ABC - Oral Cancer

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Clinical review

ABC of oral health

Oral cancer
Crispian Scully, Stephen Porter
Most mouth cancer is oral squamous cell carcinoma. This is
uncommon in the developed world, except in parts of France,
but is common in the developing world, particularly South East
Asia and Brazil. It is mainly seen in men over middle age
(though it is increasing in younger people), tobacco users, and
lower socioeconomic groups.
Aetiological factors (acting on a genetically susceptible
individual) include tobacco use (75% of people with oral cancer
smoke), betel use (Bidi leaf, and often tobacco, plus spices,
slaked lime, and areca nut), alcohol consumption, a diet poor in
fresh fruit and vegetables, infective agents (Candida, viruses),
immune deficiency, and (in the case of lip carcinoma) exposure
to sunlight.
Additional primary neoplasms may arise mainly in the
aerodigestive tract. This occurs in up to 25% of people who
have had oral cancer for over three years, and in up to 40% of
those who continue to smoke. Similarly, patients with lung
cancer are at risk from second primary oral cancers.
Potentially malignant lesions or conditions may include
some erythroplasias, dysplastic leucoplakias (about half of oral
carcinomas have associated leucoplakia), lichen planus,
submucous fibrosis, and chronic immunosuppression. Rare
causes of oral cancer include tertiary syphilis, discoid lupus
erythematosus, dyskeratosis congenita, and Plummer-Vinson
syndrome (iron deficiency and dysphagia).

x Oral squamous cell carcinoma is mainly a disease of

men over middle age, but its prevalence is increasing
x Tobacco use and alcohol consumption are the main
aetiological factors
x Patients are at risk from second primary neoplasms

Oral malignant neoplasms

x Squamous cell carcinoma
x Malignant salivary gland tumours
x Malignant melanoma
x Lymphomas
x Neoplasms of bone and connective tissue
x Some odontogenic tumours
x Maxillary antral carcinoma (or other neoplasms)
x Metastatic neoplasms (from breast, lung, kidney,
stomach, or liver cancer)
x Langerhans cell histiocytoses
x Kaposis sarcoma

Carcinoma of tongue presenting as a lump

Too many patients with oral cancer present or are detected late,
with advanced disease and lymph node metastases. With earlier
detection, treatment is less complicated, the cosmetic and
functional results are better, and survival is improved.
Carcinomas may present anywhere in the oral cavity, often
on the posterolateral margin of the tongue and floor of the
mouththe coffin or graveyard area. It is crucial, therefore,
not only to examine visually and manually the whole oral cavity
but to carefully inspect and palpate the posterolateral margins
of the tongue and the floor of the mouth. There is usually a
solitary chronic ulceration, red or white lesion, indurated lump,
fissure, or enlarged cervical lymph node. Lip carcinoma
presents with thickening, crusting, or ulceration, usually of the
lower lip.
Enlargement of an anterior cervical lymph node may be
detectable by palpation. Some 30% of patients present with
palpably enlarged nodes containing metastases, and, of those
who do not, a further 25% will develop nodal metastases within
two years. Molecular techniques show tumour to be present in
many histologically normal nodes.
There should therefore be a high index of suspicion,
especially of a solitary lesion present for over three weeks,

8 JULY 2000

Carcinoma of tongue presenting as an ulcer

Carcinoma of tongue with associated white lesions


Clinical review
particularly if it is indurated, there is cervical lymphadenopathy,
or the patient is in a high risk group.
It is essential to confirm the diagnosis and determine whether
cervical lymph nodes are involved or there are other primary
tumours or metastases. Therefore, almost invariably indicated
x Lesional biopsy (usually an incisional biopsy, but an oral brush
biopsy is now available, mainly for cases of widespread
potentially malignant lesions and for revealing malignancy in
lesions of more benign appearance)
x Jaw and chest radiography
x Endoscopy
x Full blood count and liver function tests.
Computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging
help determine a tumours extent and invasion, and
involvement of the cervical lymph nodes. Ultrasound guided
cytology of nodes may help. The staging systems of tumour,
nodes, metastases (TNM) classification and T and N integer
score (TANIS) are often used. Molecular techniques are being
introduced for prognostication in potentially malignant lesions
and tumours and to identify nodal metastases.

x Potentially malignant lesions include erythroplasia and

some white lesions
x Oral cancer may present as a solitary lump, ulcer, or red
or white lesion
x Ealier diagnosis offers better treatment, cosmetic and
functional outcome, and survival
x Any oral lesion persisting more than three weeks should
be treated with suspicion
x Biopsy is mandatory
x Second primary neoplasms must be excluded


Carcinoma of gingiva

The prognosis of oral squamous cell carcinoma is very site

dependent. For intraoral carcinoma, five year survival may be as
low as 30% for posterior lesions presenting late, as they often
do. For lip carcinoma, however, five year survival is often over
70%. Important factors to consider in management are quality
of life and patient education: in one study, at least six months
after the diagnosis of oral cancer, 47% of patients still smoked
and 36% drank alcohol to excess. Only a third were aware that
these habits were important in the development of oral cancer.
Oral squamous cell carcinoma is now treated largely by
surgery or irradiation, although there are few unequivocal
controlled trials of treatment modalities. Photodynamic therapy
and chemotherapy have occasional applications. Combined
clinics, with both surgeons and oncologists, and support staff,
usually have an agreed treatment policy and offer the best

Carcinoma of lip

Surgery allows the complete excision of a tumour and lymph
nodes and full histological examination for staging, which has
implications for prognostication and assessing the need for
adjuvant radiotherapy. It can also be used for radioresistant
tumours. Disadvantages are mainly the perioperative mortality
and morbidity, but modern techniques have significantly
decreased these and aesthetic and functional defects.
Patients who succumb to oral cancer almost always die
because of failure to control the primary cancer or because of
nodal metastases. Death due to distant metastasis is unusual.
Ablative surgery excises the cancer with, ideally, at least a
2 cm margin of clinically normal tissue. If a node has clinical
signs of invasion it is reasonable to presume that others may
also be involved, and they must be removed by traditional
radical neck dissection. Functional neck dissections, modified
to preserve the jugular, sternomastoid, or accessory nerve while
ensuring complete removal of involved nodes, have gained
popularity. Moderate dose radiotherapy is sometimes used to
sterilise such necks.

Ulcer, lump, red
or white lesion
Pain (in mouth or
referred elsewhere)
Non-healing extraction socket (rare)

Cervical lymph
node metastasis

Distant metastases
(rare clinically)

Possible features of oral carcinoma


8 JULY 2000

Clinical review
Reconstruction is tailored to the patients ability to cope with a
long operation and the risk of substantial morbidity.
Soft tissue reconstruction
Local flaps (such as nasolabial flaps) provide thin reliable flaps
suitable for repairing small defects. However, tissue must often
be brought into the region in order to repair larger defects. For
these, split skin grafts or flaps, free flaps or pedicle flaps, are
Free flapsMicrovascular surgery facilitates excellent
reconstruction in a single operation by means of, for example,
forearm flaps based on radial vessels, which are particularly
useful to replace soft tissue. Alternatively, flaps based on the
fibula may be used if bone is also required.
Pedicle flapsMyocutaneous or osteomyocutaneous flaps are
based on a feeding vessel to muscle and perforators to the skin
paddle. They may be used in a one stage operation to replace
skin, and, since they also contain muscle, they have adequate
bulk to repair defects and may also be used to import bone
(usually rib). Examples include flaps based on the pectoralis
major, latissimus dorsi, or trapezius. Flaps from the forehead or
deltopectoral pedicle were once the mainstay for
reconstruction, but they required a two stage operation,
replaced only skin, and relied on a tenuous blood supply.
Hard tissue reconstruction
Ideally, hard tissue reconstruction is done at the time of tumour
resection. Dental implants can then be inserted to carry a
prosthesis. Bone is traditionally taken as free non-vascularised
bone grafts from iliac crest or rib, but these may survive poorly
if contaminated or the vascularity is impaired after irradiation.
In such cases, or where there is a large defect, an
osteomyocutaneous flap greatly improves the grafts vascular
bed. True free vascularised bone grafts such as fibula grafts have
great benefits, but they are time consuming and require
considerable expertise.
The benefits of bone grafting for maxillary defects are less
certain, and maxillary reconstruction is usually with an
obturator (bung), which has the advantage that the cavity can be
readily inspected subsequently.
Specific complications from the surgery of oral cancer may
include infection and rupture of the carotid artery, salivary
fistulae, and thoracic duct leakage (chylorrhoea).

With radiotherapy, normal anatomy and function are
maintained, general anaesthesia is not needed, and salvage
surgery is still available if radiotherapy fails. However, adverse
effects are common, cure is uncommon (especially for large
tumours), and subsequent surgery is more difficult and
hazardous (with survival further reduced). Radiotherapy can be
delivered by external beams or by implanting a radioisotope.
External beam radiation (teletherapy) is commonly
accompanied by side effects (see below).
Interstitial therapy (brachiotherapy, plesiotherapy)Implants of
iridium-192 for a few days are often used, giving a radiation
dose equivalent to teletherapy but confined to the lesion and
immediate area. Plesiotherapy thus causes fewer complications
but is used mainly for tumours less than 2 cm in diameter and
in selected sites.
Complications of radiotherapy
Immediate complications include painful mucositis. The time
to healing depends on the radiation dose but is usually

8 JULY 2000

Excision of tumour
and lymph nodes

Pectoralis major, trapezius,
or latissimus dorsi flaps
for tissue reconstruction

Percutaneous endoscopic

Radial forearm
flap (nondominant

Split skin graft to repair

site of flap

Free flaps
for tissue

Fibula flap

Surgical procedures that may be used in treating patients with oral cancer

Fibula flap (contains bone)

Radial forearm flap

and vein
Section of fibula

and vein


Free flaps that may be taken for tissue reconstruction after tumour resection

x Dental treatment, both preventive and curative, is

essential before radiotherapy to minimise oral disease
and the possible adverse consequences of operative

Radiation induced mucositis


Clinical review
complete within three weeks of the end of treatment. Tobacco
smoking delays resolution, and mucositis can provide a portal
for systemic infection. Mucositis can be reduced by minimising
doses of radiation or cytotoxic drugs, avoiding irritants
(smoking, spirits, and spicy foods), good oral hygiene, cooling
the mouth with ice, and drugs (topical aspirin, benzydamine,
lidocaine (lignocaine), chlorhexidine, sucralfate, or polymyxin E
and tobramycin).
Osteoradionecrosis is a potentially serious complication. The
mandible, with its high density and poor vascularity, is more
prone to it than the maxilla. Risk of osteoradionecrosis
increases with high radiation dose, fraction size and number,
and extraction of teeth after radiotherapy.
Complications in children include enamel hypoplasia,
microdontia, impaired tooth development and eruption, and
alterations to the developing craniofacial skeleton.
Dry mouth (xerostomia) may cause a subjective complaint of
dry mouth, difficulty with speech and swallowing dry foods, a
burning sensation in the mouth, dental caries, oral candidiasis,
and bacterial sialadenitis. Residual salivary tissue may be
stimulatable by gustatory (sugar-free chewing gum) or
pharmacological (cholinergic agents) stimuli. Pilocarpine in
doses of up to 5 mg three times daily can be effective. Patients
with a dry mouth should avoid anything that further impairs
salivationsuch as drugs, tobacco, and alcoholand may benefit
from frequent sips of water (particularly during eating), saliva
substitutes (such as Artificial Saliva, Saliva Orthana,
Oralbalance), dietary control, and topical fluorides.
Other complications include loss of taste and cervical
Crispian Scully is dean and Stephen Porter is professor of oral
medicine at the Eastman Dental Institute for Oral Health Care
Sciences, University College London, University of London
The ABC of Oral Health is edited by Crispian Scully and will be
published as a book in autumn 2000.
Crispian Scully is grateful for the advice of Rosemary Toy, general
practitioner, Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire, and David Cunliffe, senior
registrar in maxillofacial surgery, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford.
BMJ 2000;321:97-100

Osteoradionecrosis affecting the mandible, showing

exfoliating necrotic bone

Causes of a complaint of dry mouth

x Drugs
Anticholinergics (such as
Sympathomimetics (such as
x Irradiation damage
x Graft versus host disease

Salivary gland disease

x Sjgrens syndrome
x HIV infection
x Hepatitis C virus
x HTLV-I infection
x Sarcoidosis
x Aplasia
x Uncontrolled diabetes

Further reading
x Allison PJ, Locker D, Feine JS. The relationship between dental
status and health-related quality of life in upper aerodigestive tract
cancer patients. Oral Oncol 1999;35:138-43
x Cancer Research Campaign. Factsheet 14.1. London. CRC, 1993
x Prince S, Bailey BM. Squamous carcinoma of the tongue: review.
Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1999;37:164-74
x Rodrigues VC, Moss SM, Tuomainen H. Oral cancer in the UK: to
screen or not to screen. Oral Oncol 1998;34:454-65
x Rogers SN, Hannah L, Lowe D, Magennis P. Quality of life 5-10
years after primary surgery for oral and oro-pharyngeal cancer.
J Craniomaxillofac Surg 1999;27:187-91
x Schepman K, der Meij E, Smeele L, der Waal I. Concomitant
leukoplakia in patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma. Oral Dis
x Sciubba JJ. Improving detection of precancerous and cancerous oral
lesions. Computer-assisted analysis of the oral brush biopsy. US
Collaborative OralCDx Study Group. J Am Dent Assoc 1999;130:
x Scully C, Ward-Booth P. Detection and treatment of early cancers of
the oral cavity. Crit Rev Oncol Haematol 1995;21:63-75

One hundred years ago

Death of Professor Thomas Jones
These misfortunes cast a heavy gloom over our little camp. We
were all very depressed, and things looked very black on June
18th when our beloved chief, Professor Thomas Jones, also died.
The circumstances surrounding the death of Professor Jones were
very sad and tragic. He was greatly upset by the deaths among
our staff. Dr. Davies was an old house-surgeon of his and Mr.
Eames an old dresser. He suffered from insomnia; he lost his
appetite; his pulse became irregular and intermittent. We were all
anxious to get him away, but feared that he was not strong
enough to travel.
For some days there had been rumours of a possible attack on
Springfontein. On the evening of June 18th some shots were fired


on the kopjes behind our camp. These were followed by volley

firing and cries of lights out. It was thought that there was a
night attack and preparations were accordingly made. It was
discovered afterwards that the firing was due to a false alarm.
Poor Professor Jones died that night of a broken heart brought
on by grief and sorrow at the deaths among our staff and the
worry and anxiety inseparable from a hospital like ours. He was
one of the kindest and most conscientious of men, but his nature
was far too sensitive and tender for a rough campaign. His virtues
were so many and so well known that it is quite unnecessary for
me to enumerate them here. I will only say, with all that knew
him, that to know Tom Jones was to love him. (BMJ 1900;ii:253.)


8 JULY 2000

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