Salivary Gland Malignancies
Salivary Gland Malignancies
Salivary Gland Malignancies
Cristina P. Rodriguez, MDa, Upendra Parvathaneni, MBBS, FRANZCRb,
Eduardo Méndez, MD, MSc,d, Renato G. Martins, MD, MPHa,*
Salivary cancer Therapy Review Management Systemic
Salivary gland cancers are morphologically and biologically diverse.
Surgical resection with postoperative radiation is considered a treatment standard for
localized disease.
Systemic therapy can be considered for patients with unresectable or metastatic disease
with the goal of palliation of symptoms.
Primary salivary gland malignancies represent less than 5% of all new head and neck
cancers, with approximately 3000 new cases diagnosed in the United States annually.
These diverse cancers arise from the malignant transformation of the various myoepi-
thelial, ductal, and acinic components of 3 paired major (parotid, submandibular, and
sublingual) and minor salivary glands distributed throughout the upper aerodigestive
tract. The World Health Organization classifies 24 subtypes1 characterized by marked
biological heterogeneity. For example, high-grade mucoepidermoid carcinomas, sali-
vary duct carcinomas, malignant mixed tumors, and high-grade adenocarcinomas
have the most aggressive clinical course, with frequent early spread to regional lymph
nodes and distant sites. In contrast, adenoid cystic carcinomas generally display an
indolent natural history with a propensity for local or distant recurrence even 10 to
15 years after initial treatment. Knowledge of these unique factors is essential in plan-
ning the nuances of therapy.
The clinical presentation of a salivary gland mass can reveal a great deal about its na-
ture, with certain symptoms and physical findings associated with malignancy. Rapid
growth and/or pain (either localized or referred to the temporomandibular joint or the
ear), and paresthesias/hypesthesias caused by perineural spread are concerning
signs for malignancy.2,3 Facial nerve dysfunction, firmness and fixation of a mass,
the presence of trismus for tumors of the parapharyngeal space, and nodal involve-
ment in the neck are findings that increase suspicion for a malignant process.4–6
Computed tomography (CT) and MRI are the two most common imaging modalities
used to evaluate salivary gland lesions, with the latter being the method of choice for
patients with palpable masses and a strong suspicion for malignancy.7,8 Contrast
enhancement per se cannot distinguish benign versus malignant processes but it
can be critical in delineating the extent of the lesion. Irregular margins; bony invasion;
presence of metastatic lymph nodes; and perineural spread along cranial nerve VII
(stylomastoid foramen), cranial nerve V-3 (foramen ovale), or V-2 (foramen rotundum)
can all be concerning signs of malignancy.6,9 Necrosis can also characterize malig-
nancy, particularly in primary squamous cell carcinomas of the salivary glands (likely
caused by squamous metaplasia in patients with chronic inflammation). In addition,
PET is now being studied for its utility in evaluating salivary gland tumors. Keyes
and colleagues10 found high sensitivity (100%) but low specificity (30%) in predicting
malignancy in a cohort of 26 patients with parotid masses.
Histologic confirmation can be acquired before a definitive surgical procedure and
this can be useful in planning the type and extent of definitive therapy. Fine-needle
aspiration biopsy (FNAB) is the most widely used method for obtaining diagnostic tis-
sue because of its convenience as an office procedure and its associated high sensi-
tivity and specificity.11,12 In clinical scenarios in which surgical resection of a growing
lesion is planned regardless of the histology, patients may opt to forgo FNAB. With
respect to obtaining tissue for surgical preplanning, clinicians should consider the
risk of performing unnecessary surgery before knowing the diagnosis based on per-
manent section evaluation. A frozen section intraoperatively can be useful for a diag-
nosis but its value compared with FNAB is controversial because its accuracy
depends on the experience of the on-call pathologist. Some studies have shown
that intraoperative diagnoses can change after permanent section examination.13,14
Others have shown the sensitivity and specificity of frozen sections to be 77% and
100%.15 The risk of either test is in performing unnecessary surgery, like a radical
resection or a cervical lymphadenectomy, if a diagnosis of an aggressive malignancy
is erroneously reported. Thus, the ultimate scope of treatment should be reserved until
permanent section analysis is performed.
Surgical excision of a primary salivary gland malignancy can be curative for most cases
when the tumor is small, low grade, and easily accessible. Parotid malignancies are most
curable with surgery, followed by the submandibular and sublingual glands. Ultimately,
prognosis depends on the gland of origin, histology, grade, and extent of disease (ie,
American Joint Commission for Cancer stage). Bulkier tumors or those of aggressive his-
tology/grade are best treated with surgery first, followed by adjuvant therapy.
Surgery of the Parotid Gland and Management of the Facial Nerve
Among parotid tumors, avoiding injury to the facial nerve is critical when tumors are
not fixed to, or encasing, the nerve. Thus, surgery typically involves removing the
Salivary Gland Malignancies 1147
superficial lobe of the gland above the plane of the facial nerve or the deep lobe just
underneath it. A superficial parotidectomy can be considered the treatment of choice
for most tumors in the superficial lobe of the gland. Enucleation of a tumor should be
avoided because this has been associated with tumor spillage and higher recurrence
rates. However, patients should be consented for total parotidectomy in cases in
which there is deep lobe involvement, because preservation of the nerve often re-
quires removing the superficial lobe to then dissect any deep lobe component from
the nerve.
The decision on whether or not the facial nerve should be sacrificed is complex
and should be considered on a case-by-case basis. When dealing with a malignant
tumor, some general guidelines can be followed, such as preservation of the nerve
when the tumor is not involving it. In contrast, sacrifice may be necessary if preser-
vation would lead to grossly positive margins or tumor spillage.16–18 This decision
can also be influenced by the options available postoperatively. For example, clini-
cians may err on the side of nerve sacrifice in cases of recurrent disease in which
surgical salvage is considered after failed radiation therapy (RT). In cases in which
the tumor is noted to abut the mastoid bone or the stylomastoid foramen, the patient
should be consented for a mastoidectomy to identify the nerve trunk more proxi-
mally. This procedure would expose a portion of uninvolved nerve for grafting if sac-
rifice is required at the level of the stylomastoid foramen. Besides nerve grafting
when the nerve is not working preoperatively or must be sacrificed, the surgeon
should be prepared for facial reanimation procedures, such as a gold-weight eyelid
implant and/or oral commissure facial sling suspension, to prevent corneal damage
and preserve oral competence. This outcome can be accomplished either at the
time of tumor resection or later, as an elective procedure. Larger tumors involving
the ear canal or middle ear require a temporal bone resection. Patients should be
counseled with respect to hearing loss if the ear canal is involved and requires
Unresectable locally advanced tumors with involvement of the skull base or encasing
of the carotid vessels, and patients who decline surgery because of the requirement of
sacrifice of an intact facial nerve or who are otherwise challenged with medical comor-
bidities, could be treated with primary RT.22,23 Mendenhall and colleagues24 reported
on 160 patients who were treated with surgery and RT and compared outcomes with
64 patients treated with RT alone. The 10-year local control rate was 42% for RT alone
versus 90% for surgery plus RT. There are obvious selection biases favoring com-
bined modality treatment in these patients, because the patients receiving RT alone
tend to have more medical comorbidities that often preclude effective control of the
cancer by diminishing tolerance to treatment.
Small, well-localized, low-grade tumors excised with clear margins are best treated
with surgery alone.25–28 High-grade, advanced stage (T3/4), and inadequately excised
tumors treated with surgery alone have a poor prognosis compared with those treated
with adjuvant RT, with an overall local regional control rate of 82% compared with
59% for the group treated with surgery alone in several nonrandomized
studies.24–27,29–37 High tumor grade, advanced stage (T3/4), close or positive margins,
and nodal involvement24–28,32 are the pathologic factors most commonly associated
with a high risk of locoregional failure (30%–60%) after surgery. These patients are
the ones most likely to benefit from the addition of postoperative radiotherapy.
A recurring theme with most high-grade salivary gland cancers is that, despite
adequate long-term locoregional control rates of 80% to 90%, with surgery and RT,
the overall rate of distant failures is in the order of 30% to 50%. Effective systemic
therapy agents are likely to dramatically affect the survival outcome in these patients,
and several novel agents are being studied.
Evaluation of response following primary RT to indolent varieties of salivary gland
cancers, including adenoid cystic carcinomas, poses a problem. Radiological re-
sponses in these tumors are gradual, and often barely perceptible when annual interval
images are compared. In addition, histologic appearances of posttreatment biopsy-
detected residual tumor can be confusing, and do not necessarily represent active ma-
lignancy. Hence, patient management should take into consideration the presence of
symptoms suggesting disease recurrence/progression in these situations.
Neutron Radiotherapy
Fast neutrons are a form of radiation with high linear energy transfer (LET) that directly
damages DNA, independent of the presence of molecular oxygen. In comparison,
Salivary Gland Malignancies 1149
low-LET radiation (X rays, electrons, protons) causes mostly indirect DNA damage,
mediated by an oxygen-dependent pathway. In addition, high-LET RT has significantly
higher relative biological effectiveness (RBE) for slowly cycling tumors.38 The RBE for
neutron radiotherapy (NRT) versus fractionated RT was 8.0, compared with 3 to 3.5 for
most late-responding normal tissues, with a therapeutic gain factor of 2 to 2.5. Dam-
age by NRT is not readily repairable and there is less variation of sensitivity through the
cell cycle.38 Therefore, NRT has a clear theoretic advantage compared with low-LET
radiation in tumor models that have 1 or more of the mechanisms discussed earlier
contributing to radioresistance to low-LET radiotherapy.
A prospective Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG)/Medical Research Coun-
cil (MRC) randomized controlled study39 compared low-LET radiotherapy (X rays and
electrons) with NRT for unresectable primary and recurrent salivary gland tumors. This
study could only enroll 32 patients over a 6-year period, which indicates the rarity of
the disease and the difficulty in conducting a prospective multicenter randomized
study. An interim analysis at 2 years on 25 eligible patients showed that the NRT group
achieved significantly better local control both at the primary site and in the lymph
nodes (67% vs 17%; P<.005) and there was a trend toward improved survival (62%
vs 25%; P 5 .1). Hence, the data monitoring committee deemed it unethical to offer
any treatment other than NRT for salivary gland cancers. With longer follow-up the sur-
vival curves merged and patterns of failure analysis showed that delayed distant me-
tastases accounted for most of the failures in the NRT arm, and local/regional failures
predominated in the low-LET arm. The toxicity was worse with NRT in this study, with
9 patients having at least 1 severe or greater complication compared with 4 patients
on the low-LET arm. There were no fatal events in either arm. In our experience at the
University of Washington, using modern RT techniques, severe toxicity is rare. A retro-
spective study of 148 patients reported by Douglas and colleagues40 showed only 6%
of patients developing grade 3 or 4 complications using the RTOG/European Organi-
sation for Research and Treatment of Cancer grading system. To date, NRT is
currently available only at our center, the University of Washington, creating an issue
with access and logistics.
Using conventional RT, selected institutional outcomes seem favorable. For
example, Pohar and colleagues29 reported a local control rate of 85% with primary
RT, and Wang and Goodman41 reported a 5-year actuarial local control of 100% for
9 unresectable parotid gland tumors treated with RT. However, comparison between
studies is hampered by methodological problems.
In the postoperative setting, multiple investigators24–27,42 showed good local control
rates of approximately 80% to 85% for patients treated with conventional RT. There
are also a few recently reported good outcomes with proton beam therapy43; howev-
er, longer follow-up will be important to interpret the results in the context of the nat-
ural history of salivary gland malignancies.
The use of systemic agents in salivary gland cancers is often considered among pa-
tients with recurrent/metastatic disease who are not deemed candidates for curative
intent therapy. The different histologic subtypes and the heterogeneous natural history
within these groups make the determination of the standard of care for systemic ther-
apy challenging. Table 1 outlines the most common of these histologic subtypes.
Several issues complicate the interpretation of the data:
1. Metastatic salivary tumors are rare. Consequently, it is difficult to conduct random-
ized studies.
1150 Rodriguez et al
Table 1
Relative frequencies of most common salivary gland carcinoma histologies
Data from Spiro RH. Management of malignant tumors of the salivary glands. Oncology (Williston
Park) 1998;12(5):672.
2. Single or multi-institutional phase II trials almost always include all histologies, even
though they may have different biological behaviors and responses to therapy. The
small number of patients included in each histology may lead to misinterpretation of
drug activity.44,45
3. Subsets of salivary gland cancers, such as adenoid cystic and acinic cell carci-
nomas, frequently have an indolent growth pattern. The development of asymp-
tomatic, slowly growing pulmonary metastasis can be observed years after the
initial diagnosis, which makes it difficult to interpret the time to progression and sta-
ble disease rates described in the studies, particularly considering the lack of
4. As a consequence of the neurotropism of some of these histologies, particularly
adenoid cystic carcinomas, patients may be very symptomatic (nerve palsies/pa-
ralysis). However, they may have disease that it is not easily measurable, particu-
larly in the setting of prior surgeries and radiotherapy, and consequently may be
excluded from clinical trials.
Group (ECOG). Fifty patients with salivary gland cancer were enrolled in this study,
with adenocarcinomas, mucoepidermoid carcinomas, and adenoid cystic carcinomas
representing the most common histologies. Note that patients were not required to
have evidence of disease progression to participate. There were 8 partial responses
to paclitaxel. None of the 14 patients with adenoid cystic carcinoma showed an objec-
tive response to systemic therapy, and the median overall survival of the cohort of pa-
tients was12.5 months.
phase II trial.63 Thirty patients with locally advanced or metastatic disease were
enrolled. The treatment was well tolerated. Only 2 patients had confirmed partial re-
sponses, both documented late during treatment, after 8 and 10 cycles. Twenty-six
patients had stable disease and 45% of those lasted 12 months. Overall, the median
progression-free survival was 11.4 months.
Scientific inquiry and prospective clinical investigation among salivary gland malig-
nancies are challenging because of this disease’s infrequency and underlying hetero-
geneity in both histology and biological behavior. Notwithstanding, thoughtful clinical
trial design coupled with improvements in molecular profiling technology holds prom-
ise in being able to answer relevant clinical questions in the management of this dis-
ease, and may ultimately lead to improvements in therapeutic outcomes.
Recurrent/Metastatic Disease
There is currently no standard of care for the management of salivary gland malig-
nancies that are not amenable to curative intent treatment. As previously described,
the low incidence and heterogeneity of histologic and clinical behavior pose significant
challenges for clinical investigation.
In order to arrive at relevant and interpretable results, the design of clinical trials in
the metastatic setting has to accommodate these unique disease features. Modifying
Salivary Gland Malignancies 1153
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