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A Principal-Component-Based Affine TSM

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A Principal-Component-Based Ane Term

Structure Model
R. Rebonato, I Saroka, V Putyatin
PIMCO, Oxford University
June 16, 2014
We present an essentially ane model with pricipal components as
state variables. We show that, once no-arbitrage is imposed, this choice
of state variables imposes some unexpected constraints on the reversionspeed matrix, whose N 2 elements can be uniquely specied by its N eigenvalues. The requirement that some of its elements should be negative gives
rise to a potentially complex dynamics, whose implications we discuss at
length. We show how the free parameters of the model can be determined
by combining cross-sectional information on bond prices with time-series
information about excess returns and by enforcing a smoothness requirement. The calibration in the P and Q measures does not require heavy
numerical search, and can be carried out almost fully with elementary
matrix operations. Once calibrated, the model recovers exactly the (discrete) yield cuirve shape, the yield covariance matrix, its eigenvalues and
eigenvectors. The ability to recover yield volatilities well makes it useful
for the estimation of convexity and term premia. The model also recovers
well quantities to which it has not been calibrated, and oers an estimation of the term premia for yields of dierent maturities which we discuss
in the last section.

Introduction and Motivation

The theory of ane and essentially ane models is well established. See, eg,
Bolder (2001) for a survey that covers both theory and implementation issues,
or Piazzesi (2010) for an up-to-date and comprehensive review.
Recently an interesting variation on this well-rehearsed theme has been introduced by Christensen, Diebold, Rudebush (2011), and developed in Diebold
and Rudebush (2013) who show how to turn the static (curve-tting) Nelson
and Siegel (1987) model into a dynamic ane model.1 To the extent that the
coecients of the Nelson-Siegel model generate a close match to the observed
term structure and it is well known that they do , the dynamic Nelson-Siegel
1 See

also Ungari and Turc (2012) for a closely related treatment.

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formulation automatically ensures an easy calibration to the market bond prices.

This is in itself a desirable result. There is, however, a more important positive feature to the approach: Diebold and Rudebush (2013) in fact show that,
perhaps surprisingly, after a clever transformation the factors of the associated ane model lend themselves to an appealing interpretation as principal
components. If one can identify the factors as principal components (or their
proxies) one can draw on a wealth of econometric2 and macronancial3 studies
to constrain their behaviour, and guide the parameter estimation (calibration)
The appeal of this approach naturally raises the question if it is possible to
assign a Gaussian ane behaviour exactly to the principal components, rather
than to some proxies, and, at the same time, comply with the conditions of
The idea of harnessing together two of the most-commonly-used workhorses
of term structure modelling principal component analysis and ane (meanreverting) modelling is natural enough, and indeed has been exploited, more
or less directly, in some recent approaches. (See, eg, Joslin, Ahn Le and Singleton (2013), Joslin, Singleton and Zhu (2011), Joslin, Priebsh and Singleton
(2104) and references therein). Our work positions itself in this line of research.
More precisely, for our purposes a useful starting point is the work by Dai and

Singleton (2001), who show that, if N factors,

x t ,4 follow a diusive process of
the form

xt =
a (
x t ) dt + b (
x t ) d

a 1
x t,
a (
x t) =

b ( x t) b ( x t)
= b0 + b1 x t ,

a0 RN , a1 RNN
b0 RNN , b1 RNNN


and if the short rate, rt , can be written as a linear combination of these N

factors plus a constant,

rt = c0 +
c 1
then bond prices, PtT , can be written as exponentially ane functions of the

t + Bt

PtT = e



Following the notation in Dai and Singleton (2001), we focus in what follows
on models for which b1 = 0, in which case the factors follow an N -dimensional
Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process.

Apart from the short-rate requirement that rt = c0 +

c 1
x t the factors can,
up to this point, be totally general. However, given the exponentially ane
nature of the bond pricing function, it is always the case that

yT =
u +U

2 For

an early study relating to Treasuries, see Litterman and Scheinkman (1991).

eg, Duee (2002), Fama and Bliss (1987), Fama and French (1983, 1989), and the
references in Joslin, Priebsch and Singleton (2014).
4 See Section 00 for a description of our notation.
3 See,

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How the ane link between the factors and the yields is established provides a
useful classication perspective for exponentially ane models. More precisely,

in some approaches the factors are latent variables and the loadings (
u t and
U t ) are not specied a priori, (see, eg, DAmico et al (2004)), but are derived
from the no-arbitrage conditions and the calibration (eg, via Kalman ltering) of
the model. In other approaches, the modeller assigns a priori the link between
the factors and the yields. For instance, Due and Kan (1996) simply identify

the factors with the yields themselves (

u t = 0 and U t = 0). More interestingly,
macronancial models link the observable yields (or linear functions thereof) to
macroeconomic observables via some structural models. We dene pre-specied

models 5 all models where the loadings

u t and U t are assigned a priori.
The advantages of working with non-latent factors have been widely discussed6 . However, once absence of arbitrage is imposed, an exogenous, a priori
specication of the loadings places severe restrictions on the admissible coefcients of the process for the factors. Fortunately, Saroka (2014) presents a
general expressions for the admissible parameters of the N -dimensional O-U

process for the factors of pre-specied models, ie, when the loadings
u t and U t
are assigned a priori. In this paper we make use of these results for the special
case when the factors are chosen to be principal components.
In so doing we discover some interesting results: indeed, we show in Section
3 that it is possible to specify an innity of term structure models such that:
the driving factors are principal components;
they follow a men-reverting (generalized Ornstein Uhlenbeck) dynamics;
an arbitrary exogenous covariance matrix among N yields can always be
exactly recovered (and hence so are all the observed eigenvalues and eigenvectors);
an arbitrary exogenous yield curve (also dened by N yields) is exactly
no-arbitrage is satised.
Accomplishing this, however, imposes some important constraints on the
mean-reverting dynamics, the reason for which is rather subtle. An intuitive
explanation of what these constraints entail goes along the following lines.


Parameter Constraints for PCA Pre-Specied Models

First of all, it is well known that, given an N -dimensional O-U process, diagonalizing via an orthogonal transformation either the diusion or the reversion5 Saroka

(2014) calls them observable ane-factor models.

discused in Diebold and Rudebush (2013) amd Kim (2007), latent factors are dicult
to interpret economically, make an assessment of the plausibility of their equation of motion
arduous, fail to impose stringent constraints on the admissible values of the parameters, and
tend to be produce models which are far from parsimonious.
6 As

speed matrix is always possible (and, indeed, straightforward).7 The associated

rotation of axes has no economic signicance, and all the invariants bond
prices, short rate, etc 8 are recovered. However, we show that an ane model
with diagonal diusion and Q-measure reversion-speed matrices is not compatible with absence of arbitrage.
This is somewhat surprising, and economically signicant: if we want the
factors to be principal components, the diusion matrix must be diagonal. Because of the result in Saroka (2014), we show that the reversion-speed matrix
cannot be diagonal as well, and that some of its elements must be negative and
of the same order of magnitude as the positive ones.
This matters: if the reversion-speed matrix is forced to contain non-diagonal
negative elements, the outcome is a rather complex Q-measure deterministic
dynamics (even for asymptotically stable systems): each principal component
not only reverts to its own xed reversion levels, but is also attracted to, and
repulsed by, the other dynamically moving principal components. Therefore the
principal components state variables (and hence yields, to which they are linked
via an ane transformation) are forced to follow a complex deterministic evolution, whereby a reversion level is not approached with a monotonic rst derivative (a decaying-exponential approach), but with unavoidable over- and/or
undershoots during which the rst derivative changes sign. This evolution may
well be asymptotically stable, but can easily produce complex predictable oscillations of the expectations of yields many years into the future.
We nd that the impossibility results and the constraints they impose raise
some interesting questions about what an ane description of the yield curve in
terms of principal components entails for instance, the interplay between the
persistence of yields, the risk premia, and the complexity of the yield curve, or
the ability to detect unit-root behaviour for rates and principal components with
reasonable-size samples. We touch on these aspects in the concluding section of
this paper.

Our Strategy to Link the P and Q Measures

Most work in ane term-structure modelling straddles the physical and riskneutral measures. In one common approach (for a recent and popular example,
see, eg, DAmico et al (2004)), one starts from the estimation in the real-world
(P) measure of the statistical properties of some features of the state variables
(say, the reversion level)9 . In parallel, cross-sectional information about prices
allows the determination in the risk-neutral (Q) measure of the same riskadjusted statistical quantities. The market price of risk is then usually obtained
as the dierence (change of measure) between the two set of quantities. Which
7 tCherito, Filipovic and Kimmel (2010) shopw that, under loose conditions, it is possible
to diagonalize the diousion matrix using a regular, but not necessarily orthogonal, transformation see their Theorem 2.1 and Corollary 2.2.
8 as dened in Cherito, Filipovic and Kimmel (2010)
9 In this apprach, the P-measure statistical estimation is sometime supplemented by survey

quantities require risk adjustment depends on the posited dependence (if any)
of the market price of risk on the state variables.
In a complementary approach (see, eg Cochrane and Piazzesi (2008)) one
links instead the two measures by looking at the excess returns produced by
systematically investing in long-dated (n-period) bonds and by nancing at the
1-period rate.
In our work we follow a variant of this approach. More precisely,
1. we start by determining the measure-invariant model parameters (the coecients of the diagonal diusion matrix) using real-world volatility data;
2. keeping these data xed, we determine the measure-dependent reversionspeed matrix in the Q measure by cross-sectional tting to the whole
covariance matrix;
3. wit this information, we carry out a cross-sectional t to the yield curve
to determine the reversion-level vector in the Q measure;
4. we then carry out an empirical study of excess returns, and we establish
(by multi-variate regression) a link between these excess returns and our
state variables;
5. as a next step, we determine (see Section 00) the shape of the dependence of the reversion-level vector and the reversion-speed matrix (in the
P measure) on the market prices of risk associated with our model and our
chosen state variables in order to accommodate the empirical ndings
in Duee (2002) and the results of our own studies, at this point we allow
for the market price of risk to depend in an ane manner on the state
variables, (ie, we require our model to be essentially ane);
6. nally, we specialize the results in point 5. above so as to reect the
particular dependence determined in our empirical estimation of excess
We stress that the last step is quite general, and does not rely on the specic empirical ndings of our statistical estimation. For instance, a Cochraneand-Piazzesi-like return-predicting factor (see Cochrane and Piazzesi (2005,
20008))10 or a slope factor (as in Duee, 2002) can be readily accommodated
by our methodology.
So, for the avoidance of doubt: we start from the Q measure and we determine
by cross-sectional t to bond prices the Q-measure model parameters; we carry
out a statistical estimate of excess returns; with this information we distil the
P-measure model parameters.
1 0 In order to accommodate exactly the Cochrane-Piazzesi tent factor, ve principal components would have to be used. Conceptually, our approach extends without diculty to as
many factors as desired. The uniqueness of parameters in the calibration phase may disappear
if too many factors are used.


The Set-Up

In the following, we indicate by

x a (column) vector in RN , and by
x T its
transpose (a row vector). We do not employ the superscript-subscript convention for covariant and contravariant vectors.
A matrix in RNN is denoted by M . Its transpose and inverse are denoted
by M T and M 1 , respectively. The symbol [M ]ij signies the [j, i]th element
of matrix M .
The time-t price of a discount bond of maturity T is denoted by PtT , and its
yield by ytT . The time-t value of the short rate is denoted by rt .
We describe the time-t discrete yield curve by an [N 1] vector of yields,

yt are ordered with

yt , of elements ytTi , i = 1, 2..N . The elements of the vector

increasing maturity (Tj > Tk if j > k). The rst element of

yt is rt : ytT1 = rt .

Finally, we denote by e 1 the column vector [1, 0, 0, ...0]T , and by I the

identity matrix. In particular,

rt =
e T1



The Geometry of the Problem

Consider the following dynamics for the component yields of the N 1 vector


dy = [...]dt + dwQ,P
= diag [1 , 2 , ..., n ]

E dwdwT = dt


and the drift term reecting the no-arbitrage conditions when dwQ,P = dwQ ,

and the real-world deterministic dynamics when dwQ,P = dwP .

Thee covariance matrix among the yields is given by

E dy dy T = T = mkt dt


This quantity is an exogenous market observable, which we assume to be known

and constant. This is one of the key quantities that we would like our model to
reproduce, linked as it is to the convexity contribution to the shape of the yield
curve, and to the apportionment of the risk premia among dierent yields.
The real symmetric matrix mkt can always be diagonalized to give
mkt = T


= diag [1 , 2 , ..., N ]



and is an orthogonal matrix:

T = I


To the extent that the exogenous matrix mkt is positive denite, all the eigenvalues i are positive.

Given this diagonalization, we can dene the principal components,

x , by

y t = y +


where y is a constant vector. Because of (??) and (6) we have

rt =
e T1
yt =
e T1 y +
e 1


To make the notation more compact we set

and therefore


e T1 y


e T1


rt = 0 +


The Dynamics of the Problem

We impose that the principal components,

x t , should follow an ane diusion
of the form:

xt = K
x t dt + S dz

E dz dz T = Idt


We refer to K as the reversion-speed matrix, to S as the diusion matrix, and

to as the reversion-level vector. For reasons that will become apparent in

the following, we require the matrix K to be invertible and full rank.11 Since

we want to interpret the factors,

x t , as principal components, we require the
matrix S to be diagonal:
S = diag [s1 , s2 , ...sN ]


and we impose
si =


For the reasons discussed in the introductory section, we would also like
the reversion-speed matrix, K, to be diagonal, but, at this stage, we do not
know whether this is possible (once a diagonal form is imposed for the diusion
matrix) indeed, we shall see that it is not.
1 1 Saroka

(2014) shows how the full-rank requirement can be relaxed.

Absence of arbitrage then imposes that

PtT = E Q e


rs ds


and therefore, because of (??), we have


PtT = E Q e


0 +
1 x s )ds



It is well known12 (see, eg, Dai and Singleton (2000)) that the solution to Equation (24) is given by
PtT = exp

t + Bt



with the vector B t and the scalar At satisfying the ordinary dierential equations (with = T t)


= 0 + B
K +


T1 K B
with boundary conditions

B ( = 0) = 0, A ( = 0) = 0

The solution for B is given by

B =

e 1 d




Not every square matrix can be diagonalized. In what follows, we consider

the case where the matrix K has distinct and real eigenvalues. When both
these conditions are satised, the matrix K can always be diagonalized, and the
diagonalizing matrix is real. We refer to the reader to Saroka (2014) for a more
general treatment. We nd little dierence between the the solutions we obtain
assuming diagonalization and the more general treatment.
If one diagonalizes the reversion-speed matrix, K, one obtains:
K = aK a1


K = diag [lj ] ,

j = 1, 2, .., N


One can then easily derive

B = adiag
1 elj
1 2 All

the proofs are presented in the Appendices I to V.

a1 T


Once the vector B has been obtained, the scalar A can be obtained as

A =

0 + B

K +

SS T B d


In the case we consider, the integral can be carried out analytically, and the
resulting expression is given in Appendix A.


Conditions for Identiability

As mentioned above, we want to explore under which conditions it is possible

to assign the mean-reverting dynamics (19) for the factors, and to identify them
as principal components. In particular, we would like to see whether the choice
of principal components as state variables admits a diagonal reversion-speed
matrix, K. We call this the identiability problem.
From the no-arbitrage dynamics (19), and the solution (112), the yields

y t , has the expression

y =



A 1
A 2




B 1

B 2





At the same time, for identiability of the factors with principal components,
Equation (14) must also hold:

y t = y +

For Equations (14) and (34) to be compatible for an arbitrary vector

x , one

must therefore have



y =


From Equations (14) and (34) it also follows that


A (+0)
A ( k )

k = 2, 3, ..., N


In sum: if the vector y is chosen as per Equations (40) to (41), the time-0
discrete yield curve is automatically and exactly recovered for any reversion

level vector, . (We discuss in the calibration section how a good choice the

vector can be made.) If we can then nd a reversion speed matrix, K, such

that Equation (38) is also satised, we can rest assured that the chosen yields
will have a (discrete) model covariance matrix automatically identical to the
exogenously assigned matrix, mkt .
Assuming that a solution satisfying (38) and (39) can indeed be found, the
extreme ease with which this usually nettlesome joint calibration problem can

be tackled clearly shows at least one advantage from identifying the vector
with the principal components. We therefore turn in the next section to the
showing that the identication is indeed possible.

Before that, we note in passing that the rst element of the vector y is at
this point indeterminate, ie, any value can be chosen for it, and all N yields can
be recovered exactly.13 This can be seen as follows. Recall that the bond price
is given by
PtT = exp

t + Bt

But we have from above that

i =




and y =
(with Ai ATt i ). Therefore Ai = i yi , and A1 = 1 y1 in
particular. We know, however, that
A ()

B ()


= 0


= 1


and therefore we see from Equation (40) that any value can be assigned to y1 ,
while retaining the property that the innitesimally short yield be given by

(T t)0


ytT = rt


Impossibility of Identication When K Is Diagonal

From Equation (38), and recalling that is an orthogonal matrix, it is clear

that one must have
T = I

all the yield-recovering solutions associated with dierent values of y 1 will

imply dierent model parameters: we will show in the following how this indeterminacy can
be resolved.
1 3 However,


To prove that the reversion-speed matrix K cannot be diagonal when the state
variables are principal components, we proceed by reduction ad absurdum, ie,
we show that, given Equation (47), an impossibility arises.
So, lets assume that K is diagonal and the state variables independent. In
this setting it is straightforward to show that the matrix is given by14

[ 11 , 12 , ..., 1N ]
22 2
N N 2
1 1e11 2

11 , 1e22
12 , ..., 1eNN




11 N
22 N
11 , 1e 22
12 , ..., 1e NN

e T1
[11 , 12 , ..., 1N ] =


ie, the row vector whose elements are the rst row of the eigenvector matrix,
. (The rows 2 to N are straightforward. The rst row is obtained by recalling
from Equation (45) that the limit of B () / as goes to zero.)
Consider now T . The element T
is indeed equal to 1 (as it should

if Equation (47) is to be satised). Consider, however, a generic element [r, s]

with r = 1, s = 1. For identiability, we we should have


= r1


1 ejj s 2


In reality we have:



But this term cannot possibly be zero for r = s, because we know that

21j =

jj s

1 , and all the terms 1ejj

are strictly positive. Therefore the matrix K
cannot be diagonal.
We can summarize the rst result as follows.

Conclusion 1 If the factors

x t are principal components, and hence the diusion matrix S is diagonal, absence of arbitrage is not compatible with a diagonal
reversion-speed matrix, K.


Constraints on K for Identiability

We have ascertained that, if the factors

x t are principal components (and we
want to preclude the possibility of arbitrage), the matrix K cannot be diagonal.
This raises the question of whether absence of arbitrage is compatible with some

reversion-speed matrix, K, for factors

x t that behave like principal components.
1 4 Given

the decoupling of the variables in this setting, each term

Vasicek-like term.


1eii 2

is simply a

The answer is armative. More precisely, in Appendix VI we prove the

Proposition 2 Given N yields as above, let the reversion speed matrix, K, be
diagonalizable as in
K = aK a1
K = diag [lj ]


with the eigenvalues {lj } distinct and real. Let F be the [N N ] matrix of
elements [F ]ij given by
1 1 eli j
Then for any 2 , 3 , .., N and for any l1 , l2 , ..., lN such that all the distinct
and real eigenvalues are also positive (so as to ensure stability of the dynamical

system)15 , there always exists a non-diagonal matrix, K = K l , given by

such that

K = T F 1 K F


T = I


We have therefore concluded that, for any reversion speed vector , , it

is possible to nd an N -tuple innity of possible solutions (each indexed by
the distinct eigenvalues, {lj } , j = 1, 2, ...N ) such that i) any exogenous discrete
yield curve is perfectly recovered (condition (39)), and ii) any discrete exogenous
covariance matrix is exactly recovered (condition (55)).
As we shall see, each choice for the eigenvalues {lj } gives rise to very dierent
model behaviour. It also gives rise to dierent yield curves and covariance
matrices for yields other than the N reference yields. We discuss in Section
00 some criteria to strongly bound the acceptable values for the eigenvalues
{lj }. These criteria will also give a precise meaning to the idea of behaviour
complexity which has so far been repeatedly, but hand-wavingly, mentioned.


Consequences of the Q-measure Reversion-Speed Matrix

In the approach we present in this paper we require the observed yields to be

rotated in such a way as to obtain orthogonal principal components. Once this
rotation of axes has been made, it permeates every aspect of the resulting
mean-reverting dynamics. This is obvious enough, if one looks at Equations
1 5 Saroka (2014) shows that the result can be generalized to the case when the eigenvalues
are real, positive but not distinct. We do no pursue this angle here because, apart from
numerical issues (arising from matrix inverrsion), the case can be approximated arbitrarily
closely by having two or more eigenvalues becoming closer and closer. Saroka (2014) also deals
with the case where the eigenvalues are imaginary, but with positive real part.


(32) and (36), that play a central role in determining the prices and yields of
bonds, and in ensuring the orthogonality. But the rotation of axes imposed
by the principal-component interpretation of the factors also aects, in a less
obvious way, the admissible reversion-speed matrices, which, we recall, are given
K = T F 1 K F
This link between the reversion speed matrix and the particular rotation singled out by entails a rather complex mean-reverting deterministic dynamics.
This can be see as follows.
Once the state variables have been chosen to be principal components, and
they have been assigned a mean-reverting behaviour as in Equation (19), no

arbitrage only leaves as degrees of freedom the N eigenvalues, l , of the

reversion speed-matrix, and, as we have seen, requires the K matrix to be nondiagonal. Furthermore, the negative entries must be large enough to cancel
completely the contributions coming from the positive-sign reversion speeds (see
Equation (56)). So, the negative entries of the reversion-speed matrix (which
can give rise to a locally mean-eeing behaviour), are not a small correction,
but must be of the same order of magnitude as the positive matrix elements.
It is this feature (and the locally-mean-eeing behaviour between some state
variables it implies) that causes the behaviour complexity:16 these negative
reversion speeds simultaneously generate attraction to and signicant repulsion
from, the various state variables and their xed reversion levels. The overall
system is , of course, asymptotically stable (because we have required all the
eigenvalues lk to be real and positive17 ), but, as shown in detail below, given a

set of initial conditions,

x 0 , for the state variables, the deterministic path to
their equilibrium is forced to display an oscillatory behaviour, with over- and
undershoots of their reversion levels. A similar oscillatory behaviour is inherited
by the yields, which are linear combination of the factors.
In sum: we can assign and recover exactly an exogenous (discrete) covariance
matrix and we can assign and recover exactly an exogenous (discrete) time-0
yield curve. However, once no-arbitrage is enforced, we can only imperfectly
specify how the short rate will evolves from here to there. For large eigenvalues
of the reversion-speed matrix (which, we recall, can be arbitrarily assigned under
the only constraint that they should be positive and distinct) there can be
signicant overshoots and undershoots, even if all the N reference market
yields are exactly recovered the larger the trace of the K matrix, the wilder
the over- and undershootings in between the nodes of the market yields.
This can be seen more precisely as follows. Consider the rst yield, which
is just the short rate. The time-0 Q-measure expectation over the paths of the
1 6 For the moment we call a determinsitic behaviour complex if, in the absence of stochastic
shocks, the expectation of the state variables approaches the relative reversion levels with a
non-monotonic behaviour. The larger the ampliutde of these oscillations is, and the more
numerous the oscillations are, the more complex the resulting behaviour. See the results in
Section 00.
1 7 As far as stability is concerned, we could allow imaginary eigenvalues with a positive real
part. We do not explore this route, for which we see little a priori justication.


short rate out to a given maturity, T , is straightforwardly related to the time-0

yield of a discount bond of that maturity:
log E Q e 0 rs ds
Neglecting for the moment convexity eects (which anyhow plays a very
small role for maturities out to 5 years), one can approximately write

y0T =

y0T E Q


rs ds


Therefore, simply by averaging out to a horizon T the values of the short rate
along a deterministic path, one can immediately relate the path of the short
rate to the current model yield curve. At the reference points, by construction,
one will observe a match between the market and the model yields (again,
within the limits of the approximation above); in between the reference points,
however, every choice of eigenvalues will determine, by aecting the path of the
state variables to their reversion levels, the values of the intermediate-maturity
yields. The observed market yields therefore behave as xed knots through
which the yield curve has to move: how smoothly it goes from point to point
will depend on the eigenvalues of the reversion speed matrix. This is clearly
shown in Fig (1):
The three lines in Fig (1) show the averages of the short rate out to ve
years for the eigenvalues of the reversion-speed matrix used in the case study
(curve labelled Base); for eigenvalues twice as large (curve labelled Base*2);
and for eigenvalues four times as large (curve labelled Base*4). In all cases,
to within the accuracy of the approximation, the average of the short rate out
to ve years is indeed 2.00% (the exogenously assigned market value of y02 );
however, intermediate yields can assume values which strongly depend on the
eigenvalues of the reversion-speed matrix. The larger these eigenvalues, the
more complex the behaviour in between the knots.
This interpretation also makes more precise the concept of complexity for
the yield behaviour, to which we have frequently alluded to above: for instance,
as in the case of splines, the integral of the non-convexity-induced curvature of
the model yield curve between reference points can be taken as a measure of
Similar considerations apply to the interpolated covariance matrix. Also in

this case, the choice of the eigenvalues l strongly inuences the values of the

interpolated covariance elements. Indeed, some choices for the vector l can
even produce negative correlations for yields in between the exactly recovered
Figure (2) shows the square root of the entries of the model (top panel) and
market (bottom panel) covariance matrix for yields from 1 to 30 years obtained

with the optimal choice of the eigenvalues l .18 The overall quality of the t
1 8 Unless

otherwise stated, in all our calibration studies we used N = 3 , ie, 3 yields, and 3


Figure 1: The averages of the short rate out to ve years for the three cases
discussed in the text, namely, for the eigenvalues of the reversion-speed matrix
used in the case study (curve labelled Base); for eigenvalues twice as large
(curve labelled Base*2); and for eigenvalues four times as large (curve labelled
Base*4). In all cases, to within the accuracy of the approximation, the average
of the short rate out to ve years is indeed 2.00% (the exogenously assigned
market today value of the ve-year yield).


for the inter- and extrapolated covariance matrix is excellent, with a maximum
error of 6 basis points (in units equivalent to absolute volatility) and an average
absolute error of 1.5 basis points (in the same units).

Figure 2: The square root of the entries of the model (top panel) and market
(bottom panel) covariance matrix for yields from 1 to 30 years for the optimal

choice of the eigenvalues l . (Note that the intervals along the x and y axes
are not equally spaced units in years.)
One might think that, since the values of the covariance matrix in correspondence with the reference yields are exactly recovered by construction, the
errors in interpolation (and possibly extrapolation) should be small. If this were

true, little information about the eigenvalues l could be gleaned from the
principal components.


non-reference covariance elements. This is not the case, as displayed clearly in

Fig (3), which shows that an injudicious (but, at rst blush, reasonable) choice

of eigenvalues l can give extrapolated covariance elements wrong by a factor

of 5 (even if the covariance elements among the reference yields are still exactly

Figure 3: Same above for a poor choice of the eigenvalues l . Note that
the covariance matrix elements between each reference yield are still exactly
This dependence of the intermediate yields and of the intermediate co

variance matrix elements on the eigenvalues l is not a drawback, but one of

the most appealing features of the model. As we shall show in the calibration
section this set of dependences will provide very useful guidance to determine

the acceptable values of the eigenvalues l .


Moving from the Q to the P Measure

We want to show in this section how the model behaviour can be specied both
in the Q (risk-neutral) and in the P (data-generating) measures.
Lets go back to the Q-measure dynamics (19) which we re-write for ease
of reference:

x t dt + S dz Q
xt =K
As discussed in Section 2, we are going to assign to the market price of risk,

T t , one of the ane forms discussed in the literature, nested in the following
general formulation:

q 0 +R
T t =
For instance, if we embraced the Duee (2002) specication (according to which
the magnitude of the market price of risk depends on the slope of the yield curve)
we would have19 for the matrix R

0 a 0
R= 0 b 0
0 c 0
In general, for any specication of the dependence of the market price of risk
on the state variables, we have

xt =K

q 0 +Rt

x t dt + S dz P + S (
x t ) dt


x t dt + S dz P


This can be rewritten as

x t = KP


= (K SRt )
K + S


Equations (65) and (66) dene the reversion-speed matrix and the reversion-level
vector, respectively, as a function of the corresponding Q-measure quantities,

and of the market-price-of risk vector,

q 0 , and matrix, R, respectively. We
therefore show in the next section how we propose to estimate these quantities.
1 9 This is not strictly correct. We nd that the single regressor that most eectively explains
excess returns is the second principal component from the orthopgonalization of the covariance
matrix of yields (not yield dierences). The second factor of our model is the second principal
component from the orthogonalization of the covariance matrix of yeild dierences. After the
required transofrmation is applied, the matrix R is similar to, but no longer exactly equal to,
the simple single-column matrix displayed in Equation (00).


Estimating the Parameters of
q 0 and R

Using fty years of data from the data base provided by the Federal Reserve
Board of Washington, DC, (Gurkaynak et al, 2006), we have statistically estimated the excess returns from holding bonds up to 10 years. We have regressed
these excess returns against our state variables, ie, the principal components.20
the vector of excess returns, the OLS estimation gives
If we call

a + b


At time t, the excess return vector is given by


E [rxt ] dt = E
rt dt = Dur S [
q 0 + R
x t ] dt
[Dur]ij =

1 PtTi
PtTi xj



Equating the coecients of Equations (67) and (68) one gets

a = Dur S


b = Dur S R


q 0 = (Dur S)1


R = (Dur S)1 b


log PtTi
1 PtTi

PtTi xj


and therefore

Next, we note that

Recalling that
PtT = exp
we have
and therefore

t + Bt


Dur = (B t )T

q 0 = (B t )T S
R = (B t )T S




2 0 The method used is presented in a separate paper. The results we use here are independent
of the specic ndings.


Note that the duration matrix (B Tt ) clearly depends on the maturity of the
yield under consideration; so does the matrix of regression coecient, b, and the

vector of intercepts,
a . However, the market price of risk must be independent

of the maturity of the yields. Therefore the maturity dependence in b and

on the one hand, and on the duration matrix (B t ) on the other must neatly
cancel out. This means that, within the precision of the statistical estimate of

the regressors, the market price of risk vector and matrix,

q 0 and R, must be
independent of the N yields used in the regression. This condition imposes a
powerful internal consistency check on the model and on the statistical estimate
of the coecients in the excess return regression.
The results derived so far complete the formal specication of the model.
For a given set of exogenous market yields and covariance matrix, we have
a (2N + 1)-ple innity of solutions (each exactly recovering the reference ex

ogenous yield and covariance elements), parametrized by the vector l , (the

eigenvalues of the reversion-speed matrix), the vector , and the rst element

of the vector y . Each of these solutions gives rise to economically dierent

behaviour for important quantities such as the market price of risk. The next
section shows the criteria on the basis of which the number of degrees of freedom, or their acceptability range, can be reduced virtually to zero. We call this
part of the project the calibration of the model.


Calibration of the Model

Estimating the Values of the Eigenvalues l

As we have shown above, the model automatically recovers the N exogenous

market yields, and the N N covariance matrix between the same yields. This
does not mean, however, that that the yields or the covariance elements in
between the reference maturities will be similar to the corresponding market
quantities. We therefore choose the eigenvalues of the Q-measure reversion
speed matrix in such a way that the covariance matrix and the yield curve in
between the reference yield should be closely recovered.


Estimating the Values of the Reversion Levels Q

Next, we want to determine from statistical information the possible value

for the reversion-level vector, Q . Our strategy is to estimate time averages

of yields or principal components using a very-long-term historical record; to

equate these quantities to the reversion levels, P , in the P measure; to translate this vector to the Q measure using Equation (66) (which contains the

vector Q ). More precisely we proceed as follows.

We assume that, from the match to the covariance matrix the reversionspeed matrix, KQ , has already been determined as described in the previous


section. We also choose a trial value for the Q-measure reversion-level vector,

Given these quantities, and after estimating the market price of risk vector,

T =
q 0 +Rt
x t , we can evolve in the P measure the state variables or the yields
from today to any horizon, , using the evolution equations

x t = KP

x t dt + S dz P



y t dt + S dz P



y = KQ SR

= Q + I KQ


SR T y + KQ



This P-measure projection can be carried out exactly for any horizon, . In
particular, it can be carried out for = . For this projection horizon, the

expectations of the yields will be equal to their reversion levels, Py . Therefore

we have

= E P [
y = KQ SR
y ]
Note that these model quantities, which have been obtained after a P

measure evolution, are a function of the vector y , which, in turn, depends

on the vector .
Separately from this, we can also calculate from our historical record the

long-term time average of yields. We denote these measured quantities by

y .

As a last step, we can equate the measured, y , and the model, E [ y ],

y = E P [
y ] = KQ SR


+ I KQ

SR T y + KQ



We can therefore determine the quantity, Q , that best achieves this match
between the model-implied and the empirically-observed long-term yields. (Note

that the reversion-speed vector, Q , also enters the expression for y . The

dependence of the unknown vector, Q , remains linear, and can therefore be

worked out exactly by matrix inversion without any numerical search, because

y depends on Q linearly.)


We note in passing that, as long as the market price of risk, T t =

q 0 +R
x t,
is estimated consistently from the same data used to estimate the long-term

y , one can rest assured that, by using these reversion levels, the

P-measure future evolution of the factors,

x , will give rise to consistent excess


Bounding the Values of the Scalar y1

The expression obtained above for the reversion-speed vector, Q , is parame

trized by the arbitrary value of the rst element, y1 , of the vector, y . More

precisely, for any choice of y1 , a dierent Q-measure reversion level vector, Q ,

will ensue. This last indeterminacy cannot be resolved by looking at time averages of yields. However, the value of y1 will aect extrapolated yields to which
the model has not been calibrated, such as the consol yield (when available), or

a yield longer than the maximum maturity yield in the set of N yields {
y }.
With this last piece of information the model is fully calibrated.


We show in this section the result obtained by calibrating the model using the
procedure described above to Treasury data provided by the Fed (Gurkaynak et
al, 2006) for the period 1990-2014. Qualitatively similar results were obtained
using a longer data sets (extending back to the late 1970s. However we used the
shorter time window of 24 years in order to avail ourselves of information about
the 20 year yields, useful for assessing the quality of the extrapolation. We used
5 and 10 years for the intermediate and long yield maturities, respectively.
After using covariance information from the period 1990 to 2014, the eigenvalues of the Q-measure reversion-speed matrix, KQ , turned out to be

Eigenvalues of KQ
l1 = 0.03660


l2 = 0.63040
l3 = 0.63036

The reversion-speed matrix in the Q measure was as follows

-0.1880 1.0187
KQ = -0.2229 0.7731
-0.0304 0.7123


As anticipated, note the presence of large and negative reversion speeds, also
on the main diagonal.
With this reversion-speed matrix the model covariance matrices, and the
dierence between the model and the empirical covariance matrices were calculated. The results are shown in Fig (4) below:


Figure 4: Model and market covariance matrices, and the error (market - model).
The rows and columns correspond to maturities from 1 to 10 years.


The quality of the t is evident. To assess the ability of the model to predict
quantities it has not been calibrated to, the empirical and model yield volatilities
out to 20 years are shown in Fig (5). We stress that the volatilities beyond 10
years are extrapolated by the model.Fig (6) shows the observed and tted yield

Figure 5: Model and empirical yield volatilities. Volatilities beyond 10 years are
curves on randomly selected dates between 1990 and 2014. The same model
parameters were used for all the ts, and only the state variables were changed.
They yields for the key maturities are, of course, perfectly recovered. It is
interesting to note, however, that the intermediate and the extrapolated yields
(ie, the yield beyond 10 years) are also well recovered.
After empirical estimation of the regression matrix of excess returns we were
able to estimate the P-measure reversion levels, and the trace of the matrix. See
Equations (65) and (66). To show the robustness of the procedure, we present
the estimates obtained for three dierent subsections of the data. Observe that
all the parameters remain reasonably stable, with the possible exception of the
reversion level of the rst factor in the rst half of the sample. This is probably
due to the quasi-unit-root nature of the rst principal component.

Data sample P1
Trace KP

0.0958 0.0090 0.0073 3.78


0.0367 0.0115 0.0057 3.62

0.0380 0.0132 0.0055 3.11

Figure 6: Fitted and empirical yiled curves for random dates between 1990
and 2014. Note that the same parameters are used throughout, and that yield
beyond 10 years are extrapolated.


Once the term premia have been estimated, we can calculate the deterministic evolution of the reference yields under both measures from todays yield
curve (30-Jan-2014). This is shown in Fig (??).

Figure 7: The deterministic evolution of the reference yields under Q (solid

lines) and under P (dashed lines). The yield curve is at if the three lines
(which correspond to three dierent maturities) are superimposed.
Note that under the risk-neutral measure the asymptotic yield curve is almost exactly at. This should indeed be the case: apart from convexity eects
(whose magnitude is estimated below), all factors will be at their reversion levels, and in the Q measure no term premia can steepen the yield curve. As a
consequence, apart from convexity terms investigated below, under Q the curve
will evolve deterministically to a at shape.
The magnitude of the convexity term is shown in Fig (8), which shows yields
and value of convexity for dierent eigenvalues of the mean-reversion speed matrix K. Solid lines represent the yield curves, and dashed lines represent the yield
curves without the convexity term. The colours correspond to dierent eigenvalues of K: blue - (0.02; 0.2; 0.5), green - (0.03; 0.3; 0.6), red - (0.04; 0.4; 0.7).
We see that it is possible to obtain very similar ts on the traded portion
of the yield curve with dierent eigenvalues of K, but the consequences for extrapolation are very dierent. We emphasize, however that, despite the similar
quality of the t for the yields, the t to the covariance matrix produced by the
three sets of eigenvalues was very dierent. This stresses again the importance

of making use of the full covariance matrix information in the tting phase.

Figure 8: Yields and value of convexity for dierent eigenvalues of the meanreversion speed matrix K. Solid lines represent the yield curves, and dashed lines
represent the yield curves without the convexity term. The colours correspond
to dierent eigenvalues of K: blue - (0:02; 0:2; 0:5), green - (0:03; 0:3; 0:6), red
- (0:04; 0:4; 0:7).
Finally we show in Fig (9) the time series of the 10-year yield observed in
the market (yield under Q), and the yield that would have been observed if
investors had the same expectations, but were risk-neutral (yield under P). In
the same gure we also show the term premium (red line) which is the dierence
between the two yields. The average risk premium for the last 24 years averages
around 3%, which compares well with our empirical estimates of unconditional
excess returns for the 10 year maturity, shown in Fig (??).
Finally, we show in Figs (10) and (11) the model and empirical asymptotic
autocorrelation for the three principal components. Empirically, it is well-known
that the rst principal component should be far more persistent than the second
and the third (see, eg, the discussion in Diebold and Rudebush (2013).) This
is not borne out by our model, which also gets the overall speed of decrease of
the autocorrelation signicantly wrong.


Figure 9: Observed 10-year zero coupon yield (blue), the P10-year zero-coupon
yield (green) and the term premium (red).


Figure 10: Asymptotic autocorrelation of principal components under Q (solid

lines) and under P (dashed lines).


Figure 11: Estimated empirical asymptotic autocorrelation of principal components. Observe that empirically the rst PC features a much higher autocorrelation than what the model produces. The model is not able to capture this



We have presented the theoretical results for the ane evolution of meanreverting principal component models, we have shown how the model can be
eectively calibrated using both Q- and P-measure information.
We have stressed that the no-arbitrage constraints imposed by using a prespecied model, and the choice of principal components as the mapping between
the model state variables and the observable yields aect deeply the model
evolution. In particular, we have shown that the reversion speed-matrix must
contain negative and large entries. This contributes strongly to the models
dynamic richness and complexity.
Once the calibration has been carried out, we have presented the model
With the exception of the degree of persistence of the principal components,
the behaviour of the model seems to be robust, believable and interpretable.
The cross-measure results of course depend strongly on the estimation of the
state dependence of the market price of risk (the excess returns). For illustrative
purposes, we have carried out in this study a rather simple-minded, regressionbased estimate. There is plenty of room for more careful analysis here (and the
Cochrane tent-shaped return-predicting factor could be accommodated, if one
so wished, in the modelling framework). We are planning to present the results
of our empirical study of excess returns for Treasuries as a separate piece of
Acknowledgement 3 It is a pleasure to acknowledge useful suggestions provided by Dr Naik Vasant and Dr Andrei Lyashenko.



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Appendix A Exponential of Orthogonal or

Inverse Matrices

Let U be an [n n] orthogonal matrix. Let A be an arbitrary [n n] matrix.

Consider the expression
c = U eA U T


c = U I + A + A2 + ... U T


c = U IU T + U AU T + U A2 U T + ... =


Expand the exponent to obtain

Expand the epxression

I + UAU T + UA2 U T + ...
where the last line follows because of the orthogonality of U . Consider now the
exponential d = eU AU :

d = eUAU = I + U AU T +


+ ... =

I + U AU T + U AU T U AU T + ... =
I + U AU T + U AAU T + ...
I + UAU T + UA2 U T + ...
Repeating for higher-order terms and comparing Equations (92) and (91), we
can conclude
U eA U T = eU AU
The same proof applies to non-orthogonal matrices, as long as matrix inversion
replaces transposition:
ZeA Z 1 = eZAZ


Appendix II Solving the ODE for B ( )

Let the solution for the bond price in a multidimensional OU process be given

Pt = eA( )+ B ( ) x t



Pt k
(Note the positive sign of the exponent and the transpose.) Given the process
Bik () =

xt =K

x dt + S dz

the ODE for B ( ) will be:

d B ( )

= B ( ) T

B (0) = 0


T = K
This is a inhomogeneous ODE. We solve it by i) nding the solution to the
homogeneous ode; ii) nding a particular solution; iii) joining the two and iv)
satisfying the boundary condition.
An aside: We have the transpose of K in Equation (97) because the expres

sion for Pt is expressed as a function of B ( )T . Therefore we really have

d B T ( )

e T1
= K B T ( )
and therefore


d B T ()

= B T K ( )
e T1

d B ( )

= B ( ) T


The Homogeneous ODE

The homogeneous ODE has the form

d B hom ( )

+ B hom ( ) = 0
By inspection, an obvious candidate solution is

B hom ( ) = e H



d B hom ()
= e H


d B hom ()

+ B hom ( ) = e H + e H = 0


and therefore



The Particular Solution

We now have to nd any solution to the inhomogeneous ODE. Lets try

B () = C


for some constant vector, C . Then we have

d B ()

= 0
and therefore


0 = C T

1 T
C = e 1



The Full Solution and the Initial Condition

We have found

B ( ) = e H + C = e H 1 T


The initial condition, B (0) = 0 , imposes that

B (0) = e0 H 1 T
e1= 0


H = 1 T


and therefore
Therefore we have

B () = e 1 T
e 1 1 T
e1 =

e I 1 T



The Integral Expression

Consider the integral

e( s) ds =

Int =

e( s) ds


1 = e I 1 T


This has solution

e( s)

1 = e( s)

Therefore the solution (112) can be equivalently expressed as

B ( ) =

e( s) T
e 1 ds



The Expression for B T


The transpose of Equation (112) becomes

B =

e I 1 T

e T1 1


The transpose of Equation (118) becomes

B =

e( s) T
e 1 ds

ds =

e T1 e( s)


e( s) T



Appendix III Obtaining an Expression for

B ( )

We obtained that

B ( ) =

e( s) T
e 1 ds


Now, orthogonalize the matrix :

= a a1


This gives

B ( ) =

e( s) T
e 1 ds =

ea a

( s)

e 1 ds =

= a



e ( s) ds a1 T

e ( s) ds a1 T


e ( s) ds =








= D ( ) = diag
and, nally,





1 elii

i = 1, N



B ( ) = a = aD ( ) a1 T


Appendix IV Obtaining an Expression for

A ( )

We obtained that

B ( ) = a = aD ( ) a1 T

with :

= a a1


D () a1 T




D () = diag

i = 1, N



= y1 + B T K + B T SS T B


A ( ) = Int1 + Int2 + Int3


We have to solve


Int1 =

y1 ds = y1


B () ds K


B ( ) SS T B ( ) ds


Int2 =

Int3 =



Evaluation of Int3

We have

Int3 =

B ( ) SS T B () ds =

SS T a ds =


a SS a ds =

Q ds


Q = aT SS T a


f = a1 T


= D f


To lighten notation dene
and therefore

Int3 =


Q ds =

DT QDds f



Appendix V Derivation of the Variance of

an N-d O-U Process

xt = K
x t dt + S dz


P (xt |x0 ) = N (
t , t )


T = eKt + I eKt



We derive the expression for t . We drop the subscript t in what follows. We

assume that the reversion speed matrix can be orthgonalized:
K = G1



The i, j-th element of t is given by []ij :

[]ij = eK(tu) SS T eK(tu)






Then we have

[]ij = G1


eK(tu) HeK(tu) duG1



where we have used the up-and-down theorem, and



Then we have

and therefore

1 T

[]ij = G

e(i +j )u hij du G1

= G1
M = hij



1 e(i +j )u
i + j



Appendix VI Proof of the Constraints on

the Reversion-Speed Matrix KQ

We have dened

B 1

B 2



and we have obtained that

B ( ) =


eK( s) T
e 1 ds


and that

T =


T = I


I = T = = diag



eK( 1 s) ds
e 1 , ...,




eK( N s) ds



C = KT


C = T T 1


U = T 1


Orthogonalize C:
and dene
Then we have


T e( 1 s) T 1 ds
e 1 , ...,

1 e
T diag
i 1

T e( N s) T 1 ds


1 e N
i N

e 1 , ..., T diag
T 1

T 1



Multiplying both sides by T 1 one gets



1 eC 1
1 eC N

e 1 , ..., diag
i N

u11 f11
u21 f21
U =
uN1 fN1

u11 f12
u21 f22
uN1 fN2



u11 f1N
uN1 f2N

uN1 fNN




fij =

1 eC j
i j


f11 = f21 = f31 = 1


U = DF


One can therefore write

T =F


D = diag [u11 , u21 , ..., uN1 ]

are chosen in such a way that the rst, second, ..., nth column of F
are normalized. Therefore the matrix F consists of indepedent vectors in its
columns, and u1
i1 normalize it to a basis.
Putting the pieces together one gets
C = KT



and therefore

K = T C = T T T 1 =
T F 1 F


We have written the orthogonalization of K as

K = aK a1


Therefore, equating terms we have

a = T F 1


K =




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