Reforming The FLorida Bar by David Arthur Walters
Reforming The FLorida Bar by David Arthur Walters
Reforming The FLorida Bar by David Arthur Walters
As for my request for information about the law firm on the other side
of the apparent collusion, Greenberg Traurig, a firm that in fact
represents The Florida Bar, I was informed by the Bar that it could not
look into that matter because the Bar does not regulate law firms.
And neither were Mr. Marvin nor the Chief Justice of the Florida
Supreme Court interested in my constructive suggestion for improving
the transparency of the Bar. Its current policy allows it to keep the fact
of pending actions under wrap, then dismiss them at its discretion, and
destroy all records, including the record that there even was a record,
without the public being made aware of what transpired – thus the Bar
is unaccountable for its own behavior. This was my suggestion:
Best Regards,
cc Kristen Pesicek
Legislative Aide