How Hot Is That Engine2 PDF
How Hot Is That Engine2 PDF
How Hot Is That Engine2 PDF
Outside Air Temperature Limit is another measure of an engine's health.
OATL is the highest OAT at which the engine will give maximum rated
thrust without exceeding the EGT redline limit.
OATL and EGTM are related in the sense that OATL greater than CP
implies a positive EGTM. As the engine deteriorates, the EGTM as well as
the OATL reduce. At an OATL equal to CP, EGTM is zero and EGT
exceedance can occur. A negative OATL also implies a negative EGTM.
Let's take for example a departure from Mumbai, approximately sea level
with an OAT of 32 degrees Celsius in one of our old workhorses with
engines dating to your supernumerary days. As we know, CFM 56-7s are
flat rated at ISA + 15 for
takeoff thrust. OATL is
determined to be 29 degrees
Celsius, giving us a negative
EGT margin of about 3
degrees C (remember 1 deg
OAT is about 3 deg EGT).
The flight is loaded to the
brim and you can just takeoff
at full thrust.
"V1" "rotate" and after a few
seconds the EGT dial flashes red. Theoretically, the EGT should reach 953
degree C.
and conditions. One of the more torturous ones is the over temperature test,
wherein the engine is made to run for 150 hours in 25 blocks of 6 hours each.
This test demonstrates that the engine is capable of running 42 deg C above the
EGT redline for 5 minutes with the N1 and N2 at their redline RPMs (104* and 105
% respectively). After engine shutdown, all parts are required to be serviceable.
Maintenance tasks for exceedances are defined according to the magnitude and
duration of the excursion over the redline limit. Figure 3 shows a typical AMM
extract showing specific actions depending on the exceedances.
A short EGT excursion of EGT with other parameters within normal limits should not
adversely impact engine integrity.
- air leakage
A leakage in the air systems
such as Variable Bleed
Valves (VBVs), High Pressure
Turbine Clearance Control Valve (HPTCCV) or engine bleeds can result in an EGT
exceedance, especially when EGTM is low.
A little word on bleeds off takeoff - at full takeoff thrust operations, EGT levels
are almost similar for both bleeds on as well as bleeds off takeoffs. However,
choosing a bleeds off takeoff when using assumed temperature results in an
increase of about 3 deg C in the assumed temperature, which reduces the takeoff
EGT by approximately 8 deg C.
- as
EGT overshoot.
Engines on our NG fleet have full authority digital controls, which maintain rated
thrust below CP by increasing N1. Above CP, there would be some loss of thrust
which is considered insignificant for performance calculations.