Crayfish Dissection

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The External Anatomy of the Crayfish

Title a section of your lab notebook Crayfish Dissection. As you examine the external
anatomy of a crayfish, complete the bolded questions in your lab notebook.
Remember to use complete sentences!

The Head:

Place the crayfish ventral side up so the mouthparts can be observed.

Locate the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd maxillipeds. These appendages are used for
manipulating food. (The 3rd maxilliped is the largest and topmost one, the 2nd is
underneath, and the 1st is underneath the 2nd)
Locate the mandible which lies underneath the maxillipeds. This structure should be
hard and difficult to move. The mandible of arthropods opens differently than the
jaws of humans.
1. Describe the difference.

Locate the two large antennae and the smaller antennules that branch from the
base. The antennae are sense organs (touch, taste, equilibrium)
Locate the eyes, which extend from two stalks called pedicles.

The Body

The body of the crayfish consists of a fused head and thorax: the cephalothorax.
The cephalothorax is covered by a thick armor called a carapace. Extending from
the carapace is a pointy structure called the rostrum. Locate the cephalothorax and
The abdomen of the crayfish is segmented and flexible. Bend the abdomen back
and forth and observe how each segment moves.

2. Count the number of segments on the abdomen. Hint: bending it will show you
were the segments are separated. How many segments are on your crayfish?
3. Compare this number to other crayfish, are they all the same?

The Appendages

Locate the chelipeds (the claws). Gently manipulate the cheliped to determine the
direction in which the appendage can bend.

4. How many joints are there on a single cheliped?

Cut the end of the cheliped off and use the forceps to find the connective tissue
inside. Pulling on this tissue will make the claw open and close. Try it!

5. Behind the cheliped are four pairs of walking legs. How many joints are on
each leg?

Locate the swimmerets (appendages attached to each segment of the abdomen).

6. Are the swimmerets jointed? How many pairs of swimmerets are there?

The last segment of the abdomen (the 7th segment) is called the telson, and it is
specialized for swimming. Locate the two uropods extend from either side of the

Determining the Sex of Your Crayfish

Look at the first pair of swimmerets on your crayfish. If these swimmerets are
considerably larger and stiffer than the other swimmerets, you have a male. If the
first swimmerets are about the same size as the others, your crayfish is a female.
7. What is the sex of your crayfish?
8. Copy the following table into your lab notebook. Measure the length of your
crayfish and compare it to other crayfish in the room to complete the table.
Female Crayfish (length in cm)


Male Crayfish (length in cm)


9. Based upon your data, which sex of crayfish is the largest?

10. Paste the crayfish diagram into your lab notebook and label each part.

Internal Anatomy of the Crayfish

Follow the directions step-by-step, locating each of the structures in the order
they appear in the directions. You may want to review or reference terms you
don't remember (It is expected that you know the terms: cephalothorax, thorax,
rostrum, and dorsal before you start this dissection). You may use your book and
diagrams to help you locate the organs.
*Check the box next to the number when you have completed that step.
1. Place the specimen in the dissecting tray dorsal side up.
2. Carefully insert the point of the scissors under the top of the carapace (shell) at
the back of the cephalothorax and cut up one side to the head. Repeat on the other
3. Cut across the carapace just back behind the eyes and gently remove the
4. Note the exposed gills. (Feathery like structures just under the carapace you
just remove)
5. Remove the exposed gills and legs attached to the thorax. Carefully separate the
dorsal layer of muscles in the thorax and note the pink colored heart just
underneath. The heart and blood vessels have been injected with pink latex to
make them easy to find.
6. Remove the heart. The two light colored masses extending on each side of the
body into the head are the digestive glands. (The heart is located just posterior to
7. Between the digestive glands, you will find the small pair of white reproductive
organs (testis) in the male animal. If your specimen is female, you will probably see
a large mass of dark colored eggs.
8. To locate the intestine, insert the point of the scissors under the dorsal side of
the shell of the abdomen and cut back to the telson. Spread the shell, and the
intestine will be found as a tube on the tops side of the muscles of the abdomen.
9. Trace it forward to the point where the intestine joins the large, thin walled
stomach in the front part of the cephalothorax. Pull out the stomach and cut it
open. Notice the sharp chitonous teeth inside.
10. Now, remove all the organs in the thorax. You should be able to lift out most of

the internal organs in one piece.

11. Clean out the remaining tissue in the head so that the green glands (kidneys) are
12. In the front part of the head cavity, between the eyes, note the small mass of
white tissue, the brain.
13. Trace the nerves that go from the brain to the antennae and eyes.
14. Cut the hard tissue on the floor of the thorax with your scalpel so that you can
follow the ventral nerve cord back from the brain to the abdomen.
15. Spread the shell of the abdomen apart and pull out the large muscle. (This is the
part of the body eaten in shrimp and lobsters)
16. Note the nerve cord that is now exposed on the floor of the abdomen. The
enlargements of the nerve cord in each segment of the abdomen are the ganglia.

Point out any FIVE exterior structures and any FIVE

interior structures on the crayfish for your teacher
and have your score recorded in your lab notebook.
Review Questions:
Label this section in your lab notebook Internal Anatomy of the Crayfish and
answer the follow questions. Be sure to use complete sentences.
1. Predict the function of the chitinous teeth within the stomach.
2. The feathery nature of the gills gives them a very large surface area. Why is
this important?
3. Many nerves leave each ganglion. Where do you think these nerves go?
4. Is the crayfish most vulnerable to its enemies from the dorsal or ventral side?
5. The crayfish usually molts, or sheds its exoskeleton, twice a year. Why does
the crayfish hide after it molts?
6. Of the systems studied, which two are most unlike the related human system?

Computer Research
7. The crayfish, like some other animals, can regenerate lost appendages.
Investigate regeneration in crayfish and describe the process. How long does it
take? Does age matter? Does environment matter?
8. Investigate molting in crayfish. How does it occur? When? Why? How often?

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