Network Management System: Simple Solution
Network Management System: Simple Solution
Network Management System: Simple Solution
Hema A Murthy
Managed object
Agent Manager
Management station
NW Dependent- NW Dependent
Network or the
Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Computer Networks Prof. Hema A Murthy
SNMP (contd.)
Trap - Notification sent to manager
When an agent notices peculiar problem notifies manager
Example: reboot,
link up/ down – maintained in the device MIB and event
reported to manager – TRAP
get – Enables manager to retrieve inform of object at agent
SNMP (contd.)
Proxy agents: SNMP based NMS assume SNMP agent is running
on all NEs
Older devices – do not support SNMP
- Support proxy agent, who communicates with manager on
behalf of a device
SNMP (contd.)
• Heart of SNMP:
– Objects managed by agent – read and written by
management statio
– Objects defined in a vendor neutral way
– BER – basic encoding rules for sending over a
• Objects represented in ASN-1
– DDL: ISO 8824
– BER: ISO 8825
– Data = <type, value>
Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Computer Networks Prof. Hema A Murthy
SNMP (contd.)
Basic Data types allowed in SNMP:
INTEGER: arbit length – Integer
BITSTRING: A string of 0 or more bits
OCTETSTRING: A string of 0 or more unsigned bytes
NULL: A place holder
OBJECTIDENTIFIER: An officially defined type
Count INTEGER ::= 100
STATUS ::= INTEGER {up(I), down(Z), unknown(I)}
OBJECTIDENTIFIER: Provides ways of identifying object
- A standard tree, every object is placed at a unique place in the
Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Computer Networks Prof. Hema A Murthy
SNMP (contd.)
Every object in every standard represented by an OID
Construction of new type from basic types:
SEQUENCE – ordered list of type – structure in C
SEQUENCE of - a 1–D array of a single type
Tagging: Creating new types by tagging old ones
Count 32 ::= [APPLICATION 1] INTEGER( 0….. 232 – 1)
Gauge32 ::= [APPLICATION 2] INTEGER( 0….. 232 – 1)
Tags: 4 types
Universal, application wide, context specific and private
ASN 1 Transfer Syntax:
- Define how values of ASN 1 types can be unambiguously
converted to a sequence of bytes for transmission
Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Computer Networks Prof. Hema A Murthy
SNMP (contd.)
SNMP (contd.)
SNMP message format:
2 1 5
00 0/1
Value of tag
00 – Universal
01 – application wide each standard
10 – limited use in a standard context – specific
11 – not defined by only standard - private
Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Computer Networks Prof. Hema A Murthy
SNMP (contd.)
Example: 285 10
Machine x: 0000 0001 0001 1101
Machine y:1011 1000 1000 0000, 0000 0000, 0000 0000
ASN 1:
0000 0001 0000 0010 0000 0000
Integer LEN = 2 1 X 256 1 + 0001 1101
25 x 256 0
Example: Macro – Object – Type
Macro four parameter:
lostPackets OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter 32 -32 bit counter
MAX-ACCESS Read-only – Cannot be changed by management
Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Computer Networks Prof. Hema A Murthy
SNMP (contd.)
STATUS current
- Conform with current SNMP
(Obsolete, deprecated, current)
DESCRIPRTION ::= { experimental 20}
position in tree
Representation of Internet object:
000 00110 0000 0011 00101 011 00000110 00000
OID 3 bytes 40a+b 6 1
SNMP (contd.)
Structures of Management information:
•Define SNMP DS
•Lowest level SNMP variable as defined as individual objects
•Related objects collected together into groups
•Groups collected together as new rules
•Uses macro to define new types
•macro notation
•macro definition
•macro instance
Combining a macro to include any such pair
Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Computer Networks Prof. Hema A Murthy
Agents and management station exchange PDUs
Get, Get Next
Get Response
Agent Trap
Cut Bulk
Common Req ID Error
string PDUType
version Status
Error N1 V1 N2 V2
N# - Name, V#- value
Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Computer Networks Prof. Hema A Murthy