may also occur.
Rarer complications include hydrocephalus and osteogenic sarcoma. Sarcomas
are found most commonly in the humerus or femur and a rapid increase in pain in
one limb may arouse suspicion, although it may of course just be a marker of
increased disease activity.
Medullary thyroid carcinoma
Important next investigation is Pentagastrin stimulation test NOT Random
Elevated basal levels of calcitonin are seen in pregnancy, carcinoid, pernicious
anaemia, chronic renal failure and thyroiditis.
The pentagastrin test measures calcitonin levels at 2 and 5 minutes however, and
a rise in calcitonin is suggestive of medullary thyroid carcinoma.
Thin skin and loss of subcutaneous fat is a sign of Cushing's disease
Urinary free cortisol,,,, False positive results may be seen, particularly in obesity
or if there is significant alcohol consumption
In patients with renal failure, Urinary free cortisol this test is more likely to give
a false negative the most appropriate test in these circumstances would be an
overnight dexamethasone suppression test
In patients with documented hypercortisolism,
o elevated or normal ACTH levels indicate a pituitary or neoplastic (ectopic) source,
o whereas suppressed ACTH concentrations indicate a primary adrenal source.
Partial suppression of ACTH achieved with high dexamethasone administration,
suggests an ACTH-secreting pituitary microadenoma
MRI findings are normal in 40% to 50% of patients with documented ACTHsecreting pituitary adenomas.
Bilateral petrosal sinus catheterization should be performed in patients with
biochemically established adrenocorticotropic hormonedependent Cushing
syndrome who have negative findings on pituitary MRIs and chest CT scans. the best
way of distinguishing between ectopic and pituitary dependent CS is with inferior
petrosal sinus sampling where a high gradient of ACTH from sinus compared with a
peripheral sample is diagnostic of pituitary dependent disease.
Usually the cause of Cushing's disease is a pituitary microadenoma and this may
not be seen on MR.
CT scan and octreotide scintigraphy should be employed when results of IPSS
suggest an ectopic source.
The most appropriate next step is removal of the pituitary microadenoma by
pituitary adenomectomy.
Bilateral adrenalectomy is an appropriate option in patients with ectopic ACTH
secretion and an occult or metastatic tumor.
Ketoconazole can be used to lower cortisol secretion. However, this drug is used
not as a definitive therapy for hypercortisolism but instead as an interim therapy for
patients with severe Cushing syndrome.
Ketoconazole is also used in patients with recurrent or inoperable ACTHsecreting tumors and is often given as an interim therapy for patients undergoing
radiation therapy because the beneficial effect of radiation treatment may be delayed.
Conventional radiation therapy leads to the normalization of urine free cortisol
production in over 80% of patients, usually within 2 years. Radiation therapy is
reserved for patients who cannot tolerate surgery or as a secondary treatment when
pituitary surgery has failed
Secondary adrenal insufficiency due to exogenous corticosteroids may be
associated with suppression of both ACTH and cortisol levels and with clinical
findings of excess glucocorticoids.
Outcome analyses suggest that pregnant patients with newly diagnosed Cushing
syndrome of all causes should undergo surgery, unless they are near term.
2-day dexamethasone-corticotropin releasing hormone stimulation test would
distinguish pseudo-Cushing's from autonomous glucocorticoid production
Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism with diminished libido and loss of secondary
sexual characteristics
Overnight dexamethasone suppression test
The overnight dexamethasone suppression test is usually used as a screening test
for Cushing's syndrome.
This test has a false-positive rate of up to 212%,
Dexamethasone is primarily metabolised by the cytochrome P-450 system, by
hepatic CYP3A4, an enzyme complex responsible for the metabolism of many
Considerable increases in cytochrome P-450 enzymes can be seen in
o regular smokers and people who
o drink alcohol regularly.
o Several drugs such as phenobarbital, primidone, ethosuximide, carbamazepine and
rifampicin induce the activity of CYP3A4, and can lead to false positive
dexamethasone suppression tests.
Adrenal insufficiency during stress
Major stress give Stress-level dosages of corticosteroids are considered to be 10times the normal daily replacement dosage. equivalent to 100 mg of hydrocortisone
daily, best administered as 25 mg every 6 hours.
Minor stress (such as a common cold), doubling of the oral dosage of
hydrocortisone for 2 days is recommended; for
Moderate stresses (such as a limited surgical procedure), tripling the dosage for 2
to 3 days is adequate.
Once the dosage of hydrocortisone is over 60 mg per day, fludrocortisone is
unnecessary because that dose of hydrocortisone has adequate mineralocorticoid
Adrenal insufficiency with hypothyroidism
Thyroid hormone replacement can worsen symptoms or even precipitate an
adrenal crisis in patients with underlying adrenal insufficiency. Due to increase the
clearance of cortisol
Once adrenal insufficiency is confirmed, glucocorticoid replacement should be
initiated before restarting or adjusting the levothyroxine therapy.
Addisons disease
o hyperkalemia,
o hyponatraemia,
o ureamia,
o hypoglycaemia,
o mild acidosis,
o hypercalcaemia,
o neutropenia,
o lymphocytosis,
o eosinophilia,
o anaemia
o abnormal liver function tests.
o Low aldosterone secretion (leading to salt wasting)
o High plasma renin
o High adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH)
o High lipotropin
o Elevated plasma vasopressin and Angiotensin II.
o Primary hypoadrenalism may also cause mild hypercalcaemia and derangement of
the thyroid function tests.
o autoimmune destruction of the adrenal glands. Adrenal autoantibodies are present
in about 75% of cases.
o The next most common cause is TB.
o Other causes include haemorrhage including
during pregnancy,
sepsis including WaterhouseFriderichsen syndrome from
coagulopathy and
Other causes are
metastases in over 90% in both glands,
HIV and
opportunistic infections associated with AIDS.
Patients present with a variety of symptoms including
o episodic hypertension,
o chest tightness,
o abdominal pain,
o vomiting,
o sweating,
o restlessness, anxiety, pallor and
o weakness.
Symptoms are precipitated by sneezing, stress, surgery and by agents such as
cheese, alcohol and tricyclic antidepressants.
Glycosuria occurs during attacks in 30% of cases.
Tests that help in diagnosis include 24-hour catecholamine measurement,
metaiodobenzylguanidine (MIBG) and CT/MRI of the adrenal glands.
it can also present with severe hypotension from catecholamine-induced
Approximately 10% of tumours are extra-adrenal (sometimes called
paragangliomas), 10% are bilateral and 10% are malignant.
Phaeochromocytomas are associated with a number of syndromes including
multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN) 2A and MEN 2B.
Diagnosis is made by demonstrating elevated catecholamine levels in a 24-h
urine sample.
A scan with 131iodine-labelled metaiodobenzylguanidine (MIBG) is used in cases
where a tumour is confirmed biochemically but cannot be identified on computerized
tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanning
Liddles syndrome
hypokalaemic alkalosis
suppressed aldosterone
suppressed renin
an autosomal dominant
mutation in genes mapped to chromosome 16.
This leads to activation of sodium/potassium exchange independent of
circulating mineralocorticoid.
Hypertension and hypokalaemia respond well to amiloride but not
spironolactone, because amiloride acts directly on the sodium channel, whereas
spironolactone acts on the mineralocorticoid receptor
Renal artery stenosis
High renin
High Aldosterone
Secondary hyperaldosteronism
High prolactin
suppressed luteinising hormone/follicle-stimulating hormone (LH/FSH)
Adrenal Incidentaloma
Clinically inapparent adrenal masses are discovered in 0.4% to 6.9% of imaging
studies performed during evaluation of nonadrenal disorders.
Most adrenal nodules are hormonally silent and have no malignant potential. As
many as 30%, however, secrete cortisol, aldosterone, androgens, or catecholamines.
In patients with normal BP who have an incidentally discovered adrenal nodule,
o Subclinical Cushing syndrome should first be excluded with an overnight 1-mg
dexamethasone suppression test.
o A screening test for pheochromocytoma (by measurement of the plasma
metanephrine level) is also recommended by most experts, even if the patient is
normotensive. The rationale for screening is that patients with pheochromocytoma
may only be intermittently hypertensive.
In patients with hypertension who have an incidentally discovered adrenal
o screening for hypercortisolism and
o pheochromocytoma is essential, as is
o measurement of serum aldosterone and plasma renin activity.
Adrenal androgens, such as dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, should only be
assessed in masculinized female patients, just as the estrogen level should be
measured in feminized male patients.
Progressive osteoporosis in a patient on bisphosphonate therapy who has
adequate calcium and vitamin D intake is an indication to change the bisphosphonate
to teriparatide. (recombinant human parathyroid hormone) is given via daily
subcutaneous injection for a recommended duration of 1 to 2 years. Teriparatide can
significantly decrease the incidence of both vertebral and nonvertebral fractures.
Because animal studies have shown an increased risk of osteosarcoma, this agent
should be avoided in patients with
o Paget disease of bone,
o previous radiation therapy involving the skeleton, or
o a history of skeletal cancer.
polyuria and polydipsia
o diabetes mellitus (prevalence 4%),
o hypercalcaemia (prevalence 14%) and
o hypokalaemia.
o Diabetes insipidus is rare (prevalence: 1 in 25,000).
Initial laboratory screening for polyuria and polydipsia
o U+E,
o calcium, and
o glucose.
o If these tests are normal, investigations should be directed towards rarer causes.
Hypervolaemic hyponatraemia,
elevated JVP,
ascites, and
peripheral oedema,
caused by renal, cardiac, or liver failure.
Hypovolaemic hyponatraemia
caused by salt loss, usually from the kidneys or gut.
tachycardia, hypotension, dry mucous membranes
low JVP.
Laboratory features include elevated serum urea and sometimes creatinine.
The source of salt loss (gut or kidney) can be identified with a urinary sodium;
o a value greater than 20 mmol/l indicates renal loss.
Euvolaemic hyponatraemia
cause primarily by SIADH and hypothyroidism.
Serum urea is normal or low.
Anorexia nervosa
normocytic normochromic anaemia due to bone marrow suppression,
hypokalaemia from laxative abuse,
metabolic alkalosis resulting from vomiting and the gastrointestinal loss of HCl,
hypocalcaemia from dietary deficiency and the associated protein deficiency,
increased serum amylase level from frequent vomiting.
Gitelmans syndrome
hypokalaemic alkalosis
NO hypovolaemia
NO hypertension.
presenting at older age
caused by mutation in the thiazide-sensitive Na-Cl transporter
resultant salt wasting leads to activation of the renin-angiotensin system also
leading to raised aldosterone levels
Gitelmans is associated with hypocalciuria and
Treatment is with potassium and magnesium replacement.
Where patients fail to respond to supplementation, potassium sparing diuretics
may be required to restore serum potassium levels.
Thiazide abuse
normal BP,
hypokalaemia and
high bicarbonate
Bartter's syndrome
usually presents in childhood with polyuria,
nocturnal enuresis and
growth retardation
An anti-obesity drug should only be considered for those with a body mass index
(BMI) of 30 kg/m2 or greater in whom at least three months of managed care
involving supervised diet, exercise and behaviour modification fails.
If risk factors (for example, diabetes mellitus, coronary heart disease,
hypertension and obstructive sleep apnoea) are present, it may be appropriate to
prescribe a drug to individuals with a BMI of 28 kg/m2 or greater.
Anti-obesity drug treatment should also be discontinued if weight loss is less
than five percent after the first 12 weeks.
Combination drug therapy is contraindicated at present and drugs should never
be used as the sole element of treatment.
Diet and exercise have been shown to be ineffective over the long term.
Mixed metabolic and respiratory alkalosis
pH 7.66 (7.36-7.44)
pO2 7.4 kPa (11.3-12.6)
pCO2 4.6 kPa (4.7-6.0)
HCO3 34 mmol/L (20-28)
Features of laxative abuse include:
Metabolic alkalosis
Diarrhoea whilst nil by mouth
Loss of haustral pattern on barium enema but relatively normal macroscopic
Pigmentation of colonic mucosa (anthracenes, e.g. senna) and sometimes skin
Pseudostrictures from spasm lasting hours
Raised stool magnesium (osmotic laxatives)
Uric acid kidney stones
Protein-losing enteropathy
Somatostatinomas are exceedingly rare, and are characterized by the triad of
steatorrhoea and
o crohns disease,
o diverticulitis and
o colorectal tumours
Mesenteric ischaemia
Plain X-ray is often normal, although mucosal oedema and thumb printing
Mesenteric angiography is the best diagnostic test.
CT scan show evidence of bowel wall thickening and thumb-printing.
More than two thirds of patients with ischaemic colitis respond favourably and
rapidly to simple conservative measures with spontaneous recovery within 24 to 48
The remaining one-third requires exploratory laparotomy
Conservative management includes
o close monitoring,
o appropriate intravenous rehydration and
o broad-spectrum antibiotics that cover enteric flora and
o aggressive measures to correct processes that may have precipitated the ischaemic
For those who do not settle or develop peritonism, surgery is required.
Causes of bacterial bloody GE in the UK
campylobacter infection is the commonest cause
followed, by salmonella and shigella.
Campylobacter GE
Infection usually arises from eating undercooked frozen food eg barbeques
colicky abdominal pain,
blood mixed with diarrhoea.
pyrexial and clinically dehydrated
The symptoms are usually self-limiting, lasting up to 5 days
Chronic pancreatitis
Diarrhea with bulky pale stools
Serum folate low
B12 low
Faecal elastase low
o Alcohol (60-90%)
o cystic fibrosis
o Hypertriglyceridaemia,
o autoimmune pancreatitis (e.g. associated with primary sclerosing cholangitis)
o surgery
o Hereditary pancreatitis (autosomal dominant)
o pancreas divisum (congenital pancreatic abnormality of fusion),
o hyperparathyroidism,
o uraemia are rare causes.
o Gallstones (more commonly associated with recurrent acute pancreatitis) may be a
contributing cause in ~20-25% of cases.
Faecal elastase is a sensitive marker of pancreatic insufficiency
Imaging of the pancreatic duct and biliary tree by ERCP/MRCP Magnetic
Resonance would however be required to exclude a mass lesion particularly in light of
the significant weight loss.
In early disease there may be
o no X-ray calcification of the pancreas
o ERCP can be normal
ZollingerEllison syndrome
The best initial screen is a fasting gastrin level on three separate days, as the
secretion of gastrin is pulsatile.
o Three samples in the normal range make a gastrinoma unlikely.
This is usually followed by basal acid output estimation and a secretin
stimulation test.
After this, patients usually move on to imaging studies
o Surgical resection If there is no hepatic metastases
o Intravenous and then oral proton pump inhibitors are useful in the acute situation
to reduce acid secretion.
o Octreotide, interferon and chemotherapy may be useful in non-surgically resectable
Portal hypertension
Normal hepatic venous pressure gradient = Hepatic wedge pressure - Inferior
vena cava pressure (normal HVPG = 1-5 mmHg)
If HVPG >5 mmHg it is PH
If HVPG >10 mmHg it is Clinical PH
Type of PH
o If HVPG >5 mmHg it is either sinusoidal "intrahepatic" OR post-sinusoidal 'hepatic
o If HVPG <5 mmHg it is presinusoidal "portal vein" eg
Longstanding portal vein thrombosis
Hepatorenal syndrome
Treatment,,,, drug which given intravenously to improve renal function is
agonists of vasopressin V1 receptors such as terlipressin. This causes splanchnic
vascoconstriction, which may reverse the early splanchnic vasodilatation seen in
hepatorenal syndrome.
Alcoholic hepatitis
Hepatic decompensation with coagulopathy,
encephalopathy and
The AST/ALT ratio is usually greater than 2
Ferritin is a non-specific acute phase reactant and is normally elevated in
alcoholic liver disease
Alcoholic fatty liver
The histological changes seen in the liver can return to normal within 24
develops more quickly in the female sex " business woman"
Liver function tests are deranged with an
o increase in the aminotransferase levels
o Gamma glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT) may be elevated in relation to alcohol use,
it is neither specific nor sensitive.
Abstinence and an adequate diet are the mainstays of treatment
liver histology generally only indicated in those with genotype 1 and 4, as treatment
is longer
RNA level
clinical presentation.
o The goal is to identify as early as possible the patients who may respond to the
o This is in the form of oral ribavirin and subcutaneous interferon alpha.
The transaminase levels bears no correlation with disease severity and often goes
up and down over time
Hepatitis C and pregnancy
About 5% infants born to HCV infected women become infected.
This occurs at the time of birth and there is no way of preventing this
Elective Caesarean section does Not reduce the risk of transmission
Factors associated with increase infant infection
o high viral load at delivery increases the risk of transmission
o co-infection with HIV increase the risk of transmission.
o There is no evidence that breast-feeding increases the risk of transmission, but
mothers with cracked or bleeding nipples are advised to formula-feed until they are
Ribavirin is teratogenic
There is no vaccine for hepatitis C children under 1 year
as there is transmission of the antibodies from the mother they may test positive
in the first year "anti hepatitis c" even they have NO active disease
Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy
o Itching of palms and soles, is the commonest symptom
o Mild jaundice is seen in 50% of patients,
o epigastric pain,
o anorexia, malaise
o NO nausea NO vomiting
o bleeding tendency.
o NO constitutional symptoms
Liver function tests
o cholestatic picture,
o high alkaline phosphatase (>4 normal)
o modest elevations in aspartate transaminase (<300 IU/l)
o bilirubin (<100 mol/l).
o prolonged prothrombin time.
o serum bile acid increased
o Normal albumin "so exclude acute fatty liver of pregnancy"
o Normal platelete "so exclude HELLP syndrome"
There is an increased
risk of fetal distress,
preterm labour and
perinatal death,
o therefore careful fetal monitoring is essential.
Management includes
o ursodeoxycholic acid
o cholestyramine for itch,
o sometimes vitamin K if there is deranged clotting.
Prognosis is excellent for the mother, with symptoms resolving within 24
weeks of delivery.
It will recur in 40% cases.
Fatty liver of pregnancy
o nausea and vomiting
o pain in the epigastrium or right upper quadrant
o Encephalopathy
o Ascites
o gestational age 2842 week range.
o Ultrasound is the best imaging modality and allows other conditions such as
cholecystitis to be excluded
o Abnormal investigations include
raised ammonia levels,
elevated aminotransferase levels,
elevated white cell count,
low albumin and
disseminated intravascular coagulation in up to 75%.
o Delivery of the fetus Spontaneous resolution of the condition usually follows
o iv fluids and glucose,
o correction of coagulopathy with fresh-frozen plasma,
o reduction of exogenous ammonia intake through protein restriction or dietary
laxatives to speed evacuation of nitrogenous wastes
o severe headache, BP is 140/90 mmHg
o peripheral oedema,
o indigestion
o proteinuria
o Eclampsia is above + seizures
o Microangiopathic haemolytic anaemia,
Hb 9.0 g/dl
WCC 7.1 x109/l
PLT 68 x109/l
Creatinine 185 mol/l
AST 205 U/l
ALT 150 U/l
ALP 301 U/l
Bilirubin 80 mol/l
Urine protein ++
o control of blood pressure
o rapid assessment of the pregnancy by the obstetric team.
o delivery of the child
Child Pugh score
based on
prothrombin time,
Grade A predicts a life expectancy about 1520 years with a 10% abdominal
peri-operative mortality.
Grade C predicts life expectancy about 13 years and an 80% per-op mortality.
Grade B indicates transplantation consideration with a 30% per-operative
A serum sodium less than 110 mmol/l also carries a poor prognosis.
Cirrhosis may result in falsely elevated levels of CA-125.
Budd Chiari syndrome
Presentation "It can present either acutely or chronically"
o Acute
abdominal pain,
sometimes fulminant hepatic failure
o Chronic
signs of cirrhosis and
portal hypertension
o primary polycythaemia,
o leukaemia
o oral contraceptive pill
o thombophilias as
"antiphospholipid syndrome"
o Renal failure
o The prolonged APTT
o normal PT is suggestive of lupus anticoagulant.
o Other causes include malignancy (especially hepatocellular, renal and adrenal),
o Ascitic fluid analysis will show a high protein content
o Colour flow Doppler ultrasound of the hepatic vasculature show obliteration of the
hepatic veins
o Liver biopsy usually shows centrilobular congestion with fibrosis
Treatment is with
o Control of the ascites and
o Treatment with streptokinase and subsequent anticoagulation may be attempted if
the thrombus is known to be of recent onset
o Liver transplantation is the only option in the acute presentation, which has a very
poor prognosis, with two-thirds of patients dead within 1 year
Liver cirrhosis with varices
Propranalol is potentially most effective in reducing progression of cirrhosis.
Management of acute hemorrhage
o Fresh-frozen plasma should be used for the coagulopathy, which could be made
worse by repeated blood transfusions. Vitamin K should also be given, but will not
work immediately.
Procedures for controlling bleeding
o Combination of banding + terlipressin appears to be most effective in
controlling acute variceal bleed,
rebleeding rate and
early complications.
o Combination of Sclerotherapy + terlipressin as a second choice if banding is not
possible for technical reasons
o Sclerotherapy is superior to
balloon tamponade alone,
terlipressin alone and
a combination of terlipressin and balloon tamponade
o terlipressin , Somatostatin, octreotide is effective in acute management of variceal
bleed, but combined therapy has been shown to be more effective.
o Terlipressin is more effective than octreotide, but it is contraindicated in ischaemic
heart disease
o Sengstaken tube is an effective, until endoscopy can be performed
o After endoscopic therapy, 50% of patients will re-bleed within 10 days and up to
80% re-bleed over a 2-year period.
o Mortality of variceal bleed is 50% with each episode.
o Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPPS) can be used in cases where
haemorrhage cannot be stopped with two sessions of endoscopic therapy over 5 days.
o Surgery is occasionally performed
o According to the British Society of Gastroenterology guidelines, patients with grade
2 or 3 varices on elective endoscopy require propranolol prophylaxis
Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis
o History of chronic liver disease
o worsening of jaundice with a rising bilirubin and increasing ascites and increasingly
drowsy,,, features like encephalopathy
o Pain and pyrexia may frequently be absent
occurs in around 8% of cirrhotic
A raised neutrophil count alone in ascitic fluid is enough to commence
Mortality is high at up to 25% and recurs in 70% of patients within one year.
Primary biliary cirrhosis
Lethargy and pruritus are the usual first symptoms before jaundice
Once jaundice develops survival is less than 2 years
Associated with other autoimmune conditions
o Sjgrens syndrome,
o scleroderma,
o SLE.
o membranous glomerulonephritis and
o renal tubular acidosis
Common serum abnormalities at presentation include
o raised alkaline phosphatase, and GGT
o mildly elevated transaminases
o elevated serum lipids.
o antimitochondrial antibodies (in 9095% of cases)
o The presence of anti-mitochondrial antibody of a titre > 1:40 is highly suggestive of
Imaging important to exclude biliary obstruction
o Abdominal US "first choice"
o Abdominal CT scan
o in early disease, high dose ursodeoxycholic acid is well tolerated, improves liver
o Stool antigen detection may be helpful and facilitates early diagnosis before an
antibody response occurs (<7 d) and differentiates pathogenic from nonpathogenic
Entamoeba infection
o Serology " Indirect haemagglutination test" is positive in greater than 95% but this
could be past or present infection.
o Metronidazole is the first line treatment for the amoebic dysentery, and diloxanide
is used to destroy the cysts.
o Abscess drainage is only needed if
concerned about a mass rupture as it can spread into the lung or
if there is no response to oral treatments.
Hepatic adenoma caused by oral contraceptive pill
Stop the oral contraceptive pill
Patients who experience some regression after stopping the pill, there is still a
risk of malignant transformation, and then arrange
later surgical resection
if Patients are unwilling/unable to undergo elective tumour resection, such
patients should be monitored with alpha-fetoprotein measurement
Hepatocellular carcinoma
o Ultrasound and CT scan
o A rising alpha-fetoprotein indicative of a hepatoma and
o biopsy is not always necessary to avoid seeding of tumour
Surgical Treatment is the only proven potentially curative therapy
o Hepatic resection should be considered as a primary therapy in any patient with
non-cirrhotic liver.
o liver transplantation in any cirrhotic patient with
cirrhosis and a single small HCC (<5 cm) or
cirrhosis and up to three lesions (<3 cm).
Non-surgical therapy is only used when
surgical therapy is not possible and
with extrahepatic dissemination.
o Percutaneous ethanol injection has been shown to produce necrosis of small HCC
and is best suited for peripheral lesions.
o Chemoembolisation can produce tumour necrosis and has been shown to affect
survival in highly selected patients with good liver reserve.
o Systemic chemotherapy has a poor response rate and
o hormonal therapy like tamoxifen has shown no survival benefit in controlled trials.
o Interferon has been used for treatment of HCC rather than the underlying viral
infection, but remains controversial.
Acute graft-versus host-disease after liver transplantation
It develops from 15 days after transplantation
Presentation is with
o jaundice,
o hepatomegaly and
o abnormal liver function tests, the earliest and most common finding being a rise in
the serum levels of
conjugated bilirubin and
alkaline phosphatase.
This reflects damage to the bile canaliculi, leading to cholestasis.
Other disorders need to be excluded, such as
o hepatic veno-occlusive disease,
o hepatic infections (primarily viral hepatitis) and
o drug toxicity.
A biopsy gives definite histological diagnosis
o A transjugular hepatic biopsy may be preferred if an adequate amount of tissue can
be obtained.
o The primary histologic finding is
extensive bile duct damage
o the first and most effective treatment option is the use of corticosteroids
o If higher doses of steroids are not successful in controlling GVHD by 3 to 5 days,
second-line treatments are less successful. These include
antithymocyte globulin, and
mycophenolate mofetil.
Kings criteria for liver transplant include:
1) > 1 week between onset of jaundice and encephalopathy
2) Bilirubin > 300 mol/l
3) PT > 50
4) Drug induced liver failure
5) Age <10 or >40
Patient has to meet 3/5 of the above OR
PT > 100
Long-term prophylaxis with hepatitis B immunoglobulin is associated with a
significant lower risk of re-infection post transplant. Alternatives include use of
nucleoside analogues such as famciclovir and lamivudine.
Primary sclerosing cholangitis
Jaundice tends to fluctuate in primary sclerosing cholangitis, unlike primary
biliary cirrhosis, which is progressive
If associated with ulcerative colitis,, Colectomy has no effect on the natural
history of PSC development at all.
Ultrasound is normal in 50% of patients at an early stage of disease.
MRCP has an accuracy of diagnosis for PSC of 90%, compared to 97% for ERCP
but with a much better safety profile. In addition, MRCP gives the possibility of
visualising bile ducts proximal to any obstruction.
Liver transplantation is best choice
Survival post liver transplant however is around 90%, although the chance of
rejection is higher in PSC patients.
10-15% of PSC patients eventually develop cholangiocarcinoma.
cholangiocarcinoma to be a contraindication to liver transplantation
When cholangiocarcinoma with local invasion occur, the treatment of choice is
stenting via ERCP. The procedure is successful at relieving symptoms of jaundice
Sphincter of Oddi dysmotility (SOD)
can cause backup of bile and pancreatic juices which can result in biliary colic.
recurrent admissions for intermittent upper abdominal pain especially after fatty
More prolonged obstruction may result in bile leaking back into the bloodstream,
which can cause transient abnormal liver biochemistry.
SOD most commonly occurs in young females especially those who have
previously undergone cholecystectomy.
At ERCP, delayed drainage of contrast is seen and
SOD manometry can confirm the diagnosis,,,There is usually a high resting
pressure with marked phasic contractions and often some retrograde peristalsis.
Endoscopic sphincterotomy or balloon sphincteroplasty often relieves this
Ascending cholangitis
In the acute setting
o the most important first steps in management are to
exclude bowel perforation erect chest X ray
evaluate the degree of metabolic compromise due to sepsis/shock (arterial blood
gas, ABG) to
Subsequent acute management would include an
o abdominal ultrasound for any biliary dilatation, which may be a precursor to
o urgent ERCP
o Blood cultures should also be taken prior to commencing antibiotics, but should not
delay their administration.
o Ultrasonography is excellent for
gallstones and cholecystitis.
assessing bile duct dilatation.
However, it often misses stones in the distal bile duct
o ERCP is both diagnostic and therapeutic and is considered the criterion standard
for imaging the biliary system.
ERCP should be reserved for patients who may require therapeutic intervention.
Patients with a high clinical suspicion for cholangitis should proceed directly to
ERCP has a high success rate (98%) and is considered safer than surgical and
percutaneous intervention.
Diagnostic use of ERCP carries a complication rate of approximately 1.38% The
major complication nclude pancreatitis, bleeding, and perforation.
o For diagnostic purposes, ERCP has now generally been replaced by MRCP
o MRCP is a noninvasive imaging modality that is increasingly being used in the
diagnosis of biliary stones and other biliary pathology.
MRCP is accurate for detecting choledocholithiasis, neoplasms, strictures, and
dilations within the biliary system.
Limitations of MRCP include the inability for invasive diagnostic tests such as bile
sampling, cytologic testing, stone removal, or stenting.
It has limited sensitivity for small stones (<6 mm in diameter).
Absolute contraindications are the same as for a traditional MRI, which include
presence of a cardiac pacemaker,
cerebral aneurysm clips,
ocular or cochlear implants, and
ocular foreign bodies.
Relative contraindications include the
presence of cardiac prosthetic valves,
metal prostheses, and
penile implants.
Carcinoid syndrome
Diagnosis Carcinoid Tumor
o chest and abdominal computed tomography (CT)
o pentreotide imaging has been shown to have a sensitivity of 80%+ for detection of
Diagnosis Carcinoid syndrome
cholesterol lowering drugs,
sodium valproate,
colchicines and
oral hypoglycaemic drugs.
Diagnostic paracentesis
serum to ascites albumin gradient
o ascites related to portal hypertension (gradient > 11g/L) increased
alcoholic hepatitis,
fulminant hepatic failure,
Budd Chiari syndrome,
acute or chronic portal vein obstruction,
cardiac diseases
spontaneous bacterial peritonitis secondary to cirrhosis.
o ascites not related to portal hypertension (gradient < 11g/L).decreased
nephrotic syndrome,
protein losing enteropathy,
peritoneal carcinomatosis,
tuberculous peritonitis,
pancreatic duct leak and biliary ascites.