MK GMB 07 Wettability Cap Pressure Saturation

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Wettability &
Capillary Pressure
EBS 2014

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Further Readings
Glover, P.W.J., Introduction to Petrophysics and

Formation Evaluation, Dpartement de Gologie et de

Gologique Universit Laval CANADA; an MSc Course
Notes. Chapter 4
Doddy Abdasah, Basic Reservoir Enginering, ITB,

Chapter 2
Adams, S.J. and R.J. van den Oord, 1993, Capillary

Pressure and Saturation Height Functions, Shell Internal

Document, Chapter 2
Mayer-Grr, A., 1976, Petroleum Engineering , pp 33 - 46
Satter, A . et al, 2008, Practical Enhanced Reservoir

Engineering pp 47 - 62

Important Quote to Remember

HC Trapping
Basic concepts of accumulation / trapping

space initially filled 100% with water


migrate up dip into traps


distributed by capillary pressure

and gravity different (buoyancy force)


water saturation remains in the

hydrocarbon zones (Irreducible Water Saturation
- Swi)

Video Migrating and Trapping

Oil n Gas Traps

Petroleum Reservoir

HC migrated into reservoir until an impermeable rock (seal)

stopped the migration

Fluid Saturations
Basic concepts of accumulation

Pore space initially filled 100% with water

Hydrocarbon migrate up dip into traps

Hydrocarbons distributed by capillary pressure and gravity

Connate water saturation remains in the hydrocarbon zones

(Irreducible Water Saturation - Swi)

Oil and gas migrates into reservoir

Water Saturation (Sw) decreasing
Oil Saturation (So) increasing
Gas Saturation (Sg) increasing
Sw + So + Sg = 100%

Fluid Saturations
Amount of oil per unit volume = (1 Sw) = So

Note: Matrix = solids

Relative adhesion of two fluids to a solid surface

In porous medium containing two or more immiscible

fluids, wettability is a measure of the preferential
tendency of one of the fluids to wet, spread or
adhere to the surface
In a water-wet brine-oil-rock system, water will
occupy the smaller pores and wet the major portion
of the surfaces in the larger pores
In areas of high oil saturation, the oil rests on a film
of water spread over the grain surface

Contact Angle; small angle = wet

Fluid A attracted to the solid molecules more than Fluid B =

Fluid A is wetting
Fluid A displaces most of Fluid B from the surface
Not all of Fluid B removed from the surface

Wettability in Reservoir
Water / Oil System Water is often the

wetting fluid
Water / Gas System Water is always the

wetting fluid
Oil / Gas System Oil is the wetting fluid

Contact Angle and Capillary Pressure

Water / Gas system Water is the wetting fluid
Water inside the tube raised due to capillary pressure
h is a function of R (size of the tube)



Smaller tube higher Pcap

Cap Pressure spontaneously draws fluid into the tube

Gas / Water System

Tube filled with gas
Water (wetting) is introduced at other end of the tube
Capillary pressure will spontaneously draw the water

Capillary Pressure Implications in Nature

In the source rock when oil and gas are formed

from kerogen, water will push the oil and gas

mixtures out of the micropores to migrate out of the
source rock (Primary Migration)
Gas reservoir with water drive water easily

encroach to the well bore (water coning)

Oil migrated into reservoir forced by buoyancy

Buoyancy generates pressure (displacement pressure)

against the capillary pressure

Macropores more oil

Micropores less oil
When HC migrating into
HC can easily enter
larger pore size
HC can not enter
smaller pore size due to
capillary pressure

Cap Pressure Data from Lab

Applying small pressure
Sw remains 100%
Sw starts to decrease at
a certain entry pressure
(displacement pressure)
Displacement pressure


Sw continue to
decrease progressively
at higher cap pressure
At a certain point with
increasing pressure
Sw reach a plateau
(Swi Irreducible Water

Reservoir Heterogenity

Capillary Pressure Effect Seen from Logs



Drainage and Imbibition

Drainage is the
displacement of the wetting
fluid (water) by a nonwetting fluid (oil)
Notice that water
saturation never goes to
Imbibition is the
displacement of nonwetting fluid by a wetting
Notice that oil saturation
never goes to zero

Implication of Drainage and Imbibition

HC Trapping:

is always small percentages of water in

the pore spaces regardless of displacement
pressure (HC Column Height)

HC Production:

production there is always oil/gas remaining

in the pore spaces regardless of production
methods applied

The Role of Rock Texture



Rock heterogeneity makes OWC does

not seem to be flat

Video Summary of this Lesson

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