Heat Exchanger
Heat Exchanger
Heat Exchanger
We are grateful and would like to express our warmest gratitude to our supervisor
Dr. Moloy Kumar Banerjee for his guidance, his support, continuous encouragement and
the confidence he has shown in us over the months in continuing this project. His
constant encouragement in our dissertation work that helped to look forward to the future
with enthusiasm and confidence in our abilities. We would like also to express our sincere
thanks to all our course mates and members of the staff of the Mechanical Engineering
Department, FIEM, who helped us in many ways. We acknowledge our sincere
indebtedness and gratitude to our parents for their love, dream and sacrifice throughout
our lives. We cannot find the appropriate words that could properly describe our
appreciation for their devotion, support and faith in our abilities to attain our goals.
Finally, we would like to thank our EIE department faculty (SB sir) and our Jadavpur
University faculty (Runu Banerjee) for their valuable guidance, in progressing with this
endeavour. Without their overwhelming positive influence on our project, we would not
have been able to progress with our study.
Project teams will consist of 7 members assigned by our instructor. Requests for
teammates will not be accepted. There are several benefits to this policy. First, not having
a friend on a team may ensure that you will be friends after the project. Second,
interacting with people you would not normally choose as teammates is always a
valuable teamwork learning experience. Third, we encourage interaction among different
teams. That is, cross-fertilize ideas and work with your friends on other teams in order to
answer questions, develop analysis techniques, and have some fun.
Randomly covering design project activities in an unstructured manner for accomplishing
project goals is not recommended. Areas of responsibility, assignment of personnel to
each area, and setting a time schedule should be formally defined. Maintaining flexibility
and assessing whether modifications are needed should also occur.
Because of the large number of calculations involved in this analysis, assigning a team
member to independently check calculations and unit conversions by hand is strongly
recommended. Spreadsheets and computer programs do exactly what they are told (not
what is intended). A simple factor of two errors may not seem important in a homework
situation, but when it is part of a decision to spend lots of money, it can easily cause
money (and jobs, career advancement) to be wasted.
However your team is organized, it is important that every team member is familiar with
the analyses and assessments made in the written report. That is, any team member is
expected to be able to answer any question posed by instructors regarding project design
reports. Team members responsible for a particular activity must teach other members
about their results. Team grades will be assigned for the written reports.
An anonymous peer-evaluation form will be distributed to team members in order to
assess member participation in activities. Grades for the lab activities are not curved or
scaled in a manner that only allows a specified number of people at each grade level. That
is, helping others does not result in reducing your chances for receiving a high score.
Likewise, peer-evaluations are meant to be a means by which you give your honest
evaluation of your team members participation in order to help distinguish those
individuals who contributed more and those who contributed less than expected.
Finally, the peer evaluation is not meant to be an evaluation of specific team member
skills. Some team members may be very skilled in analysis while others are talented in
report writing or organizing and coordinating activities. All of these contributions are
This basic layout or rather the aim of this project is to make a domestic heat exchanger
that would serve the same purposes as any industry based heat exchanger. The basic path
for a technical project is to obtain maximum efficiency and work output at a minimum
expense this project also aims for the same.
The basic aim of any heat exchanger (primarily the one being made here is a concentric
tube heat exchanger) is to mainly transfer heat between two fluids due to which we obtain
a net temperature difference at the outlet. We will be basically measuring the four
respective temperatures of the inlet and the oulet i.e of the hot and cold fluids with the
help of an RTD and then obtain the digital display of the temperature.This values would
later be used for the calculation of the effectiveness, NTU and other standard quantities
which will be compared with the standard values of industry based heat exchangers to
know about the increased or decreased efficiency.
In this semester we have planned out the inventory list covering the necessary items
required for building our heat exchanger like a 0.25HP pump for the hot water flow now
here to save cost expenses instead of using a pump for cold water we have used it from a
tap source assuming that it has a constant head. Then in order to obtain the flow rate we
will be using a measuring cylinder to obtain the value of discharge. We have also
obtained the dimensions of the base on which the necessary items will be assembled to
make the heat exchanger that being height-3.5ft,length-6ft width-1.5ft.Material has been
chosen to be mild steel. Pipes being used will be made of PVC and aluminium. We have
yet to begin the structure as we have not yet received monetary fundings this semester so
we will be presenting the model next semester. This semester has been spent finalizing
the dimensions and specifications of the items needed and planning out a data sheet with
the items and their costs.
This semester has also been spent on making the required circuit arrangements for the
temperature display starting with a 5V power source circuit for the LCD display which
we have completed and we have also planned the temperature sensing circuit using an
LM35 sensor and a thyristor controlled heater for heating the water. But at the same time
we have not yet been able to purchase the necessary items for further progress. In the
upcoming semester we will be presenting the working model along proper experimental
results. This semester we will be giving an overview on our project aim the items
required, how we plan to use them and the underlying theory of a heat exchanger.
(i) To design and construct a concentric-tube heat exchanger in which two tubes are
concentrically arranged and either of the fluids (hot or cold) flows through the tube and
the other through the annulus.
(ii) To achieve high efficiency of the heat exchanger while keeping its construction cost
(iii) To carry out test on the concentric-tube heat exchanger and obtain values which will
be compared to theoretically determined ones.
In 7th semester:-
In 8th semester:-
TYPE OF HEAT EXCHANGERS:There are three main types of heat exchangers based on the pattern in which heat
exchange takes place:a. The Recuperative type in which the flowing fluids exchanging heat are on either side
of a dividing wall. The figure is as shown below.
b. The Regenerative type in which the hot and cold fluids pass alternately through a
space containing a matrix of material that provides alternately a sink and a source for heat
flow. When the hot fluid flows through the matrix heat is stored in the form of an
increase in its internal energy. When the cold fluid flows through it this stored energy is
transferred to it. This is again divided into two types depending on the type of matrix
1. Stationary.
2. Rotary.
This report paper is on recuperative type of heat exchanger, which can further be
classified, based on the relative directions of the flow of the hot and cold fluids, into three
types:a. Parallel flow, when both the fluids move in parallel in the same direction.
b. Counter flow, when the fluids move in parallel but in opposite directions.
c. Cross flow, when the directions of flow are mutually perpendicular.
The types of heat exchanger can be classified in three major constructions which are:a. Tubular type
b. Plate type
c. Extended surface type.
In industries, there are lots of heat exchanger that can be seenas follows:-
exchanger are fixed tube sheet design, U-tube design and floating-head type. Cleaning
this heat exchanger is easy. Instead of easily cleaning, it is also low in cost. But among all
tube bundle types, the U-tube is the least expensive because it only needs one tube sheet.
Technically, because of its construction in U shape, the cleaning is hardly done in the
sharp bend. An even number of tube passes only can be achieved. The figure shows the
type of shell-and-tube heat exchanger.
for periodic disassembly, cleaning, and inspection. There are several types of
permanently bonded plate heat exchangers like dip brazed and vacuum brazed plate
varieties, and they are often used in refrigeration. These heat exchangers can further be
classified as gasket plate, spiral plate and lamella.
and reducing fouling deposits. These heat exchangers are quite compact but are relatively
expensive due to the specialized fabrication. The spiral heat exchanger is particularly
effective in handling sledges, viscous liquids, and liquids with solids in suspension
including slurries. The spiral heat exchanger is made in three main types which differ in
the connections and flow arrangements.
Type has flat covers over the spiral channels. The media flow counter current through
the channels via the connections in the centre and at the periphery. This type is used to
exchange heat between media without phase changes
such as liquid-liquid, gas-liquid, or gas-gas. One stream
enters at the centre of the unit and flows from inside
outward. The other stream enters at the periphery and
flows towards the centre. Thus the counter flow is
Type is designed for cross flow operation. One channel
is completely seal welded, while the other is open along
both sheet metal edges. The passage with the medium in
spiral flow is welded shut on each side, and the medium
in cross flow passes through the open spiral annulus.This
type is mainly used as a surface condenser in evaporating
plants. It is also highly effective as a vaporizer. Two
spiral bodies are often built into the same jacket and are mounted below each other.
Type , the third standard type is in principle similar to type with alternately welded up
channels, but type is provided with a specially designed to cover. This type of heat
exchanger is mainly intended for condensing vapours with sub-cooling of condensate and
no condensable gases. The top cover, therefore, has a special distribution cone where the
vapour is distributed to the uncovered spiral turns in order to maintain a constant vapour
velocity along the channel opening. The figure presents the types of spiral plate.
channel cover is equipped with an outside flange ring which is bolted to the shell flange.
Figure presents the lamella heat exchanger.
8. Direct Contact Type Heat Exchangers
Direct contact heat exchangers involve heat transfer between hot and cold streams of two
phases in the absence of a separating wall. Thus such heat exchangers can be classified
Gas liquid
Most direct contact heat exchangers fall under the Gas- Liquid category, where heat is
transferred between a gas and liquid in the form of drops, films or sprays.
Such heat exchangers are used predominantly in air conditioning, humidification,
industrial hot water heating, water-cooling and condensing plants.
Spray coolers/quenchers
Liquid flow
Gas spargers
Gas flow
DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS:In designing heat exchangers, a number of factors that need to be considered are:1. Resistance to heat transfer should be minimized.
2. Contingencies should be anticipated via safety margins; for example, allowance for
fouling during operation.
3. The equipment should be sturdy.
4. Cost and material requirements should be kept low.
5. Corrosion should be avoided.
6. Pumping cost should be kept low.
7. Space required should be kept low.
8. Required weight should be kept low.
Design involves trade-off among factors not related to heat transfer. Meeting the
objective of minimized thermal resistance implies thin wall separating fluids. Thin walls
may not be compatible with sturdiness. Auxiliary steps may have to be taken, for
instance, the use of support plates for tubing, to realize sturdiness.
THE ENERGY BALANCE:Since the flow in a tube is completely enclosed, an energy balance may be applied to
determine how the mean temperature (Tm) x varies with position along the tube and how
the total convective heat transfer Qconv is related to the difference in temperatures at the
tube inlet and outlet from Fig. 1.
THE OVERALL HEAT TRANSFER COEFFICIENT:A heat exchanger typically involves two flowing fluids separated by a solid wall. Heat
is first transferred from the hot fluid to the wall by convection through the wall by
conduction and from the wall to the cold fluid again by convection. Any radiation effects
are usually included in the convection heat transfer coefficients (Holman 2002).
For a double-pipe heat exchanger, Ai = DiL and Ao = DoL, and the thermal resistance
of the tube wall in this case is
Rwall = In(ro/ri)/2KL, (5)
where K is the thermal conductivity of the inner pipe material and L is the length of the
tube. Then the total thermal resistance becomes:
R = Rtotal = Ri + Rwall + Ro = [(1/hiAi) + In(ro/ri)/2KL + (1/hoAo)], (6)
where Ai and Ao are the areas of inner and outer pipes respectively.
The rate of heat transfer between the two fluids is:
Q = T/Rtotal = UAT = UiAiT = UoAoT, (7)
where U is the overall heat transfer coefficient (W/m2 oC).
Equation (7) can be reduced to:
1/UA = 1/UiA = 1/UoAo = Rtotal = 1/hiAi + Rwall + 1/hoAo. (8)
If the thickness of the tube is small and the thermal conductivity of the tube, material is
high, as is usually the case, the thermal resistance of the tube is negligible (Rwal 0) and
(Ai Ao A). Overall heat transfer coefficient becomes,
1/U 1/hi+1/ho, (9)
where i and o represent inside and outside respectively (Yunus and Robert 2001).
LOGARITHMIC MEAN TEMPERATURE DIFFERENCE:The method used in the analysis of the heat exchanger in this research work is the
Logarithmic Mean Temperature Difference (LMTD), and it is defined as that temperature
difference which, if constant, would give the same rate of heat transfer as actually occurs
under variable conditions of temperature difference.
In order to derive expression for LMTD, the following assumptions were made:
The overall heat transfer coefficient U is constant, the flow conditions are steady, the
specific heats and mass flow rates of both fluids are constant, the is no loss of heat to the
surroundings, there is no change phase either of the fluid during the heat transfer, the
change in potential and kinetic energies are negligible, axial conduction along the tubes
of the heat exchanger is negligible (Saunders 1981).
In this design, counter-flow LMTD was adopted (Fig. 2) because it is always greater than
that for a parallel flow unit, hence counter-flow heat exchanger can transfer more heat
than parallel-flow one; in other words a counter-flow heat exchanger needs a smaller
heating surface for the same rate of heat transfer.
Let us consider an elementary area dA of the heat exchanger in Fig. 3. The rate of flow of
heat through this elementary area is given by
dQ = UdA(th tc) = UdAt. (12)
In this case also, due to heat transfer dQ through the area dA, the hot fluid is cooled down
by dth whereas the cold fluid is heated by dtc. The energy balance over a differential area
dA may be written as:
dQ = -MhCphdth = -McCpcdtc. (13)
In a counter-flow system, the temper-atures of both the fluids decrease in the
direction of heat exchanger length, hence the negative signs,
dth = -(dQ/MhCph) and dtc = -(dQ/McCpc). (14)
Let MhCph = Ch and McCpc = Cc,
dth - dtc = -dQ[(1/Ch) - (1/Cc)], (15)
d = -dQ[(1/Ch) - (1/Cc)]. (16)
Inserting Eq. (12) into Eq. (16) above:
d = -UdA(th - tc) [(1/Ch) - (1/Cc)]
= -UdA [(1/Ch) - (1/Cc)],
d/ = -UdA [(1/Ch) - (1/Cc)]. (17)
Integrating Eq. (17) above from A = 0 to A = A:
In(2/1) = -UA [(1/Ch) - (1/Cc)]. (18)
Now, the total heat transfer rate between the two fluids is given by
Q = Ch(th1 - th2) = Cc(tc1 - tc2), (19)
1/Ch = (th1 - th2)/Q,
1/Cc = (tc1 - tc2)/Q.
Substituting the values of 1/Ch and 1/Cc into Eq. (17) above:
In(2/1) = -UA[(th1 - th2)/Q - (tc1 - tc2)/Q]
= -(UA/Q) [(th1 - th2) - (tc1 - tc2)]
= -(UA/Q) (1 - 2) = (UA/Q) (2 - 1), (20)
Q = UA(2 - 1)/In(2/1).
Q = UAm, (21)
UAm = UA(2 - 1)/In(2/1).
m = (2 - 1)/In(2/1) = (1 - 2)/In(1/2), (22)
where: m = Logarithmic Mean Temperature Difference (LMTD).
FOULING FACTOR:The performance of heat exchanger usually deteriorate with time as a result of scaling
or deposits from over the interior surface. Scaling or deposits on the inside and outside of
the tubes is really a gradual build-up of layers of dirt due to impurities in the fluid,
chemical reaction between the fluid and the metal, rust etc. The deposits can severely
affect the overall heat transfer coefficient U. It is related to the overall heat transfer
Under clean conditions and under fouled conditions by the equation:
1/Ufoul = Rf + 1/Uclean. (10)
So, for fouled conditions
Rtotal = 1/hiAi + Rfi/Ai + In(ro/ri)/2KL + Rfo/Ao + 1/ho, (11)
where Rfi and Rfo are the fouling factors for both inside and outside of the tube
Maintenance:Plate heat exchangers must be disassembled and cleaned periodically. Tubular heat
exchangers can be cleaned by such methods as acid cleaning, sandblasting, high-pressure
water jet, bullet cleaning, or drill rods.
In large-scale cooling water systems for heat exchangers, water treatment such as
purification, addition of chemicals, and testing, is used to minimize fouling of the heat
exchange equipment. Other water treatment is also used in steam systems for power
plants, etc. to minimize fouling and corrosion of the heat exchange and other equipment.
A variety of companies have started using water borne oscillations technology to
prevent biofouling. Without the use of chemicals, this type of technology has helped in
providing a low-pressure drop in heat exchangers.
UNDERLYING THEORY:As with any process the analysis of a heat exchanger begins with an energy and material
balance. Before doing a complete energy balance a few assumptions can be made. The
first assumption is that the energy lost to the surroundings from the cooling water or from
the U-bends in the inner pipe to the surroundings is negligible. We also assume negligible
potential or kinetic energy changes and constant physical properties such as specific heats
and density. These assumptions also simplify the basic heat-exchanger equations.
The determination of the overall heat-transfer coefficient is necessary in order to
determine the heat transferred from the inner pipe to the outer pipe. This coefficient takes
into account all of the conductive and convective resistances (k and h, respectively)
between fluids separated by the inner pipe, and also takes into account thermal
resistances caused by fouling (rust, scaling, i.e.) on both sides of the inner pipe. For a
double-pipe heat exchanger the overall heat transfer coefficient, U, can be expressed as
Fluid properties such as density, viscosity and heat capacity are evaluated at the average
temperatures. The average is found by using the inlet and outlet values
In the inner pipe if the Reynolds is less than 2000 this is considered to be laminar flow
and the Nusselt number is equal to 4.36. If the Reynolds number is greater than 10,000,
the Nusselt number is given by
The convective heat transfer coefficient in the annulus is more difficult to determine. The
hydraulic diameter is used to find the Reynolds number. The hydraulic diameter is
defined as the cross-sectional area perpendicular to flow divided by the wetted perimeter.
With the Reynolds number calculated the same correlations apply and with these ho can
be determined.
Once all the separate heat-transfer coefficients are calculated an overall heat transfer
coefficient is calculated. Now everything that was necessary for an energy balance is
With the previous assumptions made earlier the dynamic equations would be
With the transient data taken experimentally an overall heat-transfer coefficient can be
determined at each time step. This can be solved numerically.
Budgetary limitations usually play an important role in the selection of heat exchangers,
except for some specialized cases where money is no object. An off-the-shelf heat
exchanger has a definite cost advantage over those made to order. However, in some
cases, none of the existing heat exchangers will do, and it may be necessary to undertake
the expensive and time-consuming task of designing and manufacturing a heat exchanger
from scratch to suit the needs. This is often the case when the heat exchanger is an
integral part of the overall device to be manufactured. The operation and maintenance
costs of the heat exchanger are also important considerations in assessing the overall cost.
Pumping Power
In a heat exchanger, both fluids are usually forced to flow by pumps or fans that consume
electrical power. The annual cost of electricity associated with the operation of the pumps
and fans can be determined from
Operating cost = (Pumping power, kW) *(Hours of operation, h)*(Price of
electricity, $/kWh)
Where the pumping power is the total electrical power consumed by the motors of the
pumps and fans. For example, a heat exchanger that involves a 1-hp pump and a -hp fan
(1 hp _ 0.746 kW) operating 8 h a day and 5 days a week will consume 2017 kWh of
electricity per year, which will cost $161.4 at an electricity cost of 8 cents/kWh.
Minimizing the pressure drop and the mass flow rate of the fluids will minimize the
operating cost of the heat exchanger, but it will maximize the size of the heat exchanger
and thus the initial cost. As a rule of thumb, doubling the mass flow rate will reduce the
initial cost by half but will increase the pumping power requirements by a factor of
roughly eight. Typically, fluid velocities encountered in heat exchangers range between
0.7 and 7 m/s for liquids and between 3 and 30 m/s for gases. Low velocities are helpful
in avoiding erosion, tube vibrations, and noise as well as pressure drop.
The type of heat exchanger to be selected depends primarily on the type of fluids
involved, the size and weight limitations, and the presence of any phase change
processes. For example, a heat exchanger is suitable to cool a liquid by a gas if the
surface area on the gas side is many times that on the liquid side. On the other hand, a
plate or shell-and-tube heat exchanger is very suitable for cooling a liquid by another
The materials used in the construction of the heat exchanger may be an important
consideration in the selection of heat exchangers. For example, the thermal and structural
stress effects need not be considered at pressures below 15 atm or temperatures below
150C. But these effects are major considerations above 70 atm or 550C and seriously
limit the acceptable materials of the heat exchanger. A temperature difference of 50C or
more between the tubes and the shell will probably pose differential thermal expansion
problems and needs to be considered. In the case of corrosive fluids, we may have to
select expensive corrosion-resistant materials such as stainless steel or even titanium if
we are not willing to replace low-cost heat exchangers frequently.
Other Considerations
There are other considerations in the selection of heat exchangers that may or may not be
important, depending on the application. For example, being leak-tight is an important
consideration when toxic or expensive fluids are involved. Ease of servicing, low
maintenance cost, and safety and reliability are some other important considerations in
the selection process. Quietness is one of the primary considerations in the selection of
liquid-to-air heat exchangers used in heating and air-conditioning applications.70
the output heat no longer needed then it can be recycled rather than to come from an
external source as heat is basically recycled. When used in industries and in the home, it
can serve to lower energy costs as it helps recover wasted heat and recycle it for heating
in another process. Typically, most heat exchangers use fluid to store heat and heat
transfer can take the form of either absorption or dissipation.
For instance, heat exchangers are used as oil coolers, transmission and engine coolers,
boiler coolers, waste water heat recovery, condensers and evaporators in refrigeration
systems. In residential homes, heat exchangers are used for floor heating, pool heating,
snow and ice melting, domestic water heater, central, solar and geothermal heating. Of
course, heat exchangers have different designs which depend on the purpose it is intended
for. Brazed heat exchangers, a collection of plates which are brazed together, are used for
hydraulic systems like swimming pools, floor heating, snow and ice melting. The shell
and coil heat exchanger design is best for areas with limited spaces as it can be installed
vertically. Of course, for the highly industrial process, the shell and tube heat exchanger
is the perfect solution.
The double-pipe heat exchanger that is to be made and used in experimentation describes
the setup of double-pipe heat exchanger. Fluid from the tank is first heated in water
chamber by thyristor controlled heater and this water is cooled by the cooling-water in
single passes. Once cooled the fluid is then returned to the tank.
The flow of the fluids in the double-pipe heat exchanger is counter flow. Mixed flow
cannot be used in double-pipe heat exchanger. Parallel flow has not been used in this case
because we know from our previous knowledge that counter flow heat exchangers give
the best results, i.e. they have higher heat transfer rates than other types.
There are four RTDs that record temperatures at 4 different points that can be seen in the
following figure. The first records the temperature of the cold water at the inlet, the
second records the process fluid temperature after heating, the third records the
temperature after cooling with the water, and the fourth records the cooling-water
temperature at the outlet. There is a control valve that controls the hot water inlet and the
cooling-water inlet. There are gate valves that also need to be opened before the process.
The flow rate of water can be measured with the help of a measuring flask. The water
from the outlet of the concerned pipe is to be taken in a measuring flask for a particular
period of time (in seconds). The water level in the measuring flask and the time is to be
noted. The ratio of the amount of water collected in the measuring flask to the time taken
would give the flow rate of water in the concerned pipe, i.e. inner or outer pipe.
The following is a list of all pieces of equipment and their specifications for
the double-pipe heat exchanger.-
1) Pump
Manufactured by: KIRLOSKAR
Model: AQUAMAST (TINY 180)
Material of Construction:
Impeller: H.T. Brass
Casings: Bronze
Shaft: Stainless Steel
Motor Body: Aluminium
Technical Specification:
Head-(3-24) metres
Capacity-(2000-300) LPH
Power rating-up to 180kw (.25 HP)
Voltage rating-180-220 volt
2) Double-Pipe Heat Exchanger
Material: inner pipe: aluminium
Outer pipe: PVC pipe
Length: 6 ft
Inside Pipe Diameter: 15mm
Outside Pipe Diameter: 30mm
3) Structure:
Material: mild steel (angle section)
Height-3.5 ft.
Breadth-1.5 ft
Length-6 ft.
4) Water sump:
Capacity-10 litres.
Material- Tin
5) Flow measuring device:
Measuring cylinder: 500ml.
Stop watch
6) Valves:
Control valves, gate valves and others.
This is a power circuit. This was made to convert A.C. power source to a D.C. power
source of 5 volts to be supplied to the LCD display for displaying the temperature sensed
by the RTDs.
The components used for this circuit are as follows:1. Vero board It is the base on which the circuit is to be made.
2. One 230 - 12 volt transformer of 500 mA capacity It is used to step down the
AC voltage from 230 volts to 12 volts.
3. One bridge rectifier of 1 A rating
One bridge rectifier of 1 A rating A rectifier is an electrical device that converts
alternating current (AC), which periodically reverses direction, to direct current (DC),
which flows in only one direction. The process is known as rectification. Physically,
rectifiers take a number of forms, including vacuum tube diodes, mercury-arc valves,
solid-state diodes, silicon-controlled rectifiers and other silicon-based semiconductor
Half-wave rectification
In half wave rectification of a single-phase supply, either the positive or negative half of
the AC wave is passed, while the other half is blocked. Because only one half of the input
waveform reaches the output, mean voltage is lower. Half-wave rectification requires a
single diode in a single phase-supply. Rectifiers yield a unidirectional but pulsating direct
Full-wave rectification
A full-wave rectifier converts the whole of the input waveform to one of constant polarity
(positive or negative) at its output. Full-wave rectification converts both polarities of the
input waveform to DC (direct current), and yields a higher mean output voltage. Two
diodes and a center tapped transformer, or four diodes in a bridge configuration and any
AC source (including a transformer without center tap), are needed. Single
semiconductor diodes, double diodes with common cathode or common anode, and fourdiode bridges, are manufactured as single components.
Capacitors And Ripple Effect:- The most common meaning of ripple in electrical
science is the small unwanted residual periodic variation of the direct current (dc)
output of a power supply which has been derived from an alternating current (ac)
source. This ripple is due to incomplete suppression of the alternating waveform
within the power supply.
The smoothing capacitor converts the full-wave rippled output of the rectifier (which
is left over AC signal) into a smooth DC output voltage.
A smoothing capacitor after either a half-wave or full-wave rectifier will be charged
up to the peak of the rectified a.c.
Between peaks of the a.c. the stored voltage will drop by a degree dependent on how
much current is drawn from it by the load. The larger the value of the capacitor, the
less drop there will be, and therefore less ripple when loaded.
the component name is the voltage the component gives at the output. Thus in this
case we get a voltage of 5 volts.
The 78xx (sometimes LM78xx) is a family of self-contained fixed linear voltage
regulator integrated circuits. The 78xx family is commonly used in electronic
circuits requiring a regulated power supply due to their ease-of-use and low cost.
For ICs within the family, the xx is replaced with two digits, indicating the output
voltage (for example, the 7805 has a 5 volt output, while the 7812 produces 12
volts). The 78xx line are positive voltage regulators: they produce a voltage that is
positive relative to a common ground. There is a related line of 79xx devices
which are complementary negative voltage regulators. 78xx and 79xx ICs can be
used in combination to provide positive and negative supply voltages in the same
78xx ICs have three terminals and are commonly found in the TO220 form factor,
although smaller surface-mount and larger TO3 packages are available. These
devices support an input voltage anywhere from a couple of volts over the
intended output voltage, up to a maximum of 35 to 40 volts depending on the
make, and typically provide 1 or 1.5 amperes of current (though smaller or larger
packages may have a lower or higher current rating).
78xx series ICs do not require additional components to provide a constant,
regulated source of power, making them easy to use, as well as economical and
efficient uses of space. Other voltage regulators may require additional
components to set the output voltage level, or to assist in the regulation process.
Some other designs (such as a switched-mode power supply) may need
substantial engineering expertise to implement.
78xx series ICs have built-in protection against a circuit drawing too much power.
They have protection against overheating and short-circuits, making them quite
robust in most applications. In some cases, the current-limiting features of the
78xx devices can provide protection not only for the 78xx itself, but also for other
parts of the circuit.
6. Six 2 pin RMC It has a male and a female and is used to connect power the
circuit to the transformer.
7. Twelve 3 pin RMC Same as above, but has an additional ground connection.
8. A soldering kit was required to solder the above components to the vero board.
9. A multi-meter to measure the voltage difference at various points on the circuit as
well as to measure the voltage at the output.
10. The measured output voltage of the circuit has been found out to be 5.0391 volts.