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Original Article

Response of the maxillary dentition to a statically determinate one-couple

system with tip-back mechanics:
A prospective clinical trial
Nandakumar Janakiramana; Pawandeep Gillb; Madhur Upadhyayc; Ravindra Nandad; Flavio Uribee
Objective: To quantify the effects of tip-back mechanics on the maxillary first molars and incisors.
Materials and Methods: Sixteen subjects with Class II end-on malocclusion were treated with an
intrusion arch to achieve distalization of the maxillary molar through tip-back mechanics. Lateral
cephalograms were taken prior to molar tip-back (T1), after molar tip-back (T2), and after molar
root uprighting (T3). Data were analyzed using the Friedmans and Wilcoxon signed rank tests to
evaluate differences in time points (P # .016).
Results: The maxillary first molar distalized 1.53 mm (P 5 .001) with 6.65u (P 5 .001) of distal
tipping and 0.86 mm (P 5 .001) of extrusion at T2. Minor relapse of the first molar (mesial direction)
was seen at T3. The maxillary incisors flared labially 0.4 mm, and the incisor root apex moved
palatally 1.19 mm (P 5 .005) at T2. At T3, the incisor root apex moved palatally 1.5 mm (P 5 .003)
from T1. An angular change from T1 of 3.31u (P 5 .008) and 3.53u (P 5 .014) was seen at T2 and
T3, respectively, as a result of palatal root movement of the maxillary incisors.
Conclusions: A significant amount of distalization of maxillary molars was attained at the crown
level with tip-back mechanics. Palatal root angulation change was significant in the incisors with
minimal anteroposterior movement of the incisal edge. (Angle Orthod. 0000;0:18.)
KEY WORDS: Tip-back mechanics; 1 couple force system; Intrusion arch; Distalization


anterior anchorage loss by delivering an intrusive force

instead of a mesial force to the anterior teeth while
distalizing the maxillary molars.1 This approach was
introduced by Romeo and Burstone2 for the correction
of second-order inclinations of a single molar or group
of posterior teeth and also described as an option for
the correction of Class II subdivision malocclusions.3 It
has been reported that 2- to 3-mm of arch length can
be gained with tip-back mechanics.2,4 Since its introduction, tip-back mechanics have been modified
both in its applications and types of arch wire used.
Nanda et al.1 introduced the Connecticut Intrusion Arch
for the correction of deep bites and Class II malocclusions. Simultaneous intrusion of the maxillary incisors
and tip-back of the maxillary molars was described in
Class II deep bite subjects. Headgear was advocated
to upright the maxillary molars after tip-back.
Instead of headgear, which heavily relies on patients
compliance, root uprighting of the maxillary molars may
be achieved by sequentially increasing the dimension
and stiffness of the arch wires inserted into the molar
tube while the intrusion arch remains actively attached.
At the same time, the additional arch length gained after
tip-back is maintained during the retraction of the

Tip-back mechanics are an alternative to the

conventional approach of maxillary molar intra-arch
distalization for Class II correction. The advantage of
this approach is that it circumvents the problem of
Clinical Assistant Professor, Division of Orthodontics, University of Connecticut, School of Dental Medicine, Farmington, Conn.
Private practice, Tulare, Calif.
Assistant Professor, Director Orthodontic Fellowship Program, Division of Orthodontics, University of Connecticut, School
of Dental Medicine, Farmington, Conn.
Professor and Head, Department of Craniofacial Sciences,
Alumni Endowed Chair, School of Dental Medicine, University of
Connecticut, Farmington, Conn.
Associate Professor, Graduate Program Director, Charles
Burstone Professor, Division of Orthodontics, University of
Connecticut, School of Dental Medicine, Farmington, Conn.
Corresponding author: Dr Nandakumar Janakiraman, Division
of Orthodontics, University of Connecticut Health Center, 263
Farmington Avenue, Farmington, CT 06030
(e-mail: Janakiraman@uchc.edu)

Accepted: March 2015. Submitted: January 2015.

Published Online: May 15, 2015
G 0000 by The EH Angle Education and Research Foundation,
DOI: 10.2319/012815-68.1

Angle Orthodontist, Vol 0, No 0, 0000

anterior teeth with the aid of Class II elastics. In patients
in whom molar distalization is planned but incisor
intrusion is undesired, a larger anchorage unit is used.1
Specifically, to minimize the side effects of the intrusive
force from the intrusion arch, the maxillary canines, first
premolars, and second premolars are added to the
maxillary incisor segment.
Although tip-back mechanics have anecdotally been
reported as a treatment alternative for the correction of
Class II malocclusions,1 limited evidence is available
regarding the magnitude of molar distalization that may
be achieved. In addition, the effect of a large anterior
anchorage unit (from second premolar to the contralateral second premolar) in minimizing the anterior
intrusive force is largely unknown. Hence, the purpose
of this prospective clinical trial was to measure the
amount of distalization of the maxillary first molars and
the effects on the maxillary incisors and the large
anterior anchorage unit with tip-back mechanics.
Ethical approval from the Institutional review board
(No. 11-016-1) of the University of Connecticut, School
of Dental Medicine, was obtained for this prospective
study. STROBE (STrengthening the Reporting of
OBservational studies in Epidemiology) statement
guidelines for observational studies were followed.
The clinical trial was conducted at the University of
Connecticut orthodontic clinic from November 2010 to
June 2014. The sample size of 17 subjects was
determined after a power analysis based on the mean
distalization values derived from a previous pilot study
evaluating tip-back mechanics.5 To account for an
attrition rate of 15%, the overall recruitment goal was
20 subjects. A total of 19 subjects were recruited
based on the following inclusion criteria: (1) Angle
Class II end on molar relationship bilaterally, (2)
nonextraction treatment plan, and (3) 1114 years of
age. The exclusion criteria were (1) presence of any
primary teeth, (2) missing or malformed permanent
teeth (except third molars), and (3) failure to provide
oral and written consent to be included in the research.
Patients were recruited prior to placing maxillary
bonded appliances and received a leveling and
alignment phase before the first lateral cephalogram
that was part of the study (T1) was acquired.
From the recruited 19 patients, two patients were
excluded from the study since one molar had corrected to
Class I relationship at the time that tip-back was supposed
to be implemented (T1). Subsequently, during data
analysis, the lateral cephalogram of one subject was
distorted and had to be excluded. Data analysis was
performed on 16 subjects (seven male and nine female)
with mean age of 12.63 6 1.1 years.
Angle Orthodontist, Vol 0, No 0, 0000


Figure 1. The intrusion arch exerts an intrusive force (f) on the

anterior segment, extrusive force on the molar and clockwise
moment of a couple (Mc). Counterclockwise moment of a force
(Mf) is generated on the anterior anchorage unit as the intrusive force
was anterior to the center of resistance of the anchorage unit.

Tip-Back Mechanics and Guidelines

Patients were bonded in the maxilla with 0.022inch self-ligating Carriere brackets (ClassOne Orthodontics, Carsbad, Calif), leveled and aligned until
a 0.016 3 0.022-inch stainless-steel arch wire was
placed. Tooth-positioning jigs were placed in the
auxiliary tubes of the first maxillary molars during
the pretip-back lateral cephalogram (T1). Maxillary
first molars were cut off the 0.016 3 0.022-inch
stainless-steel arch wire, leaving an anterior segment that included second premolar to the contralateral second premolar. However, five patients had
blocked out or ectopically erupting canines; the
anchorage unit included all premolars posteriorly
and all incisors anteriorly bypassing the canines. A
prefabricated 0.017 3 0.025-inch Connecticut intrusion arch (Ultimate Wireforms Inc, Bristol, Conn)
was placed in the maxillary first molar tubes and
tied anteriorly over all four maxillary incisor brackets, resulting in one-couple force system. The
position of the V-bend was 35 mm mesial to the
maxillary molars. The Connecticut intrusion arch
was made of nickel titanium with a V bend
calibrated to deliver an intrusive force of approximately 4060 g.1 A clockwise moment of approximately 8001200 gmm is generated on the maxillary
molars for tip-back based on the average distance
of the molar to the point of attachment on the lateral
incisors (Figures 1 and 2a).
Molar tip-back was completed when the Class I
molar relationship was achieved clinically or when no
additional tip-back of the molar was observed in two
consecutive follow-up visits. This time point was
determined by the study coordinator. At this point,


molar tip-back while the main arch wire uprighted the

root. In addition, Class II elastics were used to retract
the upper anterior teeth (Figure 2b). After 4 weeks,
a 0.017 3 0.025-inch beta titanium arch wire was
placed for 4 weeks, and later, a 0.017 3 0.025-inch
stainless-steel arch wire was inserted and maintained
for 46 weeks, when a third lateral cephalometric
radiograph (T3) was taken.
Lateral Cephalometric Analysis

Figure 2. (a) Intraoral photographs at that start of study intervention

(T1). (b) Photographs after completion of molar tip-back (T2).

a second lateral cephalometric radiograph (T2) was

taken. During this same visit, a 0.017 3 0.025-inch
nickel-titanium arch wire was placed from the maxillary
first molar to the contralateral first molar, and the
intrusion arch was maintained. The rationale to
continue using the intrusion arch was to maintain the

To distinguish between the right and left maxillary

molars, tooth-positioning jigs (0.017 3 0.025-inch
stainless steel) were placed in the molar auxiliary
tubes during the acquisition of the lateral cephalograms at T1, T2, and T3 (Figure 3ac). The jigs were
bent at a 90u angle to the slot; the left jig was 10 mm in
height and bent mesially, whereas the right jig was 5
mm in height and bent distally. The anteroposterior
and vertical measurements of the maxillary molars on
the lateral cephalogram were registered at the jigs
insertion site on the molar auxiliary tube.6
To evaluate the maxillary dental changes, all of the
radiographs were hand traced and superimposed from
the described three time points.6 The maxillary superimpositions were performed on the internal palatal
surfaces of the maxilla. After tracing the maxilla and
teeth at T1, an x-axis was drawn by connecting the
anterior nasal spine (ANS) and posterior nasal spine
(PNS; Figure 4a,b). A y-axis was derived by drawing
a line perpendicular to the x-axis, passing through sella
turcica. After tracing maxillary structures at T2 and T3,
the x-y coordinate system was transferred from T1 to
T2 and T3 tracings while superimposing on the best fit
of internal palatal surfaces of the maxilla. The linear

Figure 3. (ac) Lateral cephalometric radiographs before molar tip-back (T1), after molar tip-back (T2), and after molar uprighting (T3).
Angle Orthodontist, Vol 0, No 0, 0000


Figure 4. (a, b) Measurements on regional superimposition of maxilla. X: Horizontal reference line passing from ANS to PNS. Y: Vertical
reference line perpendicular to X passing through sella. (a) Vertical and angular measurements: 1. distance of UI tip to X; 2. distance of UI
centroid to X; 3. distance of UI apex to X; 4. angulation of UI to X; 5. angulations of upper molars to X; 6. distance of upper molars to X. (b) Anteroposterior measurements: 1. distance of UI tip to Y; 2. distance of UR6 and UL6 to Y; 3. distance of UI centroid to Y; 4. distance of UI apex to Y.

and angular measurements for evaluating the molar

and incisor changes are summarized in Figure 4a,b.
Vertical and anteroposterior maxillary incisor changes
were measured from the root apex, incisal edge, and
centroid point. The centroid point was a constructed
point 15 mm from the incisal edge along the long axis
of the maxillary incisor. For the maxillary molars, the
linear and vertical measurements were performed with
the aid of tooth-positioning jigs measured at the
entrance of molar tubes for both sides. The angular
change of both molars was measured by drawing a line
along the tooth-positioning jig extending to the x-axis.
The average of linear, vertical, and angular changes of
right and left molars was taken and statistical analysis
Statistical Analysis
Statistical analysis was performed using the SPSS
software, version 17.0 (IBM Corporation, Armonk, NY).
A reliability analysis was done by retracing all the
radiographs by a single evaluator with a 4-week
interval between tracings. The Shapiro-Wilk test for
normality was conducted, and data were normally
distributed. However, as the sample size was less than
30, Friedmans tests were performed to determine
whether there were significant changes between time
points. Wilcoxon signed-rank test was conducted
to distinguish where the differences were present
among the evaluated variables. Bonferroni correction
Angle Orthodontist, Vol 0, No 0, 0000

was performed to control the inflation of type I error

(a 5 .05/3), and P value of #.016 was considered
statistically significant.
Reliability analysis (intraclass correlation coefficient;
ICC) indicated good reliability as the ICC Cronbachs
alpha ranged from .94 to .99 (Table 1). Table 2
displays the summary statistics of all variables
examined in this study. Significant differences were
evident anteroposteriorly for molar tip-back, incisor
apex, and molar and incisor angular changes at T2 and
T3 with reference to T1. Vertically, significant differences were observed in molar extrusion, centroid point
of maxillary incisor at T2 and T3, and for incisal edge of
maxillary incisor at T2 with reference to T1. The mean
treatment time for molar tip-back phase was 5 6 1.63
months (T2T1) and molar uprighting phase (T3T2)
was 3.22 6 0.77 months.
Maxillary Molar Changes
Distalization of 1.53 6 0.65 mm with 6.65u 6 5.6u of
distal crown tipping was attained at T2. At T3, 0.1 6
0.7 mm of distalization was lost as the molar tipped
mesially by 1.84u 6 5.87u. Vertically, 0.86 6 0.49 mm
of molar extrusion was observed at T2 and 0.12 6 0.58
mm of molar extrusion was lost at T3.


Table 1. Intrarater Reliability: Intraclass Correlation Coefficient

Cronbachs Alpha


Cronbachs Alpha

Incisor apex (AP) T1

Incisor apex (AP) T2
Incisor apex (AP) T3
Incisal point (AP) T1
Incisal point (AP) T2
Incisal point (AP) T3
Centroid (AP) T1
Centroid (AP) T2
Centroid (AP) T3
Apex (V) T1
Apex (V) T2
Apex (V) T3
Incisal point (V) T1
Incisal point (V) T2
Incisal point (V) T3
Centroid (V) T1
Centroid (V) T2
Centroid (V) T3


Angular change of incisor T1

Angular change of incisor T2
Angular change of incisor T3
Molar tip-back (AP) T1 right
Molar tip-back (AP) T2 right
Molar tip-back (AP) T3 right
Molar tip-back (AP) T1 left
Molar tip-back (AP) T2 left
Molar tip-back (AP) T3 left
Angular change molar T1 R
Angular change molar T2 R
Angular change molar T3 R
Angular change molar T1 L
Angular change molar T2 L
Angular change molar T3 L
Molar extrusion T1
Molar extrusion T2
Molar extrusion T3


Maxillary Incisor Changes

The incisor root apex moved palatally by 1.19 6
1.31 mm at T2 and moved further palatally to 1.5 6
1.67 mm at T3. A minor anterior movement of the
incisal edge at T2 returned to pretreatment position at
T3. Palatal root torque was expressed in the maxillary
incisors with an angular change from T1 of 3.31u 6
3.79u at T2 and 3.53u 6 5.31u at T3. Vertically, the
incisal edge intruded by 0.97 6 1 mm at T2, but
the incisal edge extruded by 0.56 6 0.85 mm at T3.
The centroid point intruded by 0.78 6 0.87 mm at T2,
with 0.63 6 0.82 mm of intrusion lost at the end of the
uprighting phase (T3). The maxillary incisor apex
intruded by 0.46 6 0.76 mm after the tip-back phase
(T2), and 0.31 6 0.89 mm of intrusion was lost at T3.
The main objective of this study was to quantify the
amount of maxillary molar distalization obtained with
tip-back mechanics. The magnitude of distalization in
our study was slightly less when compared with other
buccal distalization methods7,8 as reported in a recent
systematic review.9 Specifically, they found after
analyzing numerous types of buccal distalization
devices an average 2.6 mm of distal molar movement
and 8.3u of angular change. However, very few studies
have evaluated the relapse of the molar movement
after distalization. Angelieri et al.10 reported 2.2 mm of
molar distalization with pendulum appliance, but 1.1
mm of molar distalization was lost during the aligning
and leveling phase after distalization. On the other
hand, with tip-back mechanics, 1.43 mm of molar
distalization was maintained at the end of the molar
root uprighting phase. In the vertical dimension, tipback mechanics were extrusive, and the amount of

molar extrusion was comparable with other distalization appliances.9

Anchorage loss of the maxillary premolar and
incisors has been the major drawback with most
distalization appliances. A recent systematic review
reported that the incisors flare labially by 1.8 mm with
an angular change of 3.6u.9 The angular change of the
incisors obtained in this study was similar to other
studies, but the linear anterior displacement was
minimal. The change in incisor angulation could be
due to expression of palatal root torque of the maxillary
incisors, whereas in the other studies, it was due to
incisor flaring. In the vertical plane, transient intrusion
of maxillary incisors was seen between T1 and T2, but
most of the incisor intrusion relapsed at T3. On the
other hand, maxillary incisor extrusion of 0.4 mm has
been reported with distalization appliances.9
The results of the study suggest that the large
anterior anchorage unit connected by a 0.016 3 0.022inch stainless-steel arch wire may have successfully
minimized anterior and vertical movement of the
maxillary incisors. The maxillary first molar was
minimally distalized without side effects on the anterior
anchorage units, a finding that is not seen with other
intra-arch distalization appliances. Based on the
results of the study, tip-back mechanics appear
marginally effective in the correction of an end-on
Class II malocclusion.
To further describe the type of tooth movement
achieved, we determined the center of rotation based
on the linear and angular displacement of the maxillary
first molars, as described by Baumrind et al.11 The
center of rotation of the first molars was found 4 mm
apical to the center of resistance (near the trifurcation
of maxillary molar) resulting in distal crown and mesial
root tipping. Based on this finding, distalization of
Angle Orthodontist, Vol 0, No 0, 0000


Table 2. Mean Values With Standard Deviations and 95% Confidence Intervals (CI) of Variables at T1, T2, and T3 Achieved With Tip-Back
Mechanics With Mean Differencesa

6 AP (mm)
6 V (mm)
6 angular change (u)
1 apex AP (mm)
1 centroid AP (mm)
1 incisal edge AP (mm)
1 apex V (mm)
1 centroid V (mm)
1 incisal edge V (mm)
1 angular change (u)

Mean (SD)

Mean (SD)

Mean (SD)

Mean (SD)



maxillary molar with tip-back mechanics is not an

effective method for gaining arch length to address
crowding or overjet reduction. Tip-back mechanics
may be indicated for uprighting tipped molars or
a group of posterior teeth as originally described by
Romeo and Burstone.2
Palatal root torque of maxillary incisors without
anterior displacement of the maxillary incisor crowns
was found in this study. Incisor third-order torque is
least effectively attained with preadjusted edgewise
appliances.12 In straight-wire mechanics, arch wire
torsion of 22u35u on a 0.019 3 0.022-inch stainlesssteel wire is recommended to produce an effective
torque moment of 520 Nmm.13
Isaacson et al.12 described the mechanics of
achieving incisor torque either through the moment
of a couple or the moment of a force. Since the
intrusive force at the incisor bracket is not directed
through the center of resistance of this anterior
segment, a moment of the force is generated. Van
Steenbergen et al.14 found 8u9u of axial inclination
change of the maxillary incisors with an intrusion arch
when the anterior unit consisted only of the four
anterior teeth. In our study, the magnitude of the
moment of the force was likely higher since all teeth
anterior to the first molars were included. Interestingly, we found that the amount of incisal inclination
change was only 3.31u, suggesting that the large
anterior segment of 10 teeth successfully prevented
the labial movement of the incisor crowns; however,
palatal root displacement as a result of the moment of
the force was still expressed on the incisors roots.
Angle Orthodontist, Vol 0, No 0, 0000

95% CI


P Value































This finding is of interest; perhaps the cross-section of

the wire in the anchorage unit may contribute to the
changes observed in the incisors. Further in vitro
studies are recommended to determine the threedimensional forces and moments generated with tipback mechanics to understand the biologic response,
which can aid the clinician to predictably achieve
incisor third-order corrections.
Some of the limitations of this lateral cephalometric
study are inherent to 2D imaging such as errors in
magnification, projection, landmark identification,15
and superimposition.11 To minimize the errors in
landmark identification, tooth-positioning jigs were
used to accurately locate the right and left maxillary
molars. The lateral cephalograms were taken with the
same cephalostat to minimize error due to the
magnification. Although the head orientation was
standardized while exposing the radiographs, minor
projection errors were unavoidable, and the study
results should be interpreted taking this factor into
account. Another drawback with the study was a single
rater measuring the radiographs twice; however, the
reliability of the double measurements was very high,
suggesting accuracy of the measurements. Despite
these shortcomings, this prospective study provides
evidence regarding the amount of molar distalization
and type of molar movement attained with tip-back
N Tip-back mechanics distalized the maxillary first
molars by 1.53 mm, and the type of tooth movement


Table 2. (Continued)
95% CI
T3T2 Mean (SD)


95% CI
P Value

T3T1 Mean (SD)

































P Value
































LB indicates lower bound; UB, upper bound; AP, anteroposterior; V, vertical; 6, maxillary first molar; 1, maxillary central incisors.
* P # .016 significant.

obtained was uncontrolled tipping with distal crown

and mesial root movement. Slight mesial movement
of the molar crown was observed during the
uprighting phase. Based on the magnitude and type
of movement obtained, tip-back mechanics may not
be an effective method of distalization.
N No unwarranted maxillary incisor flaring or intrusion
was observed.
N Expression of palatal root torque on maxillary
incisors was a significant finding with tip-back
We thank Ultimate Wireforms Inc for providing the Connecticut
intrusion arch wires (0.017 3 0.025-inch) for the study. Also, we
thank Dr Achint Utreja for his statistical support.

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Angle Orthodontist, Vol 0, No 0, 0000

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